How to make hair straight silky. How to make hair silky at home

Without exception, all women want to have beautiful, healthy and shiny hair. Moreover, this shine must be natural, without the use of styling and styling products. The lack of natural shine may indicate that your hair is not all right with health.

Perhaps your locks have been particularly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment recently, or you have been following a strict diet.

Constant stress, bad habits and improper care are also among the most common reasons for the loss of shine and healthy looking curls. Can this be fixed? How to make hair shiny and silky?

It is really possible to return the natural shine to curls, but for this you will have to work a little and spend some free time. You can achieve incredible results, in the absence of serious health problems, without leaving your home and without spending a certain amount of money on expensive salon procedures.

Nutrition must be right

If you want your hair to shine, the first thing to do is to review your diet. It must contain foods rich in natural animal proteins, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats.

These products include:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Pure water and freshly brewed herbal teas;
  • Protein foods - meat, cheese, eggs, oily sea fish;
  • Kashi - oatmeal, barley, buckwheat;
  • Any greens and mushrooms;
  • Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and sprouted wheat.

It is necessary to exclude fast food, alcohol, smoked meats, chips and other “harmful things” from your diet, minimize coffee consumption, quit smoking.

Proper nutrition is the first and very important step on the way to beautiful, healthy and radiant curls. However, nutrition alone is not enough. What to do to make your hair shiny? It is necessary to provide them with proper care and “support” using well-chosen products.

Proper care is the key to health

Oddly enough, many women know the following rules of care, but for some reason in most cases they are not followed and at the same time they are sincerely surprised: Why is my hair not shiny?».

The basic rules of care include:

  • It is impossible to comb wet hair after washing carelessly or in a hurry, as well as actively rub it with a towel in order to dry it faster. These manipulations will inevitably lead to damage to their surface. Combing should be started 7-10 minutes after the hair has been washed and slightly wrung out. It is best to comb them using a special spray that facilitates this process;
  • It is necessary to wear a headdress at any time of the year, because. in winter, our curls are exposed to low temperatures and begin to “sick”, in the spring they are fluttered by changeable winds, in the summer the inexorable sun burns, making them dry and brittle, and in autumn the increased humidity of the air adversely affects their condition;
  • The use of a hair dryer, curling irons and irons should be minimized, you should not expose your curls to high temperatures without special need. It is best if they dry naturally, and you just correct their appearance with a gentle styling with cool air;
  • To care for your hair, use high-quality and proven cosmetics. It is important that the shampoo and conditioner are selected as accurately as possible, in accordance with their type and needs at this particular point in time;
  • Do not use too hot water for washing, and try to make rinsing cool. This will help the scales close and smooth out, making your hair even shinier.

In addition to thoroughly washing your hair with the right products, you need to “feed” your curls with the help of special masks, both industrial and home-made.

At home, it is quite possible to return shiny hair, you just need to be patient and regularly carry out healing procedures.

homemade masks

In order for your hair to shine, you will need folk remedies that cope with this task no worse than purchased cosmetics.

To give your hair a mirror shine, you can use such familiar and familiar products as kefir, whey and yogurt. These products must be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes. After that, the mixture must be washed off with warm water and the usual shampoo that you use. You can add colorless henna to curdled milk, because. it strengthens the hair well.

A mask based on raw yolks and cognac is also highly effective, the mixture is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair, lightly rubbed and wrapped for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with plain water.

An excellent restorative and shine remedy is a mask made from milk, mashed sea buckthorn berries and clay (2 tablespoons in total). All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair, the mask is washed off with your usual shampoo.

A coconut oil-based mask is highly effective, which is applied to damaged curls at night.

Rinsers and conditioners

A gloss rinse can be easily prepared at home, for this you need to stock up on healthy herbs, namely rosemary, nasturtium and calendula. They need to be mixed in equal amounts, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting broth must be cooled, strained and used for rinsing.

A very useful and fairly simple home air conditioner can be made based on honey and milk. These products must be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, add a little shampoo. It is necessary to apply the mixture on the hair after shampooing, rinse first with warm water, and then cool.

When using any home or folk remedies, it is important to remember that both natural masks and conditioners and store-bought cosmetics can cause allergic reactions.

Even seemingly harmless oil wraps can be hazardous to health. Therefore, before the first use, it is necessary to do a test for sensitivity to the components of the product on the crook of the elbow.

Silky, smooth and shiny hair is not only a sign of beauty and grooming, but also of health. After all, painful and brittle hair will never sparkle and shimmer. Therefore, in order to give the strands silkiness, they need to be restored from the inside.

Why hair stops being silky

But why does hair become brittle and frizzy? There can be many reasons. Firstly, this is the abuse of thermal devices. Frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing and curling iron can injure the hair shaft, the scales become weak and begin to open. From this, the hair is fluffy, it is impossible to comb it, they stick out in different directions. Another common cause of hair deterioration is dyeing, perm, bleaching. Aggressive chemicals applied to the hair leave an indelible mark on the strands. Burnout in the sun, unbalanced nutrition or diet, lack of a hat in the cold - all this can provoke brittleness, dullness and hair loss. To avoid this, hair must be properly cared for.

Proper hair care

To keep your hair healthy, strong and silky, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. Do not wash your hair with hot water, especially if you have oily roots. Hot water promotes increased secretion of sebum and the opening of scales. After warm shampooing, rinse your hair with cold water. This will seal the hair scales and the strands will become incredibly smooth.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, you need to comb your curls when wet. If the hair dries tangled, smoothness is unlikely to be claimed. However, comb your hair very carefully - when wet, they are incredibly vulnerable.
  3. A flat iron will certainly make your hair smooth and silky, but like all hot appliances, it worsens the condition of your hair. Therefore, you need to use it extremely rarely - only before important events. Don't forget to use a heat protectant spray on your hair to soften the heat.
  4. Try to avoid hair dryers and curling irons as much as possible. Try to use gentle products with a minimum amount of ammonia for coloring curls.
  5. After washing your hair, do not gut your hair with a towel, but only lightly blot it.
  6. Even if you're growing your hair out, you need to cut it regularly to get rid of split ends. Hair from this, by the way, will grow even better.
  7. Comb your hair with a massage comb more often. This allows you to increase the blood circulation of the scalp, which improves the condition of the hair.
  8. Do not forget to use a hair balm after washing your hair with shampoo. It will make your hair smooth and allow you to comb it without much difficulty.
  9. Do not forget to strengthen the strands with homemade masks. This will help restore the very structure of the hair.

These simple rules for hair care will make your curls lively and shiny.

Here are some of the most effective recipes that will help you turn your hair into a silky fabric.

  1. Kefir, egg, honey. This is the most popular and effective mask for promoting healthy hair. Take five tablespoons of yogurt, mix with two beaten eggs and a couple of tablespoons of warm honey. You need to warm honey only in a water bath - in no case on an open fire. Mix all ingredients and apply gently on hair. First, treat the scalp, then spread the mask along the entire length and be sure to blot the ends. Gather your hair in a bun, wrap it with a bag and a towel, leave for an hour, then rinse your hair in the usual way. If you have oily hair, use only egg whites instead of whole eggs. If dry - only yolks, and instead of kefir it is better to put sour cream or mayonnaise.
  2. Almond oil, lemon and onion. Grate medium-sized onions and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix a couple of tablespoons of onion juice with a tablespoon of almond oil and the juice of one lemon. Apply the paste to your hair. Wrap up as usual. Keep the mask for 45 minutes. This is a good complex remedy that restores the natural beauty of the hair. Onion stimulates active blood circulation, which gives hair follicles nourishment. Lemon blocks the smell of onion and saves hair roots from oiliness. And almond oil compensates for the lack of moisture and vitamins.
  3. Cognac, avocado, mayonnaise, burdock oil. The fruit should be crushed in a blender and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix avocado juice, mayonnaise, cognac and warm burdock oil in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass to the entire length of the hair, leave for half an hour. This is an excellent mask for shine, smoothness and silkiness of the strands. Perfect for girls with curly hair.

By making such masks at least once a week, you can count on silky strands in a month. However, not only masks can restore hair.

In order for the hair to be soft, smooth and shiny, they need to be rinsed with different compositions after each shampooing. After rinsing, you should not wash your hair with water - immediately gently blot with a towel and dry the strands.

  1. Vinegar. Since ancient times, mothers and grandmothers rinsed their hair with vinegar. It really gives the hair an incredible shine. A liter of water will require a couple of tablespoons of acid.
  2. Chamomile. A decoction of chamomile not only gives the hair softness and silkiness, it slightly brightens the natural shade of the hair. To prepare a decoction, you need to use three tablespoons of dried flowers per liter of water. So you can get a decoction of high concentration.
  3. Lemon. To make your hair smooth and easy to comb after washing, rinse your hair with lemon water. To do this, simply dissolve the juice of one lemon in warm water (2-3 liters).
  4. Mineral water. As you know, tap water contains a lot of salts and impurities that adversely affect our hair, they become dull and dry. If you rinse your hair every time after washing with mineral water, you can restore their brightness and lively shine.
  5. Beer. As you know, in live, high-quality beer there is a lot of yeast and nutrients that our hair needs so much. To transform the strands and restore their beauty and health, you need to rinse the curls with warm beer after washing.
  6. Herbs. Various herbs have powerful medicinal and cosmetic properties. To restore the silky feel to your hair, you need to restore its natural health. Calendula will help get rid of dandruff, you can eliminate increased fat content with the help of nettle. If the hair is dull, oak bark will help, and you can add volume to the strands with the help of sage.

All these tools are available to everyone - choose the option that suits your hair.

Beautiful hair does not need any special hairstyle. Silky hair, styled neatly and stylishly, in itself is an incredible decoration for any woman. Be beautiful, do not deny yourself such a luxury as beautiful, healthy and smooth hair.

Video: super shiny hair in 40 minutes

Often the cause of dull hair is simply because you dry your hair incorrectly. If you use a hair dryer with a nozzle that is too wide or direct the air in a chaotic manner, the hair scales will fluff up, and your hair will look matte.

So, remember the 3 rules for drying hair with a hair dryer for shine:

1. Narrow nozzle - the air flow should be dense, clearly directed.

2. You need to dry your hair, holding the nozzle at an angle and in a downward direction, from the roots to the ends. It is this movement that will smooth the scales and make the hair shiny.


3. Always finish styling with cold air.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a universal remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. To make your hair shiny, prepare a coconut oil mask - warm it up a little in a steam bath and apply a warm product to your hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a shower cap. And then just wash your hair as usual.

3. Avocado mask

Avocado is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing oils. An avocado mask is a recipe that even Jennifer Lopez uses regularly! Mash the fruit of a ripe avocado with a fork, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and evenly distribute the gruel over the entire length of the hair. Healthy shine after washing is guaranteed!

4. Beer rinse

"Live" light beer is a great way to give your hair a dazzling shine. Clean wet hair should be thoroughly rinsed in beer. To get rid of the smell, you can apply conditioner after the procedure. In addition, beer not only gives a cosmetic shine effect, but also really nourishes the hair, thanks to the yeast content. Brilliant!

5. Lemon juice

We note right away that this method is not suitable for girls with dry hair, because lemon juice tends to dry them out. But at the same time, lemon juice really knows how to give hair shine - it is enough to distribute it along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water.

6. Gelatin masks

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for "gelatin hair lamination" - and this, of course, is absolute nonsense. It will not work to make lamination with gelatin, but to give your hair a beautiful light shine is easy. Dilute 3 tablespoons of gelatin with 4 tablespoons of boiled water. Put the mixture in a steam bath and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool and apply the product to the hair, leave for 40 minutes and rinse.

7. Nettle rinse

"Grandma's" recipes are sometimes very effective! The fact that you need to rinse your hair with nettle after washing, you probably heard, but did not try. Dry nettles can be bought at a pharmacy - pour boiling water over it, let it brew and rinse your hair. They are finally starting to shine!

8. Basil infusion

Another useful homemade conditioner recipe for shiny hair is basil infusion. This seasoning is good not only in Italian dishes, but also as a folk remedy for our hair. The recipe is as follows: pour two tablespoons of dry basil with a glass of boiling water, let cool. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this infusion - and you will be happy.

To make hair shiny and soft, special rinses will help. Tap water severely damages hair, making it brittle and dry. To avoid this, you can use mineral water instead of hair balm. Daily rinsing with non-carbonated mineral water will help to add shine and brightness to dull hair and make it more manageable. In addition, it is recommended to rinse your hair after washing with “live” quality beer, because it contains many nutrients necessary for a healthy scalp and active hair growth. Rinsing with slightly warmed beer will help make your hair shiny and silky.

Also, hair is often rinsed with various decoctions, for example, a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or nettle. Such decoctions help saturate the hair with nutrients, enhance growth and soften the effect of hard running water on the scalp.

To prepare a decoction of chamomile, you should take two tablespoons of dried flowers and pour them with a glass of boiled water. The flowers should be infused for half an hour, after which you can rinse washed hair with a decoction. It is not necessary to wash off the decoction. It should be borne in mind that a strong decoction of chamomile can give a copper tint even to dark hair.

beauty masks

Your hair will become softer and silkier to the touch if you apply any masks at least once a week. Homemade hair care products can be made from products that are easy to find in any kitchen, such as:

- kefir;
- egg;
- burdock oil, etc.

Professional hairdressers recommend using mayonnaise as a nourishing hair mask. It is necessary to apply fresh mayonnaise to the hair along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is better not to use such a mask more than once a week so that the hair does not become greasy.

To keep your hair always saturated with moisture and remain soft and shiny, often apply a kefir mask to your head: fresh kefir warmed to room temperature is carefully applied to the scalp, hair roots and spreads along the entire length. Hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm scarf. This mask can be left on the head for an hour or even two. An egg mask is made in the same way, only beaten and strained yolks are used instead of kefir.

It is better to do a burdock oil mask in a course of 2-3 months at least once a week. To achieve the best result, you should rub burdock oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy, into the scalp, gradually distributing it along the entire length of the hair. Then you need to cover your hair with polyethylene, wrap it with a warm scarf and leave the mask for 1.5 hours. You need to wash off the oil with shampoo, because it is washed off quite hard. But the result will be noticeable immediately - the hair will be very soft and shiny.

Every girl dreams of smooth, shiny hair, which is not surprising - light reflects better from a flat surface, and any, even the simplest hairstyle, looks perfect. ELLE has selected 15 hair smoothing products that will help you achieve a salon-like effect at home.

Londa Professional's Sleek Smoother Straightening Treatment mask, based on Radialux Micro-Ions technology, will help restore strength and shine to hair, as well as smooth out naughty curls. Its active ingredients - avocado oil and wheat germ oil - effectively affect the hair structure, eliminating brittleness and dryness from the inside.

The Israeli brand Moroccanoil is known for its oil-based beauty products that moisturize and nourish the hair from the inside. Therefore, it is not surprising that this particular brand has released a whole line of smooth hair products (shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave-in lotion) Smooth Collection. Each of them is based on the innovative AminoRenew component, which strengthens the hair and saturates it with amino acids, which, in turn, give the hairstyle a glossy shine and softness for 72 hours.


Oribe Creme for Style Universal Styling Cream contains extracts of geranium, lavender, chamomile, green tea and vitamin E. Thanks to this mix, hair literally radiates health and looks luxurious.

To soften coarse, unruly hair, Wella Professionals Enrich Silk Leave-in Smoothing Cream. It is enough just to apply it along the entire length to damp hair and start styling.

Some hair smoothing products also perform the function of thermal protection. One such beauty product is Sebastian Professional's Taming Elixir Smoothing Serum, which contains avocado oil extract. It is it that instantly nourishes the hair, making it obedient and silky.


Already from the name of the cream Satin Polish from SP (System Professional) it becomes obvious that the composition of the product includes silk extract, which gives the hair a pearly shine and softness. The fundamental difference between this beauty product and others is that it should be applied to dry hair.

You can find a full range of hair smoothing products at the American brand Paul Mitchell. Their Smoothing line includes a unique moisturizing complex that evens out the surface of the hair, first during shampooing and then during styling. In addition, all these products have the ability to protect the hair from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


The pleasant spicy-floral scent of Aveda's Smooth Infusion Styling Cream is a nice bonus to the main action of this product: straighten and smooth. This beauty product has a prolonged effect, straightening hair even stronger after each new use.

You can do a salon-style keratin straightening treatment at home with Marc Anthony's 30 Day No Frizz Smoothing Treatment. The set includes shampoo, special gel and shower cap. As follows from the instructions, you should first wash your hair with shampoo, then apply gel to towel-dried hair, put on a cap and rest in it for 30 minutes. Then, without washing off the composition, proceed to styling. Manufacturers guarantee that, in the case of strict compliance with all requirements, the hair remains smooth for a month.

If you have naturally curly hair and dream of straight hair, John Frieda's Frizz Ease modeling spray with a keratin complex will help you pull out the hated curls. This remedy promises to keep hair perfectly smooth until the next shampoo.

Matrix's professional line of styling products for smooth hair Style link is designed specifically for home use. At the heart of every beauty product is a hybrid molecule that gives hair softness and shine without sticking it together. Dreams Come True!


Aloxxi's Styling Cream contains a moisturizing complex that prevents hair from becoming electrified, preventing frizz and giving hair a well-groomed look. In addition, this tool protects the color of dyed hair from washing out, and also neutralizes the harmful effects of UV rays, which is especially important in the hot season.