How to make lamination at home: recipes and recommendations. How is the hair lamination procedure carried out? Features and technology Lamination at home

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The nature of women is such that everyone with curly hair wants to have straight hair, and everyone with straight hair wants curly hair. But the main thing is that they are well-groomed and healthy, because beautiful hair is the main decoration of every woman. Today we will share with you the secret of how to make unruly hair straight, like after salon lamination.

Pros and cons

Undoubtedly, the advantages of the home procedure will be:

  • Even pregnant women can do home lamination.
  • The procedure will cost several times cheaper.
  • Lamination is absolutely safe.
  • Hair will be nourished by natural ingredients if you make a mask at home.

Disadvantages of this procedure:

  • Beginners can ruin their hair.
  • If a woman has an individual intolerance to gelatin, it is better to abstain.
  • Difficult to apply on very long hair.


Women are immediately interested in what will happen after lamination. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the result will be as follows:

  1. Hair will become beautiful and shiny.
  2. Lamination allows you to get rid of brittle and split ends.
  3. Hair will become thick and lush.
  4. Thin hair will not be electrified.
  5. Hair color is retained for a long time.
  6. Hair follicles will become stronger, loss will decrease.

A few care secrets, proven over the years, that will bring you closer to your cherished goal:

  1. Before washing your hair, hold your hair under running water for at least 30 seconds, and preferably 1 minute. (You don’t need to time a stopwatch, just feel it).
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo 2 times. The first is to wash off the accumulated dirt, the second is to reveal the purpose of your shampoo (for example, a volumizing agent) - so the hair will stay fresh longer.
  3. Do not tangle your hair when washing and drying.
  4. Try to choose care products that are right for you, if possible, consult with your hairdresser.
  5. Be sure to use a balm or mask with every wash (the mask should be done once a week to help the hair rehabilitate after styling and the environment in general), otherwise there will be no effect from hair lamination, because they will be dry.
  6. Find a leave-in product that will help you maintain and restore your hair.
  7. Always apply hair oil (argon oil works well), but just before applying, warm up a drop of oil by rubbing it in your hands (otherwise its effect will not be effective enough).

Everything, your hair is clean, dry and well-groomed, which means it is ready for further procedures.

Hair straightener

We recommend purchasing a hair straightener for your beauty arsenal. Even if you have naturally straight hair, it is the flat iron that will externally fix the beauty of your hair and it will look more well-groomed in any case. It all depends on the quality of the straightening iron:

  • Cheap, metallic ones make hair dry, in this case it is not worth saving, because we are talking about your confidence and everyday beauty.
  • Opt for firms that specialize in the production of styling products and cost from $ 50, with a keratin coating and it is very desirable that it has an ionization function. Believe me, this investment will pay off for you instead of spending on hair treatment and purchasing expensive styling products.

If you have more or less straight hair, then just straighten the ends or all your hair, but on the 160-180 mode, if wavy, then 180-200, if curly, then 200 or more.

Spend the styler one strand 2 times, first quickly, then slowly.

Vitamin mask for lamination

You will need:

  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Burdock oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Castor oil 1 st. l.
  • Cosmetic oil of your choice 1 st. l.
  • Honey 1 tsp
  • Vitamin A 5 cap.
  • Vitamin E 5 cap.
  • Vitamin B 5 cap.
  • Yolk 1 pc.

All vitamins and oils can be bought at a pharmacy for a reasonable price.

  1. Mix all the ingredients and heat a little on a steam bath or in a microwave oven.
  2. Apply to clean, towel-dried hair and leave for 15 minutes. – 2 hours under polyethylene (eg shower cap) and towel.
  3. Rinse first with plain water and then with a moisturizing shampoo.

The result will surprise you. The effect will be no worse than after visiting the salon.

Gelatin mask

You will need:

  • Gelatin 1 tbsp
  • Water 3 tbsp.
  • Hair mask 0.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Let it cool down a little, but not much. It just doesn't have to be hot.
  3. This water must be poured into a glass container, after pouring 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin.
  4. Depending on the length of your hair, the proportions of the preparation may change.

    The main thing to know is that everything is done in a ratio of 1:3.

  5. Mix gelatin well in water.
  6. Cover the top of the container so that the product does not cool down and does not harden.
  7. At this time, while the remedy comes to readiness, wash your hair. You don't need to dry it, just pat it dry with a towel. Curls should not be wet, but damp.
  8. During this time, the gelatin should already dissolve. If this does not happen, put in a water bath. You should get a homogeneous gelatinous mass.
  9. Add a mask (0.5 tbsp. L). Stir. Apply to hair, stepping back from the roots of 1 cm. Spread along the entire length. Put on a special hat and wrap with a towel.
  10. Heat with a hair dryer on a warm air setting for about 15 minutes.
  11. Do not shoot for another 45 minutes.
  12. Then wash off with warm water.

On the covers of glossy magazines, models are like princesses: a long shiny braid, incredible volume and density. It is not necessary to run to the salon for such an effect; you can do hair lamination at home. The procedure will take several hours, but the result will exceed all expectations.

What it is

Lamination is a technique for sealing curls. It is suitable for any type, designed to make thin and weakened strands more vibrant and shiny. In the salon, such a service costs from 2,000 rubles, but the effect can last up to 2 months.

The salon offers the following types:

  1. Classic. This is the use of artificial cellulose. The damaged structure is filled from the inside, which makes the curls stronger and more resistant to external negative influences.
  2. Phytolamination. An organic procedure, thanks to which the curls are saturated with minerals and vitamins, based on herbal preparations.
  3. Biolamination. Another type that uses natural ingredients. It differs from the classical use of natural cellulose.
  4. Glazing. Processing method in which a protective film is formed on the surface. Often the procedure is carried out before painting.

Salon wrapping has two subspecies according to the method of exposure: cold and hot. Lamination at high temperatures is considered more effective, important trace elements penetrate deeper into the center of the hair shaft.

It is worth paying attention to the cause of brittle hair, most often it is a lack of trace elements in the body. Read the review of the best brands Did you know that iherb now has delivery even to Belarus? Get 10% off your first order to buy natural cosmetics.

An excellent alternative to a salon procedure is laminating hair at home with gelatin. This mask has no contraindications and is suitable for any type.

Pros and cons

The difference between a home wrap and a salon wrap lies in the effect. The luxury and shine of the hair does not last so long.

Advantages of gelatin lamination:

  • healing from the inside;
  • strength and brilliance;
  • moisturizing and nourishing effect;
  • strengthening roots and length;
  • protection from the negative influence of the external environment;
  • color brightness;
  • cumulative action;
  • low cost.

Such care at home will help protect the quality of the hair before dyeing. The procedure is similar to salon glazing. It is recommended to carry out a course of masks in winter to protect the hair from the weather.


  • temporary action;
  • complexity of implementation.

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to carry out the procedure if they are not allergic to the components of professional products.

Lamination with folk remedies has no contraindications. But salon techniques can harm curls with strong loss and brittleness of unknown origin. In this case, it is recommended to carry out the reconstruction of the strands in advance and consult a doctor for an appointment.

You can evaluate the work of the masters by the photo before and after.

Can it be done at home

The best hair lamination at home is with gelatin. You can apply a mask without professional training. The cost of ingredients is low, you can buy everything up to 100 rubles.


Processing is divided into three main stages: preparation, main part, cold or hot exposure.

How to do hair lamination at home step by step:

  • apply the mixture to clean strands, it is better to wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo to completely get rid of clogging with silicones;
  • if you are wrapping with professional preparations, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, follow the recommendations;
  • apply homemade mixture to slightly damp strands;
  • lamination of long hair at home is difficult to do on your own, ask a friend to help;
  • the composition is not intended for the scalp, applied to the length;
  • cold method involves natural solidification;
  • the hot method is heating with a hair dryer for 10 minutes at a distance of 15 cm from the head or wrapping in foil and ironing each strand for 10 seconds.

After washing, you do not need to use an additional balm or spray. Hair is recommended to dry naturally.

homemade recipes

The most popular hair lamination products at home are gelatin, egg and cosmetic oils. The procedure is carried out according to the scheme described above, you just have to choose the right recipe.


Hair lamination at home with edible gelatin is the most popular option. The procedure is carried out according to several recipes. The easiest one is with water.

With water

Gelatin has an enveloping property, accelerates regenerative processes from the inside and restores even the most damaged curls.

Main Ingredients:

  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 70 g;
  • conditioner balm - 100 g.

Pre-soak sheets of gelatin or granules in cold water, leave for 20 minutes to swell. Heat the mixture in a water bath without boiling. Add any store-bought balm to the warm mass, apply the mask on the strands and wait for complete solidification. Approximate exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

Some types of gelatin are difficult to dissolve, leaving lumps. To get rid of them, put the container with the liquid in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. The rest can be strained.

With milk

Women prefer to enhance the vitamin effect of gelatin with milk. The proportions of the mask do not change, just the water needs to be replaced. It is better to choose a homemade product and also not bring the mass to a boil, so as not to lose the value of the products.

At temperatures above 80 degrees, gelatin loses its gelling properties and glazing of curls will not work.

With vitamins

In a cosmetic store, you can buy special capsules with useful elements. Their cost is quite high, you can replace them with oily pharmaceutical types: vitamin A and E. Ampoules B1, B2, B6 and B12 are also sold. They are intended for intravenous administration, but many girls use them externally.

For vitamin wrapping use any of the listed means. It is only necessary to reduce the amount of water in the recipe by 5-10 g, replacing it with healthy additives.


Hair lamination at home can be done without gelatin - coconut oil. Previously, it was difficult to find it on sale. Now coconut oil is a popular product for women, helping to cope with any cosmetic problems.

Choose a quality oil. This product is solid and melts only in the hands at temperatures above 25 degrees. The liquid consistency is a fake.

Take some pure oil, rub it in your palms to melt it. Distribute the resulting mixture on clean hair. Wrap your head in a towel or cap, leave for 1 hour.

The mask is washed off with shampoo, since without special products it is difficult to completely clean the strands. It is better to use organic cosmetics or without sulfates. The effect of the oil mask lasts for 2-3 weeks. The mixture is allowed to be applied to the roots to treat hair loss.


Hair lamination can also be done with gelatin and an egg. Dilute the product in water according to the classic recipe, but instead of balm, add 1-2 yolks. This little trick will make the recipe 100% organic.

The yolk will help even with increased fragility and weakness of the strands, loss. To appreciate the full benefits of the product, try others


The new Indian recipe conquered women. This is a folk remedy that strengthens the hair shaft from the inside, making the curls more shiny, strong and thick.

  • natural henna - 10 g;
  • dry mustard - 10 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water or milk - 70 ml;
  • oil - 20 ml.

Mix dry ingredients, dilute gelatin according to package instructions. While the mass has not cooled down, add peach or other light oil, pour in the powder. If the mixture is too thick, add water. Wash off after 1 hour without shampoo.

Do not add a lot of oil so that the curls do not seem greasy. Mustard strengthens curls, but dries a little. It's the perfect ingredient

With lemon

Another unusual way to strengthen - with lemon juice. This method is suitable for oily hair types.

For cooking you will need:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • corn starch - 20-30 g;
  • lemon juice - 10-20 ml;
  • essential oil - 3-5 drops.

Dissolve the starch in warm milk, add the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of orange oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath until thickened, but do not bring to a boil. Apply the warm paste to your hair. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

With honey

To prepare a laminating mask, take 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, the same amount of burdock oil and yolk. For long hair, the amount of ingredients is doubled.

The mixture is homogeneous and easily distributed over the entire length. It is recommended to wash off without shampoo, for oily hair it is better to refuse oil. Holding time - 30 minutes.

professional tools

Hair lamination can also be carried out by professional means; the Estelle, Matrix, Dixon series are adapted for home conditions. Their cost ranges from 100 to 2000 rubles. Lamination kits will help you achieve salon-like results at home.

Matrix PRO+

The company produces a series for deep and fast recovery. The complex includes: laminating agent, thermal protection cream and tint paint. The average cost is 2000 rubles.


The kit contains 4 products: shampoo, gel, lotion and serum, instructions for use are attached. You can buy the whole set from 1800 rubles.


A series designed for SPA-lamination. Consists of shampoo, preparations for hot and cold phases, fixing stabilizer. This is a cheap option - up to 1000 rubles. Separately, you can also purchase a serum to fix the smoothing effect.


A professional line of hair products, but it is problematic to find a whole set on sale. Lamination is proposed to be done in the main phases: hot and cold. To consolidate the effect, you can purchase a serum from the same series. The cost for one jar does not exceed 500 rubles.


Cheaper analogue of Japanese production. The set includes a prep shampoo, laminating ointment and revitalizing conditioner. Preparations are suitable for any type of hair. It is difficult to find such a set for sale.


The leader of Italian production, corrects even with curly hair. The complex includes shampoo, serum and light gel-fluid. The procedure is simplified, and the effect is instant.

hair company

The series is difficult to use, the duration of the procedure can reach 3-5 hours. This is the choice of professionals, such products are used in the salon.

The disadvantage of professional lamination is that hair is difficult to style.

The result of a salon or home experiment will be smooth, beautiful and compacted hair. Usually the effect lasts up to 4-6 weeks. In order for the curls to retain a glossy look longer, it is recommended to use sulfate-free shampoos and abandon styling products.

After visiting the hairdresser, the hairstyle always looks attractive. Hair is distinguished by shine, splendor and beauty. They become smooth, the geometry of the haircut is clearly traced. To achieve this effect, the masters apply special products to the entire surface of the hair.

After the first shampooing, the curls again become naughty and dull. Lamination will help to make hair truly healthy and attractive. The procedure is performed both in the salon and at home.

Special masks are applied to the hair, which have a laminating property. The scales on each hair shaft unite, forming a thin film around the hair. The film smoothes and straightens hair.

Curls become resistant to external influences: high temperature of the hair dryer, curling iron, weather conditions, UV rays.

The difference in the structure of the hair without lamination and after lamination of the hair. Curls become smooth and obedient

The nutrients of the mask always remain inside the hair shaft. Lamination is one of the ways to improve hair.

Masks for lamination are prepared from honey, eggs, vegetable oils, gelatin. Gelatin masks are difficult to prepare and difficult to wash off. Hairdressers are advised to perform the procedure without it.

To achieve the effect of glazing, hair coloring, henna is used. If there is no time to prepare masks, acquire professional complexes: "Keraplastic", "Sebastian Professional", "Lebel".

Pros and cons of hair lamination at home

Lamination is aimed at improving the quality of hair, creating a smooth, lush hairstyle, but before applying masks, everything must be carefully analyzed.

Hair lamination at home without gelatin

pros Minuses
safe procedure: all components of natural originnot suitable for all hair types
nutrition, hydration of the hair shaft and follicleshair is getting thicker
protection of hair from external influencesincreased risk of follicle prolapse
pigment on dyed hair lasts longerthe composition for lamination causes an allergic reaction: it is necessary to do tests on the susceptibility of the skin to active substances
hair becomes elastic, thick, shinystaining after lamination will not be effective
easier to style curls in the hairlamination on extended curls is not done
lasting effect - up to 6 weeks
frequent procedures do not harm the hair.

Note! Experts do not recommend laminating hair at home without gelatin if they are damaged and weakened.

It is necessary to carry out a number of measures to restore the structure of the hair shaft, strengthen the follicles, improve the scalp. Hair follicles will not withstand weighted hair and will fall out.

How to do lamination at home

For the procedure, you need to prepare: gentle shampoo and detergent with more active substances, conditioner, spray for easy hair combing, lamination mixture, vegetable decoction with vinegar, foil, ironing, bathing cap.

Step-by-step instructions for laminating hair at home:

To get a quick effect of laminating hair at home without gelatin, use tools for the express procedure: Teana, Markel sprays.

The effect is decent, but will last until the first shampoo.

It's important to know! After lamination, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3 days. When styling hair, ironing, hair dryer and hair fixing products are abstained. Once every 10 days it is necessary to make nourishing masks. For combing, use combs or brushes made of natural materials.

Hair lamination at home without gelatin. Composition recipes

The composition of most hair lamination mixtures includes gelatin: the substance contains a large amount of collagen. Experts point out that the film on the hair, which gelatin forms, easily moves away from the hair shaft and is quickly washed off.

Hair lamination at home without gelatin is done with egg, kefir, honey, coconut milk.

These ingredients replace gelatin. To prepare the mixture, folk recipes are used.

Base - honey: you will need 1 tsp. The product is heated in a water bath to a liquid state. Add egg and castor oil to honey, 1 tbsp. l.

The mixture is stirred and left in a cold place until thickened. If you add calendula and eucalyptus oil to the mask, it will be more saturated. The total volume of oils should not exceed 1 tbsp. l.

Kefir base: 4 tbsp is enough for the mixture. l. Kefir is mixed with egg and mayonnaise: 2 tbsp. l. If the mask turned out to be liquid, then starch is added to it.

When laminating hair at home without gelatin, vitamin formulations for the mask are used. Mix an equal amount of oils: castor, burdock, linseed.

The total amount of 1 tbsp. l. An ampoule of retinol acetate and the contents of 1 capsule of alpha-tocopherol acetate are added to the mixture: the drug is known as vitamin "E". Both hair follicles and curls are treated with a vitamin composition.

African hair lamination recipe at home

Milk is taken as the basis for the African hair lamination mixture at home without gelatin.

Use ½ tbsp. coconut or full fat cow's milk. Warm but not hot milk is mixed with lime juice: ½ citrus fruit. The mixture is saturated with 20 g of sunflower oil. As a thickener - starch.

All ingredients are mixed in a bowl so that there are no lumps. The mask is left in a bowl at room temperature for 1 hour to thicken it. The recipe will be richer and the result more effective if a little honey is added to the mixture.

Indian hair lamination recipe at home

Both cow and coconut milk are used to prepare hair lamination according to an Indian recipe.

The filling is banana. Pour into a blender 1 tbsp. coconut and ½ tbsp. cow's milk. Add finely chopped banana. Saturate the mixture with ½ tbsp. honey.

The ingredients are ground in a blender until a homogeneous slurry. The mixture is filtered through a sieve. The mask is applied to unwashed dry hair. Withstand up to 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, the mask is washed off. Hair is rinsed. Hairdryer and ironing not used.

Hair lamination with a solution of hops and flax seeds

A decoction of hops is used as a bactericidal and antifungal agent. Rinsing the hair with a decoction helps to strengthen them. Hop masks are applied to the scalp to soothe the skin and eliminate dandruff.

Flax seeds normalize metabolic processes in the skin, protect hair from external influences.

For lamination use the following recipe:

  • 10 hop cones and 3 tbsp. l. flax seeds;
  • the cones are rubbed with hands, the seeds are crushed in a blender;
  • pour the ingredients with warm water, ½ l;
  • bring the broth to readiness in a water bath: stand for 30 minutes;
  • the broth is cooled naturally and filtered.

Rinse the hair with the product for 5 minutes. Dry without a hair dryer. If you add 1 tbsp to half the broth. l. starch, the mixture will become thick.

It is applied to the hair, wrapped in polyethylene, put on a cap, the mask is kept for 30 minutes. Hair is washed with a mild shampoo and conditioner. Rinse with the remaining decoction.

Hair lamination with an egg mask

egg yolk contains a lot of nutrients that will saturate the hair with minerals and vitamins.

Hair lamination at home without gelatin can be done with a recipe with an egg

Protein forms a shiny film around the hair shaft. For the mask use 1 egg. It is mixed with 100 g of mustard powder and 10 g of burdock or castor oil.

For an egg mixture, it is permissible to use one yolk. It is combined with lemon juice and baby shampoo: take 0.5 tbsp. ingredients. The mask is kept for 50 minutes.

Hair lamination at home - results

Lamination is done on any length of hair. After the procedure, long hair becomes obedient, smooth and elastic. They fall on the shoulders and flow with every turn of the head. There is no need to straighten them daily with a curling iron, damaging the structure of the hair shaft.

Curly hair curls look more impressive. Curls do not straighten completely.

Hair is collected in large rings. If there is a need to straighten a curly hairstyle, then the procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

Hair lamination at home without gelatin will give the same good result as in a beauty salon. It is only important to do everything according to the rules.

Lamination does not apply to health therapy, but minerals, collagen and vitamins complete the thinned sections of the hair shaft. The protective film closes the outlets for nutrients, leaving them inside the hair.

Important to remember! Once every six months, it is necessary to refrain from laminating. Hair must be saturated with oxygen. Experts recommend taking a break for 1-2 months.

Lamination does not take much time. The procedure is easy to carry out at home without the help of a master.

After lamination, the hairstyle does not have to be styled every day. She will always be attractive, you just need to comb your hair and shape it with your hands.

Video clips about hair lamination at home without gelatin

How to laminate hair without gelatin:

Home hair lamination in this video:

Recipe for lamination without gelatin (COCONUT OIL, COCONUT MILK, HONEY, YOLK):

Hair lamination will allow you not only to give them a healthy shine and smoothness, but also to enhance your color. It doesn't matter if you dye your hair or not, after this procedure, their shade will seem much brighter! We have selected three of the best products that will help you do your own hair lamination at home.

Means for laminating hair at home

Color Enhancement and Lamination Finest Pigments by Davines

“This product from Davines has a color palette, so you can play with the saturation of the pigment – ​​natural or artificial,” said Ivan Anisimov, top stylist. - The process itself is very simple, and you can easily do it at home: you wash your hair with regular shampoo, but if your hair gets tangled, it’s better to make a mask before laminating. Then it is necessary to completely dry the hair, and only after that apply the composition, retreating 1-1.5 cm from the scalp.

We leave the product on the hair for 20 minutes, wash my hair without shampoo, dry it as usual. And voila! We have beautiful, shiny and healthy hair. My clients, and myself, are delighted with this tool.

Ciel home lamination kit

This system is designed specifically for hair lamination at home. It does not give such a breathtaking effect as professional products like Davines or Sebastian, but all the same, the hair will be noticeably smoother, softer and shiny.

First you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, then dry your hair with a towel and apply the filler serum on them for 10 minutes. She will close the scales of the hair and prepare them for the next step. Further, without washing off the serum, you apply a special balm, stepping back from the roots, so as not to weigh down the hair. You wait another 10 minutes. Then you just rinse off the product with running water and fit as usual - the result will be noticeable immediately!

Wella Professionals Hair Laminator

“Laminating is a service to add shine to hair without making a big difference, and Illumina Color lamination is also hair protection, excellent light reflection and the result of 20 years of innovative development of the Wella Professionals brand. As a result of staining, you will get a shimmering, absolutely natural color that glows from the inside, ”says stylist Vlada Tutunina.

It is not easy to make such lamination at home, but it is quite possible. It's better to ask a friend to help you - it's much easier with four hands. You need to prepare the mixture according to the instructions and apply along the entire length. Don't forget to put on gloves like you would dye your hair. In the salon, as a rule, they use a special heating apparatus for lamination, but you just have to increase the exposure time.

Since this tool not only laminates the hair, but also dyes, the shutter speed will depend on the chosen color. But if you just decided to refresh your tone-on-tone hair, then you need to wait 25-30 minutes. Ready!

If you still decide to do lamination in the salon

Our expert, top stylist Ivan Anisimov, says that some types of lamination are still better to do in the salon. It's all about the Climazon apparatus, which allows you to heat your hair to the right temperature and achieve maximum effect.

“If you want your hair to just shine,” says the stylist, “Sebastian brand cosmetics are best. The result is really impressive! But, alas, it is simply impossible to use it at home, unless, of course, you buy an expensive salon device that costs several hundred thousand rubles.

Interestingly, hair lamination at home with professional products has a prolonged effect. After the first time, the coating is washed off quite quickly as a result of shampooing, but if you do the procedure regularly, the effect will last much longer.


Hair lamination has always been considered a rather expensive procedure that is performed in professional beauty salons. Today, it can be performed independently at home, even for eyelashes and eyebrows. How to make lamination at home? This question arises in many female representatives.

What it is

Lamination is a procedure that turns hair into a beautiful, smooth and shiny canvas using various formulations. It is aimed at filling and restoring the structure, and also covers the strands with a protective film. The composition of professional hair lamination products includes a huge number of useful components that are aimed at improving their condition.

Professional beauty salons offer this procedure not only for hair, but also for eyelashes and eyebrows. This gives them a beautiful appearance and incredible shine. Stylists in the recommendations on how to do lamination at home claim that if the instructions and recipe are followed, it will bring incredible benefits to the hair.


In professional beauty salons, two main types of lamination are offered:

  • colorless;
  • with added pigment.

Using a colorless composition is an excellent option for how to do lamination at home. After it, the hair becomes incredibly smooth, shiny and beautiful, and split ends are sealed. For an independent procedure, you should not experiment and add pigments. This can lead to oxidation of the coloring matter, and the shade of the hair can turn out to be unpredictable.

Lamination was invented to heal and improve the appearance of hair. This is due to the fact that useful components, vitamins and minerals penetrate deep into the structure, accelerating the process of regeneration and recovery. The recommendations of stylists on how to do hair lamination at home talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.


A fairly large number of positive qualities of lamination attracts many girls and women and encourages this procedure. If you do not want to cut your damaged hair, you can easily restore their beauty and health.

The advantages of lamination are that:

  • the procedure is absolutely safe both for the hair and for the health of the whole organism;
  • the composition of the mixture includes only natural ingredients;
  • hair receives the necessary hydration and nutrition;
  • the resulting film protects against harmful external influences;
  • if the hair is dyed, then the pigment is sealed and stored in the structure longer;
  • as a result, they become more elastic, shiny and obedient;
  • frequent lamination does not harm the hair;
  • The result is maintained for 7-8 weeks.

Also, professionals in discussions about how to do lamination at home on long hair also talk about the disadvantages of this procedure.


The first thing to note is that lamination is not suitable for every type of hair. The oily type entails frequent washing of the head with harsh shampoos, and this leads to the fact that the result will last for 3-4 weeks.

A lot of useful ingredients that penetrate the structure of the hair, make it heavier and can lead to profuse hair loss. Since the composition includes natural ingredients, they can cause allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance. It is necessary to test on the arm and make sure that there are no reactions.

Girls note that you can dye your hair after the effect disappears completely. The paint pigment will not be able to penetrate the structure due to the protective barrier. The procedure must be carried out on natural, unextended hair. Answering the question of how to do lamination at home, the recommendations of professional stylists indicate that you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure with abundant hair loss, as well as in the presence of irritations, wounds and diseases of the skin.

Preparatory stage

In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to properly prepare for any cosmetic procedure. How to make lamination at home so that the hair becomes incredibly shiny, soft and beautiful?

1. Thoroughly wash your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo. This will help the hair scales to open up, which contributes to the penetration of useful components into their structure. Do not apply balm, conditioner or mask on them.

2. Do not use a hair dryer to dry. A good towel will do the trick.

With the help of these easy-to-follow steps, lamination will give the maximum effect on the hair and the beneficial components will penetrate deeper into their structure. The best and most popular recipes for laminating at home are described below.


This method can be afforded by every female representative with any budget. Gelatin contains collagen, proteins and many other useful components that improve the structure and appearance of hair. How to make lamination at home with gelatin? The girls' reviews show that this is a fairly simple procedure, as a result of which the hair is transformed.

The gelatin film has the ability to pass air, which allows you not to create a greenhouse effect and not worsen the condition of dull, damaged hair. It allows you to saturate them with the necessary amount of moisture and keep it in the structure.

This method, how to make lamination at home with gelatin, provides a high degree of hair protection from the harmful effects of high temperatures and other external factors.

gelatin lamination procedure

To prepare the composition you need:

  • 1 st. l. gelatin (1 sachet);
  • 4 tbsp. l. boiling water;
  • 1 st. l. balm or hair mask.

Gelatin is poured with boiling water and mixed thoroughly, the mixture is covered with a lid and left for 20-25 minutes until completely swollen. The result should be an absolutely homogeneous composition, without lumps, to which the prepared balm or mask is added and mixed to the desired consistency. The mass should resemble thin sour cream for more comfortable application and distribution through the hair.

The procedure for how to make lamination at home with gelatin looks like this: a mixture is applied to prepared and divided hair with a brush. It is necessary to retreat 1 centimeter from the roots so that it does not fall on the scalp. Actions should be as fast as possible, otherwise the mass will harden and it will need to be slightly warmed up.

After applying to the hair, they must be fixed with a hairpin and wrapped in a plastic bag, as well as insulated with a towel or winter hat. For 15 minutes, you need to heat them with a hairdryer so that the useful components penetrate deeper into the structure. After another 40 minutes, the gelatin is washed off without the use of shampoo, and it is important to ensure that the water is at room temperature. Subject to all the recommendations and implementation techniques, the process of how to make lamination at home with gelatin will be quick and very effective.


The egg has always been used as the basis of a huge number of nourishing hair masks. It contains beneficial proteins, fibers and minerals that make curls healthy and incredibly shiny.

There are two main ways to prepare a mixture for lamination:

  1. 1 egg mixed with 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder and 1 tbsp. l. castor and burdock oils. These components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed and applied to the entire length of the hair. Exposure time - 60 minutes. The advantages of this method are that the composition can be applied to the roots and scalp, and is also ideal for oily hair types.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil mix and leave in the refrigerator until thickened for 30 minutes. Apply the mixture on the entire length of the hair for 1-2 hours. After that, rinse with water at room temperature using a shampoo made from natural ingredients.

The composition for egg lamination of hair, prepared in any of the ways, perfectly nourishes the hair, makes it soft and manageable, and also gives incredible shine and protects it from the harmful effects of external factors.


Eyelash lamination allows the hairs to be beautiful, curved without the use of mascara and special tweezers. They will be curved and will be able to keep their shape for several weeks. How to do eyelash lamination at home?

First you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for this procedure:

  • increased allergic eye reaction;
  • mucosal disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of barley.

For self-treatment, it is recommended to use a mixture of gelatin. How to do eyelash lamination at home? The first thing to do is prepare the necessary equipment. These are a degreasing facial toner, a clean brush, an eye cream and special patches, wipes, and a mixture of gelatin.

The preparation of the composition for laminating eyelashes is completely identical to the method for hair. Pour boiling water over gelatin, leave to swell and add hair balm to the mass. In order to make the procedure more comfortable, it is recommended to ask someone for help or apply the composition to the eyes in turn.

How to do degreased with a special tool or tonic for the face and combed with a brush, and special patches are applied to the upper and lower eyelids. A generous amount of the mixture for lamination is applied to the eyelashes with a brush and the desired shape is given. After that, you need to put a napkin on your eyes and create a thermal effect to consolidate the result. After 30 minutes, the remains of gelatin are carefully removed with a damp cotton pad.


For eyebrow lamination, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of gelatin and water, but without adding hair balm. After the procedure, the hairs are easy to style, beautifully shiny and retain their shape for 3 weeks.

How to do eyebrow lamination at home?

  1. Degrease the hairs with a tonic or antibacterial agent.
  2. Moisten cotton pads in boiling water and apply a compress on the eyebrows for better penetration of useful components. Put a terry towel on top to enhance the effect.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, style the hairs with an eyebrow brush, give them the desired shape and comb thoroughly.
  4. Apply the gelatin mixture with a cotton swab, evenly spreading and leave for 40-50 minutes for full effect.
  5. Wet cotton pads remove the remains of gelatin, but the movements should be as careful and accurate as possible to achieve the desired result.

Care after the procedure

Hair, eyelashes and eyebrows after lamination require proper and thorough care. This will help them stay beautiful and shiny longer, and the hairs will not lose their shape and bend. Recommendations of professionals for care after lamination:

  • do not use shampoo and foam for washing within 2 days after the procedure;
  • exclude from hair care shampoo with the effect of deep cleansing;
  • refuse to use scrubs and peels for the skin of the face and head;
  • before going to bed, remove the hair in a braid, and to maintain the effect on the eyebrows and eyelashes, do not sleep face down in the pillow.


A huge number of girls claim that lamination of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows transforms both the appearance and their condition. Gelatin is an incredibly useful component that gives shine and saturates them with useful substances. Subject to all the recommendations and execution techniques, lamination will bring exceptional benefits, and the process will be comfortable and fast.