How to check if a man likes you. How to know if a girl likes you: the main signs

At a young age, everyone has fantasies, expectations, fears and ideas imposed by TV and the Internet about how boys and girls should behave in communication. This often prevents building a truly harmonious and joyful relationship.

Every girl has been in a situation where a guy likes, but he does not show much signs of sympathy. You really want to attract his attention, as well as be sure that you will not be rejected and you will not find yourself in a stupid situation. So how do you understand that a guy likes you if he behaves with restraint, or you don’t see him as often as you would like?

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The most important rule that every girl should understand is that guys are quite simple in life. They do not like to complicate anything, come up with complex moves, strategies, intrigues to conquer the object of their dreams. If he likes a girl, he will tell her about it directly, or will provide indirect signs of attention to let her know about his claims.

Often a girl is embarrassed to ask older women (mothers, sisters, aunts) "how to understand if a guy likes me." Peers, due to little experience, also do not know how to win his favor. But there is nothing complicated or top-secret about it.

Many young people are still boys at heart, who make it clear about their sympathy by pulling the pigtails of girls. At an older age, instead of pigtails and blows with a briefcase on the head, sharp jokes, jokes, often offensive and rude, are used. If you see that some guy “does not give you a pass”, trying to “pin up” or somehow pry, understand: he is interested in you and he needs your reaction. You need to understand: he wants you to pay attention to him.

Maybe he hides his feelings?

The most important thing about how to understand if a guy likes you is to look at his actions. Many people can't always understand the non-verbal cues that guys send. Another reason for the difficulty in determining personal likes and dislikes is the fantasies that all young people and girls between the ages of 14 and 20 are prone to.

Many girls draw their ideas about the opposite sex from films, TV shows, books, magazines and other sources where fiction prevails. This is very important to understand. Some stereotypical plots from romance novels have nothing to do with reality, but it is precisely them that girls most often project onto familiar guys.

Let's look at which of these stereotypes are usually always wrong in reality.

Secret admirer, or the real James Bond

Imagine: you like a guy who behaves with indifference to you or whom you see quite rarely. Many girls who like a guy in such a situation tend to come up with an imaginary image of a certain James Bond.

They may fantasize that their subject is with great skill. Outwardly, this looks like indifference on his part.

We'll have to upset you and dispel this illusion: a guy who behaves indifferently, and in fact is indifferent to you. In ordinary life, even the most shy, constrained or insecure young man makes it clear that he is interested in you.

delayed love

This situation is a bit similar to the previous one, except that communication between the girl and the guy is completely absent. For example, a girl may only see a guy in the mornings at the bus stop or in the school corridor among high school students.

Most often, all that makes girls think about how to understand that a guy likes you if you are not communicating is a rare eye contact.

If a girl likes a young man, then she may imagine that he is also interested, but does not dare to take the first step. But in fact, everything is much simpler.

Usually men are attracted to women with whom they have more than eye contact. There should be communication in which the girl shows her best qualities. Most often, romantic relationships occur in the same company. If this is not about you with your object of dreams, then the chances that he secretly dreams about you, but does not dare to approach, are extremely small.

This does not mean that the guy could not appreciate you from a distance. Young people always notice attractive girls, noting the merits of their appearance, figure, etc. Your subject could also notice and appreciate you. But if you know that you are in his field of vision for a long time, but he does not make any attempts to approach you, then you need to understand that you are not particularly interested in him.

So how do you know if a guy likes you or not? When a girl is not indifferent, the guy will try to approach her as much as his self-esteem, upbringing, communication skills with the opposite sex allow. This is the easiest way to understand that a guy likes a girl.

If, after meeting you, a young man began to visit your company more often, often appears in your sight, starts small talk with you, tries to joke, be clever in your presence, then this indicates his sympathy for you.

And vice versa: if a guy doesn’t really try to communicate with you, goes about his business / friends / company, doesn’t distinguish you from other girls he knows, then you need to understand: you haven’t captured his heart yet.

How to understand what you like?

It’s normal for a girl to want confidence that she didn’t imagine, but a spark really ran between her and a new acquaintance. So how can a girl understand if a guy likes her for sure? In different situations, there are different signs of sympathy for you from a guy.

By correspondence

Social networks are one of the popular tools for understanding the attitude of the object of sympathy towards you. There is nothing reprehensible for a girl to write to a guy first, to make a friend request. After all, you do not immediately make it clear about your feelings. It's just an introduction.

You can limit yourself to neutral phrases like “Hello”, “How are you?” or ask something on the topic of conversation when meeting (for example, ask him to throw him the name of the movie he was talking about).

We give a hint on how to understand by correspondence that a guy likes you. If the most difficult thing - the beginning of communication - has already been completed, now the ball, as they say, is on his side. According to your communication with him on VKontakte, you can pass a small test - do you like the guy you like.

  • ... the young man willingly asks counter questions (“how are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”);
  • … the ratio of his and your messages is more than 50/50 in his favor;
  • ... he writes first after the previous conversation has exhausted itself, suggests new topics;
  • ... the guy is trying to have philosophical conversations, trying to seem smart, joking;
  • … a young person likes your posts and comments;
  • … dumps music, movies, links on your wall;
  • … tags you in photos with friends;
  • … willingly comments on your posts;
  • ... new people have been added to you - friends of this young man.

If at least four out of ten of these points correspond to his behavior, then the question of how to understand if a pen pal in VK likes you will no longer bother you. And so everything is obvious.

At school

How to understand that a guy likes you at school, any girl seeks to find out. Everyone has an object of sympathy among classmates or high school students. By his actions, you can understand the attitude towards you, just observe. Young people have two strategies for dealing with girls they care about. A guy who is more confident in himself and his abilities will provide positive signs of attention:

  1. say hello first when you appear;
  2. start a conversation on topics that interest you;
  3. sit down with you at the same desk;
  4. come to change;
  5. feed something.

All these are direct signs of his sympathy for you, and in this way the guy wants to establish a full contact with you and makes it clear that he wants more from you than just friendship. He may not say directly “I like you”, but his desire to be there, communicate, somehow help already make it clear about his feelings better than any words.

There are also negative signs of attention that are provided by young people who are not very confident in themselves or who have a past not very successful experience of communicating with a girl. His behavior will be dominated by the desire to show in every way that you are indifferent to him, but he will do it emphatically and even feignedly:

  • diligently avoid eye contact with you (hide your eyes, turn away);
  • talk in a company with everyone except you;
  • shut up and frown if you start talking to him yourself;
  • to speak emphatically sharply and even rudely, although they did not give reasons for this.

This is an easy way to understand that a guy likes you if he hides it. This model of behavior with the object of desire is also familiar to girls who, for some reason, are sure that they will not be able to please. But sympathy is usually stronger, and even an insecure young man wants to see a girl who excites his heart. If a guy is hostile to you, but is still nearby, then you can understand that he likes you, but he desperately resists his feelings.

How to distinguish fantasy from reality?

In connection with the above, girls sometimes have difficulty understanding that a guy likes you, but he hides his feelings. It is important not to confuse non-verbal attentions with negative connotations with indifference. Don't try to see something that isn't really there.

A guy who doesn't care about a girl:

  • behaves in her presence in the same way as in the company of his male friends;
  • does not try to attract her attention, surprise;
  • does not seek her approval through jokes or clever stories;
  • does not show signs of respect for her as a girl (in her presence she can swear, make obscene jokes, even if she knows that she will not like it);
  • does not try to look in her eyes better than it really is.

In other words, if his behavior does not change in any way with you (in a positive or negative way), then most likely he does not think about you.

If you don't communicate

Many girls are interested in how to understand if a guy likes you if you do not communicate. This may be a high school student or a student from another stream. If you saw him several times, and he saw you, but communication did not happen, then you can understand that the guy is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would approach you or do something to get your attention.

But if you saw a young man for the first time and want to understand what impression you are making on him at the moment, you can check him on several points. To understand everything, you need to catch non-verbal signals.

It is easy to understand how he behaves if a guy likes a girl:

  • eye contact - he looks in your direction;
  • if everyone in the company laughed at some kind of joke, then the guy at that moment is looking at you;
  • his movements become more sweeping;
  • he starts talking/laughing louder, making noise.

Each person always seeks approval from someone who is interesting to him. If someone in the company joked funny, causing laughter, then this is the best moment to see who sympathizes with whom. Each person, while laughing, looks at the one whose approval is important to him - this is the law of psychology and the easiest way to understand that a guy likes you. When everyone laughs, and he looks at you, then this should tell you quite unambiguously: he likes you.

Elements of non-verbal psychology

Psychology gives effective advice on how to understand that a guy likes you by his behavior. There are many non-verbal indicators of overt sympathy.

We offer a small test on how to understand if a guy likes you:

  1. he begins to get involved in the same things as you, and does it in such a way that you see it (for example, he begins to collect information on his VKontakte wall about your favorite musical group);
  2. seeks to match your ideas about how a real man should look / dress / cut / behave (for example, if you in a company announced that you love guys with a fashionable haircut, then the guy makes himself the same);
  3. learns the same skills as you (for example, learns to ride a skateboard, if you are fond of this sport);
  4. in your presence refuses rude and vulgar jokes, even if it is customary in his company to behave this way;
  5. tries to be useful to you (for example, finds and sends you links to materials for an essay).

If at least two of these signs of sympathy are present in his behavior, then everything is very simple to understand: he is secretly in love with you.

Look, eyes

Usually a girl knows how to understand by the eyes that a guy likes you. Everything is quite simple here: each person tends to look at the object of desire as often as possible.

The sight of a girl you like triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, which trigger the pleasure response. Therefore, a guy who likes you will involuntarily look at you more often than at other people.

How do you know by looking that a guy likes you? Eye contact can occur in different ways:

  • the young man stares at you;
  • when you speak, he looks at your lips;
  • when he speaks, he looks into his eyes.

There is another simple way to understand by looking that a guy likes you. Sometimes shy young people begin to “play peepers”: you see with peripheral vision that he is looking at you, but as soon as you turn your head in his direction, he quickly looks away / lowers his eyes or turns away. Usually only this gives a sure hint that the guy likes you.


There is one simple secret of how to understand by gestures that a guy likes you. Loud speech, as well as sharp and sweeping movements of a guy in the presence of a girl, are manifestations of the ancient instincts of procreation. Male primates, in order to attract the attention of a female, perform a kind of dance during mating games, moving sharply and actively.

In men, this also often works at the subconscious level. When you see that in your presence a guy starts waving his arms, makes various somersaults, makes sudden movements, accidentally drops something, and his speech becomes louder, then everything can be understood without words. He is instinctively trying to get your attention.


On a subconscious level, we always strive to hug and touch the one we like. If a guy likes a girl, then you can understand this by the position of his body.

The main signs of sympathy at the level of the body can be called:

  • the desire to reduce the physical distance (the guy tries to get as close as possible);
  • standing or sitting next to you, the young man spreads his arms wide (for example, puts his straightened arm on the back of the sofa at the level of your neck);
  • during the conversation, the guy leans with one hand on the wall, blocking you.

All poses with arms wide open make it clear that the guy on a subconscious level wants to hug you.

Test: do you like the guy you like

Young guys 14-19 years old are not always able to express their feelings directly, but they never miss a chance to prove themselves in the presence of a girl they like and make it clear about their sympathy. How to understand that a guy likes you? A simple test will help you with this.

Answer "yes" if the statement is true:

  1. A guy after meeting is more often in your field of vision. For example, he comes to the same bus stop as you, although before that he got on at a different stop, or, under some pretext, seeks to join your company.
  2. The young man finds pretexts to ask you something, calls on some issues that theoretically he could solve himself.
  3. The guy is trying to make you laugh, telling jokes, anecdotes and carefully watching your reaction.
  4. He is trying to "pin" you, just for the sake of causing a reaction, even if it is negative.
  5. The guy is trying to attract the attention of the whole company, doing some bold (in his opinion) actions, although under normal conditions it is not common for him to be in the center of events.

If you answered “yes” at least in three cases, then everything is obvious: you are clearly not indifferent to him.

The simplest thing is to be in his field of vision, to communicate in the same company with him. In informal and relaxed communication, each of us has every chance to express ourselves and our personal qualities that attract people.

As the experience of generations shows, the more naturally and naturally a woman behaves, the more chances she has to win the sympathy of her object of dreams. That's all there is to understand about relationships. Drop any pretense, do not try to pretend to be someone that you really are not - all this is visible from the outside and usually repels people.

For a guy to fall in love with you, you don't need to do anything special to get his attention. Enough:

  • be friendly, smile, not be silent, joke in the company;
  • do not do too bright makeup, look natural;
  • not be constrained, overly clamped, shy;
  • have your own interests, hobbies, hobbies - you must live your interesting and eventful life, and not be in the waiting mode that someone will find and love you;
  • show interest in the guy, his affairs and hobbies, try to understand his problems and sorrows, but do not overdo it.

Useful video

If, after reading everything, you still have some doubts about what a guy feels for you, then the video below will help to completely dispel them:

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Article content:

Many women's minds are tormented by the question: "How to understand that a man likes you?". But one hundred percent answer to such a question is difficult to find. It happens that a man does not show his interest in any way, simply being afraid. However, if you take a closer look, you can notice a number of signs that show that a man feels sympathy for you.

Signs that a man likes you

Carefully observe the behavior of a man and his change. If you like him, he will always strive to look good in your eyes. You can notice that with you he is more talking loudly as if trying to get your attention.


  • Pay attention to what pose there is a man, if you are near. If he likes you, all his gestures will be open in a conversation with you, palms and arms are open. This happens unconsciously, and the man will not be able to control it.
  • He will often throw gliding, wandering glances at you, as if evaluating. He looks at your reaction, at one or another of his actions.
  • Being next to you, he automatically straightens clothes- his desire to look good in your eyes is manifested.
  • When talking, pay attention to the guy's posture: a man who likes a woman often unconsciously puts forward toe of one foot towards the object of your interest.
  • His torso is somewhat tense and the top of his head stretches up - this is how a guy interested in a girl tries to look higher in her eyes.
  • When you look into his face, you will find that his eyebrows slightly raised.
  • In Your presence, he is obviously worried: twists the ring on his finger or pulling the watch strap.
  • How to understand that a man likes you by his posture? If a guy standing with hands on waist, which means that he subconsciously wants to show his physical strength, as well as self-confidence. In other words, he wants to please the interlocutor. And of course, the woman he's unconsciously trying to impress likes him.

The image above clearly demonstrates the poses of men, each of which feels sympathy for a woman.

Signs that a guy needs you

If a woman notices that a guy is looking at her with parted lips and slightly widened nostrils, then she can be sure that her appearance aroused his admiration.

The young man smoothes his hair or, on the contrary, involuntarily shaggy it. This gesture indicates that he is trying to look more attractive to you.

Feeling a cool breeze, the guy carefully offers you his jacket or sweater. Know that he considers you his woman, he is ready to protect and protect you!

The subconscious of a man is arranged in such a way that he definitely needs to touch the woman he loves. If, during a conversation with you, he, as it were, accidentally touches your shoulder or take you by the hand - it means that he is clearly not indifferent; more and do not puzzle over how to understand if a man likes you.

How to know that a man is not indifferent to you?

You can be sure that you are his beloved woman if you are talking with a loved one and during the conversation he begins unconsciously repeat your gestures. For example: You take out a phone from your purse, he immediately mechanically takes his mobile phone out of his pocket, and so on. These gestures are a clear sign that he likes you very much.

A man will try to show himself in all its glory, demonstrating what he is capable of. If he has a good physique, he will dress and stand in such a way as to better emphasize the curves of the muscles. If a man is very smart and understands a topic that interests you, you should contact him for advice. This will be almost equivalent and can serve as the beginning of your future relationship. At Your approach, a man who likes You will start to get a little nervous, which can be easily seen: he blushes, loses his thoughts.


A man's smile can say a lot, just like his eyes. Notice if he starts to smile when your eyes meet, then this is a sure sign of his sympathy. The longer and more closely he looks at you, the greater his interest. The look of an interested man also often stops at your lips.

Tactile sensations

Men basically love everything not only with their eyes, but also crave to touch the object they like. Therefore, he will try to touch You, perhaps by accident. Pay attention if he tries to accidentally run into you, hug in conversation or touch your hand(be it Cancer, Aquarius or Capricorn), then we can say for sure that he likes you. But, it is worth noting that some people generally relate to everyone due to the habit of stroking someone on the arm or shoulder. If you saw that a man touches many people in the hall, then you should not think that everyone is just as attractive to him.

Attitude towards other girls

Pay attention to his attitude towards other girls present. If this man likes you, then he will treat you not like the rest of those present, but as if highlighting you. If he communicates like this with everyone, then accordingly he equates you with everyone.

Violation of personal space

Each person has a personal zone, a comfort zone, it is equal to a meter or an arm's length distance. If a man tries to stand much closer than this distance, then he, as it were, deliberately invades your privacy, thereby emphasizing that you are his, and he wants to be much closer than on friendly terms.

But, even despite all these signs, any woman who liked a man will subconsciously look for all the moments that would indicate that this man really likes her. Here you need to be more careful, you should soberly assess the situation, and look at everything without daydreaming, and then you will definitely notice his attention.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Sunday, March 15, 2020(March 2 O.S.)
Week 2 of Great Lent
Icons of the Mother of God, called "Reigning" (1917)
St. Arsenia, Ep. Tverskoy (1409)
St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop Thessalonica
Shmch. Theodotos, ep. Cyrene (c. 320-326)
Cathedrals of Saints:
Cathedral of all the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves.
Saints' Day:
Mch. Troadia (c. 249-251). Mts. Euphalia (257). Rev. Agathon of Egypt (V). Mchch. 440 Italian (c. 579).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
Morning: - Luke 24:36-53 In lit.: -Ap.: Heb.1:10-2:3 Ev.: Mark 2:1-12
Morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23

Alien soul, as you know, darkness. And to find out what is going on in the soul of a person of the opposite sex is an almost impossible task. Do you think that a man distinguishes you from the company of your girlfriends? Do you feel that he is looking at you in a special way? How to understand if a man likes you, or if you just really want to believe in a spark that has flared up between you?

Without a doubt, real feelings manifest themselves not in words or gestures, but in actions.

If a man picks you up in the evening so that you do not have to walk one dark street, or meets you at a bus stop with an umbrella, or does not allow you to carry a heavy bag, you can confidently say that he really cares about you.

But usually men do such things when your mutual sympathy is beyond doubt.

But how can you understand if a man likes you if your acquaintance is still very short, and circumstances do not yet allow him to show his chivalry?

There is only one way out - to carefully observe how he behaves in your presence. Words can be deceiving, but gestures are much more difficult to control. A man may not say anything, but his gestures will tell the truth about his nascent love.

Am I good enough?

The most characteristic sign that a man is not indifferent to you is the preening gestures when you appear. If a man smooths his hair, adjusts his shirt or tie, pulls up his sleeves, it can be argued with a high degree of probability that he cares about you.

To emphasize his masculinity, a man can open the hem of his jacket to put his hand on his belt, spread his legs wider - these are signs of demonstrating his strength and self-confidence, traditional for the whole animal world.

Perhaps he himself does not yet understand what is happening to him, but on an instinctive level, he already wants to make a favorable impression on you.

Reduces distance

People are arranged in such a way that they try to be closer to what they like. The same rule applies to other people. Regardless of innate modesty and upbringing, a man in love will try to stay as close to you as possible - as much as circumstances and rules of decency allow.

If the situation does not allow him to be near you, the man will always look in your direction, turning towards you with his whole body. A man interested in you will never stand up to you in half a turn - his face will always be turned towards you.

And if you've known each other for more than one day, a man may even try to touch you - straightening a strand that has slipped out, glasses that have slipped out, or simply holding your elbow.


Although the man you like has already managed to see everything that he needs, will he deny himself the pleasure of once again admiring your hair, figure, eyes or smile? Rest assured, even if he does not look at you openly, his gaze relentlessly follows you when you do not even notice it.

The sea is worried - once

Embarrassment in the company of a woman who likes is a common occurrence for any man, even an experienced womanizer.

Embarrassment can manifest itself in different ways: someone fiddles with a button on a jacket, someone plays with keys, a pen or a phone, and someone starts stroking his chin, cheeks, rubbing his eyes, biting his lips. Some men become unusually talkative or, conversely, fall silent, afraid to say something “wrong”.

In life there is always a place for a feat

In the fantasies of men who do not know how to attract the attention of a woman they like, there are often plots of the heroic rescue of a beautiful stranger. A gang of hooligans, an angry dog, a broken tire, a fire and a flood - we can do without extremes.

Even in a string of gray everyday life, you can do something heroic. For example, help park the car, carry a heavy folder with documents, give a hand on the stairs, give your umbrella ...

Any well-mannered man will let you go ahead, but if he also starts looking for a taxi for you, be sure that the same knight has woken up in him, dreaming of his lady.


By his behavior with you and towards you

Guys try to take care of the girls they like. If he offers to help you even when you didn't ask for it, this clearly indicates that he is interested in you and wants to make a good impression on you. For example, you casually mentioned that you don’t know how to restore some function on your phone - in response, he will offer to see what the problem is. Or, he will let you wear his jacket, seeing that you are dressed lightly and obviously cold. In general, any manifestation of concern is a good sign.

The reverse option is also not excluded - he wants you to take part in his affairs. For example, he may ask him for a choice of some thing, showing that he trusts your opinion. He also consults with you on various issues - cooking a certain dish, which series or movie to watch, and the like.

By the way a guy communicates with you

He constantly tries to maintain a dialogue, regardless of whether you communicate in person or by correspondence. If there are awkward pauses, he tries to fill them with some stories or asks you questions. Similar behavior in social networks (in contact, classmates, etc.) - even if the last message in the conversation was from him, then, without waiting for your reaction, he will write to you again.

Also a good sign that a guy likes you is the fact that he wants to treat you to something - coffee, an apple, candy, and the like. If you notice that a young man is trying to joke to cheer you up, then this is also a long-winded "signal" - he clearly hopes to impress you.

By his gestures, look, smile

When you appear in the company, his behavior changes a little - he may become more tense or, on the contrary, behave more cheekily. When communicating with you, he tries to be as close as possible - he leans towards you and for several seconds, or even longer, looks at you intently, listens carefully to everything you say. It is possible that he tries to touch you at any convenient moment - crossing the road, showing something on his phone, adjusting your scarf, etc. A smile can appear on his face completely involuntarily when he sees you - during a conversation, in the first seconds of a meeting, when he catches your eye on him.

By the appearance of a guy, a change in appearance

He is concerned about his appearance, and even if he does not directly ask if everything is all right with him, it is still noticeable that this is important for him - he tries to straighten some elements of clothing, touches his hair, and on occasion looks at his reflection in mirrored surfaces.

He tries to sit up straight with his shoulders back, turning towards you - while his posture may look somewhat tense. By the way, dilated pupils when looking at you can also say a lot!

How to know if a guy likes you by text or phone

Some young people cannot decide to express their sympathy in person, preferring telephone conversations or SMS.

In this case, there are several signs that clearly demonstrate his sympathy:

  • More often than not, the initiative for phone calls comes from him. Even if you do not have such a tradition - to talk to each other just like that, he will find a reason to call. This may be some kind of clarification on study or work issues. He can also say that he is looking for contacts of a mutual friend.
  • Pay attention to the length of your conversations. The guy called you for a specific reason, but after clarifying the issue, is he in no hurry to hang up? This is a sure sign that he likes you and the reason for the call was most likely far-fetched. Also, if there was no special reason for the call, and you understand that the young man is trying with all his might to prolong your dialogue, this indicates that you are attractive to the interlocutor.
  • He tries to keep in touch with you regularly. If you do not have a meeting scheduled or you have not appeared on the Web for a long time, he still keeps in touch with you via SMS or calls.
  • Perhaps, during personal meetings, he is embarrassed to talk to you once again, but he fully compensates for this by talking on the phone. Some guys are very worried, being in close proximity to the object of sympathy, so at a distance it is much easier for them to make the right impression on the girl.
  • Perhaps the most obvious sign is that the guy found your phone number in his personal profile on a social network, got it through mutual friends, or got it in some other unknown way. However, even if he asks you personally for a phone number, this also speaks of his undoubted interest in your person.

How to understand that you like by correspondence on the network

Correspondence on the Web takes more and more time, however, even without “live” communication with a young man, it is easy to determine that he has certain feelings for you.

He is waiting for you. Now many VK users have the opportunity to be on their page in such a way that their friends are not even aware of it. If you went online and saw that the young man also appeared online, despite the fact that before that he had not been there for several hours or days, and this is not the first time this has happened, it looks like he was waiting for you. Surely, being in the status of "invisible", he watched when you appeared in VK, and as soon as this happened, he decided to go in himself.

Attention. As soon as a new post appears on your “wall”, he usually likes it. The same applies to your new photos. He also often does not skimp on comments on certain entries. In general, any activity on your page does not hide from his gaze, and, of course, this indicates an interest in you.

He is active. Even if you never write to him first, it is not difficult for him to take on this mission. He may be interested in how your day went, just throw off funny pictures or videos, send you songs on the “wall”, ask various questions. It also asks you about the photos that appear on your profile - when they were taken, who is with you in the pictures, and so on.

He is jealous. If posts from other male users appear on your “wall”, he can accompany them with unflattering comments or write something to you personally about this - make fun of the post, just ask about the guy’s personality, etc. It can also clarify whether you like someone. If you do not respond to his message for a long time, he jokingly or offendedly suggests that you are communicating with a more interesting interlocutor.

He tries to please. In his profile there were entries that are clearly related to you. Perhaps some time ago you were discussing some musical artist, film or show, and now there is a record on its “wall” that develops this topic - a quote from a film, a song, some kind of picture.

the interest of his friends. His friends or relatives suddenly began to “like” you some pictures or posts, or even add them as friends. This certainly indicates that the guy is talking about you to other people and, apparently, this is happening in a positive way.

He is alert. He does not disappear in the middle of a conversation with you for a couple of days. If he needs to go away, he usually tries to warn you about it. He also talks about his plans, even if you didn't ask about them.

He is worried. If you have not been online for several days, this will by no means hide from his attention. As soon as you enter VK, at the very first dialogue he will try to find out why you have been absent for so long.

As usual, a guy shows his sympathy

If a guy likes you, then you will immediately understand it by the signs below:

  • He is interested in your phone number and how you can be found on VK. If you met on a social network, he will initiate a meeting. Perhaps, after personal communication, without further questions, he himself found your page in VK - this is also an obvious sign of his sympathy.
  • You constantly catch his eye on you, being in the same company, at the movies or on a walk. He tries to keep looking into your eyes. At the same time, he can suddenly look away, feeling embarrassed.
  • Paradoxical as it may seem, but such behavior can also indicate that a young man likes you. He probably doesn't know what to say to interest you, or he's just afraid to say something stupid, so he doesn't try to start a conversation with you. As a rule, a guy can distinguish himself with such behavior in a company, but if you are left alone, he will try to prove himself somehow.
  • He wants you to feel light and relaxed in his presence, and for this he calls on all his wit to help. If this happens in a certain team, then, among other things, the young man probably wants to assert himself in your eyes, demonstrating that he may well be the "soul of the company."
  • If one of your friends allows himself offensive or tactless jokes about you, the young man pays attention to this, trying to turn the conversation in a different direction. It is possible that you were accidentally pushed in the crowd or some stranger tried to strike up a conversation with you - most likely, the guy who likes you will try to intervene in the situation, making sure that no one else hurts you or "bounces" a new potential admirer.
  • He wonders if you have a lover and how long ago the last relationship ended. He may be interested in this unobtrusively, asking indirect questions. For example, he will start talking about some cozy place, adding: “Go there with your boyfriend.” In fact, in response, he hopes to hear that you are not currently in a romantic relationship.
  • If you find out that a young man asks some questions about you to mutual friends or acquaintances, then do not even doubt that he feels sympathy for you. Does the guy learn from third parties some details of your personal life, is he interested in your plans, area of ​​​​residence, and the like? He definitely wants to get to know you better!
  • Have you noticed that being next to you, he loses concentration, cannot collect his thoughts, everything falls out of his hands? He is clearly thinking about something, and it is likely that we are talking about you.
  • Some guys get lost at the sight of a girl they care about, while others begin to behave overly self-confident, trying with all their might to make a lasting impression. He can joke a lot, make fun of others, brag about some of his achievements, and authoritatively talk about this or that issue. If you know that, as a rule, such behavior is completely atypical for him, then you have probably aroused serious interest.
  • When talking with you, he recalls some details concerning you: “Do you, as usual, put one spoonful of sugar?”, “Are you still watching that series?”, “How is your cat?” etc. It also manifests itself in remembering dates - your birthday, the first meeting with you.

How to warm up his interest in you or sue the ardor

The fact that a man likes you can cause you an ambiguous reaction. With mutual sympathy, of course, you want to provoke the chosen one to more active actions, but it also happens that there is no reciprocal interest, and, accordingly, there is a desire to get rid of the persistent admirer.

How to increase sympathy

1. Show interest in it. Ask about how his day went, what kind of music he is interested in. Also specify what genres of cinema he prefers, what he enjoys, what places he likes to visit.

2. When meeting with the object of sympathy, try to look spectacular. Let your clothes not be defiant, but emphasize your most advantageous sides. Do not forget about the details - manicure, hairstyle, suitable makeup. If while your communication takes place on the Web, then try to add the most successful photos more often.

3. Compliment him more often. Praise his musical preferences, external data (hairstyle, eye color, figure, etc.), ask him to recommend a film, and then thank him for his choice.

4. Be friendly when communicating with him - smile, show interest in the topic that he touched on, do not interrupt him or ignore him.

5. Show him that you are a rather versatile person who is not used to being bored. Sign up for some courses, workshops, group fitness or dance classes. Go to different places more often, mentioning this in a conversation with a young man.

6. Let him know that you are not in any relationship. If you want the guy you like to take more active steps, flirt exclusively with him. Of course, this does not mean that you should ignore other fans. Just show the guy that he is the one that interests you the most.

7. Show him signs of attention, but do not be intrusive, observe the measure. From time to time, you can be interested in his affairs in VK, but if he does not particularly develop the topic, then press him. Let him know that you care about him, but you are not going to impose yourself.

8. If it seems to you that he pays little attention to you, and could be more active, do not tell him about it and do not express complaints and grievances. He may not realize that you expect more decisive behavior from him, and you can hint at this not with reproaches, but with flirting.

9. Invite him somewhere - just in a cafe for coffee, to the cinema, to the skating rink or for a walk in the park. Say that you had a few free hours and you had an idea to call or write to him about this. It is desirable if at this time the guy will not be busy with anything.

How to make it clear that there is no reciprocity

Say it straight. Call him to a frank conversation and admit that your sympathy does not go beyond friendship.

hint that you have long liked another young man, and you do not want to build a relationship with anyone else.

Don't pay attention to him, answer his questions briefly and dryly, do not ask counter questions.

In social networks do not reply to his messages instantly. Wait for some time, and only then give a monosyllabic answer or not react at all, if, in principle, his message did not contain a direct question. Do not write to him first.

Feel free to flirt with others young people around him or talking about a guy you like.

Avoid private meetings. If you have to see each other in a company, then do not pay more attention to him than to others.

If you're spending time with a guy and you've become close enough, then there may be a question about his feelings for you. If you have fallen in love or just want to be friends, there are a number of signs that will help you find the answer. Pay attention to the guy's body language and behavior around you, as well as the further development of the relationship between you. You can always turn with such a question to mutual friends or directly to the guy!


Body language and behavior

    Eye contact. If a guy makes eye contact with you, try to meet his gaze with a smile and make eye contact for a few seconds. If he does not turn away, then it may turn out that he is interested in you, especially in the case of a return smile.

    • It's also possible that the guy just became aware of your presence, or that he has a habit of making eye contact with people.
    • On the other hand, some guys are very shy about the girls they like, so he may avoid eye contact if he likes you.
  1. Smile. If you like a person, it's hard not to smile in their presence. Does the guy constantly come to life at the sight of you? It's possible that he likes you!

    • Do not rush to conclusions, because he may smile at you as a friend.
  2. mirror behavior. If you're hanging out with a guy or spending time in the same company, you may notice that he repeats after you every time you touch your face or straighten your hair. Subconscious imitation of the interlocutor is a sign of sympathy, so it may turn out that he likes you.

    • To check, try repeating short movements - adjust your hair or collar and watch the guy.
  3. The guy's body and legs are facing you. We lean towards people we like and shy away from those we don't like, but we don't even realize it. Pay attention to the position of the guy's body during the conversation.

    • Also notice his feet. If the socks are facing you, this is a good sign.
  4. The guy is worried or uncomfortable in your presence. Some guys get shy around the girl they like. If he blushes, stutters, or becomes silent around you, it may be sympathy or innate shyness.

    • If the guy you like is shy, try smiling or touching his arm to cheer him up and help him relax.
  5. The guy finds excuses to touch you. If a guy is always ready to hug you, often touches your arm, shoulder, or finds reasons to be around, then he may like you. However, touching people can be a simple habit, so pay attention to his behavior with others. If only you have received such signs of attention, then falling in love may be the reason.

    • If a guy makes you uncomfortable with his touch, firmly ask him not to do this and step aside. Don't be afraid to hurt his feelings. A decent guy will only apologize and stop such behavior. Stop talking if he doesn't listen to you.

close acquaintance

  1. The guy is always trying to be around. If he is always ready to help or meet, then falling in love may be the reason. Consider how often he is willing to cancel his plans with friends or find time to meet up, even when he is busy.

    • It is possible that he is just a very good friend. Whatever it was, enjoy your meetings and communication! Over time, his true feelings will become clear.
  2. The guy subscribed to your profile on social networks. If a guy constantly likes your posts or follows you on different social networks, then he probably likes you! Of course, this doesn't mean much if he spends a lot of time on social media, but if he's not usually very active, then this is a good sign.

    • No need to think too deeply about his behavior on social networks. For example, you might think that liking on Instagram means you're in love, but you'll go crazy if you attach too much importance to such actions.
    • If he texts you a lot online but doesn't talk much in person, it could be because he's shy and trying to get to know you better. Perhaps the guy is trying to gather his will into a fist and invite you on a date.
  3. The guy texts you for no reason. If a guy texts you just like that, then he probably thinks about you and maybe even in love. He's probably looking for excuses to text you, like homework questions.

    • Try not to text the guy too often. In this case, he will be able to write to you first.
    • If you are good friends, then the reason may be the desire to just chat. Remember that you should look for signs that complete the big picture.
  4. Over time, the guy begins to openly communicate on personal topics. As he gets to know you, he may share personal details from his life or his past with you. If a guy is comfortable talking about his emotions with you, it can be seen as a sign of intimacy and deeper feelings.

    The guy gives you gifts and tries to do nice things. Many guys often express their feelings through actions rather than words. If he gives you small gifts "just because" or is looking for an excuse to help you, then such behavior may indicate a desire for a closer relationship.

    • For example, if he offers you his jacket when you are cold, the reason may be the guy's nobility or a desire to show that he cares.
  5. The guy teases you or compliments you. It's not uncommon for guys to tease or compliment girls they like. However, some guys like to tease all of their friends or don't skimp on compliments, so pay attention to how he behaves with other people. Does he only act like this around you? This is a good sign.

    • For example, if you are smartly dressed for work, he may say at a meeting: "You look great." On the other hand, he might also ask, “Wow, trying to get promoted?”

    Warning: if you smile and blush when a guy teases you, that's cute. If he humiliates and insults you, there is nothing normal in such behavior. You definitely don't need a guy like that.

Direct Approach

  1. Ask your friends how the guy talks about you when you're not around. If your friends are talking to a guy, ask them for help. For example, ask him to ask a question about you when you are not around to get his opinion.

    • For example, your friend might say, “I think Katya looks amazing today. What do you think, Misha?
    • If he does not miss the opportunity to talk about you, then he almost certainly likes you. If he rolls his eyes or says something unpleasant, then the situation is likely to be different.