How to apply in capsules, liquid, drinking. Collagen for face, neck and décolleté

Hi all!

Today I want to talk about the second of the tested products from the Russian manufacturer Librederm. I wrote about the first not very successful experience in one of the posts earlier.
This time it is Collagen Cream for the face, neck and décolleté.

The product's name:

Package: a purple box with a lot of information, a bottle (50 ml) and a paper instruction in it.

The bottle is quite convenient and functional, in addition, it is transparent and you can see how much product is left between the stickers. Plastic but good quality.

The dispenser with a spout is closed with a cap. It’s good that you don’t have to climb into the cream with your hands. Closes with a click, never opened in the wrong place and at the wrong time. It gives out a normal portion of the cream, for the face and neck, two clicks are enough for me.

For all the time of use, it has not clogged or clogged.

Description from the manufacturer: I don’t believe in such descriptions for a long time, I believe in my own feelings.


The cream itself white, not dense, very, very light, for me it is almost a cream-serum.

Properties I noted:
* very easy to distribute;
* very quickly absorbed;
* does not leave stickiness;
* make-up is applied on it well;
* no dyes and smell;
* perfectly moisturizes the skin.

That ends all that can be said about this cream. It does not have any rejuvenating effect. It does not tighten anything, does not make the skin elastic. It just keeps her hydrated and that's it. Since it is declared as tightening and rejuvenating, we can say that it does NOTHING! I give it 3 stars for good moisturizing. I won't buy anymore. Out of curiosity, maybe I'll try something else from another series.

Price: about 400 rubles

Test period: 3.5 months

Grade: 3

Thank you all for your attention! I am Anya, you can come to me with "you"

I wanted to try something else like this, as such a gel turned out to be very pleasant to use, unlike creams that I dislike so much.
Therefore, it was interesting to continue a similar experience, but with a slightly different remedy - Collagen from Gemene.

Although, maybe many will say - what kind of collagen at such and such an age!
But isn't it better to take care of it in time, especially since collagen not only tightens, but also perfectly moisturizes the skin. Checked!

Now let's find out what kind of remedy it is - collagen.

On the side of the package there is some incomprehensible information for me. To be honest, I didn’t really understand what this was about, but it sounds promising.

Turning the back of the box to face you, you will see a more detailed description of what collagen is and what it is for, as well as the composition and method of application.

Now in order. First of all, I was interested in the information that collagen helps to maintain an even color and smoothness. I definitely wanted to try it. I will tell about the results below.
As you can see, in composition not only collagen, but also the same hyaluronic acid, hydrolate, natural preservative and plant extracts.
Application is also quite simple: shake the bottle and apply Collagen to clean skin. By the way, it can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté. I decided to apply only on the face.


First of all, pay attention to the bottle and its dispenser.
Volume 30 ml, should be enough for 1-1.5 months of use. Depends on the application area.
It is very convenient to remove the product with a dispenser. Pressed, and now it's on your hand - ready for use.
From the vial, such a drop of the product is extracted:

It's with one click.
2-3 drops are enough for my face.
Collagen colorless, but hazy. By consistency the gel is moderately thick, but if you tilt your hand a little, it immediately rushes down.
Smell herbal. I think it smells like steamed birch and raspberry leaves, the extracts of which are in the composition.

It is pleasant to apply the gel, as if it glides over the face and dries completely in half a minute. But on a wet face after washing, the gel is distributed more easily and its consumption is slightly less.
The feeling of tightness was only the first few times, while it was accompanied by peeling on the skin. But soon these two escorts disappeared.
Initially, I applied the gel only at night, later morning also connected to me. That is, in the morning I wash off the remnants of the "night gel" and apply it again.

My feelings and results of use.

- A week later noticed the first changes in the condition of the skin. The skin became smoother and firmer. If you press with your finger, it kind of springs. Very interesting sensations. I even sat and indulged for some time - I pressed and watched how the skin returned to its previous state. No other changes were seen.

After the lapse of second week the skin remained firmer than usual. Gradually, inflammation began to disappear from the face, the skin color evened out a little.
Mimic wrinkles on the forehead did not disappear. Every time after applying the gel - the skin is smooth. If you run your fingers, they do not cling to even the smallest skin imperfections. Fingers glide, as if on a flat canvas. But, unfortunately, this effect does not last long. I have oily skin, and as soon as oily sheen begins to appear, this smoothness disappears.

Later three weeks use, the complexion became more even, the skin is also smooth, all mimic wrinkles remained in place, but I didn’t try to remove them, so the result is satisfactory.

During this week, the inflammation did not decrease. Therefore, I conclude that Collagen has its own period of validity. Optimal - 2 weeks, then a break.

So I postpone Collagen and for now I will take up other means.
I have enough of it for another 1-2 weeks of use (2 times a day).
But I was satisfied with the result. I expected even less than what I got.

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All girls and women want to find a way to stay young as long as possible, maintain skin elasticity and firmness. But it is very difficult to find a remedy, the use of which will have the necessary effect on your skin. In addition, the cosmetic product must be completely natural, nutritious, effective in the fight against wrinkles, leveling, smoothing out every wrinkle!

All these qualities are inherent in the face cream LIBREDERM "Collagen" with a rejuvenating effect. It is also suitable for the neck and décolleté. The active complex of the composition of the product is able to have a tightening and regenerating effect, is excellent against wrinkles and can greatly slow down their appearance.

Cream "Collagen" anti-aging for the face, neck and décolleté

Cream "Collagen" anti-aging for the face, neck and décolleté Designed specifically to improve the condition of the skin. After the first application, it will become more soft, hydrated, will be observed wrinkle reduction and increase skin elasticity.

In addition to facial products, there is librederm (libiderm) rejuvenating hyaluronic filler 3D eye cream, which is very good for smoothing the epidermis. Usually it is sold in 15 ml, which is enough for several months.

Description Librider "Collagen": composition, method of application and effect

The main ingredient of the cream is collagen , which is a structural protein found in our skin. With age, its fibers become tough and not capable as before retain moisture . So the skin starts lose a well-groomed appearance, healthy color, acquire dryness and fade. Also included are Matrikines Pal-GHK and Pal-GQPR , elastin , vitamin E and so on.

Mode of application: put it on your face, pre-cleaned (you can use tonic, lotion or facial wash), neck and décolleté with circular massage movements. You need to apply in the morning and evening (a few hours before bedtime, so that the product is completely absorbed).

Everyone knows what effect it has on the skin. Due to its healing properties, the elastin product eliminates visible signs of aging, visibly removes wrinkles and restores its former elasticity. Manufacturer Libriderm took good care of its customers!

Anti-aging face cream at home

Instead of buy wrinkle cream , it is easier to do it yourself. It will only include natural ingredients which you choose carefully. With your own hands at home, it can be prepared not only for the hands and face, but also for the neck and décolleté. It will be no worse than the purchased analogue Labriderm Collagen, but will also have an anti aging effect. . Home cosmetics, although I will come out cheaper, it will provide incredible care for your face. To preserve youth, components such as: aloe, avocado, essential oils, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey, milk, recipes with iodine and so on.

How to make your own anti-aging face cream

To prepare it you will need: olive and almond oil 5 drops each. Add a few spoonfuls to them. avocado pulp . Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply on face for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the remnants with a cotton pad.

This hand-made cream is very similar to a purchased product. "Healthy" , but it has very weak properties. It is quite possible to replace it with a mask of cucumbers. The effect is the same. Also, you should not buy anti-aging products for these purposes. face cream with collagen and elastin youth asset from Avon . The company's products are good, but once in a while it's not necessary. It is good only for making the skin smooth and velvety, but there can be no talk of any smoothing. With this function, despite the collagen in the composition, he can not cope.

Anti-aging face cream with hyaluronic acid at home

To prepare a product for the face and décolleté at home, watch the following video, which talks very well about how to prepare such a mixture:

Super anti-aging face cream at home

Libriderm has released a cream for the skin around the eyes with hyaluronic acid . We will tell you how to prepare a similar remedy yourself. Hyaluronic filler has a similar effect to Collagen, has elastin, and is a phyto-moisturizer.

The best anti-aging face cream: rating

Undoubtedly Libriderm Collagen ranks first in our ranking of anti-aging creams . But there are many equally good analogues. Some even liked a little more by many women. If you order one from the official site, then it will cost a lot, about 1000 rubles . There may also be shipping charges. Therefore, we present you a list of analogues that can be easily found even in a regular pharmacy.

Creams for women after 30 years

Libriderm Collagen has excellent analogues that give the appropriate effect, but contain other components. They are in no way inferior in quality to this wonderful tool. One such remedy with a lifting effect is "Secret of Nefertiti" based whale seminal plasma . He gives moisturizing visible effect after just a few applications. Wrinkles will be smoothed out after the first application, and we are talking not only about facial wrinkles, but also about those deep ones, which you have already stopped hoping to get rid of. It is well suited for faces, neck, and for zones neckline.

A good analogue that restores the skin in 7 layers - cream-serum concentrate "Black Pearl". It provides excellent protection to the epidermis and deeply nourishes the skin cells.

If you need more than just anti-aging product, but also a tonal effect, then a good choice would be - tonal cream - serum with a rejuvenating effect "Secret of Youth" . Faberlic did a great job developing this cosmetic product. Not only evens out skin tone, masks small bumps and pimples, but also helps in the fight against wrinkles..

If libiderm collagen is too expensive for you, don't be discouraged - anti-aging lifting will replace it perfectly - neck and décolleté cream natura siberica . According to the reviews of Internet users, this tool is very does its job well.

Face cream rejuvenating Planet Organika It is excellent to use against wrinkles not only on the face, but also on the neck. Even deeply it will smooth perfectly. But for a better result, regular use is required. It is better to use such a product in the summer, it saturates well with moisture.

Anti-aging face creams after 40 years

After 40 years skin needs special care. Some ladies prefer more expensive cosmetics than Libriderm Collagen. For example, about anti-aging teoxane corrector cream with sun protection function SPF 30+. Its innovative formula provides special care, hydration, structuring and is ideal for this age. But the price is appropriate - 5,000 rubles. Dermatologists have developed a composition with hyaluronic acid, which is an excellent activator for the skin and creates a special shell on it that retains moisture.

Libriderm cream "Collagen" rejuvenating: reviews

Vlada, St. Petersburg, Russia:

“I did not find any flaws in this product at all! It makes the skin tighter, it has a light texture, it can be used as a night and day cream. This is the best anti-flabbiness product! Not only did it last for a long time, but there are additional products from the same collection to maintain the freshness of the entire face!”

Kristina, Moscow, Russia:

“I am naturally allergic. It is very difficult to find the right cosmetics, not to mention the care. This product did not cause any allergic reactions, if you apply it at night on your face, you can go to bed with confidence without thinking and without fear of waking up in the morning with swollen eyes. I use it as a cream and for the eyelids. Libriderm Collagen knows how to make you younger! Suitable for ages 35+.

Anastasia, Grodno, Belarus:

“First of all, I would like to note that the main component - collagen - helps not only to preserve beauty, but also to create it anew. I use this age product for my neck, face and décolleté. Read reviews online and bought at your own risk! And have never regretted it! Not a tool, but a dream!”

The influence of the external environment and natural aging leads to the fact that the formation of collagen and elastin slows down in the cells of the skin of the face and body. As a result, the condition of the skin layer worsens, the tissue is deformed, the clarity of the facial contour is lost, and wrinkles appear. To reduce destructive changes, collagen cosmetics are used and special care rules are followed.

Collagen for facial skin performs the function of a building material and is a protein that is formed in the middle part of the skin layer. The collagen network is created by cells called fibroblasts. The task of the substance is to strengthen, support the tissue structure and the skeletal system of the body.

Together with the protein, elastin is formed, an equally important element of the connective tissue that affects the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and the epidermis. Due to the deficiency of these two components, the appearance worsens, the bones become brittle, and vascular diseases develop.

Signs of reduced collagen include:

  • feeling of tightness of the skin, cellulite plaques;
  • the appearance of nasolabial folds, deepening of wrinkles on the neck;
  • deterioration in the condition of nails, hair;
  • development of dental diseases;
  • muscle weakness, bone fragility;
  • problems with the spine;
  • decreased vision;
  • sagging chest and buttocks.

The level of fibrillar protein is at a high level until the age of 30, then the amount of the substance gradually decreases, and by the age of 60, the production of collagen fibers stops completely.

It has been observed that the production of protein up to 30 years in duration takes one month. After overcoming this milestone, the time of formation of the protein material is reduced by approximately 1% per year.

Collagen for the skin of the face and body performs the following tasks:

  • retains moisture, nourishes, saturates with oxygen;
  • improves skin tone, gives a beautiful radiant tone;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • restores cartilage and fluid between joints;
  • reduces inflammation of the articular parts in arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • regulates metabolic processes in cells;
  • tightens the contour of the face and eliminates the second chin;
  • slows down aging;
  • not only smoothes wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new folds;
  • improves the overall tone of the skin, makes it supple and elastic;
  • eliminates bags under the eyes, bruises and swelling;
  • heals wounds and cracks;
  • improves blood transport to tissues;
  • deeply cleanses and removes toxins;
  • strengthens bone tissue, improves body flexibility.

The collagen matrix is ​​destroyed over time, which leads to a change in the condition of the skin. The disadvantage does not appear immediately, but only after a while under the influence of a cumulative effect.

The reasons for the decrease in collagen can be:

  1. Bright sunlight and dry air - the aging mechanism triggers not only natural tanning, but also visits to solariums.
  2. Smoking - reduces the production of collagen fibers by 40%.
  3. Alcoholic drinks and lack of proper skin care.
  4. Unbalanced diet.
  5. Immune diseases that affect the state of building tissue (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma).
  6. Stressful situations and hormonal disorders.

Types of collagen

Collagen for facial skin in the field of cosmetology is represented by three types that differ in characteristic features:

Collagen in cosmetology

Cosmetologists actively use collagen products for rejuvenation. This includes caring procedures, masks, injections, serums, gels, creams.

Collagen cosmetics are available in various forms and involve different ways of application:

How to stimulate collagen production

Natural ways to stimulate protein production involve avoiding bad habits and protecting yourself from intense sun exposure. But if the problem is genetic, then it will not be easy to deal with it.

A decrease in the level of the female hormone - estrogen - during the menopause significantly affects the production of protein, the amount of the produced substance decreases, and it breaks down faster.

Known methods that help stimulate the work of fibroblasts that produce protein tissue. The most affordable is a balanced meal, the consumption of biological additives and the regular use of cosmetics.

The composition and nutritional norms are as follows:

Cosmetic procedures with collagen

Cosmetologists use several methods to stimulate the production of collagen fibers.

Basic procedures:

How to use a ready-made mask at home

Collagen-type masks activate metabolic processes, cleanse, stimulate blood circulation in the skin layer. The result is noticeable after the first application - dryness disappears, the contour is tightened, bruises disappear and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Collagen for facial skin, made from marine raw materials, is an essential element that is the basis of the finished mask. Additional components include vitamins, peptides, hyaluronic acid and vegetable oils.

Powdered masks must be diluted according to the instructions in order to achieve the consistency of jelly:

  1. Before applying the mask, the face is cleansed of impurities.
  2. The composition is kept on the face for half an hour, removed with ordinary water.
  3. After the procedure is completed, a nourishing cream is applied.
  4. Treatment is performed within a month with a frequency of once a week.

There are contraindications for use if the skin area is damaged, there are open wounds, or an inflammatory process develops in the body.

Products with collagen

Collagen for the skin is presented in the form of gels, oral liquids, fabric and powder face masks, shampoos.

Each form of release provides for a specific method of application:

What can be included

Cosmetics that stimulate collagen contain:

  • particles of natural oils;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • extracts of herbs aloe vera, ginseng;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • peptide components;
  • bioflavonoids and fatty acids;
  • seaweed elements.

Rating funds

A wide range of collagen cosmetics allows every woman to choose the right option.

Some popular collagen-based products for the face, neck, hair are presented in the table:

Type of Name Description Volume approximate price
La Miso Collagen Modeling Mask The Korean-made product has an alginate base composed of collagen, folic acid, protein, minerals and vitamins. 1000 g 1200 rub.
Holika Holika Pig Collagen Gel Mask Series The mask is based on animal protein extracted from the skin of piglets. The collagen component improves the facial contour, eliminates dryness, pigmentation, and fills in wrinkles. The product promotes the production of its own anti-aging substances. 25 ml 290 rub.
Dizao, 2-Step Collagen Mask The composition contains marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramides. The drug softens the skin, moisturizes, increases the volume of collagen fibers, has a modeling effect. 10 pieces. 610 rub.
Cream Black pearl, line "Self-rejuvenation" Anti-aging product containing liquid collagen, hyaluron, biopeptides. Presented by creams for several age categories. Allows you to nourish, moisturize the skin, make it supple, soft. 50 ml 219 rub.
Librederm day anti-aging (face and neck) The product differs in that it gives firmness, elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles, saturates with moisture. It contains collagen substances, hyaluron, peptides. 50 ml 728 rub.
SkinFood Gold Caviar Collagen Cream A product containing black caviar extract, gold particles, trace elements, Omega-3, vitamins D, F, A, E. It rejuvenates and restores protein levels. Gold particles stimulate blood circulation, promote the removal of toxins. 45 g 2599 rub.
Mizon Collagen Power Lifting Ex Cream The product is based on small molecular collagen, which nourishes, smoothes, retains moisture in the skin layer. the product is enriched with a complex of natural ingredients (almond extract, toffee, cocoa). Its light texture absorbs quickly. 75 ml 1690 rub.
Ampoules Heliabrine Products in ampoules are recommended for women over 35 years of age. Modeling and rejuvenating composition in combination with marine collagen, peptides, arginine, vitamin E, glycerin prevents the formation of wrinkles, nourishes and cares for the skin. 24 pcs. 1 ml 11 500 rub.
Academy Ampoules containing a collagen component of marine origin. The tool improves the relief, nourishes with moisture, smoothes wrinkles, models the facial oval. 7 pcs. 2290 rub.
Dr. Kozhevatkin The composition of the cocktail in the form of ampoules allows you to refresh, moisturize the skin layer due to the content of avocado oil, elastin, aloe vera extract. 7 ampoules 332 rub.
Serums Bielita, Face Care series "Superlifting" The whey product eliminates flabbiness of the skin muscles, tightens, improves elasticity. 10 ml 360 rub.

Collagen Booster Intensive Ampoule line

The anti-aging agent tightens the contour, smoothes, eliminates tissue ptosis, thanks to the content of the collagen component. Includes vitamin B, hyaluron. 30 ml 1450 rub.
Medical Collagene 3 D Perfect Lift Series It has an antioxidant effect, relieves dryness, evens out the relief. 30 ml 660 rub.

Collagen-Bio series

This is a concentrated product containing hyaluron, vitamins. It promotes long-term hydration, as it includes peptides, esters, extracts of lime, mallow, cinnamon. 30 ml 1070 rub.

Collagen Recharging Serum line

The tool was created for restorative care, it strengthens, tones and prevents age-related changes. The composition contains extracts of plants, vitamin E, A, C, stem cells. 35 ml 4590 rub.
Gels Emalan Hydrogel composition of regenerating action, which rejuvenates, relieves inflammation. 30 ml 744 rub.
Bio-Woman line

Collagen Essence Gel

The emulsion gel maintains the structure, energizes the skin layer, gives a fresh look, softens wrinkles. 30 ml 757 rub.
Medical Collagene 3D Express Protect Series The gel in the form of an emulsion eliminates swelling, inflammation, softens the skin. 30 ml 835 rub.
Shampoos ProFresh Nourishing agent eliminates dryness, brittle condition of hair, promotes volume. The product is presented in 4 types. 250 ml 167 rub.
Golden silk, line "Collagen and hyaluron" Means restore the structure, nourish and strengthen the hair. 250 ml 95 rub.

collagen masks at home

To prepare a mask with collagen on your own, it will not take so much time, and the result from the application will please you no worse than salon procedures. The care product contains gelatin, a natural protein material. Strong corrective changes should not be expected with the help of home cosmetics, but it is possible to improve the general condition of the skin with their help.

Mask recipes:

  • Gelatinous. The composition is prepared from 1 tbsp. food gelatin, 40 ml of chamomile broth, vitamins A, E, 1 pc. in capsules. The components are mixed together with the cooled broth and left for half an hour. The container containing the solution is placed in a water bath and held until the gelatin granules dissolve. Once the mixture has cooled, vitamins from the capsules are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The skin on the face is pre-steamed with a steam bath or a damp warm towel. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. After that, you need to wash it off with warm water and lubricate your face with a nourishing cream.

  • Banana. For cooking, take 3 tbsp. plain water, 1 tbsp. gelatin granules, banana. Then dissolve the gelatin in the liquid until smooth, according to the instructions on the package, add the banana gruel. The resulting composition is applied in an even layer on the décolleté and face. Withstand the mask for 15 minutes, wash off in the usual way.
  • oatmeal. It is necessary to prepare food gelatin - 1 tablespoon, ordinary water - 60 ml, oatmeal - 1 tsp. Gelatin is dissolved in water, after 30 minutes the liquid is slightly heated to a fluid state, then I add oatmeal or ground oats. The mass is applied in a thick layer, kept for 15-20 minutes, washed off as usual.

Considered masks improve skin tone, get rid of black spots, moisturize and nourish, smooth fine wrinkles.

What are the results

Collagen not only smoothes the surface of the skin, but also slows down the very fact of aging. Creams containing fibrillar protein prevent fading and stimulate cells to self-rejuvenate.

After applying the products, the quality of the upper layer of the epidermis improves, but the deep structures are not affected due to the large size of the protein molecule, which is not able to penetrate through the pores. As a result, only a visual effect of rejuvenation is created, which is noticeable after a week. Cosmetic cream does not allow to solve the problem of deep wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid restores collagen cells of the skin of the face and body

Another category of products that can increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin layer include collagen-based dietary supplements. Taking a liquid preparation inside allows you to feel the difference after 1-3 months: wrinkles are smoothed out, stretch marks and cellulite are reduced, but this method will not work to completely get rid of wrinkles.

Radical methods include mesotherapy, which allows you to deliver nutrients to the deep layers through injections of a protein substance. The effect of the procedures is manifested immediately - wrinkles, sagging skin disappear, the shape of the face oval improves. The result lasts up to a year. After 4 months, you need to repeat the procedure to look perfect.

Cosmetics with collagen is considered one of the most effective for improving the condition of facial skin. It is enough to choose a quality cream, giving preference to proven brands. But if the task is to rejuvenate in a short time, you need salon procedures that allow you to smooth out flaws, whiten the skin and tighten the facial contour in a few sessions with the help of fillers.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about the action of collagen