How to let go of a beard and mustache. Find out: what to do to grow a beard, and how to achieve thick facial hair? Pharmacy remedies or grandfather methods: which is better

After reading small guides on how to grow a beard, you involuntarily wonder: do they even have a beard?
- Yes, all these tips about sleep and good nutrition seem to be understandable and partly true. And where did you see that a person would go into the shower and not wash his beard. There are some tips, as soon as you are in the shower - be sure to wash your beard.

Personally, my opinion is this - all this is fine in two cases:

  1. You are robot;
  2. You are a millionaire with plenty of time.

My take on how to grow a beard

It would probably be worth starting to simply list all the methods that will help grow a beard at home. But we are not writing instructions for a bearded zombie, but we are sharing real experience for people who have begun to grow a beard!

Hello. My name is Sergey Eremin and I am a bearded man, whatever one may say, with a couple of years of experience. And with you my friend, I will share my experience if you decide to grow a beard or are just wondering whether to grow a beard.

How to grow a beard fast

In the early stages, the most important thing is not to shave and not to mislead yourself that the beard will grow faster from shaving. All this is a myth. It is worth a little patience and just let your face grow a little stubble.

At this stage, you should not resort to leveling, cutting your precious hairs.

After a short time (in my case it is three weeks), you will notice how much your beard is progressing.

If the beard has grown and the hair is coarse enough, you will undoubtedly experience itching and all its charms. Oh yes, this can not be avoided, be a man and be strong.

Is it possible to make this moment easier?
- Yes, take a closer look at these products (they will help make life easier for a beginner bearded man, and they will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the general condition of the hair follicles).

How to grow a beard if it's not growing

If the beard is not a beard, but a little hair.
- You are lucky, you will not experience the initial stage of itching - but the beard will not appear instantly either. Remember, this is a matter of genes, but do not despair.

I'll explain why. If there is at least some kind of hairline on the face and it appears in the form of thin fluffy hairs, this is very excellent and it means that not everything is lost and you can very well become the owner of a thick and beautiful beard. But it will take a little more time to form the correct density than with the case above.

  • Extract from Wikipedia:
    • The mechanism by which minoxidil promotes hair growth is not fully understood. Minoxidil contains nitric oxide (II) - a chemical functional group of nitrogen and can act as a nitric oxide receptor agonist. In addition, minoxidil, due to the opening of potassium channels, leads to hyperpolarization of cell membranes.
  • Don't forget the side effect:
    • Side effects include burning or irritated eyes, itching, redness, and irritation in the treated area, and unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body. Stop treatment and contact your doctor immediately if any of the following serious side effects occur after applying minoxidil: severe allergic reactions (eg, rash, hives, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or swelling of the face, lips, or tongue) , dizziness, fainting, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), sudden and unexplained weight gain, or swelling of the arms and legs.

So you should not despair, well, you should not climb into the pool. Advice from me: try to pick up something more natural and without side effects.

I will explain with my example. My beard seemed to have grown, but there were pieces on the cheeks and under the lip, which, well, did not want to overgrow. Of course, I was lucky, working in an online store for bearded men, I was able to test a number of products and the conclusion is this.
It helped me personally. Those parts of the beard that didn’t want to overgrow in any way were overgrown (you won’t be able to grow a beard quickly, it takes time).

And we also had a bearded man, whose beard was just powerful, but he first bought 1 bottle of oil, and later a month later he stopped by for another portion of oils. To my question, why so much, you already have it cool.

She got even bigger! Our friend answered and took 5 cans of oils.

How much to grow a beard

The question is rhetorical. On average, facial hair growth in the first option will be from 1 to 3 centimeters. With the second option, it is a little more difficult, and if you help her, then at least it will take from 3 to 6 months to form a more or less correct beard.

Started to grow a beard - move on

The beard has already formed in a month and the next stage appears. It starts to fluff or grow incorrectly. Here you immediately want to go to the barbershop or take up scissors, a trimmer.
- Do not do that. Everything is quite trivial and simple. You can always cut your hair, but decide what shape it is and whether you want to grow it further.

At a time when I did not have a beard, I looked at the bearded men a little strange.
- And here I am with a beard. My opinion has changed. I'll tell you from experience - it's awesome! There is something to compare.

Half a year later, I already had a pretty decent beard. So I decided, let me shave. Unfortunately, the result was not recorded. I will say this: if you started to grow a beard, you can no longer imagine yourself without it. I became as if naked =) In the literal sense, the face became somehow ordinary and not familiar, in general, it’s worth a try .....

So, it is better to style a beard, there is a separate line that helps to do this without using radical haircut methods. And here you are with a fairly normal beard and without bristling hairs. But if you are not going to grow a mustache further, it is worth trimming it. I use the regular trimmer from M Video. Only if you decide to take a trimmer to trim these areas, take a more powerful one. My home assistant has power ...., cost around 3,000 rubles and does its job quite well.

How to grow a beard at 14, 15, 16, 17

This category of people should not take radical methods to grow the first facial hairs. There are, of course, the lucky ones whose nature has already rewarded them with rather thick bristles at this age. For these guys, read the advice above.

It should be understood that at the time of acquiring a thick beard, you will notice that ordinary detergents make your beard quite coarse and some of the hair may begin to fall out. It's all about the excellent cleansing properties of these products, but they are intended for most people who do not have a beard and they are not so important. Therefore, you should pay attention to this or try using a more gentle soap. Regular shampoo isn't great.

Why grow a beard

Many people, especially ladies, sometimes wonder why men grow beards? The answer is simple enough. This is a kind of subconscious step to stand out from the crowd. And when he grew the right thick beard, it just becomes a matter of course. And all attempts to shave off the beard lead to the understanding that by shaving off the beard, you lose face. The beard becomes part of the male image, reborn in our modern world, and I’ll say it’s cool!

  • I thought for a long time how to finish this article, but I did not find the optimal words. So I decided to ask you:
    • How did you manage to grow a beard?
    • And what difficulties, or maybe interesting stories, occurred after the beard appeared?

The desire to quickly grow a full-fledged beard is one of the most important steps in the process of growing up for each of the men. The presence of facial hair can not only change the image, making the owner of the beard much more brutal, but also visually correct the shape of the skull, hiding "undesirable" details of the face, focusing on the beard.

Importantly, having a beard means avoiding the daily scraping of the face with a sharp razor - which ultimately makes the skin rougher and accelerates the formation of deep wrinkles. Essentially, growing a beard allows the skin to maintain its natural balance without the use of any creams. Fitseven wrote about others earlier.

Despite the seeming ease of the task (if you want to grow facial hair, just don’t shave), often the beard does not want to grow “correctly” at all, and the hair begins to curl or grow in clumps. In order to become the owner of a full and thick beard, and not just an incomprehensible bunch of facial hair, you need to learn how to properly care for this beard.

How to grow a beard from scratch: instructions

The classic "grandfather" method of growing a beard is simple - just not shave for 3-4 weeks. However, this method is more suitable for those men who have already grown a beard and imagine how they look with it. It is difficult for beginners (and especially teenagers) to get used to the hair growing chaotically on the face. For them, the method of growing a beard with a special trimmer is suitable.

  • 1 week - stop shaving completely
  • 2 weeks - trim the stubble twice with a 5 mm trimmer
  • Week 3 - trim the mustache with scissors, and adjust the trimmer to 8-10 mm
  • Week 4 - Maintain the shape of the beard by carefully trimming the borders

Remember that the choice of the beard shape that suits you depends on a number of physical features of the face - from the width of the cheekbones to the height of the forehead. Below you will find a guide to popular beard types, including the Hollywood beard, which is the type of beard you most often see in movies.

Studies show that the rate of hair growth on the beard (just like on the whole body) is set primarily genetically. In other words, taking any vitamins or dietary supplements is not able to make hair grow faster. However, on the other hand, the lack of certain elements in the diet can negatively affect both the testosterone level in general and the beard growth rate in particular, as well as the thickness of the hair.

Other than that, strength training for muscle growth and a high-protein diet definitely affect both male hormone levels and how quickly a beard grows.

Vitamins for fast beard growth:

  • - improves hair quality
  • - key building material of cells
  • - affect testosterone levels
  • Biotin - can speed up the rate of hair growth

Beard care rules

In most cases, washing your beard with regular hair shampoo every time you take a shower is sufficient. However, if your facial hair is stubbornly frizzy and frizzy, or becomes excessively dry, beard care products such as regular brushing with a wide-serif comb can help.

Among other things, pay attention to giving the best shape to the beard with the aforementioned trimmer. The shape of the beard that suits your face depends both on the structure of the skull and on how unevenly the hair grows - for example, if the hair on the cheeks stubbornly does not appear, you can easily hide it.

What beard should blondes choose?

For owners of oval faces (Ryan Gosling), a beard will add massiveness to the chin area. Any shape will do, allowing you to experiment - from a classic rounded beard to a square one with a clearly defined lower border.

It is usually harder for blondes to grow a beard than for brunettes (blond hair grows more slowly) - however, it is easier for them to maintain the final result. The main difficulty is setting the hairline on the cheeks. First, the upper part of the cheeks is shaved with a razor (2-3 cm below the cheekbones), then the cheeks are trimmed with a trimmer to a length of 3-5 mm, after which the lower border of the beard is formed.

The lower hairline plays a special role - it is important not to let the beard grow into chest hair, and not to shave it too high, which can create a "tense" facial expression. The ideal option is to stick to the line on the neck, located about 2-2.5 cm above the Adam's apple (also called Adam's apple).

Beard for brunettes

A triangular face (Ryan Reynolds) will suit a beard in the shape of a square, horseshoe or rounded. The vegetation on the cheeks will visually lengthen the face, focusing on the eyes and making them larger (relevant for those who wear glasses with minus diopters).

If blondes fit wide and thick “natural” beard shapes, then brunettes with coarse hair need to carefully ensure that the beard does not grow to the sides, losing shape and giving its owner a sloppy look. The easiest solution is to regularly trim your facial hair with a trimmer.

The upper line of beard growth on the cheeks can either be left natural (if the hair does not grow too abundantly), or lowered a little lower, forming the so-called "Hollywood beard". The main characteristic of such a beard is the combination of a general impression of negligence with carefully trimmed contours.

Hollywood beard

In the case of an oblong skull (Jake Gyllenhaal), a beard will help visually expand the face. A rounded horseshoe beard or sideburns will do. At the same time, thin goatee beards or various variants of a goatee are categorically not recommended.

The most successful choice for brunettes with an oblong face type is the aforementioned "Hollywood beard" - a massive mustache and dense vegetation on the chin will visually enlarge the jaw, giving the face brutality. The height of the upper hairline is the middle of the cheeks, the height of the lower line is just above the Adam's apple. Separately, we note that the Hollywood beard also requires on the head.

In fact, such a beard is the most popular among various film actors, as well as among athletes and football players. The reason is simple - after the beard grows, it practically does not need to be looked after, only trimmed with a trimmer. This allows you to significantly reduce the time of daily morning procedures, giving up daily shaving.

Beard for a wide face

For owners of a large face (Justin Timberlake), a beard will visually lengthen the shape of the skull, giving the face an aristocratic look. Suitable as a goatee, so a beard to the temple or trapezoidal. Mustaches will look good, but it is better to refuse sideburns.

Among other things, the choice of a suitable type of beard is influenced by both the width of the skull and the general proportions of the body. For example, short men are recommended to wear a small, non-voluminous beard, while tall and large men will suit a fairly lush beard. A large beard and short stature will make you look like a gnome.

The length of hair on a wide face also depends on a number of factors - blondes and redheads are better off with a relatively short beard and neat stubble on their cheeks, while brunettes can afford to let go of a full beard. In any case, before you start shaping your beard, try to grow it out and understand what you are dealing with.


The most important step in growing a “proper” beard is not to interfere with its growth for the first three to four weeks and to avoid the temptation to shave or trim it with a trimmer. Only after this time, having become accustomed to seeing your new face in the mirror, will you be able to adequately choose the type of beard or mustache that suits you.

Why not grow a beard? Today, shaving is the norm and therefore eliminates the growth of facial hair. Sometimes men need a little courage to radically change their image. Of course, just growing a beard is not enough, you need to learn how to properly care for it.

How to grow a beard - the first steps

We advise you to start the difficult process of growing a beard during your vacation. You will be more relaxed when you are away from your work and people. Often, many men give up their idea halfway through, having heard the unkind reaction of colleagues. Try not to shave at all, at least for the first four weeks of hair growth.

How to grow a beard - a common mistake

The most common mistake is trying to start shaping your beard too early. Even if you are only planning to grow a small beard, you should let it grow for the first four weeks. Many men at this stage cut off more than they really want.

How to grow a beard - beard shaping

After four weeks, you can start shaping your beard. As a general rule, many men want to define a "neckline" along the bottom of the beard. This is best done with the help of a professional hairdresser or stylist. The "cheek line", the top edge of the beard on the cheeks, is best left natural. If you plan to start the beard just below the eyes, the cheeks should also not be touched.

How to grow a beard the right way - don't let the itch hold you back!

If you experience itching on your face, try to keep your skin clean daily with shampoo and conditioner. She will eventually be able to adjust to the new situation. Itching may be temporary, and application of baby oil or moisturizing lotion may bring quick relief. Balms with shea butter or beeswax are also good for hair growth, providing moisture and protecting it from wind damage and dangerous sunlight.

How to grow a beard the right way - set a goal

Don't give up half way! Set a target date. For example, give yourself at least six weeks of hair growth before giving up on your efforts. When you reach the six week date, you can decide whether you want to have a beard or get rid of it.

Maintain a beard

  • Buy a beard trimmer and get advice on how to use it.
  • Dry your hair with a soft towel.
  • If you decide to get rid of a new beard, the easiest way is to use a special trimmer or hair clipper.

How to grow a beard - using a comb

Do not forget that the beard looks neat when it is systematically combed. On sale there are rounded, short, long combs that are specially designed for beard care. Combs can be made of metal, plastic, wood, or even bone and have wide or thin teeth. For a long beard, wide-toothed combs are always chosen, and for small beards, fine-tooth combs are always chosen to help shape and maintain facial hair. The comb is also used when applying oil or balm to the hair.

How to grow a beard - soap, shampoo, conditioner

Beware of detergents containing parabens and sulfides, which are present in hair shampoos. Many men prefer to groom their beard with soap. You can try both to see what works best for you. However, remember that the skin under the beard is much more sensitive than on the head, so organic ingredients should soothe it, not irritate it.

Growing a beautiful beard is not easy, because it directly depends on how well you take care of facial hair. Following the above tips, you will eventually become the owner of a prestigious and courageous image.

It is coming back, and now is just such a moment when even young men wear it. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in growing a beard: you just need to put aside the trimmer and razor, then after a while there will be a result. In fact, growing a beautiful beard at home is a real science, the nuances of which are best studied in advance.

Growing a beard must be creative

How to start growing a beard

It is important to understand that growing facial hair will take anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months, depending on the desired length. Usually the first couple of weeks the face looks untidy for no particular reason, so it would be nice to have a vacation during this time. It is ideal to start growing a beard in the winter - that's when it looks harmonious and familiar.

First, a man should eliminate all dermatological problems, including dry skin or acne. At the same time, it is recommended to purchase a high-quality shaving machine in order to practice using it on a small stubble. It is recommended to opt for the type of beard that is ideal for the shape of the face.

First, you should shave your face in depth and evenly, starting from the sideburns to the neck, and then moving on to the rest of the zones. Before growing a beard, it is advisable to shave in a hairdressing salon: the quality of the procedure depends on how beautiful the result will be.

How to grow a beautiful and thick beard

The first month it is not recommended to touch the beard at all. This time is characterized by constant itching with peeling of the skin, which gets used to the new vegetation. Moisturizing cream or special oils help to avoid discomfort.

It is important to decide on the point where the beard starts to grow: if it starts at the cheekbones, then you will have to reduce it a little and shave it off. The border of the hair on the neck will have to be formed as follows: looking directly into the mirror, you need to put your finger under the chin, and shave off everything below this line.

The main task is to take care of the overgrown vegetation. We must not forget to keep the beard in a neat condition, trimming it every 4 days, after washing it with shampoo. It is also imperative to ensure that no pieces of food remain in the hair on the face and no lumps form.

Shape selection

There is no universal beard shape, it must be selected individually in each case. To begin with, they look after the configuration they like and then “try on” it for themselves.

Of course, at first it is better to trust the hands of the master. And then grow a beautiful beard and, taking into account all the nuances, experiment on your own.


The dependence of the shape of the beard on the type of face:

  1. A wedge-shaped or square beard is suitable for chubby men, visually eliminating the excessive softness of the lines. With this type of face, smooth transitions are excluded: only clear and even strokes.
  2. For men with a thin face, a short one is suitable (2-3 cm. Facial hair favorably softens pointed features.
  3. If the problem is in a small chin, then you should properly grow a beard and discreetly mask an unattractive area.
  4. With a square type of face, a competent choice is a goatee that visually lengthens the face.
  5. Owners of an elongated face should focus on a thick mustache and a clearly defined border of stubble on the cheeks.

How to speed up beard growth?

To grow a beard at home, you need to eat right and take vitamin cocktails. In addition, the following factors influence increased growth:

  • an increase in testosterone levels, which is facilitated by smoking cessation and strength training;
  • proper sleep and rest;
  • reduction of stress hormones, limitation of depressive conditions;
  • proper skin care;
  • increased protein intake (hair is made up of keratin protein).

It is necessary to take care of the beard as follows: if the hair grows in bunches, it is recommended to use a hair thickener, using which the problem areas will soon be covered with vegetation. And with the hair sticking out to the sides on the beard, a special conditioner or care product will help.

Take good care of your beard and you'll look your best

The duration of beard growth increases in proportion to the years lived, so young men should not be upset because of too slow or uneven distribution of facial hair.
How long it will take you to grow a beard is an individual question.

The world knows a way to grow a beard without the hassle and expense - long, thick and brutal. You guessed right! You just need to drive into some remote area where no one has heard of the magic word "Gillette", and get lost there for a year on the floor.

On a desert island, the problem is not how to properly grow a beard, but how to trim, wash and comb it. If the main thing for you is just to let go of the stubble on your face, then you can become like Robinson Crusoe and not think about anything else. For everyone else looking to create a new image of a respected and well-groomed man, this is a detailed guide on how to grow a beautiful beard and mustache from scratch, what to do if a beard grows poorly, and how to properly care for it when it finally grows.

Please read the entire article carefully, I have put everything on the shelves here: from what to do at each stage of growing, to choosing a haircut. It's really sad to see guys who want to look like Sean Bean in Game of Thrones, but instead walk around with a "broom" on their face.


Why to begin not fast - you need to warn right away! - and not an easy process growing facial hair? It is assumed that you have already firmly decided to take this step, and there is no need to explain why this is necessary at all. So he gets straight to the point.

Shape selection

It makes sense to turn to a professional barber - he will select the type of beard, sideburns and mustache that best suits the shape of your skull and style. You can also download a special program from the Internet that allows you to "try on" different types of beards on your face online. You need to focus, as mentioned above, on the shape of the face and cheekbones and your image.

  1. An elongated, thin face - a lush beard will help smooth out angular features, almost any shape will do, but it is better to refuse a too long, wedge-shaped beard.
  2. Square cheekbones - and in this case, on the contrary, you need to strive for a wedge-shaped beard, then visually the face will look more proportional.
  3. Round face - a beard with a square or triangular edge is recommended. Rounded edges are contraindicated.

Tip: Please note that some firms do not welcome dense facial hair. Therefore, weigh again what is in priority - a beard like a lumberjack or a career and a good salary.

Rules for care during growing

Result for the month

You need to start caring for your beard from the first weeks. It's too early to cut it and wash it with shampoo. But the skin will itch when the hairs reach a length of 1.5-2 cm. You can relieve itching with moisturizing oils and lotions. Products containing alcohol must be completely abandoned. It also does not hurt to remove scarves and sweaters with a collar, which additionally rub the skin.

Correcting and cropping

For these purposes, a special or is purchased. You will also need scissors, a fine-toothed comb, and possibly a straight razor. And also the skills of wielding all these tools. You still have to learn, because you need to take care of your beard regularly. But at first, you can turn to specialists and take master classes from them.

What is important to do: trim the hairs on the sides, creating the desired shape, and free the neck in the Adam's apple and below. The emphasis is on creating volume in the chin area. The hairs under the lower lip, growing in an untidy tuft, should be immediately taken under control and cut regularly.

Focusing on the edges

You can start this process starting from 2-3 months of growing a beard, when the hairs are already long enough, they can be washed, combed and styled. It is believed that this time was enough to master the skills of using the trimmer, training on yourself, friends, brothers, and lap dogs. If this does not happen, it is better to contact the barber. Otherwise, there is a high risk of spoiling everything that was grown with such difficulty.

Recommendation: The latest models of trimmers are equipped with a laser and a backlight. Thanks to such chips, you can easily adjust the beard even in a poorly lit place, and the risk of cutting off the excess is reduced to zero - just focus on the laser mark.

Shading the lines

If your facial hair is not very thick by nature, then you can leave the lines on the cheeks as natural as they are. And just make sure that individual hairs do not crawl out of the designated limits. If the bristles grow thickly and abundantly, then the cheek area must be freed. Otherwise, you will soon look like a member of the Arab liberation movement - do not be surprised if you are continually asked for documents in the subway and invited to a search in the back room. Long hairs are removed with a machine or trimmer, the remains are shaved with a razor.

Reasons why the beard does not grow

Sometimes it happens that you are doing everything right, but still the beard does not grow - at least not the way you wanted. The bristles break through in islands, grow unevenly, only on one side. Or it even crawls out and forms bald spots. What to do in this case? That's right, find out why this is happening. There may be several reasons.

Health problems

All chronic diseases, metabolic disorders affect hair growth in general, not only on the face, but on the head and body too. Therefore, first of all, make an appointment with a doctor and take tests. In any case, it will only benefit, because we are talking about your health. You need to visit a therapist and a dermatologist, you may need to consult other narrow specialists.


This is how a beard should look in the third month

The question, of course, is more related to the state of the body as a whole, but if you are very confused by the question, then you should pay attention to stress.

From him - all the problems in life, an indisputable fact. If you are constantly stressed, overworked and sleep deprived, you have problems in your personal life, do not be surprised that your beard does not want to grow. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, get rid of stress and negativity - this is a prerequisite.

How to do it? There are several ways:

  • take a vacation, rest and sleep;
  • buy mild sedative tablets;
  • take up meditation.

What else can be done: stop smoking cigarettes and pay attention to diets. Neither starvation nor overeating of fatty and spicy foods contributes to the growth of stubble on the face. What should be mandatory in the diet is meat and fish, dairy products, nuts and greens. It is important to play sports: during physical exertion, the metabolism accelerates and the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for hair growth, is released.


Everything is more complicated here, because you can’t really fight with genes. If none of your relatives have ever had thick hair on their heads and bodies, then most likely you will not have them on their own. Need help - first use vitamin supplements and folk remedies. If you want a quick result, Minoxidil will help (below in the article I made a description of it). And if that doesn't help, see a doctor. The most radical way to solve the problem is hair follicle transplantation. But it's probably easier to give up Hemingway's coveted image and be content with clean-shaven cheeks.

What to do if the beard does not grow

You passed the tests, and found out that everything is fine with health (although such a result is rare these days, there will definitely be a couple of seemingly not terrible, but neglected sores). found out that everything is in order with genetics, having interviewed relatives. It's time to move on to action: you need to help the beard grow faster and thicker. How to achieve this at home?


Minoxidil is a proven remedy for beard and mustache growth. This drug can be bought in pharmacies in different forms:

  • tablets and capsules for internal use;
  • foams and sprays for daily rubbing;
  • shampoos and gels for washing the beard.

This tool is very easy to use. Tablets simply take 1-2 pieces every day. Oils, sprays and shampoos are also used every day, according to the instructions. You should not exceed the dosage and frequency of use - it will not be faster, but you can earn allergies and irritation. A doctor's consultation won't hurt.

Minoxidil! this is MOST EFFICIENT means. I myself use it.
And ordering a remedy is better than running around pharmacies. The parcel came to Vladivostok in 3 days. In Moscow or Novosibirsk, probably, they will deliver it in a day.
The quality is top notch. This store is not big, it deals only with Minoxidil, so the price is “delicious” and frequent discounts slip through. In general, I recommend.

vitamin therapy

Those trace elements that you get from food are clearly not enough, so you should look for a suitable vitamin complex. Needed substances for you:

See also:

  • biotin or vitamin H;
  • fish oil or vitamins E and D;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium and calcium.

Folk remedies

These are various oils for hair growth and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Of the oils, you should pay attention to the following:

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • olive.

Nettle, burdock root, hop cones promote hair growth. A decoction of herbs can be washed beard after washing. And the oils are rubbed 1-2 times a week, preferably at night. It is better to warm the oil before use, and wash it off with shampoo or soap a few hours after application so that the bristles are not greasy and untidy. Oil descriptions are also on the site. Watch and read all the articles in a row.


The most important thing in growing a beard and mustache is patience. Do not believe the myths that a thick and lush beard will grow in 4 weeks - it will not happen. But in 4 months, following all the recommendations of experts, you will achieve good results.

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