How to help if the lips and hands are weathered? Weathered hands - what to do? What to do if your hands are chapped.

Hand chapping occurs most often under the influence of frost, wind, sudden changes in temperature and humidity, and especially when you spend a lot of time outdoors under all these conditions. So we can say that these are typical. We care about the condition of the skin on the face and believe that gloves reliably protect hands from the weather. Forgetting that hands need special care. Compared to the skin on the face, n and on the skin of the hands, the hydrolipidic film contains less liquid and is easily dehydrated.

Hot water and soap dry out the skin of the hands, so it is recommended to choose mild soaps with glycerin or oil. Well, if the soap contains extracts of chamomile, calendula, aloe.

In order not to wind your hands, try to apply a moisturizer to them every time after a shower. In this case, the skin of the hands should be slightly damp. In winter, apply a protective cream more often, experts recommend applying a cream every four hours to prevent chapping. The same goes for lip care, use hygienic lipstick several times a day.

House cleaning is inevitable for most women, it is better to do it with cotton-lined rubber gloves to protect your hands. But it should be remembered that they should not be worn for more than 20 minutes.

If by the nature of your work you often have to wash your hands, then pick up a cream with silicone and oil. In this way, you protect your skin from dust and surfactants contained in detergents.

Emergency help for chapped hands

Weathered hands - what to do, how to help? There are many simple and effective ways to help in such a situation.

  • For oily hand cream add a couple of drops of rose or olive oil. Rub and put on cotton gloves. Go to bed with these gloves on. Improvement will be noticeable after the first application.
  • A potato mask will help eliminate chapping. Boil two potatoes in their skins, crush with milk and add two teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply a thick layer of warm potato mass on your hands. To keep the potatoes from drying out, cover your hands with plastic wrap. The potato wrapping procedure should last no more than 20 minutes. Then the mass is removed, hands are washed and lubricated with a nourishing cream. This mask gives a good effect if only milk is added to the potatoes, but by adding nutrients, we improve its effect. Instead of lemon juice, you can add cucumber or green tea infusion.

Protection of hands from chapping

Not toweathered hands, in the cold season, do not forget to wear warm gloves. Even if you go outside for a very short time. Gloves should be woolen or leather lined with natural fabrics. Moreover, leather gloves in severe frosts are more suitable than woolen ones. They retain heat better, are not blown, the natural lining absorbs the secretions of sweat glands.

When the wind is outside and the air temperature drops, any girl (and indeed any person, especially a child) may have problems with the skin of their hands. It's not about an allergic reaction. The problem is related to chapped hands.

What happens during winding?

In cold weather, the skin on the hands that is not protected by cream or gloves evaporates moisture faster. Begins redness- the first sign of frostbite. Then tingling. Red chicks. Cracks. pain or just discomfort. Leather peels off becomes dry and rude to the touch.

What to do?

  • Do not panic. Pens can be cured.
  • Apply a special cream, preferably with a therapeutic effect. Pharmacies have creams from cracks, wounds, skin irritations, abrasions. They are quickly absorbed, suitable for sensitive skin, have bactericidal properties.
  • You can also use normal fatty nutritious cream that does not irritate the skin of the hands.
  • It would be nice to add vitamin oil in a cream that is applied to the hands.
  • After applying the cream, you can put on the hands cotton gloves.
  • Do not do household chores or do dishes without special gloves. You gotta give your skin time reestablish water-lipid balance.
  • No need to scratch and rub your hands.

Both at home and in a beauty salon, you can do paraffin bath(the procedure is called paraffin therapy). But it is contraindicated for those who have wounds on their hands or severe irritation.

So, melt the paraffin in a deep bowl (bath) at a temperature of 50-55 degrees, cool a little and dip your hands into the resulting liquid 4-5 times. Sometimes paraffin is applied with a brush. Then put plastic bags or plastic gloves on your hands and wrap them in a terry towel or scarf to enhance the greenhouse effect. After 20 - 25 minutes, unfold everything and remove the paraffin. Apply cream. The hands become soft and well-groomed.

Folk remedies

Oatmeal mask. Pour boiling water over oatmeal, wait until it swells, mix with vitamin A, which is sold in any pharmacy and is inexpensive. Apply the resulting slurry on your hands and wait fifteen to twenty minutes. Then rinse with warm water, dry (do not rub with a towel) and spread with a nourishing cream. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Potato mask. Boil two potatoes, crush, mix with milk and yolk. You can add some lemon juice. Put the mass on your hands and wrap it with something (rag, plastic bag, foil, gauze). Wait twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. Then apply a thick cream.

By the way, the cream can be used in such a situation both for the legs and veterinary (for the udder of cows).

Bath of potato broth. When the potatoes are cooked, pour the broth into a deep plate. Dip your hands in it and keep them there until the water cools down. Usually fifteen minutes. Then rinse, pat dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream. It is better to wear cotton gloves after applying the cream - the effect of the bath will increase.

Hand chapping prevention

To avoid the discomfort associated with chapping hands, it is worth take care of skin protection.

  • Apply protective cream for hands 20 - 30 minutes before going outside.
  • put on gloves or mittens. It is better if the lining is made of natural material.
  • Apply before bed nutritious cream.
  • Use soap with glycerin.

If you apply these rules, then you will always have well-groomed hands.

In winter, the thin skin of the hands requires special attention. Prolonged exposure to frost, the negative impact of wind and low temperatures provokes the appearance of redness and cracks. Such a problem takes many by surprise, because not everyone knows what to do if their hands are weathered. However, there is no need to worry about this, because by resorting to simple and affordable recipes, you can quickly restore the beauty of the skin.

What to do if your hands are weathered?

With a slight discomfort, when you come home, you can simply wash your hands with soap (it is better to use household soap) and lubricate the skin with cream. Any will do. After a very short time, the epidermis heals.

At the next stage, home remedies are already being used, including all kinds of masks and which will speed up healing.

What to do if your hands are very weathered, and what means to use at home?

You can quickly improve the epidermis and return it to its previous appearance by resorting to folk recipes. They are easy to use, affordable and effective:

  1. Oatmeal with Vitamin A saves cold-damaged skin. Liquid vitamin (capsule) is added to steamed oats. Hands are placed in this mixture for fifteen minutes.
  2. Also effective paraffin therapy. Dip the hands into the melted paraffin and take them out, allowing them to cool slightly. Then again immerse in the container. Repeat the steps until a thick layer of paraffin is formed. Then they put on mittens, and after half an hour everything is washed off.
  3. Bath of potato broth also helps if hands are chapped. They are immersed in hot water. Keep it until the composition is completely cool.

After all the activities, the hands are washed with water, dried and treated with a greasy cream or lubricated with olive oil. For best results, you can wear cotton gloves.