How to remove tree resin from clothes. How can you remove pine resin from any clothes, and how to do it right

Pine and spruce - coniferous trees, tend to produce resinous substances that appear when a branch is damaged, a crack in the bark, and even on young twigs and green cones during the growth period. The resin smells pleasant, it also has some medicinal properties, but if it gets on clothes or hands, it will not bring pleasure. Coniferous resin is very dense and sticky, it is not an easy task to clean it from the fabric.

So, if you still get such a nuisance as a tar stain on some thing, then be patient, you will need to not only remove the stain, but at the same time not discolor or damage the fabric of the clothes. Therefore, we will clean the resin in several stages, using various means.

If you notice that there are traces of resin on the clothes, you do not need to rub them right away, so you can drive the resin drops into the depth of the fabric. You can try to clean off fresh resin, just like chewing gum. Put the soiled thing in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for several hours, so that it freezes. Frozen resin is removed by rubbing the fabric with movements, as in hand washing. But on delicate fabrics, after such actions, creases and unnecessary folds may remain.

Resin marks can be removed by heating with an iron, as is done when removing a stain from wax. To do this, clean, dry paper napkins are placed on both sides of the fabric, where wood resin was noted, and ironed with a hot iron. The resin will melt and remain on the napkin. In this way, dense natural fabrics can be processed.

On fabrics with a strong color, common solvents - acetone, kerosene, white spirit - can be used to remove resin stains. Using a highly absorbent cloth soaked in solvent, wipe the resin stains 2-3 times until completely removed.

An old stain can be removed with a gruel prepared from starch, turpentine and ammonia, 4-6 drops of each of the liquids per teaspoon of potato flour. The gruel is distributed over the surface of the stain and left to dry. Then brush it off with an old toothbrush. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times.

On white fabrics, after the resin, yellowish spots remain. They can be treated with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide brightens all natural and some synthetic fabrics.

You can also use slaked soda. To do this, a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice are dripped onto a teaspoon of soda. Then a thick mixture is applied to the stain and allowed to dry. Then also brush off.

After any of the above methods, the item must be washed in the recommended way for this product with washing powder. Despite the significant resistance of resin stains, in most cases of using all the above-mentioned products, they recede.

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You can get dirty in pine or spruce sap while relaxing in the forest or walking in the park, or while preparing for the New Year holidays. However, you should not be upset, because it is not easy to remove tar from clothes, but it is possible. To solve such problems, there are various effective methods and means. All that remains for the hostess is to choose the appropriate option, taking into account the fabric and correctly apply it at home. How to do this - the tips and recommendations from the article will help.

Is it possible to remove resin from wood from clothes?

Resin stains are cunning. But, despite the complexity of pollution, it is quite possible to cope with it on your own. To achieve the desired result, you should follow the basic rules when removing stains from pine or spruce. If the resin is in a liquid state and has just appeared on the clothes, then it is not recommended to rub the stain. Initially, you should prepare the product by wrapping it in a plastic bag and leaving it for a 2-hour period in the freezer. If the thing is large, then instead of a freezer, you can use ice, putting it on a contaminated place for half an hour. When the resin from the pine tree freezes, it can be easily scraped off the fabric with a knife. When working with a fresh stain, the effect will be maximum.

If the resin from the pine has got on a thing made of thin and delicate fabric, then the method with freezing and scraping will not work. For the sake of preserving the quality and appearance of the product, it will have to be washed in a different way.

How to remove resin from clothes using improvised means?

After completing the first step to remove the sticky substance from the surface of the fabric, you can proceed to the main steps. To remove the resin from the fabric, you should resort to the help of various means. To begin with, it is worth trying improvised solutions and powders that are actively used in the household. To make the fight against pine resin as effective as possible, experienced housewives recommend combining various folk methods of cleaning and washing.

  • Before using any improvised means, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

How to remove resin from clothes with solvents?

Most experienced housewives use the following solvents when removing resin from clothes:

  • gasoline;
  • Acetone
  • Nail polish remover;
  • turpentine;
  • Alcohol.
If the product is made of a material such as acetate silk, then solvents containing acetone can ruin it.

How to remove resin from clothes with solvents? This procedure is simple: you need to treat the area with contamination from pine with a cotton pad or a piece of cloth, after wetting it in the solution.

Such a solvent as gasoline can remove not only the sap from trees, but also other persistent contaminants from the product. The powerful action of gasoline is able to withstand the most dense and hardy tissues.

White spirit or acetone can be used instead of gasoline. The principle of action of these solvents and the method of application is the same. After the substance acts and dissolves the contamination from the sap of the tree, the product must be washed in the washing machine in the usual way.

If there were no solvents such as gasoline and acetone at home, then nail polish remover will come to the rescue. You can achieve the expected effect if this product contains acetone. After treating the stain with a disc moistened with liquid, wait for its action and then send the item to the wash.

To solve the problem of how to remove resin from wood from clothes, many housewives recommend using a combined method. Its essence lies in the alternate application of such means as turpentine and alcohol. To quickly and easily remove stains from pine or spruce, you should follow a number of rules:

  • To begin with, the place with pollution must be soaked in turpentine. At the same time, it is impossible to rub the resin stain, but it is better to gently blot it with a solvent;
  • After half an hour, after the turpentine has evaporated, alcohol is applied to the pine stain. Before it evaporates, it is not recommended to rub the trace of the resin strongly;
  • After the alcohol is reapplied, the resin substance will gradually dissolve. At the moment, the stain is allowed to be rubbed, which will speed up the process of resin discharge;
  • In conclusion, the product must be washed with a washing machine and suitable detergents.

And how to remove resin from a tree from a product made of delicate fabric and old stains? In this case, a mixture prepared from the same amount of starch, ammonia and turpentine (about 4 drops) will help. The resulting composition should be treated with a resin stain from the tree and left to act for a while. After the mixture dries, the area with contamination must be rubbed with a brush. The best result can be achieved after a second procedure and subsequent washing of the product.

When dealing with a resin stain from a tree, you can use alcohol in its pure form. In this way, you can easily remove the resin from the tree, but the procedure will take at least half an hour. First, you need to moisten the stain from pine sap with alcohol with a cotton swab, and then leave the thing to be exposed to the solution. After 30 minutes, nothing will remain of the resin trace.

How to remove odor from solvents?

After cleaning the product from traces of resin with solvents, a number of problems may arise. The first is associated with the appearance of stains on the fabric, and the second is associated with the persistent and unpleasant smell of acetone. To solve these problems, things must be washed in a washing machine, adding dishwashing detergent or stain remover to the powder tray.

Another agent that enhances the effect is a washing gel. An excellent addition to the main detergents will be a conditioner-rinser. Its powerful action is aimed at removing even the most persistent and unpleasant odors, like from acetone. After using the conditioner, the smell of acetone or gasoline will completely disappear, and a pleasant floral or fresh scent will come from the clothes.

How to remove resin from pine from clothes in other ways?

Since a terrible smell remains after solvents containing acetone, many housewives prefer to refrain from using such products. Especially when it comes to removing resin from products made from woolen, velor or velvet fabric. Such materials, like leather, tend to actively absorb and store odors for a long time.

So how to remove pine resin from clothes that are not suitable for solvent? In this situation, vegetable oil will come to the rescue. To remove the sticky pine sap with oil, you will need to perform a series of manipulations. First, the oil must be applied to the resin stain from the tree. After half an hour, if necessary, the procedure should be repeated. The final step will be to remove the oil from the fabric by washing in soapy water.

In order to remove the resin mark from clothes without the use of solvents, you can use an iron. The use of a conventional iron is permissible when working with products made of delicate fabrics. With the help of an iron, you can easily remove not only pollution from the resin of the tree, but also other greasy stains. The procedure for cleaning products with an iron includes the following steps:

  • Under both sides of the fabric you need to put white napkins or towels;
  • When turning on the iron, select the mode with the minimum temperature;
  • Next, you need to process the area stained with resin. Bedding should be changed as needed;
  • After the resin has melted and absorbed into the napkins, the product must be washed in a washing machine using a suitable mode.

In addition to the iron, the method of getting rid of tree sap using Coca-Cola has gained no less popularity. The essence of the method is to soak clothes in this drink. After the product softens, you can easily remove an unnecessary stain from it with a brush. Machine wash will help keep things perfectly clean.

If you do not trust improvised means and folk methods, then special factory stain removers, such as Vanish, will help in removing the tar stain from clothes. Before buying a liquid gel, you should study its purpose and make sure that there are recommendations for use.

Before choosing a method of how to remove the resin mark from a tree from your favorite thing, you should pay attention to the type of fabric.

  • If the stain is found on a product made of delicate fabric, then it is better to wash it off with oil or dishwashing liquid;
  • When working with fur and suede material, it is recommended to use alcohol;
  • Wool products stained with resin can be washed with turpentine, but if they are of a light shade, then alcohol and soap will be the best option;
  • When processing fabrics such as velvet, velor, acetate and silk, alcohol or a starch composition should be used;
  • For synthetic clothing, gasoline is not recommended;
  • You can apply bleach or alkali only on white products.

At the mention of the word "resin", many people remember the black viscous liquid that used to be poured over gas pipes. But this term also means gum - a viscous substance that forms on the bark of fruit and coniferous trees.

Quite often, not only children climbing trees, but also adults can find such an unpleasant “surprise” on their clothes.

Resin is a complex substance, and it is not easy to clean it from clothes. Before you start washing, you should try to clean the resin mechanically: put the item in the freezer.

All resins harden under the influence of low temperatures, and in this form they can easily be simply scraped off with a blunt object. It is only necessary to do this carefully so that the resin does not eat deeper into the fabric.

Another important point: the edges of the stain can be moistened with water, which will not allow the resin to “spread” further on the fabric.

Removing pine (Christmas tree) tar stains from clothing

Many people associate coniferous trees with the New Year: a fragrance, a soothing color and ... unpleasant marks on the hands during the purchase of a New Year's beauty - a Christmas tree or pine. These traces are left by resins, which often cover the trunk of a tree.

From the hands, the astringent sticky substance gets on the clothes, and then the questions immediately appear in the head: “How to remove the resin” and “What means to use”. There are several proven ways to help clean pine resin stains at home.

  1. Carbonated drinks. To remove tar stains from your favorite trousers or jacket, just soak them for 30 minutes in any carbonated drink. It is better that it be the popular Cola, Sprite or Fanta. After the specified time, the item must be washed in warm water.
  2. Ethanol. A laborious but effective method using alcohol will remove fresh dirt. What do I need to do? Nothing special: moisten a piece of a clean cloth or napkin in alcohol and wipe the stained area with it. It will take a long time to rub, but it's worth it: traces of resin will disappear 100 percent.
  3. Nail polish remover. The essence of the method is the same as in the previous paragraph. There is only one important point: if the fabric is bright, with a pattern, then it is better not to risk it. After all, the aggressive components that make up the liquid can not only destroy traces of resin, but also “wash off” the color or pattern.
  4. Refined gasoline. Method of application: moisten a cotton swab or a clean rag in the oil product and rub the stained area with it (her) until the stain disappears. After that, wash the item in warm water with the addition of , rinse thoroughly and dry in the open air. The last condition must be met in order for the unpleasant aroma of gasoline to disappear faster and not bring discomfort to the wearer.
  5. Turpentine. The sequence of actions is the same as in the method with gasoline. To destroy an unpleasant odor, you can use a fabric softener or fabric softener.
  6. Detergent. An affordable and common way to remove stains of any complexity on carpets, furs and wool. How to use: rub the stain with sunflower or olive oil, then apply dishwashing detergent on it, then wash (or rinse) in warm water.

If all these methods were powerless, then synthetic stain removers can be used.

Information about temperature, exposure time and other nuances is indicated on the packaging. Also, in order to clean resin stains from clothes, use.

The essence of the method is as follows: put the soiled thing between two pieces of cloth (paper napkins) and hold it with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the resin will transfer to the fabric or paper, and the thing will remain clean. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, it is enough to wash the clothes.

Acids and alcohols can destroy some paints that are used in dyeing fabrics. In order not to suffer from such a nuisance, it is necessary, before proceeding to remove the resin stain, to try the product on a piece of cloth (inconspicuous).

Methods for removing tar (black tar) stains from clothing

Tar is a material widely used in construction. But not only builders, but also young researchers can get dirty with it. In such cases, it is better for mothers not to scold their babies, but immediately proceed to remove black spots.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. Clay-starch gruel. Prepare the mixture according to this recipe: 1 tsp. white clay, 1 tsp starch, 1 tsp turpentine and a few drops of ammonia. All components must be thoroughly mixed, brought to the place of contamination, left on the fabric until completely dry. When a dry crust forms, you need to take a brush and clean the stain. If a yellow mark remains in its place, hydrogen peroxide can be used.
  2. Vegetable oil. If the resin has already hardened on the fabric, then you need to gently remove it with a knife, and then use vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, burdock). You don’t have to do anything special: just apply oil to the stained area and rub a little. Under such influence, the resin will begin to melt and disappear. After the stain is completely gone from the clothes, you need to wash the item with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Gasoline with starch. This method is not new at all and is familiar to people who face the problem of tar stains on clothes almost every day: aircraft builders, concrete pavers, etc. To clean the soiled places, you need to mix 3 tbsp. gasoline and 2 tbsp. starch, apply the resulting slurry to the fabric and wait for it to dry completely. After that, clean the stains with a brush and wash in warm water with the addition of detergent.

In order not to spoil the thing stained with resin, it must be washed in warm water.

Gently removes tar stains from clothes

If an unpleasant and ugly stain of resin has settled on a delicate delicate fabric, such as silk or wool, then you need to be especially careful when removing it. For such products, too, there are old folk and modern methods.

  1. Medical alcohol. To remove a tar stain, you need to moisten a cotton pad or swab in ether and rub the place of contamination with it until it completely disappears. After that, wash the item in warm water.
  2. Turpentine, ethyl alcohol, starch. Displace all these components in a ratio of 1:1:1 and apply to the soiled area, leave for 12-15 hours. After the specified time, gently collect the gruel and wash the clothes using an effective detergent.
  3. Solvent. You can remove a resin stain from clothes made from delicate fabrics using a common solvent: solvent, white spirit, acetone. The method is nowhere simpler: moisten a clean rag or cotton pad in one of these substances and rub the stain with it until the traces of resin completely disappear. After that, wash things using washing powder, rinse thoroughly and dry in the open air. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to add a flavored conditioner or a few drops of essential oil during rinsing.

When removing tar stains from clothes, it is important not to ignore even the most unusual recipes and remedies. Sometimes the most original and, at first glance, crazy recipe is able to remove dirt from the fabric very effectively.

If all the folk methods used did not help, then you need to use washing powders and stain removers.

Resin stains on new, and most importantly, expensive clothes seem like a real disaster. However, there is no need to panic ahead of time: you can remove the resin with improvised means, so much so that there are no traces or smell left.

Universal technique. Remove the hardened resin ball with a utility knife, razor blade, or other sharp object. Be careful not to tear the fabric. Do not overdo it: clean only the outer layer, without touching the ingrained substance.

Then place the soiled item in a cold place (for example, in the freezer) for 60-90 minutes so that the remaining resin freezes and crumbles. If the fabric is not too thin (silk, chiffon), wrinkle well and rub as if washing - the contamination should decrease.

After that, lay the fabric on both sides with several layers of toilet paper, napkins or paper towels and iron it. The absorbed resin should melt and transfer to the paper. Repeat the action until the "blotters" are clean.

Observe the recommended ironing temperature for the garment and remove the iron periodically to avoid burning a hole.

In most cases, these measures will be enough: just wash the salvaged clothes as usual and forget about sticky stains. However, if the pollution was too strong, additional measures will be required.

How to remove tar stain

1. Solvents: acetone, nail polish remover, refined gasoline, turpentine.

Carefully! Before starting to soil, test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bmaterial, for example, on a seam on the wrong side. Use solvents on painted materials with care.

Blot the stain with a cotton pad soaked in the selected composition, after 20-30 minutes, when the resin gets wet, wipe with alcohol.

2. Coca-Cola. Just soak the tar stain in soda, and after half an hour remove it with a brush or a hard sponge.

3. Alcohol.

4. White spirit (especially good for synthetics).

6. Store-bought stain remover or bleach (for colored and white fabrics, respectively). Follow instructions.

7. Homemade remedy: mix 1 tsp. potato starch and 4 drops each of ammonia and turpentine. Apply the mixture on the stain, and after half an hour, thoroughly clean this place with a brush.

8. How to remove resin from leather clothes. Wipe the area with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, after a quarter of an hour, wash off the softened resin with soapy water. In the same way, you can remove tar stains from your hands.


  • If you “planted” a very small stain from the resin of a pine or other tree on your clothes, apply a cleaning agent to it with a pipette or a cotton swab. Clean large dirt from the edges to the center so as not to smear the dirt even more.
  • Resist the first impulse to immediately wipe off the resin with a tissue: just rub the sticky substance deep into the fabric. However, later, when you remove the stain, do not forget to circle the problem area along the contour with a damp cotton swab so that the softened resin does not spread over the clothes.
  • Remember that resin is a very sticky substance that sticks to absolutely all surfaces, so before you start treating the stain, spread a clean cloth or paper tablecloth on the table, and only then lay the affected item on it. If this is not done, the next item on your evening program will be the removal of tar contamination from furniture.

Methods for removing resin from skin and fabric.

Camping is one of the most loved ones. Many office workers dream of being outside the city, away from computers, phones, cars and fuss. But outdoor recreation can bring a lot of trouble.

There are several ways to wipe off such pollution. It is worth remembering that you cannot wash off the resin with water and you do not need to rub the stain. So, you only stretch the spot over the surface and increase its area.


  • Freeze. This is one of the best options. The fact is that when frozen, the resin becomes hard and hard. Just put the clothes in the freezer for 2 hours. Remove the item, put on cloth gloves and simply rub the stain. It will fall off on its own, crumbling into pieces.
  • Petrol. Use refined gasoline. You must first moisten the area around the stain with water and sprinkle with talcum powder. Then wipe the stain with a cloth soaked in gasoline.
  • Alcohol. First, apply turpentine to the stain and leave for 30 minutes. After that, wipe the resin with alcohol. Wash clothes in laundry detergent.

Wood resin is quite liquid and is able to eat into the fabric.

Ways to remove wood resin:

  • Nail polish remover
  • Acetone
  • Paint thinner
  • Vegetable oils

The easiest way to remove a stain from poplar resin is with turpentine. A little liquid is applied to the fabric and left for 10 minutes. After this, wash the clothes with laundry soap. Many recommend washing the stain with soap and then applying 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes. This will help get rid of yellowness. Soapy alcohol, lemon juice and white alcohol will do an excellent job with a yellow sticky stain.

Denim is a dense fabric, so it is not difficult to remove the resin from it. Try to remove excess resin by freezing. After freezing, scrape off the yellow spot with a knife or the back of a spoon. Now soak a cloth in ether and apply to jeans. After that, soak the jeans in a solution of hot soapy water and launder. If a yellow stain remains, use a stain remover.

How to remove resin from a dress, cotton fabric?

From cotton fabric, stains from wood and ordinary resin are removed with turpentine and gasoline. It is enough to apply a little liquid on the fabric and apply for 3 minutes. After that, it remains to wash the product.

If the jacket is made of fabric or bologna, then this is not difficult to do. Especially if the clothes are dark. If the fabric is light, then it is more difficult to remove the resin.


  • Apply cotton wool moistened with refined gasoline to the dirt.
  • Remove the cotton and apply a clean disk soaked in gasoline
  • Wipe the resin with pinching movements, do not rub
  • After that, wash the jacket with a stain remover.

Removing resin from a leather jacket is easy. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the resin is absorbed into products and genuine leather, so even after removing the stain, a darkening may remain that is difficult to remove. This is especially true for light things. But it's worth trying to remove the stain.


  • Pinch off any remaining resin.
  • Now soak a cotton pad in turpentine and remove the resin with a dabbing motion.
  • Do not rub in a circle so that a large spot halo does not form.

How to remove a resin stain with turpentine: video

To learn how to remove resin with turpentine, watch the video:

This is one of the most effective and simple methods. Under the action of high temperatures, the stain melts.


  • Place paper towels under and on top of clothing
  • Heat up the iron and iron the stained area
  • The resin will begin to melt and soak into the towels.
  • Change towels when they get dirty
  • Wash clothes with stain remover

Alcohol can only remove a fresh stain, if it is old, then it is quite difficult.


  • Treat the area around the stain with starch to prevent the stain from spreading.
  • After that, pour a little alcohol on the cloth so that it does not evaporate, cover with a napkin
  • After an hour, try to wipe the stain. Then wash the fabric

Many housewives manage to cope with a fresh stain with dishwashing detergent. It is necessary to first soak the resin.


  • Treat the area around the contamination with talc or starch
  • Apply ordinary vegetable oil to the stain and wait a third of an hour
  • Blot off any remaining oil on both sides.
  • Soap the washcloth with dishwashing detergent and rub the stain
  • Wash in the machine

If you have to deal with an old tar stain, then it is very difficult to do it.

We remove the old stain that is not displayed:

  • You may need to combine methods. Try applying turpentine for a third of an hour, and then rub the dirt with a cloth soaked in alcohol
  • You can apply gasoline to the stain and freeze the thing. After that, rub the stain, it should crumble into small pieces and fall off the fabric
  • If all methods don't work, take your clothes to the dry cleaners. Modern chemicals and adsorbents will definitely cope with the stain

As you can see, success in removing a tar stain depends on how quickly you react. Fresh stains are removed much faster.

VIDEO: Removing resin stains