How to wash eyelashes. Effect of moisture and temperature on eyelash extensions

Nowadays, no one can be surprised by unnaturally long hair or eyelashes. Such effects are achieved with the help of experienced hands of masters in various hairdressers, beauty salons, beauty studios, etc. Yes, we are talking about extended eyelashes and hair, but these embellishment methods were not always so popular and affordable. Let's first understand, thanks to whom almost any representative of the fair sex can now make extensions.

The history of eyelash and hair extensions

Eyelash extensions began at the beginning of the 20th century, and the founder of the technology was the great make-up artist of Polish origin - Max Factor. True, at first these were rather primitive methods that looked very impressive on the screen, but not in life. And already by the second millennium in the land of the rising sun, a beam-like method of building up appears, and only then a cilia. Now the last method is the most popular, it allows you to achieve a natural effect, full of elegance and expressiveness.

Beauty experts began to lengthen the natural length of hair much later in the 60s of the twentieth century. For the first time, various African tribes began to grow hair, but this method was not applicable to the Caucasian race. The developer of the modern method was the famous British hairdresser - Simon Forbes.

Now extension technologies are only developing and improving. There are already a dozen ways to lengthen your natural curls or eyelashes. Both care and contraindications in wearing will depend on the extension technology. Tips on the use of eyelash extensions are related to the technical impact on the glue.

Is it possible to go to the bath with eyelash extensions

Experts forbid being in the steam room only for two days after building. Then it is allowed to go to the bath with extended eyelashes, the temperature of which is not higher than 80-90 degrees. Thus, the durability of eyelash glue also depends on the type of bath or sauna in which you are. The hottest bath - Russian, unfortunately, will be banned for you, also its competitor in popularity - the Finnish bath, will be contraindicated for you. If you take treatments at this temperature with eyelash extensions, they will most likely fall off immediately. But the doors of various dry baths, hammam, aroma saunas with a low temperature of 30 to 60 degrees are open for you. True, one must be extremely careful with humidity, which in some steam rooms rises to 70 percent. After visiting such a bath, you must carefully remove the drops of water from the eyelashes with a dry towel and continue to enjoy spa treatments.

If the care tips in the bath with eyelash extensions are quite simple, then with artificially long hair and strands, relaxing in the spa will be much more difficult.

Sauna visit with hair extensions

Many women ask such a question as: is it possible to go to the bath with extended hair. Here everything will depend on the method of lengthening the curls, of which there are now a great many. With cold and capsule building technologies, it is allowed to visit baths, saunas, pools, of any kind. But with the hot and tape method, unfortunately, you can’t steam in any way if you don’t want to immediately lose your artificial “beauty”.

It is worth noting that modern pools and jacuzzis in large spa centers are heavily chlorinated, which can damage artificial curls. Experts recommend taking such water procedures with caution and not wet your hair in chlorinated water.

But, even with the above-mentioned technologies, in which access to the bath is allowed, it is necessary to wear a special cap for taking procedures in the steam room. Usually it is dense and made from a special ecological fabric like wool, felt or felt. It is this accessory that will protect the hair from brittleness and damage. And after a sauna or a bath, in no case should you immediately comb your hair. Since the original "fasteners" under the influence of temperature can weaken, and the hair will fall out.

Lifespan of eyelash and hair extensions

Whatever new methods are introduced by modern innovators in the beauty industry, the essence remains the same - nothing lasts forever, and both eyelashes and hair must be well looked after. Now the life expectancy of eyelash extensions is 4-5 weeks, and this depends on many factors. Experts say that with eyelash extensions you can go to the bath, but any technical impact, such as rubbing the eyes, applying cosmetics, can halve the duration of wearing them. If you use oil-based cosmetics, then the eyelashes may even fall out.

Hair extensions will last you longer than eyelashes - 3-4 months. But they will require more thorough care: special shampoos and washing methods, you will also have to comb your hair in a different way, and you need to braid your braid at night. You will also need to consult with a hair extension master and remember all the recommendations.

With all this, experts have a negative attitude towards the constant use of hair extensions and eyelashes. Since the structure of your own hairline loses its strength after each extension, which leads to weakening and loss.

Many female representatives are skeptical or even negative about eyelash extensions, because they believe that washing will turn into a big problem.

In fact, you don’t have to give up water procedures, there is nothing complicated here. You just need to follow certain rules, as a result of which the artificial material will remain intact, and hair correction will rarely occur. How to wash with eyelash extensions? Can they be soaked in water?

Washing with water and special means

Before you decide to start washing your face, remember an important rule:

in the first 48 hours after you grow eyelashes, you can not touch the eyelashes, much less pull them, checking for strength.

In the process of washing, you should not use any aggressive cosmetics, the use of ordinary soap is categorically contraindicated. But light water-based gels and lotions are fine.

As for the temperature of the water when washing, it should be warm, about room temperature, but definitely not hot or cold.

First, you need to moisten your face with water, then take a suitable cleanser, lather it in your palms and apply it all over your face.

When applying the product, be sure to avoid the area around the eyes. Next, gently wash off this foam with water and dry your face with a towel or paper towel.

Do not use a towel that is too fluffy or hard, so that when drying the skin, you do not accidentally damage the cilia, or rather the places where their hairs are fastened.

Also, do not rub your eyes after rinsing your face with water, let them dry on their own, naturally.

You can wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in clean water - so you definitely do not damage or hook your eyelashes.

Do not buy fatty milk or oil for washing, because the structure of such a product quickly destroys the glue that holds the eyelashes together.

Remember: in your case, only water-based products are suitable!

Is it possible to take a bath and shower?

Personal hygiene is not limited to one washing. Surely you like to lie in the bath or take a shower often.

Of course, it is impossible to refuse these pleasant and important procedures for health, but some recommendations must be followed:

  1. When you take a shower, do not point the jet of water (especially if it is hot) in your face and do not rub your eyes with your hands.
  2. After bathing, gently comb the hairs using the special small brush, and then leave them alone to dry completely.
  3. As for the bath, it is better to take it a few days after building. Naturally, hot water should also not get into the eyes.

However, the usual washing of the head should also be treated with caution. There is nothing difficult in learning how to wash it without damaging your cilia.

Wash your hair the same way you always do, but remember to take precautions when it comes to eyelashes.

Sea and pool

Are you planning to amaze others with your view of the sea? It would be better to do this from under your natural eyelashes, for the reason that sea water contains salt, which quickly corrodes the glue (extensions are attached to it), and all your beauty will simply disappear.

If natural eyelashes do not suit you, and you have clearly decided to go to the sea with extensions, then:

  • try not to wet your face;
  • do not dive into the sea;
  • do not touch the eyelashes with wet hands, as well as the area around the eyes.

When it becomes unbearable and you want to dive, look at the underwater world, protect your cilia - put on an eye mask.

What is the right way to wash your face with eyelash extensions during a beach holiday? You need to follow the same scheme as described above.

Another place where a person comes into contact with water is a pool. The pool water is chlorinated. How to be in this case? Do not be surprised, but the same mask will help you out - this is the only way you can protect your eyes from getting chlorine into them and onto your eyelashes.

Is it possible to go to the bath with eyelash extensions

Both in the bath and in the sauna there are always two things: very high humidity and temperature, and both of these factors are considered extremely harmful to the extended hairs.

Even if the specialist used the strongest glue for gluing hairs during extension, it will soften under the influence of these factors.

What happens if at this moment you touch the eyelashes or hook them? True, they will fall off, and very easily.

So that such a nuisance does not happen to you, be sure to monitor the maximum temperature and control it in the steam room. It should not exceed the index of 90 degrees Celsius. In addition, you should not stay there for a long time. And if you wash your face in a bath or sauna, then do not forget to monitor the temperature of the water, which should be slightly warm.

However, no matter how carefully you handle the hairs, visiting such places, you should still prepare for the fact that later you will need an extraordinary correction procedure.

What to do if eyelashes are made up?

In general, few of the girls dye their hair extensions.

Perhaps you stand out from the crowd and therefore want to make up your eyes with mascara, then in no case do not remove it by using a two-phase agent - this liquid contains an oily substance. How to remove mascara from eyelash extensions?

Long fluffy eyelashes are the dream of every girl, but nature has not endowed everyone with such wealth. And in order to correct the situation, we often spend hours looking for magic mascara or we build up these very eyelashes. And after the procedure, questions begin, how to care for eyelashes, how to wash your face with extended eyelashes, how to wear them in general? Many do not dare to undergo such a procedure, because they think that they need to treat eyelash extensions like crystal ones. But it's not that hard! Yes, there are some rules for taking care of eyelash extensions, but they are not so difficult to follow.

How to care for eyelash extensions - general rules

Eyelash extensions should be touched as little as possible. Ideally, no more than 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening when washing. It is impossible to clean the eyelids and eyelashes with greasy makeup removers. Also, do not lubricate the eyelids with oil or greasy cream, since any fat dissolves the glue with which the cilia are strengthened on the eyelids. In general, the easiest way to remove eyelash extensions at home is to apply a greasy cream or oil to the attachments. Apply in the evening, and in the morning the whole pillow will be in the cilia. So, if you want to take care of your eyelash extensions, choose creams and makeup removers as carefully as possible. Now you need only the lightest products, with a minimum content of fat and oils.

Do not curl eyelash extensions, there is a risk of breaking them. True, they are already a little twisted, so no additional manipulations are required.

You need to sleep with eyelash extensions carefully and only on your side or back. Burying your face in the pillow in the evening, in the morning in front of the mirror you will find your gorgeous eyelashes broken.

You can comb the extended eyelashes, like natural ones with a special brush, but you need to do this very carefully.

How to paint with extended eyelashes?

The question is generally quite strange when it comes to mascara. Why did you build up eyelashes so that they were long, thick and fluffy, right? Well, that's how it worked out, right? So why use mascara? No mascara will make your eyelashes more beautiful than they are now. And its daily use will only shorten the life of eyelash extensions. Yes, and removing makeup from the eyes, you will lose much more eyelash extensions than if you began to wash them as usual with water without using milk and rubbing your eyelids. As for other cosmetics (shadows, eyeliner), then you need to use it carefully, trying not to touch the fasteners. And of course, you also need to wash off makeup with caution.

Can you wet eyelash extensions?

Many girls doubt whether it is possible to wet eyelash extensions. Throw away anxiety, there will be nothing for such cilia from exposure to water. So you can wash with them, but you need to do it carefully, like all manipulations with extended eyelashes. It is necessary to avoid rubbing the cilia during washing, but otherwise you can wash as usual. Even a bath, sauna, pool or beach is not forbidden to visit. But only after washing the cilia can be gently combed with a brush and left to dry.

Do I need to do eyelash correction?

Even with the most careful handling, artificial eyelashes still fall off. This is due to the fact that natural cilia also not eternal and approximately every 20-25 days are replaced. As soon as our own eyelash falls out, the extension falls out with it. The correction will consist in the fact that a new one will be glued to the place of the dropped eyelash. After each loss, it is probably not worth visiting the master. But when the eyelashes begin to lose their "presentation", it's time to contact a specialist, well, or remove the eyelashes altogether. You decide.

As you can see, no special care is required for extended eyelashes, so if you really want to clap long eyelashes, you can safely build up, just keep your hands away from your eyes.

Proper care of eyelash extensions is a guarantee that they will last a long time and will please you with a beautiful bend for several weeks. There are a number of actions that will lead to the opposite result. It happens that the extended eyelashes after a few days begin to fall off or stick out in different directions. It's not always the master's fault. In most cases, the client himself, who takes care of them incorrectly, is to blame.


TOP 3 Common Mistakes

A professional master should tell you what you can and cannot do with eyelash extensions. But for some reason, many girls make the same mistakes. Taking care of your eyelashes is easy, it is much more difficult to change your habits. You can’t rub your eyes, touch your eyelids, put your hand on it. It is necessary to minimize any physical impact on the area around the eyes. If there is a strong itch, then it is wiser to go to the mirror and gently scratch the right place with a clean finger, trying not to touch the eyelids and the lash line.

The most common mistakes:

  1. Frequent eye washing. For the first 24 hours, you can’t wet the area around the eyelashes at all, the adhesive should get stronger. It is advisable to clean the face with a disk so that drops of water do not accidentally fall on the adhesions.
  2. Access to the pool, sauna, beach. Often eyelashes are done before a significant event or vacation. But it is the change in temperature, chlorinated, salt water that reduces their service life. Eyelashes lose their attractive appearance, peel off.
  3. Self-removal of eyelashes. At home, this can be done, but only correctly. In most cases, the bundles are torn off, which leads to the destruction of natural eyelashes.

By the way! Crying after eyelash extensions is also not recommended. The lacrimal fluid contains salt, which destroys the glue and irritates the mucous membranes. Therefore, the next few weeks will have to look at the world only from the positive side.

What is daily care

Most conventional cosmetics are not suitable for eyelash extensions. It is worth taking care of the selection and replacement in advance, especially for girls with dry and sensitive skin. Oils and other fatty ingredients are the main enemies of eyelash extensions. They will dissolve the glue, the bundles will begin to fall out, and unevenly.

How to take care of your eyelash extensions:

  1. It is advisable to wash your eyes in the morning with ordinary water without the use of foams and gels. The temperature should be warm, a few degrees above room temperature.
  2. Do not wipe the eyelashes, as they can be damaged. Pat your face gently with a towel.
  3. Combing eyelashes is the key to a beautiful look. It is advisable to purchase special brushes, as in mascara. They will help to smooth your own eyelashes without harm, align the extended tufts, and eliminate the need to tint.
  4. To remove eye makeup, use a cotton pad soaked in micellar water. The tool should be suitable for extended eyelashes. Wipe the upper and lower eyelids with a disk, trying not to affect the growth line and adhesion sites.
  5. To care for the skin of the eyelids, you need to choose the lightest water-based products. They should be quickly absorbed, leaving no fat on the surface. It is also important not to apply skin products just before bedtime, it is better to do it in advance.

After the eyelash extension procedure, the eyes may turn red and watery. This reaction is caused by evaporation of the adhesive composition. It is very important not to rub the eyelids, it is undesirable to bury something, if there is no urgent need. It is best to use a fan. He will help out at other times, it is better to keep the fan in your purse. It is recommended to fan dry eyelashes after washing. If the eyes continue to water, itching appears, the mucous membranes turn red, then we are most likely talking about an allergic reaction, more often it occurs on the glue.

Video: Care for extended eyelashes

Makeup Features

Eyelash extensions make everyday makeup easier by simply combing them. But for many girls this is not enough, they prefer to additionally apply shadows, draw arrows. In this case, you should understand that the emphasis will be on the eyes, you do not need to choose bright lipsticks, contours, glosses.

Makeup features:

  1. To draw arrows, it is advisable to use liners or eyeliners with small and thin brushes, which are convenient to start and use behind curled cilia.
  2. Do not apply greasy shadows, use bases and correctors with caution. Any oil-based cosmetics are banned.
  3. Loose shadows should also be applied carefully so that they do not have to be shaken off the extended eyelashes.
  4. It is undesirable to use persistent cosmetics, which will have to be removed with aggressive two-phase products. Choose only what is washed off with regular or micellar water.
  5. Mascara on extended eyelashes can be used, but not recommended. If you want to tint, then only the inside with natural hairs. Do not weigh down long artificial eyelashes, this will give an additional load to the eyelids.

Curling irons can be used on lash extensions, but infrequently. They will help to keep an attractive curve longer, make the look open. It is important that there is a protective rubber layer inside. Sharp creases should be avoided, besides, they look unnatural.

Video: Makeup with eyelash extensions

Proper sleep is not only a guarantee of health

Typically, eyelash extensions are long, curved, perfectly shaped and do not require curling. If the bundles bristle and stick out in different directions, bends and creases are visible on them, then this indicates improper rest.

How to sleep with lash extensions:

  1. You can't sleep face down on a pillow. Even lying on your side, you can bend the side bundles, so this can only be done during daytime rest, controlling the position.
  2. It is advisable to use silk pillowcases or other materials with a slippery surface. If accidentally touched, the eyelash will not catch on.
  3. Before going to bed, shadows, arrows and other cosmetics are always removed.

By the way! Pillowcases made of natural silk will not only help protect the cilia, but are also beneficial for the hair, preventing tangles and split ends. This material has also been proven to be best for skin with dermatitis and acne.

Timely correction

It is very important not only to properly care, but also to make a correction in time. The average wearing time is 2-4 weeks. It is impossible to leave artificial eyelashes for more than a month, you need to move the adhesion. Their eyelashes grow back, and under the influence of extended tufts and glue, they bend, break off, and the bulbs weaken. Fallout may not begin immediately, but after a few days or even weeks. It will be very difficult to stop it, so it is better to prevent it.

The total wearing time of artificial eyelashes should not exceed four months. Next, you need to give the centuries a rest. If thick and heavy beams with theatrical (puppet) effect are used, then it is not recommended to keep them for more than two months, and correction should be carried out every two weeks.

To make the look more expressive and emphasize the eyes, girls visit beauty salons and increase eyelashes. This procedure has a democratic cost, so every young lady can afford it - regardless of her financial capabilities. However, not everyone knows how to wash with eyelash extensions.


With such eyelashes, eye makeup can be kept to a minimum. Such beauty is very fragile, but it does not require special care and application of any means. The main rule is to be extremely careful with eyelashes so that you don’t have to turn to the master for correction ahead of time.

Particular attention should be paid to hygiene procedures, because you will have to wash your face with extended hairs very carefully.

Some beauties believe that water procedures should be completely abandoned until the eyelash extensions are removed. But it's not.

You can lead a normal life, the main thing is to minimize contact with the eye area, touching them.

It is worth figuring out how to properly wash your face, carry out water procedures without harming the extended hairs.

What to do after the end of the extension procedure?

As soon as the extension process is completed, a beauty salon specialist will tell you the basic rules for hair care. Feel free to ask him all the questions you are interested in, so that later you can avoid mistakes and carry out hygiene procedures correctly.

It is advisable not to carry out any actions with the face in the first 5 hours:

  • no need to check whether the eyelashes are in place - for this it is enough to look into the mirror;
  • should not be touched eyes with hands, rub, pull hairs;
  • Not recommended wash your face.

All these restrictions should be taken into account, since the adhesive must be given time to dry. Otherwise, you will harm your appearance, and you will have to go to a beauty salon for a premature correction.

Some experts advise generally to wait until 12 hours have passed, and only then do something. Then you will be completely sure that the glue has dried and seized. At this time, it is better to completely abandon decorative cosmetics.

Your tactic is to wait a few hours for the glue to completely harden. Only after that you can wash.

The main rule is that the more carefully you carry out hygiene procedures, the later you will have to go to a beauty salon for correction.

How to wash properly?

At first, you may get the impression that the process of washing with such hairs is a rather troublesome task, but over time you will get used to doing everything correctly, and it will not give you any discomfort.

The process of washing with eyelash extensions is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. Rinse your face with water temperature as close to room temperature as possible. It is better to use filtered water for washing.
  2. Pour a little foam or gel into the palm of your hand, Lightly lather your hand cleanser. Apply the resulting foamy consistency to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes and eyelashes.
  3. Rinse your face gently with water and pat it dry with a towel. The eye area can be left to dry or gently blot it with napkins.

This method of washing is perfect if you have not applied decorative cosmetics. If you think that make up will be incomplete without eye makeup, you are used to using shadows, mascara and pencil, then you need to remove makeup before the main wash. Wet the sponge with water or a special eyelash makeup remover and gently wipe your eyes with it, without pressure or effort. Then wash as above.

Well-known makeup artists are advised to take into account some rules during the washing process that will keep eyelash extensions in perfect condition:

  • High temperatures adversely affect the adhesive, therefore, for hygiene procedures, it is better to use water at room temperature or barely warm.
  • Use only filtered or purified water, since flowing can give your eyelashes stiffness, as well as lead to the destruction of the glue layer.
  • While washing, it is better to try not to touch the eyelids, Moreover, you can not rub or press on them, as fragile hairs can be damaged.
  • After water procedures it is best to let the lashes dry on their own or gently blot the hairs with tissues so as not to damage the shape.

  • For a while, you should stop using milk, cream or lotion. These products have a greasy consistency and easily break down the glue, leading to the loss of glued hairs.
  • To remove make-up from the eyes purchase a special tool for removing make up from extended eyelashes. Its gentle formula is specially designed not to destroy the adhesive layer.
  • Ordinary soap is forbidden for you, its alkaline base also has a bad effect on the adhesion of artificial material. Eyelash extensions will peel off quickly. It is best to opt for foams or gels for washing. Thanks to their light and delicate texture, they will not spoil your appearance.
  • While washing your hair do not expose your face to a strong jet, as high pressure can break fragile hairs or cause premature peeling.

Other water treatments

If you prefer an active holiday with a visit to the pool or cannot deny yourself the pleasure of taking a steam bath or sauna, then you need to be extremely careful:

  • Chlorinated pool water very quickly corrodes the adhesive substance with which the extended eyelashes are attached. Therefore, purchase special goggles for swimming. They will act as a barrier, preventing chlorine particles from getting into your eyes.
  • High temperature in the sauna or bath can soften the glue, and the hairs can crumble. Therefore, it is better to set the temperature in advance, which does not exceed 85 degrees. It is better not to sit in the steam room for a very long time so that the glue does not have time to melt.
  • It is also undesirable to go to the sea with eyelash extensions. If you still want to show off on the beach, then try not to wet your face and do not dive. When swimming, it is better to wear goggles or a mask.

If salty or chlorinated water gets on artificial elements, then you should immediately wash your face with filtered or purified water.