How to recycle an old denim jacket. Simple ways to decorate a denim jacket, tips for beginners

Hello! My name is Sasha Sanochki and I run the Second Street blog dedicated to stylish and creative clothing alterations. Every day I publish 5 new articles on this topic.

I did not personally make all of these alterations without exception. But I've been getting up at 5 a.m. for almost two years every day to find (before work) 5 fresh and interesting ideas for reworking clothes from old to stylish, translate them, process all the photos, make them in the same style, write a post and publish it . In two years they accumulated exactly 3000.

Every day I scroll through about 4,000 sites in the reader in search of materials, and only a third of their materials relate to handmade or fashion - I find the rest of the ideas in gossip columns, style coms, films, clips and even magazines like Forbes sometimes. I just want to have it all in one place.

I would like to show you at least a few of the 3000 ideas that have accumulated over 2 years on the site:

I decided to choose only 5 ideas for each of the popular types of clothing alterations in the last month, because it is difficult to choose from 3000 equally interesting ones). And I tried to choose those that can be shown here, without dragging a bunch of photos with master classes

So let's go:

5 t-shirt redesign ideas

1. Alteration of a vest:

I love alterations of vests). There is nowhere easier: a vest + a bowl of paint for dipping. Looks really cool.)

2. Playing with the texture of the T-shirt:

A long cotton T-shirt can be cut - by cutting out circles, and then washed at high temperature - the sections will twist and will not “creep” (just don’t wring out in a typewriter!). Wear with a dress or leggings and a T-shirt.

3. How to tag a guy:

TeenVogue and designer Erin Fetherston come up with an idea: slather your lips with acrylic paint (fu, nasty, yup) and leave a print boldly right on the collar of his T-shirt or shirt. After drying, it remains only to iron it with the hottest possible iron - and your ex-libris on it forever. IMHO, on women's clothing somehow not very:

... and for men - that's it). A cute idea for faithful and tender lovers and a hot / playful one for notorious machos).

4. Shirt and T-shirt Dress:

What does it mean to combine beautifully)) - take a closer look - after all, the dress is actually a mix of shirts and T-shirts cut and sewn together.

5. T-shirt - blinds:

A $48 tutorial on converting two T-shirts into a sort of blinds T-shirt from Anthropologie can be found on the website, it's too detailed to copy.

5 jeans redesign ideas

1. Jeans from pieces:

I think that such a fit would not be easy to achieve if they were really sewn from pieces. So - most likely, these are thin summer jeans, on which pieces of other summer and thin ones that match in shades were sewn. And then cut off the bottom layer in places. In my opinion, there are only a couple of places where the main fabric up to the knees on top was really replaced in some area with another.

2. Ulyana Kim Dress:

Very beautiful combination of two types of jeans!

3. Isabel Marant Painted Jeans:

Painted jeans idea by Isabel Marant permanent marker in hand - and go!

4. Men's T-shirt and Jeans Makeover:

Listen, well, this, in my opinion, is just wildly cool! Something really interesting and wearable for guys. Yes, for girls too. I think that in this way you can decorate with belts both the bag and the back of the jacket.

As a bonus to the picture - a slightly rocker way to slightly increase the length of the jeans or save those that are worn out on the knees). Although with old, stretched and worn jeans, I think it will look pathetic.

It's better to use both ideas if HE decided to quit his office plankton career and finally become a rock musician. For the first concerts - the most it).

5. Bear from old jeans. Just a bear):

5 shoe redesign ideas:

1. Men's Creative Business Shoes:

It was, yes, it was already 5 times. But in this case, I liked the performance - on strict men's shoes. With a business suit and tie, it should break the patterns of impressionable partners. You say goodbye after the meeting, they leave the table to shake your hand - and, seeing the shoes, they hang) ....

2. Shredded Converse:

Shredded Converse the famous model of sneakers - the legends of the converse family, released last year and ideally suited the hot summer of 2010). They look desperately vintage - shabby, as if crumbling on the go. Ideal for delicate girlish dresses, relaxed knitwear, denim mini shorts and skinny jeans. They became an unusual and stylish alternative to the uniform of Moscow streets - ballet flats, gladiator sandals and sandals with webbed high heels.

The next summer is promised to be just as stuffy, so it makes sense not to throw away your old sneakers, but to repeat this "chip" on your own - at the same time save $ 80 (regular Converses cost from $ 40, and the Shredded model, which is in the photo - $ 120).

Everything is quite simple, take nail scissors - and go ahead, so below I will list only a few tips “essentially” from the source (links to all sources are in the posts on the site):

1. When cutting out the rectangles between the blocks, be sure not to cut the rectangle behind the leg, on the heel. There should have remained a dense rectangular area, conceived by the manufacturer - it is he who will hold back the entire structure in the end.

2. Converse sells these models with or without a laced tongue, depending on the color. Decide which is more convenient for you. If you decide to cut - outline the same semicircle around your fingers (the same depth) as on your favorite ballet flats - and cut boldly. It should be 1-1.5 cm wide - wider than the “rubber nose” of the sneaker. It will look like this:

3. It is convenient to make “dranina” along the cuts just with your fingers. Rub the edges well between your fingers as shown in the photo below. the lining of the converse frays more than the upper colored dense fabric - therefore it is better not to rub it, only the upper paint layer - it will quickly unravel to the width of the upper layer.

3. How to decorate men's shoes with spikes, but nobly:

In this case, one shoe would completely subdue me (especially if a casual jacket is on top).

4. Painting shoes with markers and paints:

Great shoe decor idea by artist Deborah Thomson. Deborah uses popular techniques with tattoo designs on shoes, and paints wedding shoes, etc. etc.

5. Shoes with Painted Soles:

The original move is not to paint the shoes themselves, but only their soles. It does not bend as much as shoe socks, for example - which means that the paint in these places will not crack. Provided high heels - and it will be seen well. For example, I always notice yellow price tags on shoes that are not torn off in these places when I follow someone along the path)).

5 Dress Up Ideas

1. Constructor: Sports Tank Back & Sexy Dress:

In my opinion, very cool! In front, for sure, is the standard "sexy kitty" - and when you turn your back - you show the world the other side of yourself - athletic and perky). And the difference in color only emphasizes it.

The jumper on top - in my opinion, looks like a strap from a cheap sports backpack)).

2. Dress with slits:

A beautiful texture and a way to revive an old dress with a second one thrown over the top. On the top dress, if it is made of acetate silk, the pattern can be "burned out" with a standard wood burner. We burned whole lace collars to each other at needlework lessons at school.

3. Luminous Paints:

Remember, earlier at VDNH, for example, in the pavilion "Culture", luminous paints for fabric were sold in departments with various luminous nonsense? In such small round plastic tubes. In addition, they are often found in various stalls, especially for some reason near the railway station).

Here's what happens if you paint clothes with them:

One of my friends used such tubes (of different colors) to paint a paisley dress with such luminous colors with such luminous colors. I just put dots of different colors along the contour of different cucumbers. Since during the day this paint is translucent, and she chose the color (and the dress is motley) - during the day it was completely unnoticeable. And at night it was a bomb! It looked very even - not at all vulgar, as elegant as possible - apparently due to the subtlety of the drawing.

4. Decorate a simple dress:

Zebra - not a zebra, a mask - not a mask ... in general, like this, with the help of an appliqué, an ordinary white trapeze dress was given an almost mystical look.

5. NedoBeckham reworked turtleneck dress by Joseph Altuzarra.

A promising new designer is Jezzef Altuzarra and his idea (he clearly sympathizes with Victoria Beckham and her models) to remake a sweater dress:

You will need:
Turtleneck in cotton jersey dress (they used American Apparel).
Two shoulder pads.
Scissors, needles and threads.

The recipe for “feel a little Wicca” is simple:

Cut off the sleeves so as to leave a little "wings" at an angle.

With the rest of the sleeves, we tighten the overhead "shoulders" on one side.

We hem them from the inside to the dress, at the same time slightly bending the edges.

5 ideas for altering jackets

1. This jacket costs $ 410 - and pins in the right amount - 500-700 rubles. And every second person has a Chanel-style jacket;).

2. The idea of ​​altering the jacket from the 2011 lookbook by Junky Styling.

3. Sheer Back Blazer:

Jacket, part of the back of which was replaced with a transparent insert. In the showroom, the top of the jacket consisted of two parts, one on top of the other: when altering your jacket, you can simply cut it off and sew on the inside of the transparent fabric pleated, sewing it into the side seams:

By the way, did you pay attention to the decor of the trousers with a ribbon?

4. Another Zara Coat:

Zara seems to have finally remembered where they started and began to do “sharp” things again. Another Zara coat in my collections is another confirmation of this.

The original reverse side of the collar - usually the skin is sewn there (besides, it allows you to keep the collar "raised" - for example, I just go like that). It can be made from a beautiful tie) - here, it seems, this is done.

5 shirt makeover ideas:

1. shirt redesign idea:

2. Pants - saruel from a shirt:

Shirt alteration. If everything is clear with the topic (everything was cut off at the level of pockets and on an elastic band) - then an explanation for how to make panties a la "saruel" from a shirt- see under the cut:

source material).

Having outlined a semicircle, we make a collar along it.

We steam the pockets carefully - they will interfere with the material of the shirt to drape plastically.

As a result, it should turn out like this (after you sew the hole in place of the collar):

At the waist, the design is regulated by a knot).

3. Unusually "dirty" shirt:

Brilliant, unusually soiled shirt)! In a bright cage - turquoise - purple - I will definitely repeat for myself. It will be enough, I think, to dip 6/8 into black paint on a Dylon-type fabric (it does not need to be heated, boiled, and other perversions).

4. An elegant way to downsize a shirt:

5. Hybrid:

Hybrid GMO shirts and sweatshirts from Hussein Chalayan.

5 accessories ideas

1. 0_o suddenly!

Chain on a garter for stockings.

2. Congenial Clutch:

One of the few easy-to-sew clutch bags, which only benefits from ease of manufacture. And the pattern of such a clutch is nowhere simpler and is sold in every second store - just today I bought croissants at Azbuka Vkusa, for example) - in a craft bag of the ideal size for this case.

3. Ring Bracelet:

If you have been offered 8 times and you have never returned the ring back, you can make a bracelet out of them and wear it proudly, like a savage woman, a necklace from the scalps of defeated enemies. Well, like how they draw stars on planes for those shot down in battle).

4. Shoulder straps on the coat:

To make such leather shoulder straps on a coat, leather from one glove will be enough. Another thing is that they need to be “supported” with something then - for example, with a belt made of the same leather texture.

5. Bags and backpacks from leather jackets:

We wrote many times about bags made from old leather jackets. But personally, I adore, firstly, backpacks, and secondly, such a simplified, a la masculine, style in bags:

I couldn't even choose what to show you - I liked everything so much! And the prices are quite real, not overpriced.

and for a snack 5 interior ideas:

1. T-shirt rugs:

Laura is a seamstress with more than 20 years of experience and great taste. That is why she managed to build a successful business on what many are trying to make money on: recycling T-shirts from second-hand stores into carpets and rugs.

Laura's rugs always attract attention with subtle color combinations and original shapes. 20 photos - under the cut (and there you will also find a link to the photo - a master - class on crocheting a similar rug - the main thing is there - it’s clear how to hide the ends by tying cut T-shirts together). Laura herself, in my opinion, weaves them with pigtails, after which she painstakingly sews the pigtails together ( I would like to know with what machine or foot she manages to take such a thickness). It takes her 3-4 months to make one rug out of T-shirts.

2. How to decorate the wall with old magazines:

Idea by extra budget wall decor from Irina: these strips are simply folded into tubes and flattened magazine pages pasted onto the base.

Moreover, you can decorate in this way not only the wall, but also the vases:

And photo frames:

3. Bears - pillows from shirts:

Annika Jermyn makes teddy bears out of old shirts and calls them Mr._ then the individual name of each _ and sells for $75. You can even order from your own shirt. The toys are large - 40 centimeters high and 48 - wide.

4. Pillows with interesting textures:

Handmade sofa cushion with ingenious texture. For such laborious work and $ 265 is not a pity.

Although this one, for $110, a pillow with a British flag made of leather, is no worse.

5. Cool dude, yo! Mr. Ben Venom makes patchwork quilts from old T-shirts with heavy metal prints in the same style. For connoisseurs, so to speak).

In general, I invite you all to visit the "Second Street", who are interested in the topic of alterations in clothing or interior)).

PS. Lastly, we have contests going on there, participate with your ideas, the prizes will be good)!

The denim jacket has long been a classic item in every girl's wardrobe. Regardless of the preferred style, denim can always look appropriate. If you think that your model is outdated or just want to update it, then we will help you breathe new life into it and make the item truly unique.

We color the jeans

If your denim jacket is too dark and you would like to lighten it, you will need a plastic container, bleach, disposable gloves and rubber bands, depending on how you want to lighten your denim.

Fill the container with a mixture of bleach and warm water in a ratio of 1:4, put on gloves and completely immerse the jacket in the solution for 5 minutes. If you are satisfied with the resulting color, rinse the denim from bleach residue in clean water and place the jacket in the washing machine. If you want a lighter color, check the jacket every 5 minutes until you get the color you want.

Tips for dyeing denim:

- In order to get the effect of embedded fabric, before marking the jeans in the water, wrap it with stationery rubber bands. After the procedure, remove the gum with scissors.
- Optionally, you can highlight the sleeves or part of the jacket separately.
- After the lightening procedure, you can paint the jacket in any other color. On a light fabric, the paint will be taken much easier.

Rivets can be a great way to update your denim jacket. Whether you prefer flats or spikes, you'll need pliers, a fabric marker, and a measuring tape.

The first thing you need to do is mark the location of your future decor. Then position the pins and gently pierce the fabric with them. On the reverse side, bend all the teeth towards the center and inspect the result. If you are satisfied with the resulting image, bend the teeth in a downward direction.

Pearl beads will look more feminine and sophisticated. You can do this all around the denim, or more locally. Use a thin thread and make sure that, in the second case, you make the stitches close enough to each other and, at the same time, do not make them tight.

Changing the concept

If you're craving a dramatic change, why not change your sleeves? Use any fabric that is comfortable for you, or even soft leather. Cut off the sleeves of your jacket, fold the fabric in half, and trace around the sleeve with a fabric marker. Cut along the contour and sew the resulting sleeve along the edge. Turn the jacket inside out and sew on a new sleeve. Repeat steps with the other sleeve.

The most popular clothing is, without a doubt, jeans. They are worn by everyone - from small to large. How to decorate jeans with your own hands, and give them a new life? We will try to help you with an idea and a master class.

Many people have jeans in their closet that they are tired of - but you can change them, and make a very interesting and individual model out of simple pants.

How to update old jeans? This can be done by embroidering them with satin stitch, cross stitch, sequins. You can make decor with scuffs, small holes - this is now back in trend. Updating old jeans and giving them a second chance.

Of course, now you will not surprise anyone with embroidery. But if you decorate jeans with embroidery, and this embroidery is done with taste, with your own hands, it is very much in demand and fashionable. If you watch any fashion show, especially the show of Dolce & Gabbana collections - how many embroidered, beautiful things! Before decorating old jeans, you need to think and plan your decor with taste. For skilled needlewomen, and just beginners, we recommend satin stitch embroidery, and decoration with beads and sequins. A wonderful thing can be done in a few evenings. See how to decorate jeans with rhinestones.

Sequins and beads

Another decor with which you can decorate your boring jeans: sequins and beads.

It's up to you to decide which is more convenient for you. So you can decorate not only jeans, but also a denim jacket. And one more tip: it is better to do the appliqué on the sides of the jeans, on the pockets, or around. It is imperative to draw the outline of the drawing so as not to do unnecessary work.

For those who have never dealt with sequins - our little explanation. Sequins can be sewn both singly and in a row.

If you need to sew sequins in a row, use the seam forward needle (Fig. a). We string the sequin on the needle, and make a puncture in the fabric. The stitch size should be equal to the size of the sequin itself. Next, we bring the needle to the front side at a distance equal to the size of the sequin again, and sew on the next one. And so we sew on as many details (sequins) as needed. The last one is best secured with a bead. This pattern resembles fish scales (Fig. b)

You can sew on sequins and stitch back the needle. Thus, we perform embroidery, as if layering the details one on top of the other (Fig. d). In order to make volumetric embroidery, the details are layered with beads (Fig. e).

See how you can embroider a heart with beads and sequins.

And how cool the embroidered heart on jeans looks, and the big flower from the same sequins looks great.

And this is how the decoration with sequins of a denim jacket looks like.

Or another option for decorating a denim jacket with satin stitch embroidery and sequins with beads. First, we make embroidery on the fabric, then we sew the appliqué directly onto the denim.

More options for denim jackets with embroidery decoration.

Turkish cucumber beadwork - paisley.

It happens that you put a stain on jeans, or get caught somewhere - and tear the fabric. This is the application for such cases. You can make a single motif, or you can make an application in several places, just do not forget about symmetry! How to decorate jeans? A fairly common way to decorate jeans with your own hands is applique with a cloth. Fashion applique - paisley, or Turkish cucumber. This is how beautifully decorate children's jeans, and not only children's.

For such a decor, you need to put a finishing fabric under the jeans, draw a small cucumber. Next, along the chalk line we scribble on a machine, or manually a line in the shape of a cucumber. Cut the cucumber from the wrong side close to our line. Trim off excess fabric. Next, we process the cut with a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine. We do another curly line by hand, or by machine. If the applique is large, you can add 1-2 more curly lines.

How to decorate jeans with lace? Lace is always gentle and feminine. Things with lace speak of your individuality and delicate taste. Lace never goes out of style, to make an appliqué, a lace patch - that's all we need. Lace can be narrow or wide, color: white, black, flesh. If you know how to crochet, that's great. Then you can knit a motive, or tie the bottom of the jeans with your own hands - this is very important in the summer season. At the bottom, you can also make a lapel of lace.

And these are diagrams and drawings, according to which you can make embroidery with satin stitch. It should be noted that if you are afraid that the floss threads may shed during washing, dip them in a container of hot water before work. Then the next wash does not shed. Another option is to embroider with light threads, in different tones.

Important! Wash jeans with embroidery, sequins, beads, and rhinestones by turning them inside out!

We have offered you several ways to beautifully update old, boring things at the top and bottom. We hope you find our ideas helpful.

Butterflies are a stylish accessory that is relevant for both men and girls. From one pair of old jeans, you can make a whole dozen different butterflies for yourself and your friends.

2. Bags

Old pair of jeans + strap = lunch bag or tote.

3. Wall and desktop organizers

Such a cute coaster can be made even with children. Looks nice and keeps your hands warm.

5. Pillow

If you have a brutal bachelor interior at home, then such a pillow will come in handy. The pockets can be used as remote storage.

6. Mat

If you have accumulated a lot of old denim clothes, you can make a rug out of it - such as in the photo above, or such as in this video instruction.

7. Shoes

If you are not afraid of complex projects, then the idea of ​​​​making shoes or these “denim boots” may inspire you to create your own masterpiece.

This detachable collar is very easy to make. If you have an unnecessary old shirt with defects, just cut off the collar from it and decorate it with studs, rhinestones, spikes, beads or something else.

A great option for men is a holster made from old jeans, in which you can put small tools and parts when doing various jobs. Making a holster is very easy. It is enough to cut off the upper part with pockets and process the sections.

Dedicated to lovers of casual style: a table napkin with a cozy pocket for cutlery.

If you take a pair of jeans, connect the legs and cut off the excess, then the back pockets will turn into breast pockets, and the jeans themselves will turn into a convenient apron.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, such a simple decoration is very relevant. It is recommended for adult and very young fashionistas, as well as natures who are in love with life.

Bill Jackson

A pair of jeans can also be made into a gift box for wine with a functional corkscrew pocket. Instruction.

Are you tired, stressed? Pick up scissors and cut, cut, cut your jeans into long strips. Of these, you can twist rolls of different diameters and use them, for example, to decorate a frame. Instruction.

15. Covers for paper and e-books

Another option for a practical housewife is to recycle jeans into potholders.

17. Necklace

18. Furniture upholstery

If you've got a lot of old denim, it might be enough to upholster a few pieces of furniture.

19. Mask

20. Coasters

Every part of jeans can be useful to you. For example, seams make excellent coasters and coasters for hot dishes. Instruction.

Such a non-standard and eye-catching option for using old jeans can come in handy in a country house or balcony.

22. House for a kitten

23. Denim skirt

In the end, if the jeans are torn somewhere, get very dirty, or you are a little tired of their style, you can dye them, decorate them, tear them figuredly with your own hands, turn them into shorts or even a skirt.

A few cans of paint, sequins and a love of space are the main ingredients for turning ordinary jeans into galactic ones. Instruction.

If you've never done handmade, but you want to, try to make prints on a pair of jeans that you don't mind. Take red textile paint, cut out a heart-shaped stencil and decorate your knees with a romantic print.

Large holes on jeans can be decorated with lace inserts. You can also decorate the edges of shorts, pockets and other parts of the product with lace.

Remember that it is almost impossible to achieve a very smooth transition of colors, and the first time the result may not be very joyful. Gradient coloring is a matter of practice. By the way, the gradient can also be done with bleach.

28. Decorating with rhinestones

An interesting way to transform jeans, which requires lace fabric and special felt-tip pens for fabric.

And jeans can be cut with a blade many, many times - you get something in the style of one of the Chanel models.

Don't throw away your old combat jeans. Give them new life! We hope you find these ideas helpful and inspire your own DIY projects.



A denim jacket or vest is in the wardrobe of almost every girl. This stylish and practical item almost never goes out of style, and you may already have several jeans in different colors and styles in your closet. Do not rush to put them away in a distant drawer, if you are tired of them, it is better update your denim jacket keeping in mind the fashion trends of this season.

Denim is great for beginner needlewomen and experienced crafters alike, as there are many ways to update your denim pieces and give them a fresh trendy look. What exactly should be done with denim this season so that it becomes fashionable again, we tell in this publication!

Denim jacket decor idea: patches

Back in the fall, we talked about the incredible popularity of patches among fashionistas around the world (by the way, at this link you can find a bunch of ideas for inspiration). Probably the reason for this is the Gucci collection, in which beautiful denim jackets appeared, decorated with images of flowers and animals. Fashionistas just fell in love with this thing!

But if you can't buy a Gucci denim jacket, then this is a great excuse to make your own designer denim jacket. Moreover, the process of its creation will not require much effort and even a person who has never taken a needle in his hands will cope with it.

You will need:

Ready-made patches (they can be purchased at any fabric or needlework store, as well as in online stores)

Gauze (or other thin cloth)

Old denim jacket

Arrange the patches on the denim as you like. If the patch is large, then it is better to fasten it to the fabric with a few stitches. Lay the jacket with patches on the ironing board, place gauze or other thin fabric on top of the patches and iron on high temperature. If you do not use gauze, you may damage the patches. Hold the iron for a few seconds on each patch so that it adheres well. Enjoy the result.

If for some reason you don't like the finished patches or don't reflect your design intent, you can make your own patches. But you can hardly stick such patches, they will have to be sewn to a denim jacket. There are two ways to make such patches - embroider or draw. This process is shown in detail in the video master class. As an explanation, I’ll add to it that you need to paint on jeans with special acrylic paints for fabric, which are sold in art stores or needlework stores.

Updating a denim jacket: fabric decor

Pieces of any fabric that may be at hand will help to update the jeans. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and come up with your own version of the decor, and in the master class in the photo below you will see three different options for decorating jeans with fabric. For this decor you need:

Cut out a piece of fabric that fits in shape and size to the part of the denim shirt to which you will sew it

Sew on the fabric by carefully folding its edges or leave the edge unfinished if you like fringe

Embroidery - a new life for an old jeans

If you know how to embroider and you have the patience for this activity, then a huge field for creativity opens up before you. Embroidery with rations on denim this season is more relevant than ever. You can embroider a large pattern on the back of a denim jacket or limit yourself to miniature embroideries on pockets, lapels or cuffs - both options will be relevant. Below I offer you a photo of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bembroidering jeans with sequins, and under them you will find a small video tutorial on simple embroidery with sequins.

Jeans decor idea - drawing

Another way to update and decorate a denim jacket is to make a pattern on it. If you know how to draw, then there will be no difficulties, but even if drawing is not your forte, you can come up with options. For example, print a template of a simple drawing on a sheet, cut it out and circle it on a denim jacket. It is possible that complex pictures cannot be obtained right away, but it is quite possible to draw something interesting. If the denim is light, draw the outline with a thin pencil, if it is dark, use a thin bar of soap to draw.

After you have drawn the outline, you can start coloring. For this, special acrylic paints for textiles are used. Before applying them, you can use a special base or primer for acrylic, so that the paints do not seep onto the wrong side of the shirt, but this is not necessary. In the video tutorial below you can see the whole process of drawing on a denim jacket.

What ideas did you like the most? If you liked the article, share the link with a friend, she may also be interested)