How and at what age to pierce the ears of a child, a girl? What earrings to choose for a girl for the first time? When is it better to pierce the ears, what earrings to wear after piercing the ears Piercing the ears according to the horoscope vg.

The article contains detailed information on the issue of piercing the ears of a child, including describing the main techniques that are used for this, contains recommendations for caring for pierced ears, helps determine the appropriate age for the procedure, and answers many other questions.

The dilemma of ear piercing sooner or later occupies the thoughts of almost all parents of girls. There are many doubts and questions. On the one hand, any mother is driven by the desire to make her princess even more beautiful and sweeter, on the other hand, there is a fear of making a decision without the conscious will of the child, on the third, health issues and the risk of undesirable consequences overcome. How to find the golden mean, and when is it better to decide on this procedure?

At what age can you pierce the ears of a child, a girl?

girl with earrings

Naturally, there is no unambiguous universal age for ear piercing.
First of all, you need to honestly answer yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you want to pierce your child's ears?
  • What are you most afraid of?

The reasons:

  • perhaps you remember how scared you were and want to pierce your child's ears as soon as possible
  • tired of the fact that many often specify whether you have a girl or a boy
  • all the ears familiar to your children have already been pierced, and you do not want your child to lag behind in something
  • the child asks for it

The most common fears:

  • hurting a child
  • negative consequences of a puncture
  • making a decision for the child, which he will not approve at a conscious age

baby with pierced ears

If you are driven by the first three reasons, you must be aware that you are doing this primarily for yourself. Think, if you were a child, you would approve of the same behavior of your parents. If you are sure that your baby will only thank you in the future for the ears pierced in early childhood, with a responsible approach, ear piercing will not do any harm. But if there are still doubts, it is better to postpone the procedure. You can pierce your ears if you wish, at any age.

The simplest case is when you are interested in ear piercing at the request of a child. You only need to study the issue from a medical point of view. Fortunately, there are few restrictions here. Almost all representatives of medicine will recommend that you age from 3 to 11-12 years. And if the child made his own decision and asks to pierce his ears, most likely he falls into this age range.

child trying on earrings

The age of three years is explained as follows:

  • A young child is more difficult to tolerate inflammatory processes, which is not excluded during the piercing procedure. Many drugs have an age limit of up to 2-3 years, so there may be difficulties with medical care in case of complications.
  • It is difficult for a small child to explain that it is impossible to touch the ears during the healing period, the child grabs everything in a row, can bring dirt, catch on an earring or try to remove it
  • Ear treatment after piercing can bring discomfort to the child, and a restless little stubborn one can rebel against an unpleasant procedure.
  • Children's ears undergo changes, the final formation of cartilage and auricle occurs, according to various estimates, by the 4-6th year
  • After three years, the child can already talk about his feelings and desires.

As for fears about pain, psychologists say that a child under 1.5-2 years old most likely will not understand what happened to him, will not feel fear and pain. In contrast to the older age, when children often want, but are afraid to pierce their ears.

fear of ear piercing

However, it should be noted that in the first case, you will get rid of the problem of fear, but you risk showing selfish inclinations and imposing your desires on the child, and you will also have to be as responsible as possible in choosing a specialist and caring for a puncture due to the vulnerability of a very small person.

In the second case, the choice of the child will be conscious, but he will have to face a sense of fear and expectation of pain. In adolescence (after 12 years), you will still have to go through a complex and longer healing process.

To be fair, modern piercing techniques are much less painful than the ones our parents used to pierce their ears, but that didn't stop those who really craved to see beautiful pebbles in their ears.

How do I prepare for my child's ear piercing?

girl wants earrings

The first stage has been passed: the decision to pierce the ears has been made. Your next steps:

  • study contraindications, if necessary, consult a doctor
    choose a piercing method
  • determine the location of the procedure
  • wait for the right time
  • if the child is not breastfeeding and is already able to understand, you should first, without intimidating, tell what awaits him so that he is psychologically ready, but you should not “get hung up” too much, because the child can get more nervous than the puncture procedure itself lasts
  • ensure proper aftercare
  • get the "right" earrings

When should children not have their ears pierced?

Exclamation point

With all the great desire, there are situations when ear piercing is undesirable or even contraindicated:

  • in the presence of any ear diseases (only with the permission of the otolaryngologist)
  • in case of diagnosing chronic and systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, asthma, hepatitis, lupus, epilepsy, etc.)
  • with dermatological problems (eczema, dermatitis, crusts behind the ears, etc.)
  • with an abnormal structure of the auricle or the presence of voluminous moles on the earlobe
  • if you are allergic to nickel (as a rule, nickel is used in the production of earrings, even in small quantities) or other metals
  • if the blood coagulation parameters do not meet the standards
  • with a pronounced predisposition to scarring, etc.

Where is the best place to pierce a child's ears: at home or in a salon?

In most cases, this question can be answered unequivocally - in a beauty salon or medical center / clinic. Particular attention should be paid to this issue when piercing the ears of a very small crumb.

ear piercing in salon

The advantages of carrying out the procedure in special conditions are obvious:

  • professionalism and experience of specialists
  • availability of necessary tools
  • sterility conditions
  • qualified care advice

Nevertheless, the service of visiting a specialist at home is becoming popular. This can be justified if, for example, the child is small and you are afraid of appearing once again in a public place, or the child reacts sharply to an unfamiliar environment, and you are worried that this will become additional stress for the baby. In this case, the home environment will help psychologically facilitate the child's ear piercing procedure.

The main thing is to make sure that the specialist has a medical education and has the right to carry out such procedures, and is also equipped with all the necessary sterile instruments.

An experienced cosmetologist will make the piercing symmetrical, painless and safe.

Painless ear piercing for children: how to pierce ears without pain

ear piercing with a gun

The main methods of ear piercing are currently:

  • manual piercing with a needle
  • gun piercing
  • piercing with System 75

The natural desire of parents is to protect the child from pain. Therefore, for piercing the ears of children, a “gun” is usually used. The advanced "gun" technology using the System 75 is the most painless.

The procedure for piercing a child's ears with a needle, the pros and cons

piercing needles

A long-used method of piercing involves manual piercing with a special catheter needle.


  • the needle is selected according to the size of the earlobe
  • there is no restriction on the choice of earrings (you can wear any at once, including gold ones)

IMPORTANT: It should be remembered that gold may contain impurities that often cause allergic manifestations, rejection of earrings, etc. That is why, during the healing period, preference should be given to earrings made of special medical materials or gold 999 (without impurities)


  • the sight of a needle can really scare a child
  • the procedure is relatively painful and lengthy
  • often accompanied by the appearance of small droplets of blood, which can cause fear in the crumbs

It is for these reasons that needle piercing is not recommended for children. Although among adults, this method is becoming less popular.

The procedure for piercing a child's ears with a "gun": the pros and cons

ear piercing gun

The most common way to pierce the ears, which is the use of a reusable "gun".

  • Before the puncture, the "gun" and the earlobe are disinfected
  • Sterile-packed stud earrings chosen by you on the spot are inserted into the “gun”
  • The shank of the earring acts as a needle
  • In an instant, the earring is shot through the earlobe with a pistol and automatically fastens.


  • rapidity
  • painlessness
  • sterility
  • the processes of piercing, inserting and fastening the earring occur simultaneously
  • the use of special earrings made of medical steel, which practically do not cause allergies and promote good healing

Over time, earrings can be exchanged for gold, silver

ear piercing with a gun


  • reusable "gun", despite disinfection, still carries a small risk of infection
  • the device makes a sound when pierced, which can scare the child and discourage the desire to pierce the second ear
  • relatively limited selection of earrings
  • "gun", like any automatic device, may not work or "jam", which can cause an unpredictable reaction of the child

However, the likelihood of realizing the negative consequences of the "gun" is very small, and therefore it is popular, especially for piercing the ears of children.

Ear piercing for children using System 75

We are talking about the new equipment of the American company STUDEX Co. USA. Professional device for piercing the ears SYSTEM 75 (System 75) is:

  • disposable sterile cartridge with a pair of sterile containers with needle earrings
  • reusable tool

Immediately before the puncture:

  • sterile containers with earrings are opened
  • cartridge with needle earrings is installed from above into the instrument
  • the device is brought to the ear with a sterile part - a cartridge
  • puncture is carried out
  • the earring is in the ear in a closed state

Pros and Cons of System 75 Ear Piercing


  • rapidity
  • lack of noise, unlike the usual "gun", which is important so as not to frighten the child
  • maximum sterility due to disposable cartridge
  • the needle is very thin and specially sharpened, which ensures the practical absence of pain
  • neither the earring nor the clasp come into contact with the reusable part of the device, which increases the level of sterility of the procedure
  • the design of the device virtually eliminates the risk of a miss, does not require additional settings, since the earrings are already installed in the cartridges in the right way according to individual sizes
  • it is possible to pierce the ears at different times due to the fact that each earring is individually packed in a sterile container
  • needle earrings are made of medical hypoallergenic steel, titanium, bioflex

ear piercing with System 75

essential cons System 75 does not, except that:

  • the needle of the earring is super thin, which means that at first it will be possible to wear only earrings with a thin bow
  • the choice of first earrings here is also limited to those specially made for System 75
  • the probability of failure or jamming of the automatic device is practically reduced to zero, but still exists

Having chosen the appropriate option for piercing the ears of a child, pay attention to the time of the procedure. At high air temperatures, the healing process is more difficult and longer, often accompanied by inflammatory processes. In addition, during the hot season, the child may wish to swim in a river or other body of water, which is not recommended until the pierced channel heals. Therefore, summer is not the best time for ear piercing.

As for the winter period, the risk of infection is low. But keep in mind that the child will often be in a hat, which can cause unwanted chafing and prevent proper healing.

girl with pierced ears in a hat

Perhaps the most successful will be the off-season. In any case, focus not on the calendar month, but on weather conditions. The colder it is, the better the wound will heal.

How should I care for my child's ears after a piercing?

The most important part of ear piercing is proper care. As a rule, the basic recommendations that the salon / clinic will probably tell you after piercing are as follows:

1. Do not remove the earrings during the healing time, which is approximately 1-1.5 months. The exact time is sick, depending on the method of piercing, you can check with the master
2 . Treat puncture sites daily (see below)
3. On the 2-3rd day, start the procedure of turning the earrings in the ears, which is necessary to prevent stagnation, overgrowth and for the purpose of natural expansion of the pierced holes, since when pierced with a gun, in particular System 75, they are very narrow for standard earrings

IMPORTANT: It is desirable to scroll in both directions, and you can also move the earrings back and forth without unfastening them and strictly observing the cleanliness of your hands.

child with earrings

4. For the first few days, it is better to refrain from any water procedures and excessive physical exertion.
5. Adhere to enhanced sanitary and hygienic measures: avoid contact with any potential sources of irritation and infection: telephone, dirty hands, tight hats and scarves, etc.
6. It is also best to temporarily eliminate the risk of hair catching with new earrings by braiding the hair up (high ponytail, bun)
7. After the healing period is over, temporary medical alloy earrings can be removed and replaced with gold or silver ones. Wearing the original earrings for a longer time is also not forbidden.

Treatment of the child's ears after piercing

hydrogen peroxide

For antiseptic manipulations at the puncture sites, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide (3%), chlorhexidine, miramistin and similar drugs. You can treat the lobes with alcohol solutions, but preferably in older children. Alcohol is not recommended for small crumbs. In addition, when piercing with System 75, you may be offered to purchase special lotions and treatment solutions from STUDEX.

funds from STUDEX

Sometimes immediately after the puncture, the specialist treats the wound with medical glue. In this case, the care process is greatly facilitated, there is no need for daily processing and scrolling of the earring until the glue disappears on its own.

Otherwise, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic with a cotton swab to the punctured hole at least twice a day for a month. In this case, the earring should not be removed, it is necessary to carefully move it away from the earlobe and process the puncture site from both sides (and from the side of the fastener too).

Consequences of piercing a child's ears

The presence of slight redness and slight pain during the first two days after the piercing should not cause concern. This is a normal reaction of the body. The only thing that can be checked is how the clasp is attached to the earlobe. Too pressed, it is better to loosen a little to prevent squeezing and provide air access to the wound.

ear after piercing

One of the fears that scare those who decide to pierce their ears is an incorrectly chosen point for a puncture and, as a result, dysfunction of some organs, in particular visual impairment. Ears are really actively used in acupuncture for the treatment of many ailments due to the presence of many projection points. So, on the lobe there are projections of the organs of vision, tongue, jaw, etc.

However, there are no reliable facts of harm to health when piercing the ears. Therefore, if you turn to professionals with extensive experience, there is no reason to be afraid.

Possible consequences of ear piercing can be:

  • Inflammation
    If the redness does not decrease, the child complains of pain, the lobe is swollen or pus is already visible, it means that an infection has entered the wound and the inflammatory process has begun. In this case, it is better to immediately seek medical help. With timely treatment (usually the application of Levomikol type ointments is added to the standard treatment), the focus of inflammation can be quickly neutralized

IMPORTANT: It is not always necessary to remove the earring with signs of inflammation, it can act as a drain. Otherwise, there is a risk that the hole will overgrow from the outside, leaving purulent formations inside.

Therefore, do not take any measures (other than antiseptic treatment) before consulting a doctor or a specialist who pierced the ears, if he has a medical education

puncture inflammation
  • rejection
    Quite a rare occurrence, but the possibility exists. In this case, the tissues reject the material from which the earring is made, pushing it out of the lobe. In the initial stages, you can notice how the earring goes down. If rejection is suspected, see a doctor immediately
  • Allergic reaction
    The metal of earrings, as mentioned above, can cause allergies. Therefore, if a child has a tendency to allergies, choose earrings made of titanium or bioflex.

How to eliminate the risk of infection after a child's ear piercing?

An important condition for the successful healing of a punctured hole is sterility. Of course, it is very difficult to achieve absolute purity in a child. But it is possible to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum level.

  • You should talk to the child (meaning an older child) and explain the consequences of poor hygiene and infection of the wound on the ear
  • If the child is too small, you should carefully monitor his hands, do not allow him to go into the sandbox for a while, to dirty water
  • It is important to follow all recommendations for caring for pierced ears responsibly.
  • It is advisable to review the child's wardrobe for the healing period, excluding items of clothing that can injure the earlobes.
  • Don't touch your child's ears with your hands.

Peculiarities of ear piercing for children up to a year

baby with earrings

Babies, in particular, up to six months, spend a lot of time lying down, both on their backs and on their sides, rubbing against the sides of the bed, against the back of the stroller, etc., which can become an obstacle to rapid healing and lead to unwanted damage earlobes.
Therefore, the subsequent care and monitoring of the ears of babies requires more vigilance from parents.

In addition, infants may, without much enthusiasm, accept the daily ritual of ear treatment, especially with alcohol solutions. Yes, and parents will have to suffer in order to apply an antiseptic to a dodgy crumb.

However, it is increasingly common to see a three-month-old baby with earrings in her ears. Therefore, the final decision rests with the parents.

Peculiarities of ear piercing for older children

Compared to a younger age, the wound will heal longer than in a small child. In addition, children often experience a fear of a puncture at an older age.

ear piercing for older child

How to choose the first earrings for a child? Rules for choosing earrings

Basic requirements for the first earrings:

  • ease
  • small size
  • lack of curls, convex parts, sharp edges
  • hypoallergenic materials
  • strong clasp

earring asterisk

When piercing the ears with a "gun" or System 75, the offered earrings usually meet these requirements. In addition, there is a selection of earrings with stones, including Swarovski, pearls, gold plated, surgical steel, RTFE varieties of Teflon, titanium, etc.

The shape of earrings can be varied: hearts, circles, stars, triangles, etc. Most importantly, miniature and neat.


Earrings in the "gun" are "carnations", i.e. provide a reliable, short fastener that will not interfere with the child and excludes spontaneous opening.

stud earrings

In addition, an "English clasp" is considered a possible option for children's earrings, which is difficult to open and has the advantage of not squeezing the earlobe. But it needs to be properly sized so that the earring does not dangle and does not hang forward.

English clasp earrings

What earrings should not be worn by children?

Gold or silver earrings should not be chosen as the first earrings. Gold contains impurities that cause allergies, silver oxidizes when it comes into contact with an open wound. Earrings made from these metals can and should preferably be worn after the pierced ears have healed.

girl with heart earrings

Should not be worn by children:

  • cheap jewelry
  • massive earrings
  • earrings with protruding stone without secure fixation
  • long earrings

It is better to give preference to specialized stores and beauty salons, as well as choose earrings for a child, taking into account the safety criterion, and only then pay attention to aesthetics. However, the appearance of earrings should not be completely excluded from the calculation. They should serve as a source of pride for the girl and are liked first of all by the child.

mother and daughter with earrings
  • The decision to pierce the ears should be weighed and considered.
  • It is important to choose a good specialist and carry out the procedure under sterile conditions.
  • Modern methods of ear piercing are practically painless and do not take much time.
  • Be prepared that after the first ear is pierced, the child may refuse to repeat the procedure on the second. Don't push, give the child some time
  • Aftercare plays an important role in the success of ear piercing.
  • When choosing your first earrings, choose safe and non-allergic options.

Earrings are one of the first attributes of a girl's introduction to the world of beauty. A responsible approach to ear piercing and the choice of the first earrings will be the key to the formation of a good self-esteem of the child, and will allow the little girl to feel her equality with her main idol - her mother.

Video: When to pierce ears - Dr. Komarovsky?

Exchange and energy processes are connected with a point in the center of the lobe. Earrings made of various minerals with their metal conductors can powerfully influence the whole organism through their radiations, color and form.

What are the best earrings to wear after ear piercing?
Everyone knows that after piercing it is desirable to wear earrings made of precious metals. And yet - or? If you do not have serious health problems, then the selection criteria are the usual: the lunar cycle and personal taste. If there are problems, then we advise you to consider the following.

It would be ideal to have 29-30 sets of jewelry, in particular, earrings - for each lunar day of the month. In ancient times, this was a common thing not only for women - people knew that earrings made of a certain metal and stone create a healing and psychological effect.

Earrings made of gold with transparent stones, earrings made of silver with jasper, etc. are worn for pain that occurs at rest due to inflammation and decreases with movement, resulting from overwork, with night pain, due to injuries that occur in the organ during the day under load (lifting weights, etc.).

For men wearing an earring, the indications for treatment and exposure to minerals are the same as for women, but they should remember: their ear is right. To harmonize with your partner, a specialist will help you choose a specific mineral, taking into account your character and the characteristics of your beloved.

In general, the asymmetry in wearing earrings is not only a whim of fashionistas, but also a very effective method of enhancing the impact of minerals.

If something bothers you, order the jeweler one earring with a healing stone for the side opposite the one that is sick, and for the sick side - a small earring on a metal screw in which the stone of the main earring is set.

For example, if there are disorders in the liver, one earring with or on the left side and a small copper ball in the ear on the right side are recommended. The healing effect is enhanced by the presence of a ring in the kit, sometimes a buckle on the belt. For example, for the prevention of kidney disease, we recommend a set: earrings and a ring with.

Friday is the day of Venus, responsible for the condition of the kidneys. But in case of their illness, we recommend wearing the kit daily until the condition improves. Legends and myths of antiquity, endowing the beautiful creations of nature - minerals - with magical properties, have been confirmed in scientific research. "Superstitions" associated with stones have become the principle of individual selection of jewelry for a wide variety of diseases.

Most mothers dream of getting their little ones ears pierced. But when it comes to this, they begin to doubt the correctness of their decision, and even more so at what time is it better to pierce a child's ears. Therefore, this procedure must be carefully prepared.

Can a child's ears be pierced?

Why pierce a child's ears? In each case, the issue is resolved individually. Nobody can give you a definitive answer. This question can be answered by the mother herself, if the baby is still small. Therefore, all aspects of this issue should be considered in more detail.

There are two completely opposite opinions about ear piercing for young children:

  • it is not harmless;
  • there is no need to worry about the results of the piercing if the operation is carried out skillfully and the subsequent care of the ears is observed.

There are no arguments “for”, except perhaps the desire of mothers to turn their daughters into beauties. The only positive moment in piercing the ears of babies is the complete fearlessness of the child.

Negative points:

  • puncture wounds (this action is a surgical intervention) have every chance of causing an infection;
  • these wounds add a load on the children's body in babies;
  • while playing, the child can hook on the earring and injure himself;
  • the pierced place can change or move as the child grows up;
  • most earrings contain nickel (a metal that causes allergies in children);
  • piercing the ears with a disinfected needle is outdated, as there is a possibility of infection, especially when performing the procedure at home.

Inflammation of the wound after piercing the ears of a child photo

All this can be avoided if the baby is pierced in a beauty parlor, follow the recommendations of cosmetologists with medical education and follow the exact care after this procedure.

Medical opinion. Progressive medicine does not approve of piercing the ears of babies. There are a large number of points on the auricle that act as "reflexogenic zones". They have a connection with the eyes, facial muscles, tongue, inner ear, teeth, brain function. Therefore, the child may have impaired vision, growth, development, headaches may occur.

Contraindications for ear piercing for children:

  • health problems (ear disease, blood disease, neurological problems, diabetes, severe allergies, skin diseases);
  • teething;
  • graft;
  • travel, as the wounds heal more slowly on the way;
  • the first months of attending kindergarten;
  • recently transferred infectious malaise (at least two weeks);
  • severe weakening of the immune system.

If in any doubt, consult your pediatrician who will advise the most appropriate time for ear piercing.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears? Professionals advise piercing the ears of a child in a not hot season, that is, in autumn or spring. In summer, the infection can get into the wounds, and in winter, the ears will not heal well, since the cap will interfere with their recovery. Remember that the time of year is not the main aspect for ear piercing.

At what age is it best to pierce a child's ears?

If the mother decided to pierce her daughter's ears at an early age, it is worth considering that the baby still does not know how to control her own actions. She will forget about the recent procedure and may inadvertently catch the earring while playing, changing clothes or just going to bed, injure or damage her earlobe.

Health workers do not advise piercing the ears of a child under the age of three, and especially a newborn.

The child is just beginning to adapt to a new world for him, and ear piercing will cause additional stress.

Starting from the age of three, girls already comprehend that it is necessary to take care of their ears, you can’t pull them. Not all babies have a chance to easily survive the healing of pierced ears.

Is it possible to pierce the ears of a child in a year? Psychologists do not agree with the opinion of doctors and advise piercing the ears of a child up to 1 year old or up to 1.5 years old. At this age, children instantly forget pain and fear from their memory, they do not remember the unpleasant memories associated with ear piercing and their healing.

Is it possible to pierce the ears when a child has a cold? There is no special prohibition, but any disease can cause complications. Due to weakened immunity, wound healing may be delayed, festering ears will have to be treated longer. It may also be necessary to change earrings or completely cancel their wearing.

On which moon is it better to pierce the ears of a child?

The influence of the lunar phases on the body is especially noticeable in childhood and old age. For ear piercing, it is better to choose favorable days in the sign of Libra on the waning moon - these are 3 and 4 phases. Surgery is not recommended in the sign of Aries.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears? There are favorable days for operations, these include ear piercing.

Favorable time for piercing the ears of a child:

  • 1 - 5 lunar days - piercing of the earlobe, insertion of tunnels or bridges is allowed, but it is not recommended to pierce the curl of the auricle or mucous membranes;
  • 6 lunar day - you can manipulate the ear and wrist, but only for children over 7 years old;
  • 7 - 8, 10-14, 16-22, 24 - 28 lunar days - all types of punctures are carried out;

Unfavorable days:

  • 9, 15, 23, 23 lunar day.

Where can a child's ears be pierced?

It is forbidden to carry out surgical procedures at home. Non-sterile devices can cause blood poisoning, and the lack of experience of a specialist is fraught with consequences and health problems.

Where is the best place to pierce a child's ears? In order to beautifully and harmlessly pierce the ears of a child, you should use the services of a special salon or cosmetology clinic. Salons where children's ears are pierced are licensed and certified. The cabinet should be equipped and regularly quartzed. All hygiene and sanitation standards must be strictly observed, the equipment is certified, and the tools are disinfected and sterile.

Preparation for the procedure:

  • eye examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist;
  • visit an allergist: find out if you have a possible allergy to nickel, which is contained in many jewelry;
  • check the girl with other doctors for ear piercing restrictions;
  • wash the baby's head before piercing to prevent inflammation;
  • carefully choose earrings: they should be light, made of precious metals, yellow or white gold with thin arms and a simple but reliable lock is recommended;
  • choose the most suitable salon or beauty parlor, consult a beautician who will pierce a child, study the reviews;
  • ask what kind of gun they will pierce with: the most acceptable option is a silent disposable “gun”.

How do you pierce a child's ears?

In the past, ear piercing was done with an ordinary needle: first, a piercing was performed, and then a thread or an earring was put on. This procedure was very painful. Currently, ears are pierced in specialized salons or beauty parlors using a “gun”.

The process of piercing the ears is carried out in stages:

  • before piercing the ears, a professional examines the child to identify contraindications. It is advisable to show the child to a professional in advance so that he determines the time for piercing the ears based on the state of health and the age of the child;
  • Piercing a child's ears with a gun is painless, quick and convenient. Disposable needles are inserted into the device - stud earrings. The whole procedure takes place quite quickly: the “gun” fixes the earrings on the child’s ear with one click. The needle must be one-time in a separate package. The instrument must be processed and the puncture site decontaminated;
  • after the piercing procedure, check the holes for symmetry;
  • Talk to a professional about how to care for pierced ears. Find out how long the wounds will heal, how to take care of them, what you can and cannot do.

How to pierce a child's ears with a gun video:

When working with plants, we have long been accustomed to refer to the lunar calendars. Is it only information about the phase of the moon or the sign in which it stands that can help? By no means! For the female half of our readers, we have prepared the so-called "Beauty Calendar". Now you can quickly determine whether you can plan a haircut for tomorrow, go to the pool on the weekend, or get a manicure on Friday. In general, plan cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar.

How to use

Using our "Beauty Calendar" is easy and convenient. Its main advantage is that it is universal, i.e. You can use it not only this year 2014, but also in a year, and in five years.

You can find out in which sign the moon is on the desired day in the lunar calendar for the current month (the “Lunar calendars” block on the left).

The table calendar provides brief information on various types of body and face care, so we strongly advise you to read the article and only then download the calendar.

"Lunar calendar of beauty" in the form of a table-picture ( jpeg) in high quality size 7.2 Mb available for free download. The link can be found at the bottom of the page.

So, let's look at the indications of the moon in more detail.

If the moon is in the sign of Capricorn:

- do manicure and pedicure,
- apply any skin care methods,
- carry out rejuvenation procedures,
- apply body wraps,
- apply compresses to problem areas,
- apply face masks.

Refrain from:
- procedures for the restoration of eyebrows and eyelashes,
- visits to the dentist,
- Aroma and phytotherapy.

If the moon is in the sign of Aquarius:

Good time for:
- going for a manicure and pedicure,

- dentist consultations,
- all kinds of water procedures (pool, baths, showers, etc.),
- application of caring and nourishing face and body masks,
- procedures for skin care of the neck and decollete.

Not worth:
- apply nourishing hair masks,
- tweeze eyebrows,
- apply hormonal creams,
- to do any massage.

If the moon is in Pisces:

Favorable time for:
- all types of massage,
- gymnastics with exercises for the feet and legs,
- going to the dentist
- skin moisturizing procedures,
- anti-cellulite procedures,
- the use of soft cosmetics (gels, foams, milk, etc.),
- cosmetic wraps.

- any impact on the nails,
- face readings,
- cleaning procedures.

If the moon is in Aries:

Favorable period for:
- aromatherapy,
- phytotherapy,
- flexibility exercises
- neck and décolleté care,
- application of any masks on the face.

Not recommended:
- Do a head massage
- to pierce ears,
- color eyelashes and eyebrows,
- lighten hair
- resort to chemical perm,
- styling hair with a hair dryer, gels, foam, varnish, etc. non-natural products,
- spend unloading days,
- fighting cellulite,
- wraps and compresses.
- to carry out any kind of operations on the face.

If the moon is in the sign of Taurus:

You can carry out the following cosmetic procedures:
- hair lightening
- hair coloring,
- Permanent makeup,
- eyebrow correction,
- facial cleansing
- application of nourishing masks on the face and hair.

Bad days for:
- application of moisturizing masks,
- foot care
- restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows.

If the moon is in the sign of Gemini:

Good time for:
- unloading days,
- cleansing the body
- any water procedures,
- all types of gymnastics.

Bad days for:
- aroma and phytotherapy,
- nail extensions,
- going to the hairdresser for a haircut
- hair coloring.

If the moon is in the sign of Cancer:

Great period for:
- facial plastic surgery,
- Applying face masks
- going to the dentist.

Bad time for:
- haircuts,
- all types of exposure to the skin of the chest and décolleté,
- pedicure,
- unloading days,
- cleaning procedures.

If the moon is in Leo:

Lunar beauty calendar advises:
- do gymnastics for the legs,
- Correction of the chin and neck.
- apply vitamin masks on the face,
- apply masks on the skin of the neck and décolleté,
- use natural products (homemade from ordinary products).

Refrain from:
- ear piercings
- deep cleansing of the face,
- removal of warts and (or) moles,
- actions against cellulite,
- application of wraps.

If the moon is in the sign of Virgo:

Best days for:
- manicure,
- pedicure,
- haircuts,
- foot care
- aromatherapy,
- Testing new cosmetics.
- phytotherapy.

Wrong time for:
- massage procedures,
- use of natural remedies.

If the moon is in the sign of Libra:

Suitable period for:
- going to the dentist
- Applying face masks
- procedures for the restoration of eyebrows / eyelashes,
- carrying out plastic surgery,
- gymnastics with exercises for flexibility,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- light therapy.

Unfavorable period for:
- applying permanent make-up,
- foot care.

If the moon is in the sign of Scorpio:

Good time for:
- any kind of massage,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- application of oil ointments,
- use of cosmetics for washing and cleansing the skin,
- applying masks on the neck and décolleté.

Reduce or cancel:
- the use of natural products for masks, compresses and other procedures,
- application of hormonal creams,
- water treatments
- a trip to the manicurist.

If the moon is in the sign of Sagittarius:

- conduct a complex to combat cellulite,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- any kind of massage,
- do self-massage of problem areas,
- the use of natural products (sour cream, butter, honey, etc.)
- water procedures.

The dependence of cosmetic procedures on the waning or rising of the moon.

Many procedures become more effective, and in some cases safer, between the full moon and the new moon, and vice versa. Determine which moon is today will help you.

On the waning moon, it is better to carry out the following procedures:

1. Steam baths. The procedure is contraindicated for those who have a vascular network on the skin.
The steam bath should last 10-15 minutes.
- For people with oily skin - no more than 1 time per week,
- For those who have dry skin - once every 2 months.

2. Diets. Complete fasting for weight loss is not the best solution.
More useful are short fasts for "resetting" extra pounds and one-day fasting.
- Short fasts - 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29 lunar days,
- One-day dry fasting - 28 lunar day.

3. Getting rid of "interfering" little things: acne, pimples, freckles, age spots.

4. The fight against cellulite.

5. Sunburn in the solarium and in the natural environment. At this time, the danger from it decreases.

6. Special procedures for cleaning the skin of the face, neck and decollete. Ideal - in the signs of Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

On the growing moon, it is better to carry out the following procedures:

1. Cosmetic procedures to saturate the skin and hair with useful substances. It is at this time that the use of nourishing masks and creams will bring you maximum benefit.

2. Compresses and masks.
- For facial skin - 1 lunar day. Ideal - in the signs of Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.
- For the skin of the neck and decollete - 4 lunar day. Ideal - in the signs of Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

3. Diets:
- Short fasts - 8 and 11 lunar days,
- One-day dry fasting - 2 and 14 lunar days.
- One-day fasting with water - 10 and 12 lunar days.

Plum: planting and care, proper pruning and cultivation.
Plum in the garden is always delicious fresh fruit, fragrant jam and compotes! Well, in order for the plants to always bring good yields, do not forget to follow just a few simple, but quite important tips regarding plum care.

You, for sure, will not be an exception and also love to eat pepper. A wide selection of taste characteristics, shapes and colors will allow you to choose a "pretty" variety for literally any gardener. Unfortunately, the price of this product “jumps” a lot, so you should think about growing peppers in a greenhouse!

Has a peach seedling found its place in your garden? This is just wonderful, however, now you will have to make every effort to ensure that this plant can feel comfortable even in winter. So, let's not forget about the autumn works!

It is generally accepted that earrings are beautiful and feminine, so mothers and fathers of girls begin to wonder very early on the question “When to pierce the ears?”. The answer to this question, recommendations regarding the procedure and care after it, you will find below.

Should you pierce your ears?

When a boy is born, the question of earrings and earlobes piercing does not occur to anyone, although today there are quite a few teenagers and adult men who wear earrings or tunnels. Another thing is if you have a girl ...

In some cultures, women are required to wear earrings. In this case, the ears are pierced on the very first day after birth. There are modern maternity hospitals abroad that offer to do this procedure on the first birthdays of the crumbs.

Opponents of the ear piercing procedure for children at an early age indicate the following reasons for refusing to do this:

  • the risk of infection;
  • nickel, which is contained in piercing earrings, can cause allergies;
  • the risk of touching important points on the earlobe, which are responsible for vision, hearing and other important organs;
  • the likelihood of ear injury due to the earring if the child is hooked on it during active play;
  • not everyone agrees that the earrings in the ears of the baby are beautiful;
  • the baby may lose an expensive earring if precious jewelry is worn;
  • the child may swallow the earring if it falls out.

Ear piercing contraindications

  • ear diseases (including chronic);
  • other serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, etc.);
  • illness (wait at least 2 weeks after the final recovery of the baby);
  • poor blood clotting and wound healing;
  • other blood diseases;
  • weakened immunity ();
  • low pain threshold;
  • allergy;
  • bad feeling;
  • tendency to keloid scars.

At what age should you pierce your ears?

Psychologists recommend piercing ears up to 1-1.5 years. Some call a more specific age - 8-10 months. This is explained by the fact that at this age the child has a higher pain threshold and the pain trauma will be forgotten faster.

Pediatricians do not recommend piercing the ears before reaching the crumbs. three year milestone. This is due to the possible risks of catching an infection. By the age of three, the baby will have more developed immunity and it will be easier to treat her. In addition, it is easier for a child after 3 to explain the procedure and why it is impossible to touch such interesting new earrings in her ears.

At the same time, doctors advise to pierce the ears before the age of 11, because later the likelihood of ugly keloid scars at the site of wound healing is higher. Since this place is quite often in sight, such a cosmetic defect will upset any girl and her parents.

Mothers and grandmothers, for the most part, decide to pierce the ears of the baby when "she herself asks." It can happen in a year, and in three, and in ten. Whether or not to pierce the ears of a daughter at an early age is still at the discretion of the parents.

Answers of moms from the forums

I will pierce my daughter's ears at a conscious age so that she herself can tell what hurts and what is wrong.

Ears need to be pierced for a child when the child consciously knows that if you drag the earring it will hurt or, God forbid, it will be pulled and swallowed. Plus, at the age of 2-3 years, the girl herself will ask you to do this, then it will be possible.

It is necessary to pierce when the girl herself asks. My daughter came up to me at the age of 5 and asked to have her ears pierced. I took her to the salon, I thought she would change her mind. And she sat down to the master and did not even make a sound when they pierced.

I want to advise the girls. By education, I was a paramedic before the decree, first I worked as a cosmetologist in a beauty salon. I pierced the ears of children. Then I worked in a clinic and left the decree. and taller girls cannot be expressed in words how they screamed. They themselves ask mothers that they want earrings. Here you all talk about conscious age, they are usually afraid to stab later. My aunt, 45 years old, she always dreamed of piercing, but she was afraid. ,2 transferred easily. I read that it is right to prick when the cherry blossoms and did so and healed very quickly

Whether to pierce ears and when is a personal matter for everyone. I am on the side of those who believe that the sooner the better. My daughter's ears were pierced at 8 months, in the spring, so that it would not be hot and heal faster. The cosmetologist was very good, the child did not even feel anything. I just don’t advise wearing hoop earrings, the child often clings to them with his fingers, simple small neat earrings are the best option.

When is the best time of year to pierce your baby's ears?

There is a belief that the ears should be pierced during the flowering period of the apple tree, that is, in May. Say, it was then that everything would quickly overgrow and there would be no problems with suppuration. Such a belief among the people appeared for a reason. It is late spring and early autumn that doctors recommend for piercing ear lobes. This is due to the absence of strong summer heat and dust, as well as the need to wear warm turtleneck sweaters and hats in cold winters.

Cosmetologist Irina Sysueva: when to pierce children's ears

Piercing options

There are two main ways to pierce the earlobes - a needle and a special gun.

The process of piercing the ears with a needle is quite lengthy and more painful (you must first make a puncture, and then thread an earring or thread) than in the case of a special pistol. On the other hand, after piercing with a needle, permanent gold or silver earrings can be inserted immediately. For little girls, this option is still not recommended.

Ear piercing with a gun is now a virtually painless procedure. Therefore, now mothers can safely bring even the smallest children to the salon.

Ears are pierced with a special sterile gun. They are disposable and reusable. A puncture with a disposable gun costs a little more, but you will be sure that your baby will not get an infection. The gun is loaded with an earring made of medical hypoallergenic steel, which can later be worn as a piece of jewelry. The puncture procedure takes a fraction of seconds. The gun, like a stapler, fixes the carnation on the ear with one click.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Where to pierce

It is necessary to do this, of course, with specialists, since there are many points on the earlobe responsible for the activity of the internal organs of a person.

Now, in almost every beauty salon, you can quickly safely and almost painlessly pierce the earlobes of a child of any age. This procedure is quite affordable. The selected earrings are immediately put on - studs, or earrings with a bow (everything is sterile, stored in special containers).

You can also contact specialized piercing salons (since ear piercing and earlobe piercing are identical concepts), where qualified craftsmen will perform the procedure using disposable needles.

The choice should fall on a proven salon or medical center, where this procedure will be carried out by professionals - cosmetologists who know where to make the right and beautiful puncture, how to do it quickly and without pain.

Be sure to ask if the master has a medical education. Cosmetologists without an appropriate "crust" are not allowed to pierce their ears.

And in no case do not allow punctures to be made by those who do not do this professionally, but “experimented” only on themselves and their friends!

If you decide to pierce the ears of a child at the age of 8-9 months, then be sure to explain where and why you are going. Do not scare the baby, try to hold this event in a relaxed atmosphere of the game. Let me choose earrings, touch the gun, meet a beautician or a doctor who will pierce. If it was not possible to reach an understanding with the child and the situation is unnerving for the baby, then postpone the procedure for several days, months or even years.

The procedure for piercing the ears with a gun is very simple and the same for any age:

  1. Disinfect equipment and earlobes.
  2. Select and insert the earrings into the pistol.
  3. Punctures are made in the center of the earlobe. It is very important to make a puncture in the center - any deviation threatens to hit the area of ​​​​important points associated with speech, hearing, vision, teeth.

However, the most important thing in ear piercing begins immediately after the piercing is done - this is care during healing.

How and what time to pierce the ears of a girl with a PISTOL

Caring for pierced ears

Even though you get your little one's ears pierced at the best cosmetic clinic, wound healing may not be as fast as you might think. It depends on many factors - on the child's immunity, on some inflammatory processes in the body, and also on the care of pierced ears. The healing process usually takes 1 to 3 months.

  1. Explain to the child that it is undesirable to touch the earrings during this period. Especially with dirty hands.
  2. During the entire healing time, it is undesirable to change stud earrings for other earrings.
  3. During the entire period of healing of punctures, the child's hair should be removed in a ponytail or braided. Otherwise, they can cling to the earrings, which will cause discomfort.
  4. At least 2 times a day, it is necessary to wipe the puncture sites with antiseptics: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solution or other antiseptic agent on the advice of a doctor. 4-5 days after piercing, during the treatment procedure, scroll the earrings so that the product gets inside the puncture.
  5. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the lobes for 3-5 days.

If you notice yellow discharge from the puncture site (pus), then you need to additionally treat with a solution of manganese. If the pus does not go away in 2-3 days or the suppuration is quite serious, then you need to see a doctor. Ears are a very important organ, so pus in the earlobe after piercing should not be taken lightly!

In the first 5 days after piercing, do not wash your child's hair and avoid the pool or natural water. Contact with water and detergents must be seriously limited, so it is advisable to wash your baby's hair before the procedure.

The duration of the healing process depends on many factors - ranging from the immunity of the child to the level of his activity.

The main thing is to follow the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and treat the earlobes every day until they are completely healed.

A few tips on how to choose the right earrings for your child:

  • When choosing earrings, preference should be given to gold or silver models. Products made from these materials practically do not cause allergic reactions;
  • Earrings should not be heavy, have sharp corners, large stones;
  • Models with an English lock are preferable, which is quite reliable - the child will not lose the decoration and will not be able to unfasten it on his own.

Subscriber Question: Is it possible to pierce the ears of a child at 6 months? The doctor - pediatrician Smirnova Lyubov Alexandrovna answers:

Tanya gets her ears pierced