How often can you do a face peel and when is the best time to do it. Types of chemical peeling for the face, their effect and possible complications after Facial peeling for how long

Hollywood facial cleansing is a completely new way to cleanse the skin of dead skin particles with the help of a unique cosmetic preparation, which includes phytic acid. Such peeling has long been popular with domestic and foreign pop stars, since it is this method that allows you to gently cleanse the surface layers of the skin, as well as achieve amazing results.

Mechanism of action

Hollywood facial cleansing is available at any time, it can be carried out without interruption from work and other events. This method is based on gentle exfoliation of keratinized and dead skin particles that prevent cells from breathing. which is the main component of a cosmetic product, effectively removes metal ions that contribute to the formation of age spots and inflammation.

Hollywood facial cleansing (yellow peeling) is one of the most powerful weapons against fine wrinkles, age-related pigmentation and photoaging. The composition of the cosmetic product contains retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A. Auxiliary substances are kojic and vitamin C.

Performing the procedure in salon conditions

Hollywood peeling is a gentle exfoliation of keratinized particles using a unique preparation based on a calcium chloride solution. This procedure is in demand by women aged 30 to 40 years. At a younger age, it can be offered as an effective remedy for acne and acne.

Beauty begins with the complete removal of makeup, after which a solution consisting of several types of acids is applied to cleansed skin. The cosmetic product, entering into chemical interaction with dried salt, rolls under pressure and captures dead skin particles.

After that, a mask is applied to the patient's skin, which includes phytic acid. Together with her, a girl or a woman goes home and after a day washes off the cosmetic product using a special gel. After 24 hours, you may experience a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin - this is the beginning of the cleansing process. After about three days, the exfoliation of dead particles begins, and after a week you can observe an amazing result - the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and also acquires a healthy color.

Indications for a Hollywood Facial

Salon face peel with a Hollywood character is recommended for patients with oily, prone to fading and aging skin. Given the fact that phytic acid does not affect the deeper layers, this procedure can also be indicated for sensitive skin prone to the formation of spider veins.

Face peeling in Hollywood style helps to solve a whole range of problems:

  • The appearance of the first signs of aging and withering of the skin.
  • Strong pigmentation.
  • The formation of spider veins.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Numerous rashes, which are characterized by long and unsuccessful treatment.
  • The formation of unaesthetic scars on the skin due to improper treatment of acne, acne and other rashes.
  • Small wrinkles in the eye area.
  • Unhealthy complexion.
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Neoplasms provoked by exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The indication for this procedure may be the presence of minor rashes of a chronic nature, as well as strong pigmentation, provoked by the abuse of salon tanning.


Hollywood facial cleansing, like any other salon procedure, has a number of contraindications that you should pay attention to:

  • Open wounds on the skin or severe inflammation.
  • Herpes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the cosmetic product.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • The presence of papillomas.

Hollywood-style peeling at home is undesirable if there are pronounced signs of rosacea and severe redness, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process. In addition, homemade Hollywood facial cleansing can cause side effects and complications if used on sensitive skin.

Required Funds

To perform Hollywood peeling in a beauty salon, the following “ingredients” are needed:

  • Phytic acid itself.
  • An effective skin cleanser.
  • Lotion with a tonic effect containing AHA and BHA acids.
  • A cosmetic mask with a calming effect.
  • Face tonic.

Hollywood facial cleansing with calcium chloride at home involves the following components:

  • Toilet soap (it is desirable to use baby soap that does not contain fragrances).
  • Base oil base (olive, almond or coconut oil).
  • Several cotton pads.

And directly the solution itself with a concentration of 5-10%. To perform the procedure for the first time, it is advisable to use a 5% solution. If this is not available, you can dilute 10% with normal saline or water. For dry, normal or combination skin, it is advisable to use a constant 5% solution (calcium chloride). The price of this drug is relatively low, and you can buy it at any pharmacy. For oily skin, you should purchase a product with a higher concentration of the main active ingredient.

Stage of preparation in the cabin

Hollywood facial cleansing in salon conditions begins with an initial consultation with a beautician. In its process, the specialist will determine the type of skin and the composition of the cosmetic product, as well as recommend the number of procedures necessary to achieve the ideal result.

In order for Hollywood peeling to give the desired result, it is necessary to properly prepare the stratum corneum. For this purpose, a specialized preparation is regularly applied to the skin, the main component of which is As a rule, one week of using a cosmetic preparation is enough to achieve the corresponding goal. However, in some cases - in the presence of severe pigmentation, for example, it may take a much longer amount of time (about three weeks).

The effectiveness of the salon procedure is clearly visible in the photographs depicting face peeling (before and after). Reviews of patients and specialists indicate that the greatest effectiveness is manifested when using mandelic acid, which is used to treat the skin before the actual salon cleaning procedure is performed.

Home peeling of the face with calcium chloride

As such, no special preparatory procedures are required to perform facial cleansing at home. The only thing worth doing is an allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the product used on the skin area in the wrist area. In the absence of burning and other unpleasant sensations during the day, you can safely proceed to the implementation of the cosmetic procedure.

Algorithm for performing the procedure at home

  1. The skin of the face should be thoroughly cleansed of makeup with an effective lotion.
  2. Then an ampoule is opened with "Calcium chloride" (the price of the drug fluctuates around 35-50 Russian rubles).
  3. A small amount of the drug is applied to the face with a cotton pad. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the area around the eyes.
  4. As soon as the first layer dries, apply the solution a second time.
  5. So, layer by layer, the entire contents of the ampoule are applied. As a rule, this is 4 - 5-fold application of the drug.
  6. As soon as the last layer has dried, it is necessary to thoroughly lather your hands with baby soap and use the foam to massage your face. Movements are performed strictly along the massage lines. You can do this with your fingers or with sanitary napkins.
  7. As a result of the interaction of calcium chloride with an alkaline environment (baby soap), flakes are formed that capture dead skin particles.
  8. Massage should be performed until the formation of pellets completely stops. If necessary, you can re-lather your hands.

After that, the remaining peeling should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing mask applied (chamomile or oatmeal is ideal for this purpose). Then remove the mask and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to cleansed skin.

Salon procedure technique

Photos depicting face peeling: before and after (reviews about the procedure are more detailed) eloquently demonstrate the effectiveness of this service performed by a professional specialist.

It all starts with a thorough cleansing of the skin from makeup and other cosmetics. After that, a tonic lotion is applied, containing AHA and BHA acids in its composition. Next, the skin of the face is treated with glycolate. The composition is left for 10 minutes, after which phytic acid is applied to the skin, which lasts for 10-15 minutes. The time of the first exposure should not exceed 5 minutes, in the future it can be increased to half an hour.

Then all cosmetic products are washed off, a soothing mask is applied to the skin, which is also subsequently removed, and a moisturizer.

In general, a cosmetic procedure in the salon lasts no more than 40 minutes.

Features of using Hollywood facial cleansing

How often can a face peel be done? This question is asked by many girls and women who take care of their skin and use all kinds of means to maintain its health and attractive appearance.

In salon conditions, Hollywood-style facial cleansing is recommended to be performed no more than once every one to two weeks. To achieve the best result, it is advisable to complete the full course, which consists of 3-8 sessions. It all depends on the structure of the skin, its state of health and problems that need to be addressed immediately.

How often can you do face peeling at home? It is enough to perform the procedure once every seven days. The duration of the course is one and a half months.

The effectiveness of Hollywood facial cleansing

The obvious advantages of a cosmetic procedure at home and in a salon are:

  • Delicate removal of dead skin cells.
  • The possibility of frequent performance of the procedure due to the effect on the surface layers of the skin and the absence of long recovery stages.
  • The absence of discomfort during the implementation of the Hollywood cleansing of the face.
  • The short duration of the procedure and its relatively low cost.
  • Hollywood-style facial cleansing has a relatively small number of contraindications.

Soft effect on the skin, delicate removal of dead particles, as well as the effectiveness of this technique and its relatively low cost, allow this procedure to be used for deep skin cleansing, as well as as a complex treatment and elimination of some problems. This procedure in the salon or at home can be performed at any time of the year, regardless of the work schedule and other factors.

Facial care


20.10.14 13:30

When caring for facial skin, the result depends not only on the correctness of the selected procedure and its professional implementation. Not the last role is played by the frequency of exposure. There are a number of factors that affect how how often to do a chemical peel. There are optimal general recommendations, but in most cases, the number of procedures and the interval between them is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's epidermis.

How often should I do a chemical facial peel?

Factors affecting the frequency of procedures

There are a number of indicators that increase or decrease the need for cleaning:

  • age factor. The older the patient, the more often it is necessary to carry out chemical cleanings. At a young age, cells only need a push that activates their regenerative or metabolic functions. Mature skin tissues most often work on the residual effects of peeling and need supportive procedures;
  • thickness of the stratum corneum. Sometimes there are so neglected cases that after the first course of cleaning it is not possible to achieve the expected effect;
  • The type of epidermis also affects how often a chemical peel is done. Thin and sensitive skin can lose a number of functions with frequent cleansing and rejuvenation procedures. Before starting the course, it is recommended to check the thickness of the epidermis with a special device based on ultrasound;
  • the type of problem to be solved. If the sessions are carried out in order to improve the general condition of the epidermis or get rid of acne or comedones, one or two manipulations may be enough. If it is necessary to smooth out wrinkles, it is necessary to carry out at least five sessions of superficial and full course of medium peeling. The most difficult thing is to remove scars and scars with the help of chemical procedures, therefore, to neutralize such manifestations, it is necessary to complete a course and a number of additional measures;
  • The main influence on how often to do a chemical peel is the type of procedure. The deeper the impact, the less often there is a need for cleaning;
  • used components. There are chemical ingredients that have a deep effect, but act gently. Conversely, there are surface preparations that literally burn out the stratum corneum without penetrating deep into the tissues.

Frequency of superficial peeling

On average, a superficial chemical peel involves 4-10 procedures with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. This figure may vary slightly from the norm depending on the type of components used.

Fruit peeling. The main factor influencing how often a chemical peel based on fruit acids is performed is the type of the main ingredient. Lactic and mandelic acids have the mildest effect, so these cleaning options can be used more often. Peeling based on citric acid, wine and apple cider vinegar causes more negative effects and is performed much less frequently. The average duration of the course is from 5 to 15 sessions with an interval sufficient for complete tissue restoration. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out one manipulation per quarter.

Enzyme peeling. This procedure does not cause a violation of the integrity of the skin, so it can be carried out according to indications, depending on the type of epidermis. With normal and dry skin, one manipulation per week is sufficient, with oily skin, their number can be increased to two.

In most cases, the effect of peptides is enhanced by the addition of fruit acids, so the interval between sessions should be 1 to 2 weeks. To obtain a stable and pronounced result, it is necessary to carry out 6-10 procedures.

Peeling based on biological components. These include formulations with bodyaga, placenta and bamboo extract, and other biologically active substances. Depending on the component, the interval between sessions should be from five to ten days. Procedures are most often performed at home in the presence of pronounced indications.

Peelings based on chemical compounds and medicines. This group includes cleaning with mixtures of hydrogen peroxide, calcium chloride, alcohols. The impact is very intense, so six procedures with an interval of three months are enough. Otherwise, thinning of the epidermis, its protective layer, destruction of living cells is possible.

Peeling Jessner. Cleansing products contain intense acids. The course begins with sessions of a sparing type, gradually the strength of the impact increases. The full course includes at least six procedures with an interval of 1-1.5 months.

Asian Superficial Peeling Roll. The effect on the skin is so mild that the preparations can be used every day. In salons, this care option is offered only as a preparation for deeper cleanings.

Hollywood, phytin peeling. The type of problem and the individual characteristics of the epidermis have a direct impact on how often a chemical peel based on phytic acid is applied. The minimum number of procedures is 3, the maximum is 8.

It can have a superficial and median effect. If the main component is used incorrectly, the toxic effect of the substance on tissues is possible, so the number of procedures must be reduced to a minimum. The maximum number of sessions is 6 per course, the interval between manipulations is at least two weeks.

Frequency of medium peeling

The optimal number of medium-impact peeling procedures is determined by the beautician. Sessions are recommended to be carried out no more than 3-4 times per course. The number of courses should not exceed one per year.

TCA peel. Due to the complexity and aggressiveness of the procedure, pre-peel preparation and skin care after chemical intervention, it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of how often to do a chemical peel based on trichloroacetic acid. In some cases, experts recommend stopping at one procedure and several additional manipulations that can support the effect of exposure. In difficult cases, when there are no indications for deep peeling, and other methods do not give the desired effect, it is possible to repeat the session.

Yellow, retinoic peeling. It has a number of distinctive features in terms of scheduling procedures. The standard version includes 4 sessions. A two-week break should be made between the first and second manipulation. In the future, it increases to one month. After that, in order to prevent skin problems, yellow peeling is recommended once a quarter. If we are talking about classic retinoic peeling, in which the composition is kept on the surface of the face for several hours, only one manipulation is performed, which can be repeated after a couple of months, and then act at the discretion of the cosmetologist.

ABR peeling. It stands out from the background of other median procedures with a milder effect. The frequency of its implementation does not depend on the age or type of epidermis. Sessions can be carried out to improve the general condition of the skin. The number of procedures is set by a specialist and adjusted during the course, depending on the manifestation of a positive result. On average, 5-8 sessions are prescribed with a time interval of at least two weeks.

Deep Peeling Frequency

Usually, when asked by patients about how often to do a deep chemical peel, experts say that the procedure can be repeated every year. In fact, another definition would be more accurate: phenol deep peeling can be done no more than three times in a lifetime, with a minimum interval of one year.

It is important to understand that the procedure is carried out using a toxic component and causes a number of unpleasant sensations and expected negative consequences that are difficult to tolerate by the body. This is the most radical version of the chemical effect on the skin, which is carried out when it is impossible to improve the condition of the skin by other methods.

If you abuse deep-type chemical peeling, you can kill the ability of living cells to multiply rapidly, reduce cellular immunity, destroy healthy tissues and start the process of formation of connective tissue scars.

When choosing physical or chemical exfoliation as a means of youth and beauty, many people think about how often facial peeling can be done. This is a complex and delicate question, the answer to which will be individual for each woman. The frequency of peeling procedures depends not only on the time of year, but also on the depth of exposure of the skin to acid compositions or abrasive materials, on the age and reaction of the skin to exfoliation. Knowing what should be the breaks between the most popular peeling procedures, and what are the intervals between courses, is important in order to get the expected aesthetic effect, and not complications.

The importance of spacing between peels

Exfoliation is one of those beauty procedures that helps a woman prolong her youth by correcting age-related imperfections in appearance, but at the same time, it involves a clear cyclical performance. Patiently maintaining certain intervals between peels is just as important as choosing the right cleansing, following the protocol of the procedure and the stages of post-peel skin care.

The process of mechanical, hardware or chemical cleaning of the face involves the artificial destruction of the keratinized epidermal layer and the stimulation of regeneration characteristic of the skin. A physical or acidic agent, in contact with the middle or deep layers of the dermis, causes serious changes in cellular structures. In an effort to replenish the protective barrier broken by peeling, the skin begins to intensively produce collagen and elastin fibers, cell division accelerates, the supply of micronutrients to them, and blood circulation normalizes. The dead epidermis is replaced by a young and tender one. Together with scales and crusts, peeling removes mimic and age wrinkles, age spots, redness from the face, enlarged pores are cleansed and narrowed, scars become invisible, many dermatological diseases, such as rosacea and acne, disappear.

Provoked by a chemical or thermal burn, grinding with fine abrasives causes significant damage to the skin. For women, peeling is a rejuvenation and an effective way to get rid of aesthetic defects, and for the skin, it is a tremendous stress. Even if the facial cleansing course was performed at home, and not in cosmetology, let the skin rest. Many peelings involve at least 3 months for the complete recovery of the epidermis after the procedures, so it is strictly forbidden to get involved in exfoliation.

The interval between peels is not a universal value of time. The duration of the intervals depends on many factors. First of all, on the type of exfoliation and the depth of exposure to the skin of acidic compounds and abrasive particles. The deeper the peel was, the longer the skin will heal.

How long you need to take a break between peels depends on:

the depth of penetration of chemical compounds, laser beams and other agents that violate the upper layer of the epidermis. Deep peels involve the longest rehabilitation after the procedures, scrubbing at home is minimal;
woman's age. Young skin does not require frequent care, unlike fading skin, which needs regular support;
causes of aesthetic defects. Anti-aging exfoliation needs to be repeated much more frequently than, for example, treatments to reduce acne or signs of photoaging;
skin type. Dry facial skin requires careful treatment and rare loads, oily or combination skin, on the contrary, needs constant normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Frequency of physical peels

Physical facial peels are a broad concept. They combine mechanical and hardware methods of skin renewal, which are performed both in the salon and at home. During physical exfoliation, the dead epidermis is polished off with the help of small abrasive elements, which include particles of natural scrubs (ground coffee beans and fruit pits, sea salt), diamond dust or coral chips, water and oxygen molecules that are applied to the skin under high pressure during gas-liquid peeling . And also mechanical cleansing includes skin exfoliation with soft brushes and sponges, liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy), ultrasound and a laser beam (laser peeling or resurfacing).

For the most part, physical peeling of the face in the salon and at home is a gentle superficial exfoliation, aimed more at correcting external defects and stimulating metabolism than serious rejuvenation. In addition to laser exfoliation, which is an effective remedy for wrinkles and other age-related skin changes. Let's figure out how often to do face peeling in the case of specific mechanical and hardware techniques.

  • Brossage. This superficial exfoliation involves mechanical exfoliation of the skin with soft massage brushes and elastic sponge nozzles. Brossage gently removes dead epidermis and stimulates blood flow to the deep layers of the dermis, improving their nutrition. As a light skin renewal or as a preparation for more serious peels, it is recommended to perform a brossage at any time of the year in a course of 8-10 treatments.

The break between procedures is 1-2 weeks (depending on the sensitivity of the skin), the interval between courses is at least 3 months.

  • Scrubbing. Superficial cleansing of the skin with organic scrubs with natural particles can be done both in salons by the hands of masters and at home. Scrubbing compounds contain crushed coffee beans, fruit pits, bodyaga, sugar, sea salt or coral dust. The course of mechanical peeling with scrubs consists of 6-8 procedures.

Owners of oily and combination skin can take a short break between procedures - 7 days. Dry skin is more injured, thins faster and recovers longer, for it the interval between scrub sessions is 2 weeks. The interval between peeling courses for all skin types is the same - 3 months.

  • Ultrasonic peeling. Facial cleansing with high-frequency ultrasonic waves is one of the safest and most gentle superficial peeling techniques. The acoustic wave breaks the cells of the old epithelium - as a result of the procedure, the complexion is evened out, the skin takes on a refreshed look. Ultrasonic exfoliation is rarely performed as a stand-alone course, it mainly serves as a preparation for other types of peeling, such as chemical peeling.

For oily, combination and aging skin, 4 to 8 ultrasound treatments are required once a week. For dry and sensitive - 1-2 manipulations per month. A break between courses is at least 3 months.

  • Gas-liquid peeling. This physical exfoliation is only performed in a beauty salon using expensive equipment. Mechanical exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the epidermis is performed without direct contact with the skin using a cold water jet enriched with carbon dioxide and oxygen. Sometimes antiseptic drugs may be added to the peel formulation (for example, to treat acne or acne). A water jet at supersonic speed destroys the old epithelium and improves blood supply to the deep layers. As a result of the course of peeling, skin tuberosity, wrinkles and scars are smoothed out, age spots are lightened, and inflammation disappears.

The course of gas-liquid peeling includes from 4 to 6 sessions with a frequency of 1 week. The interval between courses is 3 months.

  • Microcrystalline dermabrasion. This peeling is of the medium-deep type. During the hardware procedure, the dead epidermis on the entire face or only problem areas is polished using special cosmetic diamond-coated nozzles. Diamond brushes help reduce wrinkles, improve complexion, remove pigmentation, scars and scars. Sometimes microdermabrasion is performed with application anesthesia, which indicates that the skin is seriously injured and requires a long time to heal.

The course of microcrystalline dermabrasion includes 4 to 6 peeling sessions. Manipulation can be performed no more than 1 time in 10-14 days. The interval between courses is from 3 months to six months (depending on the type and reaction of the skin).

  • Laser peeling or polishing. Another medium-deep peeling for facial skin, designed to solve anti-aging problems, eliminate the effects of dermatological diseases or injuries. The laser beam provides a controlled thermal burn to the skin, thereby stimulating the production of "youth fibers" - collagen and elastin. Laser peeling is one of the effective ways to rejuvenate aging skin and fight old scars or scars.

The number of procedures in the course of laser peeling is from 6 to 8. The break between sessions is at least 1 week. The interval between courses is about 4 months.

The average for all physical peels (salon and home) are two time parameters: the interval between mechanical cleansing procedures should be at least a week, and the break between courses should be at least 3 months.

Frequency of chemical peels

Many women prefer chemical exfoliation because of the variety of its types, purpose and speed of solving aesthetic problems. Acid and enzyme compositions of the right concentration allow you to exfoliate the skin at a certain depth, thereby correcting not only minor appearance defects (for example, facial wrinkles or acne), but also reduce serious age-related changes, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. Let's find out how often to do a chemical facial peel in the case of superficial, medium and deep methods.

  • Superficial peeling. Such acidic or enzymatic exfoliation "dissolves" only the top layer of the epidermis. Most often, superficial manipulations are performed with the help of fruit, glycolic and lactic acids, as well as enzymes and peptides. The purpose of superficial peels is to combat mimic and first age-related changes in the skin, signs of photoaging.

The course of superficial peels consists of 5-8 sessions, with a mandatory break between them - from 10 to 14 days. The interval between courses is 4-6 months.

  • Medium peeling. Median cleansing of the face, in addition to correcting minor flaws in appearance, helps to prolong youth, get rid of hyperpigmentation, tuberosity after acne, and inflammatory processes. For median peels, more concentrated acid preparations are used, which are washed off with neutralizers. Such exfoliation is dangerous to perform at home, it is better to trust a professional. As a result of median peels, acid molecules can penetrate to the granular layer of the dermis, so the chemical burn must be controlled. Frequent fascination with TCA peeling, retinoic peeling, azelaic, phytic, pyruvic and their analogues leads to complications.

It is necessary that the course of medium peels consists of no more than 3-4 sessions with a break of 2 weeks. Such exfoliation is carried out only once a year in autumn or winter.

  • Deep peeling. This is a serious exfoliation that can only be performed in a beauty salon. The destruction of the entire layer of the epidermis and the initial layer of the dermis occurs with the help of toxic phenolic acid. Deep peeling is only suitable for mature skin or skin with scars and scars.

The course of deep phenol peeling consists of 1 procedure, which should be repeated no more than 1 time per year and only in the autumn-winter season. For a lifetime, only 3 sessions of deep exfoliation are allowed.

Only a professional cosmetologist can choose the right frequency of peeling for a woman. After all, rare exfoliation will not bring results, and frequent exfoliation is dangerous with the risk of side effects.

Peeling is an effective skin cleansing procedure that helps to exfoliate dead cells, cleanse the epidermis qualitatively and significantly improve the appearance.

For home exfoliation can be used with a low concentration of acids or natural.

How to apply facial peels? Peeling preparations are used in a standard way.

First you need to thoroughly cleanse your face, degrease it. Then the composition is applied to the skin, rubbed with light massage movements for several minutes and washed off.

After washing, apply a moisturizer.

How often can you repeat

How many times a week (or month) can you do facial skin peeling and do you need to do it every day if you are scheduled for a course of procedures?

The frequency of peeling is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin and the strength of its action. The stronger the technology used, the more sensitive the epidermis, the less often it can be done.

Salon hardware techniques are usually carried out once a week with a course of 2-8 procedures. Then the skin should rest for about a month.

Contraindications and precautions

General contraindications for all types of peeling are as follows:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • herpes virus at the stage of exacerbation;
  • viral infections, acute respiratory diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of visible damage to the skin: wounds, pustules, scratches, cracks, burns;
  • period of increased solar activity.

Even quite active. Before using them, it is important to carefully study the instructions, and it is better to consult with a specialist.

Medium or deep exfoliation can only be performed by a beautician.

Please note that peeling can provoke pigmentation, therefore, after it has been carried out, you should not be in the sun for some time.

With too frequent use, even the mildest exfoliation can cause the epidermis to lose its protective properties and become vulnerable to external factors.

Damage is dangerous from infection. That's why do not use the procedure more than 1-2 times a week depending on the type of dermis.

The peeling agent is applied to damp skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

You can not rub it hard, just apply it on the massage lines with soft, confident movements.

We should not exclude also the possibility an allergic reaction to the formulations used.

This applies to both ready-made products and homemade recipes, which include herbal and other ingredients.

Peeling is a wonderful procedure for renewing and improving the condition of the skin.

You can decide whether to do it at home or in the salon, but when using facial peels, it is important to take all precautions both during and after the sessions.

Peeling is a procedure that is now available to everyone, if not in the salon, then at home. The stores sell a lot of creams, gels, masks and scrubs with a peeling effect. Some of them belong to the professional line, others are mass market products. Therefore, it is important to know how often to exfoliate your face in order to achieve the maximum effect and not spoil your skin.

How often do you clean your face?

Depending on the type of peeling therapy, the number and frequency of repeated courses differ.

It is a grinding of the surface of the face mechanically. Most mechanical peels are superficial, that is, only the topmost layer of the epidermis is removed.

When throwing (cleaning with small brushes), the skin is slightly damaged and quickly restored. Therefore, it can be applied every two weeks.

Peeling with scrubs differs from home peeling only in that you are under constant supervision and do not do the procedure yourself. Some cosmetology centers even prepare scrub compositions on their own. If you have oily or normal skin that is not prone to inflammatory reactions, then salon scrubs can be used every week. Although it is better to do this in courses with a break of 2-3 months.

The dermabrasion technique is a hardware peeling with the help of special nozzles. They are coated with abrasive particles. Damage after such cleaning can be very deep, and healing is long, so the interval between procedures should be at least six months.

During this period, the skin will be able to fully recover. Dermabrasion is used to resurface severe and deep bumps, so one treatment may not be enough.

After correcting deficiencies, this type of peeling will have to be forgotten. It can not be performed more than 3-4 times in a lifetime.

More beneficial in this regard is a more gentle microdermabrasion. An innovative non-contact technique in which skin resurfacing is carried out using a jet of air or water, to which abrasive particles are added. The course includes up to 20 procedures followed by a break for a quarter.

Exposure to chemicals can cause irreparable harm. How often to do a chemical facial peel depends on the type of skin and the type of resurfacing. Such peeling is very popular primarily because of its ease of use. By selecting the right substance and its concentration, you can influence the depth that is required.

Consider the main types of chemical peels and how often they can be done.

  1. Superficial peeling. It includes grinding with acids and enzymes (enzymes). It is recommended to do a course of 6-10 procedures with a break of up to a year. If the effect does not hold well, then you can repeat once every 6 months, one manipulation in order to maintain.
  2. Median. This type of exfoliation affects the layers of the skin more deeply, requires a longer rehabilitation period and care. Therefore, the course consists of 3-4 procedures with a break in a year. More frequent use will worsen the condition of the skin. The skin will not have time to recover from injury, the epidermis will become thinner and age faster.
  3. Deep. The most dangerous with a long rehabilitation period. Cosmetologists do not recommend using it more than three times in a lifetime. Multiplicity of the procedure: no more than once a year. It is done under general anesthesia and is equivalent to a surgical operation. After deep peeling, a stay in the hospital under the supervision of specialists is required. It is practically not used on the territory of the Russian Federation, as it has a high risk of developing serious complications.

Hardware methods

They differ in the use of special devices for the procedure.

Laser equipment practically does not injure the skin. It can be carried out even on delicate and sensitive skin. The laser penetrates the cells, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, which helps to lift the face oval and reduce wrinkles.

Ultrasonic peeling acts on the skin instantly, no need to wait to see the final result. The effect on the skin is gentle and gentle.

How many times can face peeling be done using hardware techniques? It all depends on the depth of exposure and the sensitivity of your skin. Laser and ultrasound peeling courses can be repeated every quarter. The course consists of 8 procedures, which are performed with a break of several days.

Restrictions for peeling at home

At home, professional potent agents are almost never used, therefore there are much fewer restrictions on use. The easiest way is to make a mixture yourself from improvised means and food. Such soft peeling can be successfully combined with other cosmetic procedures without worsening the skin condition. At home, facial cleansing can be done several times a week.

It is advisable to do this at night so as not to apply decorative cosmetics to the skin. The face after grinding should rest. Do not do peels often if you have sensitive skin, especially in summer in the heat and in winter with strong winds. Integuments in such conditions are already under stress.

What to do after face peel?

Peeling is always stressful for the skin, because it causes damage to the cells of the epidermis. The face after the procedure is very sensitive, so additional protection is required.

After peeling, the following care steps must be observed:

  1. Gentle cleansing of the skin. With superficial types of peeling, you can wash yourself with gels and soap. After the median and deep, it is forbidden for a few more days. Do not use gels with abrasive particles (scrubs).
  2. Surface moistening. Any cream for dry skin is suitable without a lot of fragrance additives that can cause a reaction. It is better to use the tools that you have used before. Some creams have a drying effect on the skin, they will have to be excluded during the rehabilitation period.
  3. Environmental protection. To calmly appear in direct sunlight, you can use sunscreen with an SPF effect (the value should be 30-50).

Do not worry if your face is red after peeling, your beautician will help you understand what to do in this case. This is a normal skin reaction to irritation.

In all cases, for some time you need to give up visiting baths, saunas and solariums, as well as give up bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking). It is necessary to reduce physical activity for several days, especially for those who are actively involved in sports.

What should not happen after the procedure?

Every girl needs to know which condition is dangerous and in which case to sound the alarm. After peeling, the following should not be normal:

  • fever;
  • severe itching;
  • prolonged redness of the skin (more than 3 days);
  • the appearance of sores and weeping areas.

If you notice one of the following symptoms in yourself, then you need to urgently run to the doctor to avoid consequences for the skin and the body as a whole.


The frequency of peeling courses depends on the following points:

  1. Type of peeling and depth of exposure.
  2. From the severity of the defects that need to be corrected.
  3. From the type of skin, its sensitivity.
  4. From age. The skin regenerates and recovers worse over time, so it needs peeling much more often.

If your skin reacts too strongly to peeling and heals for a long time, then it is better to reduce the frequency of exposure or completely abandon the procedure. In cosmetology, there are many ways to improve your appearance and, if problems arise, you can always find an alternative.

Consult with a beautician before the procedure. He will be able to give many recommendations for skin care, explain all the pros and cons of a particular procedure, and offer various options.