Irakli Makatsaria and Diana Ivanitskaya. Irakli Makatsaria

The bachelor Irakli is the main participant in the 6th season of the Ukrainian version of the popular show "The bachelor". But what is he like, that prince, for whose heart so many girls had to fight for?

The American franchise "The bachelor" has become very popular all over the world. appeared not only on Russian television, but also on Ukrainian. Irakli Makatsaria became the hero of the 6th season of the beloved TV show. He was born on March 24, 1985 in the city of Batumi.

From early childhood, the boy demonstrated his leadership qualities, enjoyed authority among friends and classmates. Many were sure that he would go far and be able to reach heights. And so it happened. Over the past 15 years, the man has been living in Batumi, running his own business. He is the owner of Maq Entertainment.

The man was educated in the United States, after which he returned to Tbilisi in order to graduate from the university. Throughout his life, the man managed to work in various fields. He became famous in the celebrity party, worked in the advertising business, construction and was even associated with banking.

Makatsaria assures that family and traditions are very important to him. He loves family holidays and would like very much that in the future his whole large family would gather at one festive table for such holidays as Christmas, Easter, New Year.

Irakli is sure that today he is completely ready to become a husband and father. In addition, the young man assures that he will not be upset at all if his betrothed is already with the child. Since this will obviously not be an obstacle to relations.

Irakli Makatsaria - participation of the Ukrainian Bachelor

The bachelor admits that participation in this kind of TV show is a non-standard test for him and at times he was not only interested, but actually hard. But despite this, the man was ready to go to the end. As the participant himself says, he believed that this project would really help him find true love.

Irakli himself believes that he does not need an ideal girl, and he is not going to describe what she should be. Just the one with whom it will be warm, comfortable and who will understand him will suit him.

Anna Kalina, project manager, admits that at first she doubted the sincerity of Irakli's intentions. Since I was sure that this person was not at all deprived of female attention, and perhaps this will affect his attitude towards the participants. However, she was wrong. Irakli treated the girls very carefully and reverently. Therefore, he managed to win the hearts of not only the participants, but also the audience of many millions.

As Irakli himself says, he has been preparing to participate in the project for a long time. He watched several previous seasons and paid special attention to the rose ceremony. The man was convinced that the hardest thing is to say goodbye to someone. Therefore, in turn, he tried to make the moment of farewell to any of the applicants the least traumatic for her.

Despite the fact that Irakli often has to take part in various projects as a producer, participation in the show was a test for him. He says:

The complexity of the project lies directly in the fact that the whole story develops around you - the main character, and therefore you need to tune in, pull yourself together, not only not lose your head, but also be as natural as possible.

Irakli admits that after he watched all the issues, he was convinced that his intuition did not let him down. He really was able to weed out the applicants who were affectionate, kind, “white and fluffy” in front of him, but in fact revealed their true self to other participants.

How did the bachelor's parents react to the choice of Irakli?

It is worth noting that Irakli's parents accepted the choice of a bachelor. The man claims that at first it was very difficult for them to communicate with applicants, how to evaluate them, as their mother

The opinion of the family matters a lot to Irakli

and dad were quite constrained. After all, in the same room with them were not only the participants, but the entire film crew.

But the bachelor's mother quickly pulled herself together, as she realized that now is a very important moment and in no case can you make a mistake. Irakli's relatives were honest with both the participant and the girls and supported the man's choice.

Irakli admits that, of course, the opinion of his relatives is very important for him, because his family is close and dear people. But at the same time, the choice had to be made all the same to him. After all, not them, but he would have to live with the future winner. Therefore, even if his choice would not please his relatives, the man would try to explain to them that it was with this girl that he felt good.

Irakli had a really warm relationship with Alena. Many fans of the popular project were very happy that the young people managed to keep their love after the project. For a whole year, lovers delighted fans with joint photographs, went on vacation, attended social events.

Exactly one year after the end of the project, Alena announced that they were breaking up. The girl noted that she had been preparing for this decision for more than one month and finally risked breaking the union. Such a decision of the beloved touched Irakli to the core.

It is worth noting that information appeared on the network that even before the break, Irakli allowed himself to go on vacation with another finalist of the 6th season of the Bachelor project - Anetti. It is possible that this also became the reason that the young people broke up.

To date, neither Alyona nor Irakli have commented on the current situation. The only thing is that the partner thanked the girl for all the wonderful moments that were in their relationship and said that he did not regret anything, as it was a great time.

Thus ended another fairy tale that began on the Bachelor project. Unfortunately, these participants did not manage to keep their feelings. It remains to be hoped that the next heroes of the popular TV project will be able to become happy and keep their love.

Already after the first broadcast of "Dancing with the Stars" on "1 + 1" Irakli predicted victory in the project. As expected, he ended up in the final, but completely unfair, according to his fans,. Three days after the announcement of the results of the show, we meet with Irakli at the hotel, where he just finished shooting for another publication. There is no trace of fatigue on his face, although he immediately admits that he has not yet had time to physically recover, and there is still a lot of work ahead on new projects.

Anna Ivanova: Why do you think you failed to win the show "Dancing with the Stars" twice: first in Georgia, then in Ukraine? Although both times the cup was at arm's length.

Did not win - it's not about me. Neither in Georgia nor in Ukraine did I leave the project defeated. I say this not to console myself, because I mean not the show, but the dances, in which I won. Moreover, if we sum up the jury's scores throughout the season, then I have a very big lead over the other finalists.

THEM. I didn’t count myself - my dad really likes to understand all the details. He told me that with Lesya Nikityuk we had a gap of 100-something points, and with Igor Lastochkin - 50. In no case do I have any offense, especially since I love Igor, Ilona, ​​Lesya, and to whom the cup will be given was not so important for me. I did not come to the project for the cup. The love and support of the audience that I feel today is much more important.

AI Why did you need to participate in the show?

THEM. I really love dancing, for me it is a way of self-expression. I consider myself a closed person, although I like to communicate with people, but I don’t tell anyone about my inner experiences, but through dance I can do it. “Dancing with the Stars” is the project that gave me an incredibly cool opportunity to talk with myself, with the audience and let go of some personal inner moments. I can't do it just by sitting and talking about them.

It is important for me that in life I do not get anything easily. Everything I have, I have earned with my hard work and honesty.

Therefore, I like to test myself every day, put myself in situations where you have to choose between the easy and the hard way. Although this path is difficult, it is much more truthful. I know that I passed it with dignity, and for me this is the most important thing.

AI In your opinion, is the Dancing with the Stars project fair? Didn't it seem unfair that, for example, Masha Efrosinina and Anita Lutsenko left him ahead of time?

THEM. Dances are evaluated not only by professional judges, but also by spectators, on whose votes the fate of the participants also depends. If the couples left ahead of time, it means that they were significantly inferior to the rest of the guys in terms of the sum of points from the judge and the number of votes from the audience. Unfortunately, these are the rules of the project. Of course, it’s a pity that it’s so early, because they didn’t have time to dance everything they planned. But I definitely know that I danced the dances that I wanted. The only thing is that I would also like to perform a Georgian dance, in which I would like to convey to the viewer all my depth and my true emotions and feelings. But in the final, we had to demonstrate all our skills acquired during the project and combine the movements we had already learned from different numbers into a composition.

A.I. Are you not sickened by the image of a bachelor who has been trailing behind you for several years?

THEM. Of course, I would like people to know who I really am and what I do. I want to move away from the image of a playboy who constantly takes off his shirt. For many, it was a big discovery when, on the last broadcast of Dancing with the Stars, I said that I was giving motivational lectures in Georgia, promoting a healthy lifestyle and doing film production.

There are so many things that people don't know about, but I don't like to be intrusive.

I do this not to be talked about, but to make it useful and necessary for someone. My main mission is to change the lives of others for the better. I think that over time everyone will see a little more than the image that was created on television. But I won't shout about it.

A.I. From your television interviews, one gets the impression that you are a very calm person. What can piss you off?

THEM. I am short-tempered only in those moments that hurt me. For example, if it concerns family or friends, if they say or do something inappropriate. Injustice drives me away.

But in general, I am a fairly stable person, and despite the difficulties that everyone had on the project, I think that I had the least emotional breakdowns.

Every day I work on myself, communicate with my inner self, no matter how strange it may sound. The most important thing in human peace is harmony. As soon as relations with your inner “I” are settled, then everything around then begins to look very easy. It's hard to provoke me into anything.

AI: For the last three months you have lived in two countries. How did you do it, because rehearsals, as I understand it, every day?

THEM. Difficult. Every Monday I flew to Georgia, from the airport I immediately went to shoot the program, we recorded two or three episodes, then back to the airport and to Ukraine. During all this time I flew to Georgia every week, but I was at home only once. All this, of course, also affected me. Lack of sleep, flights, rehearsals, filming... It's difficult, but I'm alive, I feel fine, so everything is possible.

A.I. Was there a moment when you wanted to leave the project?

THEM. I had no such thoughts. It is very important to understand why you are participating in the project. If only for the cup, it will be very difficult. When you concentrate your attention only on the last point, you miss the processes that take place before that. I enjoyed every day: rehearsals, communication with Yana, participants and creators of the show. He was very angry with himself when something did not work out. Despite the fact that everything looked easy and beautiful during the broadcast, the road to performances was very difficult.

Each time, going through these difficulties, I felt satisfaction that I was able to overcome myself.

Probably the highlight was when I made the decision to do a back flip during the dance the night before the semi-finals. In the beginning, I just watched tutorial videos on YouTube for a few hours. And then, together with a friend, in one and a half to two hours, he learned to perform back flips in the hall. If someone told me that I would master this trick in the minimum amount of time, and the next day I would go out and do it during the performance, I would think that this person is definitely crazy. But when everything worked out, I realized that if something is possible for one person, then it is comprehensible for everyone.

AI: What are you working on at the moment?

THEM.: In addition to the various shootings that are now taking place every day, work has begun on my new film “Groom from Georgia”, we are recording my program in Georgia every week, we are working on Indian film projects that I manage in several countries. Now there is a lot of everything, I just try to correctly allocate time in order to do everything. I haven't fully recovered physically from Dancing with the Stars yet. There were many injuries - we still need to collect ourselves.

AI The film "Groom from Georgia" produced by your company? And you're the main character, right?

THEM. Yes. This is a romantic comedy about a Georgian, a businessman, a winemaker, similar to the image of Irakli that was shown on TV. I want to emphasize that it is the image. This guy falls in love with a Ukrainian girl. If you describe the psychotype of the protagonist, then he is not averse to taking a walk, he likes to live and dress beautifully, at the same time he does not strongly believe in love. Our main character is the complete opposite. And it is very interesting how the communication of these people from different poles develops and how feelings unite them. In addition, we subtly use humor, which is important for this genre, we demonstrate the character traits of the two nations.

We want to show not invented things, but real ones. Ukrainians who have visited Georgia are well aware of our hospitality, feasts and traditions. There are also many interesting things in Ukraine.

So we want to make a very beautiful and light film, so that both children can watch it and adults can laugh heartily. I just see that we lack such bright and kind films now. At least in the cinema we should rest a little. I think it will be an interesting project, and Ukrainian celebrities will probably take part in it.

Photo courtesy of

AI Judging by the fact that the character of the main character is based on your television image, and you yourself play it, this is a kind of sublimation.

THEM. Many people think so, but I want to emphasize that this is definitely not a documentary about me. It’s just that I got so much experience in communication on the projects “The Bachelor”, “Dancing with the Stars”, that I don’t even have to invent anything. The more truthful the script, the more interesting it will be for people to watch. Naturally, I'm a little worried because I've never acted in a movie. So you have to work hard to make it work.

Childhood and education

Born in Batumi in the family of sailor Gurami Makatsaria and teacher Nelli Makatsaria. Irakli has a sister, Lana, who is two years older than him.

Irakli graduated from high school in the United States, and received his higher education already in Tbilisi at the Caucasus Business School with a degree in marketing.


After graduation, Makatsaria applied his knowledge and skills in various fields of activity: construction and banking business (Bank of Georgia), in the fashion industry, in the advertising business.

In 2013, Irakli founded Maq Entertainment, which became the first company to start cooperation with Bollywood, and opened the Georgian market for filming films and commercials.

For more than 15 years, Irakli has been living in Tbilisi, but he often travels for work. Spends a lot of time in Ukraine.

Irakli Makatsaria with his father /


Irakli became famous in Ukraine thanks to (season 6), where he got the role of the main character.

Alena Lesyk became the winner of the project. A couple of joint photos, and looked happy, but they soon broke up.

"Dancing with the Stars" Georgia

In 2017, Irakli participated in the Georgian version of the world-famous TV show "Dancing with the Stars", Salome Chachua became his partner. A couple on the project even.

In the project, Makatsaria reached the final, dancing samba, lindy-hop, rumba, waltz, Argentine tango, foxtrot, hip-hop, contempo, cha-cha-cha, boogie-woogie, counterporari, Georgian dance "Zekari" on the air, but took second place.

"Dancing with the Stars" Ukraine

In 2018, Makatsaria became a member of the Ukrainian version of the popular project. Yana Zaets became his partner on the dance floor.

The couple went to the finals of the competition, and with Maxim Yezhov, Igor Lastochkin and Ilona Gvozdeva.

Personal life

During the filming of Dancing with the Stars, Makatsaria admitted that his heart is still free, but he is open to relationships and ready to meet love.

Interesting Facts

The height of the handsome man is 189 cm. And he is the result of regular exercises in the gym.

Irakli Makatsaria /

Irakli admitted that he was very afraid of heights.

13:06 16.05.2017

According to outdated statistics, the ratio of girls to boys was once 10:9. I bring fresh reports from the fields: for one Irakli Makatsaria - several hundred girls. After two hundred I lost count.

Or about the rich collection of friends in Tbilisi

Despite the cold, there were no fewer girls on the street

Here, for example, are Ukrainian Film School graduates, who fit three in one photo, and more than two dozen in one casting

Some showed Irakli vocal talents...

Someone - the ability to wait like no other

The Bachelor himself, who was ex-bachelor, and now single again - well, you understand - put grades in his mind

And his support group in the person of, for example, the head of the tourism department of the KSCA Anton Taranenko is not in his mind, but in a special application. Photo - assessment - a brief comment. This focus did not bother me - I asked him everything about work.

Irakli Makatsaria has the same, because brides are brides, and Caesar needs to find out everything about cinema.

- Irakli, last time we met on the set of an Indian film. Then it was about launching other Indian projects in Ukraine. At what stage are these projects now?

Here or in Georgia?

- Here and there.

In Georgia, we are constantly filming, even now. Several projects are in the process of negotiations in Ukraine. Very soon, within a week and a half, the Indian group will come to scout locations. I think we'll start filming in July. It is assumed that the shooting will be in Kyiv and Lvov. In addition to the projects that we talked about in the winter, there are several more in development. There is, for example, a conversation about one full meter, which we will shoot entirely in Lvov.

I consider cooperation with Indian productions to be a very promising direction, so we are constantly moving forward in this matter and developing.

- Last time, the main obstacle to filming was the complicated and expensive visa process ...

Yes, and things have changed since it was simplified. Ukraine has simplified visa procedures, permission to enter the country can be obtained directly at the airport and it costs less.

- Let's talk about "Groom from Georgia". You presented the script of the film at the OIFF, now you are submitting it to the pitching of Goskino.

Not really, in Odessa we presented another idea, the first concept of the script. We worked through several scenes to submit a draft to the festival section. Now the basic idea has not changed, but this is a fully developed scenario.

- Are you also going to take projects to the OIFF this year?

I want to, but right now I have an incredible amount of projects and work in Georgia. In any case, Anya (Palenchuk, - MN ) will introduce them for both of us if need be.

Are there any changes in the script for the main character? Or what is the problem, why are you looking for a performer for so long?

I treat this project not as a commercial one. That is, I want, of course, that he had success with the audience and a wide release. But this is still the first film that Anya and I came up with ourselves, wrote it ourselves and shoot it for ourselves. The approach to the process is slightly different than in the case of commercial projects. Even when we were looking for the lead actor, I did not say that I would play the hero, but went along with the actors to audition. And if the director found someone who could better convey the emotions inherent in the script, we would shoot a different person. First of all, I am a film producer, it is important for me to convey the story and the emotions that are embedded in it, if another actor would be more suitable for the role, I would only be happy.

But even more depends on the main character in our script than on the hero. We watched both actresses and those who had never acted in films, because we were looking for the very zest and sincerity that the heroine has.

- And how do you like the casting participants?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone. The idea of ​​this casting arose quite spontaneously and was implemented in a short time. We decided to do the casting literally four days before I flew to Kyiv from Georgia, and did not even count on such a response.

- I noticed the location of the casting about five hundred meters in a huge queue at the entrance.

Even girls came from other countries, not to mention from other cities. Today we were not able to personally talk to everyone, unfortunately. But the casting managers wrote down business cards and took the contacts of each, we will definitely consider everyone and continue this process. We will continue to do auditions and new castings.

- Do you already have an idea of ​​when you will start filming?

In an ideal world, if everything goes well with both pitching and casting, we'd like to start filming in the fall.

Here co-producer Anna Palenchuk hastened to help Irakli:

Only God - and, perhaps, Philip Yuryevich - knows when the results of the pitching will be. In many ways, the start of filming depends on whether we receive state support.

- But this is not the only source of funding?

Not the only one, there are interested companies and partners in Georgia - for example, the Georgian channel.

- Speaking of the TV channel, is it the same broadcaster on which Irakli is now a dancing star?

Yes, Irakli takes part in the Dancing with the Stars project, one of the highest rated shows on the Georgian channel. Irakli is well known in Ukraine. In Georgia, the Institute of Stars does not work the way it does in our country. But participation in the project, complex productions and Irakli's charisma did their job - it worked well to increase his recognition in the country. Now he is constantly rehearsing, and we are even worried about his crazy pace, both rehearsals and filming ... But the main thing is that Irakli gets great pleasure from the project "Dancing with the Stars".

- Performs successfully?

- Let's get back to the movie. Have you talked to distributors yet, here or in Georgia?

We are negotiating. But this is not the most important stage now. The main thing is to find funding. In any case, my company 435 FILMS has already screened films, and it is likely that we will negotiate with cinemas ourselves.

It is difficult to predict anything - the idea of ​​casting, for example, arose a week ago, we came up with a collective mind format and a few days later pulled Irakli out of Georgia. Before going to Ukraine for a casting, he recorded a video message with an invitation. For two days this video was watched by 125 thousand people. I think if at least every fifth person comes to the film later, it will be a successful release of a Ukrainian romantic comedy.

In the meantime, you are thinking about this and looking after the bride of the "Groom from Georgia", I will leave you alone with the video in which Irakli dances. He will say all the things for which I did not have enough words:

Photo by Kirill Avramenko

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On September 23, the fifth episode of the new season "Dances with Stars" will be aired, in which new dance performances will be presented. The public has long attributed novels to some of the participants in star dances. So, the young singer Michele Andrade decided to dot the "i".

Recall that last Sunday aired. Beauty Michele Andrade captivated the audience and judges with her incendiary and. But besides the singer's bright choreography, her fans are interested in the question, what is the relationship between her and?

Michele Andrade, participant of the updated project "Dance with the Stars" in her recent interview for for the first time commented on rumors about an affair with parquet competitor Irakli Makatsaria. To the question of whether it is true that Irakli Makatsaria supports her in the project in a special way, the singer replied:

Don't be afraid of gossip when you know the truth. Like any girl, I like attention from a man.

The singer also revealed whether her heart is free now:

Now I'm focused on creativity and Dancing with the Stars. But if a worthy guy appears on my way, my heart is open. The world around is changing, I am changing, I am becoming more demanding of myself and those around me. But the main thing that I appreciate is sincerity.

In addition, Michele Andrade spoke frankly about the competition on the dance floor "Dance with the Stars":

I do not like the word "competition": it immediately makes me negative. I can say that there are strong participants who show growth with each broadcast. I also consider our couple strong and worthy of the final. Leaders will be determined with each next broadcast. It would be interesting for me to be in the final with Anita Lutsenko, Irakli Makatsaria and Igor Lastochkin.

Recall that rumors about the romance of Irakli Makatsaria and Michele Andrade have been circulating for a long time, since the first broadcast, in which the singer said that she would not mind talking with Irakli, but he should approach her first. In turn, the Georgian handsome man called Michelle a very pretty girl with an incredibly cool character. To find out what kind of character the singer is, Irakli planned to talk with her closer. At the same time, the participant reported that now his heart is free and open to new relationships.

How the relationship between the stars will develop, and what numbers they will show, see in the next broadcasts of "Dance with the Stars".