Games for girls Sofia is giving birth to 6 children. pregnant

Of course, the emo culture is not understood by many adults, but this does not prevent it from developing in an active and stable way, bypassing all obstacles on this difficult path. Besides, if we talk about girls like the heroine pregnant barbara games, who gives birth to six children, sometimes they have an interest in life in this style, thanks to their beloved young people. Be that as it may, the character of the game simply loves everything related to emo culture. The girls will be able to make sure of this almost immediately, by the appropriate piercing, on the beauty's lip. However, the members do not have to love the life that is so pleasing to the girl in front of their eyes. Just looking for a trendy and modern dress up app, it would be nice to pay attention to this amazing toy. But the beauty from the virtual spaces urgently wants to change her image in order to surprise her friends at the upcoming party! Soon the deep evening will turn into night, and it will not be safe to wander the streets without defenders. But the beauty does not have a boyfriend, and therefore, sorceresses should work faster!

It should be noted that in this game, incredibly dynamic music, and many kids will like this fact. The developers of the game also did not disappoint with the graphics, and therefore, being in the application is even more pleasant. Girls will love a luxurious wardrobe! In fact, clothes of this kind may not please everyone. Simply put, they are usually only liked by those people who are enthusiastic about the culture that was mentioned at the very beginning. But this does not mean that the little ones will not be able to find anything that they would like.

And in principle, children, as well as young people, in modern times, are calm about such eccentricities. When composing a costume, one must pay attention to the compatibility of each element with the rest. And, of course, it’s more convenient to start with the selection of haircuts and hair dye. All hairstyles that are placed by the creators in this game are extremely fashionable and interesting. Surely there is not a single crumb who would not like shoe options for a pretty person on the screen. The game contains a huge amount of jewelry of the appropriate plan for such a modern and unusual girl. Long socks, short skirts and bright trousers. In general, in this fashionable madness, it is easy to find something to your own taste. And what are the dresses! Amazing colors and interesting lengths. It’s just that your eyes run wide when you realize that the need for choice is placed in the hands of the participants games for girls about six children of Barbara that our pregnant beauty gave birth to!

Their great-great-grandmothers played like this with bundles of straw: they twisted dolls out of it, gave names, sewed outfits, staged whole performances. Then there was a turn of real toys, and now - online games for girls about pregnant women and childbirth. The form changes, but the content remains the same as 100 and 200 years ago.

A glimpse into adulthood

Psychologists say that stories about pregnant women and how they give birth are the second stage in the natural process for girls to play with dolls. The first begins at the age of three years and is expressed in the imitation of maternal function. During this period, babies rush around with baby dolls: they feed, cradle, bathe, carry in a stroller - they portray their mother.

By the age of five or six, a natural question arises: how did the child get into my mother's tummy? Not all mothers, and, moreover, fathers are ready to paint the process in detail. Yes, this is not required. The version that modern games about pregnant women adhere to is quite suitable for girls at the second stage of knowing the world with the help of dolls. Its essence is as follows: a handsome prince meets a princess, falls in love, a couple kisses, plays a wedding. The young wife immediately rounds her tummy, and a happy family begins to wait for childbirth. There is nothing terrible about them either.

In games about pregnant women, the process of childbirth is shown schematically - the mother starts contractions, she breathes heavily, and after a while a screaming baby appears from under her skirts. They are supposed to be played like this: you need to wipe the sweat from the woman’s forehead, straighten her hair, give some water, give painkillers injections - perform the functions of a midwife for free. The controls are simple: actions are performed with the mouse, and arrows appear on the screen with tips on what to take, where to go, how to do it.

    In the game Elsa Gives Birth to Twins, help the young mother get ready for the hospital, and after the birth, take care of the newborn twins, make sure that everything is in order. Then follow all the necessary procedures in such cases and take them to the first feeding. The hints will help you. Control

    In Pinkie Pie Expecting a Baby, the Equestria girl really needs your help. Help her prepare all the necessary things for the hospital, and in the hospital, check the well-being of the young mother. If everything is in order and the birth was successful, take care of the baby and take it to Pinky. Control:

    In the game "Cleopatra's Childbirth in Water" you have to help the queen give birth in the water. To ensure that the baby is born safely, follow the prompts. Have a spa treatment, then go to the pool and help the baby to be born. When you have done everything, take the baby to the parents. Control: "mouse

    In the game "Mom Gives Birth to a Baby" you will take the birth of a future mother. Everything is already prepared, but you will have to take the temperature, check the general condition of the woman in labor and help with the birth. Drip the nose of the newborn baby, swaddle it and take it to the expecting mother. Management: "mouse"

    In the game "Pregnant: Barbara Gives Birth" you will learn how to properly prepare for the birth of a child. To do this, you will have to attend special gymnastics courses with Barbara, and on the day of birth, help mom and her baby. The hints will help you. Management: "mouse".

    Participate in the opening of a new cafe in the game "Papa Louie: Bakery". You have to learn how to work as a waitress and become the best chef for pies and desserts. Try to complete the tasks and use only the necessary ingredients when baking. Mouse control