Homemade kiwi face masks for wrinkles, sagging and enlarged pores! Kiwi face mask recipes.

Kiwi face masks. What are the benefits of kiwi for the skin?

Kiwi face masks can do a lot. This is moisturizing, and the elimination of mimic wrinkles, and a general lifting of the facial oval, and nutrition, and healing, and, of course, a tonic effect. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Vitamin B is indispensable in sunny summer. It helps to give our skin an even and natural tan, but at the same time remain hydrated, prevents it from burning and becoming covered with age spots.

Do you know how useful vitamin C is? This is not just a widespread ascorbic acid, which gives a restorative effect. First of all, vitamin C regulates redox processes. This means that “ascorbic acid” is able to remove harmful oxidation substances. And then the skin will remain young, healthy and, as a result, beautiful.

Vitamin E will help the muscles, which are in great abundance on the face, to remain in good trained shape. The use of this vitamin will allow your skin to smile all you want, and even more. Any cosmetic procedure with vitamin E gives the effect of a circular facelift. This means that “crow's feet” near the eyes and lips do not threaten your skin either. She will always be in good shape, and you will forget about small but unpleasant wrinkles.

Kiwifruit also contains iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium - these are minerals that help retain fluid in the skin and remove salts. Iron will stand as a shield of a medieval knight on the path of disease. Potassium will help intracellular metabolic processes to proceed correctly and in a timely manner. Magnesium will keep the water-salt balance under control, which is important for any part of the body, and especially for the skin. Phosphorus is considered one of the structural elements of skin cells, the timely renewal of which is achieved with great effort.

The technology of applying a kiwi face mask at home is very simple. You can simply make a cucumber-type kiwi mosaic all over your face, avoiding the eyes. If you want the best effect, chop 1 fruit with a fork or in a blender and gently apply to the skin with a cotton swab. A well-wrung sponge can be applied to the eyes against swelling, but not more than 2 minutes.

And do not forget about the standard test for an allergic reaction in cosmetology. Put the mask on your hand and wait a little bit. There should be no redness, rash, and the like. If this happens, then the mask does not fit.

Kiwi face mask recipes

Nutritious. Mash the kiwi and half a ripe banana with a fork, add a spoonful of sour cream to the gruel and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and hold for at least 15 minutes, then rinse. If the skin is dry, apply a moisturizer or toner.

Restoring. Fresh egg white, a teaspoon of clay (green or blue) and the pulp of 1 kiwi mix until smooth, add half a teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Keep the mixture on your face for at least 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese with ripe kiwi mashed into gruel. Instead of cottage cheese, you can take natural yogurt without additives and dyes. This mask is also applied to cleansed skin and kept for at least a quarter of an hour.

Whitening. Peel the kiwi (see), grind into a pulp and mix with 1 teaspoon of semolina or ground oatmeal. Add a spoonful of sour cream or kefir (fermented milk products give a whitening effect), mix and apply on face. Massage the skin like a scrub for a couple of minutes and leave the mask on for another 7-10 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water, if necessary, moisturize the skin with cream after the procedure.

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Kiwi face mask has a lot of positive properties. This mask perfectly moisturizes and soothes the skin, nourishes, tones and improves complexion.

Currently, kiwi has long ceased to be considered exotic, it is freely sold in stores. The content of vitamin C in kiwi is much higher than in citrus fruits, and this vitamin is a well-known antioxidant that fights free radicals for beauty, youth and health.

Regular use of kiwi masks will provide the skin with the necessary amount of vitamin C and help it maintain youth, elasticity, and freshness. In addition to vitamin C, kiwi contains tocopherol (vitamin E), which has no less benefit for our skin. Tocopherol, like vitamin C, is a powerful antioxidant that gives skin elasticity. Thanks to tocopherol, you can not be afraid of the appearance of facial wrinkles, even strong activity of the facial muscles will not lead to the formation of wrinkles and wrinkles, due to the fact that the skin of the face acquires the ability to quickly tighten. In other words, with enough vitamin E in the skin, you can be allowed to laugh as much as you want without worrying about the appearance of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes or lips. In addition, kiwi is rich in beta-carotene, also an antioxidant, which is especially important in the summer, when the sun has a harmful effect on our skin. Beta-carotene protects the skin from moisture loss, sunburn, and actively promotes natural skin pigmentation. The required amount of beta-carotene allows the skin to have an even, beautiful tan and at the same time remain young and beautiful.

In addition to the composition of vitamins, kiwi contains various minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, which are very useful for our body as a whole. All these substances also have a beneficial effect on our skin. The only thing that can be attributed to the disadvantages of a kiwi mask is the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Therefore, before making a kiwi mask, it is necessary to conduct a test by putting a little kiwi on the elbow bend, if after a while a rash or redness appears on the skin, then the kiwi mask is contraindicated for you.

The benefits of kiwi for the skin

A kiwi face mask has a simply amazing effect, after such a mask there is a feeling of freshness, lightness, the skin brightens a little, its color improves. The kiwi mask received all these wonderful qualities due to its unique composition.

The composition of kiwi contains vitamins of group B, which are the basis of healthy and beautiful skin: thiamine has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect (it will help to cope with acne, small cracks, irritation, inflammation), riboflavin promotes cell renewal and helps in the absorption of oxygen (good anti-aging effect ), niacin helps to improve blood flow and complexion, folacin has a tightening effect, helps to make the skin much more elastic, toned, pyridoxine helps to normalize metabolic processes in cells.

Vitamin C, which is found in high amounts in kiwi fruit, is a strong natural antioxidant, and the kiwi face mask will help in the production of collagen, which is known to prolong youth and beauty.

Vitamin E closes the pores, so after the mask the skin is less polluted and becomes more toned.

Phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, calcium, potassium, which are part of kiwi, nourish the skin of the face well, thanks to these minerals, the skin of the face gains health, its color improves, metabolic processes in cells normalize.

The indications for using a kiwi mask are very diverse, it is suitable for any skin type, for any age. Your attention should be paid to a mask containing kiwi for those who began to notice small signs of aging in their reflection, for those who have problem or oily skin, acne, and for everyone who just cares about their health and appearance, this mask is also perfect for owners of dry skin. or sensitive skin.

Contraindications for the use of a kiwi mask are an allergy to fruit, open wounds on the face, and severe skin diseases.

Kiwi face mask recipes

Prepare a puree from one kiwi and mix with sour cream (can be replaced with pure yogurt). Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. After such a mask, the complexion becomes healthier, the skin is slightly whitened. To enhance the nutritional effect, it is recommended to include a banana or honey in the mask.

Mix well soft kiwi, a teaspoon of olive oil, one egg white, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of green clay (add last and carefully mix into the mixture). Gently apply the prepared mask on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the mask, you can use a moisturizer.

Kiwi scrub mask

Grind the peeled kiwi fruit well to make a gruel, add a tablespoon of poppy seeds and fatty sour cream. Apply the scrub for one to two minutes with gentle circular motions, then leave the mask for another 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water, after the mask, you can apply a moisturizer.

To cope with oily skin, a kiwi face mask will help, which is prepared as follows:

Grind kiwi and add cottage cheese, about one tablespoon (can be replaced with natural yogurt without impurities). Apply the prepared mask for 20 minutes on the face, rinse with cool water.

In the same amount, take chopped kiwi, lemon and grated horseradish and mix well. Apply the mask obtained in this way on the face and wash off after 5 or 10 minutes (depending on the sensations).

The following masks can be used at any age and for any skin type:

Grind the kiwi fruit well, add pure yogurt, almond oil and freshly squeezed orange juice in a tablespoon, a little carrot, grated on a fine grater. Spread the mixture evenly over the face and leave to dry completely, then wash with cool water.

Mix well one crushed kiwi, a few strawberries, half a medium cucumber (you can use a blender to get a more uniform structure). If the mixture turned out to be watery, it is recommended to add a little oatmeal to thicken it. Apply the prepared mixture on the face, while gently massaging the skin with your fingers, leave for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the mask, the skin will feel clean and fresh.

This mask has a good cleansing effect:

Gently distribute the kiwi gruel over the face, a characteristic feature of such a mask is the feeling of tightness on the skin, this should not be frightening. After 15 minutes, you need to wash your face and lubricate your face with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

The following composition of the mask will well moisturize dry skin of the face: olive oil and freshly squeezed kiwi juice - 1 tbsp each. spoon, the yolk of one egg. Mix all the components of the mask well and spread over the face with a moistened sponge. The mask stimulates blood flow, has a smoothing, soothing, nourishing effect.

Rejuvenating Kiwi Facial Mask

Mix until smooth an equal amount of kiwi, pear, persimmon, apple crushed to a state of puree. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then gently remove the remnants with a damp cloth.


Dear readers, do you like kiwi? I don't just love, I adore. This sour-sweet taste is unmistakable. Of course, we all buy it in our supermarkets. The main thing is to choose it correctly. But have you used kiwi to preserve beauty, have you pampered yourself with simple face masks? If you haven’t tried it yet or know only one or two kiwi masks, then I suggest today to replenish our knowledge and talk about it in more detail.

How useful are these masks? Homemade kiwi mask recipes will be appreciated by those who suffer from facial skin problems. This wonderful exotic fruit is considered the champion in the amount of vitamins. For example, the high content of vitamin C helps fight all the harmful substances that enter our body every day. So if you want your skin to remain beautiful, young and healthy for as long as possible, then I definitely advise you to pamper it with kiwi-based masks.

In large quantities, kiwi contains tocopherol - vitamin E, which is responsible for the youthfulness of the skin and helps not only to get rid of wrinkles, but also to avoid their appearance. And beta-carotene, which is also enough in kiwi, will help you avoid the negative effects of sunbathing and reward your skin with an even and beautiful tan. In addition, in kiwi you can find all the minerals necessary for the skin: iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

Important: However, despite all these benefits, kiwi masks can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are definitely not sure that your skin will react painlessly to kiwi, do a small test: apply a little pulp of this fruit on the thin skin of your wrist or elbow. If there are no signs of allergy within an hour, you can safely use masks based on kiwi.

Kiwi face masks: what effect do they have?

You will notice the amazing effect of such a mask literally from the very first application. You will feel an unprecedented freshness and lightness, and the skin will be significantly cleansed and will take on a beautiful, even, healthy color. The secret lies in a huge amount of vitamins.

  1. Irritation, peeling and redness disappear, small cracks heal, acne and blackheads disappear. The skin is renewed, breathes better, acquires elasticity and natural radiance.
  2. Youth is prolonged, and antioxidants contribute to the fight against negative environmental factors.
  3. The pores are narrowed, so the oily sheen disappears, black dots disappear.
  4. The skin receives additional nourishment and care.

Therefore, if you notice that mimic wrinkles have begun to appear in you, or you don’t like your complexion, or you are tired of fighting constant oily sheen and acne, do not rush to buy expensive creams or go to a beauty salon. You can easily eliminate all these problems on your own, using only natural and healthy mask ingredients.

What should we know when applying such masks?

  • Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse your face. Preferably a scrub.
  • Keep the mask for no more than 15-20 minutes.
  • During the procedure, it is advisable not to talk, not to smile. It is best to lie down and relax.
  • Do not use soap to remove the mask. Just wash with warm water.
  • After the mask, gently simply blot your face with a towel or napkin.
  • It is good to apply a nourishing cream.
  • The recommended course of application of such masks is 1 month at intervals of 3 days.
  • And once again I remind you about a possible allergic reaction. Be sure to test.

Skin care with kiwi.

  1. Kiwi.
  2. Orange.
  3. Olive oil.
  4. Sour cream.
  5. Almond.

Peel the kiwi, grind it into a puree, add a teaspoon of honey, 25 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice, the same amount of oil, 20 grams of sour cream and 10 grams of ground almonds. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, apply to the skin and gently massage, paying special attention to problem areas: cheeks, nose, chin. It is advisable to remove the mask with a warm, damp cloth with a soft pile.

Kiwi mask recipe for combination skin.

To create a classic kiwi mask, we need only this magical fruit and nothing more. Just chop in any way (you can knead, grate or chop with a blender) one peeled kiwi. Apply the resulting mass on the face and leave until completely dry. Remove gently with warm water and a damp towel.

Problem skin. How to make a kiwi mask?

For oily, problematic skin, you need to use the following mask:

  1. Kiwi.
  2. Egg.
  3. Blue or white cosmetic clay.
  4. Peach, linseed or olive oil.

Peel the kiwi, chop and mix with the protein, whipped into a strong foam. There also add 2 tablespoons of your chosen clay and a tablespoon of oil. Stir, apply on steamed face skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with room temperature water. If the kiwi is too ripe, then there will be a lot of pulp, the juice itself. You can then add a little more clay.

Rejuvenating kiwi mask.

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a wonderful recipe for a rejuvenating mask of kiwi, banana and sour cream:

Homemade kiwi masks with cottage cheese for dry skin.

  1. Kiwi.
  2. Cottage cheese.

Take 1 fruit, peel and grind to a pulp. Add 50 grams of cottage cheese and mix until you get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Apply to face and leave for half an hour, then remove with a damp cotton swab.

Homemade kiwi mask recipe for normal skin.

  1. Kiwi.
  2. Kefir.
  3. Orange.
  4. Carrot.

Mash 1 peeled kiwi, add 50 grams of kefir and 25 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice. Finely chop the carrots and add to the rest of the ingredients. Stir, apply on face, let dry and rinse with warm water.

Recipe for a nourishing mask based on kiwi.

  1. Kiwi.
  2. Apple.
  3. Pear.
  4. Persimmon.

Peel all fruits, get rid of seeds and chop in a blender or grate on a fine grater. Mix until smooth and apply on face. Leave for half an hour, then remove with a warm, damp cloth with a soft pile.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "kiwi face mask for wrinkles at home" and discuss the article in the comments.

  • Vitamin cocktail for skin
  • Application rules
  • Recipes

Kiwi is a Chinese gooseberry, an exotic fruit from the tropics, which recently conquered the market, surprising everyone with its sweet and sour taste. Women instantly discovered its wonderful cosmetic properties.

It turned out that a kiwi face mask, which can be easily and quickly prepared by absolutely everyone at home, has a beneficial effect on the skin. It nourishes it with vitamins, slightly dries it, eliminates age spots, smoothes wrinkles and reduces the number of acne. The perfect skin care product!

Kiwi cosmetic face mask, used at home, becomes a real vitamin cocktail for any skin type. This exotic fruit contains many different useful substances, each of which, penetrating deep into the skin, performs its own function there at the cellular level:

  • thiamine(vitamin B1) relieves irritation, helps microcracks heal faster, treats inflammation in the form of acne - thanks to it, kiwi masks have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • riboflavin(vitamin B2) contributes to the constant renewal of cells and the unhindered absorption of oxygen by them - it makes kiwi an excellent anti-aging agent for mature, flabby, fading, wrinkled skin;
  • niacin(vitamin B3) improves complexion, normalizing subcutaneous circulation;
  • pyridoxine(vitamin B6) is actively involved in metabolic processes at the cellular level, controls the production of collagen and elastin, due to which the epidermis becomes youthfully toned and elastic;
  • folic acid(vitamin B9) - reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation, frost, winds, low temperatures, sea salt, atmospheric toxins and other aggressive factors from the outside;
  • vitamin C(vitamin C) - a powerful antioxidant that promotes intensive synthesis of new collagen fibers to prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
  • tocopherol(vitamin E) causes the pores to close - after the mask, the epidermis will tighten and be less polluted;
  • mineral elements(calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium) nourish the epidermis, make it healthier, normalize cellular processes, improving the appearance of the skin.

Such a comprehensive benefit of a kiwi mask is a real discovery for owners of problematic and aging skin. With this amazing cosmetic product, you can get rid of acne, wrinkles, oily sheen and other skin imperfections. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly at home.

Application rules

The composition of kiwi contains a large amount of organic acids, which can irritate the skin, and if the product is used incorrectly in the composition of masks, a burn may occur. Therefore, this tool can not be used by everyone and at random. You need to know the contraindications and a number of nuances for its home use.

  1. Contraindications: a kiwi mask is harmful. Its owners are better off looking for another face care product. If you really want Chinese gooseberries, then only in small quantities, and fatty dairy products should become the basic ingredients. The same applies to the kiwi mask around the eyes - be extremely careful and follow the measure.
  2. Before applying to the face, put a slice of fruit on your wrist for 10 minutes and follow the reaction: if after 3 hours a rash and unhealthy redness do not appear in this place, you can safely make a face mask.
  3. Before the procedure, steam the skin over steam so that the pores open as wide as possible.
  4. Do not keep kiwi masks on your face for a long time: for dry skin and around the eyes - no more than 5-10 minutes, for problematic and oily - no more than 15.
  5. After thorough washing, apply a moisturizing nourishing cream to your face, which will soothe the skin irritated by such intensive therapy.
  6. Frequency of use for dry skin and around the eyes - 1 time in 7-10 days, for oily and problematic - 2 times a week.

There is no shortage of recipes, the choice is large, but you are guided by what problem you would like to solve first of all. When studying the composition of the mask, pay attention to the proportions of the products: there should not be too much kiwi. And even more so, do not try to apply this fruit on your face in its pure form: you risk getting burned.


Regular and competent use, exact observance of the proportions indicated in the recipes, the desire to look beautiful and young - this is the key to the success of home use of kiwi in cosmetic masks. Try - and enjoy the results achieved.

  • For the skin around the eyes

Kiwi puree (incomplete teaspoon) beat with fatty cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), add chopped parsley (1 teaspoon). Nourishing kiwi eye mask has a lifting effect: it will tighten the wrinkles on the eyelids and eliminate crow's feet.

  • For acne

Whisk Chinese gooseberry puree (1 tablespoon) with kefir (2 tablespoons), orange juice (1 tablespoon), warm almond oil (1 tablespoon), grated carrots (1 teaspoon). The acne mask will cope with both acne and blackheads.

  • Anti-inflammatory

Mix fruit puree with liquid, warm honey in equal proportions. An anti-inflammatory mask of kiwi and honey will save you from rashes of any kind (pimples, blackheads).

  • For oily skin

Whisk Chinese gooseberry puree (1 tablespoon) with protein, add green cosmetic clay (2 tablespoons), unrefined olive oil (1 teaspoon). An effective kiwi mask for oily skin will eliminate greasy shine, narrow pores.

  • From the wings

Make fruit puree, mix in equal amounts with semolina porridge cooked in milk. A kiwi lifting mask with semolina is an excellent tool to remove jowls and tighten the second chin.

  • From wrinkles

Mix banana and Chinese gooseberry puree in any proportion with low-fat natural yogurt. This anti-wrinkle mask is recommended for regular care for women over 40.

  • For dry skin

Fruit puree (1 teaspoon) beat with egg yolk and fat sour cream (2 tablespoons). Such a kiwi mask for dry skin will relieve peeling.

A variety of recipes allows you to choose exactly the one that is ideal for you for home facial care. If desired and with the right attitude, Chinese gooseberries can be useful for all skin types and in the most magical way make you even more attractive and irresistible.

The content of the article: Kiwi is an exotic fruit that grows in countries with a subtropical climate and has a mixed taste similar to strawberry, gooseberry, melon, banana, sweet cherry, pineapple and sweet cherry at the same time. The berry is used in jelly, jams, jams and marmalades, added to salads. Due to the huge amount of vitamin C, it is now often used in cosmetology, including making face masks from kiwi, which we will tell you about in this article. But vitamin C alone is not limited to its benefits. Kiwi contains tannic acid, vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. The fruit perfectly cleanses the skin and moisturizes it, tightens the contours of the face and fights minor imperfections.

The composition and properties of kiwi

1. B vitamins have anti-inflammatory properties and promote the healing of minor scratches and wounds. Thanks to him, the skin is cleansed, pimples and blackheads go away, inflammation is reduced. In addition, the vitamin helps to normalize metabolic processes in cells, tighten the skin and improve its color, make it more elastic and elastic. This is one of the most important vitamins for those who have already been affected by age-related changes.

2. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. It prolongs the youth of cells, helps them renew themselves, enhances the production of natural collagen in the skin, thanks to which it rejuvenates and does not age, vitamin C reduces pigmentation and soothes the skin.

3. Vitamin E is rightfully the main ally in the struggle of women for beauty. It relieves swelling, eliminates dryness and flaking, slows down the aging process, accelerates the healing of wounds and scars, and enhances natural protection against UV rays.

4. But the benefits of kiwi are not limited to vitamins: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium are no less useful for the skin: they soothe it, renew, rejuvenate, moisturize and smooth it.

Indications and contraindications for kiwi masks

Kiwi is generally a unique berry, because it can be used by everyone and with any type of skin. With oily, problematic, acne-prone skin, it tightens pores and normalizes the sebaceous glands. If the skin has already undergone age-related changes, has lost its elasticity, small mimic wrinkles have appeared on it, kiwi will help renew the top layer of the skin, smooth it and tighten it. If your skin is dry and too sensitive, use a kiwi mask with the addition of emollients: honey, sour cream or egg yolk.

But the emerald fruit still continues to be a strong allergen, so before using it, take a compatibility test: apply the pulp on the inside of your wrist or elbow and wait. If itching, peeling or redness appears, put the berry aside: it will not suit you. It is also not recommended to make masks on open wounds or if you have a severe skin disease.

Before applying the mask to your face, be sure to cleanse. Remove all makeup, wash your face thoroughly and wipe your face with a scrub. If your skin is too sensitive, use a gentle, gentle scrub that you can make at home. To prepare it, you will need the pulp of black bread or finely ground oatmeal. Dilute the base with water to a pulp and wipe your face, not forgetting your neck. If desired, you can make a steam bath or steam your face with a hot compress. These procedures will help you open the pores and enhance the effect of the mask.

Do not forget about the neck and décolleté. There, the skin also needs care, so pamper it with a scrub and mask. After all, the neck best betrays the true age of a woman, and sometimes embellishes it.

After the procedure, rinse off with plain water and do not use gels or soap, no matter how much you want, otherwise you will wash off all the useful layer left after the procedure. Wash your face with warm water first, then rinse your face with cool water. If time permits, arrange a contrast wash for your face to invigorate skin cells and increase tone. You can wipe your face with an ice cube from herbal infusion or wash your face with mineral water without wiping your face. Let the moisture absorb on its own, softening the face and moisturizing it. Then use your favorite lotion or cream to complete the treatment.

Kiwi mask recipes at home

Kiwi mask

The simplest mask imaginable consists of only kiwifruit. It is necessary to cut the berry into thin slices and put on a previously cleansed face. You can knead the pulp into a gruel, but you should be careful: the gruel does not adhere well to the skin and constantly slides down. Do not apply the mask close to the eyelids - there is too delicate skin that can suffer.

Scrub mask with poppy, kiwi and sour cream


1 soft kiwi

food poppy seeds - 1 tsp

high-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.


Peel the kiwi and mash it into a porridge. Add poppy seeds and sour cream and mix thoroughly. Gently apply to face and massage into skin for 1-2 minutes, then leave on for 5-7 minutes. Massage again and rinse with warm water, then apply a thin layer of nourishing cream.

Action: scarab mask easily and gently cleanses the skin, gently massaging it, nourishes, whitens and moisturizes it.

Indications: for dry and sensitive skin, prone to the appearance of age spots and freckles.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Kiwi and banana mask


half a ripe banana

sour cream (fatty for dry skin and low fat for oily) - 2 tbsp.

lemon juice - 0.5 tsp (for those with oily skin)


Mash both fruits and mix the resulting puree. Try not to leave any lumps in the mixture. Add sour cream and apply the mass on the face. Hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water

Action: The mask nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin.

Indications: for any skin type.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask with kiwi, honey and yogurt


Soft fat-free cottage cheese or natural yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp.

Liquid honey - 1 tsp


Mash the kiwi to a gruel, add honey and cottage cheese (yogurt) and mix. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and rinse with cold.

Action: The mask softens the skin, eliminates redness and soothes.

Indications: for dry and sensitive skin.

Application: 2-3 times a week.

Mask with clay, kiwi, olive oil and egg


Green clay - 1 tbsp.

1 egg white

Olive oil - 1 tsp

Cooking: dilute the clay with water to a thick porridge. Don't overfill so it doesn't become too liquid. Separate the egg and beat the egg white. Mash the kiwi into a puree, mix with the butter and carefully add to the protein, stirring constantly. Then mix the resulting mass with clay and apply on the face. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse and apply a thin layer of nourishing cream.

Action: the mask restores the structure of the skin, draws out harmful substances, smoothes and softens.


Application: 1-2 times a week.

Mask with kiwi, honey and butter cream


Butter cream - 2 tbsp.

Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.


Mash the kiwi into puree and mix with cream and honey. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Action: the mask smoothes fine wrinkles, nourishes and softens the skin.

Indications: for all skin types, recommended for dry skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Kiwi and Lemon Acne Mask


Lemon juice - 2 tsp


Crush the peeled fruit and mix with lemon juice. Apply to face, massage and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If it stings a lot, rinse quickly.

Action: softens the skin, eliminates oily sheen and treats pimples.

Indications: only for oily skin.

Application: 1 time per week.

Mask with kiwi, olive oil and vitamins A and C


Olive oil - 1 tsp

A few drops of oil-based vitamin A.

A few drops of oil-based vitamin C.


Buy the necessary vitamins at the pharmacy and squeeze them into a bowl. Crush kiwi, mix with vitamins and add olive oil. Apply with a brush on the face and let dry a little, it will take about 5 minutes. Then apply another layer and wait 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and rinse with cool.

Action: The mask softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Indications: Suitable for normal to dry skin that needs hydration.

Application: 2 times per week.

Kiwi mask for problem skin


Liquid honey - 1 tsp

Low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Ground almonds - 1 tsp

Any vegetable oil (olive, linseed, almond) - 1 tbsp.

Orange fresh - 1 tbsp.


Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder and make orange juice. Peel the kiwi and mash into a puree. Add honey, sour cream, fresh juice and butter, mix well. At the very end, add ground almonds and apply the mask on the face, massaging the skin for 5-7 minutes. Then leave for another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Action: the mask smoothes wrinkles, refreshes the face and eliminates oily sheen.

Indications: for oily and problematic skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Kiwi, horseradish and lemon face mask


Grated horseradish - 1 tbsp.

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


Grate the horseradish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix both ingredients with kiwi puree, mix until smooth and apply on face. wait 10-15 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Action: the mask deeply cleanses and renews the skin, launching regenerative processes that fight against aging.

Indications: for any skin type.

Application: 1 time per week for dry skin and 2 times per week for oily skin.

Kiwi and cottage cheese mask


Soft cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.

Cooking: Crush kiwi and mix with cottage cheese. Apply to the face and neck and lie down for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water and wipe the face with an ice cube.

Action: The mask smoothes, moisturizes and deeply nourishes.

Indications: for dry and flaky skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Mask with honey and kiwi


Liquid honey - 2 tsp


Mix kiwi puree with honey, mix and apply on the face and neck, paying special attention to the cheeks and oval of the face. Hold the mask for 25 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Action: the mask has a firming, nourishing and tightening effect.

Indications: for skin prone to aging.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Mask of kiwi, pear, persimmon and apple


If desired, you can add juice from several grapes.


Grate an apple and a pear on a fine grater, mash the persimmon and kiwi to a puree state. Mix everything into a single mass, add grape juice, if any. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer on the face, neck and shoulders, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Action: this mask is a real vitamin bomb that will soften, smooth and nourish the skin.

Indications: for all skin types.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

The mask can be made from different fruits, replacing some and adding others.

Kiwi, banana and strawberry mask


Several strawberries

half a banana


Mash the fruit into a porridge, mix and apply on the face. wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Action: the mask eliminates fine wrinkles, whitens, smoothes the skin and moisturizes.

Indications: for any type of skin, especially it will be useful for young owners of problem skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week. Mask with kiwi, strawberry and banana.

Kiwi, honey, lemon and cucumber whitening mask


Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

1 small cucumber


The mask does not look very appetizing, but it is quite effective. Grate the cucumber, squeeze out excess water and mix with kiwi porridge, lemon juice and honey. Apply the mass on the face and wait 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Action: the mask whitens the skin and moisturizes it, eliminating age spots and freckles.

Indications: for skin prone to pigmentation.

Application: 1 time per week.

Mask with kefir, kiwi, almond oil, and orange juice


Low-fat kefir - 2 tbsp.

Orange juice - 1 tbsp. Can be replaced with lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Almond oil - 1 tbsp.

A little grated carrot juice.


Crush the kiwi and mix it with kefir, orange juice, almond oil and carrot juice. Apply a thick layer on the face and leave to dry completely, about 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Action: The mask nourishes, cleanses and smoothes the skin. In addition, carrot juice helps to attract the first tan and keep it.

Indications: for any skin type.

Application: 2-3 times a week.

Kiwi, strawberry and cucumber mask


Several strawberries

half a cucumber


Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mash the strawberries and kiwi and mix everything into one mass. If it turns out too liquid, add a little oatmeal or ground cereal. Apply a thick layer on the face and neck and wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Action: the mask cleanses and whitens the skin, improves complexion and softens it, fighting dehydration.

Indications: for all skin types with pigmentation.

Application: 2 times per week.

Kiwi mask for oily skin with oatmeal and egg yolk


1 egg yolk

Ground oatmeal (you can also use whole grains) - 1 tbsp.


Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder to a state of flour, mix with the yolk and add the kiwi pulp. Apply to the face, massage a little and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water and wipe the face with an ice cube.

Action: The mask draws out dirt from the skin, unclogs pores and reduces them.

Indications: for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Mask with black bread, kiwi, egg and vegetable oil


Pulp of black bread

1 egg yolk

Vegetable oil (almond, olive) - 1 tsp


Put a few drops of water on the bread pulp and stir until a mushy state. Add egg yolk and butter and stir. Peel the kiwi, soften to a puree and blend into a single mass. Apply to a clean, damp face, massage for 5 minutes and leave on for another 5 minutes. Massage again and rinse completely, rinsing your face with cool water at the end.

Action: the mask perfectly cleanses the face of impurities, starts skin renewal and moisturizes it.

Indications: for dry and sensitive skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask of kiwi around the eyes from swelling


Natural low-fat yogurt without additives - 3 tsp

Skimmed milk - 1 tsp

Liquid honey - 1 tsp

Ground oatmeal - 1 tsp

1 drop of orange essential oil

1 drop lavender essential oil


Mix yogurt, milk, honey and kiwi pulp, beat with a mixer. Add essential oils and oatmeal, mix again until smooth. Apply to the skin around the eyes, face and neck and massage for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and rinse your face with mineral water. Do not wipe the skin so that the water is absorbed.

Action: express mask will help relieve swelling and fatigue, relieve you of external signs of fatigue and give your face radiance.

Application: 1-3 times a week.

Kiwi mask for acne


Liquid honey - 2 tbsp.

Flour (any will do: oatmeal, almond, rye, wheat) - 1 tbsp.


Mash kiwi, add honey and flour. Mix, apply an even layer on the face and pat it a little so that the honey sticks to the hands. Wait 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Action: the mask helps fight acne, cleanses the face and evens out the skin.

Indications: for oily, acne-prone skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Kiwi, cinnamon and lemon mask


Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp

half a lemon


Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mash the kiwi and mix with the cinnamon. Apply to face and neck, avoiding eye area, and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Action: The mask refreshes and tones the skin, removes oily sheen.

Indications: for oily and sluggish atonic skin.

Application: 1 time per week.

Mask with kiwi, honey, egg yolk, boiled potatoes and wheat germ oil


Liquid honey - 2 tsp

Yolk of one egg

One small boiled potato

Wheat germ oil - 2 tsp.


Mix kiwi pulp, honey and boiled potatoes, yolk and wheat germ oil, if the mass turns out to be liquid, add a little flour. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Action: the mask illuminates the face, restores the structure of the skin, nourishes it and has a rejuvenating effect.

Indications: for all skin types with signs of aging.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask with sour cream, kiwi and honey


Low fat sour cream - 1 tbsp

Liquid honey - 1 tsp


Mix kiwi pulp, sour cream and honey until smooth. Apply to skin and hold for 20 minutes. rinse with warm water, then rub the skin with an ice cube.

Action: the mask has a whitening effect, nourishes and softens the skin.

Indications: for dry and sluggish skin prone to age spots.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask with kiwi and oil


Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower or almond) - 1 tbsp.

3-4 drops of any essential oil suitable for your skin.


Grind the kiwi, mix with the main small and drip the selected essential oil. Stir until smooth and apply to the face, lightly patting the skin. Wait 15 minutes and rinse with hot water, then rinse with cool.

Action: The mask moisturizes the skin and restores its natural defenses.

Indications: for dry skin.

Application: 1 time per week.

Kiwi mask for oily skin


1 egg white

Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Separate the protein and yolk and beat the first one into foam (beat for 5 minutes with a mixer). Mash kiwi, add lemon juice and protein, mix. Apply a layer on the face and neck, wait 2-3 minutes and apply a second layer. Leave until completely dry and rinse with warm water.

Action: The mask tightens pores, eliminates oily sheen and softens the skin.

Indications: for oily skin.

Application: 1 time per week.

Possessing a unique set of vitamins and microelements, any kiwi mask will help you achieve perfect skin. But to enhance the beneficial properties, use additional sources of beneficial trace elements, such as honey, sour cream, cottage cheese or fruits.

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kiwi face masks- healthy looking skin. The action of masks with kiwi at home: stimulates metabolic processes, tones, refreshes, evens out tone, slows down cell aging, maintains a healthy appearance of the epidermis, gives elasticity to the skin.

The benefits of kiwi for the skin

After applying kiwi masks, you will see the immediate effect of the procedure. The skin will become brighter, acquire freshness, a beautiful shade, and receive effective hydration. All trace elements present in kiwi benefit skin cells:

  • tocopherol (vitamin E) - tightens the oval of the face;
  • vitamin C - prolongs the youth of cells, promotes the production of new collagen fibers;
  • magnesium - activates metabolic processes in skin cells;
  • iron - nourishes the epidermis, makes it healthier;
  • zinc - normalizes the internal cellular balance, improving the appearance of the skin;
  • calcium - renews skin cells, helps them absorb oxygen;
  • potassium - effectively moisturizes the skin;
  • phosphorus - gives the skin elasticity, restores youth;

Kiwi contains many useful vitamins, each of which, penetrating deep into the skin, performs a certain function at the cellular level, helps to quickly cope with facial skin imperfections. The main thing is to correctly apply this amazing natural remedy at home.

Application rules

The use of kiwi face masks is recommended for all skin types, at any age, with various cosmetic defects. This universal tool will help in the shortest possible time to cope with the imperfections of the face. It is especially worth paying attention to the mask containing kiwi for the following problems:

  • aging skin;
  • acne and blackheads;
  • oily skin;
  • wrinkles;

In addition to getting rid of certain imperfections, kiwi has a whitening, anti-aging, anti-aging, moisturizing effect.

Kiwi mask is used as follows:

  1. apply the mask on wet, cleansed skin;
  2. distribute the foundation evenly over the skin of the face;
  3. leave on the skin for 15-20 minutes;

Contraindications for the use of kiwi cosmetics are fruit allergy, open wounds on the face, and severe skin diseases.

Mask Recipes

By using vitamin-rich kiwi fruit on your face, you reduce the incidence of acne, nourish and repair the skin, reduce the risk of inflammation, and tighten pores. The fruit activates the protection of cells, so that the skin is saved from pollution and inflammation.

Kiwi for acne

Mash the pulp of one peeled kiwi, add two tablespoons of liquid honey, one tablespoon of flour. Mix everything thoroughly, apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply a moisturizer to the skin.

Kiwi Pulp Mask: Mix one teaspoon of poppy seeds and the pulp of one kiwi fruit. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes and wash with plain water. After such a mask, the skin will become brighter and look healthier.

Kiwi for the skin around the eyes

Cut the kiwi fruit into thin rings, place them around the eyes for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix one tablespoon of kiwi juice and one tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese. Apply for 10 minutes. then rinse with cool water.

Kiwi for oily skin

Take an equal amount of kiwi pulp, lemon and grated horseradish. Mix all the ingredients, apply the mixture on the face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

In the crushed pulp of one kiwi, add

◦ one beaten egg,
◦ one tablespoon of green clay,
◦ One tablespoon of olive oil.

Apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then wash your face with cool water.

Kiwi for dry skin

For cooking you will need:

◦ one kiwi fruit,
◦ natural yogurt - two tablespoons,
◦ almond oil - one tablespoon,
◦ honey - one tablespoon,
◦ Coarse almond flour (you can use carefully ground almonds) - one teaspoon.

Make kiwi puree with a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly until a dense creamy texture forms. Apply to face in upward circular motions for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Kiwi juice mask: Take kiwi juice (one tablespoon), one tablespoon of olive oil, one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients and apply on face. After 15 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

Kiwi for wrinkles

To prepare the mask you will need:

◦ one kiwi fruit,
◦ one tablespoon of honey,
◦ Two tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Mix all the ingredients together, apply on the face, avoiding the eye area, for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Kiwi face mask: Mash half of one banana and the flesh of one kiwi with a fork. Then add two tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives, mix everything again, apply on the face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your face with lotion.

Kiwi for all skin types

Mask Ingredients:

◦ pulp of one kiwi,
◦ two tablespoons of kefir,
◦ one tablespoon of almond oil,
◦ some grated carrots.

Mix all ingredients. Then apply the mass in an even layer on the face and leave to dry completely. Wash your face with cold water.

Kiwi Facial Scrub

To prepare the scrub, grind the pulp of one medium kiwi fruit into a puree, add a few drops of olive oil, mixing everything thoroughly. The prepared product is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements until it dries. Washes off with warm water.

Ripe Kiwi Scrub Mask: Mash the flesh of one fruit to a puree state. Add to it

◦ one teaspoon of ground almonds in a coffee grinder,
◦ one tablespoon of sour cream,
◦ one tablespoon of vegetable oil,
◦ one tablespoon of orange juice,
◦ One teaspoon of honey.

After stirring everything for 5 minutes, apply the mask, massaging the face all the time. After completing the procedure, remove the product with a damp warm cotton pad.

A kiwi mask is a rejuvenating and skin-improving procedure that can be performed at any time of the year, because this sweet and sour fruit is good for both appearance and the whole human body.

How useful is a kiwi face mask ^

The benefits of kiwi masks for facial skin is that when vitamins B, C, E, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other substances interact with the skin, cell renewal occurs, blood circulation and intercellular metabolic processes improve, new collagen fibers are produced, which leads to the healing of small wounds, the elimination of acne, blackheads and redness; the skin is rejuvenated, tightened and begins to breathe.

The secret and versatility of kiwi masks is the ability to use this fruit with almost any ingredient, which gives a visible result after the first session.

The use of kiwi in homemade face masks allows you to get rid of many cosmetic imperfections:

  • Wrinkles and other signs of aging with aging skin;
  • Enlarged, contaminated pores, oily sheen on the face, acne and blackheads with a problematic type;
  • Excessive dryness, dead cells, irritation in the dry type.

The only contraindication is the presence of unhealed wounds on the skin, an allergy to kiwi and serious illnesses, in other cases, you can safely use recipes!

It is worth adding that such a fruit mask can be done with any type, the main thing is to mix the ingredients correctly and cleanse the skin before each session, using a scrub or regular washing gel.

Kiwi masks for the face: recipes, rules of use ^

Kiwi and honey face mask

The mask is perfect for aging skin. It effectively moisturizes, nourishes and cleanses of dead cells, and the beneficial substances contained in honey, when interacting with kiwi, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and smooth out old ones.

For rejuvenation, you should use a simple recipe:

  • Mash the kiwi pulp with a fork or using a blender;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of pre-melted honey to the resulting puree, mix everything;
  • Apply in an even layer and hold for 5-10 minutes;
  • When the above time has passed, remove the remnants of the mask with a napkin and wash with cool water.

The above procedure is best done 2-3 times a week: this is enough time for the skin to fully absorb all the beneficial vitamins and be ready to receive a new portion of nutrients.

Kiwi face mask with sour cream

Recommended for dry type: due to its beneficial nutritional properties, it will eliminate roughness and redness, as well as effectively moisturize the skin. Regular use of the recipe (2-3 times a week) will allow you to forget about dryness for a long time!

Preparing and using the mixture is very simple:

  • Make a puree of 1 kiwi, mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of high-fat sour cream;
  • Use a cleansing scrub;
  • Apply a fruit-sour cream composition to dry skin of the face and neck;
  • The optimal exposure time is 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad dipped in milk.

Face mask with kiwi and banana

Suitable for dry and normal skin types. If you need to get rid of peeling and irritation due to an allergy to cold, this recipe will come in handy! 2-3 such procedures per week are enough, and the condition of the skin will return to normal.

How to mix the ingredients and use the finished product:

  • Make a puree from the pulp of one kiwi. Add banana gruel (1/4 banana) and 2 teaspoons of melted honey to it;
  • Stir everything vigorously;
  • Apply the product on clean face skin and leave to dry for 20 minutes;
  • Wash with water of medium temperature, massage in a nourishing cream.

Clay kiwi face mask

The best remedy for acne, blackheads and inflammation. With problematic skin, 2-3 sessions a week are enough, and “cosmetic troubles” disappear without a trace!

What you need for proper preparation and application of the composition:

  • Make a pulp from the pulp of one kiwi;
  • Separate the protein from the yolk, add the protein, green clay (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (1 teaspoon) to the fruit puree;
  • After thorough mixing, distribute over cleansed face skin;
  • When 20-25 minutes have passed, remove the remnants of the product with a paper towel and wash with cool water.

Kiwi mask for oily skin

Prepared with lemon and horseradish. To eliminate oily shine, narrowing and cleansing of pores, you need to do 2-3 procedures a week.

How to mix products and use the resulting product:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kiwi pulp with the same amount of chopped lemon and horseradish;
  • Spread over the face in a dense layer, hold for no more than 25 minutes;
  • When the specified time has passed, remove the remnants of the mixture with a paper towel and wash with cool water.

Kiwi mask for dry skin

Requires ingredients such as kefir, orange juice, almond oil and carrots. Each of them saturates the skin with useful vitamins and other substances, which ultimately allows for effective nutrition and hydration.

How to mix products and use the finished product:

  • Make a puree from the pulp of one kiwi, add kefir to it (2 tablespoons);
  • Add 1 tbsp to the total mass. a spoonful of orange juice, the same amount of almond oil, add 1 teaspoon of grated carrots. Mix all components until uniform;
  • Apply the resulting product for 20 minutes;
  • Wash with warm water, use a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Kiwi and semolina face mask

This mask is a kind of peeling, where particles of semolina act as a scrub. This tool can be used 2 times a week for any type of skin, if you want to remove dead cells and improve complexion.

The process of preparing and using the product consists of several stages:

  • Prepare a puree from the pulp of one kiwi. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina;
  • Apply to the skin with massaging movements and leave to dry for 15 minutes;
  • When the above time has passed, wash with water at room temperature.

Kiwi mask for problem skin

Not only eliminates inflammation, acne, post-acne and pimples, but also effectively exfoliates dead cells. To bring the skin condition back to normal, you need to apply this recipe 2-4 times a week.

The process of preparing and using the product will not take much time:

  • Mash half a kiwi, add 1 teaspoon of poppy seeds to the pulp;
  • Apply in circular motions to clean face skin;
  • When 15 minutes have passed, wipe off the remnants of the product with a napkin and wash with cool water.

Kiwi face mask: reviews, videos, useful tips ^

It is enough to spend a small amount of money in the store and use the recipes correctly to achieve the following results of kiwi masks at home:

  • The skin becomes unusually smooth and tender;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Acne passes;
  • The complexion improves, the “earthy” shade disappears.

Kiwi is a Chinese gooseberry, an exotic fruit from the tropics, which recently conquered the market, surprising everyone with its sweet and sour taste. Women instantly discovered its wonderful cosmetic properties.

It turned out that a kiwi face mask, which can be easily and quickly prepared by absolutely everyone at home, has a beneficial effect on the skin. It nourishes it with vitamins, slightly dries, smoothes wrinkles and reduces the number of acne. The perfect skin care product!

Vitamin cocktail for skin

Kiwi cosmetic face mask, used at home, becomes a real vitamin cocktail for any skin type. This exotic fruit contains many different useful substances, each of which, penetrating deep into the skin, performs its own function there at the cellular level:

  • thiamine(vitamin B1) relieves irritation, helps microcracks heal faster, treats inflammation in the form of acne - thanks to it, kiwi masks have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • riboflavin(vitamin B2) contributes to the constant renewal of cells and the unhindered absorption of oxygen by them - it makes kiwi an excellent anti-aging agent for mature, flabby, fading, wrinkled skin;
  • niacin(vitamin B3) improves complexion, normalizing subcutaneous circulation;
  • pyridoxine(vitamin B6) is actively involved in metabolic processes at the cellular level, controls the production of collagen and elastin, due to which the epidermis becomes youthfully toned and elastic;
  • folic acid(vitamin B9) - reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation, frost, winds, low temperatures, sea salt, atmospheric toxins and other aggressive factors from the outside;
  • vitamin C(vitamin C) - a powerful antioxidant that promotes intensive synthesis of new collagen fibers to prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
  • tocopherol() causes the pores to close - after the mask, the epidermis will tighten and be less polluted;
  • mineral elements(calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium) nourish the epidermis, make it healthier, normalize cellular processes, improving the appearance of the skin.

Such a comprehensive benefit of a kiwi mask is a real discovery for owners of problematic and aging skin. With this amazing cosmetic product, you can get rid of acne, wrinkles, oily sheen and other skin imperfections. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly at home.

Application rules

The composition of kiwi contains a large amount of organic acids, which can irritate the skin, and if the product is used incorrectly in the composition of masks, a burn may occur. Therefore, this tool can not be used by everyone and at random. You need to know the contraindications and a number of nuances for its home use.

  1. Contraindications: Kiwi mask is harmful for dry and sensitive skin. Its owners are better off looking for another face care product. If you really want Chinese gooseberries, then only in small quantities, and fatty dairy products should become the basic ingredients. The same applies to the kiwi mask around the eyes - be extremely careful and follow the measure.
  2. Before applying to the face, put a slice of fruit on your wrist for 10 minutes and follow the reaction: if after 3 hours a rash and unhealthy redness do not appear in this place, you can safely make a face mask.
  3. Before the procedure, steam the skin over steam so that the pores open as wide as possible.
  4. Do not keep kiwi masks on your face for a long time: for dry skin and around the eyes - no more than 5-10 minutes, for problematic and oily - no more than 15.
  5. After thorough washing, apply a moisturizing nourishing cream to your face, which will soothe the skin irritated by such intensive therapy.
  6. Frequency of use for dry skin and around the eyes - 1 time in 7-10 days, for oily and problematic - 2 times a week.

There is no shortage of recipes, the choice is large, but you are guided by what problem you would like to solve first of all. When studying the composition of the mask, pay attention to the proportions of the products: there should not be too much kiwi. And even more so, do not try to apply this fruit on your face in its pure form: you risk getting burned.


Regular and competent use, exact observance of the proportions indicated in the recipes, the desire to look beautiful and young - this is the key to the success of home use of kiwi in cosmetic masks. Try - and enjoy the results achieved.

  • For the skin around the eyes

Kiwi puree (incomplete teaspoon) beat with fatty cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), add chopped parsley (1 teaspoon). Nourishing kiwi eye mask has a lifting effect: it will tighten the wrinkles on the eyelids and eliminate crow's feet.

  • For acne

Whisk Chinese gooseberry puree (1 tablespoon) with kefir (2 tablespoons), orange juice (1 tablespoon), warm almond oil (1 tablespoon), grated carrots (1 teaspoon). The acne mask will cope with both blackheads and blackheads.

  • Anti-inflammatory

Mix fruit puree with liquid, warm honey in equal proportions. An anti-inflammatory mask of kiwi and honey will save you from rashes of any kind (pimples, blackheads).

  • For oily skin

Whisk Chinese gooseberry puree (1 tablespoon) with protein, add green cosmetic clay (2 tablespoons), unrefined olive oil (1 teaspoon). An effective kiwi mask for oily skin will eliminate greasy shine, narrow pores.

  • From the wings

Make fruit puree, mix in equal amounts with semolina porridge cooked in milk. A kiwi lifting mask with semolina is an excellent tool to remove jowls and tighten the second chin.

  • From wrinkles

Mix banana and Chinese gooseberry puree in any proportion with low-fat natural yogurt. This anti-wrinkle mask is recommended for regular care for women over 40.

  • For dry skin

Fruit puree (1 teaspoon) beat with egg yolk and fat sour cream (2 tablespoons). Such a kiwi mask for dry skin.

A variety of recipes allows you to choose exactly the one that is ideal for you for home facial care. If desired and with the right attitude, Chinese gooseberries can be useful for all skin types and in the most magical way make you even more attractive and irresistible.