Welcome to The Little Prince.  Belief in the triumph of good

A few months before his death, Saint-Exupery wrote the allegorical tale The Little Prince (1943). The motives that sound in it - faith in the triumph of goodness, humanism, contempt for philistine indifference - are characteristic of the entire work of the writer. The tale is addressed to children, but it is also good for an adult reader, since only a person wise with life experience can fully understand its depth, philosophical orientation. The plot of the tale is not outwardly complicated: a pilot who has crashed in the sands of the Sahara meets the Little Prince.

The little prince asks to draw a lamb for him. After many unsuccessful attempts, the pilot drew a box, saying that the lamb was inside. “This is exactly what I wanted!” - said the Little Prince, who apparently liked this joke, and mutual understanding was established between them.

There are many allegories in the story. So, the Little Prince tells his friend about volcanoes, which he cleans up so that they give more heat, about the fight against baobabs, whose roots are so strong that they can crush the planet. The little prince told his friend about the meeting with the beautiful Rose, who fell in love with him. But he, not believing in her good feelings, went to travel to other worlds, hoping to find true love and friendship there.

However, this did not satisfy him either: selfish people, busy only with themselves, live everywhere. So, on one planet, he encounters a king whose meaning of life is lust for power. The King makes the Little Prince his subject, thinking that he is doing a great good for him. On another planet, there is a meeting with an ambitious man, whose main goal was that all people revere only him alone.

The Little Prince also tells about a meeting with a businessman busy counting stars; with a geographer who, without going anywhere, writes about the seas and mountains. The only bright memory of the baby was from the meeting with the lamplighter, who extinguished and lit the lantern on his small planet, where days and nights changed very often. And only on Earth, the Little Prince found out what true love and friendship are. The wise Fox explained to him that a person creates happiness himself, it is around him, true friends are around him. You only need to “tame” someone else’s heart, and in return give your own: “But, after thinking, [the Little Prince] asked: “How is it to tame? ..

This is a long forgotten concept, - explained the Fox. - It means to bind to oneself. - Bind? “Exactly,” said the Fox. “You are still just a little boy to me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other little boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either.

I am just a fox for you, just like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... "And further:" But if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun.

I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others ... ”So friendship is a great value, nothing can be compared with it, all other values ​​fade before it. Unfortunately, “people no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. Thus, the fairy tale grows up as a protest against the disunity of people, philistine indifference, a passive attitude towards evil on earth.

Each episode of the tale, each allegory expresses the general humanistic orientation of this wonderful work. With bright, clean eyes, not only the Little Prince looks at the world, but also the author himself, whose motto was "to act and develop perfection in everything in yourself."

A few months before his death, Saint-Exupery wrote the allegorical tale The Little Prince. The little prince, a child living on the B-12 asteroid, symbolizes for the writer purity, disinterestedness, a natural vision of the world. The motives that sound in it are faith in the triumph of good, humanism, contempt for philistine indifference. The plot of the tale is not outwardly complicated: a pilot who has crashed in the sands of the Sahara meets the Little Prince. The little prince asks to draw a lamb for him. After many unsuccessful attempts, the pilot drew a box, saying that the lamb was inside. “This is exactly what I wanted! - said the Little Prince, who apparently liked this joke, and mutual understanding was established between them.
In the story-tale "The Little Prince" Exupery defends the kindness and humanity in man in relation to all living things: the Fox, the Rose, the Planet. He expressed this main idea with a phrase that became almost a slogan, which served as the title for many articles about "our smaller brothers": "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Exupery argues that nothing can interfere with the friendship of a person with a person and other living beings, except for the person himself. Everyone wants to be tamed. The fox insinuatingly and persistently asks the Little Prince about this, he even teaches him how to do it, teaches him tenderness and gradualness, fidelity and perseverance, caution (because you are afraid to frighten off the nascent feeling of the one you tame) and determination. Both the prince and the Fox need this equally. And even more, the Little Prince needed her, because it was the Fox who taught him to love. He taught that “love cannot be abstract, love is always concrete”, and explained this (to him and readers) using the example of the love of the Little Prince himself for Rose.
The Little Prince has a kind heart and a reasonable outlook on the world. He is hardworking, faithful in love and devoted in feelings. Therefore, the life of the Little Prince is filled with meaning, which is not in the life of a king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, a geographer - those whom the hero met on his journey.
The only bright memory of the baby was from the meeting with the lamplighter, who extinguished and lit the lantern on his small planet, where days and nights changed very often. And only on Earth, the Little Prince found out what true love and friendship are. And the meaning of life, the calling of a person is in selfless love for those who need it. And the Little Prince returns to his asteroid to take care of his only Rose, who will die without him.
Each episode of the tale, each allegory expresses the general humanistic orientation of this wonderful work. With bright, clean eyes, not only the Little Prince looks at the world, but also the author himself, whose motto was “to act and develop perfection in everything in yourself”.

A few months before his death, Saint-Exupery wrote the allegorical tale The Little Prince (1943). The motives that sound in it - faith in the triumph of goodness, humanism, contempt for philistine indifference - are characteristic of the entire work of the writer. The tale is addressed to children, but it is also good for an adult reader, since only a person wise with life experience can fully understand its depth, philosophical orientation. The plot of the tale is not outwardly complicated: a pilot who has crashed in the sands of the Sahara meets the Little Prince. The little prince asks to draw a lamb for him. After many unsuccessful attempts, the pilot drew a box, saying that the lamb was inside. “This is exactly what I wanted!” - said the Little Prince, who apparently liked this joke, and mutual understanding was established between them.

There are many allegories in the story. So, the Little Prince tells his friend about volcanoes, which he cleans up so that they give more heat, about the fight against baobabs, whose roots are so strong that they can crush the planet. The little prince told his friend about the meeting with the beautiful Rose, who fell in love with him. But he, not believing in her good feelings, went to travel to other worlds, hoping to find true love and friendship there. However, this did not satisfy him either: selfish people, busy only with themselves, live everywhere. So, on one planet, he encounters a king whose meaning of life is lust for power. The King makes the Little Prince his subject, thinking that he is doing a great good for him. On another planet, there is a meeting with an ambitious man, whose main goal was that all people revere only him alone. The Little Prince also tells about a meeting with a businessman busy counting stars; with a geographer who, without going anywhere, writes about the seas and mountains.

The only bright memory of the baby was from the meeting with the lamplighter, who extinguished and lit the lantern on his small planet, where days and nights changed very often. And only on Earth, the Little Prince found out what true love and friendship are. The wise Fox explained to him that a person creates happiness himself, it is around him, true friends are around him. You just need to “tame” someone else’s heart, and in return give your own:

“But, after thinking, [the Little Prince] asked: - And how is it to tame? .. - This is a long-forgotten concept, - the Fox explained. - It means to bind to oneself. - Bind? “Exactly,” said the Fox. “You are still just a little boy to me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other little boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am just a fox for you, just like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... "

And further: “But if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others ... ”So friendship is a great value, nothing can be compared with it, all other values ​​fade before it. Unfortunately, “people no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. Thus, the fairy tale grows up as a protest against the disunity of people, philistine indifference, a passive attitude towards evil on earth.

Each episode of the tale, each allegory expresses the general humanistic orientation of this wonderful work. With bright, clean eyes, not only the Little Prince looks at the world, but also the author himself, whose motto was "to act and develop perfection in everything in yourself."

Belief in the triumph of good in the fairy tale The Little Prince

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The little prince in the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupery teaches us eternal truths. How often do we repeat the wise words of this not at all childish fairy tale! And whether we follow them in everyday life, sometimes we don’t even think about it.

The little prince in the most famous work of A. Saint-Exupery, at first glance, is just a hero of a fairy tale for children, who quarreled with a flower and wanders around different planets. After reading the story, you understand that The Little Prince is not a fairy tale, but a philosophical parable that tells about the most important and complex things related to human life.

In his work, Saint-Exupery touches on many issues. The most important of them is the problem of responsibility - the responsibility of a person for his actions, words, thoughts. This storyteller was taught by his young friend, the little prince. He - the ruler of the whole planet - felt a huge responsibility for all his wards. No wonder he says to the narrator: "I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order."

How lovingly and carefully the little prince cleaned his planet when he decided to go on a journey with migratory birds: “Last morning he cleaned his planet more diligently than usual. He carefully cleaned the active volcanoes ... In addition, he had another extinct volcano. But, he said, you never know what can happen!
But the prince still had much to learn.
The biggest lesson in responsibility was given to him by the fox, who asked the prince to tame him. The fox explained that only by taming someone, you can find a friend and fill your life with meaning: “... if you come at four o'clock, I will feel happy from three o'clock. And the closer to the appointed hour, the happier. At four o'clock I will already begin to worry and worry. I know the price of happiness!”

It's not easy to tame someone. This is a whole art that is not given to everyone. But if this happened, then the world is painted with all the colors of the rainbow, because a person is deprived of the most terrible punishment - loneliness. He acquires a native person who becomes for him the only one in the whole world.

Upon learning this, the little prince realized that his rose, in which he began to be disappointed, was the best, because it was “filled” with his attention, his patience, his life: “But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, and not you, with a glass cap. He blocked her with a screen, protecting her from the wind ... I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her, even when she was silent. She is mine".

But that's not all. The fox revealed to the prince another secret - the most important one. Having tamed someone, a person is responsible for him. Always, all my life, at any moment and in any place. Attachment is a great happiness, but also a great responsibility. The being attached to you is completely open to you, depends on you, needs you. Having earned his love, you are responsible for him, therefore you must always take care, protect, pay attention.

This, it would seem, is a common truth. Everyone knows about it, but often forget. Each of us has people whom we have tamed. First of all, these are our parents, friends, close people, children, animals that live with us. And on a global scale, this is the entire planet, the Universe, on which we are actively operating, transforming everything around. And every day, every second, it is important to remember the words of the red fox, who once said to the little prince: "... do not forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed."

These words helped the prince to understand how he loves his defenseless weak rose and return to her. The narrator pronounces these words for us, reminding us that the most important things in life are the simplest. And one of them is the idea of ​​the global responsibility of each of us. Only by realizing it, you can fully feel happy.

Little Prince, we are responsible for those we have tamed!

For more than one generation, people have been thinking about what kindness is and what kind of person can be called truly kind. Some believe that kindness is a manifestation of weakness, the inability to defend one's point of view and humility in everything. Others - that this is the feeling, on the contrary, of a strong person who is able to step over himself, to show himself in good deeds, helping others. But what kind of person can be called kind without a shred of doubt? I will try to answer this question, relying on the works of art of domestic and foreign literature.

In the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", in my opinion, it shows the qualities characteristic of a kind person, Yeshua Ha-Notsri. Being a positive hero in this novel, he also considers all people to be kind and rejoices in any little things in this life. He provided really important moral assistance to Levi Matthew, thereby making him kinder and gentler.

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In the thoughts of this person there is no cruelty, evil, he sees only good in this world and therefore does only good deeds from a pure heart.

Similarly, in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, the protagonist shows kindness towards a flower. The little prince takes care of the rose, protects it from the wind and constantly talks to it. He does this without any self-interest, from a pure heart and exclusively with good intentions. The prince takes care of her, seeing that she behaves proudly. This is the real act of kindness.

Thus, a person with sincerely good thoughts, intentions and actions can be called good. A truly kind person shows this quality in relation to others disinterestedly and with joy in his soul. On the example of two literary works, we were convinced of this.

Updated: 2019-10-16

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