Child seat where to install according to traffic rules. Child seat for a child in a car - everything you need to know

In the legislative acts regulating the rules of the road, special attention is paid to the transportation of children in a car. Since January 1, 2019, significant amendments have been made to the relevant documents regarding the safety of young passengers. Let's consider them in more detail.

Prohibition of leaving children in cars

Amendments have been made to clause 12.8 of the SDA regarding the prohibition to leave children under 7 years old in a car without adult supervision. At the same time, the time during which the stop of personal transport is carried out is important. If it is no more than 5 minutes, then the child can be left alone.

Violation of this paragraph entails the imposition of a fine on the driver in the amount of 2.5 thousand rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg and 500 rubles for other regions.

Child Transport Regulations Act: Ordinance 1177

Transportation of children in groups is regulated by the norms approved by Government Decree No. 1177 of December 17, 2013. Here are the requirements for:

  • conditions for the transportation of children's groups;
  • transport allowed for such transportation;
  • a driver who has the right to drive vehicles for group children's movements;
  • an employee accompanying a group of children.

Children under the age of 18 must travel by transport as part of a team only when accompanied by an adult. If the group is large enough, adults should be in the required number.

Most often, such trips are carried out for the purpose of excursions or moving to the required place, for example, to sports competitions. This usually happens on buses. At the same time, strict requirements are imposed on transport, including its serviceability. Checking and troubleshooting should be done in advance to prevent accidents during movement.

Particular attention is paid to the health of the driver, who is required to undergo a pre-trip examination by a medical worker. The driver is not allowed to transport groups of children if the check reveals:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • signs of sleep deprivation;
  • Drunk.

It must be carried out by a bus, on the roof of which a yellow or orange beacon is installed and turned on. If the number of buses in the convoy is at least three, then it must be accompanied by traffic police vehicles. You must first submit an application for escort no later than 10 days before the intended trip. Transportation on one or two buses requires notification of the inspection two days before the date of movement.

We list a number of significant points in the group bus movement of children:

  • use of a charter agreement between the transport company providing the bus(es) and drivers and the customer;
  • for a long trip (more than 12 hours), the presence of a licensed medical worker throughout the entire route is required;
  • it is obligatory to draw up lists of children indicating their full name and age, as well as accompanying persons with their passport and contact details;
  • data on the driver (drivers) of buses with the numbers of their driver's licenses are indicated.

Changes in the legislation on organized transportation of children in 2020 affected the age limit for buses allowed for such trips. Now the maximum limit should not exceed 10 years.

In 2019, the traffic rules were also changed in terms of the location of children in cars, as well as the norms for the transportation of minors of different age categories.

Problems with buses over 10 years old for transporting children

Legislators introduce an age limit for buses that can transport children. In paragraph 3 of the Rules approved by Decree No. 1177, there is a phrase that buses should not be produced more than 10 years ago.

This rule applies to vehicles approved for the carriage of minor passengers, categories M2 and M3. However, the Decree itself contains the date for introducing restrictions on the age of buses - June 30, 2020. This means that carriers are required to review their fleet of vehicles if they plan to continue to engage in this activity. By the date set, the ban will take effect.

Any M2 and M3 category bus carrying groups of children aged 1.5 to 16 must comply with GOST 33552-2015. This is a standard that establishes general technical requirements for this type of transport, aimed at ensuring the safety of young passengers.

Use of child seats and seat belts

Transportation of children under the age of 12 in the cabin of a car was previously unified. Now paragraph 22.9 of the SDA has been changed and in the new edition there are differences depending on the age of the young passenger.

In the front seat

What is meant by the term "special holding device"? It can be either a car seat of the category appropriate for the age and weight of the child, or a booster. A child car seat for children under 7 years of age must be equipped with seat belts. It is permissible to fix older children with standard belts, additionally use a booster. When placing a small passenger in the front seat, special fixing devices are required.

When installing a car seat in the front seat, the airbag must be deactivated.

Up to a year

Newborn babies may travel in vehicles only in car cradles or special types of baby carriers. Such devices are designed for the age of a child up to 12 months and a maximum weight of up to 13 kg. They are usually labeled as category 0 or 0+.

Up to 7 years

Moving in a car with a child from one to 7 years old (or in the cab of a truck) is possible using car seats of category 1,2 or 3, depending on the height and weight of the child. When fixing the seat, regular seat belts or the ISOFIX system can be used. The safety and security of the child must be ensured by their own soft belts built into the design of the car seat.

From 7 to 12 years old

The traffic rules on the road regulate the boarding of children under the age of 12 in vehicles. Now they are separated and depend on the location of the child in the car:

A device such as a booster can only be used to transport children of primary school age (over 7 years old).

After 12 years

Moving older children in a car is subject to the standards approved for the adult category of citizens.

Passengers over 12 years of age can be restrained in any seat of the car with the belts that the car is equipped with. Other devices are permitted to ensure maximum safety when traveling on the road. The legislation does not oblige drivers to use special devices for children over 12 years old.

Until what age do you legally need a child seat in a car?

SDA establishes the procedure for transporting children in a car. Restraint devices are used to ensure their safety in accordance with the age category.

When transporting a child in the back seat of a car, the following rules apply:

  • a child under the age of 7 is transported in a special car seat equipped with seat belts and fixed in the back seat;
  • over 7 years old, a child can be seated in a car seat or without a seat, fixed with standard seat belts.

A child under 12 years old in the front seat can only be transported in a car seat.

For babies younger than six months, a special infant carrier or car seat for the appropriate age category is used.

Penalties for Improper Transportation of Children in 2020

Any violations of regulations fall under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Including administrative punishment of the driver in case of violation of the rules for transporting passengers under 12 years old. In particular, this applies to cases of violation of the existing norms of clause 22.9 of the SDA:

  • transportation of passengers under the age of seven years, without special devices - security systems;
  • refusal to install and operate seats, boosters or seat belts when moving on the road in the passenger compartment of a car for children 7-12 years old, including in the front seat.

In these cases, the penalty is a fine of 3000 rubles.

Leaving a child in a car entails a fine of 500 rubles or a warning. In Moscow and St. Petersburg 2500 rubles.

Penalties are more severe for organized transportation of a group of children. For violation of the relevant rules established by Decree 1177, administrative liability is provided for:

  • in case of non-compliance with the requirements for the driver, he will fined 3000 rubles;
  • night movement of a bus with a group of children upon detection of violations is punishable by a fine of the driver in the amount 5000 rubles or deprivation of his driver's license for up to six months.

    Note that at night it is permissible for a bus with children to travel no further than 100 km at a speed of no more than 50 km/h;

  • the Rules establish the mandatory designation of a bus (buses) with children with signs of a special mark. Their absence entails a fine of 500 rubles;
  • in case of violation of the requirements for group transportation of small passengers, the liability of the driver will be 3,000 rubles, the official - 25,000 rubles, and the legal entity - 100,000 rubles.

The driver of any transport transporting children who has committed a violation of the rules of operation or traffic, as a result of which serious harm or death will be caused to passengers, is subject to criminal punishment.

Before transporting a baby in a car, it is necessary to study the rules and requirements that are provided for by law, and most importantly, the baby must be in a restraint. The most popular are various models of car seats. In order to avoid a fine and for the safety of the child, you should know at what age a child car seat is needed and how to use it correctly.

Some amendments are made to the traffic rules almost every year, so drivers are advised to periodically monitor new information so as not to violate the law. According to the rules, the requirements for transporting children are more stringent than for traveling in an adult car. If it is enough for a man or a woman to be fastened with standard seat belts, and this is only mandatory for passengers who ride in the front seat, then children cannot be transported in this way.

The law states that children from birth to twelve years of age can only be transported in a car with the help of a special restraint device.

Most often, under the term "retaining device" parents mean a special car seat, the model of which takes into account the characteristics of the age, height and weight of the baby. Traffic police officers warn parents that the law establishes a fine for improper transportation of the child. How much will you have to pay? For example, if an adult passenger in a car does not wear a seat belt, the driver will lose 500 rubles. But if the rules for a small passenger in the car are violated, then the parents, or another person who is driving the car, will face a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Some parents choose to take the risk and pay the fine, but continue to carry the baby without a restraint. However, experts warn that, first of all, adults put the health and life of their child at risk. After all, even the most experienced drivers are not immune from an accident, sudden braking or a strong blow. Situations on the road can be different, so it's better to play it safe.

Necessary nuances: you need to take into account weight and age

Not only the presence of a car seat in the car is decisive for the traffic police. The restraint must fit the child according to many criteria. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to choose the right car seat model. To ensure the safety of children, restraints should be such devices as to limit the mobility of the baby during an impact or sudden braking. It should not fly out through the glass or hit.

Given the results of numerous crash tests, car seats are the safest. If they are properly installed in the car and fit the parameters of the child, such devices can protect the baby from impacts, especially frontal ones.

Models of car seats depending on the weight, height and age of children - table

On sale you can find universal car seat models that are designed for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg and combine categories 1,2 and 3. These restraints are very popular with drivers, as they save money and do not buy a new car seat quite often as the child grows up.

Experts draw the attention of parents that when choosing a car seat, the main rule is to be guided by the weight of the baby, and not by his age. The fact is that upon impact, the weight of the child increases several times, and if the model of the device is not designed for such a load, this can increase the risk of injury to the baby. For example, if your baby is one and a half to two years old, but he weighs more than 18 kg, it's time to change the car seat and buy a category 2 model.

Car seats of different categories - photo gallery

Category 0 infant carrier can only be installed parallel to the rear seat
The group 0+ car seat is a carrier with a handle and is installed on the front or back seat strictly against the movement of the car Group 0+/1 transforms as the child grows

Group 1/2 car seats can be installed in front or rear in the direction of travel of the car. Group 2/3 car seats are designed for the older age group (from 15 to 36 kg)
This group is suitable for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg

Drivers should be aware that, according to the traffic rules, it is allowed to transport children under the age of 12 in the front seat, but only in a car seat. However, if a small passenger is driving in front, the airbag must be turned off and the seat moved as far as possible so as not to injure the child in the event of an accident.

Until the child reaches one year of age, the restraint must be placed on the front seat strictly against the direction of travel.

Is it necessary to put a child under the age of twelve in a car seat if the seat is already too small for him in weight and height

Recently, proposed amendments to the law on the transportation of children under 12 in cars have often been discussed among drivers and specialists. In particular, this applies to the use of car seats for children under the age of 7 years. After the baby turns seven, parents have the right to decide for themselves whether the child needs a restraint device or whether it is possible to transport him in a car without him.

The specialists who proposed such changes motivate their decision by the fact that children of the same age can differ significantly in weight category and height. Sometimes a nine-year-old baby is larger than a twelve-year-old and simply does not fit in a car seat.

However, about driving in the front seat, all the rules were left in force: up to 12 years old - only in a car seat.

That is, the new rules provide for the avoidance of a fine for drivers if a child over seven years old is in the back seat of a car and is fastened with standard seat belts. Some experts suggested replacing the age criterion with the weight and height of the baby, but did not come to a decision: how the traffic police could check these parameters.

However, to date, these amendments have not been adopted and the old rules for transporting children in a car are in effect. Therefore, drivers are advised to carefully monitor changes in legislation so as not to violate the law. But the question of many parents remains open: how to behave if the child is physically larger than the average weight and height for his age and does not fit in a car seat. The fact is that if a car is stopped by a patrol, then they are guided only by the age of the child: he is less than 12 years old - he must be in a restraint. If this rule is not followed, the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Therefore, parents can carry their children using other restraints. For example, a frameless car seat or buster. But here there are weight restrictions: the baby should weigh no more than 36 kg. And for the booster, growth is also important, which should be at least 120 cm. In this case, the traffic police will not be able to issue a fine, since the rules for transporting a child will be observed.

Today, special restraints for transporting children in a car are not only car seats, but also busters and FEST belt adapters. In 2017, there were plans to change the law to ban the use of the buster and belt adapter. It was assumed that for children under seven years old, only a frame car seat should be used. However, these amendments have not yet been adopted and the new law has not entered into force.

Have new amendments been made to the law of the Russian Federation on the transportation of children in a car - video

If there is a car seat, but it is used incorrectly, is there a fine and what

Often parents, even with a car seat, can get into a situation where they cannot avoid a fine. This applies to cases where the holding device is not properly operated. The fact is that the safe transportation of a child depends not only on the presence of a car seat: the baby must be securely fixed in it. And the device itself is attached to the car seat in several ways. Therefore, a fine of three thousand rubles threatens drivers if:

  • incorrectly fixed the car seat in the car: there are several options for installing the model. You can secure the seat with regular seat belts or use the Isofix fastening system. Experts recommend the second option, because it almost completely eliminates the possibility of incorrect installation of the restraint. If the car does not have an Isofix system, you need to carefully check the correct fastening of the seat. If the car seat is not secured properly, the occupant may suffer facial or head injury from hitting the front seatback during impact or braking;
  • incorrectly installed: different models of car seats are attached to the seat in different ways. For example, if the car seat is not parallel to the seat or the group 0+ car carrier is fixed in the direction of the car, the driver cannot avoid a fine;
  • category 0 car seat - infant carrier - is in the front seat, and according to the instructions it is prohibited. It is worth knowing that it is impossible to transport a child in the front seat in frameless seats and other restraints;

    In models of group 1-2-3, it is possible to remove the back of the chair and use it as a buster. If parents prefer to carry the baby in front, then it is allowed to do this only in a complete car seat. As soon as it is transformed into a booster, the passenger must sit in the back of it.

  • the baby is not fastened to the seat or is not fastened as it should be: if the baby weighs less than 15 kg, then it is fixed in the seat using a five-point seat belt. As soon as the weight of the baby becomes more than this figure, he is fastened with regular car belts. If parents use a booster or FEST, then the baby is fixed only by the machine's belts, so you should pay attention that the belt does not pass through the child's neck. This requires a special limiter.

    It is not enough just to put a baby in a chair, it must be fastened with seat belts. If this is not done or done incorrectly, the driver will in any case pay a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

  • According to the law, the driver is obliged to pay the fine within sixty days from the date of its receipt. He also has ten days in which the driver can appeal this decision of the inspector in court.

    Fastening car seats with belts - photo gallery

    Car seats of category 0+ can be installed both in the back and in the front seat of the car, but always only in the direction of travel. In the car seat, the child is held by internal belts. Many consider it cost-effective to purchase car seats that combine two or even three weight groups at once

    How to use other restraints when you don't have a child car seat

    In many cases, parents prefer to transport their baby in a frame car seat. But according to the law, they can choose other restraints:

  • frameless car seat - fastened to the back seat of the car using special seat belts. Such models are adjusted depending on the height and weight of the child. However, experts warn that such devices do not protect children from either frontal or side impacts. And numerous crash tests show that seat belts often break during an impact, they simply cannot withstand the increased load of the passenger's weight at the time of the collision;
  • buster - a special device, which is a seat without a back. His role is quite simple: to raise the baby so that he can be fastened with regular car belts without squeezing his neck. But during an accident, boosters very often move from their place, and a belt without a limiter can squeeze the baby in the neck;
  • FEST belt adapter - this invention is used to fix the regular belt of the machine. The height of the passenger is still too small to fasten it with conventional belts, and the adapter fixes them in such a position that they do not squeeze the baby's neck. However, statistics show that at the time of sudden braking, impact or collision, adapters often move. And this can lead to suffocation of the baby.
  • Safety restraints that can be used to transport a child in a car - photo gallery

    Characteristics of restraints - table

    Some parents believe that babies can be transported in a carry cot or stroller seat. However, this is completely against the law. So transporting a baby in a car is prohibited: the inspector is obliged to issue a fine for non-compliance with traffic rules. And also in this case, parents put the health and life of the child in great danger.

    Car seat or other devices: what to choose for a safe ride - video

    Parents are primarily required to think about the safety of their baby while traveling in a car, he must be in a car seat or other restraint. Otherwise, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles for violating the law. Experts note: According to statistics, a child is more likely to get fewer injuries and survive during an accident if he is securely fixed in a car seat.

    For any driver, the paramount task is to ensure the highest level of safety for himself and all passengers present in the car at the moment, and especially small children. To do this, you need not be distracted anywhere during the trip and not violate traffic rules. That is why all drivers should know the rules for transporting children in a car from 2018-2019, according to which he is obliged to perform certain actions that contribute to the creation of the safest conditions for using the vehicle. It is this approach that can save the life of a child in a traffic accident. Next, the main points when transporting children will be analyzed in detail.

    The main features of transporting a child in a car

    The following are the basic rules that drivers of vehicles must follow when transporting a child:

    • You can not carry a baby in the back seat of a motorcycle;
    • When 8 or more children participate in the trip, it is called organized and is possible only on the bus, before its implementation, the driver must obtain permission from the authorities responsible for this;
    • Every child under the age of 7 must be seated in a car seat or carrycot (for infants), however, the use of a triangular shaped adapter is prohibited;
    • Children must not be transported in a trailer or van;
    • Children between the ages of 7 and 12 have the choice of being seated in a car seat or wearing regular seat belts, but the child can only be seated behind the driver.

    How to transport babies?

    The transportation of babies needs to be approached more carefully, as this is the most responsible task. In order to drive a car and be calm that everything is in order with your baby, according to the rules for transporting children, you need to place a special infant carrier in the back seat of the car, which is attached to it using ordinary seat belts. This chair is located perpendicular to the movement of the machine. This cradle has its own belts that keep the baby in a horizontal position, which helps him breathe normally and protects the fragile skeleton from strong physical exertion. The infant carrier is designed for children under the age of six months.

    Some parents buy a car seat instead of a car cradle. It differs from the first only in that it has an adjustable back. For babies, it is recommended to set the backrest at 35-40 degrees. It is at this angle of inclination in a traffic accident that the child will be protected as much as possible. To better support the neck of the baby, some use special fabric rollers, thereby easing the load on it. However, you can not use simple towels for this, which led to the fact that the child's head will tip forward.

    Why do I need a car seat and where to install it?

    The car seat must be operated in accordance with the rules for transporting children. However, every parent should remember that seat belts securely fix and protect only children whose height does not reach 150 cm from injuries. Therefore, the age of twelve was not chosen by chance. Just then, children grow up to this mark.

    If you do not have a chair, then in no case should you carry your child on your knees, since upon impact it will weigh several tens of times more, and as a result, in these circumstances it will simply be impossible to hold it.

    The child car seat can be installed in both the rear and front seat of the vehicle. This is not prohibited by law, only there is one necessary condition, which is to turn off the airbag. If you neglect this rule, it can severely injure the child. An airbag is needed by a child whose age has already reached the age of 12, in this case the main elements of protection here are seat belts. The best option is to install a child car seat in the very center of the rear seat, because this place is considered the safest.

    Types of car seats

    The use of a car seat for children is not just an item prescribed in the rules for transporting children, but also a vital necessity. Parents should remember that the baby should be comfortable and cozy in the chair, which means that he also needs to take part in the purchase. Some people buy a chair "for growth", however, this is unreasonable, since it does not achieve the desired effect.

    There are 5 groups of chairs. Their parameters are shown below:

    Penalty for improper transportation of a child

    According to the rules for transporting children in 2018-2019, the punishment for non-compliance with them will be more severe for drivers. If the vehicle lacks fasteners, then this is not a reason not to install a car seat, so such an excuse will not protect the driver from a fine. For this violation, a fine of 500 rubles was previously provided, but now the offender will pay from 3,000 rubles for such a violation. In addition, if the car is operated by proxy, then this amount will increase. Every driver should be aware that a monetary penalty is provided not only for the lack of a car seat, but also for its incorrect installation.

    Compliance with traffic rules is not all that can protect the driver and those who accompany him on the road. It is important not to neglect the rules for transporting passengers, and especially children. These moments cannot be called a personal matter of each person, because when a driver leaves the road, he unwittingly becomes part of the entire road process, where failure to comply with the established rules can end tragically for some. A car seat is an essential element when transporting children in a car that can save a child's life. Therefore, those drivers who do not comply with these rules and continue to drive without a car seat should first of all think not about how not to get a fine, but about the fact that their child is not safe, which should be much more valuable and more important of money.

    In Russia, finally, which relate to the rules for transporting children in cars. So from now on, the new rules for the transportation of children under the age of 11 are regulated by changes in the rules of the road, adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

    So, for example, new rules oblige drivers to transport children under the age of 7 years only using child restraint systems (), corresponding to the weight and height of the child. That is, from now on, it is strictly forbidden to transport children using "belt adapters", frameless devices and other seat belt guides. For violation of this rule of traffic rules, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Children under the age of 7 are only allowed in car seats and boosters.

    How can children under the age of 7 be transported in a car?

    Recall that earlier legislation allowed drivers, when transporting children, to use, in addition to car seats and boosters, various "other devices" , which include: book, frameless device, corrector (adapter) seat belt straps.

    But, according to the change in the traffic rules, now the words "other devices" removed on the basis of Government Decree No. 761 dated 06/28/2017.

    Accordingly, the transportation of children under the age of 7 is now possible only in special car seats, boosters, which take into account the height and weight of the child.

    So, according to the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, changes are made to clause 22.9 in the rules of the road:

    SDA 29.9 Transportation of children in a car

    "Carriage of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX* child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

    * The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles".

    The ban on nurseries for transporting children was necessary in connection with studies that found that such devices not only do not protect children during an accident, but also exacerbate the consequences of an accident.

    So, as a result of comprehensive tests, experts found that such devices do not provide adequate safety for children compared to car seats and boosters.

    It is also worth noting that during tests of frameless child car restraints, seat belt adapters and other similar devices, it turned out that the consequences of an accident for a child are aggravated compared to seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle and used to fix a child without any additional fixtures.

    That is, in other words, seat belt adapters, frameless devices, etc., cause more harm than simple car seat belts.

    How to transport children aged 7 to 11?

    According to the change in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, in clause 29.9, changes have also been made related to the transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years.

    Here is a quote from the new traffic rules:

    Children between the ages of 7 and 11 (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system must use (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

    The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual for these systems (devices).

    It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

    Can a child between the ages of 7 and 11 be transported in the front seat without using a car seat?

    According to a new change in the SDA (in paragraph 29.9), children aged 7 to 11 years are prohibited from transporting without a car seat in the front seat.

    Accordingly, in case of violation of this paragraph of the SDA, the driver faces a fine for violating the rules for transporting children in a car. A fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Can children between the ages of 7 and 11 be transported in the back seat of a car without a car seat?

    Yes, according to the Government Decree, which amends clause 29.9 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to transport a child in the back seat between the ages of 7 and 11, both in a car seat and without it. But in this case mandatory use of seat belts.

    Accordingly, the use of seat belt adapters and frameless child restraints to transport children in a vehicle is prohibited.

    So, under the new legislation, the driver has the right to carry a child in the back seat without using a car seat. In this case, you need to fasten a child aged 7 to 11 years old with a standard vehicle seat belt.

    Is it dangerous to transport children between the ages of 7 and 11 without car seats?

    It is worth noting that the appearance in the rules of the road of a clause allowing the transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old, on the one hand, simplifies the rules for transporting a child in a car, but on the other hand, it makes one think, since the transportation of children using seat belts does not always provide adequate protection during an accident .

    It's all about the height and weight of a child aged 7 to 11 years. Let's face it, kids are different. For example, it is not uncommon for a child of 7-8 years of age to have the same height and weight as a child of 10-11 years of age, and vice versa, it is not uncommon for a child of 11 years of age to have a small weight and height comparable to a younger child.

    Accordingly, if you fasten a seat belt on a child aged 10-11 years old who looks like a child of 7-9 years old (due to height and weight), then the seat belt will not be able to fully protect the child from the serious consequences of an accident, since the seat belt in principle intended for passengers of height and weight, which, as a rule, corresponds to people over 12 years old.

    So we recommend that drivers still use a strictly special car seat for transporting children under the age of 11, which is naturally safer for your child compared to conventional seat belts.

    Yes, of course, if your child of 10-11 years old looks like a teenager of 12-14 years old, then it is not advisable to buy a special chair for him. In this case, it is worth using regular seat belts when transporting a child in the back seat.

    Remember that just because the law allows children between the ages of 7 and 11 to be transported without a seat, this does not mean that this is the safest way for your child to travel. The main thing is height and weight.

    For example, if your child is not tall enough, then if he is wearing a seat belt in the back seat, there is a risk that during an accident the lap belt will move to the stomach, which can lead to severe abdominal injury, which is naturally life-threatening for the child.

    This is due to the peculiarities of the skeletal structure of children under the age of 12 years. Accordingly, if your child is small and light in weight, and despite the fact that his age allows you, in accordance with applicable law, to transport children using seat belts, it is best to use all the same to provide the child with maximum protection in the event of an accident .

    Also remember that in no case should you transport children aged 7 to 11 in the front seat using a seat belt, since this not only now prohibits paragraph 29.9 of the traffic rules, for violation of which you face a fine of 3,000 rubles, but and very dangerous, because even with a minor accident, a child in the front seat can be severely injured.

    When will the new rules for transporting children in a car come into force?

    According to the current legislation, the Decree of the Government comes into force after seven days from the date of their official publication. Since Decree No. 761 of June 28, 2017 was officially published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 03, 2017, the new rules for transporting children in a car will come into force on July 10, 2017.