Children's birthday scripts. Interesting sketches for a children's birthday How to start a children's birthday script

Me: Whose birthday is it! Sasha? Where is Sasha? It's you? Not? You? Ah, so it's you! Here is our birthday boy, come on, show yourself! Let's all shout out in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" How old is Sasha?


Me: Birthday is fun and laughter
Birthday is a holiday for everyone
This is a holiday of good mood,
This is a feast of delicious treats,
This is a holiday when whims are impossible,
This is a holiday of good and kind surprises,
This is the day when the sun only shines for you,
This is the day when you are the most important in the world!

Raise your hands all up
And move at the top.
(everyone does it)
It's time to start the games!
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"
(everyone shouts "Hurrah!", waving their hands)
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "No" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.

Sasha - old, old grandfather? (Not!)
Sasha turned a hundred years old? (Not!)
Ice - frozen water?
We answer together ... (Yes)
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer ... (No)
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children ... (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? (Yes!)
Are you waiting for games and jokes? (Yes!)
The birthday boy is a bully? (Not!)
Are we going to have a fight now? (Not!)
Are we charging now? (Not!)
Are we okay with humor? (Yes!)
Will we sit in sorrow? (Not!)
Waiting for us a cake with candles? (Yes!)
Congratulate the birthday boy? (Yes!)
Or will we send to my grandmother? ... (No)
Shall we give him a chocolate? ... (Yes)
Kiss sweet sweet?... (Yeah)
Happy birthday congratulations!
And, of course, we wish:
Sanya grow taller... (Yes)
Be sure to be fatter!... (No)
Be healthy, smart, strong!... (Yes)
And noisy, and pugnacious ... (No)
So that parents love! ... (Yes)
With a strap to beat more often! ... (No)
To be fed with ice cream! ... (Yes)
Maybe stop congratulating?
Is it time for us to play games?... (Yes)

How are we going to celebrate the birthday? Let's say different wishes to him! But not simple, but special - comic and funny. Now we will take out a miracle chamomile with congratulations and we will congratulate our birthday man. And you all help me!

Camomile comes out. She has a cardboard circle-core, to which leaf-petals are glued at one end. On one side of each petal, a coloring book is printed - a character from a cartoon or a fairy tale: Luntik, Nyusha-Smesharik, Vodyanoy, Snow White, Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, Leopold the Cat, Shrek, Spider-Man, etc. The white side of the chamomile was turned to the children.

"Dear Sasha, we wish you a happy birthday, we wish you to be strong like ..., smart like ..., beautiful like ..., brave like ..., patient like ..., quick-witted like ..., fast like... So that you have the same cozy house as..., so that your friends look like ...., ".

1) Mummy (wrap yourself in toilet paper).
2) Clothespins (who will put more clothespins on a partner).

Game "Tell me a word"

I have a learned dog -
Round button nose.
If I'm wrong about something
He barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

Good crow bird
Yes, the singer is not good.
How to open your mouth - a nightmare -
Heard only: ... (kar-kar-kar)

Who mustachioed, like a robber,
Jumped over the window sill
Scared the neighbor's chickens
And purrs: ... (mur-mur)

Goose noisy, with a long nose.
The neck is like a question mark.
The goose goes for a walk in the meadows
And cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

Piglet will wash in a puddle
And rush to dinner.
I'll cook the bran for her
She will tell me: ... (oink-oink)

ringing a bell,
She ran away from me.
The meadow melts in the evening mist,
Where to look for her: ... (me-me)

He walks slowly from the river,
In a fur coat she is warm, like in an oven,
She will come to the hut
And calls me: ... (be-be)

Dawn walks through the meadows,
Milk brings us.
Dawn would live in a tower,
And she is in the barn: ... (mu-mu)

Waddling over is important
Bravely jumped into the river
And speaking of something
Noisily splashing: ... (quack-quack)

Only cherry blossoms
A bee flew into the garden.
I've been following her for a long time
She is looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

Sing a song for Sasha in a very ordinary way. In the previous game, we remembered the voices of animals, and invited the children to arrange an animal choir.

Game "Animal choir".

You can sing another song, like "Happy Birthday to You", but I had the melody of the song "Let them run clumsily ..." and so we sang it.

3) Pantomime (show the driver, the artist, the ballerina ... Everyone guesses)
4) nipples (spitting nipples who is next)
5) “You roll a funny ball, quickly, quickly on your hands, whoever has the ball left will now dance to us”

Then, with the help of riddles, we remembered our favorite fairy tales.

Fairytale riddles.

He got leeches
Karabasy sold,
The whole smell of marsh mud,
His name was ... (Byratino - Dyremar)

He lived in Prostokvashino
And he was friends with Matroskin.
He was a little simple
The dog's name was ... (Totoshka - Sharik)

He walked boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was ... (Chebyrashka - Kolobok)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit - Karabas)

For many days he was on the road,
To find your wife
And the ball helped him,
His name was ... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich)

Everyone knows, peeps
It hinders and hurts everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak)

And beautiful and sweet
Only very small!
slender figure,
And the name is ... (Snegurochka - Thumbelina)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years
Finally saw the light
He has grown a beard
This kind ... (Santa Claus - Old Hottabych)

With blue hair
And big eyes
This doll is an actress
And her name is ... (Alice - Malvina)

He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests brought him back.
He is grumpy like an old man
This sad... (Piglet - Donkey Eeyore)

He's a big naughty and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson)

Puppet show "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon"

Necessary toys: old man, old woman, dragon, fox, crow, Baba Yaga, girl.

Necessary scenery: on one side of the screen - a crooked house, on the other - the sea.

The whole performance is played by two people. One plays the role of the presenter in front of the screen, and then goes backstage and plays the part of the puppet dragon. All other characters are played by a second person.

Me: An old man lived with his old woman
By the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was fishing with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once the old man went to the blue sea
And threw his nets into it.
Once he threw a net into the sea, -
The net came with one slime. He threw a seine another time, -
The seine arrived with...
No, not even with a fish at all, but with ... a goggle-eyed dragon!
(dragon appears)
As the bug-eyed dragon pleads,
He says in a human voice:

DRAGON (the man behind the screen says these words of the dragon):
Let go, fear, you are in the sea,
To my little dragons.
Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:
I'll buy back whatever you want.

Me: The old man was surprised, scared,
Wow, that's the way it is!
He fished for 30 years and 3 years,
I haven't seen a sea dragon in person
Only fairy tales about him went among the people.

OLD MAN: And what am I to do with you dragon?
You won’t fry you, you won’t cook soup.
I don't need your ransom
Step into the blue sea
Walk there in the open space.

Me: The old man returned to the old woman
He told her a great miracle.

OLD MAN: Hey, listen to me, old woman!
I caught a sea dragon today
He spoke in a human voice,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
He promised to do whatever I want.

OLD WOMAN: What about you?

OLD MAN: I did not take a ransom from him,
Let go just like that in the blue sea.

OLD WOMAN: You are a fool, a simpleton,
You failed to ask for tribute from the dragon.
From him something, probably will not decrease!
Well, come back to the sea
Yes, demand a new coat for me.
Not simple, but like a fox:
Golden, fluffy and to the floor!

(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)
My old woman will be angry!
Op! Gotcha! (pulls out dragon)

DRAGON: What do you need, old man?

My old woman scolded me
Doesn't give the old man peace
She needs a new coat
Not simple, but like a fox:
Golden, fluffy, yes to the floor!

DRAGON: Do not be sad, go with God,
She will have a new coat.

Here is the house. Open up old woman
Yes, show me again.
Is the new coat good?
Golden, fluffy and floor-length?

(Lisa exits.)

FOX: Oh, you old stump with a beard!
What did you ask the dragon?
I asked for a new coat
And she turned into a Fox!

OLD MAN: Ha-ah-ha, what a scream!
Oh, you've become funny, old woman!
Got what I wanted
And now even unhappy!
You wear a new coat now,
She will definitely not be demolished!

FOX: That's how I'll give you a frying pan,
You will know how to laugh at me!
Come back quickly to the dragon
Yes, demand that I return my appearance.
Yes, ask me to make beautiful,
Better than before and young!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go if you need it.
(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)
Oh, if I don't catch the dragon again,
My old woman will be angry!
Op! Gotcha!

DRAGON (irritated): What do you want, old man?
You tore away from an important matter -
I drove mermaids across the sea.

OLD MAN: Have mercy, sea miracle Yudo.
More than ever, the old woman freaked out,
Doesn't give the old man peace
Demands to return to her human form,
Yes, he asks to make her young!

DRAGON (annoyed): Do not be sad, go with God, she will have everything she wants.

OLD MAN: Oh, I'll go home as soon as possible,
It's just that my heart is restless...
Well, show up quickly
How beautiful you have become
How did you get younger!

(A girl comes out of the house.)

GIRL: Oh, you steel! Looked, a hundred endowed!
What did you do to the dragon?
I'm not just younger
And she became a little girl!
I now only need to needle in dolls.
Rise up, come on, to the deacon
And tell him something half-assed.
I want to become a sorceress, yes,
I knew how to conjure myself.
And then I don't need a dragon,
I'll conjure whatever you want!

OLD MAN: Are you sane now, old woman!
Oh, I mean, girl!
Where is it seen that people
How wizards conjured!

GIRL: Kill yourself! And then I’m crying - ah-ah-ah-ah-!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go if you need it.
(Sea, the old man throws a seine.)
Oh, if I don't catch the dragon again,
My old woman will be angry!
Op! Gotcha!

DRAGON (angrily): What would you, old man, be empty!
I just wanted to have lunch
You're dragging me out of the water again!
What is now objectionable to the old woman?

OLD MAN: Excuse me, miracle Yudo,
But the old woman now wanted
Become a sorceress, yes
So that she could conjure herself.

DRAGON: May she get everything she wants,
Just leave me alone!

OLD MAN: Well, I'll go to the beloved old woman.
What is so restless on the heart?
It's not good to ask the dragon for everything.
Open quickly, old woman,
Show me how you can spell!

(Baba Yaga comes out of the house.)

BABA YAGA (choking with indignation): Oh you! .. here I am right now! ..
Yes, right now, how ...
What have you done, you bastard!
What did you ask the dragon?
Now, look, Grandma Yozhka!
And my leg is bony!
And I'm green like mold
And I only have two teeth in my mouth!
Come back to the sea dragon
Tell him what I want.
I wish... to fly like a bird!
Yes, see overseas countries!

OLD MAN: Well, how can you not laugh?
But I will not argue with the old woman.
Oh, I'll go again to the blue sea.
I'll throw the net again
Summon the sea dragon again. (throws net)
So I threw the net once, and twice.
Where is the dragon? Not to be seen at all.
Oops, got it!

DRAGON (quietly furious): What do you want again, old man!
Only to sleep I lay down on the stones,
So you drag me out of the water again!

OLD MAN: What am I to do with a nasty old woman!
Again, she doesn't like magic.
Wants now to fly like a bird!

DRAGON (gloatingly): Like a bird? We'll arrange it.

OLD MAN: Well, thank you. I'll go to the old woman.
Oh, I'm tired. My legs hurt.
It can be seen, 10 times a day
Run to the bluest sea
Yes, pull out the miracle of the sea!
Knock-knock... The old woman does not answer.
Hey, where are you, dear old woman?

(A crow flies out of the house.)

CROW: Kar-kar-kar, what have you done?
Now I'm not an old woman, but a bird!
You can't do anything
You can't talk to a dragon.
Let's go to the dragon
I will ask him myself
Whatever happens to me now.

(Music intro at 15 seconds.)

Me: So they went to the blue sea.
Only how many dragons were not called,
No matter how much the old man threw the net,
And the dragon is gone.
Apparently, he hid under a snag,
Doesn't want to get out.
(pause, 15 second music excerpt)
Ask what happened next?
An old man lives with his old woman
By the very blue sea;
They live in a dilapidated house.
The old man is fishing with a net,
And the old woman ... flies like a crow!

End of the puppet show.

Me: This is the story that happened to the old man and the old woman.

Me: Do you know anything about crows? Yah? Let's check! Crow Karkusha from a magical land loves only what has her favorite word KAR in the name. For example, the favorite city of the Karkusha crow is KAraganda. And her favorite sport is KARATE, and her favorite sweets are KAramel. But what else does a crow from a magical land love, guess for yourself!

(We pick up the children from the chairs and start the quiz.)
What is Karkusha's favorite cartoon? "Baby and ..." (Carlson)
Name your favorite Karkushin vegetable. (potato)
What is Karkusha's favorite attraction in the amusement park. (carousel)
What does Karkusha like to draw most of all? (in pencil)
Where does Karkusha hide his handkerchiefs? (in pocket)
What song does Karkusha sing to the birthday boy when they dance? ("Loaf")
How does a crow croak?

games: I called the noun, for example "hair", and the children the adjective "hairy", respectively, "mind" - "smart", "beauty" - "beautiful" and. etc. Then we proceeded to compose the telegram. The children called adjectives, and I entered them into a pre-prepared text, then we read it together.

We write a telegram to the birthday man.


And... Our Sasha!!! Happy Birthday! We wish you to be ... always ... so that only ... guests come to you today! We wish to receive many... gifts,... have fun, dance only... dances and sing only... songs! And you will always remain the most for us ... and ... !!!
Your... classmates."


6) Bite off an Apple.

7) pass the bottle between the legs;
8) Dance of little ducklings sitting (in descending order);
9) Find out what they put in your mouth (blindfold your eyes and let them bite off an apple, carrot, currant. Etc.
10) Cook compote soup (one calls vegetables, the other fruits, who is more)
11) who hurt (one turns away, then guesses who hurt him);
12) Fanta (crow, crawl under the table, repeat the tongue twister ...);
13) guess the object (kinder surprises in the bag)

The script is not mine, I just corrected it to fit my home conditions (in an apartment on the second floor, where the audibility is good, you won’t run away very much). Here is how I tried to apply it.

Many parents want to organize the celebration of their child's birthday as brightly as possible and think about what scenario to choose for a children's birthday. Of course, you can pay money and use the services of a professional host of festive events for children, but not everyone can afford it, and there is not always a desire to invite a person from outside to your house, but you want to celebrate a significant event with your family and relatives.

In this material, we present to your attention an example of a children's birthday script (and below you will find many original birthday scripts for a child to celebrate at home or in kindergarten). You will also find here interesting scripts for competitions for children.

For child Birthday- the best day of the year. The kid is in the center of attention, receives congratulations and gifts. Everyone has their own, special family traditions for celebrating such significant days. You also need to please his friends of the child, who were no less waiting for this action. There are two options for the development of events: impromptu or a pre-prepared bright scenario so that the child’s birthday will be remembered by the family and the child himself for many years.

Quizzes and contests- an obligatory component of a children's birthday. Here you will find fun games and funny contest scenarios that children will be delighted with. If you wish, change the rules, improvise, come up with additions. There is only one goal - to hear the ringing laughter of the kids during the game.

A holiday for a child can be done at home. The child will help to clean the dwelling, decorate the house, lay festive dishes on the table.

Specify the number of guests with the birthday person in advance, it is much easier to arrange a celebration together. When the list of friends is agreed, call their parents to clarify organizational details and, if necessary, agree on the script for the children's birthday.

You can also celebrate your birthday in a forest glade. We offer you a children's celebration scenario, in which from 7 to 20 kids can participate. Leading - Kind forest man (the role is played by an adult in the appropriate costume). All the action takes place at a picnic.

So, we celebrate the birthday and first learn the children's scenario of the celebration:

Good lumberjack: We have gathered today in a fairy forest, we want to congratulate our birthday man on his birthday. They call me the Good Forester, and I will make sure that today is filled with quiz games and a cheerful mood for all guests!

Birthday, on your birthday, you will hear congratulations
from each of the guests, from acquaintances and friends,
from relatives and friends,
and also from me.
So be always happy and joyful always,
Let life be fun and trouble will not come!
And now it's time to give the floor to the guests of the birthday boy, if someone has prepared a gift, it's time to hand it over and attach it with wishes for the hero of the occasion.

(children congratulate the birthday man, give him gifts)

Good lumberjack:
We have fun celebrating a birthday
Bright and sunny, friendly and fabulous!
Let congratulations fly from everywhere
For the birthday boy at this joyful hour!
Children, do you like to sing songs?

Children in chorus: Yes!

Good lumberjack: Wonderful! Then let's play the game "Who is funnier to sing a song about the Christmas tree." Each of you will take turns singing this famous song about the inhabitant of our forest. Words cannot be changed, but everyone's intonation should be different.

In order for your child to remember the upcoming birthday for a long time, select the scenario for holding a solemn event in the family circle from the following. Below you will find different options for holding contests and quizzes for every taste. We have posted for you a script for celebrating a birthday with family and friends in kindergarten. !

SCENARIO FOR A CHILD'S BIRTHDAY - Ideas, contests, quizzes and games



How to spend a holiday so that it is fun, interesting and enjoyable for your child, his friends, and you yourself, his parents?

Children's birthday is a holiday, it is a day when a child bathes in parental love, the attention of loved ones, the joy of friends. It will definitely remain in the memory of the baby. These should be the brightest, most joyful memories that will remain with him for life.

To begin with, let's agree that your child's birthday is his holiday, to which he himself invites his friends to visit. You are probably familiar with this picture: soaring children rush around the table unattended, at which tipsy adults are having fun. This shouldn't happen at a children's party. If there is no way to explain this to relatives, reschedule the children's party for the next weekend, name day, Christmas.

If you don't want to fight an army of colorful Chinese-made hares and maneuver between plastic cars of different calibers for a long time, try to discuss gifts in advance with at least close relatives. It is best to coincide with the birthday purchase of some coveted expensive item (bicycle, sports complex, Lego constructor) and invite everyone to take part in the purchase. If your loved ones may misunderstand you, at least specify in advance what you absolutely do not want to receive as a gift (we do not think that you will be delighted with the unplanned appearance of a puppy, a drum or a piano).

Unlike adults, children go to visit not to eat, but to have fun. Therefore, you should focus not on cooking, but on entertainment. Generations of wise parents will tell you quite authoritatively that children of kindergarten and primary school age almost never eat salads with mayonnaise, pork chops and stuffed tomatoes at the holidays. Therefore, save your strength and money for the moment when your child turns into a teenager (then literally everything is swept off the tables), and for this holiday buy more fruits for the kids (very small ones need to be cleaned and cut into slices in advance, and berries with seeds are better do not buy at all) and juices, make a homemade cake (you can simply soak the finished cakes with custard or curd cream, elegantly decorate with fruits, cookies, candied fruits). If your child does not insist, it is better to replace carbonated drinks with homemade fruit drinks, and you should definitely do without caffeinated Pepsi and Coca-Cola. For lovers of food, you can make sandwiches-canapes.

Don't put your ceremonial service in mortal danger. It is better to take a walk with your baby to the nearest wholesale market and buy a bright paper tablecloth, disposable tableware, straws for drinks, skewers for sandwiches. After the party, you will wrap all the garbage in a tablecloth... and mentally thank the genius who invented disposable plates.

It is better to appoint a holiday at a time when your baby is in the best mood. Usually guests are invited at four o'clock, after an afternoon nap. The most important point: if you have a large family, then it may be better to have a party on weekdays, when part of the household is at work. It is worth specifying in advance what time to pick up the children. Do not be shy to tell the parents of your little guests when to come for them: believe me, it is much easier to do this than console the naughty children later and puzzle over where to put a little guest who has suddenly fallen asleep to take a nap. The duration of the party should not exceed the number of years of the birthday person, but older children should not have fun for more than four or five hours.

The number of guests must not exceed the number of years plus one. If you invite the children of your good friends, invite their parents to take part in the celebration, but agree in advance that this is a children's birthday and you need help, and sit for a glass of tea some other time. By the way, your son will not necessarily be delighted with the company of your school friend's daughter, whom he sees for the first time in his life. If the kid wants to invite his friends from the yard or from kindergarten, you are not at all obliged to accept their parents.

If you do not want your apartment to turn into a madhouse, schedule the holiday literally by the minute in advance. You can come up with a lot of interesting stories, remember games, contests from your cheerful childhood. First, think about where the action of your holiday will take place. You can celebrate your birthday in Terem-Teremka, Barbie's house, on a spaceship or at the Indian camp. With the help of gouache-painted pieces of wallpaper or old sheets, the nursery will instantly turn into a magical world. And from cardboard boxes, milk bags, old pieces of fabric, you can prepare masks, costumes, and utensils together with the baby in advance. Now it will be possible to arrange fun competitions for the inhabitants of Teremka, a competition for the best painting of a wigwam, and compete in the ability to climb a tightrope into open space. Fantasy will tell you how to adapt a variety of children's games and entertainment to the theme of your holiday. Remember to alternate active and quiet games so that children do not get overexcited.

If you have planned games and contests for which prizes are due, remember: the prizes must go to absolutely everyone and be the same, otherwise you cannot avoid resentment, tears, perhaps even fights and other, not at all festive, grief.

Fanta is one of the favorite games for children. Unfortunately, often parents turn this fun game into a violent demonstration of children's talents. In no case should you demand that the “fantasy” “sing a song”, “play the violin”, etc. For a shy child, public speaking is a painful test, and a really talented number can arouse the envy of other children, and the evening will be ruined . Better have fun from the heart, crowing under chairs and jumping on one leg with a saucepan on your head. And then you can all compose and perform a song in honor of the birthday man together, or play a small scene in which all the guests, both small and adults, will take part, or roll out a roll of wallpaper and draw a huge holiday poster with colored crayons.

The culmination of the holiday can be a treasure hunt. Hide the “treasure” in advance (small souvenirs, birthday cake, balloons, sparklers). The game is built on the principle of a “quest”: using an encrypted clue (it can be a rebus, a crossword puzzle, a logic puzzle that is quite difficult, but accessible to children), you need to guess where the next clue lies, and so on, until the treasure itself is found. It is important that the puzzles are fun, but intriguing. Make sure that more active children do not scrub softly.

Finish the holiday with some quiet game. You can, for example, cut out snowflakes, flowers or maple leaves from paper, depending on the season, and build a hanging structure on strings (mobile). You can light candles and read a fairy tale to the children. The main thing is that the children cool down and calm down before the arrival of their parents. When the guests begin to disperse, open the window, and go with your child to see them off. When you return, consider the gifts and go to bed early. Sit longer by the bed of the baby, remember what was good that evening.

Believe me, such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by you, your child, and his guests. As you can see, if you approach the matter competently and with imagination, then a children's birthday can be spent fun, interesting and with the least effort, nerves and money.

Birthday scenario for children 4–10 years old

Around the world

Room decoration: balloons, children's drawings, a world map or a globe, or home-made posters with the names and illustrations of the continents (from postcards and magazines), multi-colored foam rubber clouds, a wind rose, flags of different countries.

Equipment: balloons, ball, lotto "Beasts", a target with balls, a set of soft toys, masks, prizes.

The inscription on the door of the children's room "Cabin-company".

Little travelers sit down at their children's table.

Leading. Today is a holiday in our wardroom. The famous traveler (name) turned ... years old! What do we wish him/her?

Everyone takes turns saying their wishes and congratulations.

Leading. And you know, guys, earlier in Russia they celebrated not a birthday, but a name day. The day of the saint after whom you got your name. Let's dance and call everyone by their full names: Ekaterina, Alexander, Xenia, Ilya. You have very beautiful and glorious names. Are you curious to know what your names mean, and what saints are you named after?

(Children drive the Loaf, with the help of adults, they remember the meaning of their names. Multi-colored balls are distributed to everyone.)

Leading. Today we will travel around the world in hot air balloons.

We will visit a music tournament in Europe, fly over the Atlantic, hold a compliment contest in North America, dance at a Latin American carnival, hunt in Africa, and we will also have a green olympiad in Australia, a Santa Claus and Snow Maiden contest in Antarctica and a land of mysteries - Asia.

(In the course of the game, you need to show the children on a map, globe or poster the continent they hit. Focusing on age, tell something interesting about it.)


Music Tournament

Leading. Guys, we invite adults to the musical tournament. Who will sing whom? Children sing the first song, then adults, and so on in turn.

Leading. And now we will take our places in the wardroom. And while we are flying over the Atlantic Ocean, we can refresh ourselves.

(During flights, children play balloons and help themselves.)

North America

Compliment Contest

Leading. We have flown half the world and ended up on another continent. When visiting, it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors. Let's see if you know how to compliment the birthday person (tse).

(Everyone takes turns sitting in a chair or on a high chair. Everyone tries to say something pleasant to him (her). For the best compliment - a prize.)

South America

latin american carnival

The host turns on the music. Children choose their own attributes of costumes - masks, scarves, hats. Everyone is dancing. Prizes for the best dance compositions.



Everyone plays the “Beasts” lotto, a well-aimed shooter - they throw balls at the target, name the animals and birds that live in Africa.


Game in pair "Santa Claus and Snow Maiden"

Two Santa Clauses (Snow Maidens) in turn are quickly given light safe gifts: soft toys, balls, balls ... Their task is to hold as many objects in their hands as possible, not to drop them. Those who dropped out of the game sing a song about the New Year in chorus. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gifts and prizes to everyone.


Green Olympics

With one tennis ball (ostrich egg) we stuff another one so that the ball-egg does not fall and break. We hold the ball with our feet like a kangaroo and jump with it a short distance. Older children can jump with younger kangaroos. Or all together by a train. All Olympians - chocolate medals.


Land of mysteries

A block of puzzles should be carried out at the end of the holiday so that the children calm down and rest. The host makes a riddle for each according to age, holds a competition for the most interesting riddle.

At the end of the evening - a birthday cake with candles for all brave travelers.

As a result of the trip, you can make a magazine “Around the World” together with the most interesting photographs of the evening, drawings and stories of the participants.

Birthday script for children 5–10 years old

Celebration of the Elements, or Eighth Birthday

The advantage of this scenario is that it can be adapted for any age from 5 to 10 years old, replacing bird animals, berry vegetables with more common ones (bear, bunny, cockerel, potato, cherry) or rarer ones (panther, koala, hummingbird , squash, swede). This scenario is equally interesting for both girls and boys.

The holiday is dedicated to the four elements: water, air, earth, fire. But, if there are five children, you can also add the sun. The holiday can be adapted for more children. You can add the moon, stars, and for 8 children, each element can be represented by 2 people.

You need to prepare in advance:

5 flowers cut out of paper - white, blue, red, brown, yellow;

5 envelopes of these five colors or just white envelopes (children will put the earned tokens and prizes into these envelopes);

5 shawls or scarves of these colors;

5 toys (5 animals living on the ground, 5 waterfowl, 5 birds), but more can be;

40 tokens, which will be given for a correctly completed task.

It’s good if it’s possible to decorate a room, bring in elements of all the elements: draw a sun on cardboard and hang it on a cornice, a river can be depicted on a carpet (you can glue it from cardboard or just throw a piece of blue matter on the floor). There is earth in flower pots, air in balloons, fire - you can light a few candles, which will add solemnity and mystery to the holiday.

In addition to the host, you also need a judge who will distribute tokens.

Children take turns pulling paper flowers out of the hat. Who got what flower - this determines who will be who on this holiday: white - air, blue - water, red - fire, brown - earth, yellow - sun. Each is tied around the neck with a scarf or scarf of the corresponding color, an envelope is issued, a flower is attached to clothes.

Leading. Dear children, of course you know that we live surrounded by 4 elements: water, air, earth and fire (the leader points to each child, naming his element). And even here, in this room, we are surrounded by these elements. Today we gathered at the festival of these elements and invited our beloved Sun to visit. Let's get acquainted. To do this, you close your eyes for a moment and imagine what you are. And then tell us.

Competition for the best story about yourself

Everyone talks about his element. For example: “Good afternoon, let's get acquainted, I am air. I love to live everywhere, both in water and in the ground, but most of all I like to live in a balloon, for example, in this one. You all know me, because I am in every person.

If the children are small, they need help so that they quickly “get used” to their role. Everyone gets a token.

Leading. That's where we met. And now I will name different animals, and you have to show what this animal, fish or bird does. If you walk - you walk, if you swim, make movements with your hands, as when swimming, if you fly - wave your hands, and if some animal can swim and walk (walk and fly) make two movements at once.

The game "Animals, birds, fish"

The host calls different animals, birds, fish (elephant, swallow, panther, penguin, pike, chicken, dolphin, turtle, crocodile, etc.), and the children run around the room and wave their arms (you can to the music). The token is received by the one who has never made a mistake.

Leading. Many of those animals, fish and birds that I just mentioned came to visit us, but for now they hid in this room. Let's find them!

Game "Find toys"

Children must find 3 toys each: one waterfowl, one flying and one walking on the ground. Again, you can turn on the music while searching. Everyone then has to justify their choice. The token is received by the one who correctly chose the toys.

Leading. Now let's play another game.

Game "Where am I?"

Each child (that is, each element) takes turns asking the question “Where do you meet me?”, The rest take turns answering. For example, where do we meet water? In a river, puddle, ocean, bottle, pipe, etc. The token is received by the one who gave more non-repeating answers. The game is repeated 5 times (once for each element).

Leading. We are even more convinced that the 4 elements surround us everywhere. Not only people live in the three elements, but also plants. Now we will play "Vegetables". I will name different vegetables, and you will show where the edible part of this vegetable plant grows: if in the ground, then you sit down, cover your head with your hands, if above the ground, you get up.

Game "Vegetables"

The host calls different vegetable plants (carrots, zucchini, potatoes, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, radish, turnips, etc.), and the children squat or stand up. The token is received by the one who has never made a mistake.

Leading. Now let's play the game "What can you do with me." I will ask a question, everyone will find the answer to himself, raise his hand and shout “yes” if the answer is “yes” and remain silent if the answer is “no”. For example, I ask: “Can you be seen?” Earth, water, fire and sun answer yes, but the air is silent.

The game "What can you do with me"

You can come up with different questions for the game, for example: “Can I touch you (throw, draw, spill, ignite)?”, “Can I jump on you (sit)?”. The last question, leading to the next contest: “Can I sing a song about you?”. Everyone answers yes. The token is received by the one who has never made a mistake.

Leading. You all answered the last question correctly, we all know many songs about earth, water, fire, air and the sun. Let's sing them!

Song Contest

Each child sings a song about his element, everyone picks up and sings together. You can sing songs with the words “river”, “sea”, “stream”, “rain”, “snow” (about water), “sky”, “clouds” (about air), “flame”, “bonfire” (about fire), "planet", "forest", "grass" (about the earth). Everyone gets a token. When everyone sings a song, you can continue to sing and recite poems, make riddles at will.

Leading. Guys, you are just great: clever, smart, resourceful. Have you forgotten who our holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday man (tse), let's congratulate him (her).

You can congratulate along with all the adults. The birthday boy stands in a circle, the rest are given sheets of paper where adverbs are written “quickly, slowly, neatly, boldly, cheerfully, skillfully, funny, loudly, quietly, cheerfully”, etc. The host reads the beginning of the sentences, and everyone ends them with his own word.


“We wish you to get up in the morning..., do exercises..., wash your face..., have breakfast..., go to school..., answer the lesson..., sing in the choir..., etc.". The more ridiculous the endings are, the more fun. After the congratulations, the traditional "Loaf" is performed and a cake with candles is brought in.

Leading. In addition to the cake, we have prepared treats similar to each of you. If you guess right, get these treats. What treat is like the sun? (Orange, lollipop). To the air? (Puffed corn, white aerated chocolate). Dark chocolate looks like earth, some light drink, juice looks like water, red pepper looks like fire (for a laugh).

Then for every 2 tokens earned, the children receive a prize (its name can be pulled out of the header). You can give a prize for each token, and for every three, it all depends on how many tokens and prizes you have. Among the prizes are various interesting and useful little things (pencils, coloring books, stickers, felt-tip pens, notebooks, albums, notebooks, key chains, etc.).

Birthday script for girls 6–8 years old

Holiday in the land of fairies

In addition to decorations for the room (balloons, serpentine, garlands), for each fairy you can make a fairy hat and a magic wand.

Leading. Dear guests, you know that today we have gathered for the birthday of _______. It is customary to give gifts on a birthday - and you have already brought wonderful gifts. Do you love receiving and giving gifts? Which of your gifts do you remember the most? Who do you think can give the most magical gifts? That's right - fairies and wizards. What fairy tales do you remember in which magical gifts were given? Do you know that you and I are also a little fairy? Today we will go to the Feast in the country of fairies! To do this, we need to go to a fairyland, where each of you can become a real fairy and give each other magical gifts. I will now turn on the magic music - you should all dance to it, and we will find ourselves in the land of fairies!

(Beautiful slow music sounds, the overhead light is turned off, a sconce or a couple of candles in beautiful candlesticks is lit. While everyone is dancing, you need to put on a cap for one girl (the smallest one), draw a heart on her cheek with makeup and give her a magic wand. Now she is a song fairy !The music stops and the lights turn on.)

Leading. Our first fairy is the song fairy. She will now give us talent and love for singing, and in gratitude to her we will sing the most birthday song.

(The fairy waves her wand at everyone, and the girls sing "Let them run clumsily ...".)

Leading. But in order to get to a magical land, we all have to turn into fairies. Let's dance on!

(The second fairy is a dancing fairy! Children play with her “If life is fun, do it!” Movements are repeated after the leader. Before each movement, it is repeated: “If life is fun, do it like this.”

Movements can be as follows: two claps in front of the chest; two clicks of the fingers, etc.

To give the dancers some rest, the next girl turns into a quick wits fairy. Having conjured more intelligence for her friends, she helps the presenter to guess tricky riddles (see the scenario "Virtual Journey in Search of the Scroll of Fortune").

Another guest becomes a fairy of dexterity and helps the host to play the game.)

Game "Confusion"

A leader is selected who temporarily leaves or turns away. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Then they try in every possible way to “get confused”, while you can crawl under someone’s clasped hands, step over hands, but you can’t open them. Returning, the host must carefully unravel the "confusion", trying not to harm the players.

(Not the most successful game for young ladies in smart dresses and fairy hats - nevertheless, the girls really like it, and they play it for quite a long time and with pleasure. Then the fairy of goodies appears.)

A traditional game for children's holidays is held in guessing the taste of edible pieces blindfolded - the fairy will feed her girlfriends with pleasure.

(The next fairy appears - the drawing fairy.)

On a large sheet of drawing paper, little fairies, gifted with artistic abilities, all together draw a festive poster.

Any fairy tale or miniature is staged. All nouns (including inanimate objects) are roles. The roles are distributed by lot (do not forget about the author reading the text) and the pantonym performance begins. For example:

Summer has come.

Butterflies fly merrily in the clearing.

The Girl comes running with a Net in her hands and tries to catch the Butterflies.

But Butterflies quickly scatter in different directions.

A boy walks by.

He thought about something and did not notice how he crashed into the Tree.

The boy rubs his bruised forehead and cries. The Girl holds out the Coin, the Boy thanks and puts the Coin to his forehead. Children join hands and cheerfully leave the forest ...

It turns out to be very fun.

Birthday scenario for children 6–10 years old

Gathering of Spies

Incoming guests are warned in advance in invitations that their clothes should contain an element of the Spy masquerade - black hats, glasses, and so on. Invitations should be interesting, for example: "So-and-so is called to the Emergency and Extremely Secret rally of spies, which will take place then and there, keep the information in strict confidence."

The invitations also include a tear-off birthday pass, which the birthday person picks up at the entrance and in exchange offers to choose one of the badges that are right there, face down. They are printed: "Spy of the highest (first, second, extra, etc.) category __ (empty space for name) code name Agent 001 (Black Cloak, Indestructible, Sly Dog, etc.)". The guest enters his name there and pins the badge to the clothes. You can also take funny photos of animals or stars with a black rectangle on their eyes.

It is better not to interfere with teams (spy groups), but to put each one together - for example, put napkins of the group's color under the plates. Under the plates, you can also lay out pieces of paper with tasks: “The owner of this note must pretend that he is a tree (a baby, an old man, a dog, etc.).” Spies must have the gift of disguise. This will amuse the children. Announced toasting contest.

A team of spies must understand each other perfectly. Each group is invited to say a collective toast: the first one starts, stops at the most interesting place, in mid-sentence, the neighbor continues, etc. The last one in the team ends the congratulations. The best toast is given a point - for example, a token with 1 point, printed on colored paper and cut out (you need to have a little more of them than contests, in case of a draw).

When everyone has had a bite, you can proceed to the contests themselves.

Competition "Fine test"

The spy must get out of any situation, even in a bound form, especially when he has a secret report. Each group is given a large sealed envelope with a note inside, folded in half. The group needs to select two people who, with their hands tied behind their backs, should tear the envelope, unfold the message, give it to their group, and they should read it and quickly complete it. It will say that a visual test will now take place, the group should single out one person who should run to the kitchen (to the bathroom, etc.), and there, under the pan on the table (towel in the sink, etc.), take the package with the things necessary for the competition. The main thing is that these should be different places for each team at an equal distance from the competition venue. The group that gets the package first wins and gets the token.

The bag contains sheets of paper marked with which team they belong to, half the number of people in the group and the same number of felt-tip pens. Each group is divided into two equal parts, one part of them leaves the room, the other remains, on one upper third each draws the head of a boy or a girl - to choose from, for clarity, he signs the name of the drawn person next to him, bends the sheet so that only the neck remains visible ( not hair!). Now these halves of the team are leaving, others are coming. They are given to draw the rest of the body - also a boy or a girl and sign the gender (m or f). Now teams are invited, the host says that the drawings turned out to be people and spies - they are easy to distinguish, since the spies are disguised - and shows the drawings. The team with the most spies, that is, drawings with the head of one sex and the body of the other, wins. This group receives a token.

Spies do not always have the opportunity to talk. They should be able to communicate without words.

Spy Pantomime Contest

From each group, in turn, one person stands out. They put a bandage over his mouth (for effect), strictly forbid him to speak, and let him pull out a note from an envelope with a secret meeting place. He must explain with facial expressions in 3 minutes which place is indicated in the note: school, maternity hospital, toilet, bathhouse, museum, kindergarten, prison, madhouse, etc. The team that guessed the place of appearance more times receives a token.

Spies working on the same team must be able to read each other's minds.

Mind Reading Contest

Two people are called in turn from each team. They draw from a secret envelope one questionnaire with questions and three answers and circle the one that is closer to them. The facilitator picks them up and asks one question from the other's profile. For example, the question: “If you could turn into an animal, what would it be? In a pig, in a mosquito, in a six-legged five-winged?” The second participant is asked: “What kind of animal do you think he would like to turn into - a pig, a mosquito, or a six-legged five-wing?” And vice versa - to the second participant the question of the first. The group with the highest match wins. It would be nice if the questions were as funny as possible. “If you were born a girl, what color hair would you like to have? Green? Orange with red? Bald girl? “If you were born a boy, what would you like to be called? Panteleimon? Frol? Alexandrite Dunovezsky?

The head of the Spy School has a birthday today too! He needs to write a congratulatory telegram. Groups are given a blank - a text with missing adjectives. It must be filled in by entering the most flattering words (adjectives) - the chef loves flattery! The text is something like this: “........ and ....... our CHEF! Congratulations on..... ...happy birthday! We wish you to be ........., always ......... so that only ........ guests come to you today! We wish to receive a lot of.......... gifts, have fun, dance only.......... dances and sing only.......... songs! And you always remain the most ............ and ................. for us! Sincerely - your ................... spies of the group (name) ”. After the teams have finished the telegram, they are asked to encrypt it. To do this, in the same sheet, with dashes instead of adjectives, you need to enter words that are antonyms of those already written. The presenter picks up the telegrams, leaves and soon returns - on the telegrams it is written in a sweeping red felt-tip pen - "Return to the sender." The host says that a terrible mistake has occurred, the secretary did not decipher our telegrams and served them on the table to the boss. The boss is furious! Telegrams are read to the teams. The telegram that pisses off the boss the most gets a token.

Draw "Pharaoh" (in the beginning it is played by the host as a contest of courage). The host must determine which group is the bravest! And for this you need to visit the tomb of the pharaoh, where it is dark and scary ... In another room, everything is ready in advance - the person participating in the draw is lying on the bed, arms folded on his chest and legs stretched out, in his head there is a saucepan with warm pasta in oil (for slip). It would be nice to have a tape recorder with mournful music, in extreme cases, you can make the pharaoh, and then those who remain after the drawing in the "tomb of the pharaoh" with their mouths closed, the sound "MMMMMmmmm ....", which is no less creepy. The host takes one person from the group - in turn, blindfolds him and takes him to the second room. He says - there is a pyramid, an ancient tomb of the old deceased pharaoh .... And here is the pharaoh himself, he lies in his tomb ... The leader takes the hand of the frightened and touches it to different parts of the pharaoh's body. Here is the pharaoh's foot.... And here is the pharaoh's ankles... And here is the pharaoh's knees... And here is the pharaoh's belly... and here are the pharaoh's folded hands... and here is the pharaoh's face... And here are the pharaoh's brains! With these words, the host quickly lowers the frightened person's hand into a saucepan of pasta. The effect is amazing! Tokens are given to both groups.

Competition "Scenario from the life of a special agent"

Teams are given a sheet of paper and a pen to write the script. One person at a time approaches the table and write one phrase at a time, answering the host's question. Sample questions:

Who is the hero of the film?

Where did he live?

What did he get from the secret place?

Where did he put it?

Where did he go after?

Why did he go there?

What was he doing there?

Who did you meet there?

What question did the hero ask him?

What did he answer?

What did he do for the hero?

What did he give the hero?

What did the hero do with the gift?

Where did the main character go?

Why did he return there?

How did the movie end?

The facilitators pick up the sheets, unfold them, and read the scripts. The best one is taken to the shooting of the film and is awarded with a token.

Joke contest "Going to the zoo"

The teams are told that each ear will be told the name of the animal. Each team will have one animal to match - that is, each team will have one ostrich, one hippo, giraffe, etc. The host will call the animals, when you hear yours, you need to quickly sit on the floor, faster than the player with this the same animals from the other team. In fact, you think of each team with one hare, one wolf, and for everyone else - the word "crocodile". It looks terribly funny. The host says: "Squirrel!" Everyone is standing. "No squirrel ... Badger! .. No badger .... Now get ready .... Hare!" Two people fall to the floor. Remember who fell first. "Teeeeee...

Wolf!" Again two people. "Next.....Elephant!.. No elephants?.... Lynx!..... No lynx?...." Everyone is tense, ready to fall. “…Eeeee, finally……attention….crocodile!”

Tokens are given to both teams.

The host says that the Spy Gathering was very successful, both groups of special agents showed themselves simply brilliantly, but according to the results of the tests, such and such a group received the most tokens. She receives the main special task of the evening. The group is given an envelope. There is a note in the envelope, which says that the group needs to select two responsible and accurate spies, they will have to go somewhere (for example, to the bedroom, open the closet) and bring something that will amaze you there (a cake is hidden in the closet). Two more courageous spies should be singled out from the group, who need to go there (to the kitchen, to the refrigerator) and bring something that clearly does not belong there (candles for the cake). The same with matches (for example, what lies in the bathroom with toothbrushes, but is an extra item), etc. - saucers, napkins, spoons, a knife - if the size of the team allows. When everything is collected, the winning group is trusted to stick candles in the cake and light them.

Comic entertainment "Questions - Answers"

The host gives one person a piece of paper with a question to pull out of the envelope, the other - with the answer. The player asks the second player a question and gets an answer. And so on, in turn, until the envelopes are empty. It's always very funny.


1. Tell me, are you always so sassy?

2. Tell me do you love me?

3. Tell me, do you cheat in class?

4. Tell me, do you erase deuces in your diary?

5. Do you like to give gifts?

6. Is it true that you are secretly married (married)?

7. Do you often fall out of bed in your sleep?

8. When you are not seen, do you pick your nose?

9. Do you eat in the toilet?

10. Do you steal raspberries from neighbors in the country?

11. Do you like to overeat cakes at night?

12. Is it true that you only eat pickles on Mondays?

13. Is it true that you want to change your hair color to purple?

14. Have you tried vodka?

15. Is it true that your idol is a physical education teacher?

16. Is it true that you only sleep in pink pajamas with elephants?

17. Is it true that you bathe with rubber ducks?


1. I can't imagine my life without it.

2. I do not answer political questions.

3. No, I am a very shy person.

4. I find it difficult to answer the truth, because I do not want to spoil my reputation.

5. Only after I get a deuce.

6. Of course, instead of doing homework.

7. When I skip math.

8. My redness is the most striking answer to this question.

9. Yes, for hours, especially in the dark.

10. Wow! How did you guess?!

11. Very rarely, but it happens.

12. In principle, no, but as an exception, yes.

13. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.

14. If parents do not see.

15. On Saturdays, this is a necessity for me.

16. This has long been my greatest wish.

17. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

Birthday script for children 7–12 years old

Pirates of the Caribbean

The script is interesting for both boys and girls if they like this movie. The guests are greeted by the Calypso Oracle (mother in disguise) and the hero (culprit) of the occasion in the costume of one of the main characters (Jack Sparrow or Elizabeth). They explain that today the children will become pirates and go on a treasure hunt.

Guests enter a room decorated in the style of the Black Pearl. A children's sports complex can successfully portray a pirate ship. If there is no sports complex, you can hang black sails and a pirate flag on cabinets and curtains. You can even make a ship's steering wheel.

Pirate Initiation

Here, guests will be tested for suitability for piracy. Will Turner (daddy in disguise) offers children the following tasks:

Jump up to the ceiling - the guest is blindfolded, someone with a board or other hard surface becomes behind him. The guest must jump, he jumps, but does not reach the ceiling. He asks to jump again, while over the head of the guest raises the board to such a height that the guest can reach it.

Find a hiding place in the dark - the guest stands in front of a chair with some object, moves away from it for 8-10 steps, then the guest is blindfolded, offered to turn around and go back to the chair and take the object. Other guests can give advice in choosing a direction.

"Pack mine" - two guests stand side by side, hand in hand. The touching hands are tied to them, and with their free hands, the two of them must wrap the bundle in paper and tie it with a ribbon.

Pass through the "maze" - the guests who have already arrived make up a maze of rope, the new guest must remember the route, then they blindfold him and quietly remove the rope.

When all the tests are passed, the Calypso Oracle helps the guests dress up in pirate costumes (for this, bandanas, black eye patches, toy daggers, pistols, etc. should be prepared in advance). When the pirates are dressed up, you can start searching for treasure.

"Treasure Hunt"

First, the pirates have to assemble a map from fragments. The card must be prepared in advance. On a piece of drawing paper we draw a map that vaguely resembles the silhouette of an apartment. At the same time, the closet can be called a rock, the kitchen - the sea, the living room - a swamp, the bathroom - a volcano, etc. The corresponding signs should be hung at the entrance to these rooms.

When the map is ready, we cut it into pieces of irregular shape and on the reverse side of these pieces we draw various items needed by pirates: a gun, a bottle of rum, a chest, gold coins, a candle, a ship's steering wheel, a compass, a skull and bones, etc.

To add additional complexity to the task, you can prepare blank fragments from another sheet of drawing paper. They also feature pirate symbols.

Before the arrival of guests, all these fragments should be hung on the walls and furniture in different rooms.

When the map is assembled (for convenience, it can be fastened with adhesive tape), the pirates go in search of treasure. The path will be difficult. First you need to overcome the swamp with the help of two pieces of paper - "bumps", shifting them as you move. Then you need to show the skill of navigation: bypass the reefs blindfolded. The reefs depict water bottles or juice packs placed on the floor.

These obstacle courses can be arranged in the corridor or in the hallway so that after overcoming them, the pirates find themselves in another room. On a map, it may be labeled as the Caribbean Sea. Here you need to find a hidden chest, which will give instructions on the direction of further searches. It can be another, small, card or a direct indication (for example, "look in the refrigerator"). Another chest will be found in the refrigerator on the shelf (the casket can play its role), where instead of treasures, the pirates will find an ominous message from Davy Jones: “Treasures have been stolen by me! Look for them on the Flying Dutchman." For greater persuasiveness, you can add a black mark to the message!

The pirates return to the pirate ship room, where they are greeted by the dreaded Davy Jones. He promises to return the stolen treasure on the condition that the pirates complete his tasks.

Davy Jones missions

Courage test. We call the three most daring and offer to break an egg on the forehead, one of which is raw! (In fact, all three eggs are boiled, but the children do not know this).

Intelligence test. Davy Jones asks guests questions, the one who first guessed answers.

1. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)

2. What is the scariest river? (River Tigris)

3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

4. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and")

5. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

6. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)

7. Which hand is better to stir the tea?

8. What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

9. What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin)

10. The man was driving a big truck. The headlights weren't on, the moon wasn't there either, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (There was a day)

11. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)

12. What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)

13. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream)

14. What do we eat for? (At the table)

15. When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)

16. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

17. How long can you go to the forest? (To the middle - you go further out of the forest)

18. When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep, that is, "pine")

19. Why does the cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down)

20. Can it rain two days in a row? (No, as the night separates the days)

Artistic check. It is necessary to depict chewed gum, a cake box, a boiled kettle, a pen with an ended rod.

Finally, Davy Jones says that all conditions are met, except for one: the treasure must be redeemed. He calls 3-5 volunteers and tells everyone what the ransom will be (different for everyone, for example: a bag with a million dollars, a kilogram of sweets, a carriage, etc.). The selected child must use pantomime to explain to the others what it is. After everything is guessed and fulfilled, Davy Jones gives the treasure to the pirates. Treasure can be a chest full of chocolate coins or other prizes.

Then everyone goes to the "pirate party" in the "tavern".

Costume Making Tips

Wig for Jack Sparrow can be made from old nylon stockings or black tights, cut lengthwise. Black gloves will work too. You can weave braids from a skein of black yarn. On the pigtails you need to string multi-colored beads.

Wig for Davy Jones you can do this: put long strips of foam rubber inside 3-4 pairs of old gray tights. The tights are pulled over the head with an elastic band, so that the "tentacles" hang down.

Birthday script for girls 8–10 years old

Witch Party

Costumes required for the party:

1. Baba Yaga- a colored scarf on the head, an old spacious skirt with (roughly) bright patches sewn on.

2. Damn grandma- a black scarf on the head and bright horns on the headband.

3. The ghost of a drowned woman- a translucent dark scarf on the head and on top of it - beads on an elastic band.

4. Evil sorceress- a cap, pasted over with a black bag, with an elastic band under the neck, a black cape with foil stars.

5. Witch- a hat with a brim, on it is a translucent dark scarf, tied under the chin, in the brim - an artificial mouse.

6. good sorceress- a crown-rim and a light cape with tinsel.

The distribution of roles, who will be who, is determined by a draw, this can be played ominously - pulling toy spiders with tied leaves from a bag, for example.

The adult presenter Leshy (suit - you can wind an artificial vine on your hat) helps to put on the costumes, and the girls paint their faces with green, brown, gray, black shadows.

After that, you need to put the children at the table that has not yet been laid, distribute sheets of paper and felt-tip pens and give the task - to draw and write an ominous birthday card with your own hands.

Further, before the entertainment program, a feast follows. Dishes need to come up with thematic original names - "Love Potion Cocktail", "Koshchei's Favorite Sandwich", canapes "Fish Magician's Spell", etc.

At the table, each girl congratulates the birthday girl - reads out a composed greeting card and presents a gift - everyone needs to explain why she (the Witch, etc.) gives exactly this (a magic doll, magic felt-tip pens, a magic game, etc.), and what in the gift of witchcraft power.

The host Leshy says that young witches will be tested at the witch's party today. The girls are divided into two teams, come up with names for them.

Test one

The team is given felt-tip pens and sheets of drawing paper. In three minutes, you need to draw a terrible and terrible Zlyukin Pugalkin. The team with the most interesting pattern wins. She is awarded a “dead mouse” (the body is an oval made of cardboard, the tail is a rope).

Second test

The team is given two balls (head and torso), they must be tied together and with markers draw a skull and bones on them to make a skeleton. The team with the better skeleton gets a "dead mouse".

Third test

Cut the drawings from the first test - each into 10 parts, give the team a different drawing. The team that gets the whole picture right faster than the other team wins. A "dead mouse" is awarded.

Fourth test

The skill of broom control is tested. Deep bowls of water and various fruits floating in them are placed on the floor (2 grapes, 2 tangerine slices, 2 strawberries). The girls stand at the opposite end of the room. Each team is given a broom. On command, the first participant sits astride a broom, runs to a bowl, eats one fruit without the help of hands, returns and passes the broom to the next. The “dead mouse” is awarded to the team whose bowl emptied the fastest.

Fifth test

From matches (or sticks), each team must lay out the word "spell". The fastest team wins. The prize is a "dead mouse".

Sixth test

Teams are given their skeletons from the second challenge. You have to clap them without the help of hands. The team that managed to complete this task faster than the other gets a "dead mouse".

Seventh test

The task is given - the teams write ten ominous or witchcraft words on a piece of paper. And now, using all these words, you need to write a letter to Leshem the host. The facilitator reads them aloud. "Dead mouse" receives the most interesting letter.

Mice are being counted. The winning team is given an edible mouse - made of ice cream, jelly or cream, and the losing team is given a spider made of the same material. The cake “Greetings from an abandoned castle” is brought in (a white cream web can be applied to the chocolate icing). Before blowing out the candles, each guest must say what a good deed he would do if he really had magical powers. Then the birthday girl makes a wish and blows on the candles. If everything blows out, it means that the desires of all will be fulfilled.

First anniversary 10 years

Mother and daughter (son) can be the leaders at this holiday.

Preparation for the holiday

1. Be sure to decorate the room. These can be balloons, a Christmas tree garland (electric), mark “10” on the wall with large numbers (you can use foil or a Christmas tree “rain-hedgehog”).

2. You will need:

Cardboard cards with the names of guests;

Tokens - they can be made of colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers;

Prizes, such as school stationery, which will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted;

Cards with letters for the competition "Honey Tricks"; for a comic lottery: a candle, a calendar, a felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, a handkerchief, a comb, a mug (or a tea bag);

A postcard with the text of congratulations for "Comic congratulations" and small leaves with adverbs: boldly, quickly, neatly, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly;

For a self-portrait, sheets of paper and simple pencils according to the number of participants;

Assignments-notes for playing "forfeits".


Do not start the holiday with complex contests, take the simplest ones first;

Rehearse each number (game, rally, tricks);

Take the role of the host very seriously: connect the numbers with each other with some kind of stories, jokes;

If you do not rely on your memory, it is better to have a printout of your holiday on hand (from the words of the presenter to the tasks-questions).

Leading mother. Each person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, for his personal holiday - Birthday. It's my birthday today ________. Today she (he) turns 10 years old. This is the first round date in your life. This is the first two-digit date. 10 years! Passed infancy and early childhood. Ahead of childhood, but already "adult", ahead of the whole life, and I want to say:

I wish you ten years
Live cheerfully, brightly, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
Let everything be fine at school:
Nice, clear and cool!
I wish you a good laugh
More luck and success!

All guests congratulate the birthday girl (ka) and sit down at the table. To avoid confusion at the table, you can prepare cards with the names of the invited children, put the cards on the table. On the spread of each card, you can explain what the name means and write a comic rhyme. For example:

Hope- Russian name.

Always shine the gentle dawn
Above the world, clever Hope!

Victoria: "victory" is a Latin name.

Vicki has her own approach to clothes,
Since Vika is a trendsetter.

After eating salads and a hot dish, the host again takes the floor.

Leading mother. I draw your attention to the content of the inscription in the middle of the cards. Let's read it one by one.

Each of the guests reads comic poems about himself and the designation of the name.

Leading - daughter (son). And now we begin our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it. Because for every correct answer, my assistant gives you a token. At the end of our evening, points will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to their number. So, the first competition.

Riddles contest

Both adults and children love to solve riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new, previously unnoticed properties of an object, learns to find the right answer. To make it easier to answer, you can divide the riddles into groups: about nature, man, about the house and household utensils.

About nature:

1. Lives in the forest, hoots like a robber, people are afraid of him, and he is afraid of people. (Owl)

2. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea)

3. Not fire, but it burns. (Nettle)

5. A blue scarf, a yellow bun rolls on a scarf, smiles at people. (sky and sun)

About a human:

1. Five brothers are equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)

2. All their lives they go after each other, but they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)

3. Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live together, but do not look at each other. (Eyes)

4. What is the most precious thing in the world? (Health)

About the house, household utensils:

1. Knocks, spins, walks the whole century, and not a person. (Watch)

2. A small dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, but does not let it into the house. (Lock)

3. It hangs in the house, there is no language, but it will tell the truth. (Mirror)

A token is awarded for the correct first answer.

Leading - daughter (son). Imagine if a brownie suddenly came and mixed up the letters in words, we would no longer understand each other. This cannot be allowed! So, each of you needs to break the spell of the brownie and restore the words.

Competition "Tricks of the Brownie".

Cards are distributed, each with one set-word. It is necessary to lay out the cards with letters so that the word turns out: monk - cinema, kevi - eyelids, ointments - winter, riag - game, kera - river, role - eagle, and so on. Tokens are awarded to those who correctly and quickly collected words.

Leading mother. You are probably already tired of mental work. Let's play a joke lottery. In one box are both prizes and folded notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you approaches, takes a note, reads what prize he got, and takes it himself.

Joke lottery

1. We'll have to live, studying grief,

(Prize - calendar)

2. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?

(Prize - felt-tip pens)

3. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,
Because you got chocolate.

(Prize - chocolate)

4. And big love awaits you
And kisses all year round.

(Prize - handkerchief)

5. Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,

(Prize - comb)

6. While the teacher is "removing chips" from you,
Quietly make a cup of tea.

(Prize - a mug or tea bag)

7. To the one who receives this candle,
You have to travel the world.

(Prize - candle)

8. Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is just incredible.

(Prize - cream)

Leading - daughter (son). I want to show you some funny and funny magic tricks. I suggest that you write down your plans on pieces of paper (for example: drink a glass of juice, look at the ceiling, etc.), seal these sheets in an envelope and hand them over to me.

Focus "I am clairvoyant"

For the uninitiated, the following looks like this. The magician takes the envelope, puts it on the table, covers it with his hand and says: “They ask me to look out the window. Was there such a request? The magician at this time opens the envelope and reads the contents of the note to himself. Someone answers: "Yes." The session continues. The magician takes the next envelope, and so on. What is the secret? At the beginning of the session, the magician asks his sister (mother, grandmother) to join the prank, having previously agreed with her about the contents of the note in the envelope, and it is also necessary that she somehow mark the envelope (for example, she folded the corner). The magician will take this envelope last. And taking any envelope, he “reads thoughts” not from the envelope that is in his hands, but from the agreed agreed upon phrase written by his sister (mother, grandmother). When the magician seemingly checks what he has written against what he has "read," he is actually memorizing the contents of the note in order to "read" it while guessing the contents of the next envelope.

Leading - daughter (son). Now I want to show you a small draw "At least three times". Who wants to take part? Here's a piece of paper for you. I bet you can't break it three times?"

The participant replies that he will cope with such a trifle and will now show how it is done. He really breaks the line. The host raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: “But I told you - from three ...”

Leading - daughter (son). The next competition game "I believe - I do not believe." I ask a question, you answer yes or no. Do you believe that:

1. Was a ballpoint pen used only by military pilots before? (Yes)

2. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

3. Can a rainbow be seen at midnight? (Yes)

4. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

See also the questions in the "Virtual Journey in Search of the Scroll of Fortune" scenario.

Leading mother. I suggest you play game "Fanta". The children are given a hat in which there are forfeit notes (for example, tell a joke, dance an oriental belly dance, sing the song “Let them run clumsily ...”, etc.)

Leading - daughter (son). And now competition "Questions for ingenuity".

1. Which European capital stands on mowed grass? (Paris, on the Seine)

2. What key can you not put in your pocket? (violin)

3. What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)

See also the questions in the Pirates of the Caribbean scenario.

Tokens are awarded for the first correct answers.

Leading mother. Guys, you are great: clever, resourceful, smart. Have you forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday man (tse). Let's congratulate him/her.

"Joke congratulations"

The birthday person (ca) gets up, the guests are given a box with notes-words (boldly, quickly, carefully, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The facilitator reads the text, and the children take turns taking out notes, completing sentences and sticking words on the card. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text for a birthday girl (for a boy, you need to redo the words):

Dear birthday girl! Happy Anniversary!

We wish you to

I got up in the morning ..........

Washed ..........,

Charging .......................

I had breakfast......................

Went to school..........

Answered in class..............

Behaved at the change ................,

Doing homework..........

I studied just fine.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is brought in. The birthday person makes a wish and blows out the candles. The birthday person thanks all the guests and asks to leave their self-portraits, and each must draw himself blindfolded, and then sign with his name. It turns out very interesting and funny.

Then the number of tokens is counted and prizes are awarded.

Birthday celebration script for children 10–12 years old

Virtual journey in search of the Scroll of Fortune

Leader (mother) Dear guests, you know that we have gathered in this house today for a reason. Today we have a holiday - the birthday of _________. I want to congratulate you, __________, on your birthday and wish you all the very best, health, happiness, joy, good grades at school. May this birthday, your holiday, be fun and interesting and will be remembered for a long time by you and your guests!

Grandmother (grandfather, father, brother or sister).

Birthday is the most joyful and happiest holiday that you wait for many days, the whole year.

You turned ten today (or eleven, twelve) -

The whole world is at your feet.
You find the best way among all roads.
Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate
And choose the thing that happiness will give you.
Find reliable friends, find your love.
Do not be afraid of difficult paths, always go ahead!

Leading. Congratulations in verse, applause from the guests and sincere gratitude from the hero of the occasion for the wishes added sunshine to the atmosphere of our holiday.

What is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Boxing day, pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!

So let's all wish ___________ a happy birthday together! Congratulations!


Birthday person (ca). Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you on my birthday! Thank you for giving me my dream, thank you for the gifts and for the warm wishes. Today is my birthday, which means I can do whatever I want. And I want to give you a real Holiday. Birthday is a wonderful and fun event. And we will verify this today.

So our holiday begins. First, I invite everyone to sign the "Dedication to the Birthday Guest." I read the contents of this manuscript. The text of the oath: “From now on and until the moment when my eyes close from fatigue, I become an honored guest at a birthday party and solemnly swear:

Have fun to the fullest;

Eat everything that is on the festive table;

To drink all that is allowed to my tender age;

Joking and saying nice words to the birthday girl;

Dance, sing songs, participate in drawings and competitions.

Guests read the oath and each signs it next to his name.

Leading. Children have always been interested in secrets and riddles, magic and sorcery. And on your birthday, you want something unusual! We named our birthday "Virtual Journey in Search of the Scroll of Fortune" for a reason. Together we will be transported to the world of Ancient China and embark on an exciting journey in search of the mysterious Scroll and Talisman of Good Luck.

You all have probably watched the cartoon about Mulan. Do you know that Mulan Hua is the national heroine of China, who really lived in 589-618? The crypt with the grave in which she is buried is located in the village of Dazhou, Yucheng County. She became famous for the fact that instead of her elderly father she herself went to fight and became a vivid example of courage and resilience. The young girl was able to steadfastly endure all the suffering and hardships of the war and bring victory to her homeland. Today, together with Mulan, we will look for the Scroll and the Talisman of Good Luck. According to ancient Chinese legend, each person has his own scroll and a talisman that brings good luck in everything. Today you have to go through all the stages of contests and riddles to find your Scroll of Luck. You:

Learn to be polite and friendly;

Remember the story in fairy tales and legends;

Master the art of charm;

Learn to entertain your friends;

Become even smarter

Try your hand at cooking

Learn to navigate in different environments;

Be direct;

You will sing and dance;

Learn about your flower of happiness;

Tell fortunes on tea thick.

Leading. And now we begin our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it, because for each correct answer I will give a token - 1 Chinese yuan (cut out of yellow cardboard). At the end of our evening, yuan will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to their amount.

Compliment Contest

China is a country of ancient traditions and customs. It is known that Mulan was taught manners at school. At a party, it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors, and always compliment the hero of the occasion. So, the condition of the competition: “Sitting at the table, everyone in turn says gentle and pleasant words-adjectives to the birthday man (tse), the one on whom the vocabulary runs out says a voluminous toast-wish.”

presenter (after the competition). Let's join in and raise our glasses to such an extraordinary birthday boy(tsu). And the winner of the first competition is awarded yuan. It seems to me that everyone passed this stage of the test of politeness with dignity.

If necessary, take a break for a meal.

Tricky riddles about fairy-tale heroes

Leading. Each nation has its own epic tales, legends, fairy tales. What will be offered to a girl named Mulan when she is looking for her scroll, we are unlikely to guess. Let's try to solve the riddles. The first person to answer correctly is given 1 Chinese yuan.

He got leeches
I sold Karabas
The whole smell of marsh mud,
His name was ... (Pinocchio) (Duremar).
Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
He is looking for a magic key.
He has a terrible look
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit) (Karabas).
He lived in Prostokvashino
And he was friends with Matroskin.
He was a little simple
The dog's name was ... (Totoshka) (Ball).
For many days he was on the road,
To find your wife
And the ball helped him,
His name was ... (Kolobok) (Ivan Tsarevich).
He walked boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was ... (Cheburashka) (Kolobok).
Everyone knows, peeps
It hinders and hurts everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And her name is ... (Yaga) (Shapoklyak).

Leading. And in this test, we have made some progress in the search for our Scroll of Fortune. We know the history of our fairy tales and cartoons. Let's move on to the next competition.

Competition for girls "Geisha Smile"

Leading. Girls, close your eyes and imagine that you opened them in the mysterious, bewitching atmosphere of the East. You have probably heard about geishas - these are women who can show all the beauty of the world through their tenderness, tact, politeness, through their knowledge. No geisha will scream to be heard, she speaks quietly, insinuatingly, softly, but everyone listens to her. There is always a smile on her face.

So there are cards on the table. You must choose your own card with the task. The contestants should take turns smiling as:

Mona Lisa;

Girl - to an unfamiliar boy;

teacher to student;

Baby - parents;

Loser who received five points;

Leopold - mice;

The dog is the owner.

Leading. All the girls did a great job with this competition. Everyone can be given 1 yuan.

Scenes "Cheer up friends"

Leading. There is an ancient Chinese legend about the evil beast Gongyan. According to an ancient legend, the "chase" was a wild beast that brought people a lot of trouble. From his ferocious appearance, the trees shed their foliage, and the earth became barren. But the wise old man told the people that Gongyan was afraid of laughter and fun. We must drive away the evil beast so that eternal spring will always bloom in our lives. Let's play scenes.

The host lays out cards on the table. Children are divided into pairs and choose a card with the task themselves. Participants of the competition must take turns acting out a skit.

First scene

Vova's mom.“Hello, I am Sidorov Vova’s mother.”

Teacher."Hello, dearest Olga Petrovna, have a seat, you're welcome."

Vova's mom."Did you call me?"

Teacher.“Your son has recently, how to put it more accurately, has become kind of shabby, retarded. He doesn’t answer for the bazaar during the lessons, he drives something, sometimes he performs, and sometimes nothing at all, you will excuse me for God’s sake!”

Vova's mother, not understanding anything, looks around and shrugs her shoulders, unable to find words in response.

Second scene

Telephone operator:"Your phone is not answering."

Subscriber:"What, at all?"

Telephone operator:"No, the first two digits answered, the rest are silent."

Subscriber:“Listen, if the dog barks, then there is no one at home.”

Telephone operator:“Maybe I should also see if the light is on or not?”

Third scene

The phone rings.

hostess (picks up the phone): "Hello!"

Mistress:"No, on TV!"

Fourth scene

One incorrigible joker and merry fellow came to school with a thoroughly blackened eye.

Classmates (interested): "What happened?"

Joker:“You see, I suffer from insomnia and therefore, at three in the morning, having nothing to do, I usually dial some number on the phone and ask the one whom I woke up: “Guess who is calling?”

Classmates:"So what?"

Joker:“Some guy figured it out last night!”

Leading. All scenes were great. You managed to convey the atmosphere and characters of our heroes. I think we passed this test and became even closer to our scrolls and talismans. And everyone needs to hand over 1 yuan.

Competition "Questions for ingenuity"

Leading. In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is one of the sacred creatures, a symbol of spring and the East. The dragon is depicted in different ways: in the form of a large snake, an animal resembling both a tiger and a horse, or a creature with a camel's head and a lizard's neck. And all because no one has ever seen him. In one of the legends of the Chinese people, it is said that the dragon king Da Wang fell ill in the sea. And he had to turn to a doctor who lived in a village of fishermen, on the condition that he would never describe his patient. Asking the healer questions, the Dragon King was convinced that he was a literate and intelligent person, and that he could be trusted with his health. Now I will ask you questions, but don't worry, not medical ones... Let's check which of us is smarter. The first person to correctly name the answer is given 1 Chinese yuan.

A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)

What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)

How do day and night end? (soft sign)

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin)

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep - "pine")

Leading. It seems to me that we have successfully overcome this step to our Scrolls of Fortune.

Cooking competition

Leading. In China, during the wedding, the bride is carried in a palanquin from her father's house to the groom's house. And in order to avoid any kind of misfortune, all the spirits that get in their way must be fed with dishes whose names begin with the letter of the bride's name. Now everyone takes turns saying the names of dishes that begin with the letter of the name of the hero (tsy) of the occasion (for example, “L” - noodles, noodles, flatbread, liver sausage, liquor, lemonade, kebab, lagman, etc.). The one on whom the vocabulary dries up says a voluminous toast-wish.

(If necessary, take a break for a meal.)

Competition "I believe - I do not believe"

Leading. Hard times have come for the Chinese people: the country was attacked by a warlike tribe of the Huns. Dressed in men's clothes, Mulan joins other warriors and sets out on a dangerous journey to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. But you need to pass one more test, answering the questions as quickly as possible with only one word - “yes” or “no”. Will we be able to answer questions quickly and correctly? The first person to answer the question correctly is awarded a yuan.

In China, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

The ballpoint pen was originally used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In China, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz? (Not)

Is a Chinese taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes, and not only the Chinese, but any person)

Do people still wash with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot provinces in China where water is scarce)

The number one cause of death from accidents in China in 1995 was high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Chinese women have died from falling from high heels)

Does China use disposable blackboards? (Not)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become a checkerboard? (Yes)

Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)

Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before a battle? (Yes, that's the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

The first firecrackers in China were made from bamboo scraps? (Yes, the crackling of burning bamboo was believed to ward off evil spirits)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Leading. You are all just great - you tried so hard to guess the right answer. This stage of the test - to learn how to navigate in a different environment - everyone passed with dignity.

Fanta game

Leading. All of you have heard about the wonderful Chinese lanterns. China has a Lantern Festival. When such lanterns are lit, laughter sounds in every house. Our holiday was also not complete without a lantern. This lantern is not easy, cards with tasks are attached to it on a thread, which are not difficult at all. Cut off the task card with your eyes closed.


Depict without words that you want to go to school, but you cannot find a satchel;

Tell the tale "Turnip" on behalf of the Turnip;

Recall three films that take place on a birthday;

Tell a poem about a birthday (sing a song);

Name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden;

Depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift to a friend;

Show a cat that is afraid of something, but curious;

Depict a car that cannot start in any way;

Look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself, but do not smile;

Depict an adult who is afraid to ski down a hill.

Leading. I think everyone deserves an award. Everyone gets yuan.

Competition "We all sang songs"

Leading. All people strive for happiness. How to reach it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise answer in Chinese: happy is the cat who has the opportunity every day to hug three people and sing a song cheerfully.

So let's start the competition. I read the definition of a children's song. Whoever guesses it first gets the winner's token, and then everyone sings it.

A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits. ("Chunga-changa");

A song about a sky-colored vehicle ("Blue carriage");

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I'm lying in the sun");

A song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team ("It's fun to walk together");

A song about a small insect resembling a certain vegetable in color ("In the grass Grasshopper sat");

A song about how bad weather can't ruin a party (“We will survive this trouble”).

Fan dance game

Leading. The fan dance is a hallmark of Chinese dance art. The fan is also used in oriental dances, for example, in Tai Chi Chuan (or “Purple Butterfly Dance”). Skillful dancers sometimes wield their fans so famously that you are amazed. You are given a unique opportunity to feel like real Chinese dancers.

A participant in the game in the dance must use a fan to keep a feather in the air, and everyone considers in chorus who will have the longer dance.

Leading. Everyone excelled in this competition. But it is necessary not only to keep the feather in the air longer, but also to dance.

The game "Search for a flower of happiness"

Leading. All of you are already a little tired, so I offer an interesting and informative history of flowers.

In the poem, the heroine's name is simply Mulan. "Mulan" means "magnolia" ("mu" means tree, and "lan" means "orchid".) The surname Hua, which means "flower", is often added to Mulan's name. In China, there is a legend about the mysterious Flower of Happiness - the tulip. It symbolizes success, love and protection. It is worn on oneself to protect life from poverty and all sorts of failures. The tulip is the home of the elves. If tulips are blooming in your garden or there is a vase of tulips in your apartment, know that little people are fluttering between the flowers, these are the elves who visited you. But as sometimes happens in a moment of misfortune and trouble, there is no saving flower of happiness at hand. Today you have a unique opportunity to find the Flower of Happiness right here. I think that each of you will find exactly what he lacks ...

Paper tulips are laid out on the table with the text down. Each guest chooses his flower of happiness and reads aloud what he needs to do at this stage of life.

white tulips able to purify the ethereal fields.

In order to set yourself up for work, place seven buds in the center of the room. Rotate the vase a quarter of a turn every day. After a week, take the flowers out of the house and leave them outside. Your performance will increase.

red tulips- the color of love.

Take an unobtrusive interest in the one to whom you are not indifferent (on), whether he (she) likes red tulips. After that, at home, put a bouquet of these flowers in a vase and every time, looking at the tulips, think about your young man (girl). And you will see that he (she) will treat you much better.

orange color tulips is the color of protest.

If you do not find anything in common with all the people around you, let the tulips stand at your head for the night. All feelings of protest, misunderstanding will go away. And the next day there will be mutual understanding around you, and your relationship with the people around you will become harmonious.

Yellow tulips attract money.

Decorate your home with bouquets of yellow tulips. Use for this fresh flowers or their image, because it also has the ability to attract money. Hang a picture of yellow tulips in a prominent place or make a screen saver on your computer, this will help you gain wealth.

colorful tulips responsible for diversity in life.

Put a bunch of colorful tulips in your room in a conspicuous place. Passing by a vase, feel the scent of a flower. After some time in your life there will be cardinal changes.

burgundy color tulips symbolizes power.

By presenting a bouquet of burgundy tulips as a gift, you will endear yourself to a person. You can rely on his piety, generosity and kindness towards you.

marble tulips responsible for the good attitude of people.

Tormented by conflicts at school and at home - put flowers in the center of the room. Enjoy their beauty. After a while, you will get rid of irritation, anger, and benevolence and mutual understanding will reign around you.

pink tulips enhance mood.

If you are bored, tired of everything, buy a bouquet of pink tulips. Put them in a vase and pay more attention to them. This will not only cheer you up, but also save the room from the viruses of irritation and anger.

Joke lottery

Leading. Are you tired of outdoor activities - contests and games? Let's count the number of yuan earned. One box contains prizes, the other contains folded notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you takes a note and reads what prize he got. And he takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

Hope for the best in life
Get glue if it doesn't stick in life. (Glue)
You didn't win a dime
but the real ruler.
Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Comb)
Why do you need a wallet
Put money in a bag. (Package)
Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook,
Write poetry. (Notebook)
So that you can keep money
We hand over to you wallet.
To keep your hair in order
You will need a "tack". (Scrunchy)
Yes, your ticket is lucky
Keep it up pencil.
Do you understand what the purpose of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright. (Marker)
And big love is waiting for you
And kisses all year round. (Handkerchief)
This book is not more important
Only you are the writer in it. (Notebook)
We'll have to live the study of grief,
Don't forget about calendar days. (Watch)

(Break for a meal. Then a dance break, during which the table is prepared for tea.)

Fortune telling on tea

Leading. Let's drink tea, but not simple, but Chinese green. The Chinese tea ceremony is not a simple tea drinking, it is a sacred act. Recall the Chinese divination for tea. For divination, Chinese green tea without additives is suitable.

The basic rules of Chinese divination on tea:

Sugar is not put in tea for divination;

Brew a spoonful of tea should be right in the cup;

Cover it with a saucer or lid;

You should wait no more than ten minutes before you take a sip, think about the issue that you want to clarify;

You need to take a cup of tea with your left hand, the one that is closer to the heart;

Then you need to drink all the tea to the bottom, turn the cup three times clockwise, turn it upside down, put it on a saucer, leave it in this position for a while;

When you solve the pattern of tea leaves, the handle of the cup should be on the left side. Pay attention to the picture as a whole. Does the picture make up a lot of disjointed, unrelated tea leaves? If the drawing is absolutely chaotic and the tea leaves do not communicate in any way, this means that Providence leaves your question unanswered for the time being. But by no means is this a negative answer! It's just that the time has not yet come for a definitive answer. The shape of the tea leaves says a lot: if there are round tea leaves in the cup, the wish will certainly come true.

If you see light streams-stripes running along the edges of the cup, the road is waiting for you. The strip on the outside of the cup predicts that the road will be long. The time of the upcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup:

If she is on the edge of the cup or next to the edge - the present tense;

If there are symbols on the very bottom - to the distant future;

The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

If you saw a floating tea leaf - expect an expensive gift;

A tea stalk floating on the surface is a sign to guests from afar.

Consider the numbers and letters formed from the tea leaves, which you must take into account when collecting the result of divination into a single whole. If the tea leaves have formed some kind of figure, we begin to unravel!

(A detailed interpretation of the figures formed in the cup can be found in special books, or you can come up with your own interpretation, finding in the existing figures in common with some objects or symbols.)

Scroll game

Leading. Dear guests, now you have to plunge headlong into Chinese painting. There is a peculiar form of paintings in the Chinese painting tradition - a scroll. You have to create such paintings, but not alone. To do this, the guests will take turns writing a few lines of congratulations to the hero of the occasion and wrap it up so that the next participant sees only the end of the phrase. After each guest writes something, we will unfold the sheet and read what we got. The task is to write an original congratulation without repetition.

(Summing up, handing over the Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck.)

Leading. Let's summarize. At the beginning of our holiday, you signed the “Dedication to the Guest” and everyone fulfilled their oath: they had fun to the fullest, ate everything that was on the festive table, joked and said nice words to the birthday person (tsy), danced, sang songs, participated in sweepstakes and competitions.

Our holiday was held in Chinese style. We, following Mulan Hua, had to go through all the trials that she had to go through on her life path. You all went through the stages of contests and riddles with dignity to find your Scroll of Fortune. Now we solemnly hand you the Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck as a keepsake.

(The scrolls were made in advance, they say that such and such a guest was present on such and such a date, month, year at a birthday celebration, distinguished himself there with knowledge, resourcefulness, ingenuity, etc., etc. Talismans of good luck can be buy in a gift shop, or you can draw and cut out of paper, giving insects, animals or flowers some meaning: for example, a butterfly - for good luck, a frog for money, etc.)

Birthday and gifts are eagerly awaited by all children, from young to old. However, organizing this holiday is not an easy task.

Every family has its own traditions and secrets. Many of them are designed specifically to please and surprise the kids. Still would! After all, children's laughter and burning cheerful eyes are the best reward and praise for parents, as well as weighty proof that the holiday was a success.

In some cases, a thoughtful one will save, in others, a slight impromptu. But, each of you can give your Sun a fun, magical birthday, and a selection of the best scenarios will help with this. Or maybe you want to diversify the adult holiday with elements of scenarios?

Children's Birthday Scenario "Balloon"

Decorating with balloons for a children's holiday is always a guarantee of a good mood for the young hero of the occasion and his guests! So if your child loves to play with balloons, then birthday script"Balloon" will help you organize an unforgettable holiday for him. Children will be happy to take pictures with animal figurines from balloons, and at the end of the holiday, balloons can be distributed to guests.

  1. Prepare a list of children you will invite in advance. Give each child an invitation card stating the place and time of the event. You can attach a small balloon to the invitation (for example, with a ribbon).
  2. Children's clothing style is free. But the host of the holiday is better to dress like a big balloon. He will be the leader of all the balloons that come to the holiday to entertain the children.
  3. gift for Birthday in this scenario, it's anything to do with air, flight, and hot air balloons. For example, for a boy it can be a model of an airplane, and for a girl it can be a toy butterfly.
  4. The room for the celebration should definitely be decorated with balloons. For example, at the entrance to the building, you can make an arch of balloons, and release balloons filled with helium under the ceiling. You can also tie helium balloons to the decanters into which you pour the juice, and make a composition of small balloons in the middle of the table.
  5. The purpose of the holiday, which takes place according to the "Balloon" scenario, is for children to go through trials in order to get gifts. For this, various games and competitions are designed.
  6. The leader of the balloons announces to the assembled children: “The balloons have prepared gifts for the children. But in order to receive these gifts, children will have to play with balloons.”
  7. First, for example, a Balloon Throwing competition is held for children. Children must throw balls, competing with each other in throwing distance. The winner of the competition is awarded the first prize from the Balloon State. This prize can be a set of 5 balloons.
  8. Further, the leader of the balloons announces: "The balloons go to be closer to the children - to get under their T-shirt." Competition "Fat Men" is held. Children put balloons under a large T-shirt worn by one person from a pair. The couple that puts the most balloons under their T-shirt wins the competition. The participants of this pair are awarded the title of "Best friend of the balloon" and a prize is awarded - large balloons.
  9. Then other contests and ball games are held. The entertainment program can be completed with the Balloon Gift contest. In this competition, children must choose a ball from a large pile of balls and crush it. As a result, they will discover that inside the balloons were gifts for them.
  10. After receiving small gifts from the Balloon State, the children congratulate the birthday boy on his birthday and go to the table.

Children's birthday script in car style

Your son is coming soon Birthday and you want to please him with an unusual party? We advise you to organize for the boy children's birthday script in automotive style. To your attention interesting ideas, contests, games, riddles. So, we begin to prepare for avtoparty.

Scenarios for a child's birthday

Scenarios for the birthday of a child of 1 year old:

  • How we celebrated the first holiday in the life of Dimasi - 1 year old.

Scenarios for the birthday of a child 2 years old:

  • Second Marusin Birthday: we invite everyone to a matinee

Scenarios for the birthday of a child of 3 years:

Scenarios for the birthday of a child of 4 years:

Scenarios for a child's birthday 5 years old:

Scenarios for a child's birthday 6 years old:

Scenarios for the birthday of a child 7 years old:

  • Star Factory

Birthday Scenarios - Parenting Experience

Lotteries, forfeits, tricks, predictions

  • Win-win lottery (34 funny rhymes for prizes: ruler, book, notebook, soap, wallet, calendar, candy...)
  • Win-win lottery (drawing small souvenirs: a badge, a jump rope, an eraser, a ball, an apple, a pencil, a pin...)
  • Children's fantas for the holiday (28 quatrains with fun tasks: picture the phone, hum a song ...)
  • Your own magician (practical tips for a beginner magician, secrets of simple tricks)
  • watermelon oracle
  • Melon oracle (fun entertainment for schoolchildren born in August-September)
  • Witching tables (for spectacular entertainment)

Songs, ditties, round dances, poems

Riddles, tricks, riddles for finding treasure

Not always the answer in rhyme is correct. These fun riddles will come in handy for contests at a children's birthday party.

The scenario is designed for holding a birthday (anniversary) of a woman. Congratulations can sound both during the evening in a restaurant and at home. In this scenario, birthday greetings are presented by the rulers of different eras, states, and even Galaxies. In advance, you should take care of the appropriate "outfits", as well as gifts.

Scenario for a man's birthday "Gentleman of Fortune"

Script for adults. With the help of this scenario, you can have a lot of fun celebrating a man's birthday. You can hold an event in a cafe, restaurant, or at home. The script is designed for a married birthday man.

Children's birthday script "Two years is a great date!"

The scenario is designed to celebrate the birthday of the baby in the circle of relatives and friends. The holiday is held for guests who came to congratulate the baby on his second birthday.

Scenario for the birthday of the child "Treasure Island"

The script can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child aged 8-12 years. The main theme of the holiday "Pirates" - the characters of the novel "Treasure Island". It is important that as many peers as possible participate in the game. The performers of the roles of Silver, Parrot, Black Dog and Ghost are selected in advance, having prepared costumes for them.

Birthday Scenario "On a Picnic"

The scenario of the birthday is designed for an adult birthday. The team should include 7-20 people. The duration of the event is 6-8 hours. The organizers are relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

Children's birthday script "Pirate Treasure Island"

You will need pirate costumes, balls, sheets with unfinished drawings, a basket of balls, a dish of vegetables. Children complete tasks and solve riddles as they move around the map to find the treasure of the pirate John Silver.

Children's Birthday Scenario "Visiting Lesovichka"

Scenario for holding a children's birthday in nature. The scenario is designed for a children's team of 7-20 people. The host of the program is a Resident of the Forest (Lesovichok), who holds funny contests with guests. It is advisable to organize a picnic with a snack, juice and cake.

Scenario for children "Birthday with Funtik and Nafanka"

Birthday for a children's company, whose age is from 7 to 12 years. The holiday takes place in a spacious room (you can in a cafe). Leading holiday - Funtik and Nafanka. The guys go to the Caramel country.

Birthday Scenario "Feast of the Elements"

The scenario can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child aged 5 to 10 years. It is interesting for both boys and girls. To organize a holiday, a leader and a judge are needed, who will have to issue tokens.

The first year of life - the first birthday of a little man

The first year of a baby's life is a significant date. But he is not yet able to participate in contests or games, so this scenario is for invited adults who also need to be entertained. Throughout this year, the parents of the birthday boy studied, tried, laughed, rejoiced, were nervous, scared and looked after the baby.

Children's birthday script "Real Pirate Party"!

The scenario is designed for a pirate-style party. Each task must be accompanied by appropriate paraphernalia. The presenter should be dressed in a pirate costume - red pants, a T-shirt or vest, a hat.

Scenario birthday in nature "Zarnitsa"

An excellent scenario for lovers of active pastime. Suitable for a friendly close-knit company that often spends joint vacations (trip to the sea, hiking, etc.). A birthday party based on the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" includes energetic sports games-competitions and a search for a birthday gift (competition "Topography").

Birthday script for children 10 years old "Disco with Vasilinka-Veselinka"

10 years is the first real anniversary in a person's life. Clown animators or cartoon characters are no longer suitable here. The little man has matured, therefore, everything should be for real, and preferably, without the presence of parents. This scenario assumes holding an event in a small cozy cafe, where there will be an almost adult party with the first real disco.

Birthday script 1 year "The best holiday is the first year"

Proper organization of the first birthday of a child is a responsible task for every parent. The proposed scenario is perfect for a holiday that will bring together guests of different age categories. This event will be interesting for both children and adults. The hero of the occasion himself is not very tired of the noise and crowds.

A cool script for a woman's birthday "Holiday, holiday, holiday!"

Birthday is a special day of the year, a day when all close and dear people get together, in a friendly circle and have fun. This is the day of congratulations, good, kind emotions and surprises.

Children's birthday script for a girl "Quest from a fairy"

In order to plan a children's party, you need to make a lot of effort, since it is important to take into account both the preferences of the birthday girl and her guests. The script is designed for girls 7-8 years old. Interesting tasks and modern modernization for an exciting quest will not let anyone get bored.