Children are the flowers of life. A selection of aphorisms, quotes and sayings about children

  • A little daughter is a great happiness. Her eyes, cheeks, mouth. It is impossible to look at her without smiling. I want to give my life for her laughter ...
  • No two children are the same - especially if one of them is yours.
  • The truth must be taught from childhood.
  • No child can dishonor their parents the way a parent can dishonor a child.
  • To give a happy childhood is the most valuable thing parents can do for their child.
  • Beautiful and short statuses about children with meaning

    • In order to be less disappointed in life, children should know the prohibitions from childhood.
    • The only way not to become a fool is to have many children.
    • Abandoned children often live with their parents.
    • It is curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; it follows that more and more bad children grow up to be more and more good parents.
    • Statuses about children with meaning - Everyone has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “Miracle”. But only one "miracle" can call you dad and mom ...
  • Happiness is when there is a small miracle with your eyes!
  • Children are our tomorrow's judges.
  • Be truthful even in relation to a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (L. N. Tolstoy)
  • There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.
  • Do not spare time for children, See the adults in them, Stop quarreling and getting angry, Try to make friends with them.
  • If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him, he will make the street his home.
  • When else can a person be happier than when he holds a small copy of himself in his arms.
  • Parents do not realize how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them.
  • The smile of a child can disperse the most gloomy clouds, stop heavy rains, drive away melancholy...
  • Only children can teach us to live in the present. After all, they are joyful every day, although they do not know either the past or the future.
  • The world of children is special: carefree and bright!
  • Childhood is the only time that can be called paradise. There the most global problem is being late for cartoons.
  • How to make a child exemplary? Just make him happy!
  • The most harmless and strong love is children's. Adults need to learn...
  • First, parents interfere with our lives, then children, and only when grandchildren appear, we understand that we have not lived in vain.
  • Children are capable of experiencing strong feelings, but they are not able to understand them. And even if they partially understand, they do not know how to talk about it.
  • In childhood, parents teach their children in order to learn from them later. This is the only way to keep up with the times.
  • The best statuses about children with meaning - Do not worry that children do not obey. They still imitate you.
  • A child is a rational being, he is well aware of the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.
  • Childhood is when you think that you are already an adult, and adults think that you are a child. And they are all completely wrong.
  • Children have their own vision and thinking. You don't need to replace it with yours.
  • In some respects, children are not much different from adults. For example, both of them live their dreams of what they will do when they grow up.

    Believing that all children are angelic creatures, you put yourself in great danger.

    In the first grade, the child is completely absorbed in new knowledge, therefore he does not take his eyes off the teacher's mouth. A little later, the gaze drops, and knowledge recedes into the background.

    In childhood, parents teach their children in order to learn from them later. This is the only way to keep up with the times.

    Best Status:
    Children are always older than their parents, because by passing on the knowledge we have acquired, we add our age to their years.

    Being born, a child rediscovers the world around him for his parents, as if there were no load of past years.

    Children have one extremely disgusting trait - one day they become adults.

    Probably, nothing warms the soul so much as the reciprocal smile of a completely unfamiliar child. Immediately there is a feeling of own frankness and kindness.

    How little we needed in childhood for happiness! For example, so that no one eats us while we run out of the toilet at night!

    Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from? Adults - where does everything go?

    The best part about babies is the process of making them.

    It is curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; it follows that more and more bad children grow up to be more and more good parents.

    Is this heaven? - No, this is childhood, baby ...

    A shatterproof toy is a toy with which a child can break all his other toys.

    A child is an eternal mystery for adults.

    I want to be in childhood ... there the leaves were money ...

    The first half of our life is poisoned by our parents, the second by our children.

    Call boys. around the clock. Phone 02.

    He was never his mother's favorite - and he was the only child in the family. Thomas Berger

    All the children of the world cry in the same language

    You can only give birth to the ideal man...

    Each child should be subjected to his own standard, to be urged on to his own duty, and to be rewarded with his own deserved praise. Not success, but effort deserves a reward.

    Whatever one may say, life is much easier for children. When a child needs to solve their problem, they immediately run to their dad and start talking... A couple of tears and it's done.

    First, parents interfere with our lives, then children, and only when grandchildren appear, we understand that we have not lived in vain.

    Good girls understand geographical maps, bad girls understand playing cards, smart girls understand credit cards)

    The best necklace for a woman is the arms of a child around her neck...

    The child gives birth to parents. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lei)

    If a man has a son, he becomes a father ... And if a daughter is born to him, he becomes a dad)

    Oh, boys, I'm so drunk, just like you need!

    The boy did not speak until he was five years old. And suddenly at breakfast he says: “Why didn’t they put sugar in my tea?” Delighted parents: - Why were you silent before? - And they always did before.

    Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she carried under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOM!

    When the child has grown up, it's time for parents to learn to stand on their own feet. Francis Hope

    MEN, greet me!!! my son was born!!! only the wife doesn't know about it yet

    There are two of us and it's great! We are together and life is good! What a joy to carry a baby under your heart!

    A child is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

    Father and mother, father and mother are the first two authorities on which the world is based for the child, that faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy is based.

    Lesson: “Children! What is a thing? Petya: “Well, this is, for example, a book, a briefcase, a cap!” Little Johnny: "A can of beer with a hangover - that's the thing!"

    My son is into meditation - after all, it's better than sitting and writing statuses about babies.

    If a boy loves work, the boy's name is Jamshut!

    The child gives birth to parents. One awkward move and you are a father

    The child gives birth to parents. One awkward move and you are a father.

    Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

    Children have money more often than parents, because children have parents, and parents, as a rule, no longer have parents. Henryk Jagodzinsky

    The blonde gave birth to twins and sits roaring to her the nurse comes up and says che revesh ... And the Blonde ... - And what will I tell my husband ... Where did I get my second child ..

    Do you want your children to grow up obedient? Do not forget, sometimes, to give the children a "Belt"!

    Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard.

    Children are capable of experiencing strong feelings, but they are not able to understand them. And even if they partially understand, they do not know how to talk about it.

    It's good when you are 4 years old. You can take a broken remote and call your mom...

    Childhood ends when you stop hating your school teachers

    A child is a rational being, he is well aware of the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.

    Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

    If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends. (Xun Tzu)

    Session - that's what you need to scare children in childhood, and not all sorts of women there!

    In my childhood, friends were not online, but in the yard.

    Big girls play too. Only teddy bears have grown, become a little unshaven, smelling of Lacoste and Kenzo, but we still take them to bed

    The child, stroking the cat’s muzzle, playfully says: “Musenka, you know, in the human world, women with mustaches are not very much appreciated!”

    Before having a baby, I thought that the worst thing to drop is a laptop!

    Smiles, ringing laughter, joy in the eyes, sincere friendship, games in the yard ... a time when everything was so simple and carefree. But childhood cannot be returned.

    The sexiest number is 21593, because when two (2) think about one (1), then in a maximum of five (5) weeks they will realize that in nine (9) months they will already be (3) ...

    For a child with a hammer, everything around him is nails!

    Every girl in life should learn to jump over a goat ... Like in physical education)

    Go and tell your mom that you drank a liter of blood from the teacher!

    They don't call men children for nothing. The grown-up boys now only have different toys ... several orders of magnitude more expensive ...

    If the child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.

    Smile and he will smile back.

    Your child has matured if the question: What to give? Answer: Give me money.

    The character of the child is a mold of the character of the parents, it develops in response to their character.

    Dear Santa Claus! I've been a very good girl all year, so please give me as a gift to some bad boy...)

    Have you noticed how children meet and say goodbye? They meet for the first time as if they have known each other forever, they say goodbye forever, as if until tomorrow.

    Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

    The most expensive necklace around a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child!

    She, like a little girl, is waiting for the new year, snow and your call.

    They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

    The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov heard the phrase "Dear we will have a child" in 76 languages ​​of the world.

    If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit.

    Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

    There is nothing better than babies

    Spring has come: the boys swell, the girls bloom.

    only children will help you find out how much patience you have

    When everything around is amazing, nothing is surprising; this is childhood.

    Children's imagination is wider than an adult's from what is still free from the realities of life.

    Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home more often than children.

    Today I decided to remember my childhood and jumped into a snowdrift ... who knew that there was a shop there?

    Childish wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's witticisms, then there are guests in the house.

    Girls want sex too, we just call it romance.

    You ask where I would like to go forever? You know, on page 14 of his passport.

    Every girl has such a boy, going to the page of which you think “and God forbid, some sheep wrote something to him there”

    A child of sincere love will be born not because of anything, but in spite of everything!

    I really want a child ... a girl ... 18 years old

    No matter how much you teach children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

    Girls, does this happen to you, so you fall in love with a guy, and he bangs and cut his hair?

    - As a child, if you walked out of the store with bread, was it obligatory to bite the edges?

    Abandoned children often live with their parents.

    And remember girls, a good frying pan is the basis of your family happiness!

    Children need a New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope, and the rest - for fun.

    (parents to children) 4th grade: “Did you do your homework?” 9th grade: “Have you collected a portfolio?” 11th grade: “Are you going to school?”

    When in childhood, parents cursed at us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it upbringing.

    Modern children are waiting not for Santa Claus to come, but for their parents to leave.

    Too obedient sons never achieve much.

    Whatever the child amuses, if only he didn’t do his own

    Think before you do a bad deed. You have a child behind you who thinks that you are a hero for him!

    If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life ... then this man is her son!

    There is happiness... I know him... I know the color of his eyes, his laugh... And it calls me mom!

    Gray mice are almost always happy: they successfully marry, they have a family, children. And I ... and I show off.

    The children were going to school: they shaved, washed, hungover ...

    Children are our tomorrow's judges.

    The main tragedy of my life is that childhood still plays in the ass, but I already have to live like an adult ...

    - Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit still! Now you will see for yourself.

    Probably, this is happiness: waking up at night and hearing how he comes to the baby’s bed and, taking him in his arms, says: “Hush, sun, don’t cry, otherwise you will wake up your mother”

    No two children are the same - especially if one of them is yours.

    We are bored with childhood, we are in a hurry to grow up. And then, we dream of becoming children again ...

    Where does happiness begin? From the stripes on your test, from the ultrasound, what the child will show, from the fact that now you are THREE of us!

    - She tells me, they say, make me a baby and they won’t take you into the army ... It was then that I remembered that serving in the army is my sacred duty.

    I went out onto the balcony, looked into the yard, and there the children were running, playing, riding bicycles. Happy, they haven't bought a computer yet.

    Anyone who says, "It's easier than taking candy from a child" has never tried to take candy from a child.

    A gentle face, every dash, a snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, a career - all this is unimportant, important - sleeping side by side. ?

    Motherly love is the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

    These diapers absorb up to 30 liters of moisture! The child always remains dry!!! It just can't move.

    Statuses about kids for everyone. Interesting statuses allow you to show different moments from life. Many users find them on the Web and add them to themselves, since this or that situation is close to them. Each status about children is meaningfully filled with love and tenderness.

    Children are often compared to flowers. Such an expression does not just exist. Babies are beautiful in every way. Each of their antics or the first word becomes a real gift for parents. All the beautiful statuses about children with meaning help to convey how the heart of a father or mother shrinks from happiness and love.

    When a boy is born in a family, the state does not help raise him and teach him. But when his parents raise and teach him on their own, for some reason he must immediately pay his debt to the state. I wonder when did he manage to get into debt?

    A son is a man who can never stop loving.

    Cute grandmas.

    Remember, son, golden words, in them men are forever incorruptible power: “Take care of the one who took her heart with love, Do not betray, do not forget the one who gave life!”

    She made a riddle to her son - either she is losing weight, then she is getting fat, she is singing to the whole hut (harmonica), to which he replied: “It's you, mommy”

    I can endure a lot: resentment, pain, deprivation. But, I will TEAR for my children without a drop of regret !!!

    Be together. Be sincere. Be honest. And remember the main thing: in life there is nothing more important than the Family ...

    If toys are scattered around the house, the wallpaper is peeled off, you do laundry every day, all small items lie above your height ... then HAPPINESS LIVES in the house!

    What do girls want? Girls want everything to be the way they want...

    I don’t know who gave life to whom: I - to her or she - to me!

    Yesterday my daughter issued: “Dad, aren’t you ashamed?! Mom loves you, and you piss her off!”

    I do not know where childhood goes, but I know exactly where it plays.

    You go to a parent meeting and think for half the night: “How did we study, then! No coolers, no blinds? Moreover, there was no special notebook for each subject, and, oh, horror, we drew the fields ourselves ”

    Today I heard my husband kissing his son and say: “I would never have thought that I would love the Man so much.”

    An asterisk daughter, mothers' joy, an invaluable gift from heaven, a crown for a mother as a reward, because queens give birth to princesses.

    The happiest woman in the world is, of course, a mother who has children.

    My son will be the best, because he will be like his father!

    Daughter - tenderness. Daughter - joy! Mother's pride! Mom's sweetness! Mom is lucky with a tender miracle! The daughter grows up as a friend of her mother.

    The time has come when I quietly drink hot tea in the kitchen, knowing that my little HAPPINESS is sleeping sweetly in the room...

    And the most pleasant thing is when small children look at you with admiration, imagining that they will grow up and become the same.

    First autumn.

    With our medicine, any mother who has raised a couple of children can automatically receive a diploma in pediatrics.

    Oh, this female weakness ... How much horsepower is in it!

    What is your reaction when your child is hurt?

    Happiness is when such a sun is waiting for you at home.

    What a pity that childhood will not return! What a pity that we are no longer children. But we already have children ... And this is the main treasure in the world ...

    I want a son to give him to football, to dress stylishly, to teach behavior with girls and that he be handsome, like a dad.

    The mother of one child is naive and inexperienced, like a recruit in the army. The mother of two children is calm and confident, like a demobilization. Mother of three children - this is special forces!

    My son will look like his father.

    We must live for the sake of children, not for the sake of men. And let the mountains fall from their shoulders. And let the pain dry to the bottom. Remember: take care of yourself! Remember: you are the only child!

    Children cannot be allowed or not allowed. Children must be wanted. REALLY WANT!!!

    Only children will help you find out how much patience you have ...

    Honey, do you want a baby? Just let's clarify MAKE or GROW ?!

    My daughter is 5 years old ... She put me in a corner .. After standing for a while, she says: “Let me out, life is passing by ...”

    A woman will sacrifice everything for the sake of a child: figure, career and even life!

    Son - you are my helper, My little man. I love!!! Well it's impossible!!! You are just young! My little, my kind, Caring boy, You are a clear ray of sunshine, Beloved playful.

    I wake up from the whisper of my daughter: “Maaaam!” I am silent. A little louder: "Maaam!" I am silent. Then loudly in my ear: "Mom !!!" I jump up: "What?!" "I woke up. And you sleep. It is too early."

    The daughter is the only woman in front of whom dad should not try to look smart, strong, courageous. For a daughter, her dad is the best.

    Full sofa of happiness.

    Only your own children love you with the most sincere and true love, and not a man who vehemently swears his love...

    Children need to be dressed for the winter, but I found it easier to send them to Thailand for 3 months.

    And God asked the woman: what do you want in life? Happiness - answered the woman. And God sent her a child...

    Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she carried under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOTHER!

    For a mother, there is no son dearer. Son for her - native blood! Nothing can be stronger. Than love for a mother's son! Mom will not be serene. In concern for you dear. And the son whispers in his ear gently: do not be afraid, mother, I am with you.

    Such a strange fashion went on the names of children. In 5 years, a teacher at school will accidentally summon Satan during roll call

    The highest happiness is to ride in a stroller, his small copy.

    And how does mom manage to paint her lips so evenly? I do not understand?!!..

    Mom, why are the kids in the yard teasing me "refrigerator"?!
    - Pay no attention to them, Ariston.

    Lord, give me the strength to do my homework with my child and at the same time remain a smart woman and a beloved mother and still an adequate neighbor

    Perhaps this is happiness. Waking up at night and hearing how he approaches the child’s bed and, taking him in his arms, says, “Hush the sun, don’t cry, otherwise you will wake up your mother.”

    Not the father who only gave life to the child, but the one who, like the mother, did not get enough sleep at night, who, sparing no time and effort, cared, educated, raised!

    And there is no need to shout ... but you calmly sat on the Internet.

    Mom and dad were so bored, so sad in silence. But all sorrows disappeared, as soon as I was born!

    Every man dreams of a son, but they still love their daughters more!

    Happiness is a tiny hand that tightly squeezes your finger, trustingly looks into your eyes and sincerely smiles with its toothless smile.

    Don't get mad if your little one wakes you up at 3am. Soon you will be glad that he is at home at this time.

    The mother's job is the highest paid, because it is paid for with love.

    Mary Ivanna, I don't know who did my homework. I already slept!

    Question to a second grader: "What's new at school?" The answer was amazing: "Bread in the cafeteria has risen in price."

    I have an Angel and his name is Sonny ... Sonny has a guard and his guard is Mom!

    Every day I think about how to entertain my mother. He may not sleep until one in the morning or wake up at three in the morning, or he may just scream, let him drag me. Mom, were you bored without me?

    World has gone mad! How now to explain to a child that an aunt is an uncle and girls don't grow beards?

    Only in childhood you can be bald, toothless and still be beautiful!!!

    When you give your child a whole bag of toys, do you know what he chooses? Package, damn, package

    My child was told that he did not have a dad. To which he replied:
    - But I have such a mother that your dads nervously smoke on the sidelines ...

    Dad, you are the strength that keeps me moving forward. You are the hope that helps to believe. You are a breath of life for my soul.

    The best children - of course yours!

    Now you kiss them, and in 18 years you will think about where they wear them.

    Which child do I love the most? The one who is sick until he is cured! The one who went out until he comes back! Little until I grow up, and all until I die

    "Chokupila" has grown up and calls me "mamadai".

    Mom soothes a crying newborn baby, next to her 5-year-old son, asks:
    - Mom, why is she crying all the time? Mom: Well, son, maybe something hurts her! Son surprised:
    - Yes, what can hurt there? She has everything new!

    The most expensive bracelet is a rubber tag on which the weight, height and time of your baby's birth are written!

    And still, every mother will say that children are happiness! Well, let the left eye twitch...

    Thank you mommy grandma! Thanks mom for me! Thank God for the fact that I have a child!

    I want a brother! The two of us will make mom nervous, otherwise I can’t cope alone

    They say that happiness cannot be measured and weighed ... but obstetricians do it.

    In winter, dressing a child outside, you feel like a Cosmonaut Training Center!!!

    It hurts - this is when a child wants to go to mom and dad, but they are not there. The rest can be experienced.

    She is better than me. She is prettier than me. She is perfect! She is perfection itself. She is MY DAUGHTER.

    The sweetest smell in the world is the smell of a baby.

    Yes, we spoiled you. Probably should be punished!
    - How is it: you spoiled me, and punish me?

    Everyone has their own idea of ​​"Miracle". But only one "miracle" can call you dad and mom.

    The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what controls it: character, heart, good feelings.

    Let it be better at home to be a mess with children than order without children.

    In my childhood, friends were not online, but in the yard. We called friends to walk not on the phone, but shouted: Come out. We did not play network games, but hide and seek. We didn’t have cool phones, but we had diaries and questionnaires. It was a cool childhood.

    Children are a perpetual motion machine, a jumper, a runner, a pusher, a jumper, a grabber, and also a tight hug and kisser.

    Childhood is when you can show your age on your fingers.

    God! Give the children in the orphanage a father and a mother! Let vodka freeze in a glass of drunkards! All the drugs would have gone into the abyss! And only kindness reigned in the world!!!

    A woman's favorite time is from 22:00 to 00:00. The children fell asleep. And you can collect toys, wash dishes, wipe the floor, in short, do not deny yourself anything.

    New cool funny statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

    • Children truly love their parents when they try to imitate them, copy their habits and behavior.
    • Be sure to spoil the children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
  • A parent who tries to change his child without starting from himself is not only wasting time, but taking a very cruel risk.
  • All the villains of the world were once only children.
  • Children shouldn't grow up in a house where people don't like each other. (Anna Gavalda)
  • Quotes of great people about children with meaning

    • In order for your offspring to choose the right path, pay them an order of magnitude more attention, significantly reducing the amount of pocket money.
    • Children have neither a past nor a future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (Labruyère)
    • There are no children, there are people. (Janusz Korczak)
    • Wise quotes about children with meaning - The most important contribution to raising a child is the right dad ...
    • Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - remain themselves.
  • A child who has received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child. (George Santayana)
  • It is better to endure all sorts of hardships just the one whose childhood was serene and passed in an atmosphere of love and trust in others. (André Maurois)
  • I don't know anything more beautiful than a worthy happy mother with a small child in her arms. (T. G. Shevchenko)
  • The child protects his soul, as the eyelid protects the eye, and without the key of love, he does not let anyone into it.
  • How you supported your parents, expect such support from your children. (Thales)
  • Children are the pinnacle of a healthy marriage.
  • With children, you should not go to extremes, And grumblingly reproach you for ingratitude for your worries and efforts: After all, they didn’t ask you to give birth to them. (Eduard Sevrus)
  • It is not good to give children rewards all the time. Through this they become selfish, and hence a corrupt mindset develops. (I. Kant)
  • By raising children, today's parents are educating the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.
  • All the children of the world cry in the same language.
  • A child is born with the need to be loved, and in this sense remains a child all his life. (Frank Clark)
  • There is nothing worse than raising children in a one-sided way: not a single door in this world full of locks and constipation opens with such a key.
  • All your love is in your child, and all your virtue is in him. (F. Nietzsche)
  • It turns out that children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. Just think that there are little people in the world who stretch out their little hands to everyone and think about everyone that he is good and kind. Little people for whom it doesn’t matter whether your face is beautiful or bad, they are ready to kiss everyone with joy, they love everyone - old and young, rich and poor! (Selma Lagerlöf)
  • Geniuses rarely happen, not because they are rarely born; no, genius is rare, because it is very difficult to avoid the process of "processing" in society. Only occasionally does the child manage to escape its clutches. (Osho)
  • Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours. (Janusz Korczak)
  • Short quotes about children with meaning - There is no apology to parents for ill-bred children. (Pavel Kuryanoff)
  • Too often adults live next to the world of children without trying to understand it. And the child, meanwhile, closely observes the world of his parents; he tries to comprehend and appreciate it. (André Maurois)
  • When in childhood, parents cursed at us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it upbringing.
  • If the child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.
  • Treat your child like the best guest in the house.
  • My baby is the cutest, smartest and most beautiful, the most dear person, my dear son!

    The last word should always remain with the man ... and it should be: “Of course, Beloved!”

    Perhaps this is happiness - when in your life there is a big one and a small one ...

    The ideal man can only give birth to herself.

    You live in every beat of my heart...

    Smile - and he will smile back ... :)

    Just imagine that you have a small ball in your arms that needs nothing but love and warmth ... and he loves you more than his life ...


    Oh, take care of mothers of daughters - my son is growing!!!)))))))))

    The best man is listed in the Red Book - in my passport))

    For me, gold is not something that glitters, but something that crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down...

    The best man in the world got me! He calls me "mom"!

    Only when you come to the crib where your little baby sleeps do you really understand what happiness is ...

    I will reveal to you who is the best of men. And who in the world is more precious than all others… He is my most beloved… He is MY SON. And there can be no one dearer!

    Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, a mess. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss them on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life !!!

    Nothing can effectively complement the freshly glued wallpaper in the room like a children's drawing with a felt-tip pen!

    How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a small treasure is quietly sniffing next to you!

    Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot overshadow those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and understand that this is your child!

    The most pleasant thing in life is to see your little copy, which crawls along the carpet smiling and understand how much you love him!

    Happiness is when there is a small miracle with your eyes!

    There is someone in whose hands my heart is. Whose laughter brightens my day. Whose smile for me shines brighter than the sun. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

    All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

    I will kiss the gently soft hand, I will barely touch my nose with my lips ... My heart stops with love for my son ... What a happiness it is that I have you!

    What a blessing it is that I have a son, beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter, and this little man is the most precious person in the world!!!

    A girl will be truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say - "Beloved", and the second - "Mom"

    The only person worth running after is the one who will shout to you: “Catch up, Mom!”

    The smile of a child can disperse the most gloomy clouds, stop heavy rains, drive away melancholy...

    Nothing sounds more threatening to a cat than the words "SOUSY"

    If toys are scattered around the house, the wallpaper is peeled off, you do laundry every day, all small items are above your height ... it means that HAPPINESS LIVES in the house!

    The best thing that can be in the morning is the invigorating smile of the most beloved person in the world! :)

    The most valuable gift a woman can give a man is a child.

    Nothing could be better than holding a piece of yourself...

    A girl's happiness lies in becoming a beautiful Bride, a beloved Wife and a happy Mother...

    My great happiness is my little son!

    I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

    How magical and wonderful just to be a MOM! These legs, these pens... well, how not to love them!

    Being the mother of a son is such a reward! And there is no need for greater happiness in life! Heir, protector and dad - a joy! I am a mother of a son and I am happy about it!

    My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Glorious bright light, I love you son!

    With the advent of a child, a woman develops inhuman abilities... to see in the dark... to hear through a dream... to walk silently and stay awake for days...

    Happiness is the tramp of little feet on the floor, it's kisses and hugs, it's toys scattered around the house, sweets and cookies eaten, it's the smile of the dearest person in the world!

    In my life there is one little man who always cheers up and for whom I want to live - this is my child)) This is happiness

    My morning always starts with the smile of the dearest person in the world! Because I'm a mom!

    Any woman deserves to be happy, Do not know betrayal, betrayal, resentment! To be a queen, not a slave, And favorably allow yourself to be loved ...

    Moms of boys know for sure that not "all men are goats" ...

    Diapers, cereals are an inevitability; And you can't avoid other troubles. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness, which the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now nothing can scare you, Above the titles of all - only one title, One irreplaceable title - mother! Now you will not be bored now, Now all sorrows will come to naught - When the baby will stretch out his hands to you And say: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

    A sleepy smile, a look of beloved eyes ... "Mom, I woke up!" - that's the whole story. Gray Monday colors bloomed. Little legs ... "Mom, I've come!" Porridge on the wallpaper, a mess in the room, A cat in plasticine - so you need it - It's just morning, that's how we always do it. Mom's lipstick - where was she? So that the flowers on the walls of the room bloom, So that everyone smiles from beauty, So that later they can wash off lipstick with a rag, You need to get this thing from the shelf! Tomorrow will be Tuesday, the morning will be again. Small hands will bring love. And even the rain outside the window is not important, Whatever happens, we are always together. And let there be war or snow in this world, The main thing in the world is children's laughter. So that the fondant flower on the wall blooms, To hear in the morning: "Mom, I've come!"

    The family is where the husband is revered, the wife is loved, the children are carefree and happy...

    the cure for stress, and for any other disease, is children's hugs, kisses, walks and chants!

    For every moment, for every breath, for the fact that God gave me a SON, for pain, for happiness, for good luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry. For what I still love. For all my life I THANK YOU!!!

    The kitten will grow into a cat, the mouse will turn into a mouse,
    And only for a mother, a child is forever a baby ...

    My son is the most important, The most intelligent, the most glorious, The most tender, the most - the most ... He is the BEST with his mother!

    Only mothers know that there is nothing more pleasant than a child's touch, nothing sweeter than a child's smile, nothing more tender than a child's cheek and nothing more important than a baby!

    If, freezing at night, instead of pulling a blanket over you, you go and check if your miracle is frozen ... YOU ARE MOTHER))))

    Sooner or later, happiness comes into the life of every woman ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

    The quieter the child sits in the room, the scarier it is to go there)))

    Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, a mess. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss them on the nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!!!

    The most precious treasure is my son!!!

    My happiness: big bright eyes, long fluffy eyelashes, and ringing laughter =)

    My son is just young! My favorite little man!

    More than life, a woman loves her child ... and is devoted to the one who loves them both

    Close to the heart, there should be only children, everything else is nonsense!

    The smile of a child is the biggest thank you for mom!

    Happiness is when you wake up and understand that you are not alone, that you have the very little man for whom you are ready for anything, because you are his mother!

    A woman in the family is like a translator, only she understands both drunken nonsense and baby talk :)

    If you are a Mom, then you are already well done, because next to you your main achievement in life is your child.

    There is no greater happiness in this world than being a mother...

    Sometimes you cuddle up to this little peacefully snoring creature, you hear a heartbeat and feel this sweet smell ... And at that moment you understand that this is the greatest happiness that God has given!

    Here it is, Happiness - running, jumping, laughing and sleeping!

    When a child appears, life turns from a zebra into a rainbow.


    Innocent heart of an angel.
    I'll quietly go to the bed,
    And I'll kiss you on the cheek.
    I carefully, breathing a little,
    I'll cover you with a blanket.
    My soul lives in you
    In a little tired child.
    You will turn on the barrel,
    In a dream, smiling carelessly.
    Sleep sweetly, my dear son, -
    Whisper, touching your hair.
    Your dream meekly keep
    I will be the dark nights.
    Oh, Lord, do not let me comprehend
    He is worried and sad.
    I'll put it in my hand in the morning
    Gift of a forest bunny.
    There is nothing dearer to me
    Your gaze is mischievous.
    And when you wake up, I'll come,
    I see the joy in the lovely eyes.
    It's good that kids
    With such a desire to believe in fairy tales.
    Oh, mommy, you whisper to me,
    Who was today, guess?
    Came to me from the forest
    My good friend, fluffy bunny!
    And joy and delight in the eyes,
    And the laughter is wild and sonorous,
    And I will kiss your
    Gift clenched hands!

    Girls, if you know any other - write!