Flowers for mother's day in kindergarten. Do-it-yourself gift for Mother's Day from napkins, fabric and paper for elementary school, kindergarten - photo and video

For each of us, mother is the closest, dearest, dearest person, ready to tirelessly help, love and care. Of course, the best gift for every mother during the holidays will be the one that the child could make himself, as these crafts for mom with their own hands convey all the children's love and gratitude. Let's look at how you can make beautiful compositions on your own. Perhaps these will be original gifts made from natural raw materials or do-it-yourself crafts from improvised materials. We tried to collect different ways, designed for both the smallest craftsmen and the older ones.

Crafts for Mother's Day with your own hands from fabric

Wonderful bouquets, as well as compositions, will be obtained from fabric flowers. Moreover, a little material is required, so there is no need to buy cuts - there will certainly be small flaps at home. With their help, for example, you can sew voluminous crafts for Mother's Day with your own hands. For such work, you will additionally need a synthetic winterizer filler (cotton wool), a bending strong wire that will hold the stem.

There are simpler options that are suitable for children of primary school age - do-it-yourself appliqué crafts from material using pieces of felt. Replace this fabric with thick dishwashing napkins. Flowers are cut out of them, then glued onto cardboard. The middle is decorated with a button.

Crafts for mom on Mother's Day with their own hands from napkins

Try to make a wide variety of crafts for your mother with your own hands using simple multi-colored napkins. This malleable material makes it possible to make beautiful carnations, roses and other flowers.

Mom will surely be pleased with an elegant heart card with the palm of her child. To decorate it, you need to cut out a blank-heart from cardboard, glue a loop to it. Then, from white and red napkins we roll up small balls (they should be fluffy). The child’s palm should be circled on cardboard, smeared with glue, tightly (without gaps) glue white lumps to it, and paste over the rest of the postcard in red. On the reverse side, you can leave congratulations-wishes.

Such a do-it-yourself craft for mom on Mother's Day will always remind her of what kind of baby her grown-up child once was.

Children's crafts for Mother's Day from pompoms and cotton pads

Having learned how to make pompoms, according to the step-by-step instructions of the article, form a variety of lush and soft bouquets from them. At the same time, it is better to choose woolen threads for making pompoms so that they create more voluminous balls. Crafts from artificial flowers with their own hands are often formed using wire in the form of stems, which are well “disguised” by winding with green thread.

Cotton pads are a simple, convenient, affordable material from which you can also make flowers, as shown in the photographs of our catalog. If necessary, they are painted in different colors.

Mother's Day: DIY crafts for kindergarten

Often, various exhibitions are held in children's institutions, and, sometimes, matinees for the holiday of mothers. Children do various crafts for Mother's Day with their own hands under the guidance of educators or on their own. For example, a bouquet of children's hands or falling raindrops look very touching, each of which contains a photograph of a child.

When decorating a group or hall for a Mother's Day matinee, do-it-yourself crafts for kindergarten can be quite large, such as garlands of multi-colored paper maple leaves. Separate elements were made by all the children of the kindergarten, and the teachers assembled very beautiful “curtains” from them.

Mother's Day: DIY Paper Crafts

Colored paper, as well as cardboard, are very often used in children's art, since working with them is quite simple. By following the instructions in the photos of our article, you can learn for yourself, and you can also show your child how beautiful origami paper flowers are made. On Mother's Day, do-it-yourself paper crafts are made in the form of original greeting cards, and a cute composition of birds will undoubtedly touch any mother.

Crafts-gifts with their own hands from natural material

Using natural resources, it is not difficult to create a wide variety of crafts from autumn materials with your own hands. Walking on the street with a child, pick up twigs, acorns, cones, fallen bright multi-colored foliage for creativity. In addition, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other natural raw materials are often used.

We tried to present wonderful crafts-gifts with our own hands in the article. For example, a basket of cones. It is quite easy to make it: you will additionally need a plastic bucket, hot glue, with which the cones will be attached. It is also easy to form a basket using a wire that connects the cones into one ensemble.

In the very near future, the most beautiful family holiday is expected in our country - Mother's Day! For everyone who wants to present themselves a great opportunity to thank their dearly beloved mothers for all the sleepless nights, worries, worries that we sometimes manage to deliver to them! None of the blessings of the world are enough to express our gratitude to mothers!

However, there is something that can convey our love and gratitude to you! What is this? This is some small SURPISE, made with our own hands, containing all our affection for our mother, made with love and a lot of positive thoughts!

Yes, this one can be completely useless for anyone, BUT NOT FOR MOM! When the children grow up and leave the parental nest, all that remains for the mother, in between rare calls, is to sort through all the “gifts” and “surprises” that you gave her throughout your childhood and youth! Such "surprises" contain the most valuable things: memory, love, bright sadness! The holiday is coming and you still don't know what to give your mom? Then you have come to the right place! We bring to your attention simple cute crafts that are simple, original and do not require much time and money.

DIY gifts for mom for Mother's Day

Before moving on to step-by-step instructions for making gifts, let's first look at the suggested options:

Fabric tulips

To make these wonderful fabric tulips, we need:

  • Bright fabric clasps for flowers;
  • Green pieces of fabric for stems and leaves;
  • Wire, to give the stems rigidity and the desired shape;
  • Filler sintipon;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread;
  • Pattern.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts soft tulips:

1. Draw a pattern for your future tulips on a piece of paper. It should look something like this:

2. Select the clasps of the desired color, fold them in pairs with the front side inward, attach the patterns to the fabric and carefully cut out the details. Don't forget to leave 0.5-1 cm for seam allowance!
3. Sew a tulip bud in a circle, through a small hole near the base of the flower, turn the part right side out. Carefully fill the "" with a synthetic winterizer filler and carefully sew up the hole.
4. Sew the "leg" of the tulip, turn it outward and loosely fill it with synthetic winterizer. After the leg has received its volume, insert the wire into the leg, while slightly rounding its ends (so that the sharp edges of the wire do not tear through the fabric and crawl out of the leg).

5. Sew the leaves, turn them out and straighten them well, iron them with an iron. Give them shape. If desired, they can be sealed with non-woven fabric (cut a piece of a sheet of non-woven fabric, glue it with an iron to the wrong side of one of the wrong side of the sheet, and then proceed to stitching all the details).
6. We collect our tulip - carefully put it on and sew the flower head to the stem.

We wrap the leaf around the stem and sew it on. Sew a whole bouquet of such soft tulips - they will stand for a long time, withstand more than one wash and will delight your mother for a long, long time!

But with such a wonderful vase for sweets or fruits, your mother will be even more delighted! Not only did you make it yourself, but it is also very practical - it will look great on any table, and even delight every member of the family with all sorts of "sweets"! By the way, when you give it - do not forget to fill it with something tasty - so to speak, Surprise No. 2.

To make this "masterpiece" with your own hands, prepare:

  • Plastic bottle from under water on 19 l;
  • 6 l plastic bottle;
  • Toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush for glue;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Twine;
  • Two spray paints in gold and black.

1. For two plastic bottles, carefully cut off the upper part together with the neck with a sharp knife or scissors. The top of the 19 liter bottle will serve us in the future as the bowl of our vase, and the top of the smaller bottle will serve as the foot and stand of our vase. See what our details should look like:

2. The next stage, while the details are still disconnected, is the decoration of the future vase. To do this, you need to use the skills of the papier-mâché technique:

  • We coat the wide part of the bowl and the stand with PVA glue;
  • Gently apply (wind) toilet paper, let the first layer dry;
  • We repeat this procedure again 4-5 times until the walls of the parts are aligned and acquire some monumentality.
  • We dry our workpieces well.
  • With the help of toilet paper, we also create elaborate stucco molding (clusters, flowers, ornaments, intricate patterns to your taste). To this end, moisten your hands with water and, taking pieces of toilet paper, we make balls, flagella, which will help our vase acquire its originality and exclusivity. Glue the resulting flagella, balls with PVA glue to the vase, having previously applied some intricate pattern with a simple pencil. Dry everything well.

3. On the finished, well-dried halves of the vase, apply a black tone with spray paint. After the black paint dries a little, apply the next gold coat using a gold-colored spray paint. If in some places you find gaps in golden paint, then use a brush and hide all the errors.

4. It's time to finally connect the vase bowl to the stem! To do this, use a special glue for plastic, wrap the junction picturesquely with twine dipped in PVA glue, tie a pretty bow and wait for the product to dry completely.

And now hurry to the store for sweets, fill them with a freshly prepared vase and give this wonderful gift to your mother as soon as possible! Believe me, no matter how old you and your mother are, SUCH a gift will not be left without her attention! A vase, and even filled to the brim with sweets - mom's heart will surely tremble and be delighted!

Rarely whose mother can remain indifferent to such a prickly miracle as a cactus! And when this miracle also manages to bloom - that's it, mom's heart is forever smitten with love for this prickly, but very beautiful plant!

We bring to your attention a gift-joke "CACTUS for mom". She will definitely appreciate this surprise! And for invention, and for resourcefulness, and for an excellent and absolutely not requiring special attention, interior decoration.

To make a flower pot with stone cacti you will need:

  • Clay pot for small flowers;
  • Sand;
  • Smooth pebbles (pebbles) of medium and small size;
  • 2-3 shades of green acrylic paint;
  • Corrector.

1. First, put the stones on the table and take a good look at them. Select those that are most similar to real cacti. Set aside the rest separately.

2. Paint the selected pebbles with acrylic green paint and wait for them to dry completely.

4. Darken a little where needed, lighten your stones a little with different shades of green. In general - revive your cacti. Make them real.

5. Fill the bottom of the pot with small pebbles. Then fill it ¾ with sand, install the newly appeared “cacti” in any order you like, cover the remaining space in the pot with small pebbles.

Stone cacti are ready! Early in the morning we put a pot of cacti for mom on the bedside table at the head of the bed - let the morning be pleasant and festive for her! And these wonderful cacti will give you unforgettable impressions and joy for a long time.

DIY gift sweet bears

Moms are big girls, and what kind of girls don't like sweets? Therefore, your mom can and should give something sweet for Mom's Day! Heart-shaped sweets are perfect for this! And in order to present these sweets beautifully, you need to come up with some unusual packaging for them!

Prepare well before you start making these candy holder characters.

You will definitely need:

  • Sweets-hearts;
  • Cardboard;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Various figurines of cute animals.

Start by placing a piece of cardboard in front of you.

Attach a candy-heart to the animal's chest and glue it with glue. Fold the paws of the animal on the chest around the candy, glue them with glue - you get a hug with a candy inside.

Draw a cute face for the animal, or cut it with scissors. The packaging is ready - hurry up to congratulate your mother on the holiday - Mother's Day!

Now every inhabitant of our country has accumulated a sea of ​​all sorts of unnecessary disks. Throw it away - it's a pity, maybe it will come in handy! A familiar picture?

We bring to your attention the technology of making photo frames from these rainbow discs. Such a frame looks great in itself, and if you insert your mother's favorite photo into it, the effect of surprise and celebration will be achieved!

Prepare the following materials:

  • CDs, DVDs;
  • Glue;
  • Stained glass paints in black;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Scissors.

Have you considered what size your frame will be? Then feel free to take scissors and cut out the necessary shape from cardboard for your future frame.

With scissors we cut two unusable disks into pieces of any irregular shape (it will be more picturesque). It turned out a rainbow mosaic of disks.

We thoroughly smear the cardboard frame with PVA glue and glue a mosaic of CDs, DVDs to it. It turns out very nice:

Now black stained glass paint with a thin tip comes to the rescue. With its help, we fill the space between the mosaic, thereby shading our frame and giving it a more solid and finished look:

Admire the final result of your efforts and creative pursuits:

Such flowers will perfectly fit into the decor of any interior. They can easily become part of any greeting card, or part of a festive package. A bouquet of spiral flowers will create a spring mood even in the coldest winter cold!

Don't forget to prepare the following materials for making spiral flowers:

  • Sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue for paper;
  • Double-sided colored paper in different shades;
  • Pencil.

Where do we start:

  • To do this, draw a circle with jagged edges on a bright double-sided sheet of colored paper.
  • From the center of the circle, unwind (draw with a simple pencil) a spiral.
  • Carefully cut out the spiral along the resulting contour.

We take the outer edge of the resulting spiral and begin to twist it tightly along the entire length.

Fabric birds - do-it-yourself mom

A colorful and cheerful family of birds made by your own hands is able to give mom that spring mood that is so lacking on winter evenings!

To give such a bird family to your mother, which exactly repeats the images of all members of your family, you need to cook:

  • Bright and colorful pieces of felt;
  • Needle and thread;
  • beads;
  • Ribbons;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Sheet of white paper;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Sintipon as a filler.

First, create a pattern of all the details of these funny birds. Take a white sheet and a pencil and dream up. Cut out the resulting patterns. You can use our samples:

Take the felt pads, fold them in half and attach the finished paper patterns to them. Circle the paper patterns and cut with scissors strictly along the contour of the figure.

It's time to take up the needle! Sew the details of the bird's body, fill the body with synthetic winterizer. Sew up the remaining hole. Sew on the bird's beak. Wings just stick with glue. Sew on beads instead of eyes.

Make several of these birds of different sizes to make mom, dad, son and daughter! Cheerful family!

If you wish, you can hang the birds from the ceiling using multi-colored ribbons, or install them in a flowerpot on sticks - forming such a bird's nest!

Carry out all your gifts for mom with love, awe. Let this feeling be transmitted to her as soon as she sees the work of your hands! Take care of your mom and spoil her with handmade crafts more often! Give her warmth and love, care and do not forget about help!

The good tradition of celebrating Mother's Day once a year came to many countries from the ancient Greek cult of the mother, widespread throughout Asia Minor, celebrated on the Ides of March (in the middle of the month). In 24 countries, including the United States, India, Ukraine and Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, and more than three dozen countries celebrate it on other days.

For Russians, this holiday is relatively new.. It was first celebrated in Baku in 1988, thanks to the initiative of the Russian language teacher Elmira Javadovna Huseynova. Officially, Mother's Day was approved as a holiday only ten years later, in 1998, and its celebration was assigned to the last Sunday in November.

Mother's Day is a kind and bright holiday that calls to remember the great work of all mothers of the earth.. Its celebration is aimed at developing a caring attitude towards women, strengthening family foundations. Mother's Day helps everyone remember the invaluable contribution to our lives that mom made, and therefore everyone, without exception, both adults and children, give her all sorts of signs of attention. The best way to show your love and warmth will be to help do-it-yourself paper crafts for Mother's Day, which retain a piece of that reverent feeling that our mother evokes in us, radiating kindness and tenderness.

Everyone can make a souvenir with their own hands for Mother's Day, because needlework is a huge world where imagination and fantasy reign. The most common type of such creativity is paper crafts. After all, at home there is always a remnant of wrapping paper from a gift, beautiful magazine clippings, napkins, cardboard boxes or old newspapers. Colored paper, cardboard and glue are readily available materials, and you can create real masterpieces from them.

Of course, most often the idea arises to make a beautiful and original postcard out of paper. You can approach its production in different ways.

Kids can do it too
An interesting technique is paper weaving and. On a sheet of paper, which will be the background, the necessary figure is cut out with scissors or a knife. It can be flowers, butterflies or any other silhouettes. Then a rug is woven from strips of paper in two colors and glued on the wrong side. Both an adult and a child can make such a postcard. The result is a very beautiful gift.

For masters of school age and older
You can also use to decorate the front of the postcard. Having folded voluminous flowers out of paper and pasted them on the base, you will get an original and aesthetic postcard.

For the manufacture of souvenirs, you can use ready-made templates printed on a color printer and supplemented with volumetric elements or decorate the base with patterns, which involves folding paper strips with a thin rod. When making paper, beads, ribbons, all kinds of cords, coffee beans or cereals, stickers and scraps of fabric can be used, in a word, everything that the creator’s imagination is enough for. And the result will surely please you.

Like other popular holidays of our country, Mother's Day is also a long-awaited and very pleasant holiday for every mother and for every child. Of course, the celebration of this date is not complete without a solemn event. And such events are held in schools and kindergartens. This event ends with the presentation of some kind of warm gift for mom. Naturally, children in the garden cannot afford to purchase some kind of gift, but with the help of a teacher, they can always make crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten with their own hands. But we will demonstrate ideas for such a case in this publication.

Easy Mother's Day Craft Ideas

Fruit from plastic bowls.

Thinking about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts, it is worth considering that not all kids have some kind of complex skills in creating crafts. And therefore, in this case, it is worth offering the guys simpler options. For example, a simple white plastic plate can be turned into a bright fruit with simple movements. And for this you need paints of rich color. Slices are drawn on the plates and their edge is formed. The paint should dry and the gift will be ready to give.

Sweet horseshoe.

In this article, we list easy crafts for mom. Receiving sweets as a gift is pleasant not only for children. Mom will also be pleased to receive such a gift. Giving simple sweets is trite. And with their help, you can make something interesting, for example, a horseshoe. To create it you will need:

  • thick cardboard,
  • foil and candy,
  • glue.


  1. A horseshoe is cut out of cardboard.
  2. It is pasted over with foil or shiny paper.
  3. Then sweets are attached to the horseshoe with glue.

Postcard from buttons.

Button work is more suitable for those guys who attend older groups. In addition, the help of a teacher may be required in this matter. For a gift for mom, you need to prepare bright-colored buttons. You will also need a white sheet. Stems are drawn on the sheet with green paint. Buttons of bright color are glued to these stems.

Drawing for mom.

If you want to know all the crafts for mom on mother's day, then take a look at the following idea. Of course, it is worth starting from the simplicity of making a gift. Therefore, a drawing for mom can be the best present. However, it must be unusual.

For example, with the help of paints, grass and a stem for a flower are drawn. But the flower will look like a child's hand. It is painted with paint, and then pressed tightly against the leaf. Also, to decorate the composition, you can use stickers in the form of butterflies or flowers.

Bouquet for mom.

Don't know what craft to make for Mother's Day? Then we will offer you the next option for crafts. Flowers are definitely a win-win option. And a beautiful bouquet will be easy to make even for a child who attends a kindergarten. To create a craft, you need cardboard and colored paper. Also in the work can not do without glue.


  1. A bouquet shape is cut out of a white sheet of cardboard. It can be decorated with ordinary circles or some kind of ornament. This kind of wrapper is decorated with a ribbon.
  2. Flowers are made from colored paper in red and yellow, which are glued.
  3. Cheerful flower from cotton pads.
  4. Cotton pads are also an excellent material for creating crafts. For the holiday - Mother's Day, you can also make something interesting from them. To work, you need cotton pads and glue.
  5. Discs are glued onto a piece of cardboard with glue.
  6. Separately, it is worth cutting petals from disks.
  7. In the middle, you can draw a funny muzzle for a flower.

Heart tree.

A gift that was made with love will be a pleasure for any mother to receive from her child. A heart-shaped tree is a great opportunity to show your love. So, to create a craft you will need:

  • colored paper,
  • ice cream stick,
  • cork from a plastic bottle.


  1. A hole for the stick is cut in the cork from under the plastic bottle. Naturally, the stick is inserted into this hole.
  2. A heart is cut out of paper.
  3. A couple more heart shapes are drawn on the heart.
  4. Leaves are cut out of green paper, which are also glued to the stick.

The finished composition is ready for donation.

Bracelet for mom. A simple weaving technique.

If Mother's Day is coming soon in kindergarten, then it's worth making beautiful crafts. The next craft will be able to make the middle group. It's nice to give jewelry. And making them even more interesting and enjoyable. We offer you to weave a beautiful bracelet using bright beads in your work. The whole process of weaving is shown in the photo.

Napkin holder made of wooden clothespins.

A napkin holder looks beautiful and interesting enough, which all the guys will like to make. To create it you will need: ribbons, clothespins and paints.


  1. Clothespins should be divided into separate halves.
  2. Clothespins are now glued together with glue only with the reverse side.
  3. Clothespins that are glued must be painted. Use bright colors.
  4. Now the clothespins can be glued together with glue.
  5. Then proceed to create the bottom for the napkin holder. In this case, the clothespins are glued together and painted with paints.
  6. After that, the side is glued to the base.

Small box.

If a lot of ice cream sticks have accumulated, then they will fit to create a beautiful box. To create a craft, prepare: a glue gun and wooden sticks.

In work, it is worth using already painted sticks. Therefore, they are pre-decorated with bright colors. In this case, you can use gouache or acrylic paints.

In order to make the bottom of the box, the sticks are glued together in a horizontal manner. To create walls, the boxes of sticks should already be glued vertically on top of each other.

Bright pot for indoor flower.

Here are crafts for Mother's Day that you can make in the garden. Kids can make a cute potty for mom as a gift. And to create it, you need a plastic glass and yarn.


  1. The glass is cut into strips of equal size.
  2. Now each strip should be wrapped with yarn.


So get ready for Mother's Day. Do crafts in kindergartens and do not forget to accompany them with warm words and wishes.