Flowers from foamiran master class. Wreath on the head of foamiran Headband for a newborn girl from foamiran

Jewelry from foamiran. About the properties of this material

  • The material is very soft, malleable and plastic, especially if you hold a small piece of foma in your hands, it begins to “melt”. But real miracles happen with stronger heating of foamiran. If rose petals are cut out of a sheet, and then an iron is applied to the workpiece (heating temperature is “linen”), then the foamed rubber becomes so plastic that it can be compressed, stretched in different directions, and squeezed. When heated, foam shrinks and stretches best. Instead of an iron, it is more convenient to use hair tongs. It is enough to stretch the blank through the curling iron - and in front of you is a new one, like a real flower petal. In addition to the iron and tongs, you can use a building hair dryer, and if you need to work with small workpieces, you can attach them to the heated nozzle of the glue gun (you must clean the hole from the glue in advance).

  • In addition to stretching and squeezing, foam is very easy to cut with scissors or a knife. The simplest scissors will do. And in order to do the job efficiently, it is desirable to cut a sheet of foam on a special rubberized substrate. If you need to make a wavy edge of the workpiece, then you need to use scissors with a curly end, and then slightly stretch the workpiece along the edge with your fingers.
  • But this is not all that foamiran is capable of - the thinnest foma sheets (1 mm thick) can be squeezed out with a figured hole punch, which means that new opportunities open up for needlewomen.
  • So that the foam sheet does not get stuck in the hole punch, along with the foam sheet, you need to put a thin sheet of plain paper under the bottom (you can even use newspaper). The edges of the workpiece will be smooth and neat.
  • Foamiran has many advantages, it is easily stretched, you can give the product the desired shape, cut a figure with scissors or a knife. But what Foam does not tolerate is touching with sharp objects. If you inadvertently draw something sharp over a sheet of foam, then traces remain on the surface. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, and on the other, an advantage. Because for work, many craftsmen use templates that can be circled directly over a sheet of foam with a toothpick, a sharpened pencil or an awl.
  • Foamiran - the material is non-toxic, easy to clean with water. Even the finished product can, if necessary, be washed under running water and nothing will happen to it! As for the safety of this material for needlework, you can safely give the kids foam leaves so that they develop their imagination and make crafts on their own.

Handmade foamiran jewelry is very popular. From this material you can make stunningly beautiful works:

Decoration on the neck from foamiran:

How to make hair ornaments from foamiran with your own hands

We figured out the properties of foamiran, you can try to make a simple decoration on your head from foamiran yourself: a hairpin or a headband. Let's start simple and make a hair clip.

What we need:

  • a sheet of white foamiran;
  • yellow and pink dry pastel;
  • wet wipes;
  • petal blanks;
  • awl or toothpick;
  • white stamens;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • hairpin machine.

How to make a hairpin:

  1. In order to make a medium-sized flower (diameter 8 cm), you need to buy a standard white foamiran sheet (A4 format).
  2. Attach flower blank templates (3 pieces of different sizes) to a sheet of foam, outline the outline with something sharp. Even a non-writing pen will do.
  3. Cut out the petals.
  4. Now we take a yellow pastel, draw not a contour along the edge, but fill the space of each workpiece more, heading towards the center.
  5. Now you need to take a damp cloth and rub it over the blank, or you can do otherwise: rub a dry pastel stick with a cloth and paint the petal blanks. Get a gentle yellowish tint.
  6. You need to do the same with pink crayon, just color the outline and, as it were, stretch the color, making it deeper from the edge of the petal to the center.
  7. In total, 8 blanks will be obtained, 3 of which (central) need to be made more contrasting, darker in color.
  8. To give texture to each petal, you need to use an iron. We turn on the position "Wool", we warm up each petal separately. We press the sole of the iron to the workpiece, hold for several minutes. The petals will soften and rise a little.
  9. And now quickly, before the petals have time to cool, they need to be twisted into a tube (first folded in half). Get a button.
  10. When the petals have cooled, they need to be straightened, slightly stretching along the edge. Towards the edge, the petal should be thinner.
  11. Now the assembly of the flower. You can glue foamiran with both special glue and hot glue. In this case, it is advisable to use moment-crystal glue, but if such glue is not available at home, then hot glue can also be used to glue all the petals together in sequence.
  12. Petals need to be glued together in rows, from a larger blank to a smaller one. When you are done, insert a toothpick into the middle so that the workpiece sticks together correctly and does not fall apart.
  13. Let the flower dry for now, and we will make stamens. To do this, we use a thin wire of a light shade, you need to tie up the stamens, fold them in half, pull the wire into the center of our flower.
  14. On the wrong side, you need to tie the ends of the wire several times, cut off the excess.
  15. It remains only to attach a hairpin or elastic band. To do this, use hot glue. If you glue the elastic, then you need to glue a piece of foamiran on top of it so that the hairpin does not fall apart.

By the same principle, you can make a decoration from foamiran - a hair comb.

DIY foamiran decoration master class

Of this soft and plastic material, needlework masters like to make various flowers most of all. And then these blanks find further use. Interestingly, not only hair ornaments can be made from foamiran: elastic bands, hairpins and headbands, but also beautiful neck jewelry, brooches, bracelets.

We offer you to plunge into the wonderful world of needlework and make your own decoration from foamiran - a lily flower.

Materials and tools:

  • 2 sheets of foamiran white and green;
  • ready stamens;
  • dry pastel or acrylic paints, brush;
  • markers;
  • cardboard;
  • hot glue;
  • thin wire;
  • toothpicks;
  • scissors and iron.

Making a lily from foamiran with your own hands:

  1. We make our own preparation of lily petals. We draw a contour on a sheet of cardboard, cut it out with scissors.
  2. Petal size - 6 cm in diameter. The template must be attached to a sheet of foam, outline the contour with any sharp object (you can also use scissors) to cut along the contour. You should get 6 white petals.
  3. You will need pink and lilac pastels or acrylic paints to tint the blanks on one side and the other.
  4. To give texture to each petal, you need to try to make the veins manually. To do this, you need a toothpick and an iron. Heat one blank with an iron, as soon as you see that the material becomes soft and pliable, you need to draw stripes with a toothpick until the petal has time to cool.
  5. Now you need to warm up the edges of the petal and give them a waviness, slightly stretching the material with your fingers.
  6. At the bottom of each blank with a brown felt-tip pen, you need to draw dots, like a real flower.
  7. And now we will take up the preparation of stamens and pistils. It is necessary to make a bunch of stamens and pistils, we will use a thin wire (0.3 mm). We twist, insert into the middle of the flower.
  8. Now we cut out the leaves from the green foam and also heat them over the iron to give each leaf texture.
  9. Glue the leaves to the back of the petals with hot glue.

A beautiful flower is ready, now show your imagination and figure out where you can use it. And we give a hint: you can decorate your home with delicate and beautiful foamiran flowers.

How to make wedding decorations from foamiran with your own hands

The most beautiful and most delicate royal flower is a rose. These flowers are given to loved ones and only people. No wedding celebration is complete without a beautiful bouquet of roses. From foamiran you can make a beautiful decoration for the bride and her friends.

How to make a rose from foamiran and what you need, we will find out further:

  • 2 sheets of pink and pale green foamiran;
  • foil;
  • scissors and glue;
  • rose petals.

We make a beautiful rose together with you:

  1. If you don’t have blanks, then you can make it yourself from thick cardboard. Draw petals, cut out. Experienced needlewomen simply fold a sheet of pink foamiran into several layers, draw a petal with a simple pencil and cut it out immediately with scissors. It is important not to worry that nothing will work out. On the contrary, it is important to ensure that, as in nature, the petals are not the same.
  2. In total, you will need 10 petals: 5 large and the same number of small ones.
  3. Petals one by one need to be heated with an iron, and then stretch the edges with your fingers to make them wavy.
  4. Let's start assembling the rose: roll a ball out of a piece of foil, wrap the smallest petal around the ball, fix it with hot glue. Get a cone.
  5. Sequentially glue each petal in a checkerboard pattern. First you will get a small bud.
  6. Now you need to attach large petals, and then turn on the iron and heat the edges of the rose petals.
  7. We cut out leaves from a sheet of light green foam, also apply it to the iron, twist it a little into a tube, but do not press it hard. We unfold - we get ready-made leaves.
  8. They need to be glued to the back of the rosebud with hot glue.

A beautiful rose is ready. You can make several such roses and collect them in a wreath:

Decorations from foamiran with their own hands. How to decorate glasses with foamiran

And again we will make beautiful and very delicate roses. But the execution technique is slightly different from the previous master class.

Let's prepare the following:

  • white foamiran sheet;
  • glue "Moment";
  • glasses;
  • semi-beads under pearls;
  • paint-contour for working on glass;
  • a piece of sponge for washing dishes;
  • acrylic paints for silver;
  • sheet of cardboard, pencil, scissors.

Decorating glasses:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, draw a blank in the shape of a heart.
  2. We cut it out, apply the workpiece to a white sheet of foamiran, draw a contour with a sharp object, cut it out with ordinary scissors.
  3. For 1 glass you need to prepare 10-12 petals.
  4. Each petal needs to be heated with an iron, we stretch the warm material with our fingers in the middle so that the petal turns out to be convex.
  5. Each petal, while it is still warm, is twisted into a non-tight flagellum, straightened.
  6. Preparing glasses: thoroughly wash under running water with detergent, wipe, treat with glass cleaner.
  7. It is best to work at this stage with gloves so as not to leave fingerprints on the glass.
  8. We put small dots on the stem of the glass with acrylic paint, then we tint the stem of the glass with white paint, and especially the place where the flower will be attached. Just in this way, you can hide bumps and droplets of glue.
  9. We are waiting for the paint to dry and we can proceed to the most important thing - assembling the rose.
  10. We put the glass on a flat surface with the leg up, glue the petals in sequence. We make sure that the petals do not move apart and are not too closely attached to each other. It is necessary to achieve naturalness so that the petals lie beautifully.
  11. Also pay attention to the fact that it is convenient for the bride and groom to hold the glass in their hands, therefore, before gluing the first petal, you need to take the glass in your hand in order to understand all its functionality.
  12. We glue the petals with glue "Moment" or "Titan". Glue must be applied to the glass, attach a petal, press - wait.
  13. The first row of petals was glued, now the next row - the petals can be glued already on foamiran, and this is a little easier. The main thing is to twist a little in the process of work, and if necessary, then glue the petals in the right places.
  14. We try to work as carefully as possible, because this is a wedding accessory - and it should not have streaks, smeared glue, uneven strokes and fingerprints. The work must be done with the utmost care.
  15. We are waiting for the petals to stick together, and then we move on to decorating the legs of the rose.
  16. It is necessary to carefully glue half-beads under pearls around the stem of the flower. To make the work neater, buy glue-based beads.
  17. Before using the glasses, they must be wiped, and preferably stored in a cardboard box. If you doubt that everything will work out the first time, we recommend that you practice on ordinary glass glasses.

The headband is well suited to anyone, both adult and child. She will decorate your hair. In this master class, we will make a bandage with a Dimorfoteka flower from foamiran with our own hands. These flowers come in different colors. But I will do red, as it will be in harmony with my bandage. For the base, we will take a fabric with a checkered print.

Photo of a finished headband with a red foamiran flower

To create a bandage with foamiran flowers, you will need:

  • red, green and burgundy Iranian foamiran;
  • universal mold for leaves;
  • oil pastel olive, dark olive, burgundy, brown and sponge;
  • beads;
  • beaded wire;
  • dyed semolina;
  • PVA glue and brush;
  • 3 liter jar;
  • bandage;
  • glue second.

Pattern of a flower for a bandage

To make a flower from foamiran, we need a pattern.

According to this pattern, we cut out flower blanks.

From green foamiran we cut out 3 leaves of different sizes 7 * 3 cm and 6 * 3 cm, a sepal with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm. From red foamiran we cut out 2 petal circles with a diameter of 8 cm and cut a strip of 1 * 20 cm from burgundy foamiran .

Assembling a flower for a bandage: step by step photo

We process the leaves on an iron at a silk-wool temperature and squeeze them well on a universal mold.

We tint the leaves at the beginning with a dark color, from above a little lighter with an olive color, blending well with a sponge and slightly burgundy along the edges of the leaves.

After tinting, we process the leaves on the edge of the iron, fold them in half, heat them up and stretch them, while giving liveliness to the leaves.

Burgundy strip 20 cm cut into small fringes.

Then we take the wire and make a loop on it.

And we begin to wind and glue the fringe onto the wire, having glued more than half of the strip at the same level, we begin to descend by 0.5-1 mm.

Then we process the middle part on the iron with smacking movements and roll the entire middle part over the iron. This thins the fringe.

We take PVA glue and lightly apply it with a brush to the middle and dip it in colored semolina.

We take petal circles and burgundy and brown oil pastels, tint the middle of the petal circles.

Then we cut through all the petals at the petal circles.

We take a stick and draw 3 veins on each petal of the petal circles.

Then we fold each petal along the central vein and process it on the edge of the iron, at a silk-wool temperature, and then slightly pull it to the bottom.

We take the middle and put a petal circle on it, gluing it at the base and lifting the petals a little. Then we put on the second petal circle and glue it in a checkerboard pattern.

We take a circle of green foamiran and cut out a sun-sepal from it. Then we slightly process it on the iron.

We take a round jar and put a bandage on it so that our decoration is well fixed on it.

Artificial jewelry is widely used in the design of holidays, in interior decor and in the creation of women's jewelry. Foamiran flowers are especially popular, the manufacturing master class of which does not require special experience. Such flower decorations are very similar to natural ones, therefore they are very popular with needlewomen. Foamiran is called plastic rubber or suede, but let's see what this material really is.

What is foamiran and where to buy it

Foamiran is a new synthetic Iranian material, recently brought to Russia. Its name comes from the name of the issuing company "FoamIran". Foam is a popular material, because its rich color range allows you to create very realistic compositions and toys. The material easily takes any shape, and the volume of the workpiece is given by light heating with an iron. Foamiran is environmentally friendly, and you can buy it in needlework stores. At an affordable price, plastic suede is sold in online stores that deliver to any region of Russia.

How to make flowers from foamiran

Plastic suede is a malleable material, so even novice needlewomen can make flowers from foamiran using a master class as a step-by-step instruction. Any crafts will be distinguished by accuracy and realism. With the help of our master classes, you will learn how to make foamiran hairpins, stencils of flowers and leaves, patterns from which it will be easy to create works of art later. So, let's make different flowers from foamiran, and master classes with photos will help you.

Lily making master class

To make a flower, we need:

  • leaf of green and white foamiran;
  • stamens;
  • acrylic paints;
  • cardboard;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • thermal gun;
  • wire;
  • toothpick;
  • iron;
  • scissors.

Preparation method:

  1. Make a 6 cm cardboard blank of a lily petal, cut it out.
  2. Using this template, cut out 6 petals on white foam.
  3. Toned them on both sides with a pink-lilac color.
  4. To make the petals textured, heat them on the iron, drawing veins with a toothpick.
  5. Heat the edge of the petal too, giving it a waviness.
  6. With a brown felt-tip pen, make a few dots at the bottom of each petal, giving the flower a natural look.
  7. For the pistil and stamen, prepare a 0.3 mm wire, stamens and small diamond-shaped pieces of plastic suede, dyed black.
  8. Glue them to the wire.
  9. Before assembling the flower, cut out the leaves on the green foamiran (foam).
  10. Give the leaves texture by heating on the iron.
  11. Glue the first row of petals (3 pcs) around the glued stamens to the pistil.
  12. Glue the second row in a checkerboard pattern.
  13. Glue the leaves as you like at the bottom of the lily.

Do-it-yourself poppy

Bright flowers from foamiran are very beautiful, and a master class in creating a red poppy will help you make sure of this. Poppies have long won love and attention for themselves, thanks to their simplicity, beauty and brightness, and absolutely anyone can handle their production, even if they pick up plastic suede for the first time. For the manufacture we need:

  • red and green foam;
  • cardboard;
  • bead 2 cm;
  • black threads;
  • toothpick;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • wire 20 cm.

Preparation method:

  1. Draw a petal template on cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Cut out a 6 cm circle of green foam.
  3. Thread the wire into the bead, twist it, forming a leg.
  4. Heat the green circle and wrap the bead around it, connecting the edges on the wire.
  5. Fix the foam with black threads with an intersection point in the center.
  6. Using a toothpick, circle the cardboard templates on red foam, cut out with scissors.
  7. Fold the petals like an accordion, then twist them tightly with your fingers and straighten them - they will acquire a wavy texture.
  8. Glue the petals in two rows to the base of the balloon.
  9. Cut out two green leaves and score all around the edge, then twist and flatten for texture.
  10. On the back of the bud, glue the leaves by cutting the wire.

MK chamomile

The modest wild flower is recognized as a symbol of the family, which is why "chamomile" weddings with artificial daisies have become popular. We will tell you how to make these beautiful foamiran flowers on your own in a master class. To create a flower we need:

  • white foamiran;
  • cardboard;
  • oil pastel;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • protractor.

Preparation method:

  1. On the foam with a compass, apply the contours of circles (3 pcs) in 9 cm, cut out.
  2. Then cut a strip 2 cm wide and 27 cm long to create the center, paint it yellow.
  3. Fold the strip in half, glue along the edge, cut the fringe from the side of the fold.
  4. Twist the core with a spiral, smearing it with glue.
  5. Cut out a 9 cm cardboard circle, then use a protractor to draw cuts for the petals.
  6. Use the resulting pattern to cut out the white petals.
  7. Cut the petals, not reaching 2 mm to the core.
  8. Heat the tips of the petals with an iron, round off, like a real chamomile.
  9. Put the workpiece in the middle, glue it.
  10. Make 2 more rows of petals in the same way, fixing with glue.


You will need:

  • 2 sheets of foam (green and pink);
  • glue;
  • foil;
  • patterns.

Preparation method:

  1. Cut out two cardboard patterns of different sizes, but the same shape of a rose petal.
  2. Trace 5 large and 5 small petals with a toothpick on the foam, cut out.
  3. Place all the petals against the iron, and pull the edge to make them wavy.
  4. Roll up a ball of foil, wrap the first small petal around it into a cone, fix with glue.
  5. Make a bud from the rest of the small petals, and glue the large ones on top, making the edges wavy with an iron.
  6. Cut out 6 leaves from green foam, attach to the iron, then glue to the rose.


You will need:

  • a sheet of blue foam;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Preparation method:

  1. Make 18 pcs. petals of various shapes and one strip measuring 2x10 cm.
  2. Cut a small fringe on the edge of the strip with scissors.
  3. Glue the fringe to the toothpick to make a roll.
  4. On the overlapping roll, glue the larger petals first, and the smaller ones last.
  5. Make the gluing with white foam so that you can paint over it with a pale blue color.

hydrangea and sunflower

Hydrangea, made at home with the help of foamiran, looks amazing. Working on its creation is very similar to creating a sunflower, but the difference is only in the color of the foam. For hydrangea, pale blue material is taken, and for sunflower - white, which is then tinted in several shades of yellow. We will give one master class on making a sunflower, and make a hydrangea under the same conditions.

You will need:

  • white sheet of foam;
  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • paints;
  • floral green tape.

Preparation method:

  1. Draw rectangles on the cardboard in 4 different sizes, cut out the petals.
  2. To create a stem, wrap a long toothpick with tape.
  3. Circle the petals of each size 12 times on white foam with an awl, cut out.
  4. Paint over with yellow of a different shade (darker from the edge).
  5. Draw and cut out 4 leaves, paint over with green paint.
  6. Cut 1 meter strip, 2 cm wide.
  7. Paint it black, turning the edge into a fringe.
  8. Twist the black strip into a roll based on the stem, and glue the end - this is the middle of the sunflower.
  9. Heat the yellow petals with an iron and twist, and then paste over the black roll, first small, then large.
  10. Also form the leaves by attaching them to the underside of the bud.

Master class hairpins and headbands from foamiran

On the basis of roses, sunflowers, peonies, chrysanthemums and other flowers, women's jewelry is made: headbands, hairpins and pendants. Books, handbags and fridge magnets are decorated with such realistic floral decorations. How to make a flower, you learned from the previous master classes. And to get a hairpin, brooch or headband, you need to stick one strip of porous foam, 1 cm wide, on the base of the flower, and make a loop. Then it remains to fix a pin, hairpin or headband on it, and the stylish decoration is ready.

How to make a topiary

Topiary is a tree of happiness. When it is made with the help of foamiran, it looks very stylish, elegant and beautiful, creating comfort in any interior. This is an excellent choice for those who do not like to take care of indoor plants, and the combination of many bright colors in the composition adds originality to the floristry. To create a do-it-yourself topiary, you will need a bouquet of ready-made flowers, flower pots and any decor that you need to fill the flower pots, securing the stems of the future tree.

Flowers from foamiran using figured hole punches for a wreath

MK gerbera brooch

Recently, a huge number of new modern materials for work have appeared for needlewomen. One of these innovations is foamiran. This is a soft and plastic material, from which it is very easy to make all kinds of crafts. Children can use it for work with appliqué and for making gifts, for example, for women on the holiday of March 8.

Adult craftswomen make hairpins, bracelets, headbands for hair, belts from foamiran, and also use large ones to decorate various interior items and decor for the holidays.

What is foamiran?

The origin of the name of the material is due to the English word Foam, which translates as "foam". It consists of ethylene vinyl acetate. This is a decorative material with a foamy structure. In another way, it is also called foam rubber, some call it plastic suede because of its softness. Another name is reveler.

Foamiran is produced by Chinese and Iranian enterprises. It is produced in thin sheets, within 1 mm. The Iranian counterpart is much thinner and better, so you can buy Chinese material to make children's crafts. And if you want to beautifully decorate the interior or decorate the room for a wedding or anniversary, then, of course, you need to take a better Iranian one.

The color range is very extensive - up to 24 colors and shades that can be easily combined for a beautiful product. There is foamiran, which has sparkles in its structure, but such flowers will look somewhat pompous and unlike real ones. Some needlewomen choose shades so clearly that the flowers look very natural, like real ones. Perhaps that is why the material has gained such popularity in our country.


  • Foamiran is absolutely non-toxic. It can be safely given to children without fear that the child may lick it or get poisoned by the smell. Although some reviews report that at the very beginning of work, when they just opened the package with sheets, there was a slight smell. But this quickly passes and in the future does not cause any discomfort. If you give material to a child, then you can simply print the desired colors in advance and leave them for an hour in another place for airing.
  • Almost does not absorb moisture, therefore, if the master made flowers from foamiran of a large size, then they can be safely washed with warm water and not be afraid that the product will lose its shape and become swollen from moisture.

  • The material is ductile and can be modified by heating. For example, to get slightly twisted edges of the petals, they need to be heated. After cooling, foamiran remains in its acquired form forever, that is, the material has its own memory. It is convenient and more practical than flowers made from paper.
  • The material is easy to work with. It is easy to cut, make holes with a hole punch, emboss and more.

What can be done with foamiran?

Despite the fact that the color palette of sheets for sale is quite wide, craftsmen, for example, when making a large flower from foamiran, can tint it. For these needs, either pastel or pastel is used. But many needlewomen who do work to decorate a living room use watercolor, gouache, and even colored crayons. Some use eye shadow and embossing powder.

On such a fertile material as foamiran, everything fits perfectly. The only thing is that in these cases the product is disposable, it cannot be washed from dust and used further. If such elements become dirty, they will simply need to be thrown away, as the paint will spread from the water.

When making large flowers from foamiran with your own hands, you need to remember that PVA glue or glue stick, which are sold in stationery, will not glue such material. You need to buy either superglue like "Moment" or, even better, purchase a glue gun. Craftswomen in their reviews of the properties of foamiran give beginners useful advice: if you glue the parts together, then you can’t continue working right away. You need to leave it to dry for a day and give time for a good bond.

Also, parts of the material can be sewn together with threads, they perfectly hold the parts in the desired position.

What kind of work can be done from foamiran?

Since the material is light, soft and plastic, it is used in almost all hand-made works. This includes the design of photo albums, decorating boxes, making voluminous bouquets for vases, hairpins, hoops, bracelets and even bouquets for the bride for the wedding ceremony.

Recently, this material has been used in the design of premises: the wedding hall for the ceremony, the arch for the newlyweds, near which relatives and friends are photographed, the design of stairs and gates. Offices and beauty salons, hairdressers and halls for displaying fashion collections are decorated with large growth flowers from foamiran.

Now, no beautifully decorated holiday is complete without flower arrangements. Pictures on the wall with large foamiran flowers look beautiful. Consider how to make flowers from such material, what you need to know and be able to do.

Step-by-step instruction

If earlier the craftswoman made flowers from paper or fabric, then she will not see anything complicated when using a new material. Everything is done in the same way as normal paper work. There are some subtleties of working with a hot iron and dyeing the material.

Let's consider how to make, for example, a poppy flower from foamiran. We start by cutting out a template from cardboard for the petals. This is completely easy to do.

Then work is done on the central part of the flower. A circle is cut out of a green leaf and wrapped around a large wooden bead. If the needlewoman will make a large flower from foamiran, then you can take a large size. It is lightweight and will not burden the product with its weight.

Next comes the work on creating a black fringe inside the flower. This poppy has stamens in the middle. They are made according to the principle of brushes. Wound on a cardboard template and then tied in the middle. The loops are aligned and the edges are cut with scissors. It turns out fluffy brushes, which you need to have several so that the frame of the ball is not empty.

Making petals: master class

Large foamiran flowers are made according to patterns that are several times larger than usual. The rest of the work is done in the same way. Attaching the pattern to a sheet of suede, outline it along the contour. Then all the cut petals are twisted. To do this, you need to roll one element into a tube and turn it with one hand to the left and the other to the right. Then the petals straighten out, but the shape of the elements still remains wavy.

Further, the petals are wrapped and fastened around the ball and stick so that they are not one above the other. After installing all the petals, you need to start working on the leaves. To do this, blanks are cut out and the edges are cut to make the sheet carved. The last step in making a large foamiran flower will be gluing them to the base with a hot glue gun. Everything, the poppy is ready.

Decoration of the wedding hall

The room looks very nice, from this material, you can combine foamiran with silk elements. Usually for the wedding hall or arch for the newlyweds, sheets of delicate shades of pink, white and blue are used. Designers decorate not only arches and walls, but railings wrapped in ribbons or garlands with flowers look interesting. They use not only large flowers, but also other sizes, combining elements of different colors and shapes.

According to the reviews of the masters, you can place one large foamiran flower on each table or behind the chairs, having previously tied them with a cloth or wide organza.

Living room decoration

Nowadays, flower arrangements by designers fit perfectly into the interior of residential premises. They are placed at eye level when it can be a frame for a door or a mirror, a column or interior arches.

Large and bright flowers add brightness and color to the room. Other small flowers, leaves, curly butterflies or dragonflies serve as additional elements. A frame for photographs or a picture looks interesting, in which several roses or chrysanthemums from foamiran are pasted around the perimeter.

Bedroom interior

Large flowers look very gentle and elegant against the background of the bed in the bedroom. The color scheme should be in harmony with the entire environment. It can be just a flower arrangement, or several types of art can be used. If you look closely at the photograph of the bedroom below, you can see that a picture was originally painted with acrylic paints on the wall - a tree with twigs and leaves. But large flowers give the picture volume and realism.

Such beauty can be located at the head of the bed, or it can be constantly in front of people's eyes, on the front wall. This is if there is no TV in the bedroom.

curtain holders

Beautiful elements in the design of the premises are decorated curtain and curtain holders. It can be a large bouquet or a beautifully trimmed thin strip. The flower arrangement should not stand out too much if the curtains are colored. If these are delicate pastel shades or generally the main colors are white, black or gray, then flowers of bright contrasting shades are allowed.

You can hang such delicate elements in the living room, in the bedroom, and in the nursery, where the little princess lives. In the girls' room, with the help of flowers from such a convenient and easy-to-work material, you can decorate an entire wall or a separate part of the room where the child plays or sleeps.

Studio decoration

Making large flowers from foamiran is a simple process, everything is the same as with small ones, only the pattern needs to be made larger. At the same time, the room, decorated with such large elements, attracts everyone's attention. Of course, this design is not suitable everywhere, but in beauty salons or studios of professional photographers, such a design will look great.

Photos against such a background will turn out to be highly artistic. And the studio will look more picturesque.