What is Vaseline and why? Can Vaseline be used as an intimate lubricant? Instructions for use and doses

An amazing number of uses!

This news may be surprising, but even young people can use Vaseline for beauty.

Vaseline is not dangerous and it is safe for your skin, hair and nails.

Here are numerous amazing uses for Vaseline:

1. Apply a layer on the eyelashes before going to bed. Many people say that it will make your lashes longer and thicker after a while.

2. Apply a layer of Vaseline to your feet in the evening, put on your socks and wake up with softer skin on your feet!

3. Apply Vaseline to your elbows every day to keep them soft and smooth.

4. Apply petroleum jelly to cuticles with gentle strokes several times each day. This further improves your nail plates.

5. Apply Vaseline to dry lips and they will look great!

6. Use Vaseline as a lip gloss. It really makes your lips look fuller and tastier, no worse than with a lovely gloss.

7. Mix some Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a tinted and scented lip gloss.

8. Melt the Vaseline and some chocolate chips in the microwave, mix and let it harden again. You will get a great chocolate lip gloss. Many girls have tried this method and claim that it makes your lips softer than regular Vaseline.

9. Keeps perfume scent longer when applied before fragrance application.

10. Can be used as an anti-inflammatory cream. Many people think that it blocks pores, but it is not. It does not block pores, however it fills in gaps in lipid obstructions, which is what we need for glowing, beautiful skin.

11. Used for extreme dry skin. This is an amazing product to use after a shower.

13. Mix with sea salt to make a scrub! It really is a great addition to the soul.

14. Applying petroleum jelly on your teeth will prevent your lips from sticking to your teeth. Many famous people use this trick to get a beautiful smile on the red carpet.

15. Vaseline is applied to the teeth before applying lipstick - this prevents lipstick from sticking to the teeth.

16. Ask your lover to massage your shoulders with some warm Vaseline.

17. Heated, it can be used as a night cream.

18. Great makeup remover!

19. Protects the skin from the effects of an unfavorable climate.

20. Apply under eyeshadow to add shine.

21. Apply to cheeks for hydration! This is a great remedy for warm summer evenings.

22. Can be used to smooth and soften skin after shaving.

23. Vaseline makes your nails look pretty as hell.

24. Destroys the dry layers of the skin. Vaseline fills these layers with vitamins to reduce the negative impact.

25. Lubricate the earlobes - this helps make the process of piercing the ears simple and painless

26. Keeps nails elastic. The use of Vaseline saturates the nails with vitamins.

27. Use with your lipstick to make a cream blush for your cheeks! However, make sure you are using lipstick that is safe.

28. It also helps to remove rings from fingers.

29. Taming naughty eyebrows! Just use a clean disposable stick to keep them even.

30. Vaseline will make your lashes glossy, darker and waterproof.

31. Apply drops of petroleum jelly to the hair roots before shampooing and love your shiny hair!

32. It can help prevent irritation. In case you want to jog or you plan to wear tight clothes to the club, you can use petroleum jelly rather than moisturizer on these "delicate" areas and you don't have to worry about this irritation!

33. Helps with healing after cosmetic surgery.

34. Reduces tingling associated with dandruff. Use the same method #31. You can even do this after showering if your scalp is too dry.

35. Used after damage caused by poison ivy.

36. May improve the condition of patients with atopic dermatitis.

37. Heals and protects new tattoos.

38. May protect against dangerous hair coloring. Just use Vaseline as a hair mask. It's absolutely safe.

39. Use a small amount of Vaseline to add shine to your shoes and bags.

40. Put some Vaseline on your hands.

41. Apply Vaseline to the ends of your hair to get rid of dry and split ends.

42. Get rid of makeup stains from clothes. Yes indeed. If you can't bleach the stain and you can't wash it out, then try applying a small amount of Vaseline to the stain and see how it disappears!

43. You can rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish and the brush won't get stuck in the caps.

44. Massage Vaseline onto your nails and your old nail polish will look like new again.

45. Use petroleum jelly mixed with eyeshadow pigment to create new colors and richer texture.

46. ​​You can stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.

47. Apply petroleum jelly on your lips, leave it for a few minutes, and then gently rub your lips with a toothbrush, the skin will peel off and your lips will become soft and smooth.

48. Helps get rid of glue on false eyelashes.

49. Apply a small amount to dry spots on your body before applying tanning lotion to help prevent uneven tanning.

50. You can use Vaseline in all cases of dry skin.

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We are somehow used to the fact that home cosmetics and care products are eggs, honey, kefir, oatmeal, as well as essential oils, etc. All this is correct, useful and wonderful. But something we ignored such a universal and beloved by many remedy - vaseline. We will correct this annoying oversight and talk about Vaseline for our skin.

Vaseline itself is considered a neutral and therefore universal remedy. One of its advantages is that it is practically not absorbed into the blood when applied externally, which means that oil products will not enter your body.

Although doctors prescribe it even inside as a laxative.

For dry skin

Lubricate the skin of the body and lips with petroleum jelly - thereby you will create an invisible barrier against bad weather and dehydration. Vaseline well protects the skin, literally melts on it. Moisture remains in the skin, which means that it does not crack and peel.

Hands and feet

Before going to bed, apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly on your hands and feet, then put on cotton gloves and socks, and go to bed. During the night, Vaseline will repair damaged skin, heal microcracks, and also make the skin more stable and help prevent further skin "troubles". We are sure that when you wake up, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result of using Vaseline: the skin of your hands and feet will become smooth and soft - tested on yourself;)

make-up removal

Vaseline can be used as a regular make-up remover. Apply it in a small amount on a cotton swab, remove makeup from your face. According to reviews, removes even the most persistent makeup.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

For the correct shape of the eyebrows, which should remain unchanged throughout the day, girls purchase a special gel for modeling eyebrows. But you already have it. Indeed, for these purposes, you can use Vaseline, old, kind, eternal. Rinse the brush from the old mascara, squeeze a drop of Vaseline onto it, comb the eyebrows as they should be fixed. Vaseline will dry and in addition to the correct shape for the whole day, your eyebrows will also have a natural shine.

By the way, Vaseline can also be used to lengthen eyelashes: apply Vaseline to the eyelashes with a clean brush (from an old mascara) and mascara on top.


You can't make perfume out of Vaseline. But with the help of it you can make the aroma of your perfume become more stable. The secret is simple - before using your favorite fragrance, apply petroleum jelly to the areas where you plan to "puff" the perfume. Now your fragrance will stay with you all day long.

Blush and lipstick

Make them yourself just like that or if your store ones are over and you haven't bought new ones yet. Add the food coloring of the shade you need to the Vaseline, mix, apply on the lips and cheekbones. Of course, the key word here is shade. Here you need to get used to it in order to make "your own".

By the way, we already made the lip pigment with the addition of wax (""). Now you can try with Vaseline.

Vaseline does an excellent job of moisturizing the skin after peeling. Vaseline is also used for burns, eczema and other skin troubles.

I would like to make a reservation: Vaseline is not the most environmentally attractive substance, because, as already mentioned, it is also made from oil. However, the use of petroleum jelly is still justified, because. firstly, it is hypoallergenic, has no smell, no color, no taste, which means it will suit even those who are not suitable for ordinary cosmetics, and secondly, it is cheap. Of course, it is more useful to use herbs, food, oils for cosmetic purposes. However, if you really have to choose between two evils, it is better to settle for the lesser. In addition, not every cosmetic product can be prepared from oils and herbs (the same lipstick), and Vaseline will help in this matter :)

There is also vegetable vaseline, obtained from hardwood paraffin resins. However, in pharmacies, most likely you will find exactly the one made from oil.

By the way, unlike Russia and Ukraine, where the use of petroleum jelly is not very common, Europe very actively uses it for cosmetic purposes. On a jar of Vaseline it says: “lip hand face body”.

Have you tried Vaseline for cosmetic purposes? We look forward to your feedback on this versatile tool!

Petrolatum(watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) - ointment-like liquid in the absence of aroma and taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color is from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. It consists of mineral oil and solid paraffinic hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm² / s at 50 °C. Let's dissolve in air and chloroform, we will not dissolve in water and alcohol, mixes up with any oils, except for castor. Obtained from vacuum distillate oil fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and caeserin. It is not saponified by mixtures of alkalis, does not oxidize, does not turn rancid in air and does not change under the action of concentrated acids.

Invented by the English chemist Robert Cheesebrough in 1859. Robert A. Chesebrough). In 1872, he also received a patent for the creation of Vaseline.


There are two types of Vaseline: natural and artificial.

Natural(natural "American") petroleum jelly comes out of the residue from the distillation of paraffin oil, followed by cleaning with sulfuric acid and bleaching with bleaching earths that adsorb resinous and coloring substances. It is ointment-like, and in a narrow layer - a transparent viscous dull mass, without taste and aroma (occasionally with a faint smell of kerosene), free from grains and lumps, simply stretching into threads. Yellow Vaseline fluoresces usually green, snow-white - opalescent. It has aseptic and hydrophilic qualities and the ability, separately in consistency with lanolin and cetyl alcohol, to absorb and retain a significant amount of water. Natural petroleum jelly is very difficult to emulsify. When stored under any temperature conditions, it should not delaminate and release oil, even in the form of traces (effusion).

Natural Vaseline has a more beautiful and transparent appearance than artificial Vaseline. It is the least susceptible to changes in the mixture with temperature fluctuations and does not “sweat”, leaving a sticky, greasy, hard-to-wash-off coating on the skin.

Vaseline artificial- an alloy of ceresin, paraffin with purified (honey) vaseline or perfume oil in various proportions, depending on the melting point of paraffin or ceresin. Purified petrolatum is added to it to increase the viscosity and protect to a large extent from the occurrence of effusions.

Artificial Vaseline is obtained from the oil industry or prepared in cosmetic factories. Ointment-like, turbid, translucent in a narrow layer, neutral, snow-white or yellow mass stretching in small threads in the absence of aroma and taste. When melted, it should give a uniform, clear, fluorescent oily liquid with no odor.


Vaseline is used to impregnate paper and fabrics in the electrical industry, to obtain greases resistant to strong oxidizing agents, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics. Vaseline is used as a fat base in some creams and without the help of others (Vaseline, Boric Vaseline, massage creams).

Contrary to popular belief, petroleum jelly has very little use as a lubricant in the sex industry because it helps break down latex; more modern compositions based on water-containing components (for example, silicones) are used here.

Vaseline is registered as a food additive E905b.

Sources and additional materials:

Vaseline - Wikipedia.

What do we know about Vaseline?

    What is Vaseline made from?

    Vaseline (watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) is an ointment-like liquid in the absence of aroma and taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color is from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. It consists of mineral oil and solid paraffinic hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm² / s at 50 °C. Soluble in ether and chloroform,...

What is Vaseline for? It can be used for a variety of purposes. It protects against bad environmental influences, softens the skin, prevents peeling and more.

This is a wonderful helper in everyday life and a good cosmetic product suitable for almost everyone.

Almost everyone knows that Vaseline is a medical drug. But few people know what Vaseline can be used for and why Vaseline is needed. This drug is present in every home. It is used externally as an emollient and protective agent or instead of the basis of medicinal ointments.

Vaseline is quite oily, which is why it is often used as an additional component for the manufacture of ointments. It has a dense texture, so it fits well on the skin with a very thin film. This film retains all the moisture, and the skin remains hydrated all day long.

Ways to use Vaseline:

  1. Moisturizes dry and rough skin.
  2. Protects from strong wind, frost and scorching sun.
  3. Retains moisture in skin cells.
  4. Helps with burns.
  5. Smoothes out cracks.
  6. Reduces irritation and rashes.
  7. Does not cause allergic reactions, as it has no smell.
  8. Caring for the skin of babies.
  9. Helps with eczema.
  10. Softens calluses.
  11. Used as a laxative.
  12. Helps with diaper rash.

What are the purposes of using Vaseline?

  1. It is undesirable to use it in the treatment of acne and rosacea, it will only worsen the condition.
  2. For moisturizing, the ointment is best applied immediately after the bath. In other cases, it can clog pores and cut off oxygen to the skin.
  3. Do not use it as an antifungal drug. Coconut oil is the best for this.

The use of Vaseline for cosmetic purposes

Cosmetic vaseline is a universal remedy.

It is used to prepare many oils and creams. In its pure form, it is used very rarely, but still there is a purpose for it. Very often it is used as an emollient cream before massage, less often as a cleansing cosmetic.

The main ways to use Vaseline:

  1. It is a good replacement for hand, lip and face cream. The thin film that forms on the skin helps retain moisture and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. They can lubricate dry skin on the knees and elbows. For men, Vaseline is suitable as an aftershave balm.
  2. The tool helps to keep the smell of perfume for a long time. Before applying perfume, you need to lubricate the skin area with petroleum jelly.
  3. Cleans the skin of cosmetics.
  4. Helps stimulate eyelash growth. If you regularly smear it on your eyelashes, they will become long and thick.
  5. The tool gives the eyebrows a natural shine and a neat shape.
  6. Well moisturizes the scalp and eliminates split ends.
  7. It can be used as a remedy around the eyes.
  8. Improves the appearance of nails and helps to care for them.
  9. Helps prevent lipstick from sticking to lips.

Vaseline also helps to remove a stuck ring. They can give a beautiful shine to a bag or shoes. It will help to make crafts from food. They can lubricate door hinges or mechanical toys. The tool can moisten the paw pads of animals. It also helps remove hair from the stomach in dogs and cats.

The product is both natural and artificial. A natural preparation is produced by processing paraffin resins. It is cleaned and bleached. It is more viscous and thick. In addition, it is odorless and completely transparent. It is an antimicrobial product that is quite difficult to wash off as it is very sticky.

An artificial drug is obtained by processing synthetic products. The ointment is cloudy and odorless. It is less sticky than natural. So what is Vaseline for? Someone uses it as a moisturizer, and someone will find it a wonderful nail care product.

But you need to remember that you should not use it as an emollient for a fresh tattoo or as a lubricant during intercourse.

Vaseline is an ointment-like liquid consisting of mineral oil and solid paraffins. It softens the skin, prevents the loss of moisture by skin cells, restores the hydro-lipid protective mantle of the skin, eliminates peeling and cracks. When applied externally, it does not penetrate into the blood and deep tissues. Vaseline is artificial and natural. Natural is obtained from hardwood paraffin resins, then they are purified with sulfuric acid and bleached with bleaching earths. It is transparent, odorless and tasteless, more viscous, has an antimicrobial effect, and attracts water. Artificial vaseline is an alloy of paraffin and ceresin with purified (medical) perfume or vaseline oil. This vaseline is not so viscous, more cloudy, yellowish, greasy. Vaseline is used in industry, medicine, cosmetology. Medical vaseline is used to soften the skin of the face, hands, especially after temperature changes, sun, wind, frost. The ointment is applied externally, lightly rubbing with light massaging movements. It can also be used as an application, avoiding contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

Vaseline cosmetic

Vaseline is designed to soften the skin, so it is widely used in home cosmetology. It does not penetrate deep into the skin, is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but serves as a strong barrier to the skin. Vaseline is used to protect the skin from peeling, cracks, scratches. Covering the skin, it prevents the negative effects of wind, dirt, temperature changes. Applying the product on the elbows, heels, it softens the coarsened places. For dry lips, Vaseline is the number one safe and effective remedy. Apply the product to your lips before going outside in windy weather and your lips will remain soft. If they are already weathered, then apply Vaseline on the lips at night. But, as is commonly believed, petroleum jelly does not moisturize the skin, but simply prevents the loss of moisture that is in the skin. Also, a thick layer of the agent applied to the skin prevents oxygen from reaching the cells and disrupts the natural breathing process.

Vaseline medical

In medicine, Vaseline is used internally as a laxative, externally as an emollient, and as a base for various ointments. It is also used to lubricate the lips, cracks in the anus, to soften the skin and prevent burns before cupping, as a lubricant for enemas. Externally, Vaseline is used to soften the skin and after exposure to adverse factors.