What to put in a backpack. How to assemble and pack a backpack for a hike

To the question of how to pack a backpack for a hike, you need to approach responsibly, because an improperly packed backpack can turn any trip into a continuous torment, or even lead to injuries. Before you set off on a journey, especially for the first time, you should not only choose a high-quality, lightweight, comfortable and practical backpack, but also put things in it correctly. They must be placed with the correct weight distribution and in a specific order. There is nothing difficult in packing all the equipment in a backpack correctly, but, often, beginners pack things in a chaotic order, which greatly complicates their camping life.

How to properly pack a backpack for a hike?

It's best to start with planning, and to do this, make a list of things to take. I already gave a list of things, you just have to cross out the excess from it. After all the equipment is checked and collected, point by point, once again make sure that you have not taken anything unnecessary.

Things can be divided into groups:

  1. Those that will come in handy last when you stop for the night. This group includes: a tent, a sleeping bag, clothes and shoes.
  2. Items with a large weight - food, water, etc.
  3. Necessary while traveling along the route, for example: first aid kit, map, light snacks, camera, cap, raincoat, light windbreaker.
  4. Various little things that can be scattered throughout the backpack.

It is best to pack each group in bags with certain colors, so that it is easier to find something and not throw out all the contents. This is especially true for small things - it is generally more convenient to put them in pockets. It is very good if the backpack has additional pockets on the waist belt. Small items that may be urgently needed during the journey can be conveniently folded into them.

Most The main principle of packing a hiking backpack is proper weight distribution.. If you follow this principle, then the backpack will sit perfectly on your back and not cause any inconvenience. The weight must be shifted to the back as much as possible..

Way down put all the equipment from the first group - a tent, sleeping bag, karemat, clothes, so as not to interfere from above. It is worth noting that in some models of backpacks there is a division into two sections - upper and lower. I recommend not to use this separation, because without it the equipment fits more tightly and the backpack itself sits on the back like a glove.

Everything heavy, for example, weighty products - cereals, canned food, equipment, fit just below the middle of the backpack and closer to the back. All other things - for example, warm outerwear - are laid out around.

At the top The backpack contains the necessary and frequently used things - as a rule, these are dishes, a small supply of food, a gas bottle, warm clothes and a raincoat if the weather is unpredictable.

All equipment must be stored in sealed bags, as an option - simple garbage bags. The weather can be surprising, and a sunny summer walk can always turn into a rough ride in rain and knee-deep mud. If you don’t want to mess around with a lot of bags, you can put everything in one bag, but keep in mind that this method is more risky - if the bag leaks, then all the things that are stored there will get wet.

To pack your backpack as tightly as possible, installation should start with big things and end with small ones. Things should be packed tightly so that nothing is shaken during movement. It is necessary to fit compactly, and carefully occupy the voids. Cereals and canned food Convenient to fold into a pot and bowl.

A flask for drinking is placed on the belt or in the side pocket so that you can get it without removing the backpack. In general, the most necessary hiking items should be in the accessibility zone - torch, knife, stock water, the documents, wet napkins, toilet paper etc.

If everything is assembled correctly, then nothing will hang out and create unnecessary noise. Tent can attach from below, twist the rug in the form of a pipe, and spread it inside so that you can put things in it. If it does not fit, then it can be fixed outside. But do not get too carried away with hanging yourself - it is better to avoid this so as not to look like a Christmas tree and so that nothing interferes and does not cling while walking. Besides, hanging things shifts the center of gravity, and we do not need this at all. Useful to carry on your belt equipment, like an ice ax, an ax and a rope - in serious trips without it, nowhere, but carry them, preferably in a case, if you do not want to injure someone.

After you have packed your backpack, put it on your shoulders, walk around with it, squat, jump to understand if everything is ok, comfortable, nothing presses on your back. You should be comfortable and basic weight should be distributed over the hip area.

How to pack a backpack. Going to the mountains, every time an annoying question arises: “How to put all the necessary things in a backpack so that it sits comfortably on your back?”. Everything seems to be simple, but I often watch how beginners try to put things in a completely illogical order, as a result, instead of comfortably wearing a not too heavy backpack, we get sheer torment.

So how do you pack your backpack for a hike?

The most important thing is to correctly distribute the weight of the backpack. In this case, if you have a good backpack, it will sit like a glove on your back, without distracting you with any annoying little things, such as overbalancing to one side or tumbling the top of the backpack back.

First rule , which is recommended to follow all travel guides and manuals - it is necessary to shift the weight of the backpack to the back. Thus, with the same weight of the backpack, we will partially remove the load from the shoulder girdle.

Second rule proper packing of things in a backpack: at the bottom of the backpack you need to pack personal items that you will not need on the transition- a sleeping bag, change of linen for the night, you can put up a tent if the dimensions allow, and for this it is better to pack the arcs from it separately, an awning (if you do not plan to pull it up for snacks).

I will mention the modern division of most backpacks into the lower section and the upper one - I prefer to make one compartment, so when packing things there are practically no voids, as a result, the backpack sits on the back much better.

Third rule just below the middle should go the heaviest things(do not forget to shift them simultaneously to the back). It can be heavy products, Alp equipment, canned food and other differences. We put light things like a fleece or a sweater to the outside of the backpack.

Rule Four the backpack must be packed tightly, without voids. To do this, we gradually start laying with large things, and then small ones are used. Empty spaces between things are clogged with trifles like interchangeable socks, T-shirts, underwear.

Rule Five the things you need at the transition should fit at the top of the backpack. Imagine what you might need during a day trip. This is usually dinnerware, snacks, a light windbreaker or raincoat, a gas cylinder, maybe a down jacket in order not to freeze on halts.

Rule six - in the flap and side pockets, if any, we usually put the essentials - a headlamp, a camping knife, a bottle of water, sunscreen, a passport, wet wipes, toilet paper, etc. from the same series.

Rule Seven - in case of rain all items must be packed in airtight bags, or in plastic bags (strong large-capacity garbage bags that can simply be deployed around the perimeter of the backpack are very suitable for this).

Well, the last backpack packing rules try not to hang things outside the backpack, because they often greatly upset the balance and shift the center of gravity in one direction or another in the wrong direction. In addition, if you have to make your way along forest paths, things hung from the outside tend to cling to everything, causing a lot of inconvenience, while they themselves can deteriorate and ruin your life. If you really need to hang something, let it be a sleeping mat (ideally, of course, it is better when it is located inside around the perimeter of the backpack, but often this reduces the volume of the backpack by twenty percent, or even more). Well, and such things as an ice ax, an ax in a protective case, a rope, which, as a rule, does not want to fit in a backpack and is often needed on the way.

That seems to be all the points about how to properly pack a backpack on a hike, if you missed something or you have your own thoughts on this, write in the comments.

Ecology of life. Life hack: Packing things before a trip is always too lazy. What kind of bags are there when in your thoughts you are already lying on the seashore with a Daiquiri in your hand! But since you still can’t get away from the fees, you need to be able to pack a suitcase or backpack so that everything you need fits and nothing is wrinkled. We share tricks that will simplify the fees and make the trip itself more comfortable.

How to pack a suitcase to fit everything

It's always too lazy to pack before traveling. What kind of bags are there when in your thoughts you are already lying on the seashore with a Daiquiri in your hand! But since you still can’t get away from the fees, you need to be able to pack a suitcase or backpack so that everything you need fits and nothing is wrinkled. We share tricks that will simplify the fees and make the trip itself more comfortable.

Step 1. Preparation. Decide what to bring on your trip

An overloaded bag on vacation is cruel. It’s hard to lift, the zipper can break, and you’ll have to dig through a bunch of things to get a changeable T-shirt on the road. In addition, at airports, you risk paying extra for overweight.

It is better to take on a trip everything you need and nothing more. At first glance at the wardrobe, the mission seems impossible, but hold on: everyone has gone through it. Follow our tips to pack the best set for your trip.

How to choose things for travel:

    make a list. Ideally, you should get a complete list from a passport to underpants. If accuracy makes you sick, write at least a rough list of things that will be needed on the trip.

    Sand the List. Take a break, have a cup of tea, and then go back to the list and cross off the things you can do without. Surely two pairs of shoes will be enough for you instead of four, and you can buy an extra T-shirt on the spot. It would be cool if at this stage you get rid of a third of the original list of things.

    Gather everything on the bed or on the floor. Look at this mountain: maybe you should leave something else at home. If there is nothing to cut, consider that the most difficult half of the matter is over.

    Set aside the things you'll be wearing. If you're flying on a plane, it's best to wear the heaviest: a sweatshirt, jeans with a belt, boots, a jacket. This will allow you not to pay for overweight, and if you have few things, then you can fly light only with hand luggage.

    Separate luggage and hand luggage. Make two piles of things. In hand luggage, take everything valuable and what you need on the flight: money, documents, gadgets with chargers, a pack of wet wipes and a jacket to keep warm. Everything else can be packed in a suitcase or backpack to check in as luggage.

If in doubt whether to take or not to take, do not take.

Step 2. Packing. Pack your suitcase or backpack

Choosing things for a trip is half the battle. We still need to bring them to the place unrumpled and whole. The fewer things you have, the more important it is: you expect to use them all, and do not take them with you on the principle of "what is." Here are 7 simple steps, after which you will have a perfectly assembled suitcase or backpack at your feet.

1) Pack heavy and bulky items, such as shoes, at the bottom of your suitcase or on the back of a backpack. So that not a centimeter of space is lost, put socks rolled up in rolls inside boots or shoes, hide fragile things there. Pack each shoe in a separate bag and fold so that the toe of one is to the heel of the other, and the soles look in different directions. Seal gaps between shoes, underwear and other non-wrinkle items.

2) Fold clothes in rolls or bundles. And better - combine, depending on what exactly you add.

Rolls. T-shirts, pullovers, jeans, shirts - pretty much anything - take up less space and don't wrinkle as much when rolled up. First lay them out like in stores: sleeves inward, trouser leg to trouser leg, straighten the folds. Then roll each thing into a tight roller. Leave the usual piles for a home closet: in luggage they turn into chaos.

Packs. Put dresses, trousers, shirts, jackets and other large items in a tight pack. To do this, lay them on the bed in a pile overlapping. Place a dense base in the center - for example, a travel cosmetic bag. Now fold each item in turn towards the center of the pack and wrap it around the base.

3) Spread the folded clothes in layers. Down - rollers, the second layer - packs.

4) Stuff the little things in the corners. Put belts and wires along the walls, socks, swimwear - in any free place. The tighter things are packed, the less likely they are to wrinkle or break.

5) Make sure that you do not take items that are prohibited for transportation in hand luggage and luggage.

If it is hand luggage:

    Pack liquids properly. They should be in bottles up to 100 ml and all in one transparent 1 liter bag. At the airport, they are passed through the scanner separately from other things, so do not hide them deep in the bag;

    Put glasses, a camera and other fragile things on top;

    Read the carry-on baggage rules.

If it's baggage:

    Pack liquids so that they do not leak. Choose tubes and bottles with screw caps: check shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen. Place each bottle in two regular bags or one tight freezer bag and tie;

    Put fragile items in the center of your luggage so that they are surrounded by soft items. Wrap glass bottles with clothes.

6) Zip up and weigh. Then look at the tickets and make sure that the bag fits into the airline's allowance for the weight of hand luggage and luggage. If you see an overweight, pull out things that you can shove into your pockets and take with you to the salon. Just make sure they are allowed in hand luggage.

Lay things as if building a wall: so that the “bricks” lie tightly to each other.

Bonus. How to organize space in your suitcase even better

If you need to cram a lot of things into a small suitcase, push down with your knee. There are also less radical methods. Let's highlight three useful things for packing luggage: vacuum bags, organizer cases and compression bags.

Compression (vacuum) bags

Many people use vacuum bags at home to save space in the closet: they put winter things inside, suck out the air with a vacuum cleaner and get a bag three times smaller. For trips, take the same thing, only without a valve for a vacuum cleaner. The air from the compression bag is evacuated by simple twisting.

Lightweight organizer-cases for things

In rectangular organizers of different sizes, you can pack at least the entire contents of the suitcase. If you have a large family, divide the cases among everyone and sign so as not to get confused. Choose simple and lightweight models.

Compression travel bags

If you are planning an active holiday, take a closer look at compression travel bags that are tightened with straps. They can pack not only a sleeping bag, but also clothes. In nature, they are more convenient than bags, because they do not tear so easily, which means that you can lay them out as much as you like on prickly grass and stones. When traveling around cities and sights, they will also come in handy, especially if you disassemble and reassemble your backpack several times. published

Traveling gives a huge amount of emotions and impressions. Collections are a very important step. Assembling a hiking backpack is a whole science that comes with experience. At first, it is recommended to take into account the basic recommendations of avid hikers on how to properly pack a backpack for a hike.

What to put in your backpack

The list of things that you may need on a trip is determined based on the characteristics of the upcoming trip and preferences. However, the basic list of things includes:

  • Overnight equipment.
  • Crockery and food.
  • Personal hygiene items, clothing and personal documents.

The main equipment, without which it is difficult to imagine during the campaign, is a tent and accessories for it. If the tent is large, then with allies you can distribute the load among backpacks for a hike.

To be comfortable at night - you will need, which is selected based on weather conditions and individual characteristics of the body structure. To the sleeping bag you need to take a foam mat.

You will need additional matches, a flashlight, bandages, mosquito repellent and.

It is recommended to take unbreakable dishes on a hike. At the same time, it is also recommended to refuse plastic, as it can crack, bend or even break. You will need a cup, a spoon, a knife, a pot and a kettle, canned food and food that can be stored without a refrigerator.

In rainy weather you will need a raincoat. For tourists, special capes are sold that cover not only a person, but also his backpack. On a long hike, additional clean items will come in handy: an extra set of clothes, socks, a couple of T-shirts, and spare underwear.

In the summer, a bathing suit may come in handy. If the weather forecast promises windy cool weather, it is recommended to pack a sweater and woolen socks in a backpack. Personal hygiene items include soap, toothbrush and toothpaste. Put documents and money in a separate pocket.

Guidelines for packing a backpack for a hike

Before assembling a backpack, all things should first be distributed among themselves by weight. This is necessary in order to maximize the load on the back. By putting the heaviest things down, you artificially create weight, which will later be reflected in back and neck pain. It is best to put them closer to the back of the backpack, approximately in the center.

Around the heavy have things of medium weight. The lightest ones are best placed down. Compliance with a simple rule will avoid imbalance, and will also remove the load from the back as much as possible, transferring it to the femoral part.

Considering that in a backpack you need to fold a lot of things compactly, you should learn simple rules on how to assemble it compactly. Experienced travelers recommend filling empty things inside. For example, a pot or a cup can be filled with food. Make the most of external carabiners and fasteners for attaching small items.

How to pack essentials

Having made several trips, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the essentials. The choice is always individual. Often this is:

  • food and water;
  • torch;
  • map and other little things.

Modern backpacks have many pockets and small side compartments, which are quite easy to get into without removing the backpack. Larger items can be stowed at the top of the main compartment.

Start packing early

Before you pack your backpack, you need to make a list, which is fixed in the corner for fees. Having prepared this or that thing, it must be crossed off the list. This will help not to miss the smallest details, as well as to acquire the missing items.

In the process, you can refuse some things if you think that there will be no urgent need for them. Unhurried packing of a backpack on a hike will allow you to distribute things in the bag as rationally as possible, reduce the chance of forgetting something, and fleeting glances at the equipment will significantly improve your mood.

Choose a backpack of the right size

Having made a list, you can already guess the size of the backpack. It is best that all things go inside. Otherwise, they can cling to tree branches, and a kettle or bowler hanging from a carabiner will rattle annoyingly throughout the journey. Of course, such bulky items as a rug are almost impossible to fit inside, but try to minimize their number.

How to properly pack your backpack

Heavy things should be placed in the central part of the backpack closer to the back. The recommended area is from the shoulder blades to the lower back. By placing weights on top or bottom, you not only load your back, but also risk constantly swaying in an attempt to maintain balance.

With the weights on the right side, place the counterweight on the left side.

The second rule, which also affects balance: when placing weights on the right side, place the counterweight on the left side.

Use bags for clothes and sundries

The distribution of equipment into bags will not only avoid a mess in the backpack and facilitate the search. Compression bags are sold in travel stores or household goods. They save a lot of space by compressing clothes. Don't skimp and buy one. It is more convenient to purchase a couple of packages in order to place spare sets of clothes in each individually.

It is important to remember which things go where! Try not to use rustling T-shirt bags. After a while, they will begin to greatly annoy their comrades.

Do not squeeze the sleeping bag too hard

A strongly tightened bag is shaped like a ball. In this form, it will take up quite a lot of valuable space, and the voids around it will be difficult to fill.

An unstretched sleeping bag wraps around the rest of your gear, saving you a lot of valuable space. As a nice bonus, you can highlight the fixation of equipment and protection in case of a sudden fall or impact.

Distribute food bags wisely

Do not pack all the food in a single pile in one bag. It is recommended to think over the diet in advance and distribute food into packages, based on approximate portions. To save space and preserve the products, they are tightened with cling film.

Put your essentials in the top valve

First of all, it is recommended to put things that a tourist may need in the upper compartment of the backpack. It is quite large and will allow you to fold all the necessary items: windbreaker, raincoat, toilet paper,.

Don't hide your camera in your backpack

Hiking trips are usually limited in time. Searching for a camera in the depths of a bag for a couple of shots is not the most rational thing to do. In addition, the backpack will have to be constantly removed, which means 2-3-minute halts. This is very inconvenient and takes valuable time.

Don't hide your camera in your backpack.

It's best to keep your camera handy. Today on sale there are special hip bags and covers that are attached to the shoulder straps in the chest area.

Don't forget rain protection

The weather can be very unpredictable, so it's a good idea to pack a rain cover and rain protector into your backpack. Sometimes stores sell raincoats that cover both the tourist and the contents of the backpack. This is the most comfortable option because it prevents the accumulation of water between the back and the backpack.

Pay attention! Despite the fact that the backpack is closed, it is still recommended to protect the sleeping bag and tent from moisture. Do not neglect the purchase of hermetic bags for electronics, documents and cards.

Customize your backpack

Proper distribution of the weight of the backpack will help to avoid back pain. To ensure that the load falls mainly on the hips, it is recommended to tighten and adjust the straps of the backpack in relation to the width. In this case, there should be no free space between the straps and the shoulder.

Secure the remaining loose ends. They can dangle in the wind and get confused.

In order not to experience discomfort and additional difficulties in the campaign, it is necessary to properly pack the backpack. This article will help you learn how to properly pack things in a backpack.

A wide variety of models are presented in stores, but most of them have a similar structure - a vertical pipe with access from above and below. On top is a valve that closes the pipe and has one or more compartments. The main compartment of the backpack is sometimes divided into two parts.

Modern backpacks are equipped with a convenient and flexible system for adjusting the location of the backpack on the tourist. Needs to be pulled/stretched backpack harnesses so that the backpack does not put pressure on the back, but fits well to it. The backpack should not sag, as this significantly increases the load on the back. The chest strap helps to fix the backpack and will not allow it to deviate from the back, which is especially important when overcoming obstacles. During normal walking, you should not click on the outer buckles, it may interfere with comfortable breathing. Hiking backpack should be equipped with a waist belt, which will unload the back, transferring part of the load (about 60%) to the pelvis and hips.

heavy things should be placed as far as possible closer to the lumbar spine. It can be:

Provisions, etc.

It is convenient to place below:
, piece of clothing.

In the middle of the backpack (least accessible area) should have things that you don't use it often:

change of clothes, personal hygiene products (except for essentials).

The rug can be unrolled and placed along the walls of the backpack in the middle, forming another tube for things that protects from external influences, but then access from below will be blocked. In addition, the rug in this form takes up most of the interior space. Pay attention to different types of rugs.

Often the rug is fixed on the outside (side) of the backpack. On halts, it will be easy to use it without unpacking the backpack.

Top of the backpack have those items that may be required during the day: a gas burner, a kettle, dishes and food.

In patch pockets convenient to place first aid kit, flashlight, sunglasses, knife, etc. - everything that should be quickly available and may be required in the transition.

Despite the fact that the backpack has a large number of fasteners, you should not hang it with many things. Trekking poles can conveniently be attached to the outside of the backpack if you do not use them for a long time on the move.

Things inside the backpack are protected from sudden rain, you will spend less effort making your way through thickets and bushes. In addition, the aesthetic side of the campaign is also important;)

Don't forget about fitting and adjusting the backpack to your figure and the changing terrain of the hike.

A properly stowed and fitted backpack will not become a heavy burden on a hike. After a few days of hiking, your back will get used to it, and the backpack will not cause additional inconvenience. The ability to properly pack a backpack usually comes with experience. Each tourist makes his own adjustments to the above scheme.