What to give parents for 60 years.

Rida Khasanova

Mom is the closest and dearest person, it is not surprising that her birthday becomes one of the most important holidays of the year. Mom wants to present the most wonderful, special gifts. But here all the most interesting begins, since the choice of a gift is still a puzzle, because this is not just another date, but the anniversary of a loved one.

What should be a gift for mom for an anniversary

Birthday is a great occasion to make a “warm” and memorable gift for mom on her 60th birthday. A good present is capable bring joy and positive emotions mother, but in order to decide, you must first assess the financial capabilities of the donor. Now, even with a minimum of funds and mediocre creative abilities, it is quite possible to prepare an original gift for mom for 60 years, which will be remembered for a long time.

If it is possible to spend a decent amount on a purchase, gift options increase significantly.

When choosing a present, you need to take into account the age of the hero of the day and her hobbies. In this regard, it is always easier for family members, because, as a rule, they know cherished desires of a woman.

Versatile and practical gifts

Long before the celebration of the anniversary, relatives begin to think about what they can give their mother for her 60th birthday. After all, a gift should be not only beautiful, but also useful. Ideally, if the gift does not gather dust in the closet, but is actively used and provides any assistance in the household. For older people, such things are especially valuable. Here are some examples:

  1. Washing machine. One of the most useful acquisitions will be a modern washing machine that can free the hostess from unnecessary troubles, such as soaking, pre-washing, and even drying clothes. Undoubtedly, such equipment is not cheap, but you don’t have to worry about the money spent, because such things will last for many years.
  2. Dishwasher. Not a single woman wants to wash mountains of dishes after the arrival of guests, so such a gift is the dream of any housewife. Just like the first present, this is a rather expensive technique, so as an option, you can buy such things together with other relatives.
  3. Simpler, but no less useful options would be vacuum cleaner, iron, microwave, TV to the kitchen.
  4. If there is no need for such gifts or there is not enough money, you can buy: a set of bath products, home textiles, dishes, home decor items.

Household appliances as a gift to mom

Bath set

Commemorative and original gifts

Often, older people already have everything they need, so they want to get something unexpectedly pleasant.

Interesting and traditional gifts for mom's birthday:

  1. Although my mother is no longer young, she still remains a woman. And the female sex is always nice to receive jewelry. Here the choice of a gift is limited only by a flight of fancy and a sum of money. Most often, they give beautiful watches made of precious metals, engraved medallions, sets of earrings and rings with stones.
  2. Not only pleasant, but also beneficial to health there will be a ticket to the sea or to a resort, because every woman wants to lie on the beach and take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. If there is no money for a ticket, then you can please with a certificate to the salon for spa treatments and massages.
  3. Not inferior in originality to other gifts pictures painted from photographs. A portrait of mom can be painted with acrylics, it can be a cartoon, a collage. The canvas can be in color or in black and white. The photo can be transferred to a T-shirt, pillowcase, mug, fridge magnets or flower vase.
  4. You can make a surprise for mom on her 60th birthday - throw her a party like in good American movies. All cooking should be secret in the absence of mom to decorate the room, secretly invite the closest people, prepare the table, balls, gifts in advance. Pretend that no one is home. As soon as mom enters the room, turn on the light and congratulate the birthday girl in unison. And after the festive dinner, you can arrange a family photo session. From such an organization of the holiday, the mother will receive a lot of unforgettable impressions. And positive emotions are the best gift.

Family photo session in honor of mom's anniversary

Top 5 Best 60th Birthday Gifts for Mom

  1. Cosmetics. At the age of 60, few women use decorative cosmetics, but high-quality skin care cosmetics will always come in handy.
  2. Accessories: a leather wallet, a compact automatic umbrella, a stylish jewelry box and other nice little things.
  3. Original sweet gifts: a set of chocolates with congratulations and recognition, a sweet bouquet, a fruit basket, a creative candy cake, a chocolate card.
  4. Theater tickets or to a concert of your favorite artist - a win-win option.
  5. Flowers and birthday cake. We need not just a bouquet, but a composition that reflects the character of the birthday girl as much as possible. Competent florists will help in the correct composition of the bouquet. It’s also better not to save on a cake, it should be made from quality products and look aesthetically pleasing.

A set of chocolates with confessions for a beloved mother

Anniversary birthday cake

What to give mom for 60 years from her son?

As a rule, at the age of 60, women already have adult sons who are able to earn money themselves. Therefore, the choice is automatically expanded. An excellent gift for a beloved mother from her son will be a mobile phone.

It is necessary to take into account the age of the hero of the day, not everyone can quickly deal with a new gadget, so you should offer your help if necessary

Also sign of health care there will be the purchase of medical equipment that can be used at home: a blood pressure monitor, a glucometer, an orthopedic mattress or a pillow. If a woman has a hobby, a set for creativity will be a nice gift for her.

What to give mom for 60 years from her daughter?

Usually, the relationship between mother and daughter is especially warm and trusting. Who better than daughters to know the preferences and desires of the mother. Therefore, it is so important not to miscalculate with a gift. On this day it is necessary to emphasize how dear and beloved mother is. Perhaps the most desirable gift is spending time together, for example, shopping, going to a salon or a cafe. If possible, you should devote the whole day to your loved one. This will definitely cheer up both and give a bunch of emotions. And you can also arrange a homemade tea party with a birthday cake, personalized sweets and curly gingerbread with the inscription "Mommy from daughter" or any other.

Handmade gingerbread as a gift for mom

Any mother would be pleased to receive handmade gifts: scarves, stoles, caskets, jewelry, pastries - no one will definitely have a second such thing.

Maybe, the most unusual and unexpected gift- the news that mom will soon become a grandmother. This news will overshadow all other gifts and will undoubtedly make you experience a storm of positive emotions.

Regardless of the gift, its high cost, shape and color, the best thing you can give a mother on her 60th birthday is the attention of relatives and friends.

How to make your birthday special?

You need to start in the morning, while the birthday girl is still basking in bed. Get up early and make breakfast in bed

Then kiss and tell about how valuable and loved she is in this family. From now on, the mood will be on top.

Breakfast in bed for mommy

On this day, mother does not have to do housework, family members take on all the responsibilities - cleaning, decorating rooms, cooking. After the guests leave, you should wash the dishes and clean the apartment, and at the end of the evening, prepare a bath with relaxing salt.

Birthday is a special holiday. Give a nice gift- a great way to express your feelings for your loved one. Whatever you choose, you can be sure: she already has the best gift - the warmth and love of the family.

An original do-it-yourself gift for mom for 60 years, which she will appreciate, you will learn how to do by watching the video:

March 28, 2018, 15:53

Happy birthday audio. Voice messages directly to your phone!

If you ask friends or acquaintances for advice on what to give your mother for her 60th birthday from adult children, then everyone will introduce their mother and think about what gift she would be happy about. The options for what a son or daughter can give mom for an anniversary will be different, and will depend mainly on their financial capabilities. It is impossible to recommend a gift that will appeal to all mothers in the world at once. Except, perhaps, attention and love.

Mother, first of all, a woman. A woman with an already established style of dress, with established habits, favorite hobbies and dozens of desires, the implementation of which she often refused in favor of the desires and needs of her children and grandchildren.

It's time to fulfill her cherished dreams. Not all, of course. In many cases, time is hopelessly lost. Moreover, this must be repeatedly compensated by the fact that her adult children are in the power. Did your mother dream of becoming an artist or a photographer? - Make her dream come true by giving an easel or a good camera!

Tip: the 60th anniversary is a significant event. On this day, it is important to demonstrate concern for mother's well-being, comfort, mood, to give positive emotions and confidence in the love and attention of their loved ones.

At a minimum, a son or daughter can organize a festive evening for mom and her guests - relatives, friends, relatives. Let her be the prom queen. Depending on the season and budget, a celebration can be arranged in a chic restaurant, cozy cafe, at home and even in the country.

A bouquet of flowers is an obligatory attribute of the holiday. What if you try to convey your message in the language of flowers, using their symbolism, and mention this in your congratulations.

Below are a few ideas for choosing the option that suits your budget, taking into account the interests of the birthday girl.


  • New modern sewing machine
  • Knitting machine
  • Magnifying glass on a stand with illumination for working with small objects (rhinestones, beads), small text, for example, patterns for embroidery. The loupe provides 2-4x magnification, prevents unnecessary eye strain, and the LED light gently illuminates the work area.

If desired, supplement the present with other items for needlework:

  • Embroidery kit
  • Coloring set
  • Handicraft basket

Mom - summer resident and gardener

Tip: It is better to choose accessories not for work, but for relaxing in the garden and in the country.

  • Hammock
  • Deckchair
  • Swing
  • Barbecue or grill
  • Rattan outdoor furniture

For beauty and health

  • Payment for treatment or examination by an expensive specialist
  • Certificate for a course of wellness or beauty treatments
  • electronic blood pressure monitor

Tip: On my mother's 60th birthday, it is advisable to avoid hints of age, but take it into account when choosing a gift.

Happy birthday mom!

For leisure and travel

Tip: It should be remembered that a long journey may be a heavy burden for mom, especially if she goes on it for the first time.

  • A voucher to a sanatorium is a universal form of recreation and health improvement at any time of the year.

You can consider other options, depending on the mother's preferences and the financial capabilities of the donors:

  • Calm beach holiday on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria - from 35,000 rubles
  • Sea or river cruise. The cost depends on the season, direction, duration, cabin category.

To facilitate the work of mothers - housewives

  • Robot vacuum cleaner (the price depends on the battery capacity, the volume of the dust container, the way of orientation in space, the number of operating modes)
  • Steam cleaner, steam mop (from 2000 rubles)

For kitchen and culinary creativity

  • If the budget allows - globally, for many years, equip mom's kitchen with silent built-in appliances.
  • A beautiful set of dishes for cooking or table setting will delight any hostess at home.
  • Small kitchen appliances (slow cooker, convection oven, blender)

Tip: If a mother lives with adult children and their families, the latter should not give her household appliances. In this case, this is not a gift for mom, but an essential item for the whole family.

Mom fashionista

Accessories to match her style.

  • Gloves
  • Beautiful wallet made of genuine leather
  • Clutch bag
  • Scarf, tippet

Jewelry is a memory for a lifetime. Earrings or a chain of gold will delight the hero of the day for a long time.

Universal jewelry that will suit a woman of any age:

  • Necklace or beads 42-48 cm long from large regular-shaped pearls
  • Chanel beads are a long jewelry made of pearls fastened together by chain links with various inserts.

Tip: It is better to give items made of gold or silver without stones. Jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones is very individual. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is more practical to present a Certificate for the purchase of jewelry.

For comfort in the house

A small change in the interior will please mom. Updated curtains, furniture covers will give a new look to her living room. Textiles are an important detail for home comfort, and are perfect for a gift for my mother's anniversary, especially if the sets are in the same style:

  • Cozy terry bathrobe
  • Bed sheets.

active mom

In the modern world, 60-year-old women are quite active, they continue to work, are engaged in social life, which means they spend a lot of time indoors in an office, apartment, or on polluted streets and in crowded public transport.

  • A family picnic in nature with traditional attributes - barbecue, fish soup, baked potatoes, joint games, will be an unforgettable event for mom, a feeling of family unity. The best season for a picnic is, of course, spring, summer or autumn. You can present her with a beautiful basket with a set of dishes for future picnics.

For a lady who prefers outdoor activities, a subscription will also be a good gift.

  • for a massage course
  • to the gym
  • in the pool

So that mom is always in touch online

If the birthday girl is still far from the computer, it's time to introduce her to it, open the world of the Internet for her with its endless possibilities. Help to master e-mail, Skype, find classmates or classmates, start correspondence with them. Having mastered the computer, mom will always be in touch, will not feel lonely away from loved ones. In this case, you can give:

  • computer or laptop
  • tablet
  • Internet provider services for a year

For the long memory

A professional family photo session is a chance to capture several generations of a family at once. Especially when everyone comes to the anniversary from different cities! Such photographs will forever remain in the family annals. For a mother, this is important, because the family, children, grandchildren - this is what she devoted her life to, the subject of her pride. The most successful photos can then be framed and hung on the wall, or you can immediately order a photo album.

Tip: To make the photo session easy, you need to book the date of the shooting in advance.

An example of a family photo session

A gift for mom for 60 years should be useful, memorable and enjoyable, not necessarily expensive. For example, you can make a slide show of mom's photos in chronological order yourself in the evening, show it on the big TV screen. Both mother and her guests will follow the plot with great interest and attention, and, perhaps, recognize themselves in the photo. After all, relatives and close friends were often participants in important events in her life. Such an anniversary gift for mom touches her, will be remembered for a long time, and will not require large expenses from the donor.

Special dateGifts are divided into functional and memorable. It is very rare to find something that combines these qualities.
For your sixtieth birthday, you definitely need to give something special. For example, an unusual beautiful table lamp, a picture, or such an unusual thing as a biofireplace can be good gifts. The latter does not require a chimney and can be placed in any part of the house or apartment. Such a gift will create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the room.

You can go the classic way and give mom an expensive gold jewelry, for example, a pendant or earrings. Such a gift will remain with her for many years, being a pleasant reminder of you and a round date. Such a gift is likely to make her feel proud. Instead of jewelry, you can give mom a more practical thing, for example, made of silver. It can be a calico for tea, a set of beautiful cutlery, a good watch.

Useful gifts

There is always an opportunity to turn to the sphere of useful gifts. In most cases, we are talking about household appliances. Useful appliances such as a dishwasher, multicooker, convection oven or steamer are sure to please any woman. If your mom loves to cook, consider a bread maker as a gift, healthy homemade bread can make life a lot easier. A lightweight washing vacuum cleaner can be a good gift if your mom has pets.

A good refrigerator or freezer can be a great gift from the whole family, the latter is especially relevant if your family has a dacha where fruits, vegetables, and herbs grow, since it greatly facilitates the process of harvesting them for the winter.
In general, take a closer look at the gifts "for giving", if you have one. Gone are the days when the average dacha was a house with amenities in the yard. Now it is quite simple to make a country dwelling cozy and comfortable. Ask your mom if she needs something to improve the house. At a minimum, you can buy a good TV for your dacha; watching movies on summer evenings brings the whole family together.

A simple and reliable cell phone without unnecessary bells and whistles can also be a good gift. If your mother is “friendly” with technology, a tablet computer can be an excellent option. It is easier to learn than a traditional computer, while providing a lot of new features. With the help of a tablet, you can watch movies, read books, communicate with relatives and friends.

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The pictures are funny, the gifts are solid. See the most interesting ones below.

I thought for a long time which pictures are more suitable for the theme of the anniversary for the 60th and 65th anniversary. I would like you to smile while viewing the page. After all, there are enough serious things in our life. So. The idea of ​​frames from the series "Matchmakers" came unexpectedly, and I really liked it. This is a great light movie. Solid positive. And no age prevents kind and cheerful people from always being on the wave of love of life and youth. So, the series was released in 2008 and immediately became popular, thanks to the comedy plot and brilliant acting.

How to congratulate the birthday girl in an original way? It is already difficult to surprise a woman at this age with anything, so any pranks can be used. There will be a slight shock, but without fainting. So what can you think of? Before the event, discreetly remove a few old items. Any. It doesn't matter what it will be: souvenirs, an old cup or blouse, a photograph, a saucepan ... Anything. Hide all this in the "chest" and when the guests gather at the table and mature, start the retro quiz. Take out the items one by one from the chest and ask them to tell a short story about the appearance of this item in the house. But it turns out she remembers everything! In general, it will be fun.

Ask the men to dance. Whatever, because they'll still do great! One has only to give them an idea and a little push, and they themselves will do everything right. The staging and choreography will be top notch. You will need to help them with their costumes. Even if a toastmaster is supposed to be at the celebration, such a congratulation from close friends and relatives will still go with a bang. In general, this is just an idea. Decide for yourself. In the meantime, let's choose a good gift for her!

A gift for a woman, mother, mother-in-law, girlfriend for 60 years, for 65 years

Author's clock from a vinyl record.
Nostalgia. The subtext of such a surprise: "Back to the USSR." As in the famous song: "How young we were, how sincerely we loved, how we believed in ourselves." A small digression. Sergei Dovlatov has a wonderful story "Suitcase". Every thing that he took out of his suitcase had its own unusual story. This is the story he tells. If a person of the older generation is asked about what memories come to mind when looking at a vinyl record, we will be told a lot of interesting things. In general, such watches will cause a storm of emotions and memories.

Vases from well-known manufacturers. The most unusual and original. An option for any woman relevant at all times. Vase and flowers are inseparable concepts. Even a three-liter jar is also a vase. A small digression on the topic of flowers. Have you ever wondered why we have such an inexplicable love for flowers? But it turns out that the answer lies in instincts. So, in the distant, distant times, when the first people lived in caves, it was very difficult for men to get food, especially in winter. I had to eat my fellow tribesmen: the elderly and children. The first flowers were harbingers of warmth and successful hunting. And this meant that the man would get food, and everyone would be alive and well. So that's where women have such a love for flowers! In general, give a vase! You can choose here.

Leather women's bags. An essential accessory for any age. A woman and a bag are inseparable concepts. We all know how difficult it is to choose a bag even for yourself. And what about the other person? However, if you know her preferences, buy a similar one. For an elderly lady, the bag should be roomy. Everything for home and family. Clutches are the prerogative of the young. It is even easier to choose a bag for mom or grandmother.

Gift sets and services. Italy, Germany, Russia, China. "It seems to be where the new dishes come from?". "Gifted!". Woman and comfort in the house are synonymous. And the older the woman, the more warmth and comfort. Beautiful tableware is a great option for any age. She will never leave her family anyway. Almost every house has something that was preserved from the grandmother. So your present is not going anywhere. Will be passed down from generation to generation. Seniors know how to appreciate and keep beautiful things, because before it was a terrible shortage.

The best jewelry boxes. Why not? A lot of jewelry and all sorts of things have accumulated by this age. In general, a women's jewelry box is very personal. Given that every thing has its own history of origin, it would be quite possible to write a cycle of interesting stories. Buy! There were no such beautiful boxes in the USSR. Rather, they were, but not for everyone. In general, people born in the USSR know how to enjoy the little things. And it's great! A beautiful box will be a great option for an anniversary.

Women's premium accessories. Namely: bags, wallets, glasses, scarves, watches, jewelry. Brands: Dolce&Gabbana, Karl Lagerfeld, Prada, etc. The names speak for themselves. To give such things is a pleasure, and to have is a pleasure multiplied by two. Looking at all this magnificence, one involuntarily has a desire to buy something for oneself. Better yet, have someone give it to you. Well? Dreaming is not harmful, but for now we choose a gift for her.

Original gifts for home

CPB Euro. 1 sheet, 1 duvet cover, 4 (2) pillow cases. Over 80 kit options. From 3600 rub. With an elastic band on the sheet and without it. Material: satin, jacquard, satin jacquard, coarse calico and others. Undoubtedly, preference should be given to 100% natural fabrics. Satin has no competitors. This underwear is so comfortable and practical that it is unlikely to have competitors. Sleeping on it is just fine. Washes and irons without any problems. The pattern does not fade even after 100 washes. A good set of linen in a gift box is a great option for an anniversary.

CPB Family. 2 duvet covers, 1 fitted sheet, 4(2) pillowcases. Pay attention to the trademark "SiliD", one of the leaders of the Russian market. Impeccable quality, durability and comfort. Permanent dyeing of fabrics. Latest drawing technology. Only natural raw materials. It is a pleasure to sleep on such linen! Good underwear costs not 500 rubles. Here you will find more than 100 types of kits from 4000 rubles. Gift wrap. Fabrics: satin, calico, satin jacquard, jacquard. As a rule, such things are rarely bought for themselves. You have a good opportunity to please the birthday girl with beautiful bedding.

Plaids and bedspreads from 1000 to 10000 rubles.
Discounts and promotions. Very pretty, soft and comfy. Fleece, knitted, fur. Large and medium. A plaid thing is extremely necessary, especially in the off-season, when it's cool at home. Elderly people, due to their age, very often want to just lie down during the day. What to hide? Of course, a blanket. In general, you can write a poem about the benefits of this simple thing. A gift is good! For good health. To always be warm and comfortable.

Decor for home and kitchen. Namely: vases, paintings, panels, figurines, clocks, magazine racks, housekeepers, decorative pillows, plates, plants, fireplaces, carpets and other cute things that make our home more comfortable. Older people rarely indulge in such purchases. And why not give something that she is unlikely to buy for herself? There is a large selection of original decorative utilities for the home. Pay attention to discounts. Watch and decide.

Kitchenware. More specifically: choppers, juicers, preparation accessories, graters, snack decoration, pasta cutters, can openers, accessories, kitchen utensils and other necessary things. One has only to look closely, and the thought immediately arises: but this is what I need! If you are going for an anniversary to a loved one, to whom you can give everything, then it will be easier for you. Sometimes useful little things please us much more than expensive and bulky gifts. In general, take a look!

Kitchen textiles. Attention, discounts! Gift sets, tablecloths, napkins, towels, aprons, table runners. From 100 to 4000 rubles. Sets in beautiful gift boxes are in great demand. They look festive and solid. Kitchen textiles are always useful! Checked. Women generally find it difficult to part with old towels, napkins, tablecloths. "Let it serve a little more!" Right? New buys for themselves very rarely. So this is a gift!

Gift genealogical books. Artistically designed, with detailed instructions for filling. A4 sheet format. A small digression. What do we know about our family? In general, a lot, but all these facts are scattered and, frankly, forgotten. Before it's too late, it is necessary to put all these "puzzles" into a single picture. Yes, this needs to be done. Yes, this will take a lot of time. Older people have much more of this time. And there are a lot of old photos in every house. A family tree book is a priceless thing that will be passed down from generation to generation. The kit also includes a CD with the necessary files. All books and albums have convenient detachable fasteners, which means that sheets can be swapped and add something of your own.

Tula painted samovars.
A great option for a solid anniversary. Historians claim that the first prototype of the samovar appeared in China. And he came to Russia half a century after the reign of Peter the Great. Their production began at the Ural factories of the Demidovs. Up to 25,000 samovars were produced per year. Later, the copper deposits were depleted, the factories closed, and Tula took the baton. It turned out that this business was very profitable, so factories and workshops grew by leaps and bounds. As a result, the samovar became not only popular in Russia, but became its symbol.

Sets of kitchen utensils. An excellent solution, because older women rarely make such purchases for themselves. They got used to their old crockery and don't want to part with it. On the one hand, it's correct, but on the other ... It's time to update! Anniversaries are an occasion! When choosing, pay attention to the thickness of the metal: the more, the better. Not everything is good that glitters. Owners with experience know this very well. Price matters. Cheap cookware won't last long. However, how lucky. In general, there is a choice and it is quite large.

Portrait from a photo on canvas.

The effect of such a solid surprise exceeds all expectations. In a nutshell, this is a shocking joy. This is something she definitely doesn't expect. You have a good photo, but a few are better. Everything else you decide for yourself: any image, any style, any size. And many more nuances. A team of true professionals makes such beauty. And one more thing: until you approve the layout, it will not be given to work. In general, everything is in your hands. Is there a photo of her? Let there be a professional portrait for the anniversary.

Figurines according to the photo: single and family. From you: good quality photos and direct participation in the creation, that is, an assessment of the preliminary layout. All wishes will be fulfilled. Achieving portrait likeness is the main task. The material from which the figurines are made: polymer clay. Basis: a metal framework from a wire. The technology has been worked out. The best sculptors and artists will do their best for you. Minimum item height: 20 cm, maximum: 50 cm. Portrait dolls are very popular because they belong to the category of the most unusual and unexpected gifts. The reaction of people who saw themselves in miniature is shock and delight.

Gifts for health

Pedometers from 500 rubles.
The more options, the higher the price. The norm of steps for an adult is 10,000 per day. It is unlikely that any of us "nurses" them, but we need to strive for this figure. Malysheva claims that it is contraindicated for older people to run, because there is too much stress on the knee joints. But walking as much as possible is simply vital. So what is a pedometer? And this is such a small device with very sensitive motion sensors. Steps are counted with a very small error. And he can also show the calories spent on the screen. You can wear anywhere.

Salt lamps from 800 rubles
. The healing lamp is made from a single piece of red Himalayan salt. Inside the piece is an ordinary incandescent lamp, which heats the salt from the inside. During heating, ion exchange with the surrounding air begins. The antibacterial properties of salt have been known since ancient times. If we go back in history, we can recall that the saline solution was widely used in purulent surgery. And this means that salt successfully fights pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Himalayan salt is an excellent disinfectant. The air in the room becomes "like after a thunderstorm." The lamp treats colds, pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases. No contraindications have been recorded.

Nitrate tester. For an accurate assessment of the nitrate content in vegetables, fruits, water, meat, fish. Ideally, it should be in every women's handbag. Every time you buy fruits and vegetables in a store or market, doubts and suspicions arise in your head. Sellers do not care: they just want to sell. And we eat it and feed it to children. The SOEKS nitrate tester is easy to use and convenient. How it works: in the menu you need to select the desired product, insert the probe into the pulp and wait a few seconds. And then a decision is made: to buy it or offer to eat it to the seller. By the way, a good option for summer residents. Check yours.

Home planetariums from 4300 rubles.
For a good rest after a hard day. Always a clear starry sky in the apartment, despite the cloudy weather. Several thousand stars overhead. Of course, the reality is much better, but the home planetarium is able to reproduce the "live" picture as much as possible. Almost all models have a "shooting stars" function. Sit in your chair and make a wish. For example, about a big pension and a round-the-world trip. Will come true! All in all, a great option. And at home such a device would not hurt to have.

What can you give a summer resident for an anniversary of 60, 65 years

Garden lamps from 150 to 60,000 rubles. Mostly LED, that is, these are lamps with a long service life, high luminous efficiency, safe operation, and most importantly, very economical. The dacha is a second home for all of us. Here we not only work in the beds and flower beds, but also have a full rest. And I really want our cottage to be the most beautiful and comfortable. Lighting plays an important role. Look at very interesting lamps for the garden. For myself, for such things, as a rule, I feel sorry for the money. So you have the opportunity to please a good person with a great gift.

garden figures. About 100 options. These are items that turn everyday life into a small holiday. Is not it? What emotions do cute figures hidden in the grass or flowers evoke in us? Definitely a smile. It seems to be a trifle, but nice! Here you will find insects, frogs, birds, cute animals, flowers, and other extraordinary things. What to give a woman for her anniversary if she has everything? Everything, but not everything. Choose a garden figurine for her! There is always a place for her in the country. To the delight of the hostess, family and guests.

Furniture for a summer residence. Plenty for every taste. To relax in nature is not only comfortable, but also beautiful. There was no such wonderful furniture before! The maximum that one could dream of in the country was a wooden bench or an old sofa. And this, by the way, did not overshadow a good rest. And most importantly what? The main thing is not what, but who. Namely: a friendly family and good people who surround you. Everything else is, by and large, nonsense. But not really! For complete happiness in the country there is not enough cool furniture. In general, you look. Maybe you will like this idea.

Gifts from the series "Cozy home"

Fireplaces bio and electric. From 8000 rub. Free delivery. A great option for a woman of age "to whom for ..." Stop working! It's time to relax by the fireplace, in a rocking chair under a warm blanket. It's the little things like that that make us happy. This, of course, the lyrics, but with a lot of truth. A person who has everything a long time ago wants to give even more comfort and tranquility. The fireplace, although not real, will be a real surprise for her. Great selection, take a look.

Table fountains from 6000 rubles. Mains powered and easy to take apart for cleaning. Very cute and unusual. She has everything, but there is no fountain in the room! Such things are invented exclusively for the soul, because looking at such beauty and listening to the quiet murmur of water is a real pleasure. Elderly people from such unusual objects are delighted and rejoice like children. Moreover, both men and women are equally. In short, this is a good idea. Watch and decide.

Retro gifts. Exact replicas of old phones, players, radios and even theater binoculars. A retro gift is a great option for an anniversary. An opportunity to remember the past, and, looking at a beautiful thing, mentally return to childhood. By the way, all presented models are perfectly adapted to modern realities. Everything is working! It will be possible to make phone calls, listen to the radio, the players are adapted to all media. In general, retro is what a woman who is already "far beyond ..." needs. The main thing is the emotions that we give.

Unusual table clock. Big choice. The watch is a universal option. As practice shows: there are not too many of them in the house. There will always be a place for new ones. Usually, when we choose a gift for someone, we are afraid: what if there is one? I don't want to repeat myself. Hours are an exception. They definitely exist and are not alone. So what? Let there be new ones! Beautiful things in the house are needed to please the eye. In general, choose the best. Intuition will tell.

Statuettes and figurines. Musical flower arrangements, family, children, mother woman, beautiful couples, animals, antiquity, profession cartoon figures. From 500 to 82000 rubles. Materials: ceramics, porcelain, amber, wood, polyresin (artificial stone). One of the most famous brands is Pavone (Italy), which has production in China. Pavone figurines are distinguished by elegance, perfection of forms and quality of porcelain. This is immediately visible. Very often we choose gifts based on practical considerations. And it is right. But beautiful things in the house are no less important.

Gift crockery with engraving. The option is inexpensive, but very original. This is not 99.9% of her. Usually nominal gifts are given to men, and this is not entirely fair. In general, look. There are many dishes: glasses for champagne, wine and mulled wine are women's options. And how pleasant it will be for her to drink some good wine from a personal glass! Splash witchcraft, and make her an unexpected surprise. The order will be completed very quickly. You will be satisfied. And even more so!

Video postcard by year of birth. This is a DVD with a short film about life in the USSR. Any year! Choose! Everyone will watch with great interest. The authors made a selection of chronicles of the most important events in the life of the country. After watching, you can add that there was another equally important event - the birth of the hero of the occasion. A person who has everything can and should be given emotions, because everything material has long been relegated to the background.

Boxes for needlework from 700 rubles. The original box can complement the main gift. And if you want to give money, then ... It's much more interesting than an envelope! Women of retirement age are very often engaged in needlework. There is plenty of free time! Who knits, who embroiders, who makes crafts. If your relative or friend is seen doing such activities, the box will come in handy for her. For little money you can find a very nice and functional box.

Rocking chairs from 9500 rubles.
More than 50 models. The option for the anniversary is just great, because she herself will not buy such a chair. Such things are usually given by children and loved ones. Stop working, it's time to rest. With comfort. Rocking chairs have long been in demand in the furniture market. This is, first of all, comfort and a feeling of homeliness. Glider chairs are equipped with a special pendulum mechanism, which ensures uniform soft rocking. Large assortment, detailed description of each model.

Banquets and ottomans. Comfortable and stylish. Round, square, for the bedroom, for legs, for the hallway, with drawers, transformers, modern and retro design. In general, the idea for the anniversary is not bad. An ottoman is a necessary thing if there are health problems, and in particular, with legs. Will not stand idle in the corner. The banquette differs from the ottoman by the presence of legs. That's the whole difference. The most inexpensive models cost within 1000 rubles. Solid designer puffs and banquettes will cost more, but not critical.

Kitchen appliances (small). Namely: teapots and thermo pots, coffee makers and coffee machines, sandwich makers and toasters, multicookers, blenders, mixers, choppers, meat grinders and combines, juicers and much, much more. And how did we manage without it before? The older generation is wary of new technology until it has been tried. Like it for sure! Gifting something new for the kitchen is an option. The main thing is not to miss and not to buy a double or two. The menu on the left will help you navigate faster. Check it out for curiosity.

Sets of unusual sweets. Strawberries and other berries in chocolate, eclairs with berries, Belgian chocolate. Amazing taste. Paradisaic delight. Professional chocolatiers know what and how. The ingredients are exclusively natural. Author's design. Each set is made individually. Courier at the start. We rarely indulge ourselves with such things, and therefore ... Birthday is the very occasion when a good person can and should be surprised. A set of exclusive sweets will easily cope with this task. Look!

Rose in a flask. The shelf life is 5 years. Not a vacuum. The flask is removed. The flower has a natural fragrance. It's all about the "magic" gel based on glycerin, which does not allow the flower to fade. Simply put, the water in the plant is replaced by gel. The price of a rose directly depends on the height of the bulb, that is, the height of the rose. The color of the bud is absolutely any. If you know the favorite color of the hero of the occasion, choose it from more than 15 options. Rose does not require care. Two main recommendations: do not water and do not put in open sunlight.

Anniversary Awards

Medal "For the capture of the anniversary of 60 years"
If desired, the reverse side can be custom engraved. A woman deserved a medal no less than a man! And maybe even more. How much work, strength, love, patience and wisdom have been invested in creating a strong family? It's time to sum up the intermediate results and receive well-deserved rewards. The medal will be especially relevant if the presence of a large number of guests is expected. It is very nice to receive an award to the applause of relatives and friends.

Diploma "The best mother in the world" individual. Very good text. Gift box. Format A 4. Not paper, but a thin metal sheet on a wooden base. Typographic font. But the coolest thing is the content. Naturally, in all subjects she will have only fives. More specifically:

♦ Multitasking. That is, the ability to do everything in time, doing several things at the same time.

♦ Ability to feed a child, regardless of his mood

♦Versatility. That is, mom is the best pediatrician in the world, teacher, cook, animator, psychologist, singer and storyteller.

♦The art of raising a child with affection, love and attention

♦Even after sleepless nights, the ability to remain the most beautiful and so on.

Signatures of all family members. There is no doubt that the diploma will hang in the most prominent place.

Newspaper "Pravda". Archival issue with the article "Urgent to the room" about the hero of the occasion. Her photo is highly recommended. There will be no problems with the article: you will either write it yourself, or take a ready-made one as a basis. Well, then you will need to decide on the color of the old newspaper, baguette frame or a variant of another design. Most often, a framed newspaper is ordered for an anniversary. Judging by the reviews, the heroes of the day are shocked and delighted when they see their photo in the Soviet Pravda. Some people can't hold back their tears. The framed newspaper will be packed in a beautiful box and bag. Better watch the video.

The book "Truth". Gift exclusive copy with photos of the hero of the occasion and articles about her. The book looks very presentable and packed in a chic box. The company cooperates directly with the editors of the Pravda newspaper, so there is no doubt about the authenticity of the numbers. The book will be based on the events and dates that you indicate. For each important event, a corresponding issue of the newspaper will be selected. The book is supplemented with Soviet posters and blank pages for wishes. In total, there will be about a hundred. If you are interested in the idea, watch the video presentation.

Medal in your inscription in a gift box. Any text if desired on both sides. Usually medals are ordered for mother, grandmother, work colleague. Unfortunately, husbands do not order awards for their wives. And you should! It is, of course, a lyric. An individual medal for the anniversary is an opportunity to write anything. Joking text is not excluded. By the way: when else should a woman be awarded, if not for an anniversary? And there are not so many of them in our life.

Named "Oscar" big.
Weight: 1.7 kg., Height 35 cm. Plating: 999 sterling silver. Solid "uncle"! For a round date, the option is "in the top ten", especially since you can think of any nomination. All text is only your imagination. Five lines of 33 characters. If you stop the choice on "Oscar", - do not hurry. Try to make the most of the limit. Such an award will be an impressive birthday surprise for your beloved mother, boss, work colleague. Well, the presentation is played out without problems: let there be a red carpet, flowers and applause.

"Oscar" nominal, only less.
An exact copy of a large one, only it weighs much less and is slightly shorter. The inscription on the nameplate will turn out even more: 5 lines of 38 characters. 999 silver plating and lacquer. Lots of good reviews. All donors are very satisfied with the quality of performance. "Uncle" is very suitable as a reward for a celebration on the occasion. The surprise turns out to be extremely unexpected, and this makes it doubly pleasant. Women deserve this no less than men, because their roles in life are much more multifaceted and dramatic.

What to give a woman, mother, grandmother, girlfriend, mother-in-law, mother-in-law for 60, 65 years

Personalized gifts for an anniversary

Attention! The layout of the future gift is created by you online. The result can be seen immediately. Try! Write and upload photos right now.

Quartz clock with any of your photos.
Size 35 x 24 cm. Guarantee 5 years. Do you want to surprise a loved one? No problem. Work a little as a designer and create the only watch in the world. A photograph of close people is most suitable, because with age we become much more sentimental. Remember how our grandmothers or mothers put photos of children and grandchildren in the most prominent place? That's it. This is to ensure that the photo clock will be a touching birthday surprise. In general, if you have a good photo at hand, try it!

Personal aprons.
For the queen of the kitchen, this is recognition of her merits and an incentive for new culinary exploits. For the mom who has the most delicious mushroom soup, or the grandma who makes the best pancakes in the world. Browse carefully all the proposed models, and you will find an apron just for her. The material of the apron is very dense. Two large pockets. Long ties make the size universal. The color white is a symbol of cleanliness in the kitchen and at home. And the idea, by the way, is a good one! The option is non-standard and very touching.

Personal gift tea.
For every taste: classic black, fragrant green, assorted tablets, knitted green with clover flowers. All packaging is individual. You can use a photo. Shops and supermarkets offer a huge amount of gift tea. Of course, you can buy there too. But you can’t buy a package created specifically for a specific person there. That's the beauty of it! He is the only one! In general, the idea is good, but you decide for yourself.

A set of honey 4 jars named "Happy birthday".
Production of the company "Lipko Sladko". The weight of each jar is 130 g. 4 types of honey: ordinary flower, with mint, with walnuts and cream honey. All natural and fresh. A wonderful option, as a wish for a sweet life. The birthday girl will be pleased only with the contents of the magic box, but with an inscription made especially for her. Even when the honey is eaten to the last drop, the wooden chest will not be empty. Like Winnie the Pooh. Will not go anywhere! By the way, it would be nice to use the box as a piggy bank. Money will stick, as if it was smeared with honey.

Nominal cosmetic sets based on honey.
Similar to the previous set, only with cosmetics. So, what's inside: 2 jars of different honey, 130 g each, honey soap, wax candle (for romance), hand cream, lip balm, hair wax and a wooden spoon. It is very pleasant to give such a thing, because it is unusual, useful and unique. Choose the set you like, type the text and wait. It will turn out very nice! This option is perhaps one of the most original for an elderly woman.

Wine box "Happy Anniversary" personalized for 2 bottles.
No one has ever refused a good wine! An option equally desirable for men and women. Wine selection is serious business. Therefore, buy both white and red for her. Inside the box there is a neck lock. There is a convenient carrying strap. Well, if money is supposed, then hide it in a case. Surprise! In general, write age, name and a short congratulation. Try it! The idea is good!

Terry robes with personalized embroidery.
Choose! Yellow or white. It can be a ready-made inscription or your text. Sizes 44 to 58. 100% cotton. Impeccable quality of embroidery with durable thread. Beautiful packaging. A personal bathrobe is one of the most popular gifts for a loved one. When handing over, you can not make long speeches, and so everything is clear. Your order will be completed within 1 day. Fast and smooth delivery.

Named terry towel. 140 x 70 cm, 100% cotton. The order is fulfilled during the day. Own production and well-established scheme "performer / customer". The quality is guaranteed. A personalized gift is always nice. This means that someone has tried very hard to bring joy. Set: personalized robe and towel is great. This is what you can surprise a person who has everything. Color to choose from, beautiful large embroidery looks great. Personalized towels are in demand, and it does not matter for whom: they are ordered by both men and women.

Throw pillows with personalized embroidery. For her, but you can also pair. It is also a good idea if the woman has a spouse. Anniversaries are family dates. Product brief: The 150 x 130 cm fleece blanket can be folded neatly into a 35 x 35 cm pillow without difficulty. Fastening: zipper. This beauty will look anywhere. But it's not about her! Beauty, usefulness, convenience and comfort. Such things are always in sight. Not everyone can boast of a personal blanket. The personalized gift shop works on trust. Prepayment is not required.

Souvenir plate for memory with your design.
You want with a photo, you want without it. Same price. Ceramics with a diameter of 21 cm. Plastic stand. You can even put the plate in the microwave, but it’s unlikely that anyone will raise their hand to do it. But first, you can make an unexpected surprise for the birthday girl. How? Just! Put some food on the plate so that the engraving is not visible. Can you imagine her surprise when she sees it? This is the kind of reaction we want to see. Which means it's a great idea.

Name posters congratulatory self-adhesive.
From 1 to 12 photos, or without them, only the name and text. On the eve of the birthday of a loved one, we always ask ourselves: how can we congratulate him in an original way? So to be remembered. In general, it's easy. Order a congratulatory poster (poster) and try to hang it so that the birthday girl sees it right in the morning. Then the birthday morning will definitely be kind!

Personal calendars and photo calendars.
You can start from any month. If you choose a calendar for your mother or grandmother, pay attention to the "Family" calendar for 13 photos or "Beloved mother". If you are looking for an original surprise for a friend, work colleague or boss, this may be an interesting option for "Superstar" or "For Her". A layout is created in a matter of minutes, you will see the result of your work immediately. Order, you won't regret it!

Vases with personal engraving. This is for the bouquet! And it doesn't matter that the house is full of vases. This, personal, will be the one and only. Beauty in simplicity: classic form without frills. Height 30 cm. Branded box. It is handed over simply: while the hero of the occasion has not had time to come to her senses from a fabulously beautiful bouquet, you present her with a personal vase. The effect is amazing. The episode will be remembered for a long time.

Anniversary bouquets with worldwide delivery. Baskets of flowers and sweets. Sales leader in Moscow and the region since 2009. Huge selection! Freshly cut flowers are always available. Operating mode round the clock. Well-established delivery system. The courier will deliver the bouquet within the agreed period of time without delay.

Gift wrapping for every taste.
Pay attention to package sizes. If you picked up a gift, order the package immediately. There are classic strict and bright ones with inscriptions. Packaging is important!

Greetings to all of you, dear readers. It seems, until recently beloved, but now the question of what to give mom for her 60th birthday is becoming relevant. Time flies inexorably, and such large dates sometimes baffle.

We love mom at any age. There are adversities and discord even between such close people as mothers and children, but this is quickly forgotten. What to choose for a dear birthday girl so that the 60th anniversary goes off with a bang?

Rules for choosing a gift for mom on her 60th birthday

Before choosing a gift, I suggest using simple rules that will allow you to choose the most original surprise:

  1. How is your mother doing at home? Often we do not even pay attention to the fact that the handle of our favorite sugar bowl has broken, the kitchen does not have a good knife holder, or the curtains in the large room are terribly tired. Any of these little things can serve to choose a good present that will last for many more years.
  2. What is the financial condition of the birthday girl now? It may even make sense to put a gift in the form of money - present a certificate to your favorite store or a beautifully designed card with a certain amount in the account.
  3. What in mom's life at the moment could be eased? For example, her back hurts or she can't cope with the weeds in the garden. In fact, in life there are many sometimes not very noticeable, but annoying difficulties that can be easily solved with a good and appropriate gift.
  4. How does a woman like to spend her leisure time? Does she read books or maybe even do yoga? Any hobby can be turned into a good base for a gift. And one that will be remembered with gratitude for many years to come.
  5. Finally, what would she like? This is the most difficult point, which is often not so easy to find out. You can do this yourself or with the help of dad, who, in a simple home conversation, will be able to find out for a good surprise in the eyes of mom.

What to give mom for 60 years from her daughter?

Daughters often have much closer contact with mothers than with sons (although not always). Daughters are more willing to share their secrets and experiences with their mother, thereby drawing closer to her even more.

Thanks to this relationship, the daughter can give more delicate things for the anniversary, such as:

  • Bedding set. Many people know for themselves how difficult and troublesome it is to pick up a set of good, high-quality bed linen. After all, even the most budget options now cost a considerable amount. Pamper your mother, for example, with a set of natural silk.
  • Exotic cosmetics set. The most original here will be Korean. Few people know, but South Korea can be called a leader in terms of producing unusual, but at the same time high-quality cosmetics. The design, the shape of the packaging, the texture itself and the methods of application - this is practically not found in European and Russian manufacturers.
  • Bathroom screen. She, like everything else in the house, requires a periodic change. Measure the height and width of an existing curtain and try casually inquiring about your favorite patterns or patterns, colors. So your anniversary gift will be the best.
  • Stand for decorations. There are very small coasters - they definitely won't fit. But compact models with numerous compartments and holes are what you need. If the mother has few jewelry, then you can take a smaller model, but then let her materials be quite rare and expensive.
  • Dress. Not everyone by this age continues to actively replenish their wardrobe with stylish new clothes. Please your beloved mother with such a stunning dress that she will never forget about it! Go shopping with the birthday girl - it is still customary to choose such gifts together. This will allow you to spend time together.

In general, let mom feel like the most luxurious and beautiful woman. Believe me, whatever she says is very important to her.

What to give mom for 60 years from her son?

The situation is more difficult with a beloved son. Somehow it so happened that it is much more difficult for him to understand the preferences of his mother than his daughter. But this is not a reason to be upset - there are still many original options with which he can easily please his parent.

Something solid is expected from sons, for a household or a suburban area. Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement, but just a wish. So, what can a son give his mother for an anniversary?

Please note that if you opt for technology, then you will need to explain to your mother how to handle it so that the birthday girl can handle it exactly.

TOP 3 coolest gifts for the 60th anniversary

Such gifts may not be called original, but they are often needed in everyday life and various life situations.

What would we, for example, do without a washing machine or an iron? And once people coped with household chores without these tricks. However, we are talking about a little more non-standard things.

The eternal favorite is also jewelry, which ladies of this age will appreciate. What can I say, a jewelry surprise will delight a woman at any age.

Original gifts for an anniversary

Sometimes it seems that there are simply no original surprises left. Something has already been donated, something costs exorbitant amounts ... But is it really so? Have you really given everything you could?

In fact, there is always something that you have not even thought about, believe me. Just take a look at this list of anniversary gifts, which is by no means boring:

  1. Soap dispenser with sensor. A dispenser is similar to an ordinary soap bottle, but with a technological twist. In this case, in addition to the possibility of repeated soap pouring, there is a nice bonus - you do not need to press the button. So now there will be no need to try to gently press the soap dispenser with dirty hands.
  2. Cooling pearls for wine. You may have heard of whiskey chilling stones. This is an analogue of such stones, but designed to cool a lighter drink. You can look for similar ones for tea.
  3. Steam iron or handheld garment steamer. It often becomes a problem to iron clothes with a traditional iron - some, especially fastidious specimens, even wrinkle more from such actions. But with a steamer, this problem will not arise. For example, clothing sellers have long appreciated such an accessory and use it with might and main.
  4. Piggy bank for wine corks. In fact, it is rather a kind of glazed panel, where bottle caps form a kind of composition. It looks very elegant and even has a touch of humor.
  5. Adjustable rolling pin. With such a rolling pin, mom will be able to measure out any amount of dough required when rolling out. In the kit, you can give such home accessories with other additions: the ability to cut out hearts when rolling, etc.

Here in such cute and often original ways you can congratulate your mother. Don't forget to congratulate her personally to make the holiday really bright.

A separate word must be said about the congratulations themselves. Be sure to accompany the gift with a lush bouquet of flowers and pre-prepared, but actually composed, words. It will sound trite, but let them be better not very folding, but their own, and not deducted from the Internet.

I hope you found exactly what you need here. Be sure to share your impressions in the comments and subscribe to resource updates. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva