What to give a first grader on the first of September. What to give a first grader on September 1 Gifts for September 1 to students

Children rarely perceive the beginning of the school year as a holiday. More often they are upset by the end of the holidays and the need to study. To create a more cheerful mood, it is worth preparing a small gift for the child. Only you need to choose correctly in order to please, and not to upset even more. Our list of 50 suitable gifts for September 1 will help you make the right choice.

List of gifts for a first grader

For kids who cross the threshold of the school for the first time, this is a very difficult and exciting moment. They still do not know what lies ahead, but they have already heard a lot from their parents and older comrades. Often such stories are frightening, because older children love to play tricks on the little ones. To cheer up a first grader, give something interesting and useful. If you have not yet decided what to give a child for September 1, the following ideas will help out:

  • Big beautiful alarm clock which is easy to start and stop. It will be interesting for the child to wake up himself, like an adult, to the pleasant melody of an alarm clock.
  • School theme constructor, for example "Peppa Pig's School". In a playful way, the future first grader will be able to tell more about the lessons and school rules in order to more easily adapt to learning.
  • A backpack for a change of shoes or a sports uniform. Choose something bright to the taste of the child, so that this backpack will please and cheer up every day.
  • Encyclopedia with pictures. It is necessary to choose a book that will suit the taste of the child, for example, about animals, cars, flowers, etc. Looking at favorite pictures, the baby will soon learn to read in order to find out what is written in the book.
  • Board for writing and drawing with special markers. This is another great gift for toddlers to learn how to write and then erase their mistakes without any problems. Well, you can also draw to get a little distraction from your studies.

Such gifts will help to integrate into the educational process easier and facilitate learning. It will be easier for the kid to master new knowledge and feel like a serious adult student.

Parents can give their son or daughter a small toy as a keepsake. In first grade, it is not uncommon for children to be allowed to bring toys to school with them. Therefore, a doll, a car or something else that can easily fit in a briefcase will be wonderful gifts that remind you of parental love.

List of gifts for elementary school students

Surely you have already bought everything you need for your studies in advance, and the student has almost completed a portfolio by the first day of school. To make the first visit to school after the holidays a little more fun, give something useful and interesting at the same time. But what can you give on September 1 to a child who has everything already collected? Good ideas:

  • Magnetic bookmarks. They help not to lose the right page in the book and are especially useful for elementary school students. They are still lost in books and often cannot find the right topic, and such a bookmark will definitely help. They come with different pictures, so you can choose what your child will definitely like.
  • Children's map of the world. On it, in addition to the familiar outlines of continents and countries, there are many interesting pictures - animals, plants, even heroes of popular fairy tales. A colorful presentation helps children easily learn new information for themselves.
  • Reviving class schedule. In fact, this is a poster on which you can write down the schedule with a simple pen. But the pictures on it are special. In order for them to start moving, you need to download a special application to your smartphone and point the phone's camera at the images.
  • Smart notepad. This is a notebook, on each page of which there are fascinating tasks for the development of memory, logic, etc. They are inexpensive, but will definitely captivate an inquisitive kid.
  • Set for creativity. At drawing lessons, children not only draw, but also learn different types of needlework. Such a set will be useful not only in the classroom, at home it will also be possible to create and improve the skills acquired at school.

Usually children love beautiful school supplies. True, parents buy them just like that, because they need to. But, if you choose something interesting, it can be a good gift. For example, a child may like:

  • Original pencil case in the form of a banana or shawarma;
  • A ruler, for example, in the form of a cat or with funny pictures;
  • A set of fragrant gel pens;
  • rainbow pencils;
  • Erasers in the form of bananas or sweets.

List of gifts for middle school students

Modern children over 10 years old already consider themselves teenagers and even almost adults, but they usually go to school reluctantly. You can cheer them up on September 1 with a gift intended for school or for entertainment. For learning, they will need such useful and interesting things:

  • Globe with illumination. In the middle classes, geography begins in children, so such a present will come in handy. And it can also be used as a beautiful lamp, giving a special charm to the room.
  • Microscope. It is useful both for studying biology and just for exciting home experiments, because the simplest objects look very interesting in a microscope.
  • Set for experiments. They will make it easier to study physics, chemistry, biology and just have fun.
  • Telescope. Even adults like to look at the stars and dream about space travel, and children will be delighted with such a gift.
  • Puzzle calculator. If the school allows you to use computers in some lessons, such a calculator will be a great gift. It will not only help you quickly perform mathematical operations, but also develop logic and memory.

When choosing a gift for a middle school student, try to make him look mature and respectable. At this age, I really want to seem at least a little older and it will be good if the present helps in this.

List of gifts for a high school student

If the child is already almost an adult, then it will not be easy to choose a useful present for the school, and the first day of school is no longer such a strong stress. But to give a gift on September 1 is still worth it. Try to make your present not only useful, but also interesting and fun. Good options:

  • A set of antibooks. These are cool book covers that will allow you to stand out from your classmates and always look cool.
  • original pen, for example, with a nominal engraving or an unusual shape.
  • Nicely designed flash drive. Choose a design that resonates with the recipient's hobbies or interests.
  • Desk lamp with the ability to easily change the angle of illumination.
  • Electronic book. High school students do not like to carry backpacks with books, and this option will be a great alternative.

If a teenager has already decided on a future field of activity, you can choose something related to it. For example, a future master will need a useful tool for honing skills, a doctor - a medical reference book, a fashion designer - a sewing machine, etc. Such a gift will definitely not gather dust somewhere in the corner, and the recipient or recipient will definitely be satisfied.

List of gifts not for school

A gift to a child on September 1 does not have to be intended for the school at all. You can simply choose what will please the student and cheer him up before the next school year. Most children will like gifts such as:

  • New mobile phone;
  • Own PC or tablet;
  • Gyroscooter;
  • Skate or roller skates;
  • Camera;
  • Wireless speaker with radio;
  • Photo printer for printing your own masterpieces;
  • Stylish water bottle;
  • Multifunctional wrist watch or fashionable, with rhinestones and a stylish bracelet for girls;
  • Lunch box, if the child carries lunch with him;
  • A beautiful notebook or sketchbook;
  • Thermo mug.

A variety of games will also be a good gift for a child. Do not think that they will distract him from his studies. We all need to relax sometimes, and it’s better to do this not just by sitting in front of the TV, but with health, intelligence or good mood benefits. Best games for kids of different ages:

  • twister- cool entertainment for teenagers;
  • Monopoly and other economic board games for teenagers and children who already know how to count well;
  • Board games even the youngest students will be able to do it;
  • scrabble– entertainment for young intellectuals;
  • Licensed version of a computer game, suitable for age;
  • Darts- Velcro for kids, and teenagers can use the "adult" version with sharp darts;
  • Jenga- entertainment for dexterous, with good concentration.

By choosing the right game for a kid or teenager, you will definitely please him, and once again remind you that life does not end with the beginning of the school year and there is no need to worry - there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

If you do not know well what a schoolboy or schoolgirl dreams about, do not be afraid to ask in advance. Children, of course, love surprises, but only those that they really expect and want, so it's better not to risk it.

Adventure Gifts

If the child does not really want to go to school, you can organize pleasant entertainment in honor of the beginning of the school year so that September 1 does not seem like such a difficult day. The adventure will definitely cheer up the child, and the beginning of the study will be remembered only from the good side. Good adventure gift ideas:

  • Go to the zoo, circus, dolphinarium or other communication with animals, for example, a horse riding master class.
  • Entertainment in the trolley park, trampoline or water park. A teenager can be given several invitations for him and his best friends.
  • Master class visit, corresponding to the interests of the child, for example, creating caramel or chocolates, music or dance, related to needlework.
  • Photoshoot. Girls will like this adventure more, as they like to imagine themselves as fashion models, but many modern boys will not refuse such entertainment either.
  • Flight in a wind tunnel- this is an unforgettable experience for any child, and adults are all delighted;
  • Karting, buggy or quad biking. The first two are available from 8-9 years old, and the last ones from 16, but all young extreme sportsmen will be delighted.

Be sure to please the child before the start of the school year - this will help to relax a little and tune in to the right working mood.

The first bell is a special event in the life of a first-grader, which marks the transition to a new life stage. To add solemnity to the moment, a memorable gift to a newly-made schoolboy will help, which will not only be a pleasant surprise, but also give the child a feeling of a real holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. But in order for the gift to cause delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions, it is important to know what to give a first grader on September 1.

Gift ideas for first graders

When choosing a gift, you should clearly understand: everything that is necessary for the school has nothing to do with gifts. Of course, you can present a fashionable bright backpack, a huge set of pencils or a folder for notebooks with the image of your favorite cartoon character, but the child will not perceive this as a surprise. A gift for September 1 should be a nice bonus in addition to what you need for study.


Books are known to be the best gift. Even for first graders! But on one condition: they must correspond to the age of the child, and not gather dust on the shelf until grade 11. Today, the range of bookstores allows you to choose a wide variety of publications for every taste. For first-graders, various encyclopedias and atlases are perfect. If a child is interested in some topic, you can pick up books based on his hobbies (about astronomy, plants, animals, dinosaurs, technology, etc.).

Books are known to be the best gift.

For a book to be absolutely liked by a first-grader, it must be:

  • adapted for his age (a seven-year-old should understand the material presented in it);
  • high-quality (thick binding, thick paper, large and clear font);
  • colorful (many bright and understandable illustrations, pictures or photographs).

You can give as a gift the first volume of one of the book series, promising the child to time the purchase of the next edition after achieving success in school. At the same time, it is important to clarify that “successes” are not grades, but the development of new skills and abilities (learned to write all the letters, finished reading the primer, etc.). This approach will be a great incentive for the first-grader in their studies.

Games and toys

Despite the proud title of a schoolboy, a first-grader is still a child who is crazy about toys. That is why you can safely consider them as a gift by September 1st.

Despite the proud title of a schoolboy, a first-grader is still a child

An excellent option would be what the child has long dreamed of: a racing track, a Barbie doll, a constructor for a large number of elements, and various board games. If the boy is fond of sports, you can present him with a soccer ball or tennis rackets. For a needlewoman girl, various sets for creativity are suitable (making figurines from plaster, soap, felt bags and plush toys). The main thing is that the gift should correspond to the interests of the child and be desired. Having received just such a present, the first-grader will be sincerely happy and will understand that childhood does not end with entering school!

Party or going out

The cultural program timed to coincide with this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first grader.

The cultural program timed to coincide with this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first grader.

Due to the financial capabilities and preferences of the child, you can organize:

  • going to a children's cafe;
  • visiting the circus, theater, entertainment center;
  • home holiday.

It's great if the child has the opportunity to choose the place where he would like to go with his family, or invite friends with him. If you are planning a home party, you should take care of all its attributes in advance:

You can invite animators by discussing the theme of the holiday with them in advance, or you can prepare several fun contests with small gifts on your own. The “highlight of the program” will be an original cake dedicated to September 1, with which you can take a picture, and then taste it with pleasure.


A phone, tablet, laptop or computer belongs to the category of useful and valuable gifts, receiving which a first grader will be incredibly happy and feel like a real adult. With their help, the child will be able to constantly be in touch, watch educational cartoons and films, master training programs.

Phone, tablet, laptop or computer are useful and valuable gifts

But in order for gadgets to bring only benefits, without distracting the child from classes and without absorbing all his free time, it is important to immediately discuss with the student the rules for using them:

  • get the phone out of the briefcase only during breaks and after school (at the same time, parents should not buy super-expensive smartphone models. In the end, the child can lose it, not to mention the fact that cases of theft are not uncommon);
  • use a tablet, laptop or computer only after the lessons have been learned and no longer than a certain time (usually 20 minutes without a break and two hours a day in total, including watching TV).

Of course, in addition to educational programs, it is worth allowing the child to watch his favorite cartoons and play games. But it is very important that these activities do not become the main ones, but are only a pleasant addition to various other activities. Only in this case, gadgets will become assistants in the study and development of the student, and not harmful “time eaters”.

DIY gift

As you know, the most pleasant gift is the one that is made with your own hands. For a first-grader, this can be an original bag for change of shoes sewn by a grandmother, or hairpins and bows made by her mother.

As you know, the most pleasant gift is the one that is made with your own hands.

A win-win option is a box in the form of a pencil or a book with various contents. It can be both sweets and bright school supplies (pens, pencils, erasers) or small toys. The main thing is the element of surprise and anticipation of what is inside.

What should not be given?

There is a list of gifts that are good in themselves, but are not suitable for September 1:

  1. Clothing. Especially school. Her child will definitely not appreciate it, taking it as a matter of course updating the wardrobe.
  2. Growth gift. This category includes everything that cannot be used "here and now": skates and skis (in autumn), books for teenagers, expensive gold jewelry, etc.
  3. Bed linen and crockery. Just off topic. All this is better to save for a birthday or New Year's holidays.
  4. Sweets as the main gift. They will be eaten, and there will be nothing left for memory. The cake should be mandatory, but as an addition to a real present.
  5. Trip dated September 1st. If the gift cannot be touched, the child will not perceive it as such.

A gift for a first grader on September 1 should be sudden, but desirable and memorable. One that will cause a sea of ​​positive emotions, fun and joy. One that you can hold in your hands, hide, and then get out and remember the day when yesterday's baby first crossed the threshold of the school.

There is less and less time left before the start of the school year. Bought school supplies, a new uniform, beautiful shoes (boots), a briefcase, pens and pencils.

But this is not enough. After all, the child begins a new stage in life! Just yesterday, the kid was playing carelessly in the sandbox, and now he is a student.

And I want not to be limited to buying the necessary things, but to please him with something. Give something cute but useful. What would the gift bring not only benefit, but also cause joy in the first grader.

Puzzled by this question parents, grandparents, aunts, older siblings, family friends, bypass various shops, browse sites, consult with each other

To make you less puzzled, we suggest that you consider some interesting ideas, thanks to which you will be able to choose a child original and useful gift.

Collective gift

Do you want the first day at school to become a bright event, to unite children and show them that school is not only a temple of knowledge, but also a place where they find new friends, are surprised, rejoice and laugh to the point of colic? Give children an emotion ! At the meeting, agree with the class teacher and other parents, after the line, invite artists to the class. But not a squealing clown in a stupid wig! And not an animator with a set of standard competitions.

It is better if the artist's program matches the theme of the holiday. Great option - Science show. Where, in a playful way, children will see the wonders of science and understand that gaining knowledge is very interesting.

Benefits of this gift

  • Informative, interesting, fun
  • Forms a positive attitude towards school in children, perfectly motivates to gain knowledge
  • unites children and parents
  • Inexpensive. "Shovel" will cost you + - 150 rubles per person

We offer our clients Cryo-Show "Fire and Ice". In addition to a lot of emotions, surprise and delight, the show also gives a dessert - delicious and very natural ice cream! And kids love to try everything!

In addition to the show, there are kind and instructive "Fabulous Lessons from Aunt Owl" Where in a playful way, on the basis of short fairy tales, children are told about safety, conduct comic lessons, dance and play a lot.

Individual gift

Munchausen in the film by M. Zakharov said: “You are too serious, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with a smart facial expression. Smile, gentlemen! Smile"

Don't take school too seriously. Children are curious and positive creatures. They love to play and learn this world from their own experience. Why not take advantage of this when choosing a gift!

We live in a world of gadgets and it is best not to fight this, but to find a benefit.

  • puzzle calculator - an interesting and useful toy. Develops logic. Helps to have fun in your free time and at the same time get benefits
  • flash drive in the form favorite cartoon character.
  • Puzzle map. Someone collects large jigsaw puzzles and hangs them on the wall. Why not decorate the wall with a puzzle with a huge map? Already in the process of assembling, the child develops an interest in geography, he learns the location of countries and continents, in addition, such a map is a source of pride in his work, and the process not only captivates, but also forms perseverance.
  • Lunch box . Bright, joyful, with a picture of your favorite character. Better yet, order a sticker with a family photo on the lunch box. Thus, this item will not be lost and will warm the baby with the warmth of the family.
  • Original table lamp
  • Torch
  • Backpack for extracurricular activities . And here you can also use the services of printing (advertising) organizations, order for a backpack thermal sticker with poster favorite movie, cartoon, game, general photo of friends or family, pet

DIY gift

  • Stand for pens . There are so many of them in the stores...too many. And the most expensive is the one that mom will make with love. To which younger (older) brothers and sisters will apply their labor.
  • morning surprises- excellent stimulation for an early rise and a charge of good mood for the whole day. It can be a toy with a pocket, or just a bag in which every morning the child will find something pleasant: a candy, a bright eraser, an apple, or a note with wishes or jokes.
  • Can paint a backpack, a denim jacket, sew and paint a denim pencil case, or a phone case with special paints. No one will have this for sure!

What to give a non-first grader

September 1 is an exciting, bright holiday. And, even if your child goes to the second, third, fifth grade, it's not too late to turn the first day of school into a joyful family tradition. I do not call for organizing something grandiose, especially since after the holidays and school fees, the parents already spent a lot of money.

I also see no reason to organize a trip to the park, water park, cinema, etc. on this day. For such entertainment, there are plenty of other days and you don’t need a special occasion to go swinging with your family, watch a movie, etc.

It can be a family feast with sweets, where the whole family gathers. Even better and more fun - if several families gather.

It's not trivial if:

  • hide sweets and arrange a quest? Let the children work hard to find them.
  • Candies can be placed inside a themed piñata. Kids love to break them for treats.
  • From sweets you can make a bouquet, a ball or other toy.
  • Let a festively decorated room await the child upon returning from school. And you don't have to spend a lot. Have you forgotten how to draw a wall-newspaper?))) It can be a collage of photographs - a "historical path" from infancy to the present day. Or from 1st grade. Here you can collect funny, cute or wise sayings of your child during this period.
  • You can also decorate the room with funny faces, emoticons, ready-made flags, streamers
  • Comic and certainly positive astrological forecast for the entire academic year.
  • Read all articles
  • listen to the advice of family and friends.
  • visit all stores
  • And do it your way!

Because this is your holiday and it should be special, unlike any other!

The beginning of the school year is a special day for first graders. Toddlers enter a new, as it seems to them, adult life and expect that at this moment something amazing will happen. Parents should turn Knowledge Day into a real celebration with entertainment and gifts.

On September 1, both adults and children are waiting with excitement. Everyone is fussing, trying on beautiful outfits, buying flowers and stationery. Therefore, you should think about a good surprise gift for a child in advance. It can be anything, there are many gift options for a first grader today, but it is better that he has a connection with school, study, and knowledge. Such a present will not only be useful for classes, but will also leave an unforgettable impression of the first meeting of the child with the school.

  1. School supplies. This can be a real adult gift: your own desk with drawers for notebooks, a shelf for books and a stand for pens and pencils. Or maybe a small gift in honor of farewell to childhood: a set of felt-tip pens, a beautiful album, educational games and interactive computer programs for additional learning. We will tell you in detail below how to purchase a school set for the joy of not only children, but also parents.
  2. Books. Beautiful colorful encyclopedias with many pictures will attract the attention of any child. You can also give the first grader stories about favorite heroes and interesting characters. Such books are useful for extracurricular reading.
  3. Going to the cinema, children's park, cafe. These activities will leave the child with a good memory of the Day of Knowledge. You don’t have to spend a lot, you can celebrate at home: buy a cake, hang balloons, come up with interesting contests and games. For more importance, you can even set off a few fireworks in honor of the first day of school. Then the baby will definitely remember this celebration for a long time.

Making purchases by the beginning of the school year is a troublesome and responsible business. After all, a student will use stationery for a whole year, and if we are talking about a satchel, then for several years at all. Therefore, before going for school supplies, you need to arm yourself with useful knowledge that will help you avoid common mistakes and decide what to give children on September 1 in the first place.

In order to correctly and economically collect the child to school, it is recommended to take into account the following rules:

  • Always make a shopping list. So you will immediately understand how much money you should count on, and besides, you will be sure that you have not forgotten anything. It is very convenient to use the list when shopping for stationery in the online store.
  • Don't buy kits. They are more expensive and contain a lot of unnecessary things that are not useful to the student at all.
  • Make purchases at the end of summer. The widest range of products appears in stores before the start of the school year. In addition, high competition forces sellers to lower prices and hold sales, which significantly reduces the costs of buyers.
  • Get the whole set of accessories at once. This will save not only your time, but also money. The larger the amount of purchases, the greater the opportunity to get a good discount from the store.
  • Don't stock up. You will spend more money, and extra things can then be lost or become unusable. For example, stale pens will not write, but scratch the notebook.

It does not matter whether you choose stationery for schoolchildren who have been attending school for more than a year or think what you can give to a first grader, be sure to pay attention to their properties, quality of materials and appearance. Cheap goods from unknown manufacturers do not have a long service life, and, moreover, can spoil the health of the child. It is recommended to purchase school supplies in soothing colors, as bright colors distract children's attention from the lessons.

Before starting school, you need to purchase a lot of things. Let's take a closer look at the most important product categories and recommended gifts for first graders.

School bag

The main criteria for choosing a backpack are:

  • weight (for a first-grader, no more than 600-800 gr is recommended);
  • high-quality materials (durable, not dirty, waterproof);
  • spaciousness (enough space for textbooks, pencil case, notebooks, folders and forms);
  • design (stylish appearance should be combined with a comfortable design).

A backpack should be bought with the child so that you can immediately try it on and evaluate the comfort of wearing it. School backpacks are made from different materials and designs, a high-quality design consists of a rigid frame and an orthopedic back, which allows you to develop the correct posture. The bottom of the briefcase should be hard and not easily soiled, since the backpack often has to be placed on the floor. The straps of the product cannot be narrower than 4 cm, otherwise they will be strongly pressed into the shoulders. It is also desirable that the straps contain a soft filler that softens the pressure of the satchel on the shoulders.

According to the design, the portfolio should be chosen based on the needs of the student as well as the individual preferences of your child, with regard to color, for a first-grader girl these are light pastel or, on the contrary, bright colorful colors, darker shades are suitable for a first-grader boy, which will be more practical in terms of operation. Also, for junior classes, small compartments and pockets are unlikely to be needed. Therefore, it is better to choose the simplest and lightest design with large compartments for books and notebooks. A plus is the presence of reflective stickers on the product. They will ensure the safety of the child at road crossings.

Pencil case

The market offers a wide range of pencil cases of different capacities. For elementary school, it is better to take a soft pencil case with two or three compartments, since in addition to a pen and a ruler, they often require colored pencils and felt-tip pens. For high school students, soft pencil cases from one compartment with a strong clasp are suitable.

It is not recommended to buy hard plastic cases for school. Yes, it does not get dirty and does not allow moisture to pass through, but it is rather inconvenient to use. Firstly, it opens and closes noisily, and, secondly, the plastic will crumble into pieces during the first unsuccessful fall.

Notebooks and albums

The main property of a notebook or landscape sheet is density. On the reverse side of the paper should not be visible traces of pens and pencils. For first-graders, a beautiful and high-quality sketchbook will be an excellent and necessary gift.

It is advisable to buy albums with spring-loaded sheets. So the child can, if necessary, tear out a flat sheet of paper. Do not once again load the portfolio with a heavy thick album. It is better to buy another thin album to replace it.

The same recommendation applies to notebooks. Primary school students write very little, so it is enough for them to buy notebooks for 12 sheets. Pay attention to the color of the paper: it should not be bright white, but with a bluish or yellowish tint. This is necessary in order not to disturb the student's vision.

Writing pen

The pen is the most important and frequently used thing in school. It should be of a convenient design, and contain a high-quality non-leaking paste.

A ballpoint pen with a 0.5-0.7 mm thick refill is suitable for schoolchildren of any age. Gel and oil pens are recommended only for high school students, as they already have an established writing skill.

By design, it is desirable to take a pen with a rubberized finger pad. It allows you to hold on tight, while not heavily loading the hand. Products with a thickened body, as well as a sliding and ribbed surface are inconvenient for writing. When buying, offer the student to try out the product: how to lay down a pen in the palm of your hand and how tired your hand is from writing. So you will be sure that the child will not experience inconvenience at school.

Markers and pencils for drawing

These writing instruments should be bright and comfortable.

Pencils for drawing should be taken of medium softness ( on domestic products, it is designated by the abbreviation "TM", on imported products "NV"). In addition, you need to carefully consider the design of pencils.

Multi-faceted pencils put a lot of pressure on the fingers, and round ones often slip out of them. The best option would be to buy pencils that have been cut with a trihedral cut. They sit comfortably in the palm of your hand and do not tire your hand when drawing for a long time. As for materials, experts recommend buying pencils made from plastic or cedar. Due to their elasticity, the pencil will be easy to sharpen and rarely break.

For drawing lessons in elementary school, it is enough to have felt-tip pens of 6-8 colors. Good felt-tip pens move smoothly on paper and never squeak. Therefore, before buying, it is recommended to check them on a letter so as not to spend money on a low-quality product. Easily washable felt-tip pens deserve positive recommendations, the stains from which are not terrible for the clothes and skin of the child.

In order for the felt-tip pens to last a long time and not dry out, their caps must have special holes for ventilation.

So, when buying stationery, you should take into account many nuances and features. School supplies must be of high quality, comfortable and properly selected according to the individual characteristics of the student. Things for the school should not be allowed to be bright and irritating to the eyes of colors. It is also necessary to carefully monitor that the products do not contain harmful substances. Do not chase cheap goods from China. It is better to purchase more expensive products from Russian or European companies, but at the same time ensure a healthy development and a comfortable environment for the child.

The importance of a gift for a child

No matter how expensive and chic your gift to a first grader on September 1, it is important how you present it. It is on the parents that the creation of a festive atmosphere for the first Day of Knowledge in a child's life depends. We must not forget that the first school lessons with an unfamiliar teacher and children are exciting for first graders. Therefore, your holiday should smooth out all worries about future classes, it should seem to the kid that the school is something important, good and necessary. Explain that there he will meet new friends and learn many new and useful things.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for both children and teenagers. Therefore, if your child has not been a first-grader for a long time, this does not mean at all that he can not give anything. High school students also appreciate pleasant surprises and presents.

Kids who successfully celebrated their graduation in kindergarten are well aware that the time for change is coming for them, and a cloudless childhood is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Of course, they can and should be given school-related gifts, but since they are still children, they are still interested in toys. Therefore, the issue of choice is more relevant than ever and, sometimes, parents do not know what to give a first grader on September 1. The most important thing in such a situation is not to give them ordinary things, for such a celebration you need something special.

What to give a first grader on September 1

It would seem that it is simpler - on the shelves of stores there is a huge assortment of things intended for children, especially writing and other school supplies. But choosing from this multitude is not as easy as it seems. I don’t want to see disappointment on the face of my son or daughter, because it will spoil all the good impressions about the first day of school.

In this regard, many parents have the idea of ​​making a custom-made present, at least no one else will have such a gift. In general, the idea is good, you just need to know exactly what kind of gift will be desirable for the child. Perhaps he already has a dream that mom and dad can easily fulfill, but for this you need to know your baby well - his interests and hobbies.

By what criteria should you choose a toy, technology or other thing? In this regard, you can give useful advice to those who still doubt the correctness of their ideas.

Since September 1 is World Knowledge Day, you should not ignore the school theme, although many parents continue to give their children banal pens and pencils. How to get away from this stereotype? Do not buy what, for sure, everyone has.

An example is the following original products that will please the son and daughter:

  1. When it comes to stationery, you can buy a large drawing kit, which includes about five dozen different items - colored markers, pencils and wax pencils, watercolors, a paper clip, a brush, a sharpener and an elastic band.
  2. In addition to this, you can give the baby a high-quality album or paintings for coloring, which are masterpieces of famous artists.
  3. Even a donated pen can be unusual, for example, multi-colored or on a magnetic stand, an interesting option is an accessory in the form of a fishing rod, a typewriter, with a cap in the form of a cheerful fruit or a clover leaf.
  4. When choosing a pencil case, there is always an opportunity to choose a bright, colorful one with an interesting design. An example of this is a thing in the form of a suitcase, quite roomy, so you can put in it not only pens and pencils, but also a watch, a mobile phone. For girls, it is worth buying a model in the form of an animal with funny eyes. For a first-grader boy, a pencil case-book is more suitable, made of high-quality material, decorated with a colorful print, with two compartments and fasteners for the necessary writing instruments. Although, of course, you need to focus on the tastes of the child, because you must know what your child will like.
  5. A good gift, consonant with the school theme, will be the nominal diary "Educational weekdays" - this is a timely and useful present that will help the child fix homework, important things.
  • a globe with a relief surface, on which you can feel the lowlands and mountains located on different continents with your fingers;
  • an unusual alarm clock "Starry sky", which, in addition to its main functions, is a projector that can entertain a child and decorate a children's room;
  • a desktop organizer in the form of a typewriter is an unusual stand that a daughter or son has yet to assemble, so a child will surely like such a present.
  • a memorable gift will be the medal "September 1" made under gold with a beautiful ribbon in a gift box. But such a gift is best used in conjunction with a more interesting present.
  • you can present a whole set of encyclopedias with pictures as a gift to a first grader - these books will stimulate the desire to learn new things and expand the horizons of the baby.

The choice of gifts for the day of knowledge is very large, it remains only to think about the tastes and interests of the student in order to choose the right gift.

The best gifts for boys

What can surprise and delight a child of 6-7 years old on the eve of school classes, only parents of babies can know, and sons is a separate issue. At this age, this is already an established personality, perfectly aware of its position in the society of adults. In life, this is a restless little child, extremely inquisitive and adventurous. Of course, you will have to think ten times what to give a first-grader boy on September 1 before choosing something.

In fact, first-graders have little difference in tastes and interests depending on gender, first of all, this is influenced by the interests and character of children. So these gifts are perfect for girls.

It can be a gift for study, such as:

  • unusual alarm clock;
  • old-style Harry Potter pencil case;
  • tablet for drawing with light;
  • lamp in the form of a soccer ball;
  • glowing globe;
  • a bizarre desktop organizer that will help the new student to keep his desk in order;
  • set for experiments "Fexilab";
  • depending on the son's hobbies, he can be presented with development kits - a young technician, biologist or chemist, a microscope or a telescope if he is interested in the space theme;
  • board games will help the kid develop reaction speed, logic, thinking, spatial perception of reality - there are many worthy, interesting games that will become a truly desirable present for your son (a wooden 3D-puzzle "Safe", an educational constructor with a solar models, metal express sculptor).

When thinking about what to give a first grader on September 1, it is worth remembering that the boys love to build, so you can give your son a designer as a gift. To date, there are a lot of such games, among which there are really outstanding and very unusual in design.

A first-grader can already buy a constructor from the scientific category:

  • prefabricated models of space SUVs, robots from the DIY series;
  • electronic designers - "First Steps in Electronics", "Smart Machine", "Alternative Energy Sources", "Magic of Voice";
  • the boy can be presented with an interesting constructor "Sun Energy", the toy is powered by solar panels, a similar option is "Alternative Energy";
  • other entertaining games that involve assembly are Fixilab Magnet, Labyrinth, Miracle Squares, Code Lock.

Focusing on your son's passion for sports, you can give him as a gift on September 1:

  • children's home simulator;
  • Swedish wall;
  • punching bag with gloves;
  • games for the development of accuracy, for example, darts.

A handed tablet, a small laptop can be a valuable gift, but not all adults can afford such a present, so a simpler and more affordable technique is also suitable - a mobile device, a game console for a computer, an unusual flash drive, a computer game or a training program created in the form of a game process. Such a thing should emphasize the change in the status of the baby to the status of a first grader.

Gift for a girl

For daughters, you can also choose something interesting, useful and unusual that will please the baby and help her remember her first visit to school for a long time.

  1. A beautiful pencil case, made in an interesting way - with a beautiful picture or in the form of a shaggy dog.
  2. A girl who is fond of drawing should be presented with a large album and drawing materials to her taste - felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, crayons, etc. You can choose a coloring.
  3. A multi-layered, colorful food container that baby can carry her breakfast in.
  4. A gift that your daughter will like is a good board game, a new designer from which you can build a house for a doll, a musical instrument such as a children's synthesizer, a mobile device.
  5. If a girl has long wanted to pierce her ears, now is the time to do it. In addition, you can give charming earrings.

Pay attention to the advice on gifts for boys, because at this age gifts are universal and are not divided by gender, you need to focus solely on the interests and character of the child.

A beautiful notebook, a personalized diary and a beautiful bag will come in handy for my daughter's study.

Other gifts for children

In fact, there are a lot of interesting ideas on how to celebrate a celebration and congratulate the kids on this important event in their lives.

Gifts that will delight children of both sexes:

  • home planetarium "Solar System", which, in fact, is a projector lamp;
  • watch-toy "Omnitrix" for turning into a space character;
  • an unusual LED flashlight for a book will appeal to both a boy and a girl;
  • lamp "UFO" with a remote control;
  • nice mouse pad
  • piggy bank, made in an interesting and original style;
  • inexpensive light tablet for drawing with a pen-flashlight;
  • interactive aquarium with a fish, working in three color modes;
  • flash drive for files in the form of a child's favorite character;
  • unkillable, eternal silver pencil in a gift box;
  • flying saucer with backlight for active games;

In addition, on Knowledge Day, children can be pampered with a visit to a cafe or entertainment center, take them to rides, to a circus or to an interesting children's performance. As an additional present, kids will love a visit to the water park or a fun outdoor party outside the city. A house party is a very good end to an exciting day. For this, a table with sweets must be set, it is good if his peers come to the child. You can decorate the apartment with balloons and festive garlands, and don't forget about your son's or daughter's favorite songs and compositions.

Gifts You Shouldn't Give

There are a lot of gifts that can be made throughout the year, but they are not suitable for September 1st. These presentations include:

  • household items, dishes, bedding, ordinary clothes, which not only will not please the first grader, but will also disappoint him, like a gift, on such a significant date;
  • board and other games that are not suitable for a child by age;
  • a box of chocolates, a cake or pastries, which, in addition to a gift, should already be on the festive table on this day.

Pets, such as a cat and a dog, are also undesirable as a surprise - they will distract the first grader from lessons, it is better for children to get an interactive pet, an ant farm, an aquarium with fish, in worst case, a turtle that does not require much attention from a kid who needs to study. True, some parents will not agree with this - at the age of 7, children are old enough and can take care of caring for a pet, in addition, this will help them develop such important qualities as kindness and responsibility for someone else's life.

A computer is a gift that many children dream of, but, nevertheless, it is better to buy such expensive equipment for a child's birthday. It is undesirable to purchase a smartphone of the latest model, as it can cause misunderstanding and envy among other children. A cheap thing is not worth giving, a priori, on such a solemn day.

In order to adequately celebrate the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of school classes, adults should think in advance about what to give to a first grader on September 1. In some cases, you can ask the baby himself about this, however, this may not come as a surprise, however, the son or daughter will receive exactly what they dreamed of.