• What will help us unite •. Separates - the system, unites - people! What can bring people together

Worthy of respect is the one who lives and acts for the sake of his soul and the spiritual future of all mankind.

Rigden Djappo

Thanks to the Knowledge set forth in the AllatRa book, a wave of universal spiritual insight and unification began. On the basis of spiritual Knowledge, people unite all over the world, destroying the attitudes imposed by the Animal mind system about the difference between people from each other, about the difference in their mentality and interests, thereby proving that all people in the spiritual understanding are one. Indeed, the future of all mankind now depends on each person, and it is very important that each spiritually awakened wake up as many sleeping people as possible. After all, many people still live in the illusion of the invincibility of their egocentric little world and the world as a whole. But this whole illusion of security is fragile, and is like thin ice under the feet of humanity, which at any moment can crack under the blows of the elements and winds of global change and fall into the darkness of the abyss.

So that people do not create illusions about the safety of this world, I have to tell them something that only a few knew about until today. In recent days, I emphasize days, not months, this fragile the world was twice on the verge of total destruction. In the first case, due to the ambition and self-confidence of some aggressive people, the whole world almost went into an irrevocable void. And only thanks to endurance, personal courage and the sanity of other people, you can still see not only your own reflection in the mirror, but also enjoy communicating with your children, relatives and friends. In the second case, the world survived solely thanks to the One Who is still present in the world of people. This is a good reason to think about the fragility, conventionality of this material world and the temporary existence of a person in it. This is an opportunity to realize and make your decisive choice here and now, to understand your thoughts and actions, to understand that we do not have "tomorrow", there is only this moment on the edge of the abyss, in which we choose between our total death or eternal life.

A person can win his personal Armageddon only by truly choosing the spiritual world and serving only Him. Then the system will also be powerless, because a person, having abandoned its settings, will not let in a derivative of the will of the Animal mind, will not even allow the thought of subordinating himself to the Animal nature with its mortal illusions that are imposed on an individual in human society. It is difficult to break the system of the Animal mind in human society alone, because its existence is based on the choice of spiritually sleeping people. But this can be done by uniting all people.

Thank God, in this material world there are many people who have a deep faith in goodness and justice, who know how to make friends faithfully and disinterestedly, who have the courage and courage to make responsible decisions. There are many good, kind people on Earth, but they do not know about each other's existence. It is important to give them Knowledge and unite them on a spiritual basis - this is the primary task for all people of good will.

For spiritual power, there are no obstacles! Friendship knows no boundaries! If a person lives in unity with the spiritual world, then he is one with all spiritual people. Unite in friendship and multiply spiritual knowledge! Honor and Conscience are the essence of every person, it's just that the best must be awakened in every person. Hurry up to spread the primordial spiritual knowledge now, so that tomorrow it will not be too late! Unite in spirit for the Truth to triumph! Separates - the system, unites - people! In your hands is your spiritual future and the future of all mankind.

In the primordial spiritual knowledge lies the power of the Awakening of man and humanity as a whole. People still have a chance to defeat Evil. The worldwide unification of the peoples of the world on a spiritual basis will begin with the unification of the Slavs. Humanity still has a chance to survive and create a civilization of Good. The civilization of the world, where people would live with the understanding that no person should give power to another person, for only God has true power; no man should speak in the name of God, for man is only man. Just as there are no boundaries in heaven, so there should be no boundaries between people that separate them according to the signs of matter.

Like every person, so the whole of humanity is now on the verge of a major choice. Evil reaches its climax, it divides and shatters nations with hatred, triumphs in the minds of people. People have been given AllatRa - the keys to the Primordial Knowledge that Rigden brought to the world. And only by uniting in this Truth, people will defeat evil in themselves and will be able to recreate justice, order and prosperity throughout the world.

If people choose the Truth, then another thousand years will be given to humanity so that every soul returns in its maturity to God. When the last stronghold of evil collapses in this world, a significant event will take place for all the peoples of the world. Where the damaged pearl of the East is turned over to the West on the top of an obelisk from the ancient country of Ra, the peoples will establish the primordial sign of creation and universal peace - the sign of AllatRa. AllatRa will shine, the Pillar of Faith will shine, proclaiming the victory of Truth. Religions that fight for earthly power will fall. People will be united in the Truth, and everyone who has chosen the world of God will find salvation in his soul.

Only in the unity of all peoples is it possible for humanity to survive in the near future. Otherwise, we will all die. Remember, a suicidal war or unity in peace and friendship begins in our minds, and only we choose how our human society should be.

Anastasia Novykh

More and more people around the world are joining the Immortal Regiment campaign. In Chile, it took place for the first time. Dozens of citizens with portraits of their relatives-front-line soldiers marched through the streets of Santiago. Even more people took to the streets of Buenos Aires, in Argentina the action took place for the third time. And in the United States, Immortal Regiment processions swept several cities at once, including Washington and New York.

Robert Bell knows all seven verses of “Get up, huge country” by heart in Russian, although the language is not easy for him. Once at the university, Robert wrote a term paper about the confrontation in space between the USSR and the USA and was surprised to find how many space victories belonged to the Soviets. And then Robert decided to delve into Russian history.

“I was shocked when I learned what losses your country suffered in World War II: 28 million people. This is a huge number! An entire generation sacrificed itself to destroy Nazism. Without them, there would be neither me nor this freedom,” says Robert Bell.

Here, in the same ranks, representatives of dozens of countries. Every year the action "Immortal Regiment" acquires an increasing scale and weight. Starting in 2011, it has spread across all continents. Now it is joined by those who do not know a word of Russian.

“My great-grandfather is from Bangladesh, he fought in World War II with British troops and died in Iraq, in the city of Basra,” says Muhamed Kamal.

"This is my father. He served in the US Army in the Pacific. And my mother was in the Red Cross in Italy, ”says a participant in the Immortal Regiment action.

Dozens of volunteers collected, glued and neatly stacked portraits of war veterans until the very night. And now the father, grandfather or great-grandfather seems to be back in the ranks.

City of Chardjou. Turkmenistan. Buryatia, Yeravninsky district, the village of Zaskoozerskoe. Azerbaijan. Bryansk.

Along the Hudson, a light aircraft drags a 30-meter St. George ribbon. Its trajectory is outlined so as to fly around the statue of liberty. On the North American continent, the Immortal Regiment has already covered almost three dozen cities: from Boston to Los Angeles and from Miami to Toronto.

Washington, square in front of the White House. Sound "Katyusha" and "Moldavanka". And under the portraits, along with Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Moldovan names, there are already quite a few names of American soldiers.

“I believe that this victory was the most important event in the last hundred years. Our generation is responsible for maintaining allied relations with Russia and remembering the feat of our peoples,” Robert Mitriksak believes.

“I think we should all unite and not fight against each other. Unfortunately, it seems that my country wants just to confront Russia and China. And that's wrong," says Fred Gurtzler.

The end point is a memorial to the fallen in all wars. Here the column is met by veterans. Every year there are fewer of them. The action "Immortal Regiment" is held in New York for the fourth time. But for the first time it was officially recognized by the American authorities. The New York State National Assembly voted to support this action.

It is expected that next Tuesday, May 8, the same resolution in support should be adopted by the state Senate. The draft of this document states that the action "Immortal Regiment" is an important international event that preserves the memory of the courage and valor of those who fought against Nazism. It also says that this action helps to keep the connection between generations. Robert Bell feels it without resolutions. Today is one of the most important days in his life.

Robert Bell proposes to his beloved: "I want you to be with me for a long time, Trisha, and I want you to become my wife!"

American Trisha in a Red Army soldier's tunic is crying with happiness. Her embarrassed "yes" is almost inaudible. For her, this day is also one of the most important in life. And for it to happen, millions did not spare their lives. They are invisible here. And white balls, like cranes, fly into the sky.

Dear compatriots!

You and I live in a complex world torn apart by a variety of contradictions; in a society where everyone is used to relying only on himself. But there are always restless people in the world who live by other ideas. The editors of the newspaper "In search of unity" decided to look for and acquaint you with people who live for the sake of uniting and creating a common beautiful world. These people are great Dreamers and Idealists, but their EXPERIENCE is all the more valuable, since each of them is also a tireless Creator.

Anna Innokentievna Ermolaeva (Ukraine, Dnipro) - founder and head of the charity fund "KIDDO"

I believe that this eternal question is put before us by the very nature of man. After all, all basic human needs are survival instincts. And when a baby is just born, then this is a completely natural state for survival - to be selfish. The child wants to eat, drink, be safe, warm and protected. Only adults can do this for him. Children's infantile egoism even causes a smile and is pleasant for us, adults and the whole society. But when a child grows up and he has the ability to think and learn and develop, then why does he remain at this level of childish egoism, except perhaps adding to the basic instinctive needs the need for fame, prestige and power? But this is all again, about myself and for myself. Why is the development of a child-teenager-junior in the direction of altruism and service to society not taking place? Because children are brought up by pathologically selfish adults and the whole society, aimed at YOUR comfort and YOUR pleasure.

We can observe examples of such behavior everywhere in our lives. We have beautifully maintained mansions, but none of their owners wants to be dumped onto a common road or the general improvement of public communications. We send children abroad for education, not wanting to invest in the general level of the society's culture and build an education system in Ukraine, not thinking about the fact that children will return to a degraded and ignorant society, incapable of any kind of universal human communication.

The answer to this question I find in history. Rather, in the role of personality in the history of mankind. People can only be united by a person who has an Idea and a Deed that exceeds HIS personal selfish interest, who lives and creates "in spite of and despite ...". Such a person unites more people with his idea if history brings such a person to the social top. And his Cause goes beyond the limits of his life, outliving the man himself.

I think that society destroys everything that separates and separates people. And everything that unites people brings beauty into our lives. For example, if we want to build a strong country, then let's build it with people who speak two, three, or four languages, and not say that language is an obstacle to unification and cooperation. But, unfortunately, only emotionally mature people with a high level of emotional intelligence are able to unite. I dream that people understand that before taking from society, you must first invest and give society something that is valuable to it.

Mikhail Semyonovich Kazinik (Sweden) - culturologist, educator, art historian, musician, poet, writer, actor, director, playwright, musical expert of the Nobel Concert. He lives permanently in Sweden, but when asked where he works, he takes out a small globe and says: “Here on this planet.”

1. What prevents people from uniting? Why are divisional tendencies strong in our society?

2. What can bring people together?

To unite people could be CULTURE! A universal culture that is non-national, timeless and non-religious. But the last line is allocated to culture in the budgets of countries, turning culture into a residual appendage of the life of society.

I embrace you with Music, Mikhail Kazinik

Garkusha Vladimir Grigorievich (Ukraine, Kharkiv) - People's Artist of Ukraine, chief conductor of the Dnepropetrovsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, head of the Day of World Culture organization.

1. What prevents people from uniting, Why are the tendencies of separation strong? What can bring people together?

For thousands of years, humanity has been losing the principles of social life given to us from above: love for our neighbor as for ourselves, when you respect, love and appreciate a person not for his status, strength and position in society, but for the fact that he, like you, was created by the Creator for joyful and happy life on our planet Earth. The spiritual essence of man, unfortunately, during this time gave way to a grossly material essence, which invented so many tools and devices for its flourishing that the Divine essence in man retreats before the onslaught of false information about the meaning of life and the values ​​of civilization, as it is understood by the modern world.

In one person, the spiritual essence prevails - in the other, the material one. The people of the second group are stronger and more pragmatic, they become at the head of society and cannot unite with the people of the first one, because they categorically refuse to understand those who, by their life and example of activity, prove that the joy and happiness of being is only in the creation of spiritual and material values, and the latter are needed only to live a full spiritual life for all creators in society.

True Culture and Art are the only means of uniting people. Beethoven, Dostoevsky, Roerich, Scriabin (and not only them) wrote and said: Beauty will save the world... Awareness of Beauty will save the world... Embrace brothers... Come, all the peoples of the world - Let us sing glory to Art...

Koltunovich Elena Valerievna (Ukraine, Dnipro) - public figure, publisher, teacher, philosopher, educator, author of educational programs for parents and children, founder and leader of the educational project "Generation of Freedom".

1. What prevents people from uniting? Why are divisional tendencies strong in our society?

People are hindered from uniting by mass culture and education, which are aimed at educating the younger generation of reference points for competition and the desire to satisfy their personal desires, have fun, realize ambitions and achieve maximum personal comfort.

Classical ideals are deliberately ridiculed and thereby destroyed their value. They are called retrograde and obsolete, primitive nonsense that interferes with the effective achievement of goals and success.

The heroes of our time are brought out, hung in the teenage stage of development, characters. These are the cynics and nihilists of the popular series Dr. House, Sherlock Holmes, and so on. Such cold intellectuals with simple views on life: “Everyone is lying! All lies!”, “Every man for himself”. Having ridiculed and despised everything, they are not able to create anything, because they do not believe in anything and serve no one.

With the help of reasonable adults, such a teenage position of the personality should eventually develop in young people into responsible emotional maturity and wisdom. Then comes the understanding of the need to serve people and society, and hence the unification.

But how to make such a transition of personality to the stages of maturity? All mankind has confused the development of external information technologies with the development of the individual and society. As a result, there is a degradation of the individual, and hence the degradation of society. Hence the division.

2. What can bring people together?

To slightly paraphrase the words of Antoine Exupery from his breathtaking Citadel, I will say this: “Let people build a common GREAT cause and they will become one, but give them tons of wealth and peace of comfort and they will hate each other.”

Only Man can unite people - the bearer of Ideas and Ideals that go beyond momentary profit and personal interests, beyond states and nations, and even beyond time and opportunity. Ideas that prolong a person's life.

Pulina Galina Aleksandrovna (Ukraine, Dnipro) - journalist, blogger, teacher of literature

1. What prevents people from uniting? Why are divisional tendencies strong in our society?

2. What can bring people together?

I will combine the answer to these two questions.

Pierre says to Natasha: “My whole idea is that if vicious people are interconnected and constitute a force, then honest people need only do the same. After all, it's so simple." ("War and Peace", Epilogue, Part One, Chapter XVI)

For the first time I object to Tolstoy.

No, it's not easy at all. Bad people unite easily. In the party, movements and assault squads. And the good ones don't. And if it turns out, then they immediately become bad. Today, the hope is not for large associations of good people, but for islands of such people, united by a common life vectors. There is not the slightest desire to unite with everyone. Then either I will impose my thoughts on them, or I will have to obey the opinion of the majority. I don't want either one or the other.

I want to appeal to all people - the inhabitants of the planet Earth: global cataclysms are a reality not of tomorrow, but of today! The fact that cataclysms occur "out there" and not at my house, and the fact that not everyone knows about it, does not mean that these cataclysms do not exist at all.

It is extremely important for all of us to unite now!

Immediately about the main thing: how to do it? Or is it better to say, "What can I do?
What depends on me?"

And everything is very simple: you need to do only 2 steps.

  1. To understand the importance and scale of the ongoing events, and to realize the need to unite people all over the planet on a spiritual and moral basis.

What is it for?

  • Only when we are aware of a problem can we solve it.
  • Only when we have an accurate understanding do we have enough motivation to take decisive action.
  • When you understand yourself, you can tell about the importance of this threat to other people who surround you, with whom you interact both in everyday life and on the Internet.
  • Realizing the seriousness of the current situation and the inevitability of impending global cataclysms, people, united, will be able to prepare and go through these trials with honor.

2. Change your way of thinking from consumer to spiritual and creative.

And this is extremely important!

“Everything good begins with purity, first of all, with one’s own thoughts!”

(“Sensei-IV. Primordial Shambhala” by A. Novykh)

It is important for every person to realize: who he really is and why he lives in this world. Every person on Earth has one goal - to develop a spiritual essence in himself and return to God as a mature spiritual being. I want to once again draw your attention - SPIRITUAL being! We will not return to God in bodies, the body of each person will die in any case, because, like any matter, it has its beginning and its end. Therefore, the main concern in this life should be about strengthening the spiritual component of a person. It is necessary to “work out” a sensual connection with the Spiritual world, this is what helps us to strengthen the position of the Personality as the Spirit, and it is this Spirit that will live in eternity after the death of the body. (More details about the dual nature of man, about Who created him and why, can be found in A. Novykh’s book “AllatRa”.

When a person in practice feels that he is in fact a spiritual being, he is not afraid of the death of the physical body, because he is not a body. At the same time, I will note (in order not to mislead those who have not yet encountered this issue from personal experience) that the instinct of self-preservation of the body does not go anywhere, and consciousness still performs its functions, and all the skills acquired in this world also do not go anywhere. are lost. On the contrary, you begin to see what is happening around you much wider, and it only becomes easier and more interesting to live. And at the same time, there is no need to constantly search for ways to diversify the life of the material body, because a clear inner understanding comes that real Life does not occur at the physical level, but outside the material body — and this is Life by the Spirit.

Accordingly, the desire to accumulate material values ​​also disappears, since your most important wealth is spiritual. Such a person in itself does not need to please his ego with the illusion of power over other people. And most importantly, understanding comes: in the Spirit, everyone is one! How can such a person not lend a helping hand to the needy?!

“People still understand that if they had systemic knowledge about a person and, first of all, about the Soul, they would have the opportunity, guided by the needs of the Soul, to control the aspirations of their mind. Knowing themselves, they would better understand all the components of their lives: intuition, thoughts, feelings, emotions, hidden desires, motives for behavior, consequences of their actions, and so on. And in this case, if such Knowledge becomes not only accessible, but also understood by the majority, it would be possible to easily build and establish in the world a society of kindness and harmony, which people have been dreaming of for millennia.” (AllatRa by A. Novykh)

Just think how simple and how important it is: as you change, the people around you also change. And it all starts with the choice of each person. Everything starts with you!

“If you want to live in a better society, start, first of all, with yourself, become a Human. Look inside yourself, think about why you live in this world, who you really are. Look with a clear gaze at the world around you, without the veil of Ahriman. Keep your thoughts pure. Replace your mental slander with good word, instead of envy, sincerely rejoice for the success of another person, instead of empty evil discussions, it’s better to go and do good to other people, simply, silently and disinterestedly. Instead of wishing harm to another and longing for his death, it is better to share a piece of your bread with him and just sit down together and talk about what everyone has in their hearts, about life, about Love, about God. Let the rays of your goodness into the world, share pure knowledge, and many souls will be warmed by their warmth. And you look, let two of your small pure sparks ignite from one. And where there are two, there will be a third. And when there are a lot of such sparks, a real flame will ignite. So one person can do a lot of useful and good things! And he does not even imagine how large-scale his deed will be and how valuable his work before God will be for the good of his soul.” (“Sensei-IV.” A. Novykh)

The unification of all people is possible only on a spiritual basis. Consciousness always divides, draws the illusion of its own significance and thus makes a person defend some of his fictitious interests, but in our true essence we are not just close to each other, we are spiritually united. Also, consciousness imposes fear, “what if tomorrow you will not have the opportunities to acquire material values ​​that you have today. Gotta stock up today." And so from day to day. It is difficult for a person to break out of this circle of “concern about tomorrow”. But we must understand that this is not a real necessity, but only fear, drawn by consciousness, and distracting from the most important thing - dialogue with God.

And one more, very important point, consciousness will definitely say: “But it’s impossible that all people will just take it and change. In any case, there will be those who will still want power in this world!..” But can this stop you as a Personality in striving for God?! It is their choice and they will be responsible for it. You will receive what you yourself deserve by your choice: if you choose life by the Spirit, you will be strengthened in the Spirit, and you will become a part of the boundless Spiritual world, if you choose life by the desires of the ego, you will become a subpersonality that has no way to change anything. The choice is yours.

The full version of the program “The Coming Cataclysms. About relationships between people. The rebirth of humanity. Truth is the same for all” see on the website of the International Volunteer Television al latra.tv: https://allatra.tv/video/istina-kataklizmy

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all doubts about the possibility of uniting people come from consciousness. When you are in the Spirit, then even such questions do not arise. You just live in Love! And you know that everyone who has come into contact with this immeasurable grace of God, just like you, is a part of the One! And this is absolute happiness! And when you are absolutely happy, you simply do not have the desires of an animal: you do not need to rule over anyone, or build something out of yourself in front of anyone, because your whole essence is Love! You can only share this Love with everyone: acquaintances and strangers!

With a clear understanding, we can act. If we change ourselves, the whole world will change!

King Philippe of Belgium took part in the celebration of Ramadan for the first time in a Moroccan family living in Ghent. Together with the owner of the house, his eight sons and their families, King Philip tasted dates with milk, and also listened to explanations about the significance of the month of Ramadan and the benefits of abstaining from food daily from sunrise to sunset during this period. The spiritual significance of Ramadan to the king of the Belgians was detailed by one of the sons of the owner of the house, who serves as an imam in one of the largest mosques in Ghent, and also works in the Department of Education of Flanders. According to official data, in Belgium on 11 million population account for 800 thousand Muslims. Moreover, in 2000 their number was about 400 thousand. There are about 350 officially recognized mosques in the country, not counting the numerous prayer halls that do not have official licenses and are located in apartments or garages.

Prince Harry and Singaporean Muslims

Britain's Prince Harry attended Iftar while on a trip to Singapore, where he plays in a polo tournament and helps raise funds for HIV patients in South Africa.
REUTERS/Joseph Nair/Pool

On June 4, the prince was invited to an iftar at the Muslim organization Jamiyah Singapore. The event was organized, among other things, in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in London. Before the meal, Muslims, together with Prince Harry, prayed for all the victims, after which they began the iftar with traditional dates, reports Al Arabiya.

Latin American iftars in California

Muslims from Orange County in the US state of California gathered in the evening in the parking lot of the Islamic center of Santa Ana, along with representatives of the Hispanic community, and ate a traditional Mexican dish - tacos (flat cakes stuffed with meat and vegetables). Such events were also held in other mosques in the district. About 400 people, reports Latimes.

Steven Georges, Contributing Photographer