How to wear a watch on a chain. Women's pocket watch in gold and silver

Watches are a traditional and functional accessory. One of the most interesting and stylish models are products on a chain, which favorably complement classic and business looks.

Today, you can purchase such options using online stores. If you decide to buy a watch with a chain, view the range of quality products on the website

How to choose

Pocket watches equipped with a chain have been used by both women and men for quite a long period. Previously, such products, made of expensive metals, always testified to the high status of their owner.

Today, such models are used as an addition to an expensive and elegant style. When choosing watches on a chain, modern people pay special attention not only to external design, but also to functionality.

Often such products are presented as a gift, and here, during the acquisition, one must rely not only on one's own tastes, but also on the preferences of another person.

Basically, modern manufacturers produce two types of pocket watches: classic and sports. For the manufacture of the former, expensive alloys are used, elegant and subtle patterns are used in the design (in female models).

Often the case is decorated with precious stones. Often in the design elements from Swarovski are used.

As for sports products, high-quality plastic is used for their manufacture. The main distinguishing feature of the models is multifunctionality.

In any case, no matter what type you prefer, when choosing a pocket watch, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • material quality;
  • stability and strength of the body;
  • element reliability.

The chain must be firmly fixed to the base. Pay attention to the presence of defects, as the metal often has small scratches, which is unacceptable (especially if you are buying a gift).

How to wear

It is worth noting that pocket watches can be worn in completely different ways. How you do this will determine the harmony of the style.

Here are a few options on how to properly wear a watch:

  • for fans of the classic style, it is best to place the product in a vest pocket. The chain is always fastened to the button of the garment;
  • if you like a little carelessness in your look, it is best to wear a watch in trousers. Such an idea always attracts the attention of others;
  • For business style lovers, it is best to use a watch as an addition to a suit. It always shows the high status of a person.

Pay attention to the fact that the chain is visible in any image. It is functional and decorative at the same time.

The fashion for wristwatches was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the military, who found it inconvenient to check the time using pocket watches. Over the past hundred years since that time, wristwatches have become part of everyday life. Moreover, they began to perform more often not the direct function of an indicator of time, but rather a stylish decoration. That is why the choice of watch is important depending on the event for which the outfit is chosen and the person's own style.

A universal watch for everyday wear can look quite simple: both for women and men, they can have a small square or round light dial, a leather or metal strap without additional decorations, and a neutral palette. Such watches can be used in the formation of an office wardrobe. They will also be relevant on dates, walks, meetings with friends, etc.

Representative watches are usually used at important business meetings or at ceremonial receptions (if, of course, there is a need for them). When choosing a watch of this class, it should be remembered that they must be combined with a suit for men and an outfit for women. Etiquette suggests that the strap of a representative watch should be the same color as the trouser belt, shoes, purse. For women, it should be combined with a bag, scarf, gloves. It is desirable that the combination be harmonious both in texture and in color. But it is more important that the watch matches the style and shape of the whole image. Agree that a large watch on a thick leather strap will look awkward with a light summer dress, even if the color of the strap is combined with the color of open sandals.

The watch strap should match the accessories

Watches for sports, as a rule, have a large number of functions (pedometer, navigator, heart rate monitor) and, accordingly, are larger than usual ones. There are specific watches for pilots, divers, runners, etc. They can be worn not only with a tracksuit, but you should very carefully follow the rules for color combinations with clothes and shoes.

Women's watches made of precious metals, according to etiquette, can be combined with jewelry made of the same metal or metal of a similar color. For example, platinum watches can be worn with silver or white gold jewelry.

The watch should sit on the hand, not hang and, on the contrary, not squeeze the wrist too much. The size of the dial depends on the wearer's hand: an elegant watch with a round dial is ideal for a narrow thin hand, while a square or rectangular watch will make a wide hand in bone less massive.

The cost of a good watch, according to etiquette, should be at least two monthly wages of a person. Fortunately, with the emergence of a large number of inexpensive and high-quality brands, this rule has become obsolete. However, watches still remain an indicator of a person's class, so you should not buy cheap fakes for expensive models - it is better to buy an inexpensive, but branded item.

Electronic watches with a plastic bracelet are intended exclusively for young people or for wearing in the gym. And categorically not suitable for business meetings.

By the way, keep in mind that, according to the rules of good manners, it is considered impolite to look at the clock during a dialogue more than once every 15 minutes: this shows disrespect for the interlocutors.

Watches worn on a chain have more than 400 years of history. Their task was to demonstrate the status of the owner and evidence of his wealth. Now this accessory is back in fashion. And a quite reasonable question arises: how to wear such a watch.

How to choose a watch on a chain

Most often, pocket watches are matched to clothing. Depending on the color of the watch, keychain and chain, the accessory can be given a formal, casual or sporty look. For official and solemn events, it is preferable to choose watches in gold, silver or bronze cases.

The location of the watch relative to clothing

The classic version of wearing watches on a chain involves placing them in a special breast pocket of a jacket or vest. The chain is attached to the button and threaded through the loop.

When wearing a watch in a trouser pocket, the chain is attached to the belt by a loop or a special eyelet. If you plan to use your watch in this way, choose a model with a fairly long chain and a larger dial.

In order to make the process of using pocket watches comfortable, consider their placement in advance. This means that with the dominant right hand, the watch is placed in the left pocket and vice versa. Thus, they will not distract you from the main lesson.

Watches on a chain in a women's wardrobe

On a chain, they are a great addition to business and cocktail attire. They can be worn around the neck as a decoration and as an independent accessory. It should be noted that the chain should be massive and long enough to make it convenient to watch the time.

Wearing a pocket watch with a business suit refreshes the image and subtly emphasizes the independence of a business woman. The watch is fastened in the same way as in the men's version. Women are allowed to place a watch and a key chain in different pockets of a jacket or vest (in the left and right at the same time). In this case, when the clothes are unbuttoned, the chain serves as a spectacular additional decoration.

youth fashion

A winning combination is a pocket watch with jeans or overalls. For such wearing, the watch case should be selected from chrome-plated metal. You can complement the original image with unusual key chains that are attached to the other end of the strap. By choosing bright combinations of straps and key chains, you can refresh and diversify even the most boring outfit.

Who wears a pocket watch?

Pocket watches are perhaps the oldest type of watch. And as a result - one of the oldest types of accessories known to modern fashion. They have been actively used since the Middle Ages, and to this day this mechanism will not go out of the everyday life of world fashionistas.

This type of watch is preferred by those who, for one reason or another, do not like to use wristwatches that are more familiar to a modern person. Yes, perhaps many do not like to wear watches on their wrists, but rummaging through your pocket every time in search of an urgently needed accessory is also a dubious pleasure. In this case, you need to think about how to wear a pocket watch with maximum comfort.

How to choose a pocket watch?

So, if you have long thought about how to acquire such an unusual, and it's time to say - outlandish, accessory for your collection, you should take care of something else in advance. To create your own unique wearing style, purchase a set that will consist of the following items:

  • the pocket watch model you like directly;
  • interesting and stylish keychain;
  • a fairly long chain, matched to the material of the watch.

Often, and you could also observe this, a pocket watch is an accessory that is not worn by itself, but in company with a chain and a special keychain. The most ancient and, perhaps, one of the most elegant ways to wear a pocket watch is to purchase a vest, jacket or jacket with a special pocket, which is directly designed for just such a watch.

First, choose a suitable chain for a pocket watch. We are guided by the fact that the material of the chain and its color approximately correspond to the material and color of the watch. If you manage to match the tone-on-tone products, this will be an ideal option for wearing a pocket watch. Attach a pocket watch to one end of the chain, and a keychain to the other. You can fasten the chain to a button or loop of outerwear, but the key chain should be left in sight as a decoration.

To wear a pocket watch with a chain, the double chain must be attached to the middle of the chain. The two ends of the hanging chain must be left free. You can attach a pocket knife or a keychain to one of them and store them in your breast pocket. Watches should be worn at the opposite end of the chain, and stored in the same way, but in another pocket. In this case, two loops of the chain will remain as decoration.

How to wear a pocket watch - keychain

The next step is to choose a keychain. Such accessories are of two types: the first are leather key rings, which are used instead of a chain, and the second ones act as a weight for the chain. If you are a supporter of leather key rings, you can completely refuse to purchase a chain.

If you prefer the second type of keychain, you can use coins and other decorative items, such as a tiny folding knife, for them. In such a case, when the chain is attached to clothing, this type of key ring is usually hung freely from it.

It is necessary to decide on which side you will wear a pocket watch. Traditionally, any watch, including pocket watches, is usually worn on the opposite side to the dominant one. This means that if you are right-handed - you should wear a pocket watch in your left pocket (wristwatch - on your left hand), but if you are left-handed - wear it in your right pocket. This approach to wearing a watch allows you to write and look at the watch at the same time.

You should wear a keychain and a chain in different inner pockets of outerwear. Thus, unbuttoning a jacket or jacket, the chain will look like a self-sufficient decoration. If you have a vest, you should hide the watch in a special pocket, and attach the chain to its button. Pocket watches can also be worn in trousers. In this case, you need to carry the accessory in your pocket, and attach the chain to the belt of your trousers.

Liana Raymanova

Watches confidently take their place in our lives. In addition to watches that are worn on the hand, there are also accessories in the form of a pendant and those that are intended to be carried in a pocket. The main distinguishing feature of such chronometers is that, thanks to the chain attached to them, they can act as decorations and indicate the status of a man.

The name of the watch on the chain was at first a little strange - they were called "Nuremberg eggs". So the chronometer was called because of the round boxes in which they were placed. They have become an indispensable part of a fashionable men's wardrobe. Pocket watches are produced to this day. Usually they are bought by collectors, although they can be used for their intended purpose.

How to use a pocket watch?

In some families, such mechanisms are passed from father to son and become a family heirloom. In this case, a pocket watch on a chain is called a relic.

If there is such a little thing in the family, it can be used for its intended purpose and give significance to your image, denoting belonging to an old family

Of course, to begin with, they should be repaired if they require it. If the clock works, then they need to be put in order. Clean them, oil them. Make sure the engraving is in good condition. In order not to damage the fragile mechanism, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Make sure the chain link is in good condition. This will ensure their safety.

How to choose a pocket watch?

People who don't have vintage watches, but still want to own one, can buy one. They are not cheap, and their choice must be approached thoroughly. As a rule, watches are produced by reputable manufacturers, so their quality is high. Pocket watches cannot be cheap:

  1. Metal. Most of the watches are silver. Such a case will allow you to combine them with any suit. Watches made of copper and bronze are also popular. They cost less than silver ones. You will have to take care of such accessories in your wardrobe. Do not allow moisture to get on them. So that they do not lose their attractiveness, they need to be cleaned.
  2. Decor elements. The watch cover can have a smooth surface or be decorated. It is the decorations that will give the device a stylish and unique look. Most often on the lid there are images with views of nature, monograms or ornaments. The chain performs not only the function of safety, but also serves as an additional decoration. It must be made of the same material as the watch case. The chain must be suitable for the weight of the watch and withstand it, not break. Weaving it can be the most diverse. This is a matter of taste of the buyer.

Decor pocket watch on a chain

How to wear?

This accessory is old-fashioned, so you need to know how to properly wear a pocket watch on a chain. There are several options from which you can choose the right one for a particular person:

  1. Classical. Previously, pocket watches were worn in a vest pocket. Therefore, if a man wants to give his image an old-fashioned look, you should carry it in your vest pocket. The chain in this case is attached to the button of clothing. The watch is placed in the pocket so that the dial is turned towards the body. Then you do not have to turn them in your hands to find out the time. Right-handers wear watches in the right pocket, and left-handers, respectively, vice versa.
  2. Careless. If a man prefers a casual style, then the watch should be carried in a trouser pocket. They will be invisible to others all the time, but will immediately attract everyone's attention as soon as he takes them out of his pocket. In this case, it is more convenient to wear a watch on a short strap. The dial should be large so that you can clearly see the time.
  3. Worker. There were times when watches were worn by people working in factories and factories. Knowing the time was important to them. If a man really wants to use the watch for its intended purpose, they can also be worn in the front pocket of the overalls at work. The chain should be large, rough work. If you complement the image with a cap, a plaid shirt, you will get the image of a newspaper boy of past centuries, and a man will be able to look stylish even in work clothes.
  4. Theatrical. You can wear a watch for a themed costume. For example, take them only to an important official meeting to emphasize their importance. To do this, you need an original chain that will immediately attract the attention of people.

How to wear a pocket watch?

How to take care of a pocket watch?

Watches need to be wound every day, this will ensure the reliability and accuracy of their work. You can clean your watch with suede. It is better to clean them every day after a hard day, then they will not lose their attractiveness. The inside of the lid should also be wiped with a dry cloth daily.

The smooth surface of the watch is polished every few months. The cleaning agent must be the same both for the chain and for the mechanism itself.

Thus, thanks to a pocket watch, it will be possible not only to constantly have knowledge of the exact time, but also to create your own unique style.

September 27, 2018, 10:48