Fabric beads. How to make fabric beads with your own hands Fabric necklace with your own hands

So, my girls, it happened! After numerous unsuccessful attempts to update my wardrobe, I made a number of purchases that warm the heart, delight the soul and please the eyes.

I must admit that fashion this year favors me, millet stores are littered with "my" clothing models, I have enough stuffed up for the summer and, now, I will feel comfortable in almost any situation.

But, of course, there were some minor misunderstandings - it turned out that I can’t imagine any of the things I bought or tried on without additional completion of the image with the help of jewelry! And not only do I obviously lack any accessories, but the whole wide range of beads, necklaces, chains and other things that have accumulated over the years in my stash does not harmonize with new things !!!

But the "long years" of staying at the LIRA and keeping a handicraft diary were not in vain - in my head I didn’t even have the thought of breaking loose and running to the nearest jewelry store! First of all, I went to wander through familiar blogs and services where you can meet, such as here on the site " Sea of ​​beads"- key chains, necklaces, rings and rings, earrings, pendants, pendants, bracelets and, of course (!) handmade beads that can give me inspiration to create my own unique jewelry for myself, for a specific, unforgettable outfit.... Well, and of course, if my hand-made fervor suddenly fades away, then there you can always choose and buy unique jewelry for all occasions...

But now I’m talking about something else - at the moment I was most impressed with the beads created from fabric, which are distinguished by their simplicity and high speed of manufacture, low price, the ability to use improvised materials, endless options for unique jewelry and exact match to the chosen image.

So, I posted a few photos, which will be the starting point for my creativity. I promise that within a week I will post the results of my work (if something really nice happens!). I want to emphasize that there are a great many beads made with the participation of fabric, and some of the models are extremely laborious to perform, but I have selected the most elementary options that are available even for a teenager to create them.

And now some photos with fabric beads!

This is followed by beads, for which a ribbon (tube) was sewn, in which beads (balls, etc., possibly from children's toys) were placed. Between themselves, the beads were divided by simple knots. The free ends of such an ornament are either simply sewn together or complemented with cute elements, such as bows. Please note that for all beads, fabrics of a wide variety of textures and colors are used, as well as fabric processing can be from first-class to deliberately careless.




In this version, a pleasant ensemble of jewelry elements complementing each other is created.

And this is a demonstration of the top of unpretentiousness and democracy in the image.




In addition to simple knots, beads can be tied with threads, which gives the jewelry a slightly more romantic, neat and delicate look.





Undoubtedly, small beads located on top of the fabric and separating the main elements of the decoration look great in fabric beads. Moreover, small beads can be transparent, "losing" in the main pattern, contrasting or matched to match. An additional color of jewelry will add the use of large beads of small pendants, pendants and other things as separators.





If in previous models large beads were placed inside the fabric, then here the opposite logic is presented and large beads are strung on the fabric and are the main element of decor.



Different-sized elements placed in artistic disorder look original in fabric beads, as well as filling such beads with soft stuffing instead of beads.



Fabric beads made using the simplest technique can be complemented with a wide variety of complex elements that give each piece of jewelry an unforgettable uniqueness.





In my opinion, this is an interesting way of presenting decorations.


I didn’t find a larger photo, but here the main element of decoration is pieces of denim fabric rolled into a roll tied with a ribbon.


This decoration uses soft filler and each "bead" is decorated with beads


Here I was captivated by touching airy bows, reminiscent of butterfly or dragonfly wings...


I hope that at this "exhibition" you met models that sunk into your soul, which you wanted to repeat in your wardrobe.

Beads can rightly be called the most ancient decoration. Their history goes back to ancient times. Then people made jewelry from what was at hand - roots, pieces of wood, animal fangs. Each material, appearing in one or another era, was used to make beads. Metals, clay, wood, gems, glass, plastic - the list is endless. In the 20th century, an industrial breakthrough occurred, artificial materials and fibers appeared. Their widespread use in all spheres of life has not bypassed changes in light industry. The production of fabrics survived the introduction of new technologies, thanks to which synthetic materials appeared. Their huge range allows you to create various products. Of course, needlewomen could not pass by new materials and began to make beads from fabric, they create real masterpieces with their own hands. We invite you to learn this simple, but very exciting skill. The detailed master classes from this article will help you master it.

Boho style

boho- This is a special style that involves unusual combinations of different textures and an abundance of jewelry. Good boho-style beads are quite expensive, but you can make them yourself. For this you will need:

  • Thick nylon cord (50 cm);
  • Bright fabric;
  • Metal cylinder or ring;
  • Fastener accessories;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Threads and needle;
  • Round nose pliers.

From the fabric it is necessary to cut a strip of 50 by 6.5 cm.

Attach the fabric to the cord to determine the stitching point.

Sew the fabric strip with a sewing machine or by hand. Turn it inside out and pull it onto the cord.

Put a metal ring on the resulting tourniquet.

To process the edge, you need to collect the fabric at the end of the bundle in a bundle, drop glue on the fittings and press it with round-nose pliers to the end of the beads.

African boho harness is ready! Several of these harnesses worn around the neck look very nice. It is important that their colors are contrasting.

Using different accessories and fabrics, you can create unique accessories.

"Crumpled" beads

The technique of squinting or screeding allows you to create very beautiful beads from fabric. A large number of folds gives them an unusual wrinkled look. If you have a piece of fabric left to match your favorite dress, make yourself a beautiful accessory that will perfectly match with a certain element of your wardrobe.

To create beads, take:

  • Textile;
  • Small beads that will be in harmony with the fabric;
  • A little synthetic winterizer;
  • Strong thread;
  • Accessories with an extension chain.

Consider the process of making beads step by step.

To get a 2-3 cm bead, cut circles with a diameter of 9 cm from the fabric.

Stepping back from the edge about 0.5 cm, start the line “forward with a needle”.

Put a little filler inside the future bead and pull the edges together. Hide them inside the bead and sew up the hole.

Pierce the ball through. Step back a little and make a new puncture.

Note! The more such punctures you make, the more wrinkled the bead will turn out.

Now the thread needs to be pulled tight. The bead is ready!

Prepare the required number of elements and assemble the beads together. To do this, put a few small glass beads on a strong thread. Pierce the squinted bead, alternate until the desired length of the product is obtained. At the ends of the thread, fasten the fittings with a clasp.

Stylish accessory is ready!

Using different colors, you can get modest or "flashy" beads that will emphasize your individuality.

Denim cylinders

You can also create beads from durable denim. Beads in the form of small cylinders look very unusual.

To make them, take:

  • Glue "moment crystal";
  • Wooden skewer;
  • Stripes of denim 2 by 20 cm;
  • Beads to match the fabric;
  • Accessories with a fastener;
  • Satin ribbon.

Let's start the master class on creating cylindrical beads.

The prepared strips of denim must be carefully rolled up.

In order to leave a hole inside for stringing beads on a thread, you need to wind the cylinders on a wooden skewer.

Make the first turn and start gluing the fabric. It is not necessary to lubricate it abundantly with glue, a spot application is enough. Do not smear the edge of the strip (about 2 cm) with glue.

Measure the ribbon and wrap it around the denim roll. Hide one tail under the fabric, grease the second with glue from the wrong side and also hide inside. Gluing points are shown in the photo.

Apply glue to the remaining edge of the fabric and press the bead with your fingers.

Fabric beads. Photo Ideas

So, my girls, it happened! After numerous unsuccessful attempts to update my wardrobe, I made a number of purchases that warm the heart, delight the soul and please the eyes.

I must admit that fashion this year favors me, millet stores are littered with "my" clothing models, I have enough stuffed up for the summer and, now, I will feel comfortable in almost any situation.

But, of course, there were some minor misunderstandings - it turned out that I can’t imagine any of the things I bought or tried on without additional completion of the image with the help of jewelry! And not only do I obviously lack any accessories, but the whole wide range of beads, necklaces, chains and other things that have accumulated over the years in my stash does not harmonize with new things !!!

But the "long years" of staying at the LIRA and keeping a handicraft diary were not in vain - in my head I didn’t even have the thought of breaking loose and running to the nearest jewelry store! First of all, I went to wander through familiar blogs and services where you can meet, such as here on the site " Sea of ​​beads"- key chains, necklaces, rings and rings, earrings, pendants, pendants, bracelets and, of course (!) beads of the author's work, which can give impetus to my inspiration to create my own unique jewelry for myself, for a specific, unforgettable outfit.... Well, and of course, if my hand-made fervor suddenly fades away, then there you can always choose and buy unique jewelry for all occasions...

But now I’m talking about something else - at the moment I was most impressed with the beads created from fabric, which are distinguished by their simplicity and high speed of manufacture, low price, the ability to use improvised materials, endless options for unique jewelry and exact match to the chosen image.

So, I posted a few photos, which will be the starting point for my creativity. I promise that within a week I will post the results of my work (if something really nice happens!). I want to emphasize that there are a great many beads made with the participation of fabric, and some of the models are extremely laborious to perform, but I have selected the most elementary options that are available even for a teenager to create them.

And now some photos with fabric beads!

This is followed by beads, for which a ribbon (tube) was sewn, in which beads (balls, etc., possibly from children's toys) were placed. Between themselves, the beads were divided by simple knots. The free ends of such an ornament are either simply sewn together or complemented with cute elements, such as bows. Please note that for all beads, fabrics of a wide variety of textures and colors are used, as well as fabric processing can be from first-class to deliberately careless.




In this version, a pleasant ensemble of jewelry elements complementing each other is created.

And this is a demonstration of the top of unpretentiousness and democracy in the image.




In addition to simple knots, beads can be tied with threads, which gives the jewelry a slightly more romantic, neat and delicate look.





Undoubtedly, small beads located on top of the fabric and separating the main elements of the decoration look great in fabric beads. Moreover, small beads can be transparent, "losing" in the main pattern, contrasting or matched to match. An additional color of jewelry will add the use of large beads of small pendants, pendants and other things as separators.





If in previous models large beads were placed inside the fabric, then here the opposite logic is presented and large beads are strung on the fabric and are the main element of decor.



Different-sized elements placed in artistic disorder look original in fabric beads, as well as filling such beads with soft stuffing instead of beads.



Fabric beads made using the simplest technique can be complemented with a wide variety of complex elements that give each piece of jewelry an unforgettable uniqueness.





In my opinion, this is an interesting way of presenting decorations.


I didn’t find a larger photo, but here the main element of decoration is pieces of denim fabric rolled into a roll tied with a ribbon.


This decoration uses soft filler and each "bead" is decorated with beads


Here I was captivated by touching airy bows, reminiscent of butterfly or dragonfly wings...


I hope that at this "exhibition" you met models that sunk into your soul, which you wanted to repeat in your wardrobe.

Craft handmade beads from fabric very simple, even your children can help you with this.

Such beads can be made literally from any fabric that will fit your outfit. The ideal option would be to create beads from scraps of the fabric from which your dress is sewn. The beads are very original, light, besides, they cost almost nothing.

As decoration, you can choose those beads that you have not worn for a long time, using only beads. You can collect beads from contrasting pieces of fabric, including elements of leather, wooden beads, pebbles.

Photo master class on making beads from the fabric itself


To begin with, you will need to cut out circles of the same or, conversely, different diameters from the fabric. The size of future beads will depend on their size, which can alternate in color, volume, or be exactly the same. It all depends on your desire and ideas.


You will need threads of the same color as the fabric, as well as small pieces of synthetic winterizer that can be put inside each circle to give it more volume. Sintepon can not be invested. Then each circle must be sewn with a basting stitch along the diameter, retreating about one centimeter from the edge.


After that, tighten the edges with a thread and carefully, using a needle, tuck the edges of the fabric inward.



Having prepared a sufficient number of beads in this way, proceed to assemble them. You can decorate each bead with smaller beads, rhinestones, beads. Plastic or wooden beads can be inserted between the fabric beads, which will give the product an even more attractive look. It is most convenient to collect on a thin elastic band, which will make it easy to put such a bracelet on your hand without assistance. Sometimes they are collected on a thin ribbon or on a fishing line. But in this case, it will be more difficult to remove or put on the bracelet.

Video Master class "How to make beads from fabric with your own hands"

And here is another technology that is also very simple and allows you to make truly original and attractive beads. To do this, you need to take pieces of fabric and cut them into long strips. Width and length are chosen empirically, so that each bead is obtained in the desired length and thickness.

Then the strip of fabric is folded so that the open edges are bent inward, then you need to fold the strip again along the length in half. It is better if you iron each workpiece with a hot iron.

Then each strip is folded into a tube, so as to give it the appearance of a cylinder. The edge is glued with glue moment. Now let your blanks dry and they can be collected, alternating with beads, pebbles.

Beads made by hand from fabric will be a great addition to the unusual image of any woman.

The main advantage of handmade jewelry is its uniqueness. Making such an ornament does not require special sewing skills and expensive materials. To create beads, you will need unnecessary scraps of fabric, such as fine knitwear, denim, velvet, silk, lace, braid, or satin ribbons. The next task is to decide on the shape of the beads and their method of fastening. There are two options for fastening: the beads can be tied together if there is a long piece of fabric, or you can individually string them with a needle onto a thread or fishing line that matches the color.

Circles of the desired diameter are cut out of the fabric, which are pulled together along the edges inward with any convenient seam. To give the future bead volume, it is worth placing a real bead, finely chopped fabric or yarn, a piece of cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or foam rubber into the resulting fabric bag. After that, the bag is pulled together with a thread until it is rounded. In the case when there is no filler, the bag is tightly stitched in different directions and a textured blank is obtained.

To make cylindrical beads, twist rectangular strips of fabric into a tight tube. The resulting beads will become even more original if they are made from multi-colored shreds of fabric or, with glass beads, sequins. Another option to make cylindrical beads from fabric is to cut the fabric into narrow long isosceles triangles and twist them onto the rod, starting from the base. Fix the corner of the triangle with PVA glue. Get a cylinder with a convex middle. To prevent the fabric from fraying, you can cover the beads with colorless nail polish. The number of beads is determined by the planned length of the finished product.

As a fastener according to the tying method, fabric, ribbons that are sewn into the extreme beads are suitable. The convenience of such a clasp is that it allows you to adjust the length of the beads as desired. Ready-made locks for beads (carbines, lobsters, springels) can be purchased at craft stores, or you can use a lock from an old chain.

Beads can be made from multi-colored shreds of fabric or decorated with beads, glass beads, sequins. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

When collecting the whole composition between the fabric beads, both metal beads and ordinary glass beads, matched both to the tone of the fabric, and vice versa in a bright contrasting color, will look beautiful. Jewelry, for which beads of different sizes or shapes were used, will also look unique. Also a stylish addition are bows or flowers made from satin ribbons, or various other decorative elements. Each new added detail will allow you to turn handmade beads into a completely new piece of jewelry.

Handmade beads will add charm and originality to their owner. Unique in their execution, almost weightless, such beads can be a great gift for any occasion.