Balayazh on dark hair to the shoulder blades. All the secrets of balayazh on dark hair: the rules and stages of the dyeing procedure

Balayazh painting - how and what kind of technique is it? Balayazh is a special dyeing technique in which the master clarifies individual strands to create a bright color contrast on the hair. Balayage differs from the shatush technique in that it can cover a large “area” for clarification. For example, in the shatush technique, no more than half the length is taken; with balayage, lightening begins much higher.

Also, do not confuse balayage with the equally popular ombre. When performing an ombre, the border of the color transition from dark to light is more pronounced, that is, the transition point remains even. Also, color staining is more applicable to ombre, for example, pink or purple ends for blondes and so on.

Is it possible to dye your hair at home in this style?

Hair coloring in the style of balayage yourself, is it possible? Do-it-yourself home painting using balayage technology requires special efforts. It is necessary to be careful when working with paint, as well as to think over the tones that will be as close as possible to the original color, because the balayage coloring technique uses only three tones of lightening.

What is needed for this?

How and what to do coloring? In order to dye your hair in the balayage style at home, we should have at hand:

  • Gloves.
  • Comb with fine teeth.
  • Hairpins or silicone rubber bands.
  • Sponges and brushes.
  • Paint and highlighter.

Although balayazh is a technique for coloring the tips, it is still recommended to lubricate the neck and ears along the hairline with a greasy cream to avoid unpleasant surprises, such as skin staining. You can also protect clothes with a special hairdressing cape, if any, or just with an old towel.

How to prepare?

Next, we move on to preparing the hair. Since we do not affect the scalp, then whether your hair will be washed or not - it does not matter. At this stage, the main thing is to comb them properly, otherwise they will become tangled during the dyeing process, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly do the procedure for yourself or someone

A simple and quick technique for dyeing short curls

Technology for dyeing short hair (step by step), which you can do yourself at home:

For medium length

How to do balayazh on medium length hair step by step? In this coloring option, in addition to items from the standard set of a home hairdresser, you will also need foil.

DIY painting technique:

Watch a video about dyeing medium hair using the balayange technique:

For long strands

ADVICE: For dyeing long hair, it is better to ask a friend for help, as tangles are possible on the back of the head.

How to dye your hair using balayage technique for long hair:

Watch a video about hair dyeing with balayange technique for long hair:

How to toned?

If, after lightening, an unpleasant yellow tint remains on the hair, then getting rid of it at home is quite simple. There are a lot of yellowness neutralizers, such as tinted shampoos, special balms, etc. Sometimes manufacturers put them in boxes for clarifiers.

There is also a budget way to tint bleached hair at home.. For this we need:

  • Balm "Tonic" purple hue.
  • Balm for hair.

It is necessary to dilute the "tonic" and your usual balm in proportions of 1: 1 and leave it on your hair for 3-5 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Approach responsibly to the choice of "Tonics": the balm should be exactly purple! All shades of cold blond initially have just such a shade. In order not to be mistaken, it is easier to ask the seller to open a bottle of tonic in front of you. If it is lilac or deep purple - this is what we need. Don't mess with blue! Otherwise, you will get "green" on your hair. To be safe, it is better to try the tonic on a separate strand: this will help you regulate the exposure time of the balm and the intensity of the color.

Watch a video about tinting hair after lightening:

How to independently make a color in one tone?

It also happens that modern and fashionable coloring gets boring over time. Do not despair and take scissors to cut off the boring clarified ends - they can be easily painted over at home. For this we need:

It is best to take a dye with a low ammonia content so as not to harm the hair.

Lightening hair is the removal of colored pigment from them.. So, if we removed it and want to repaint, then it is necessary to “hammer” this pigment into the hair again. Therefore, you will have to repeat the staining procedure after about once a week. On average, 3-4 stains are enough for the pigment to adhere well to the hair.

Technique for performing and applying paint step by step (for the first staining):

  1. We begin to apply the coloring composition to the tips, gradually rising up to the roots. After we have applied paint to the bleached areas of the hair, let it stand for 10 minutes and gently comb the hair.
  2. Next, tint the roots to even out the color. Leave on for 30-40 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a balm for colored and damaged hair.

For subsequent staining: repeat the same thing, but do not touch the roots. The time of action of the coloring pigment is 20-30 minutes.

Life hack how not to ruin your hair

How do they save hair and what do they do after dyeing so that they do not split or deteriorate? If, after lightening, your ends are split and look inappropriate, then you can lubricate them with castor oil or fish oil. Only very little, otherwise the effect of dirty hair may turn out.

Also, after staining, you can make a resuscitating mask of colorless henna and vitamin E. Henna must be diluted in accordance with the instructions (usually 1: 1) and add a few capsules of vitamin E. Leave the mask for 40-60 minutes, rinse with hot water after the time has elapsed. . Henna will help restore damaged hair structure, and vitamin E will provide the necessary trace elements.


IMPORTANT: If your hair has been subjected to frequent lightening and dyeing, as well as dull, lifeless and split, then it would be better to refuse dyeing at home.

There is always a big risk of damaging the hair, and if it is already damaged, then I have every chance of simply remaining in your hands after lightening. In such cases, it is still better to trust professionals who will choose a more gentle way of coloring for you, as well as give a lot of advice on care.

How to care after the procedure?

After dyeing, the most weakened part of the hair is the ends.. They will need to be trimmed once every one to two months. This will help hair restoration and better growth. Revitalizing masks are also recommended. It is necessary to use special shampoos for colored and damaged hair.

Favorably on bleached hair will affect the use of oils. For example, burdock oil is suitable for both oily and dry types, nourishes the hair and makes it enriched with vitamins. After washing, the hair can be rinsed with a decoction of nettle, oregano, plantain or sage herbs.

What to do if the result is not what you wanted?

With home staining, the color may turn out not at all what you expected.. How to fix a bad balayazh?

  • If the lightening turned out to be darker than planned, then you can apply the coloring composition again, but for 5-10 minutes.
  • If you wanted a darker color, you will have to tint. Take the paint of the desired shade and leave the same for 5-10 minutes.
  • The hair turned yellow - we remove the yellowness with the help of a purple tint balm as described above.
  • The hair turned green - the "green" from the hair is neutralized by the red pigment. Take a copper-colored coloring composition and hold for about 10 minutes.

Watch a video about fixing an unsuccessful balayanj:


Balayazh is not at all such a difficult hair coloring technique to perform, as it seemed at first glance. The main thing is the strict observance of all instructions and recommendations of specialists. But if you still doubt your own abilities, then it is better to postpone home coloring and trust professionals. Beauty requires sacrifice and, you see, it is better to pay for quality work than to ruin your precious hair.

Hairdressers surprise us with interesting and stylish novelties more and more often. This season, the Balayage hair coloring technique is very popular, which is suitable for all hair without exception: blondes, brunettes, long-haired girls, and ladies with elegant squares look great with this coloring! Don't believe? See for yourself!

Balayage staining technique

From French, "balayage" is translated as "sweep" - and this accurately reflects the technique for performing such staining. The paint is distributed through the hair with a careless and light movement, reminiscent of balayage - this is where the name takes its roots! Undoubtedly, French masters are the best at this type of staining, but our specialists can perfectly perform this technique. However, before going to the salon, look through the portfolio of the master, so as not to get the wrong result!

There are several variations of staining "balayage":

  1. Closed dyeing, in which each strand is wrapped in foil or film. This will help you get a richer result in a shorter time, but this method can damage your hair. In addition, the master cannot follow the color change;
  2. Open staining that does not use foil. This is a classic option, but only professionals with good experience in such coloring undertake to perform it: as a result, this option is more expensive;
  3. Sequential coloring, carried out without stretching the hair. The rest is similar to the second option, but looks more natural. Usually used on short to medium length hair.

Balayazh differs from ombre in that the hair is not dyed with a sharp transition from one color to another, but randomly, in separate strands. That is why this effect is most noticeable on long hair: if a girl has short hair, such coloring can be confused with both ombre and California highlights.

The easiest way to dye balayazh on dark hair. This is an easy and least expensive option: dark-haired girls do not need to pre-tint and darken the roots! For them, the whole procedure comes down to lightening the strands and their subsequent shading.

But for blondes and fair-haired girls, such a procedure will cost more: their hair, which is quite light by nature or after dyeing, will first have to be dyed in a darker natural color so that the color transition is noticeable. Most often they make a transition from dark or medium blond to blond, it looks very natural and beautiful.

Balayazh for long hair

This is the simplest coloring, which looks very impressive. When doing balayage for long hair, the artist must take into account several things: the difference in tones that suits his client, the strands she wants to highlight, and her preferred technique. Most craftsmen use foil, despite the fact that this is not a classic method - it's just faster and easier. If you are afraid to ruin your hair, refrain from this method!

Coloring "balayage" for long hair is done as follows:

  1. If necessary, the hair at the roots is darkened in a natural and natural color. It is important to discuss the color of the roots in advance if you do not want to be too dark. Red hair is pre-lightened on those strands that were chosen by the master and the client;
  2. Lightening paint is applied to a stretched strand with a flat brush with light, sweeping and slightly careless movements. This is called "color stretching" and it is important that your painter has experience with this type of paint application;
  3. The dyed strand is wrapped on top with a film or left in a free state - it all depends on what technique your master uses. The paint is on the hair for a while, and then washed off;
  4. After dyeing, the clarified strands are additionally shaded if unnatural yellowness is present in their shade. If the resulting color suits both the client and the master, this item is skipped;
  5. And finally, another coat of paint is applied - this time to the roots, just a few strands. These strands should be located far enough apart, but at the same time look very natural and simple.

Coloring "balayage" for long hair is completed!

For medium hair, this type of dyeing is performed in almost the same way, but it is worth considering that such a soft and smooth transition of colors, as when dyeing long hair, will no longer work. However, on medium-length hair, “balayage” looks no less impressive - with an elongated bob styled with beautiful curls, this coloring will be simply incomparable!

Balayazh for short hair

On short hair, balayage coloring is done in a row, so the effect can be similar to highlighting. It is unlikely that most of your friends will notice the difference, and you will have to overpay enough! Some masters even refuse to perform such dyeing for short hair, but, fortunately, there are craftsmen who can handle it.

The technique of dyeing "balayage" for short hair is performed as follows:

  1. If necessary, the roots of the hair are dyed a darker color;
  2. The strands are combed along the entire length so that the ends of the hair are on top - you can say that the master turns you into a “hedgehog”. The fleece is fixed with varnish for convenience;
  3. The paint is applied to the tips so that it does not flow down, and fixed with foil. It is worth noting that short hair is not pulled when performing this technique;
  4. The coloring composition is carefully washed off, the hair is dried, and then tinted in a more natural cold shade, if the color of the bleached strands looks yellow.

So, dyeing "balayage" for short hair is done!

And finally, a few unusual examples of such coloring in the photo:

In recent years, naturalness has come into fashion more and more - this has also affected hairdressing. Behind the seeming simplicity of the hairstyle, in most cases, the work of the master is hidden.

The technique of staining in the style of balayage, which we will talk about, belongs to one of the modern fashionable highlighting techniques.

Basic principles of this hair coloring technique

Balayazh is just a kind of highlighting, in which only the ends of the hair are lightened, and the root zone of the hair is not affected.

The difference between balayazh and other similar methods lies only in the randomness and disorder of staining the strands.

Varieties and types

The photo shows a balayage on red medium and long hair.

The photo shows balayage on blond hair.

Pictured is a balayazh on black hair.

According to a hairdressing textbook, theoretically, classic balayage is performed on hair no longer than fifteen centimeters. However, hairdressers and master stylists perform it on hair of various lengths.

Pros and cons

To the undoubted pluses balayage coloring techniques include:

But there is also minuses:

  • in a salon or a hairdresser you will have to pay an amount much more than for simple dyeing or classic hair highlighting;
  • for very light hair, balayazh is more difficult to make;
  • even if you do balayazh in the salon, you have no guarantee that your hair will look the same as in the "star" photos, and that you will be satisfied with the result.

How to do balayage coloring at home - detailed step-by-step instructions with photos

Since balayazh was originally invented as a technique for not very long hair, let's look at how to do it, using the example of a short hairstyle. Moreover, the technique for performing on medium and long hair is not very different.

You will need:

It is very good to have a plastic raincoat on the farm - due to the presence of sleeves, it is much easier to use it for self-coloring than a hairdresser's cape. And much easier to wash afterwards.

In the photo you see all 3 stages of coloring according to the balayage method. This is the preparation of the hair, the coloring itself and the final result. Let's take a closer look at the first two.

Hair preparation

Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb. Then divide your hair into sections. Some sources advise using hair mousse to form individual strands with it, preparing them for dyeing. You can do that too.

But still, it is more convenient to use small clips or hair clips like "crabs". With their help, you can certainly securely fix the strands of short hair, giving them a kind of palm trees - as in the second photo.

When dyeing on long or medium hair, it is recommended to use foil. If the hair is medium length, then the separated strands are covered with foil from the base of the hair roots - only the tip of each strand that you are going to dye sticks out.


Dilute the lightening paint according to the instructions. Now, with a hairdressing brush or sponge, apply paint to the tips of each individual strand - “palms”. Some hairdressers advise even applying paint to the tips by hand - then you still need to wrinkle them slightly so that the clarifier lies more evenly.

When dyeing on medium hair, it is recommended to use a sponge to apply the paint, and then wrap each dyed tip with foil. When working with long hair, foil is placed under each strand when applying paint for convenience. The general conclusion is that foil is not needed for short hair.

To perform balayazh on medium or long hair, foil is needed in order to isolate the dyed strands from each other and not stain those places that, according to your idea, should not be brightened.

After application, keep the paint on your hair from 15 minutes to half an hour. It all depends on how strong the effect of burnt tips you want to achieve. Then wash off the paint with warm water and shampoo. Balayazh is ready.

In what cases is it justified to do it at home, and in which it is better to go to the salon

If the balayage coloring technique did not seem complicated to you, then you can try to make balayage yourself at home. If you have experience with hair coloring or highlighting, then you are unlikely to have any difficulties.

Moreover, the technique itself assumes, in the end result, a certain randomness of the resulting light highlights at the ends of your hair. That is, no one can say that this was not intended from the very beginning. Even on the Internet, it is difficult to find a photo of the unsuccessful result of balayage.

But in Salon or hairdresser is still worth going to if:

  • you do not have skills in coloring, and you are not sure of your abilities;
  • you want to achieve not just lightening the tips, but some specific shade;
  • if you saw the result of the work of a particular hairdresser, and you really liked it, then it definitely makes sense to sign up with him.

Precautionary measures

  • Paints, and especially brighteners, have a pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction - do a sensitivity test first;
  • if the paint gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse them with plenty of running water to avoid burns;
  • carefully read the instructions for using the paint and strictly follow its instructions, otherwise you risk "burning" your hair.

The paint must be prepared immediately before use. You can’t store leftover paint, and it doesn’t make sense.

Balayazhis a modern original hair coloring technique, which appeared in France in the 70s. Currently, such painting is back in fashion. Literally, the term "balayazh" is translated as "balayage".

Famous Western stars who began to use fashionable style in their images in our time are: Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts, Erin Wasson, Gisele Bündchen and other Hollywood super-models and actresses.

Balayazh remains in fashion for several seasons in a row, as it helps women look younger and more attractive. A special technique for performing coloring requires professionalism from hairdressers to obtain uniformity of tones, especially on long hair.

Balayage hair coloring - what is it?

This painting technique has much in common with miling, it does not stand out with bright accents, but is perceived, as experts say, as part of the whole image. In the image of a woman, balayazh looks like strands naturally burnt out in the sun - dark at the roots and gradually brightening towards the tips.

With the hairdressers correctly staining using the balage technique, the lines between the natural color and the paint along the hair growth are visually erased.

This allows stylists to emphasize the individuality of a woman in a favorable light and disguise her age. Colorists often use three shades during painting, the edges between which are naturally shaded.

As a result, color transitions become completely invisible, which gives the hair naturalness. This distinguishes the professional technique of such staining from a similar imitation.

Balayazh hair: photo before and after

On light hair:

On dark hair:

On blond hair:

With the right technique for applying paint, balayage looks great on hair of any color and length.

Balayage coloring for dark, blond, blond hair: photo 2018

On dark hair:

For chestnuts:

Colored balayage:

On red hair:

On fair-haired or gray-haired:

On short blond:

Colored balayage on blond hair:

Balayazh on smooth blond hair:

On blond curly hair:

On blond straight hair:

Different shades on blond hair:

With dark tips on blond hair:

For each hair color, you can choose the perfect combination of shades.

Balayazh painting for short, medium, long hair: photo 2018

For short red hair:

Colored balayazh on short black hair:

On blond short hair:

For medium length blonde hair:

For medium brown hair:

For long brown hair:

Gray balayazh for long dark hair:

For long blonde hair:

At any length, coloring balayage "revives" the hair.

Who suits balayage

According to stylists, this painting is suitable for all girls, unlike their counterparts.

The length of the hair and the type of haircut do not matter. Different age groups can resort to such staining:

  • youth (for fashionistas who want to be in trend);
  • girls under 30 years old (to mask the first gray hair);
  • women of Balzac age (to hide age-related changes);
  • women aged (for rejuvenation).

Advantages of technology over others

This special type of highlighting is at the peak of popularity due to these features:

  • Balayazh is suitable for all ages;
  • frequent re-painting is not required (once a quarter or less);
  • shades of color smoothly flow into each other without strong contrast;
  • visually rejuvenates;
  • creates a more natural look;
  • makes facial features softer.

Shatush, ombre and balayage - what's the difference?

This type of highlighting differs from its counterparts, shatush and ombre. Professional colorists focus on the difference not only in the technique of coloring, but also in the resulting shades of paint and the boundaries between them.


Shatush suggests the presence of separate clarified strands not from the roots, but closer to the ends of the hair. This is the smallest part of the length. Such French highlighting is performed by lightening the hair only partially.


Ombre suggests a kind of play of contrasts. To the middle of the hair, there is usually one shade, which can be darker than natural, and to the bottom - a solid lightening. Colorists offer options with a purple bottom on black hair and pink on white hair. In this case, not individual strands are painted, but the entire length.

Balayazhinvolves partial painting. Visually, this is similar to the work of impressionist artists, when a holistic image is created with separate strokes. Such coloring requires a professional approach so that all transitions and edges between shades seem natural.


The color of the roots should not contrast strongly with the superficially colored tips.

Coloring balayage on dark, black hair for brunettes - features

Dark hair is a good basis for this coloring, according to experts. Lightening them is easier, and the image is more spectacular.

It is also possible during staining and the use of other colors: blue, red, emerald.

Balayage coloring for brown hair

For light brown hair, chocolate and red shades with natural coloring are suitable. Light blond to the face will be golden, honey, wheat and nut tones.

The main thing is that the transitions between shades should be made as imperceptibly as possible.

Balayage coloring for brown hair

When performing a special type of highlighting on brown hair, colorists mainly use dark blond tones. With fair skin, this coloring softens the contrast.

Dark-skinned shades of red are suitable.

Balayazh for red hair

For the effect of shocking, it is necessary to lighten the strands near the face. Lightened highlights at the tips will give the image a trendy look.

Balayazh on light, white hair for blondes

The effect of burnt hair for blondes helps to save on constant tinting of the roots and at the same time be in trend. Professionals advise blondes warm shades:

  • honey;
  • gold;
  • caramel;
  • bronze.

Actual balayage for blond hair is highlighting with a pink tone. Colorists also recommend dark roots with blonding, which remains in trend for many seasons.

Balayage coloring for long hair

Such highlighting is offered to owners of long hair, on which it looks beautiful. In this case, it is easier for a professional to make smooth transitions between shades.

A good hair length allows you to choose the most natural tones. For girls with a cold skin tone, ash tones are used, and for women with a warm skin tone, caramel tones are used.

Balayage coloring for medium hair

Balayazh looks quite stylish on medium length hair. In the collected hairstyle, the light shades of the strands are closer to the face, softening its features. This is possible due to the average length of the hair.

The execution technique provides for coloring not only the tips, but also the strands, starting from the middle.

Balayage style for short hair

Such a coloring looks refreshing on short hair. Hairdressers mainly apply this technique to lightening only the tips, which are already so close to the face.

As a result, hair becomes fresher and more radiant. The hairstyle begins to "play with its shades." Monotonous hair color is replaced by tones passing into each other.

Balayage with bangs

Hairdressers actively use this coloring technique for hairstyles with different bangs, which allows you to hide imperfections and emphasize the dignity of the shape and features of the face. To give naturalness to the image and visually increase the volume of hair, lightening the tips of a long oblique bangs allows.

Balayazh looks no less feminine and natural on graduated, straight short and straight long bangs. You can make your face softer with long bangs that open your forehead a little and frame your face on the sides.

Balayazh for straight hair

According to hairdressers, on straight hair it is easier to perform this type of highlighting, toning all the transitions. At the same time, both when curling and when straightening, the painting will look spectacular.

To achieve a stylish look, professionals use different techniques on straight hair:

  • classic (highlighting from the middle of the length);
  • reverse (darkening of the roots with a natural light hair color);
  • partial (lightening strands near the face);
  • color (applying colored paint to the strands at the tips).

Balayazh for curly hair

Curly hair allows you not to try hard to make a smooth transition and blur the border between shades. The curly structure of the strands is able to hide such a contrast on its own.

This type of highlighting on curly hair looks more natural.

Balayazh on various haircuts

Balayazh is able to bring fresh notes to a woman's hairstyle, while changing even her image. With a medium-length hairstyle, there are not so many opportunities to radically change something, but with a short one, it’s generally difficult. And this dyeing technique is suitable for everyone and is able to give the hair extra volume, if the strands are thin, refresh the whole image, make it more fashionable and stylish.


Many hairdressers advise combining this type of highlighting with a fashionable bob haircut. After all, the clarified ends of the hair, framing the face on both sides, can create the effect of an “inner glow” of the face. And the short length makes the coloring process easier.

Fashionable color balayage on osemetric caret

With such highlighting, the caret visually acquires additional volume.

Kare to the shoulders, with lengthening

An elongated square to the shoulders is considered a classic that is always in trend. Bangs and balayage coloring can add special expressiveness to such a hairstyle. This type of highlighting helps to keep the main part of the hair in a natural color if a natural shade is used for the base.

In this case, clarification is also performed at the tips, and the line between the tones is shaded. Such painting is recommended as a gentle and economical option for those who want to look fashionable.


One of the most popular and versatile short haircuts, according to experts, is the bob haircut. Due to the long side strands and short occipital, hairdressers create a beautiful volume.

The type of highlighting, in which the tips are lightened mainly, also complements the voluminous hairstyle. Therefore, a harmonious combination of this coloring with a bob haircut is recommended.


The coloring technique, combined with a properly executed bob haircut, is able to model the shape of the face and mask imperfections. In addition to creating naturalness in the image, she can make changes in the image of a woman.

For this, all types of bob-car are suitable:

  • graduated;
  • ragged;
  • classical;
  • with ladder elements;
  • with extension;
  • asymmetric;
  • with a shaved temple.


For this type of highlighting, a model haircut cascade is perfect. Strands of different lengths, lightened not to the full depth, create the effect of burnt hair. And the surface technique of dyeing does not spoil the hair so much.

Stylists advise girls with such a hairstyle and coloring to slightly twist their curls to create a romantic look.

Balayazh from the roots - features

The classic staining technique involves applying other shades with an indent of 10-15 cm from the roots. Often stylists use this type of highlighting, retreating only 3-4 cm. In this case, the color transition begins at the very roots.

This allows you to mask the gray hair, which is visible on regrown strands. Gray curls most often appear at the temples, and if they are lightened, the image looks younger. It is recommended to use this dye from the roots on light blond hair.

Colored balayazh: caramel, purple, chocolate, pink, gray, red, ash, red

Balayazh with a caramel shade has a warm undertone and, accordingly, will suit women with a certain type of skin. It goes well with a light base.

Extra volume to blonde hair can add a pink tint to individual strands.

Ash tone in this type of highlighting is suitable for girls with fair skin. It is considered a cool color and looks natural in combination with the same skin.

The purple hue harmonizes well with dark hair. To create a fashionable image, hairdressers use an ashy tone with it.

Extravagant red color is also combined with black hair. And red and chocolate tones can soften facial features. They are also referred to as warm shades.

The tips of dark hair are dyed gray.

In this way, a special noble overflow in the hairstyle is achieved.

Balayage paint - which one to choose

For this type of highlighting, experts advise leaving a natural color for the base, choosing additional shades 2-3 tones lower. The choice of undertone depends on the color type of the woman. The staining technique is complex and requires attention to every detail. Therefore, it is better to trust the painting to a professional.

Coloring with this method is considered gentle, since the paint does not completely penetrate the hair. For lightening, hairdressers use ordinary lightening powder. For color highlighting - appropriate paints.

Hairdressers say that a successful result depends not so much on the chosen shade, but on the very technique of painting.

Balayage hair coloring in the salon: application technique

In time, such staining coincides with highlighting. The execution technique requires the master to have certain skills and knowledge, as well as the ability to combine shades and colors.

After combing the strands, the hairdresser performs highlighting the tips in the desired color. Then the roots are painted in the classic version. And at the end, a transition is made between the boundaries: the dye is combed down after 15 minutes, as if swept from the hair.

How much does balayage cost

For coloring, several shades of paint and brightening powder are used. Therefore, the price for such highlighting in salons varies from 1,500 rubles. for short hair and 4-5 thousand rubles. for medium and long.

How to make balayage highlights at home - step by step instructions with photos

Before such coloring at home, professionals recommend consulting a hairdresser about choosing a shade.

Balayazh involves dyeing hair just 2-3 tones below the base color. If only the tips are lightened, then it is necessary to purchase paint 6-7 shades lighter than the main one.

For this type of highlighting, certain tools are needed:

  • foil or cling film;
  • brushes;
  • flat blade;
  • elastic bands and hairpins;
  • a bowl for diluting paint;
  • gloves;
  • paints;
  • comb;
  • towel.

For home use, it is recommended to use cream dyes instead of powder ones. As with regular painting, you need to wash your hair the day before. If staining occurs for the first time, then it is better to use someone's help at home.

The painting technique includes the following steps:

  • after combing, the hair is divided into strands and fixed with hairpins;
  • the elastic bands on the strands are lowered by 1/3 of the length of the hair;
  • paint the ends with a brush, shifting each strand with foil;
  • after 30 min. wash off;
  • dry with a hairdryer;
  • raise the rubber bands 2/3 of the way and apply another shade, brushing the paint down a little to blend the border.

At the end, you can tint the roots as desired.

How to dye balayage hair at home

It is more difficult to perform such highlighting at home on your own. For medium and long hair, hairdressers recommend lightening the tips and strands near the face. It is necessary to collect the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head and apply paint with your fingers. And then - comb.

Before dyeing short hair, you need to make a good pile. Paint is applied to the tips sticking up, smoothly shading it to the roots. This composition is also washed off after half an hour.

Balayage technique: video tutorials

The first video clearly shows the Balayazh technique:

The second video demonstrates how you can dye your hair using the Balayazh technique at home:

Balayazh, according to stylists, can significantly rejuvenate every woman and add romantic notes to the image. A fashionable staining technique is available to perform even at home. And the result is able to exceed all expectations, adding naturalness to any image of a girl.

Today, almost all hairdressers own modern hair coloring techniques. But if such coloring as highlighting, coloring, ombre has long been heard, then many do not know what balayage is.

Balayage coloring technique

What is balayage?

Balayazh hair coloring is a type of hair coloring with partial lightening of hair that has come to us from France, which is gaining popularity.

In addition to its naturalness and beauty, balayazh has one important advantage, allowing you to increase the time between successive stainings.

A smooth color change softens the transition from a natural shade at the roots to a color along the length of the hair.

It also has other advantages:

  • This type of coloring is perfect for those who do not want to significantly change the color of their hair.
  • In addition, a properly made balayazh will emphasize any hairstyle.
  • It has no age restrictions and is suitable not only for a young girl, but will also be a great solution for women who are struggling with gray hair.
  • Owners of thin hair, such coloring will add shine and volume.

Features of the balayazh staining technique

Balayazh differs from highlighting in that it does not have a clear border of color transition, gives a visual sensation of burnt hair, and does not have the effect of regrown roots. A similar technique is called as shatush. We wrote about it earlier.

If we are talking about previously dyed hair, then it is necessary to use a paint that allows you to make the bleaching as smooth and delicate as possible.

Balayazh on dark hair of medium length

The dye application technique should allow you to create a soft transition of color from the roots to the ends of the hair without the risk of creating spots or completely discolored strands, which is typical for classic highlights. For the smoothest transition, several shades of paint are used, which are mixed in a vertical direction.

One of the advantages of this staining is that you do not need to use a cap, film or other accessories other than foil. The hairdresser manually applies the paint with a brush from the tips to the base in the shape of the letter V.

Balayage hair coloring step by step

The balayazh technique is simple only in appearance, but in fact it requires special training and skill. It is best if the staining is done by a well-known and proven master. When coloring at home, it is better not to use many shades, but limit yourself to one.

Balayage hair coloring step by step

If you still decide to do the coloring at home, you will need:

a comb with a pointed end, to separate the strands; dye of the selected shade; bowl for paint; gloves; brush for coloring; hair balm; hairpins.

  • We put on gloves and prepare the paint in a bowl.
  • Using a comb, divide your hair into 4 sections and separate them from each other with bobby pins.
  • Then start working with each of them.
  • Thin strands are taken in turn, and with a brush, the paint is applied from the ends to the base of the hair in the form of the letter V. No need to bring the paint to the roots and it is not necessary to paint the strand through.
  • Take the next strand and do the same with it. Strands do not have to be taken the same size, it is best if the strand taken is wider or narrower than the previous one.
  • It is also better to paint over the strands with different intensity and different lengths.
  • Repeat with the rest of your hair.
  • In order to prevent the paint from getting on unpainted hair, you can separate the strands from each other with the help of foil.
  • Next, you need to wait for the time indicated in the instructions for the paint. After this time, rinse your hair well with shampoo and nourishing balm.

In order for the dye to cause less harm to the hair, dyeing must be carried out on an unwashed head. See photos of balayazh hair coloring and a detailed hair separation scheme.

The scheme of dividing hair into sections for coloring balayage

Balayazh for blonde hair

Best of all, the effect of sun-bleached strands is obtained on blond hair and looks very natural and beautiful.

Photo of balayazh coloring on blond hair

Balayazh will help to refresh the color of the hair, make it deeper. It is important that the paint contains a minimum percentage of an oxidizing agent, otherwise it can damage or simply "burn" blond hair.

The choice of paint color should be determined by the type of hair and skin tone. The most suitable tones are ashen, pearl, wheat, caramel and honey.

Balayage coloring for blonde hair

Balayazh on dark hair can be divided into several types:

Contrast. At the same time, the ends are lightened by several tones, while the roots remain the same. For the most pronounced contrast, you can tint the crown a tone darker than the original color. The main thing is that there should be a soft transition from dark to light color. This coloring will make you look very fresh and bright. See how the balayage looks in the photo on medium-length dark hair with a contrast effect.

Photo of balayage coloring on dark hair

Natural shine. It is suitable for those who have not finally decided to change their appearance. Allows you to achieve the effect of unpainted, shimmering hair in the light. This painting imitates the natural shine of the hair, while the hairstyle will look more impressive.

Caramel balayage. For brunettes and brown-haired women, reddish and caramel shades look advantageous, smoothly turning into hair at the roots. The advantage of caramel balayazh is that it looks incomparable on dark hair. You can choose a shade from light caramel to fiery red. It is only necessary to decide to paint only the ends or distribute along the entire length.

Colored balayage. Suitable for those who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. A combination of a dark crown with red, burgundy, purple or blue will be spectacular. In order for the hairstyle not to look too defiant, the balayage technique is just right. Color can be applied both to the entire strand, and only to the tips. Below in the photo is a balayage coloring on dark hair with colored curls.

What is the result

The balayage dyeing technique will visually increase the volume of the hairstyle. If you place the highlights correctly, you can rejuvenate the face and visually adjust its shape.

As a result of dyeing, the beautiful texture of the hair is emphasized by partially bleached strands. The hair becomes the lightest especially at the ends, while it is possible to maintain the original quality of the hair, despite lightening.