DIY origami butterfly: a step-by-step review with a photo. Origami butterfly, a simple diagram for beginners Children's origami butterfly craft from color

Origami Butterfly. Step by step instructions with photo

Description: This material can be used by educators, counselors and primary school teachers, as well as parents.

Origami Workshop "Summer Queen - Butterfly"

Target: making butterflies using origami technique.
give brief information about the silkworm butterfly;
continue to teach children to fold the basic form of the "double triangle", following the verbal instructions of the teacher;
to consolidate the ability to find and name angles, diagonal, top, base.
develop the small muscles of the hands, memory, patience, perseverance, auditory attention.
cultivate respect for butterflies, accuracy in work.
Material: square multi-colored sheets of paper, can be of different sizes, illustrations of "Butterflies"Children of the middle group stand in a semicircle, looking at pictures with butterflies.

Educator: beautiful creatures - butterflies, brightly fluttering over a flower meadow, they fascinate with their beauty. Who among you did not try to catch a butterfly with a juicy or just a cap, and if you succeeded, they took the butterfly by the wings. What's next…?
Children: the butterfly cannot fly and is doomed to die.
Educator: But these unusual insects bring great benefits to nature: butterflies are the best pollinators of plants.

And some flowers cannot live without butterflies at all, since they are pollinated only by them. Without butterflies, we would not know natural silk,

which produces the silkworm.

Educator: Nikolai Borisovich Shumov wrote a wonderful poem about a butterfly and Kira Yudina will tell it to us:

I'm a butterfly guys...
My house is not a jar.
Put away your net
And close on the hook.
Approach slowly.
And there will be a hunt -
You can even take a photo.

Educator: what are we thinking today?
Children: make a butterfly
Educator: the magic workshop "Origami" will help us. What material do we need?
Children: square sheet of paper.
Educator: what tools are needed?
Children: skillful hands, attentive ears and keen eyes.
Educator: choose the material, and I'll be waiting for you in the magical workshop

Practical part at the tables

We connect the lower side with the upper side, iron the fold line, we get a rectangle, then turn the rectangle back into a square.

We connect the right side with the left side, iron the fold line, then turn the rectangle back into a square.

We turn over the workpiece.

We bend the lower left corner diagonally with the upper right corner, we get a triangle, we iron the fold line.


We bend the lower right corner diagonally and connect it with the upper left corner, we get a triangle, we iron the fold line.

We bend the edges of the horizontal fold to the bottom of the vertical fold. You should get a double triangle.

We put the double triangle with the base towards us.

We work with the upper triangle, connect the right and left corner to the top and iron it.

We turn the workpiece on the reverse side, the top looks down.

We work with the upper part, pull the top to the base so that it goes beyond the base.

We bend the small triangle that formed at the base to the back and iron it - these will be the antennae or the head of the butterfly. Turn the workpiece to the reverse side

We bend the wings

Educator: well done guys, you are almost magicians and I am very happy for you that you worked together and helped each other. What are we going to do with these butterflies?
Children: decorate the group, and for girls you can make a hairpin, you can brooch or bracelet, or you can decorate a postcard
Educator: now it's time for us to go for a walk, and after the walk you can decorate your butterflies.

Origami is a type of Japanese art that originated in antiquity. It is noteworthy that origami originated in China, where they began to make paper, and continued to develop in Japan. Origami came to Europe only after World War II.

Today, origami is a visiting card of the world of the East. This restrained and measured art attracts more and more people. To create origami figures, you only need a sheet of paper, and then all the magic is in the bending of the lines. Traditionally, origami does not use glue and scissors.

The function of origami is not only in decoration, but also paper figures endow with the functions of amulets. Many people know the belief that a thousand paper cranes will fulfill wishes and make the one who created them happy. For a long time in Japan, origami was the art of the initiates, because it was endowed with magical properties.

Origami is practiced by both adults and children. Symbols for writing the scheme of the product were invented by the master Akira Yoshizyawa. Thanks to him, everyone can join the oriental culture of paper crafts. In addition, he came up with the idea of ​​using wet paper to create smooth lines in non-symmetrical products, such as flowers. There are several varieties of origami:

  • Simple origami. A special kind of origami where only certain types of folds are used. Useful for beginners, as it allows you to understand the technique of origami and is suitable for people with limited fine motor skills.
  • Modular origami. Most often, these are volumetric figures from the same parts (for example, huge balls, stars). The elements of the product are held together by nesting. Volumetric origami balls are called kusudama.
  • Sweep origami. These are special marked sheets of paper from which the product can be folded. It is considered a complex type of origami, but at the same time it allows you to understand how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figures was created.

    Work materials

  • Sheet of paper or colored paper (A4)
  • Perseverance and patience 🙂

It is easy to make various figures of plants, animals, stars out of paper. We offer you to try to create a fluttering origami butterfly with your own hands. It will be a nice decoration for your home or a gift for a loved one.

Let's get to work!

You will need a square sheet of paper of the desired color. Such a square can be made from a regular A4 sheet by folding one edge to the other and cutting off an excess strip of paper.

The next step is to fold the square in half in two directions. The sheet is divided by lines into 4 triangles (diagonally) and 4 squares.

Place the sheet in front of you. We begin to fold in the direction from top to bottom into a triangle. Visually select a large triangle at the bottom of the work and, holding the small side triangles, “fold” the work. From the element that remained not bent, we also make a triangle along the lines. If you bend the lines correctly, the figure itself will tell you the direction. The result is a kind of three-dimensional double triangle.

Place the triangle upside down. Bend the bottom corners up and get a rhombus.

We turn the work over with the other side towards us, put it with the top down. Gently bend the top up, with the tip going beyond the side of the triangle. We bend this tip over the side, fixing it on it. Now the figure resembles a boat. We place it vertically and bend it in half along the line of the rhombus inward.

The fluttering origami butterfly is ready.

After sufficient practice, figures in the origami technique will turn out more accurately. Over time, you can learn how to make complex three-dimensional figures or even come up with your own. In addition to the pleasure of creativity, origami develops fine motor skills and ingenuity, which will be useful for children.

Master class “Origami Butterfly”

Everyone wants simple and not complicated schemes for making origami butterflies. We found an excellent manual on the Internet that will help you assemble a beautiful butterfly that you can stick on a monitor or your favorite book.

And so I present to you an amazing lesson on how to make an origami butterfly. Choose a nice paper color to start with, but practice on the standard white first so you don't ruin your work.

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half along the dotted line.
  2. Lift up the bottom of the sheet.
  3. Flip your work.
  4. Bend, combining the indicated points.
  5. Bend the craft in half.
  6. Bend, grabbing the first part.
  7. Bend the second part away from you.
  8. Bend the corner.
  9. Bend the corner, repeating steps eight and nine on the other side of the work.
  10. Open the figurine.
  11. Bend the corners.
  12. Concave corners separate the wings from the body of a butterfly.

Butterfly Origami Video:

Video tutorial on making a small butterfly from square yellow paper. Perfect for decorating a diary or a chandelier. A wonderful craft will give you a great mood for the whole day.

A beautiful origami paper butterfly that you can assemble in a few minutes. The video shows in detail how to make a butterfly out of colored papers.

The tiny butterfly has long been loved and respected all over the world, making up many legends and parables about it. You can tell one of them to your friends by giving them such a nice heavenly guest. What is this story? I'll tell you a little later.

In the meantime prepare the necessary materials:

  • paper (newspaper or book sheet),
  • paint to darken the edges of the wings,
  • thin wire
  • pliers,
  • pencil, ruler and scissors.

1. Cut out a 4x4 cm (or 5x5 cm) square from a book sheet. If you have many friends and everyone needs an origami butterfly, make a template of the appropriate size from cardboard and simply circle it every time you take on a new product.

2. Roll the paper twice as shown.

3. Now fold the square diagonally in two directions.

4. Fold the paper with the folds inward. You should get a triangle.

5. Bend the two tips of the top layer of the triangle to the top.

6. Turn the triangle over to the other side and fold the bottom corner up so that the latter protrudes beyond the butterfly.

7. Bend the resulting small triangle to the other side and glue to the base.

8. Darken the edges of the butterfly with paint.

9. From a small wire, make just such a bird with curved antennae wings.

10. Turning the butterfly with a small triangle up, bend its wings, giving it a realistic shape.

11. Great! It remains only to dip the antennae in glue and attach to the butterfly.

Well done! Butterfly you made it's time for an interesting Taoist parable...

Once, a smart philosopher named Chuang Tzu saw himself in a dream ... (Who do you think?) Butterfly. Waking up, the man could not make out: Chuang Tzu had a dream that he was a butterfly, or was the butterfly now dreaming that she was a philosopher? =)

This is such a humorous story. Creative ups to you and a successful flight of fancy!

In this simple step-by-step master class, we will talk about how to make an origami butterfly - it is known that the ability to fold such cute origami butterflies will definitely come in handy for those who like to create handmade postcards, because such decor elements can often be found in various master classes making handmade postcards.

Tools and materials Time: 10 minutes Difficulty: 3/10

  • multi-colored paper squares with a side of 8.5 cm;
  • a hard object for smoothing out the folds.

Graceful weightless origami butterfly is easy to make. We invite you to figure out with us how to make an origami butterfly - once having mastered this technique, your hands will never forget it. And you will be able to surprise and delight your interlocutor by folding this wonderful creature from a sheet of paper or an ordinary table napkin in a couple of minutes.

Step by step instructions with photo

Origami butterfly, the scheme of which is presented in our master class, is suitable even for beginners, and step-by-step instructions with a photo will help you deal with creative work even faster.

Step 1: Draw the Diagonals

We bend the blank for the future butterfly in half horizontally, and then diagonally (photo 1). We bend diagonally (photo 2).

Step 2: Form a Triangle

We bend the edges of the horizontal fold to the bottom of the vertical fold (photo 3). You should get a double triangle, as in photo 4.

Leave the lower triangle alone. We work with the upper triangle: we bend the edges at the base of the triangle to its top (photo 4 and 5).

Step 3: form the body

We turn the workpiece on the reverse side, the top of the triangle looks down.

We bend the part so that the top of the triangle extends 2 mm beyond the base (photo 6).

Step 4: make the wings

We bend the protruding piece and glue it to the back side (photo 7). Fold the workpiece in half (photo 8). We do not smooth the fold, since the butterfly will turn out flat.

Step 5: shape the product

We turn the butterfly with a small triangle up, bend the wings, while trying to give them a realistic shape.