Asian makeup for big eyes. Makeup for Asian eyes: types and subtleties of applying cosmetics

The national Asian beauty is perfect, it is different from the rest, it catches the eye, and it is especially pleasant to look at those cases when competent make-up for the Buryat eyes is done. Buryat girls are not always suitable for fashion trends and advice from legislators of the makeup industry, even the most eminent ones. Modern representatives of this nation strive to look like models from glossy magazines, recolor their hair and use blue shadows, which destroys their uniqueness and originality.

Such a girl by nature should not strive for brightness, they are already beautiful, and you need to think about this first of all, choosing cosmetics for the image, and not vice versa. Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

When deciding on makeup for the Buryat eyes, you should pay special attention to the skin tone and give this aspect time. Girls with Asian features are usually given yellowish skin by nature, with which pink shades of correctors, foundations and makeup bases do not go well. It is better in this case to use beige, tan and gold tone. You need to follow the rule - the foundation should be a little lighter than your own skin tone in order to avoid a stale look of makeup and a tired look. To give the face freshness, Buryat women need to use blush in their makeup, which are ideal for neutral or natural shades, for example, peach.

Now let's turn to . If you really want to make the Asian cutout of the eyes bigger, then you should decorate the eyelids in light colors, namely, gold, pale pink. For example, we can give such a make-up option to create a sophisticated and delicate image of a Buryat woman: a neat eyeliner, some pink shades and a lot of mascara. It’s not bad to try another option - beige matte shadows and mascara, which together form the image of a natural Asian beauty, as if she was not made up at all. But champagne shades or other neutral shades of light tones will help emphasize the beauty of the eyes and raise the line of the eyebrows, which will also make the eyes look larger. If there is no desire to hide your national zest, but, on the contrary, you even want to emphasize it, then the eyelids should be decorated in darker colors - black, dark blue and purple, brown and gray, bronze.

The look of Kazakh eyes: beautiful nature

Another representatives of the Asian type of appearance are Kazakh women, each of whom should master the skill of how to create makeup for Kazakh eyes, so as not to lose this feature by nature. The oriental charm and the uniqueness of the Asian look have long been actively used by the world's leading makeup artists, cosmetologists know many tricks and ways to decorate slanted eyes, which can be characterized by stingy eyelashes and eye-catching facial skin tone, as well as overhanging eyelids. But all this cannot be considered a disadvantage, this is a characteristic feature, and what is especially attractive in this type of appearance must be emphasized, and what is not very - corrected with the help of cosmetics.

Makeup for Kazakh eyes requires more careful selection of decorative cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes than in the classical European case. As always, before the direct design of the eyes, the skin needs to be prepared for this - cleanse, moisturize, correct, matte. It is even somewhat easier for Kazakh women to deal with the issue of color choice, since they have dark hair and brown eyes, which are suitable for almost the entire palette of shadows, both cold and warm shades. The task is different - they need to be properly distributed before our eyes, highlighting especially attractive features and hiding what is not particularly beautiful. The most successful combinations will be beige and green, dark gray and cream, pearl shades.

But what makeup for Kazakh eyes does not tolerate is the red gamut, since the use of its shades will give Asian eyes even more swelling, make the look tired and tearful. It is important to correctly emphasize your ethnic features, and not hide them, trying to look like an ordinary European or even erroneously highlight what should not be. Each race is undeniably beautiful in its own way, and there are no ugly girls, there is wrong makeup!

Oriental beauties are distinguished not only by their miniature stature, dark hair and chiseled cheekbones. Another typical feature is the section of the eyes, which is narrower and elongated than that of Europeans. Additionally, Asian women are distinguished by hanging eyelids, a weakly pronounced upper eye fold. Therefore, makeup for Asian eyes is performed using special techniques, differing from the European one in its nuances.

Important nuances

The main task of makeup for Asian women is to visually enlarge and expand the eye section, achieving the effect of a more “open” look. To do this, makeup artists recommend adhering to the following basic rules:

  • Give preference to light shades of shadows, especially in a daytime make-up. Such cosmetics are applied to the inner corners, on the moving eyelid, creating additional volume.
  • Blend the shadows up towards the eyebrows. This works well for evening make-up, when darker, more saturated shades are superimposed on the eyelids.
  • Avoid sharp transitions in colors. Shadows and borders between colors are important to carefully shade and smooth.
  • Use straight arrows, especially with a strongly hanging upper eyelid. This feature of the structure is able to hide the contour under itself, so the curved “tails” of the arrows will look ridiculous. Also, slightly blurry, “smoky” lines are more suitable for Asian eyes, rather than clear graphics.
  • Choose cosmetics with a matte texture and soft colors. Too saturated dark tones can make the eyes smaller and narrower, as well as mother-of-pearl overflows, which give soreness, unnaturalness.
  • Give preference to basic mascara, without a pronounced effect of lengthening and volume.

Almost all shades of shadows are suitable for Asian women, except for red, brick colors. This gamma gives the look of fatigue, soreness, visually reduces the eyes.

It is very important to pay enough attention to the skin of the face in makeup. To make the eyes look bigger and more expressive, the skin should be clean, solid. In some nationalities, the skin has a yellow tint, for which it is necessary to select the correct tonal means. For example, makeup for the Buryat eyes begins with applying creams or correctors with beige or golden tones to the face, the skin around the eyelids. But pinkish shades are practically not suitable for Asian women.

For eyes with hanging eyelids

The overhanging upper eyelid hides a movable fold under itself, giving the look of heaviness. Another such feature is able to lubricate makeup, therefore, it requires the use of persistent cosmetics or the mandatory use of a primer, a base for shadows.

Step by step eye makeup with impending eyelids, suitable for daytime and evening outings:

  1. At the preparatory stage, a thorough cleansing, smoothing of the skin, correction of circles, dark spots under the eyes, highlighting the cheekbones with the help of blush.
  2. The upper eyelid is treated with a make-up base, after which golden or beige shadows are applied to the entire surface.
  3. Darker tones (brown or graphite) are distributed across the entire width of the eyelid crease, after which they are shaded upwards to capture the visible area above the crease.
  4. A light beige or pinkish color is applied to the mucous membrane, the inner corners of the eyes.
  5. Ashy shadows are applied over the entire upper eyelid with a wide brush, and the lower contour is emphasized with a light golden tone.
  6. With a soft graphite or brown pencil, the upper eyelid is subtly outlined, drawing the line into a neat straight “tail” and shading it.
  7. Mascara stains the upper eyelashes in one or two layers.

It is important to remember that when the eyelid overhangs, the darkest shadows are applied to the crease itself and around it, and the light ones are applied to the inner corners, under the eyebrow. For an evening make-up, owners of brown eyes can use blue, purple or green shades.


The following technique, made with a soft pencil or a muted eyeliner, is also suitable:

  1. The upper eyelid is outlined with a thin line, capturing only the space between the eyelashes at the inner edge and slightly thickening towards the end.
  2. From the point of the outer corner, a small stroke is drawn in the direction of the temples, slightly raised to the eyebrows.
  3. From the extreme point of the “tail”, a small segment is drawn, directed to the crease of the upper eyelid.
  4. The tip of the last stroke smoothly connects to the base of the arrow, the inner area is painted over.

For narrow eyes, a neat arrow is suitable, supporting the overhanging crease and softening it. You can also make a double arrow, drawing neat ponytails from the upper and lower eyelids, leaving a gap between them, expanding the narrow incision

Step by step daily makeup

Girls of Asian appearance in everyday makeup need to achieve maximum naturalness, while hiding the overhanging eyelid and narrow incision. For this, it is recommended to use matte shades, soft textures of cosmetics.

Performing daily makeup step by step:

  1. A primer is applied to the eyelids, and then shadows of a light neutral shade.
  2. The outer corner and fold are tinted with a darker shade, not forgetting about careful shading.
  3. The contour is outlined by a neat soft line, slightly expanding and extending into a straight "tail" at the outer edge.
  4. The inner corner, the lower contour and the central part of the eyelid are lightened with a white or pale pink pencil.
  5. The upper eyelashes need to be painted with mascara, the eyebrows are emphasized and fixed with a gel.

For daytime non-working exits, Asian women can use not only neutral shades of shadows (lilac, green, yellow), but it is important that they remain matte and pastel (not bright).

Evening make-up in stages

With the help of eye make-up, made in the correct technique, you can successfully and effectively complement the festive exit. The rules for performing evening make-up are similar to daytime and everyday, but darker and more saturated shades, wide contours and arrows are allowed.

An example of a bright design of narrow Asian eyes for a party or holiday:

  1. The eyelids are covered with a primer, light gray or white matte shadows are applied on top.
  2. A triangle is drawn with graphite or brown shadows using a thin brush (an alternative is a soft pencil of the same color). To do this, a small line is drawn from the outer corner to the temple, bending at an acute angle and running along the entire length of the crease of the upper eyelid.
  3. The contour in the crease blends well upwards.
  4. The resulting triangle, starting from the middle of the century, is filled with bright colors (crimson, green, lilac).
  5. A dark arrow is drawn from the inner corner, thickening and turning into a “tail”, coinciding with the previous triangle contour.
  6. The lower eyelid is emphasized with a dark color along the lash line (purple, gray, ashy).
  7. Mascara is applied in 1-2 layers or false eyelashes are attached.

For wedding makeup, it is recommended to use a lighter color scheme.

The “ombre” technique is excellent for marriage, when several neutral shades are applied from the inner to the outer edge of the eye. In this case, the colors go from light to very dark, and the borders are carefully shaded to create a "smoke".

For an Asian type of face with wide-set and medium-narrow eyes, the Smoky eyes technique is also suitable. In this case, even the darkest shades of shadows are used, with which it is necessary to make up the entire upper eyelid and emphasize the lower contour.

Asian makeup for European eyes

European women often want to look like oriental beauties by doing Asian-style makeup. For example, young girls tend to imitate the make-up of popular Korean idols. To achieve a puppet effect with makeup, the following makeup tips apply:

  • the inner corners of the eyes and the lower mucosa are lightened with light beige or pink shadows (pencil);
  • a little shimmer is added to the bottom line and the area at the bridge of the nose to highlight;
  • from the middle to the outer edge of the eyes above and below, the color is darkened, but without clear boundaries and transitions;
  • instead of eyeliner, a soft pencil is used, with which only the contour is painted, without an arrow;
  • Mascara is applied in 2 layers only on the upper eyelashes.

European women, who have more rounded eyes, need to stretch the incision to achieve the goal. For this, elongated arrows are drawn, expanding after the middle of the eyelid and slightly lowered after reaching the outer corner, and then rising with their tips up by 2-3 mm. You can also apply straight double arrows with eyeliner with a gap between the lines.

The Asian face is distinguished by a special structure of the eyes. Oriental girls in makeup strive to increase the eye incision, as well as highlight the upper fold hidden under the impending eyelid. If you use for this smooth transitions of light and dark shadows, the “triangle” arrow drawing technique, straight arrows, then you can achieve your goal.

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Makeup for Asian eyes has its own characteristics. No one will argue that the appearance of Asian girls is very exotic, and their makeup allows you to transform it at times, make it almost doll-like and very tender. Makeup for Asian eyes is aimed at eliminating imperfections and giving the appearance a unique look. Although, the Asian appearance is already unique: narrow eyes, mostly with an impending eyelid, plump lips and a round oval face.

If you have an Asian appearance, step-by-step makeup photos will help you make the most correct makeup for narrow eyes, correct the shape of your face, emphasize and enlarge the eye section, and focus on the exotic appearance.

How to apply?

Tone cream

Whether you're Asian, European, or Arabian, no makeup is complete without foundation and foundation. This is a very important step that should not be neglected. Since Asian girls very often have a yellowish skin tone, it is worth choosing a foundation with a golden, caramel and beige bias, avoiding pink tones. Although, the yellow color of the skin is not a priori, there are exceptions. So, go to the store, choose a foundation! The main thing is that it should not be darker than the color of the skin.

Concealer will cope with dark circles. Although, you can generally avoid their appearance if you follow some rules: do not overwork, get enough sleep and use the right skin care products.


Take a closer look at blush shades of bronze, peach and plum. They will help outline the cheekbones, give relief to the face and correct minor imperfections in the shape of the face. If you have very pale skin, choose pink tones.


You can choose any shades of shadows, making makeup for narrow eyes: both cold and warm spectrum. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the color of the eyes and hair, because Asians are not always brown-eyed and dark-haired. You can do makeup for narrow eyes using brown, beige, chocolate, blue, purple, pearl, green, gray, cream and coffee shades. Shadows in structure are better to choose matte. It is worth avoiding mother-of-pearl shadows, they will add fatigue and soreness to the eyes, the same goes for pink and red shades.

Of course, a beautiful and harmonious make-up will turn out if you use a minimum of shadows. But you can also experiment, because everyone knows about the love of Asian women for experiments and rich images. Of course, for daytime makeup, choose calm and gentle tones, and for evening makeup - bright and saturated, this rule does not even need to be mentioned, everyone knows about it.


A thin and even arrow is the visiting card of the Buryat make-up. It is best to use a pencil or liquid eyeliner, but if you do not know how to use the latter, it is better to refrain. The colors of the arrow can be any - classic black and brown or blue and purple. The line is drawn along the growth of the cilia, from the inner corner to the outer. You can slightly protrude beyond the edge of the eyelid and lift the line.


Usually, Asian women's eyelashes are sparse and short, which is probably why they often use false doll eyelashes. You can not tune in so radically, but choose lengthening mascara. It is applied in two to three layers to give the desired effect. You can lift your lashes with a curling iron.


Choose lipstick according to the occasion, you can use both bright with sparkles and calm matte. During the day it is best to dwell on shades of pink, peach, apricot, caramel. In the evening, it is allowed to use cherry-colored lipstick, coral, scarlet, shades of fuchsia.

Makeup example


For daytime makeup, choose light warm shades of shadows, you can put a little dark color on the outer corner of the eye. But first, take care of your skin. Align the tone, hide all the problems. Instead of liquid eyeliner, it is better to use a pencil, it will look much softer on the eyes. To enlarge narrow eyes, line the tear duct behind the lower lash line with a white pencil. Under the growth line to the middle of the pupil, draw a line with a dark pencil. Make up your lips with peach or light pink lipstick, you can also use lip gloss.


Evening makeup for Asian eyes should be rich and bright. Will help to achieve the desired image of the arrow, false eyelashes and plump voluminous lips. The arrows are best drawn with liquid eyeliner, slightly bending the crease of the eyelid to the side on the inside. The lower eyelids can not fail. Make up your lips with bright red lipstick or almost transparent lip gloss. The first option will add sexuality, and the second - tenderness. To make makeup for narrow eyes look more spectacular - stick on false eyelashes. It takes a minimum of time, and the effect is amazing. Make-up examples can be found in the step-by-step photos above.


Have you read a ton of glossy beauty magazines and watched gigabytes of makeup tutorial videos on Youtube, but still haven't figured out how to color your eyes? Me too!

Looking at the instructions of Western beauty gurus (yes, the same domestic Krygina!), Where they smartly advise highlighting the “outer corner of the upper fold” with dark shadows, I drearily think: “What should I do?” Indeed, as is often the case with Asians, I am completely devoid of the so-called double "European" fold on the eyelids.

But not all Asians are born without it. About half of us have such a fold. And it is from among them that makeup artists choose models when they want to demonstrate their skills on girls of different races. Well, still - to deal with the usual is much easier! The already mentioned Krygina, during her master class in Yakutsk, also went the easy way, choosing a Yakut woman with small (but still) folds on her eyelids for makeup. But it doesn’t suit us to be upset :).

Firstly, all kinds of devices for the formation of a double fold on the eyelids have long been in use:

Secondly, you can use it and no one will judge you for it.

And finally, thirdly, with the help of cosmetics, we can emphasize the beauty of our eyes, make the look open and expressive. At the same time, we do not need to deny ourselves fashionable experiments at all - any trends of the season: like dramatic smokey-eyes or crazy colored arrows - look amazing on Asians! You just need to rethink the traditional rules of makeup and adapt them to your unique appearance.

1.Use the Ombre technique.

Star makeup artist May Kyung recommends: “Whatever eye makeup you prefer - neutral day or evening, the main thing is that the shadows are applied in a gradient way (or, as the French say, Ombre). The point of the technique is that one color smoothly flows into another. At the same time, we apply dark shadows closer to the lash line, and the higher, the lighter the tone becomes. “This gives the illusion of depth, which is important for visually flat Asian eyes with no lid crease,” May Kyung explains.

Draw a line with a black or dark brown pencil close to the lashes, and don't be afraid to press the pencil to get the color intense.

Then apply lighter shadows (gray for smokey eyes, or brown for daytime makeup). Blend them upward and outward towards the temples.

Finally, take your lightest color and apply it to the top of your eyelid, just below your brow bone. Make sure you blend outward rather than inward: if dark shadows lie too close to the bridge of the nose, the eyes will appear close-set. Once you're done with that, take a clean, fluffy brush and gently go over your eyelids, especially where one color blends into another, so that there aren't any hard lines between them.

2.Draw thicker arrows.

“Sometimes girls without a double crease in front of their eyes complain that their trendy arrows are simply hidden under hanging skin,” Kühn explains. - If you have the same problem, do not be afraid to draw a thicker line along the eyelashes than is usually recommended for Europeans. In the process, stop every few seconds to check if the line is visible with your eyes open. “The Asian eye shape is especially suitable for creating beautiful flying arrows,” the makeup artist adds. Another makeup artist, Wanngou, offers additional advice: “When you paint yourself cat eyes, look up, not down. Asian eyes tend to change shape when you look in different directions, so for best results, always look up until your makeup is done."

3. Attention to eyelashes!

4. Choose one bright tone

“If you like bold colors, choose just one shade of eyeshadow and apply it all over the upper eyelid,” advises Ryoke. Eyes without a double crease are usually almond-shaped. Close them and apply color to the upper eyelid, repeating the almond shape, then make up the lower eyelid with the same shade. Ryoke says: "I personally use one bright color - there is not enough space in a typical Asian century to mix different shades." In my opinion, this advice contradicts the first one, about Ombre. Maybe it only applies to bright colored shadows, and not black-gray-brown colors?

5. Choose highlighters in natural tones.

Although you've probably seen models with deep-set eyes that paint over the inner corners of the eyelids with white pencil, Vanngow recommends that Asian girls do otherwise. If you have a flat bridge of your nose—and Asians are pretty common—the inner corner of your eye shouldn't be emphasized with a very light color," he says. Instead, you'd better highlight the mucosa along the lower lash line and tear ducts. skin tone pencil. Ryoke also recommends applying a little more highlighter to the lower inner corner of the eye, which gives "the illusion of a deeper eyelid and a three-dimensional effect."

6. Shadows and eyeliner on the lower eyelid are essential.

“I always put some eyeshadow on my lower eyelid,” Vanngou says. “This is another trick that makes Asian eyes look bigger. On the upper eyelid, the shadows should be more intense, but do not neglect the lighter shades on the lower eyelid, near the lash line, to help “open up” the eyes. "If you want a discreet daytime look, skip this step, but don't forget to line your lower lids with an eyeliner."

It is interesting that I myself, through trial and error, came to this decision, although in all makeup textbooks (calculated, however, for the European type of appearance), owners of small eyes are not recommended to bring the lower eyelid. “This will make your eyes appear even smaller,” they warn. Yeah well, right? And the mirror tells me quite the opposite!

7. Don't draw a fake crease!

Of course, it is tempting to take a pencil and draw the missing crease on your eyelid. But you want to emphasize your natural beauty, and not turn into an incomprehensible person? All three makeup artists advise never making a fake crease with pencil or shadows - it will be too obvious. Ryoke put it best: “Show me how naturally beautiful you are!” For the sake of objectivity, I note that I have seen successful examples of such art. For example, on the Buryat singer Madegma Dorzhieva, whose photo can be seen, I asked her for the name of that makeup artist, but, unfortunately, she does not remember him. In my picky opinion, Madegma's make-up turned out to be excellent. Although it is not for everyday life, but for the stage or photo shoots. In general, I’m not so categorical in saying “no” to a painted fake fold. If you have a reason and a virtuoso make-up artist, then why not try?

Girls of Asian appearance look exotic and always attract the attention of others. Their brown eyes are called mysterious and alluring. But if a Russian girl sometimes just needs to walk through the eyelids with shadows and make up her eyelashes, makeup for Asian eyes has a number of differences.

Makeup Features

The main difference between the face of Asian women is the shape of the eyes. Their shape is narrow, somewhat slanted, the movable eyelid almost always hangs and does not have a fold. Eyelashes are rarely long and fluffy, so Asian girls have a harder time adjusting the severity of the look. But in most cases, the cheekbones of such a face are very expressive, and the lips are small but plump. A yellowish undertone of the face and porous skin are added to the shortcomings of the general background.

Despite such features, the basis of the makeup of Asian women (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Uzbek, Kazakh girls, etc.) is an emphasis on flawless skin and a light, alluring look. To highlight the eyes, you need to bring the skin into perfect condition. This is a necessary condition, without which a beautiful make-up will not work.

The task of the make-up of Asian eyes is considered to be shape correction: you need to visually enlarge them in size, open the look, make it expressive.

All the subtleties of the "open eye" makeup involve the use of special cosmetics.. They are based on the culture and traditions of the countries. This is not only eye makeup: to properly create an image, harmony of all facial features is needed. When correcting the shape of the eyes, it is important not to lose their individuality.

A distinctive feature of Asian makeup is naturalness. What is acceptable in our country is not always welcomed by them. Each make-up is subject to a specific case and should look natural, as if all facial features are perfect by nature. The main thing is to demonstrate female beauty, not cosmetics.

In special cases (ceremonial event, national holiday, wedding, etc.), some freedom is allowed, but taking into account the traditions of the country. Asian makeup is thought out to the smallest detail: every stroke in it has its own meaning. Even the worship of fashion trends (anime style, idols) can affect eye makeup, as eloquently indicated by the use of a special eyelid lifting glue.

Skin preparation

Asian woman style - natural charm and health. First you need to tidy up the skin: this will accentuate the beauty of the eyes. Before applying cosmetics, clean the skin and rinse it with cold water to narrow the pores.

The skin tone is evened out with the help of foundation, and due to the peculiarities of the natural skin color, pink shades of the product are unacceptable. The shade of the tone should ideally match the complexion.

An important nuance is getting rid of dark circles around the eyes: they are unacceptable, as they make the eyes dull and sore. To eliminate these shortcomings, you need to use a concealer or foundation that is one tone lighter than the natural skin color.

The final touch to create a flawless dermis will be a light layer of loose powder. Flawless skin should shine, Asians say.

They use a highlighter and a little bit of blush to make the skin glow with health.

Color solutions

Asian style eye makeup cosmetics stick to natural shades. At the same time, the palette can be varied: the base of the color is pleasant and natural, but it allows soft contrasts to be added to the main tone. The main thing is to look natural and harmonious. Such makeup will be appropriate in any image and is suitable for a different direction of style.

Unlike European women, who often show off their eyes with aggressive colors, the Asian puts emphasis on natural beauty. An excellent result is achieved by a combination of smooth contrasts and shading of several natural tones close to skin color (ombre technique). There can be no accidents in choosing the color of the shadows: you need to give the eyes visual depth.

The eyeshadow palette for special occasions allows for darker and more saturated shades. It often contains dark gray and black tones. Cosmetics for national events are special. It can include bright and unusual colors up to bright pink, blue, purple, silver.

Red shadows are taboo: they make the eyes sick, swollen and tearful, the ideal ones are those whose color is close to the natural blush, but a little darker.

Types of make-up

Asian makeup is multifaceted and national. Regardless of the chosen image, it turns out to be rich and harmonious. Brown-eyed beauties know a lot about applying cosmetics, so their eyes are always beautiful, and the image has a delicate taste and some aristocracy.

Asian make-up can be:

  • everyday(daytime), made in the style of minimalism;
  • evening, marked by brighter contrasts;
  • national, demonstrating the peculiarities of the culture of a particular country;
  • scenic(variety), representing the artist in the best light.

Depending on the specific case, the methods of applying cosmetics may vary.. Makeup options vary depending on the country of residence of the girl. Great interest in the peculiarities of applying cosmetics in order to change the shape of the eyes makes the makeup of Asian women in demand. Trying on this style, European girls are looking for a new way to express themselves, tired of massive makeup.

It is worth noting that the Asian make-up does not imply face sculpting. It is important to remain yourself, so visual changes in facial features are not welcome. In addition, this approach does not fit into the light and mysterious image of an Asian woman.

How to apply correctly?

Beautiful makeup is the dream of many girls. And if the national make-up differs, the classic one remains unchanged: it doesn’t matter in which country the girl lives (China, Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia).

Making Asian eye makeup is actually not as difficult as it might seem.. If you perform each step step by step, you can quickly master the technique of an expressive and alluring look.

The work of creating beautiful eyes begins with applying the base under the shadow. If this step is ignored, cosmetics can look messy after a couple of hours after application.


A discreet and everyday make-up is a universal solution. To create it, you do not need a whole artillery of cosmetics: a standard set of cosmetic bags is enough:

  • forever apply light shadows, creating the effect of large eyes and depth;
  • upper eyelid tinted with a dark tone of cosmetics, not forgetting about the outer corner;
  • at the base of the lash line the moving eyelid is drawn with a liquid eyeliner;
  • upper eyelid center emphasize with white shadows, creating a volume effect;
  • the same color spend a couple of strokes along the lower border of the eyelashes and at the outer corner;
  • it's time for mascara: it is applied in two layers on top and quite a bit on the lower eyelashes, not forgetting to carefully comb them, excluding the effect of stickiness;
  • remains to be emphasized eyebrow line the natural color of the shadows, correct the tone of the face, make up the lips with light lipstick or transparent gloss.

Due to the natural colors of the shadows, such makeup will not look bright, even if the eyes are accentuated with eyeliner.


Evening makeup can be brighter than daytime. It allows the use of a wide strip of eyeliner and several layers of mascara. One of the most popular eyeshadow techniques is the ombre. Her principle adheres to the rule: the closer the shadows are applied to the lash line, the darker their color. With the help of this technique, it is possible to make the look expressive, and the eyes - large.

The technique itself is no more complicated than the previous one:

  • before application decorative cosmetics, the eyelid is prepared with the help of a base;
  • then light shadows create the appearance of depth at the outer corner from the eyelid to the eyebrow line, applying shadows along the upper and lower eyelids;
  • thorough shading- a mandatory technique that allows you to look beautiful and natural even in dark shades;
  • dark tone shadows bring the lower and upper eyelids, smoothly stretching the tone;

  • ombre effect fix with a brush;
  • fund balances on the brush, you can walk along the eyebrow growth line (literally a couple of strokes);
  • for eye enlargement you can use eyeliner: first draw a thin line from the inner corner (near the lash line itself);
  • without touching the inner corner, add the thickness of the eyeliner line;
  • remains to paint eyelashes and open up your eyes with an eyelash curler.

Korean style

The technique of Korean idols does not leave many girls indifferent. This is a unique puppet image, which, despite its unusualness, looks natural and beautiful. The basic rule remains unchanged: perfect skin is the basis for success and expressiveness of the eyes.

The method of applying cosmetics allows the use of a pencil and work with the lower eyelid:

  • on the area of ​​the upper eyelid apply the base;
  • after foundation the eyelid is shaded with light brown cosmetics, slightly darker than the skin tone;
  • the closer to the border of eyelash growth, the darker the shade of the shadows is chosen, not forgetting to stretch it up;
  • along the border the lower eyelid is applied with a barely noticeable stroke with light shadows: this will enlarge the eyes;

  • dark shadows needed to emphasize the outer corner: they are applied in the direction from the outer corner to the middle, not forgetting to add a drop of funds to the lower eyelid;
  • no liner needed: draw a line along the lash line with a brown pencil;
  • eye accent should be soft: the line should be gently shaded;
  • after the shadows the turn of the mascara comes: it is applied in two layers not to the upper eyelashes and the lower ones are barely combed;
  • it remains to add blush- and the image of a Korean woman is ready!

How to choose cosmetics?

Choosing the right cosmetics is not an easy task. The difference between Asian eye makeup is the use of special cosmetics, most of which are made specifically for the skin and eyes of this type. European counterparts do not always give the desired effect, since their purpose as a whole is a decorative function. In addition, you need to select cosmetics based on the type of facial skin.

Products of a special plan are developed taking into account the additional effect and are intended not only for correction or care, but also for protecting the face from ultraviolet radiation, as well as other negative environmental factors. This is a long-lasting makeup that does not slip or smudge throughout the day.

Eyeliner is one of the favorite techniques of Uzbek, Chinese and Korean makeup. Its consistency should be liquid, and the color should be exclusively black. The shade of the pencil can be black and brown. Some girls add a white pencil to their makeup bag.

A standard makeup kit should include foundation, concealer, eyeliner, pencil, eye shadow, mascara, blush, clear gloss, and lipstick. Advanced fashionistas use special cosmetics: cushion and tints. Cushion (a special pad with tonal impregnation) replaces the foundation well, it is applied in a thin, natural layer. Tints - cosmetics for eyebrows, eyes and cheeks. By choosing such products, you can be sure of the durability of makeup.

When buying cosmetics in Asian style, you need to consider a number of nuances:

  • perfect shadows- matte and close in tone in the palette;
  • flawless foundation- one whose texture is light and uniform;
  • good mascara– means of average texture with effect of lengthening and a convenient brush;
  • ink color dark brown for daytime makeup, black for evening out;
  • day lipstick should be almost imperceptible, evening allows a hint of saturation.

In addition, when buying cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. You can not paint with expired preparations, so as not to harm the health of the skin.