Army for girls in Russia - how to get into the service under the contract. Conditions of contract service for girls Are girls taken into the army

Today, the fair sex is increasingly occupying high positions in politics, economics, and healthcare. The country's armed forces are no exception. Even in a purely male business, girls often appear in important positions. Yet not every woman will be hired. To do this, several conditions must be met.

Can a girl join the army

In our country, many believe that the army is not a place for the weaker sex, while others, on the contrary, admire women who easily handle weapons and give orders to entire platoons.

A few years ago, the government discussed a bill on the conscription of childless girls who are 23 years old into the army. However, many did not support this idea, and the path to the army for the fair sex was closed.

Today girls from North Korea, Peru, Malaysia and Israel fall under the mandatory draft. Of course, you can get citizenship of another country and go to work. Women who choose to serve in Russia are left to choose other alternatives:

Contract service

Only young males are called up to serve in the Russian army. Women are not subject to conscription under the Constitution of our country. However, those who dream of army everyday life have such an opportunity. A girl can voluntarily enter into a fixed-term contract for service.

She has the right to choose any type of troops if they have a vacancy for her. Subject to physical and mental compliance, a lady can even serve in the rocket or space forces, as well as in the navy.

military school

Another option for serving is to enroll in a military school or ensign school. This may be, for example, the Suvorov or Nakhimov School. After graduation, the cadets go along with the men to the duty station. However, not every girl is able to cope with difficult entrance exams, pass a medical examination and be the best among the huge competition.

How to get a girl into the army under a contract

A woman who wants to devote her everyday life to army service must apply to the military commissariat belonging to her house according to her registration, with a corresponding application. You can visit the military unit itself or send documents through the state website. After that, within a month, the girl should receive an order to undergo certain events:
  • verification of educational level;
  • checking the physical and psychological condition;
  • medical examination.

The procedure for hiring a girl for the service is almost no different from the events for men. If everything is in order with the mental and physical condition of the girl, she will be offered to sign a contract.

It is better if a woman comes for an interview with an instructor at a selection point. He will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of military service under the contract, the nuances of this difficult task, and also find out the motives for entering the ranks of the troops and help you choose options for military specialties. The final choice of profession awaits the lady only after professional psychological selection.

Which girls will not be hired

The requirements for girls who decide to serve under a contract are identical to the conditions that apply to men. Namely:

  1. She must be an adult, but under 40 years old.
  2. Education is not below average.
  3. The girl must be in good physical shape and receive category A or B in health.

The presence of a spouse and children is not a reason for refusing contractual service, as well as the state of pregnancy or the recovery period after childbirth.

They will not hire girls who are under investigation, as well as those who have been convicted. The presence of a criminal record and a criminal past are an obstacle to the execution of a contract for service, as in the case of age beyond the specified limits.

Jobs for girls in the service under the contract

When applying, you should immediately find out what vacancies are available. Despite the fact that there are fewer military specialties for girls, the total number of female military personnel is more than 50 thousand people, and only about a thousand of them serve in low positions. Several dozen women hold the rank of colonel.

The majority work in the financial and medical fields, in the fields of communications and office work. Girls can also serve in headquarters, in the kitchen, in the barracks and at communication centers. The list of specialties is quite diverse:

  • cook;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • interpreter;
  • cartographer;
  • PC operator.

Women can solve tasks that a military man cannot handle. The fair sex holds positions in such areas as printing, photogrammetry, aerial photography, meteorology.

The law prohibits a woman from carrying out garrison or guard duty. But she is not released from combat duty and field exercises.

Before determining the duration of the contract, you need to take into account the age of the woman and the position in which she wants to work. So, the term of the contract for 3 years involves work on simple posts:

  1. soldiers;
  2. sergeants;
  3. sailors.

Ensigns and officers must serve 5 years.

A woman has the right to apply for any position presented by the military commissariat. There are no professional restrictions for her. It all depends on education and professional skills. The girl also has the right to choose a military unit.

Documents for contract service for a girl

In addition to the application, the Military Commissariat accepts other mandatory documents:

  • Diploma of education.
  • The passport.
  • Registration information.
  • A copy of the work book (certified by the seal).
  • Certificates of marriage and birth of children.
  • Photos of the required sample.
  • Written autobiography.
  • Feedback from the place of study or work.
  • Other documents on professional achievements.

If documents are provided through the official website, you need to make sure that the photos are in high resolution. When submitting documents in person to the commissariat, you must attach copies of the papers.

In case of a positive response from the military commission, there is no need to rush to sign the contract. You should carefully read all its points in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Passing a medical examination

A medical examination is the first thing that is done to determine the fitness for service. The contract will be concluded only with those girls who are assigned categories A (full fitness for service) or B (minor restrictions). According to the composition of doctors, the medical examination and the procedure for passing it are not much different from that for the stronger sex. The only thing is that women need to go through a gynecologist. The permanent medical staff includes:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • psychiatrist;
  • therapist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon.

If a candidate for contract service does not agree with the decision of the military commission, she has the right to undergo an independent medical examination in a private clinic and file a report or application to the court. The latter measure is usually used by conscripts who want to get a reprieve from the army or avoid it entirely.

Passing a medical examination is not as difficult as a psychological examination, where a specialist looks at a woman's behavior, evaluates her qualities, stress resistance and reaction.

Regulations for girls

If a woman has successfully passed all the commissions, she is allowed to pass the standards, which, in turn, differ from the male indicators. Rent them in three blocks:

  1. For endurance. A running distance of 1 kilometer must be completed in a maximum of 5 minutes 30 seconds.
  2. For strength. In 60 seconds, the candidate must complete the “press” exercise. You need to do this at least 22 times.
  3. For speed. Girls pass the shuttle run 10 times 10 meters. They have to keep within 38 seconds.

These standards apply to women aged 25 to 30 years. Those under 25 will have to do the abs exercise 26 times, complete the shuttle run in 36 seconds, and cover the long distance in less than 4 minutes 35 seconds.

All these standards are approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The failure of one of the tasks is the reason for the rejection of the application. The girl is deprived of the opportunity to join the armed forces of the Russian Federation for at least 1 month. Then you need to retake the standards, and again all three exercises.

Benefits for girls in the army

Girls want to serve in the army for the following reasons:

  • Free treatment.
  • Providing housing. The possibility of obtaining housing after a certain length of service.
  • Regular salary (no delays).
  • Stable work.
  • Earlier retirement pension (at age 45 if more than 20 years of service). Moreover, pension payments are quite decent.
  • Free pass.
  • Rest in a sanatorium.
  • Food and clothing supply.
  • Health and life insurance.
  • Opportunity for education.

The law on military service gives a woman many social benefits and guarantees, including:

  1. Annual leave.
  2. Leave for pregnancy and raising children up to 3 years.
  3. Leave at any time if there are 2 children under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age.
  4. Free travel on public transport and local trains even after dismissal.

Special attention deserves the wages of women in the army. It does not differ from monetary rewards for men and consists of two parts:

  1. Salary. It is charged in accordance with the position held and military rank.
  2. Surcharge. It varies depending on the performance of risky work and secret assignments, professional growth, efficiency, etc.

If a woman has to move, she should be provided with accommodation and service accommodation in the form of an army hotel or a hostel room. She also has the right to transport her husband and children with her to housing that is intended for military families.

The service life can be 3, 5 or 10 years, but the contract can be terminated at will at any time. Early termination is possible in the following cases:

  • spouse's relocation
  • dishonest performance of their duties;
  • personnel changes;
  • reorganization in the state;
  • caring for a sick relative;
  • recognition of a soldier unfit for service (due to injury or illness).

Contract service gives the girl the opportunity to earn on a par with the stronger sex. According to statistics, 3,000 women are added to the Russian Armed Forces every year. However, the medical field still needs soldiers of the weaker sex. So, for every 500 men who want to connect their lives with the army, there are only 10 girls.

Therefore, those ladies who have the desire and perseverance can be advised to contact the military registration and enlistment office with documents and undergo a medical examination. In case of a positive result, good living conditions and a variety of benefits are provided.

The call to serve in the army is carried out exclusively among males, but this does not mean that a girl, wanting to defend her homeland, will not be able to fulfill her dream. There is a fairly simple way how a girl can get into the army. It is only necessary to study some of the nuances of this procedure.

How to enter the service

Traditionally, a woman is responsible for arranging the life and raising children. In this regard, in 2012, the government discussed the issue of conscripting girls into the army who, at the age of 23, do not yet have children. But the project did not receive support, so the only way for a girl to get into the army is a contract. For its conclusion, it is necessary to write an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration or to the military unit.

Within a month after the application, the woman will receive a notification about the need for checks, after successfully passing which you can get into the army. The Ministry of Defense allocates certain military positions for female contractors. At the same time, the level of education of the girl must be at least average, age - from 18 to 40 years. The contract is not concluded with females who are under investigation or have already been convicted. Also, the fact that a woman has a criminal record or serving a criminal sentence in the past suggests that she will not be able to get into the army. The fact that the girl is married and has children is not an obstacle to drawing up a contract for service.

What documents are required

When applying to the military commissariat, in addition to the passport, you need to attach a few more documents:

  • a questionnaire filled out in accordance with the established form;
  • certifying documents of family members living with the applicant;
  • diploma of the level of education;
  • written autobiography;
  • work book to determine the length of service and skills;
  • an extract from the house book or a certificate from the house management;
  • a document determining the marital status of a woman (a copy of the certificate of marriage registration or the birth of children);
  • photo 3x4 and 9x12;
  • feedback from the place of study or work.

At the military registration and enlistment office, the documents are checked against the list of necessary documents and with the declared questionnaire for discrepancies, which the applicant will be asked to correct. A package of documents and a completed application form can be sent electronically. Documents must be scanned in color.

Examinations and examinations

After submitting an application and a package of required documents, the girl is invited to undergo an examination and tests to determine if she meets the established criteria for entering the army. The first to undergo a medical examination to determine the suitability for service in the Armed Forces. The contract is concluded with women who have been assigned category A, which means full suitability for service, and category B, which has minor restrictions. Then it is necessary to pass a psychological test that reveals the qualities and characteristics of an individual personality. Here they pay attention to such characteristics as the type of temperament, psychological maturity, the ability to find contact with people, the level of intelligence and the speed of thinking.

The survey divides potential military personnel into 4 categories, of which only the first two can enter active service. There are separate military positions for which candidates of the third category are also accepted. The most difficult test is confirmation of a good level of sports training. The physical development of candidates for military service is checked according to the results of passing three standards:

  • rapidity;
  • strength;
  • endurance.

The contract is not concluded even with one undelivered standard.

Under what conditions do women serve

Of course, there are fewer military positions for women, so when applying, it’s better to ask right away what vacancies are available. The stereotype that the army is not a women's business has already been destroyed. The Ministry of Defense confirms with statistics, according to which 3,000 contracts were concluded with female officers in 2017. The total number of such military personnel reaches 50,000. Only a thousand of them serve in low positions, while the rest occupy the positions of financial or medical specialists. The medical field is in particular need of female soldiers. Communication, office work and ensuring the work of the rear also falls on the fragile female shoulders. The law prohibits a girl from carrying out guard or garrison service.

Serving in the army for girls in Russia seems almost impossible, but in fact there are no special obstacles for those who meet all the requirements and have a desire to serve. The number of girls in the Russian army is impressive, today there are more than 50 thousand of them.

Who will be taken into the army

The service is carried out only on a voluntary basis, on the basis of a contract. The conscription of girls into the army in the Russian Federation is not mandatory.

The list of positions for female contractors is established by the Ministry of Defense. As a rule, these are positions in headquarters related to the economic, medical or information support of the army. The full list can be found in the commissariat, the work opportunities are quite diverse, but there are practically no combat ones. Ranks range from privates to majors and lieutenant colonels.

There is no division into the female and male army in Russia: the fair sex serve next to the men, although accommodation within the same unit, of course, is organized separately.

Age range: from 18 to 40 years. Education - secondary and this is a minimum, and some positions require special professional education, up to higher. The level of physical fitness is also important, you will need to pass special tests.

Do they take married people? The legislation does not provide for any special rules for women with children or married women. If the candidate herself believes that she can successfully combine both, she can safely apply.

A woman who has a criminal record (whether canceled or not) cannot go to serve, she will immediately be refused. This also applies to those in respect of which only a criminal case has been initiated.

Terms and features of the service

How long do the representatives of the fair half serve in the Russian army? Both the features of the vacancy and the age are taken into account, the average term is up to 10 years. The minimum and term of service under the first contract for women in the army is 3 years. If the candidate has reason to apply not for a lower position, but for an officer, or is a cadet of a military university, then in this case the period is 5 years.

Find out: How to refuse military service and go to work in the theater

From the point of view of social security, contract service in the army for women is not much different from work in civilian organizations. There is an annual paid vacation, women with children can take vacation at a convenient time, having agreed it with the head, you can leave the decree, receiving all the due payments.

Paper cases or what documents need to be collected

Contract service for girls begins with the execution and submission of documents. They are submitted to the military commissariat, it is there that it is best to clarify the exact list of required documents. The decision is made by the commission, which considers the candidate. Approximate package of documents:

  1. Application (the form is issued at the commissariat).
  2. Questionnaire in the prescribed form (Appendix 3 to the Instructions for the selection of citizens for military service).
  3. The passport.
  4. Autobiography - written by hand.
  5. Copies of documents on work experience and education.
  6. Copies of documents on marital status and birth certificates of children.
  7. Photo of given dimensions.
  8. Characteristics (from places of work or study).

Is it possible to get into the army without having a specific profession? Yes, and this way is even easier. Girls who have just graduated from school can apply to a military university, their further path is clear and carried out under the guidance.

All the rest, before submitting documents to the commissariat, go through a preliminary conversation with an instructor who will explain not only the necessary steps that need to be completed at the initial stage, but will also be able to help understand their motives, because it is possible that the desire to get into military service is dictated by random reasons, and The girl will change her mind. It will also help you roughly assess what position you can apply for. The instructor will issue samples of all necessary documents for filling out and referral to the primary medical examination.

Such a medical examination is carried out on their own, turning to the clinic at their place of residence. You will also need to obtain a certificate of no criminal record, it is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the easiest way is to go to the website of the State Service. The next step is the passage of the commission in the military registration and enlistment office. Based on its results, a decision will be made on the suitability of the candidate for service. If this stage passes, a personal file is opened for the candidate.

Find out: How the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are organized

Features of medical and psychological checks

According to reviews, this is the most difficult part for a girl on her way to the Russian army. To serve in the army, even as an economist, you need good preparation, excellent health, and suitable psychological qualities.

Is it possible to serve in a military unit with minor health problems? There are no differences from men. The army service is available to girls who, according to the results of the commission, have received category “A” (fully fit), or category “B”.

If everything is clear from categories “A”, then category “B” (validity with minor restrictions) requires clarification. The assignment of this category limits only the types of troops that a woman can get into, otherwise the service will be available in full. Diseases for which this category is assigned are mild and do not interfere with the performance of their duties. A slight decrease in visual acuity (100% corrected vision), mild forms of allergies or chronic diseases, residual effects after operations or injuries.

Three standards should be passed: endurance, strength, speed.

  • How can a girl pass the standard for strength? You need to have a good press. Men can take this test at their own discretion, choosing either pull-ups or floor presses. The girls have no choice, the required minimum standard for the press is 22 times per minute.
  • Speed ​​is tested by shuttle running, you will need to run back and forth ten times 10 meters in 38 seconds.
  • Running 1 km must be run in 5 minutes. 30 sec. (endurance test). It is believed that this is the most difficult standard.

Please note: rates vary by age. The figures above are mandatory for women under the age of 30. If the candidate is older, then the requirements for her are more stringent: press 26 times, shuttle run - 36 seconds, endurance test - 4 minutes. 35 sec.

Article content:

There is no official law on conscripting girls into the Russian army. Despite this, the fair sex is trying to achieve equality and they succeed.

Can girls serve in the Russian army?

Girls can serve in the Russian army, but only under certain circumstances. First of all, it is not supposed to be possible to have children before military service. If the desire exists, it is necessary to act clearly according to the standard and legal scheme.

In Russia, many girls are liable for military service: topographers, surveyors, communications specialists, doctors. There is no incomprehensible and outrageous alignment in this, because service for the good of the Motherland is an individual matter for each person.

Women have the right to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation under a formalized contract in the presence of appropriate positions. At the legislative level, all military positions that are available to women are defined. For this reason, it is recommended that you first carefully read the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2009, and then make the necessary decision. It is important to understand that a woman will not be accepted into the army under a contract if there are no vacancies.

If the situation develops, as the woman wants it, she has the direct right to submit an application in the established form by contacting the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Additional documents must be attached to the application:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • a questionnaire filled out according to the established model;
  • a short autobiography based on real events. Any fictional facts will be exposed;
  • photocopies of a valid work book with mandatory certification;
  • a diploma confirming the presence of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution;
  • marriage certificate and birth certificate of children (if any). Such copies of documents must be certified by a notary.

It is important to note that only girls under 23 years old who have not had time to give birth to children are allowed into the Russian army. If the second option is considered, military service will be available to girls under the age of twenty-seven. Such an amendment to the legislation of the Russian Federation was proposed by Vitaly Milonov, a deputy of United Russia. Focusing on a possible document for introduction, each girl will have to repay her debt to her state.

Vitaly Milonov is sure that girls should not run away from the opportunity to become mothers. Moreover, the absence of a husband is an insufficient explanation. The deputy is sure that a husband can be easily found if there is a desire to create a family and have a child. Thus, military service can be a kind of alternative to the female destiny of being a mother. In addition, there is a chance to find a husband while doing military service.

It is not surprising that talk is developing about the conscription of girls into the Russian army. Women have long sought to be equal to men. Only military service opens equality between a man and a woman.

The procedure for conscripting women into the army of the Russian Federation

In Russia, there is still no mandatory conscription for military service. Despite this, women have the right to take advantage of suitable positions for themselves. If there are vacancies, employees of the RF bodies will inform the women about this, after which a contract will be drawn up. There is a certain order to be noted:

  1. A woman applies to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.
  2. The application is registered.
  3. Then a medical commission is held to confirm the possibility of military service.
  4. They can be recruited for service in military units at the request of commanders and special instructions from district headquarters.
  5. Restrictions for employment: age under 20 or over 40, outstanding criminal record, poor health. Even if it was possible to obtain a “fit with minor restrictions” opinion, military service continues to be available.

Will there be an official conscription of girls into the army?

Is drafting into the army possible at the legislative level for girls? Of course, you can remember the Israeli army or the United States, where many girls officially serve. Will Russia follow a similar path? There is no official information, because everything remains only rumors.

Currently, girls can only serve under contract. Most likely, this option is ideal for girls, because they can, if they wish, stay at home and not expose themselves to unnecessary risks. Women can devote themselves to family or career.

If a girl wants to do military service, you should contact the military commissariat at the place of residence. It takes 30 days to process your application. After the deadline, surveys are conducted, the results of which make it possible to understand which option is best to choose. If health allows, you can successfully serve in the army.

Video: Law on drafting girls into the army

Contract service in Russian military units is not only for men. Women serve alongside them in various military positions. The signing of a contract by female soldiers has its own specifics:

  • Women enter into a contract upon reaching the age of 18, in the presence of a civilian specialty. The absence of a position also does not prevent entry into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Girls who have studied at a military university also serve under a contract;
  • Professional job duties - performing tasks for privates, sergeants, foremen, officers and warrant officers.

There are a number of features in the selection and definition of a profession for female soldiers.

How to start serving in the army?

A girl who decides to sign a contract has two options. The first is studying at a military specialized university in the chosen military specialty. The second is a turnout at a selective point, recruiting contractors. The last case is worth considering in stages:

  1. A woman is being interviewed at a selection point. The instructor informs about the benefits of military service, about the possibilities for further career growth. The purpose of the contract must be clarified.
  2. Women are offered several vacancies suitable for her. Military positions correspond to the level of education, professional skills and inclinations. A suitable position is finally established only after professional and psychological selection.
  3. In general, the conditions for selection for contract military service for girls and men are similar.
  4. After an interview with the instructor of the selection point, the girls are given an example of an application, an application form for employment and a referral to the medical board.
  5. A medical examination of a woman takes place at the place of residence.
  6. At the place of residence, they also receive a certificate of no criminal record. After that, you need to contact the local military registration and enlistment office and go through a medical commission there.

With the entire package of documents, you need to return to the point of selection of military personnel under the contract. From that moment, a personal file is opened on the girl-soldier.

Who can work?

Traditional, and at the same time, the military professions of an accountant, a medical worker, an economist, an employee of the personnel department, and a clerk are most in demand among girls. In fact, the list of specialties is much wider:

  • Positions in the air defense and communications troops, sapper troops;
  • Service in the headquarters, in the field of military medicine, in communication centers, in the kitchen, in the field of material and domestic support;
  • Work as telephone operators, cartographers, computer dialing operators.

There are other professions that may seem extraordinary - an operator of optical, sound, meteorological, printing instruments. You can work in the field of photogrammetry, topogeodesy and aerial photography.
Military specialties that involve women's work, according to researchers, are a way of professional self-realization. Statistics give other data: about 40 thousand women serve in the Russian Armed Forces, and 15% of them have the rank of colonel.

What are the standards?

The requirements for entering the contract military service for girls are the same as for men:

  • Age from 18 to 40 years;
  • Good health (certificate not lower than form A-2);
  • High level of physical fitness;
  • A specialty in demand in the military sphere;
  • No criminal record;
  • Education, not lower than secondary special.

After submitting documents - an internal passport of the Russian Federation, a work book, an insurance certificate or a certificate of pension insurance, a diploma of professional qualifications, a woman is a candidate for concluding a contract. To become a military applicant from a job seeker, you need to pass the FIZO standards.

It is worth dwelling on them in more detail:

  • In total, three standards are required for delivery - for endurance, speed and strength;
  • The strength test is the standard for the press (men, unlike women, have a choice between pull-ups and push-ups). The norm for candidates is 22 times in 60 seconds;
  • The speed is set according to the indicators in the shuttle run. In 38 seconds, the candidate must run a distance of 10 m 10 times;
  • Endurance is also tested by running. A kilometer distance must be run in 5 minutes 30 seconds. This standard is considered the most difficult.

The above standards are relevant for women aged 25 to 30 years. Girls under 25 have to achieve other indicators: the press - 26 times, the shuttle run - in 36 seconds, and the kilometer run - in 4 minutes 36 seconds.
If a girl has not passed at least one standard, within a month she cannot enter the contract service. During this period, the FIZO standards can be retaken. All three checks are retaken, not just one. After successful completion of FIZO, documents are signed at the selection point.
The last stage is the passage of the military commission at the military registration and enlistment office. It provides for the study of the personal files of applicants, interviews with them and the solution of questions about admission to military service by voting.