Affirmations to attract good luck and fulfillment of desires. Wish map - embodiment in reality

We bring to your attention a large number of affirmations on various topics. Read them and choose for yourself those that are close to you, that evoke a response in your soul.

You can read about the history, technique and rules for using affirmations.

I am the love!!!
Love is my highest power. I bathe in love!
I deserve all the best in life!
Every day my life improves and my love blossoms!
Joy and happiness reign in my family!
I am the energy of life and love!
I came into this world to enjoy the abundance of love and the fullness of happiness!
I live a full and happy life. I affirm Love!
I enjoy the love, beauty and kindness of the world around me!
I send goodness and love into the world - and I receive goodness and love in return!
I am beautiful! I love myself exactly the way I am!
I am love!
I am my best friend and most reliable partner!
I love, trust and appreciate myself!
I enjoy the abundance of love!
Everyone loves me and I love everyone!
I enjoy life and enjoy sex!
The whole world is mine. All the love in the universe is for me.
I lovingly accept my sexuality as a Divine gift that brings me the infinite joy of being.
I am confident in myself, I trust life, I believe in my lucky star!
I generate the light of love and attract the best relationships in my life!
I love myself, I love my life, I spread my love to everything that surrounds me.
I thank Heaven and accept Divine Love right now!
I was born for happiness and love!
I respect myself, I love myself, I praise myself, and I find in myself all the best and best qualities!
I have the most wonderful partner in the world!
I express my feelings openly and joyfully.
I am ready to give and receive love.
My love is boundless, like the universe!
I claim my right to love and be loved!
I am the center of attention, the center of adoration and admiration of people!
My life is filled with light, joy and love!
I allow myself to have whatever I want. I have the right to all the best in life!
I love, I am loved, I am happy!
I create perfect harmony in my soul and attract the perfect partner into my life!
I love and respect myself!
I respect my unique personality and pay tribute to all my virtues.
I spread my joy and love to the whole world!
I love myself and bless my life!
Everything I touch blooms and brings me joy and love!
I am the personification of the Supreme happiness and Divine love!
I consciously and firmly choose love for myself. My desire creates real miracles!
I love myself and approve of all my actions.
Waves of love come from me. With their strength and tenderness, they attract my beloved to me.
I speak with the Universe in the language of love, joy and happiness!
I am calm, happy and live in peace with my family and the entire universe.
I choose a life worthy of me and filled with love and happiness!
I affirm my right to happiness, prosperity and love in all its manifestations.
I love my body and enjoy my sexuality.
My path leads me to enjoy love, beauty, harmony, happiness and joy!
Love is always with me. I love the whole world!
I was created for joy and enjoyment of life!
I attract harmonious, warm and trusting personal relationships.
I enjoy my sexuality and thank the Creator for the beautiful body given to me.
I unconditionally love and approve of myself!
I am the Divine embodiment of love and happiness!
Money flows to me freely and broadly.
I bless money and everything connected with it with love.
I do all my financial transactions with love.
The basis of my prosperity is understanding myself and believing in myself.
Gratitude opens the door to new prosperity.
My income is constantly growing.
Money loves me.
I attract more and more money to me.
My wealth is limitless, like the universe.
I enjoy the flow of abundance.
I take advantage of the abundance of the universe.
Money comes to me with joy.
I receive money and I give money with pleasure.
My consciousness is abundant.
I attract money.
I am a money magnet.
My home is thriving.
Cosmic abundance manifests as cash flow in my life.
Cash flows rush to me from the sky.
Money energy is inexhaustible.
My joy is to receive money, my joy is to give money.
The more money I give, the more money comes to me.
God is rich and I am rich.
My financial flow is increasing and increasing.
I am a successful person
I am absolutely healthy
Every day I get better and better
I am a successful businessman
I am a great leader
I always make the right decisions
I'm making a splash
I'm absolutely sure of myself
Success leads me to success.
God, grant me the wisdom and welfare of Solomon.
I am a gift of God, I am a precious gift, I am a treasure.
I am more precious than gold, diamonds and silver, I am a jewel.
A generous God will grant me abundance, success and prosperity.
God shows me the way to wealth.
I breathe the air of abundance and bathe in the waters of wealth.
God's wisdom gives me wealth that never fails.
I am imbued with a money aura.
I'm rich, my life is a holiday.
God reveals the formulas of money to me.
The money formulas are already in my head.
Money is my friend.
I enjoy making money.
I make money easily.
The light of abundance pervades me.
I live a full life, I am rich and generous.
The rain of money pours down on me from the clouds of universal abundance.
My goals are worthy of a monetary blessing.
My life is getting better and better every day.
I am a magnet for divine prosperity.
I am the standard of success and prosperity.
Money flows to me in a wide stream.
I am the center of attraction for money, success and love.
I choose a calm and joyful life filled with blessings and abundance.
I choose thoughts that make me happy and lead to abundance.
Every day my income is growing.
The money goes into my hands.
Money loves me and comes in the right amount, even more.
I allow myself to receive wealth. I am open to the powerful flow of universal abundance.
I gladly accept a life filled with blessings and satisfaction of all my needs.
All my desires are fulfilled, all my dreams come true, all my needs are satisfied.
Everything I touch brings me success.
Benefits come to me from the most unexpected sources.
I receive blessings from everywhere and from everyone.
I express admiration for the abundance of life and offer gratitude for all that I have.
This world is mine!
I call money and money comes to me.
A world of abundance and prosperity opens up before me.
I am successful! I am rich! I swim in money!
I have enough money to fulfill all my desires and whims!
I allow myself to have a lot of money!
I allow myself to live in luxury, prosperity and abundance!
I have a lot of money and I spend it on whatever I want.
I get more and more money!
I choose thoughts that make me happy and lead to abundance;
Goodness, prosperity and abundance constantly come to me so that I can relax and enjoy a new life;
I am absolutely calm (-on) and confident (-a) in the future;
I am the mighty creator of my world;
The past is gone forever, and only goodness and happiness await me;
Everything that happens is for my highest good;
Every day my life gets better and better;
I give and receive money with joy and gratitude;
My financial condition is determined only by my attitude towards life;
I attract money to me like a magnet;
I am a magnet for Divine prosperity;
I allow myself to accept wealth. I am open to the powerful flow of universal abundance;
I choose a happy life with money;
I deserve (-on) all the best in life by birthright. I claim my right;
I gladly accept a life filled with blessings and the satisfaction of all my needs;
All my desires are fulfilled, all my dreams come true, all my needs are satisfied;
Everything I touch brings me success;
Today I accept abundance on a new level in accordance with the increased level of my consciousness;
I express admiration for the abundance of life and give thanks for all that I have;
Benefits come to me from the most unexpected sources;
Every day my income grows;
The Universe knows what I need and satisfies all my needs;
My wealth is limitless, like the universe;
I receive blessings from everywhere and from everyone;
I live in absolute harmony with the world;
The Universe supports me in every possible way, unconditionally and completely;
I bless my bills with love and pay them with joy and with the knowledge of my wealth;
I gratefully accept this world and all its blessings by inheritance from my Heavenly Father;
This world is mine!!!
I deserve the best in life. I deserve a wonderful life.
I open my arms wide to the world and declare to it with love that I deserve and accept all the best in it.
Everything I need, I always get! Now I allow myself to earn good money.
The source of wisdom is inexhaustible and available to me. Everything I need to know will be revealed at the right time and in the right place. I will make the right decision.
Trusting the higher mind to assist me in business, I go from success to success.
My choice is to move forward. I am open to everything new. I choose the path of knowledge and spiritual development.
I am a good person. I am open to all spiritual blessings that the Universe can give me.
I am full of trust in life and understanding of it.
I can't compare to anyone or anything.
I am a beloved and desired child.
My parents adore me.
My parents are proud of me.
My parents encourage me.
I love myself.
I am smart and resourceful.
I am talented and creative.
I am always healthy.
I have many friends.
I know how to love.
I like people.
I can save money.
I am kind and loving.
I am an amazing person.
I can take care of myself.
I like how I look.
I am satisfied with my body.
I deserve the very best.
I forgive everyone who has ever offended me.
I forgive myself.
I accept myself for who I am.
I am a wise and beautiful woman.
I admire myself.
I was determined to love myself and please myself.
I am the one and only for myself.
I am responsible for my own life.
I'm expanding my options.
I am free and can realize myself as a person.
I have a wonderful life.
My life is filled with love.
The love in my life starts with myself.
I'm in charge of my life.
I am a strong woman.
I deserve love and respect.
I don't belong to anyone; I am free.
I recognize my strength and use it.
I enjoy everything I have.
I love and appreciate myself.
I like other women, I love and support them.
I am completely satisfied with my life.
I study love in all its diversity.
I like being a woman.
I like that I live right here and now.
I fill my life with love.
I see life as a unique gift.
I feel my own integrity and perfection.
I am safe, all is well around me.
I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.
I love my body.
Love is in my heart.
There is life force in my blood.
Every cell in my body is loved.
All my organs work perfectly.
I look at everything with love.
I listen with understanding and empathy.
I move easily and naturally.
I bless the food I eat.
I can take care of myself.
I am healthy like never before.
I admire my wonderful body.
I was born to know that there is only love in the world.
I'm starting to realize what a wonderful person I am. I love myself and enjoy myself.
I am a beautiful creation of the Lord God. He loves me infinitely and I accept this love.
I am open and ready for wonderful relationships based on love.
My kind thoughts help me create relationships full of love and support.
My heart is open to love.
I bring laughter and joy with me everywhere.
People love me and I love people.
I am in harmony with life.
I always have wonderful partners.
I feel safe because self-love protects me.
I have a harmonious relationship with life.
I always work with those who respect me and pay well.
I always have great bosses.
I have good relations with all my colleagues and we work in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
I am loved at work.
I always attract the best clients and I enjoy serving them.
I like my workplace.
I love being surrounded by beautiful things at work.
I like to go to work, I like this area: it's beautiful and safe.
It's easy for me to find a job.
There is always the right job for me at the right time.
I always work with 100% dedication, and this is very much appreciated.
I make my career easy.
My income is constantly growing.
My business is growing beyond my expectations.
I have so many business projects that I don't have time to do everything.
There is enough work for everyone, including me.
I am happy that I have this job.
I have a great career.
I feel my oneness with all life.
Life supports me in every situation.
I completely trust Life.
In my heart beats the Force that created the world.
The divine hand always guides me.
My personal angel keeps me.
Divine Power always protects me.
Wherever I am, I am calm.
I easily let go of the past and fully trust life.
I'm always lucky

Positive thinking is a positive attitude towards life, oneself, current events and events that only have to happen. It is your good thoughts, words and images that are the source of personal growth and success in life. Positive thinking is the expectation of happiness, joy, health, successful completion of any situation and decisions.
Positive thinking conditionally consists of three parts:

  1. positive statements- Affirmations.
  2. positive attitude- faith that everything will work out.
  3. positive thinking- the ability to "correctly" look at the world.

affirmations- this is a short "positive" phrase, which, as a result of repeated repetition, is fixed in the subconscious, helping to improve the emotional background of life and leading to changes.

Psychologists say that affirmations that contain positive energy can radically change our lives. Words can really influence our lives if we repeat specially selected phrases several times a day in order to believe in ourselves and change.

Morning affirmations lift your mood and create a positive mood for the day.
In principle, it is affirmations that are written on the map of desires (plus desires are also visualized there).

So the rules are the same as I indicated for the inscription on the wish map, namely, the phrases are composed in the affirmative form (without the NOT particle) in the present tense and the phrases evoke an emotional response in your soul.

Examples of affirmations (as well as examples of inscriptions and phrases for a treasure map (wish card) (partially my personal, partly Louise Hay, partly taken from various sources on the Internet):

On love and life:
I am loved and love
I love myself
I love and accept myself
I am calm and content with my life
Harmony and happiness fill my heart
I live in love and wisdom
I am beautiful
My favorite person is me
I choose the path of prosperity and happiness.
Making the right decisions, I feel lightness and peace inside.
I move through life calmly and harmoniously.
I deserve the best in life. I deserve a wonderful life.
I choose happiness.
I live in absolute harmony with the world!
I'm absolutely sure of myself

About income and financial well-being:
My income keeps growing
My life purpose is happiness and success.
I bless my work with love.
My work brings me (specify exact) amount of money per month)
I appreciate money and allow myself to receive it in the desired amount.
I know the value of my work and allow myself to charge a decent price.
I attract money
I am successful in...
I express admiration for the abundance of life and express gratitude for all that I have!
I am a great leader
I am a successful businessman
My business is growing beyond my expectations.

These affirmations are given as an example. You can use these affirmations, or better yet, come up with your own. The bias should be done on those affirmations that reflect a positive attitude in your particular problem area.
It is better to repeat affirmations in the mornings and evenings)))) In the morning - this gives a positive attitude for the day, and before going to bed - it is more laid down in the subconscious. But you need to take it not by the number of repetitions, but rather by the emotional charge of these phrases))) You can imagine what you say when you say (this is a good map of desires - before your eyes is not only an affirmation, but also a picture of the future.

positive attitude - it is an inner sense of self, self-confidence, belief that we will succeed. “I can”, “I am worthy”, “I will succeed”, “I will do it in the best possible way” - these are phrases that convey a state of positive attitude.
Once I read about the famous artist Lev Konstantinovich Durov. He impresses me with his active life position and positive attitude. His recipe for "morning exercise" is as follows. He asks himself questions in the morning - “What crises? What government? What are the difficulties? I can do everything myself! And he begins to sing joyful songs. Every day is different. A surge of vivacity and optimism is guaranteed!
You can also listen to music, dance))) and dance)))
You should praise yourself for every little thing, smile at yourself in the mirror, smile at people and get smiles in return))

Positive thinking -ability to see the world positive, optimistic.

As the great Marcus Aurelius, who ruled the Roman Empire, said: "Our life is what we think about it." Indeed, our attitude to life is a factor that determines our destiny! If we think about happiness, we feel happy. If we are visited by sad thoughts, we are sad.

This is exactly what the famous question about a glass that is either half empty or half full is about. So, with positive thinking, this glass is still half full (or empty, if it is a glass with muck)))). The glass does not change with different views. But one person rejoices more often from such a perception of life, while the other is upset by this.

Reminds me of a joke:

A pessimist and an optimist are talking. Pessimist:
- Crap! Days are flying with terrible force! You won't have time to look back, how the month has flown by!
- Yeah! And pay again!

And finally: It’s not true that Kutuzov didn’t have an eye, he had an eye)))

Why am I?? And to the fact that we ourselves choose how we react to this or that event in our life.

And in any negative situation at first glance, there are always pluses. You just need to be willing to find them. For example, I fell on the way to work, eventually tore my jeans, was late for work. Well, what can be positive in this? 1. I got short jeans)) 2. The working day was reduced for me (not 8 hours, 7). 3. And everyone felt sorry for me that day (and it's so nice)). 4. and there was also a reason to update your wardrobe))

If we get stuck in the fact that it’s a pity for jeans (they were almost new), it’s a shame to be late for work, then in the end our day will be lived negatively.

In this way, Let's say there is a negative situation: "I don't have a loved one."

In this case affirmation maybe: “I live in love”, “A strong (smart, etc.) man surrounds me with love”, “I am loved and love”, “There is a beloved man in my life”.

In parallel with affirmations, you should monitor your inner mood. “I am worthy of love”, “I can build relationships with my loved one”, “I will definitely succeed.” And you also caught the smile of a handsome man passing by and praise yourself: “What a beauty I am, men look at me.”

And be sure to consider the situation from the point of view of positive thinking. What are the advantages of a woman? Well, the first positive in my opinion is that at this stage of her life she will be able to choose any man with the qualities that she wants. The second positive is that she can devote much more time to her beloved than if she had a man .. Etc.

Those. by saying affirmations repeatedly, the phrase affects our subconscious, the subconscious is gradually rebuilt, and we can more easily accept love. In addition, we convince ourselves that we are worthy of love and we will succeed. And of course, we perceive and describe the situation that exists now, based on a positive, optimistic outlook on life.

In general, everyone decides to live for him in joy and happiness, or in sadness and sadness. It's your choice, you decide.

The conscious level of people is usually filled with countless chaotic thoughts. Often a person does not keep track of what he thinks about during the day.

Repeated repetition of thoughts gradually forms subconscious attitudes that begin to influence our lives. It is good if the thought flow has a mostly positive connotation.

However, in many cases limiting beliefs arise in the subconscious layer.

The conscious choice of positive statements, the correct work with them helps to eradicate negative attitudes and achieve the desired goal. The experience of people who use affirmations in life shows that the method is effective.

For example, my older brother Stepan worked as a sales representative on a car. The car has served him for a long time, began to periodically fail. Styopa began to think that it was time to buy a new car, but he couldn’t make any savings, since repairing an old car required financial investments.

During this period, he decided to try the techniques of working with the subconscious, which he had read about for a long time, but had never put into practice. He had a distrust of this way of achieving goals, but curiosity, the desire to buy a new car took over.

Stepan formed a short statement, the essence of which was that the circumstances are developing in the most favorable way, and he manages to get what he wants. At first he performed the technique, having doubts about the successful result, but he did not give up the practice.

Then Styopa managed to catch the feeling of owning a new car, to get used to this situation. In this state, he regularly continued to repeat the affirmation. A couple of months later, through acquaintances at work, he was contacted by a man who was leaving with his wife to live abroad, and he needed to quickly sell an almost new car. He sold it for much less.

Stepan, of course, had to borrow money, but the deal turned out to be winning for him.

Correct work with affirmations

In order to obtain a successful result, it is important to follow certain rules when performing the technique. These include:

  1. Try to determine whether the desire is true, whether it is imposed by parents, friends, work colleagues, etc. Do you really want a prestigious job in a bank, an expensive car, or marry a rich man? Maybe something else gives you real joy. Being in a calm environment, concentrate on the desire, imagine that it has come true, listen to the inner sensations. If you feel inspiration, harmony, joy, then your true essence wants this.
  2. When formulating your own affirmations, you need to remember that the statement must be positive, without the “not” particle. You can't say, "I don't want to do this job." It is correct to say: "Work brings me inspiration, joy." Affirmations should be directed towards getting something, not getting rid of it.
  3. Make or choose short, clear statements containing the words “good”, “easy”, “love it”. Avoid impersonal offers.
  4. Affirmations should be formulated in the present tense. Try to catch the state of having what you want now, being in the right situation. For the subconscious there is no past, no future, it perceives only the present.
  5. It is unlikely that you will be able to get the effect of affirmations instantly, you will have to use temporary resources. Regularity is important. Repeat positive affirmations daily. Choose a convenient time. You can repeat in the morning and evening, for a few minutes. The more often, the better. Some experts in working with the subconscious advise that it is imperative to perform the technique in the morning. The morning hours set the tone for the next day. It is believed that it takes at least 21 days to program the subconscious level.

It is important to emphasize that internal contradictions can prevent you from getting what you want.

You want something, but at the same time you are afraid of the fulfillment of your desire, you consider yourself unworthy of it. Often such conflicts are not recognized by a person. You need to try to identify the contradiction, start working with the limiting belief, replace it with life-affirming affirmations.

List of statements

Positive statements can be formulated independently in accordance with the rules, choose the ones that are right for you. Examples of affirmations for the fulfillment of desires:

  1. "I express my gratitude to the Universe for the fulfillment of my desire."
  2. "Wish fulfillment is what I deserve."
  3. "I'm open to getting what I want."
  4. "I feel ready for new opportunities."
  5. "All circumstances in my life contribute to the fulfillment of my desire."
  6. “Everything is working out in the most favorable way for me.”
  7. "I live in abundance."
  8. “I can do everything.”
  9. "I am open (a) to the source of the wealth of the universe."
  10. "My wish comes true easily and quickly."
  11. "I look into the eyes of my cherished desire."
  12. "My wish is fulfilled with lightning speed, with the accuracy of how I make it."
  13. "The fulfillment of a desire depends on me, my perseverance."
  14. "The world always takes care of me."
  15. "I deserve the best."
  16. "I trust life, I believe in getting what I want."
  17. "I love how easily my wishes come true."
  18. “I see and understand the role desires play in my life.”
  19. "I know what I want."
  20. “Every day my goal gets closer.”
  21. "I accept my desires." "I find a compromise if they contradict each other."
  22. "I easily find inner resistance to the fulfillment of my desires."
  23. "I am learning relaxation, non-attachment to desires."

It should be noted that some researchers of the secrets of the subconscious, work with affirmations recommend formulating your own statements that will fully meet your request.

Creation of stable positive thought forms is creativity, great art.

Technique "glass of water"

There is an effective technique for working with thought forms, programming the subconscious level.

Take a piece of paper and write down positive affirmations. Place a glass of clean, filtered water on the leaf. Bottled, tap water is not suitable for performing the technique, as it contains information about other people.

Rub your palms, place them parallel, bring them closer, move away from each other, squeezing the space between them. So you try to feel the energy. You may feel that you are squeezing something elastic, similar to a balloon, as if the palms are attracted by magnets to each other.

Place your hands near the glass, on the sides, but do not touch it. Say aloud or to yourself, with confidence, awareness, the statements written on paper.

Thought, clothed in words, has an independent power.

Reinforce what was said with images, a feeling of getting what you want. Drink some water. The technique is considered effective when performed in the morning after waking up, before going to bed. Some practitioners claim that the method works quickly, but it is worth remembering that everything is individual.

Follow the rules for formulating desires. Make them in the present tense, clearly, do not use the particle “not”.

The energy emanating from the hands feeds, strengthens the intention. This is how you charge water. The method is described in his books by Vadim Zeland.

Interested in working with affirmations, practicing the technique, you gradually discover the magic of the subconscious. It develops, presents limitless possibilities for self-knowledge.

Explore your subconscious level, identify contradictions, limiting beliefs that hinder the achievement of goals, feel true desires coming from the heart.

Consciously using positive affirmations, you learn to control the flow of thought, to choose creative thoughts that shape your reality.

Positive affirmations for the fulfillment of desires have great power. They help to formulate and send the right request to the Universe, to rebuild the subconscious on a favorable wave. Thanks to this, dreams begin to come true, as if by magic.

Wish Card Affirmation Examples

The Wish Map is a special way to attract the help of the Universe to realize your goals. For information on how to properly create and activate the Card, read this article.

It is very important not only to paste the desired versions of the pictures in the appropriate sectors, but also to sign the images with positive statements so that the Universe clearly understands your request.

Consider examples of affirmations for each sector.

  1. I am completely and completely healthy
  2. I feel better and better everyday
  3. I have a beautiful, athletic, toned, slim figure
  4. I am happy that my children, husband and parents are absolutely healthy.
  5. I sat down on the longitudinal and transverse splits, stood on the bridge completely (you can write down any other sporting achievements)
  1. My income is growing day by day
  2. I have a big house with enough space for all my family members.
  3. I moved into a new apartment and made a designer renovation in it.
  4. I have a new white Porsche
  5. My income is enough to provide myself with everything I need and want.
  1. My photo was published in Cosmopolitan magazine
  2. I received an Oscar (indicate any award you are striving for: medals, cups, certificates, diplomas)
  3. I am a popular person and everyone wants to see me in their company.
  4. My blog has reached 1000000 subscribers or more
  5. I am invited for interviews by major TV channels

Sector of love and relationships:

  1. I have a happy and harmonious relationship with my partner
  2. My relationship with my husband is getting better every day
  3. I attract worthy and successful men
  4. I am surrounded by fans, each of whom seeks to win my favor.
  5. I received a marriage proposal

Sector of children and creativity:

  1. I am happy that my child is the best in the class
  2. I am glad that my daughter is achieving success in figure skating
  3. I can draw and paint beautiful pictures for my friends, family and clients
  4. I sing well, they invite me to auditions and auditions
  5. I make unique designer jewelry that is in demand

Assistant and travel sector:

  1. I am happy that I spend a lot of time with my friends
  2. I travel twice a year or more
  3. I visited Italy and did a great shopping there
  4. I spend winter in Thailand every year
  5. I celebrated New Year in Mexico
  1. More customers and more sales
  2. I am growing up the career ladder, increasing my status and income
  3. I work in organization N
  4. I found my dream job that suits me in every way
  5. My business is successful and my partners are crystal clear
  1. I got my driver's license
  2. I received a red diploma from the university N in the specialization X
  3. I completed courses in cutting and sewing
  4. I am a certified psychologist
  5. I speak English fluently
  1. I am happy that all members of my family are healthy, successful and successful as individuals.
  2. I have a great relationship with my husband, children and all relatives
  3. We often travel as a family, visiting different countries
  4. My family and I live in a large, beautiful and comfortable house.
  5. Relationships in my family are getting better every day

Be guided by our examples, but try to formulate your own statements, depending on your goals. Your request to the Universe must be sincere and come from the heart.

What can be done to make wishes come true?

Working with affirmations is like planting a crop. Only as seeds - your thoughts, and the harvest - fulfilled desires. But we must not forget that before you plant the seeds in the ground, it must be cleared of weeds, otherwise you will not see a rich harvest.

Therefore, before you start introducing positive attitudes into your life, you need to get rid of everything negative, superfluous, unnecessary. Everything that prevents you from moving forward, and desires to be fulfilled.

Watch a video on how to speed up the fulfillment of desires with affirmations:

What do we have to do:

  1. Remember that the world is neither good nor bad - it simply reflects ourselves. Therefore, stop blaming anyone for your problems, look for the source of negativity only in yourself. When we don't like the reflection in the mirror, we change our facial expression. It doesn't occur to us to scold the mirror
  2. When you do not like what is happening around you, do not get angry, do not be offended and do not scold your surroundings, but strive to change your thoughts
  3. Get rid of fears, otherwise they will come true more often than desires. The universe does not care what to send you - be it joy or sorrow. She sends what you think about the most
  4. Set the right goals. If you yourself do not know what you want, how will the Universe know about it?
  5. Do the right karmic deeds. Give to others what you need yourself. Love, care, money (charity) and so on
  6. Get rid of negativity: bad thoughts, emotions and feelings. They create a powerful block through which positive energy does not penetrate. If you are full of negative attitudes and thoughts, your desires will never come true easily.
  7. Do not forget that a single flashed thought has no power. But the thought, repeated many times, has great power. Consider this both when you begin to read positive affirmations, and when you are fixated on problems.
  8. The thoughts that are in your head give rise to certain energy radiations. Positive thoughts - positive radiation, negative - negative

Remember that your life is what you yourself have attracted. The world is mirrored, and like attracts like. Therefore, strive to radiate love, happiness, kindness and positive, then the Universe will begin to reciprocate and fulfill any of your desires.

In Feng Shui, there are a lot of symbols and tools that allow you to achieve what you want. The most effective of them is the so-called wish card. This is a simple, but at the same time very effective tool that helps you realize your most cherished dreams and achieve your goals. Anyone can make it if they want. How to make a wish card and will be reprimanded in our article.

How the wish map works

You should not think that the wish card is some kind of magical thing. The act of such a card is understandable even from the point of view of psychology. When a person clearly and clearly imagines what he wants, a certain image is formed in his head that characterizes his dream, so you can clearly see a house that is hunting, a car, a child, applauding fans, etc. If you always think about it, such an image firmly enters the subconscious and, subsequently, a person without even realizing it will take the steps necessary to fulfill the dream. This effect is called visualization of desires. Significantly strengthening it helps to present your goals on paper in the form of text or in the form of images. Well, if it is still beautifully arranged and you look at the fruit of your labors every day, thereby always reminding yourself of what needs to be achieved, the desired will not be long in coming. Such a technique in psychology is called a visualization board. In fact, it is the same card of desires.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the act of the wish card is explained by the fact that all of us and our thoughts are firmly connected with the universe, and if a person sends clearly formulated signals to it, it will certainly respond and help in their implementation.

How to make a wish card

The most important and important thing that you need to do in the first place is to clearly and clearly formulate what you most want in total, and then imagine that it has already come true, i.e. visualize your desires. This can be crafted in a variety of ways. As a rule, most are helped by a calm, relaxing atmosphere. Choose a time when no one will bother you, turn on a pleasant melody, sit back, close your eyes and start imagining. For example, if your cherished dream is a house, try to collect its image in your imagination, imagine how it looks from the outside, how you walk through it, what rooms to eat in it, how you kindle a fireplace in it, etc.. And then remember what pleasant sensations you experienced at the same time. When all your desires are formulated, write them down on a piece of paper. However, please note that it is necessary to write down desires without using the “not” particle, specifically and in the present tense. So - “I'm thin”, “I'm healthy”, “I'm rich”, “I have a red Mercedes”, etc. Now proceed directly to the manufacture and compilation of a map of desires.

Wish Map - Sector Completion Guide

It is necessary to make a wish board only on your own, without involving either relatives or girlfriends in this process, and, moreover, strangers. Although some sources say that such a board can also be a family board, therefore all family members can participate in its compilation. Be that as it may, it is necessary to start its manufacture only with a positive attitude.

Stock up on a sheet of drawing paper, a stack of old magazines, a ruler, pencil, glue, paints or colored paper, and scissors.

A feng shui wish map must certainly have nine sectors corresponding to the main areas of life. Ancient teaching correlates them with the cardinal points, each of which has a certain tone. Therefore, we need to divide the drawing paper into nine equal parts.

After that, you need to paint over or close up each part with a color corresponding to one or the other side of the world. This step can be overlooked, leaving the drawing paper as it is or paint it in the same tone.

Wish map - compilation rules

Now the most important part of the work begins - choosing pictures and filling in sectors. Suitable images can be folded in old magazines or on the Internet, and then printed on a printer. In this case, several rules must be observed:

  1. Select pictures for the wish card that will accurately reflect your dreams. So, if you want a two-story house - the image should be the actual two-story house, not a cottage or some other building.
  2. Choose only positive pictures, with smiling faces, sunny landscapes, etc.
  3. Images should please you, when looking at them you should have pleasant feelings.
  4. Do not fill the sectors at the same time, do everything sequentially, paying attention to each zone separately. For example, when you fill the wealth zone, fill only it and don't get distracted by the rest, even if you see a picture suitable for another sector. Such an approach will allow you to fully concentrate on your desires and carefully analyze them, setting priorities.
  5. If you know how to write, you can fill in the sectors with your own drawings, such a desire visualization board will work even better.
  6. Your desires must be precise and specific, especially if you write them on a map. Also try to indicate the timing of your desires, where possible.
  7. Absolutely all sectors must be filled with pictures.

It is necessary to start compiling a map from the center, after it the wealth sector is filled, and then all the rest clockwise.

Wish card - photo:

When to make a wish card according to Feng Shui and not only

Knowing how to make a wish card is of course important, but it still needs to be made at a certain time. Feng Shui suggests doing it on the growing moon, and even better in the first two weeks of the Chinese New Year. But during the time of a solar or lunar eclipse, it is better not to start making a board. If you do not follow Chinese traditions so carefully, you can start creating a wish map at some turning point or important moment in your life, or simply when you really want changes.

Where to place the wish card and how to activate it

For the map, you need to find such an item so that it constantly catches your eye, but at the same time is hidden from strangers. So, it can be placed in the bedroom or on the inside of the wardrobe door.

To activate the card, you need something like a trigger. An image of any very simple desire that will be simply and quickly fulfilled, for example, a large chocolate bar or a box of chocolates, will do a good job with this role. When you hang your board, just go and buy yourself a chocolate bar from the picture, thus fulfilling your first craving. Well, after that, look at your card every day and thank the universe that way, as if you already have everything that is shown on it.

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