World Men's Day 19 November. international men's day

Since ancient times, men, as defenders of the homeland and the family hearth, have had special honor and respect. Despite this, the World Men's Day, celebrated on November 19, has not really taken root. In Russia, as in many other countries, do not forget about the Defender of the Fatherland Day (or Red Army Day in the old fashioned way), which is celebrated on February 23 every year for many decades. It's no secret that, in theory, this holiday is intended for those who served in the army and experienced all the hardships of military field conditions, and not every representative of the male half of the population can boast of these merits. Moreover, the trend that women go to the army and serve in the bodies is actively gaining momentum. Young girls and women who graduated from higher educational institutions specializing in training personnel for service in the army and in the "citizen" also deserve congratulations, but for some reason they are forgotten. Congratulations on this day are addressed to boys, students and adult men, regardless of whether they served or not.

World Men's Day is a holiday for absolutely all representatives of the strong half of humanity, regardless of their age, marital status and individual characteristics. The holiday is relatively new, first became known in 1999 thanks to Trinidad and Tobago, where it was proposed to celebrate Men's Day and thereby draw attention to the event. A certain Jerome Tiluxingh from the University of the West Indies conceived this event. The topic of the role of men in society has greatly worried the doctor for many years. The date of November 19 was chosen by him not by chance, because it was on this day that his father was born. Supported by Europe, Asia and North America, as well as Australia and the participants Initially, the organizers emphasized that there was a need to pay special attention to the health of men and boys. Improving gender balance is the main objective of the event. The idea was accepted by the UNESCO organization.

Before the holiday became traditional for many countries after its establishment in 1999, it was also talked about in the 60s, but it was proposed to celebrate February 23 and call it International. For the first time, an attempt was made to celebrate it in the United States in 1994, but it did not provoke the public. The only country where the World Men's Day was celebrated on February 23, in which absolutely all representatives of the strong half received congratulations, was Malta. In 2009, the date was moved to November 19.

World Men's Day is an excellent occasion not only to congratulate your friends, brothers, fathers and grandfathers on the holiday, but also to remember how important the problem of discrimination against men is, about their health, role in public and family life. The organizers pay attention to various issues that affect men, cover them in the media, work in schools and universities, and educate the younger generation. Men's problems, as the founders of the holiday themselves say, are by no means different from women's, because the strong half are also concerned about the topics of marriage, family relations, healthcare and education. The role of a man in society is losing its significance - and this is another problem that representatives of the organization would like to address to society. The primordial patriarchy is replaced by equality and matriarchy, and whether this positively affects society or not - it's time to find out.

In Russia, on this day, all representatives of the strong half can also accept congratulations. World Men's Day in our homeland is celebrated on November 3, a little earlier than in other countries. "Take care of the men!" - this is the slogan with which the organizers of the holiday address the people, and it is worth listening to it.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

A real man is wisdom, courage, mercy, a storehouse of patience and willpower, whose words never diverge from a deed that you can trust all your life and not be afraid of betrayal.

Every year on March 8, the world honors women of all ages. International Women's Day, initiated by Clara Zetkin, the leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, has taken root in different countries so much that we can no longer imagine our existence without it. It turns out that men have a similar holiday, only few people know about it: on November 19, every male representative can be congratulated on International Men's Day.

History of International Men's Day

International Men's Day is relatively young, if not young. The first to celebrate a significant date were the inhabitants of Trinidad and Tobago. This island state is located in the southern waters of the Caribbean Sea, and is called so by the name of two large areas of land that make up, in fact, the country. It's interesting that the idea of ​​creating International Men's Day belonged to Dr. Jerome Teeluksingh who worked at the University of the West Indies.

The enthusiastic initiator explained his intention to please the gentlemen of the planet with a simple desire to restore justice. In his opinion, men once a year should have the opportunity to become heroes of the occasion, like women, regardless of age and occupation. Jerome Tiluxingh noted that the existing Father's Day focuses exclusively on the representatives of the stronger sex who have already had children, and does not take into account the interests of his other categories. The doctor also proposed the date of the International Men's Day: it is on November 19 that his father celebrates his birthday. In addition, the local football team on that day acquired a level of unity, the task of which was to suppress all kinds of disagreements on religious, ethnic, gender grounds. Later, the idea of ​​celebrating a specific date was picked up in other Caribbean countries, as well as in Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia. Today International Men's Day is celebrated in Norway, Great Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Zimbabwe, of course, Russia and other territories. He received the support of the UN, UNESCO.

An interesting fact: the need to create an International Men's Day was discussed back in the 60s. last century. Then many had the idea to make a holiday for gentlemen on February 23 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, celebrated in the USSR, in particular. The proposal has already met with public approval. So, in the USA, in the early 90s, several events took place at the suggestion of Thomas Oaspere, head of the Center for Men's Studies in Missouri-Kansas. After 4 years, a new date was even noted, but after a year everything died out. Countries one after another refused to celebrate International Men's Day. Only Malta remained faithful to this tradition until 2009, and from that moment it began to celebrate the indicated date together with everyone - November 19th.

Purposes and features of the holiday

The holiday, established in honor of the representatives of the stronger sex of the whole world - International Men's Day - is primarily intended to draw public attention to the existence of problems of gender discrimination of gentlemen in the family regarding their role in raising children and relationships with their spouse. This is the main, but not the only purpose of the events held on November 19th. Others include:

  • encouragement of male significance in various spheres of life, regardless of social status, type of activity;
  • assessment of the positive, productive contribution of men to the development and support at the proper level of the family, community and society as a whole;
  • focusing on men's health - psychological, physical and emotional, as well as the need to preserve and restore it;
  • creation of certain conditions conducive to the disclosure of their potential by gentlemen;
  • improving inter-gender social ties and ensuring equality in rights.

They celebrate International Men's Day, like any other celebration of a social orientation: they organize street processions, concerts, organize seminars, round tables, thematic exhibitions. Schools and higher education institutions hold specific events, classroom and curatorial hours. The significant date annually focuses on a specific slogan, for example, “The positive role of men”, “Men's health”.

Do not confuse International Men's Day and World Men's Day - they are completely different holidays. The second was proclaimed thanks to the efforts of Mikhail Gorbachev and falls on the first November Saturday.

Types of gentlemen

“All men are the same,” many of the fair sex sigh, referring to the inconstancy, frivolity, irresponsibility of the strong half of humanity at the present time. And indeed, today's gentlemen treat ladies in a completely different way, as it happened some 30-50 years ago. Men were spoiled by the era of financial priorities, their own parents and the ladies themselves, endlessly taking the initiative. Thus, at the moment, a number of male psychotypes are distinguished.

  • Henpecked - he is characterized by such character traits as modesty, courtesy, humility, some shyness. Everything would be fine, but there is not a drop of initiative in henpecked. So a woman in a relationship with such a gentleman will have to manage her husband, with all the consequences ...
  • Conservative - this type is focused on housebuilding of pure water: a man dominates the family and the life of a woman, for whom there should be no one but a spouse, children and home life. Here the opposite is true: the lady will have to obey.
  • A bad guy - he attracts women like honey flies, despite his tough temper, terrible selfishness, lack of good manners, the presence of obscene expressions in the lexicon, even assault. It is impossible to stay with him for a long time, this copy is not suitable for creating a family.
  • Casanova - the main features: pours compliments right and left, flirts with a bunch of ladies at the same time, knows how to care for and drive women crazy. You should not count on marriage with such a person - it is better to regard relations with him as a pleasant and useful experience.
  • A family man is the most suitable type of man for creating a family. He is characterized by decency, loyalty. The family man has ordinary hobbies such as fishing and football. Do not tune in to a close spiritual connection with him. But on the other hand, he will not allow himself rudeness and beatings.

As a rule, pure psychotypes are extremely rare in life. Each man is individual, he has features of different existing categories. Congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex on November 19 on the holiday, on International Men's Day! Wish them happiness and real masculine qualities!

International Men's Day was celebrated for the first time in history by men living in the Caribbean in February 1999. Ten years later, in 2009, World Men's Day was moved to November. The date of the holiday is November 19, timed to coincide with the birthday of the father of its initiator, Jerome Tiluxingh. The purpose of Men's Day is to draw public attention to the problem of discrimination of fathers in the upbringing of children and the importance of men in the family.

In all countries that have recognized the holiday, thematic seminars, events in educational institutions, open lectures are held. The media also do not stand aside, preparing relevant materials and news for the International Men's Day.

I have many reasons
To congratulate you now.
A holiday has come to us - Men's Day.
Day of the strong, brave and gallant.

Don't Lose Your Rare Gift
Always be bright, real.
May the fire never go out
Love, trust and happiness.

I want to congratulate you
Simple, warm words.
May fate keep you
From grief, troubles, experiences.

Happy men's day
Know that you are the only one
The most courageous and skillful,
Everything in the world you can do

Stay like this,
You will be invincible
And lucky and calm
You are definitely worthy of all!

Congratulations on International Men's Day. I wish you to be patient, confident, brave, courageous, kind, smart, strong, important, responsible and a real man in any situation of life and in any business. Good luck in all endeavors and success in any goals.

What a holiday in November
What is the day on the calendar?
International Men's Day
The whole country celebrates.
The path is joy, may the talents
Will never leave!
We praise men today
We praise a strong shoulder,
That they are always ready to help.
We want to wish -
For you to be kind
Don't reproach your ladies
What would you give happiness
Like your ancestor - Adam!

Today is the day of the strongest in the world
Today is the day of men, guys, guys.
We congratulate you today
All women say "thank you".

You are our fortress and support,
And we can't do without you
And even if, suddenly, there is a quarrel,
We reconcile immediately at the same hour.

And even though sometimes we are unbearable,
And we accuse you of all sins,
Believe me, dear men,
We can't live without you!

Happy International Men's Day
I congratulate you man.
You strength, courage, courage
And I want nobility.

Let the qualities of men be
For you always a guideline:
Integrity, reliability, honor -
And you are already invincible.

On International Men's Day
I wish you success!
Always be number one
Never knowing problems and troubles!

Love, be close, love
Healthy, smiling and strong,
Remember you are invincible
Always be God careful!

I wish men on this day
Male happiness, positive,
Always be number one
And live luxuriously and beautifully!

Let there be a good wife
Lets go to the bath with friends,
Will always be faithful to you
Just love you!

Let your career go up
After all, you are an employee anywhere!
I wish your income
Ross without much difficulty!

International Women's Day
We are all used to it, like a migraine.
And for men put their own
international men's day,
When, forgetting about a hundred worries,
You will receive a charge for the whole year
Love, warmth and affection.
And the day will pass like in a fairy tale!

Today all men accept
From women praise and congratulations,
May the men's day bring them good luck,
Gives a good mood
We wish men a lot of happiness,
Let them take care of relatives and protect
We appreciate them for their courage and courage,
They forgive us our weaknesses!

You, so strong
brave, handsome,
decisive, honest,
Yes, what to hide - wonderful,
I sincerely congratulate
Always love be close
And achieve goals
Don't be afraid and don't give up!

Congratulations: 66 in verse, 8 in prose.

More than 60 countries around the world celebrate International Men's Day. The holiday was celebrated for the first time in Trinidad and Tobago, in 1999, and every year the number of countries that have joined, ready to honor the strong half of humanity, is only growing.

Dr. Tiluksingh from the University of the West Indies put forward a proposal to create a special international men's day in order to draw attention to the problems of men, to increase the role of social status in the family and society. He chose his father's birthday, November 19, as the proposed date, as he felt his father was a role model. The UN and UNESCO came out in support of Teeluksingh's idea.

Attempts to give men a specific day of the year have been going on since the 1960s. American professor Thomas Oaster, who headed the Center for Men's Studies at one of the US universities, initiated a proposal, by analogy with March 8, to equate February 23 with a full-fledged day for all men, and not just defenders of the Fatherland.

His idea was supported, and in 1994 February 23 was celebrated on a grand scale in the USA, Australia and Malta, but the following year attempts to continue the new tradition came to naught. Only Malta remained the only country where the holiday existed until 1999, and then it joined the general one on November 19.

International Men's Day was created to draw attention to the problems of the health of the male population of the planet, social equality in families, emotional well-being and a strong state of mind, ethnic and religious differences, etc.

Unlike March 8, November 19 is almost always thematic in nature, annually specializing in a specific problem, however, this is a completely optional condition for the celebration, this is just a suggestion. Each country is free to celebrate at its discretion, choose its theme or completely abandon it.

Various events are held on this day by the organizers of the holiday. Street parades, concerts, feasts, seminars dedicated to the problems of men in society and the family. The media are actively involved in drawing attention to this holiday. On November 19, warm words are heard for men, regardless of age, social status, professional and other skills, religion, skin color, etc.

Educational institutions around the world hold special events dedicated to the strong half of humanity. Circles, seminars, class hours, thematic exhibitions of drawings and crafts, creative competitions of essays and poems.

The role of men in society and the family is one of the important topics for humanity. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex accept well-deserved congratulations on November 19.

International Men's Day is a worldwide holiday dedicated to men.

In Russia in 2019, International Men's Day is celebrated on November 19 and is held at the unofficial level for the 21st time.

The purpose of the holiday is to recognize the important role of the stronger sex in the family and society, as well as to draw society's attention to gender discrimination and the problem of gender inequality.

On this day, seminars, round tables, peaceful demonstrations, thematic programs on radio and television are held.

history of the holiday

There has been talk for a long time about the need for a special date for men. In the 1960s, it was proposed to take February 23 as a basis. However, such attempts have not gained wide support from the world community. The active work of Professor Oaster, who directed the Center for Men's Studies at the University of Missouri-Kansas, moved the matter forward. In February 1990, the first celebrations were held in the United States. The tradition of celebration was adopted by Malta. Thanks to the Maltese Association for Men's Rights, it continued until 2009, after which the celebration was moved to November, following other states.

For the first time on November 19, International Men's Day was celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago in 1999. The initiator of the celebrations was Dr. Jerome Tiluxingh from the University of the West Indies. He chose his father's birthday as the date of the holiday. By personal example, he confirmed his gratitude and personal respect for the authority of his father in the family and society.

Holiday traditions

Events in honor of International Men's Day differ in form and content in different countries. Each state itself determines the scale and direction of the holiday. Seminars, round tables, peaceful demonstrations are held in many countries. Thematic programs are broadcast on radio and television.

Task for the day

Inform your friends about this event and congratulate the men from your circle on the holiday.

  • Men have one speech center responsible for speech, while women have two. Therefore, according to statistics, they pronounce half as many words as women.
  • According to research, men feel the danger worse at the level of intuition. This is due to reduced levels of the hormones estradiol, progesterone and cortisol.
  • Men are twice as likely to suffer from depression as women. However, they are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia.
  • According to research, men gossip more than women.
    More often such conversations are conducted in the company of colleagues, partners and female friends.
  • Guys who want to impress the opposite sex most often hold their thumbs on the belt of their trousers.
  • Due to the presence of only one X chromosome, men are more prone to chronic hereditary diseases and complications. Also X-linked recessive trait is baldness, which men inherit from their mother.


“Congratulations on International Men's Day and I want to wish strength, intelligence, tolerance, courage, courage, honor, confidence, pride, courage and heroism. Remain a real man in any situation, come out of any fight as a winner, regardless of the influence of various factors. Good male health and happiness.

“Our dear beloved men! You are the protectors, the earners, you are our wall behind which you can hide from everything that could threaten our happiness. Therefore, I would like to wish you more vitality, good luck, success, growth, both personal and career. Be always those who can always protect. Happy Holidays!

“I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on International Men's Day! I wish you great happiness. Easy, not burdensome, joyful success that would accompany all your affairs. I wish you to achieve everything that your soul aspires to. May all hopes and desires come true."


Men's Accessories. A leather belt for trousers, a tie, cufflinks, a purse will be an excellent present for a man. This accessory will perfectly complement the image and will emphasize the style.

Nesser for travel. A man who often goes on business trips or travels will appreciate the convenient and functional nesser, which will allow you to keep the necessary care accessories at hand.

Set of tools. A set of tools for housework, in the garage or garden, will be an excellent present for a man who will allow him to do chores on his own.

Sport equipment. Balls, snowboard, skis, tennis rackets, a home trainer will be a good gift idea for a sports lover and active entertainment.


Man's exposure
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare lemons, the number of which will correspond to the number of participants. The task of the contestants is to eat citruses and not grimacing. The one who demonstrates the greatest endurance wins.

magnet man
To conduct the competition, the host should prepare cards with the letters of the alphabet. On command, participants attach cards with letters to those parts of the body that begin with them. The winner is the one who manages to place on himself and keep as many cards as possible.

Military ranks
Inventory for the competition - two sets of cards with military ranks from private to marshal. Two teams with the same number of participants take part. They receive sets and, at the command of the host, must arrange the ranks in ascending order. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

This holiday in other countries

International Men's Day is a holiday that takes place in many countries of the world, including Ukraine and Belarus.