Care of children and babies. What new parents need to know: caring for a newborn baby in the first days of life

The skin of newborns is very delicate and sensitive, and therefore you need to take care of it very carefully to prevent irritation and inflammation. Let's discuss the main procedures that new parents have to deal with every day. They cause difficulties only at the very beginning, until all actions become habitual. There is nothing complicated in them, but you need to take into account some features of caring for a little man. And now about everything in order ...

How to change a diaper

First of all, parents learn how to change their baby's diaper. For this procedure, any hard and even surface is suitable - a changing table, a bed or a table covered with oilcloth and a diaper. I put the crumbs on the back. We unfasten the Velcro of the diaper and carefully roll it off the baby's tummy, tucking it inward. Then we raise the baby, clasping both ankles with a hand, and with gentle movements remove the diaper, fold it into a roller and fasten it with Velcro.

How to wash a child

Now the child needs to be washed, after “big things” - with soap, after urination, just water is enough. For babies, it is better to choose a special baby detergent, with a neutral pH level, odorless and dyes. Prepare everything for washing in advance so as not to be distracted. In addition to soap, you will need a warm diaper or soft towel to dry your skin after the procedure.

Washing is carried out under running water in a sink, bath or over a basin. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, water should not fall on it so as not to cause infection.

Girls and boys need to be washed differently.

Girls need to be held in their arms with their tummy up so that water flows to the ass and microbes with particles of feces do not fall on the area of ​​​​the labia and the entrance to the vagina. Usually, the baby's head is placed on the elbow bend, and her body is on the forearm, and they are pressed tightly to themselves with one hand. With the second hand, they thoroughly wash the area of ​​​​the buttocks and labia, washing away all the dirt with soap, but without penetrating into the genital organs. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the inguinal folds and the thigh area. Then the child is wrapped in a diaper or soft towel and taken to the changing table or other prepared surface. Already there, with gentle soaking movements, the genital area, ass, legs and all folds are drained.

Boys can be held on the arm in any position, but tummy down is usually more comfortable. The head of the crumbs is placed in the area of ​​​​the elbow bend, the body is on the forearm, the tummy is placed in the palm of your hand and the baby is tightly pressed to your body with one hand. With the other hand, the thighs, penis, scrotum and perineum are thoroughly washed under running water. At the same time, the head of the penis is not opened, washing the foreskin only from the outside. Further actions are the same as for girls.

How to avoid diaper rash in a newborn?

Before putting on a diaper, you can treat the baby's skin with a special diaper cream. It protects against contact with moisture, relieves irritation and gives a feeling of comfort. The cream is not absorbed and forms a thin film on the skin, protecting the child's sensitive skin from the irritating effects of urine and feces. It is applied to the area of ​​the inguinal folds, around the anus and to the junction of the buttocks. Girls should not apply the cream on the labia, and boys - on the penis, only near the scrotum, where there are folds.

The powder is applied in this way: first you need to evenly distribute it on your palm, and then “powder” the skin of the child with patting movements.

Next, the diaper is straightened, the baby is placed on the back, his legs are lifted with one hand and the diaper is placed under the buttocks. Then straighten the diaper in the groin area, fasten the Velcro and adjust the belt. If it is not possible to wash the child with running water, you can use special baby wipes.

Change the diaper for the first 2-3 months every 2-3 hours, then as it fills up, usually every 3-5 hours.

How to wash a child

The child is washed in the morning, after sleep, before or after feeding. For washing, prepare:

  • warm boiled water;
  • sterile cotton balls or discs;
  • clean soft cloth.
Moisten a cotton ball or disc in boiled water and gently wipe the baby's eyes from the outer edge to the inner one so as not to introduce an infection and so that the cilia do not get on the mucous membrane. If crusts form on the eyelashes, take a clean cotton pad and continue the procedure until it is clean. For the second eye, use a new cotton ball. Then blot your eyes with a soft cloth to remove excess moisture.

How to clean a child's nose

The baby's nose must be kept clean, this is important for his full breathing and nutrition (after all, it is difficult for a baby to eat with a stuffy nose). Cleaning the nose is quite simple, although initially this procedure sometimes causes difficulties for parents. Usually the nose is cleaned in the morning and before going to bed.

You will need:

  • saline solution (ready product can be bought at a pharmacy) only in the form of drops, sprays can cause a spasm of the larynx, so their use is not recommended;
  • a pipette with a rounded end;
  • cotton flagella (twisted from a piece of cotton wool);
  • container with warm boiled water.
Place your baby on the changing table or any other comfortable surface. Before washing your eyes, pipette 2-3 drops of saline solution into each nostril. Then wash your eyes. During this time, the dried crusts in the nose are soaked, and it will be easy to remove them. When they soften, soak a cotton swab in boiled water and insert it into the spout by 1-1.5 cm with gentle twisting movements. At this moment, some babies begin to sneeze - this is not dangerous and will help remove crusts with air pressure. Then carefully remove the flagellum. If not everything has been removed from the spout, take a new piece of cotton wool and repeat the procedure. A new flagellum must be used for each nostril.

How to take care of your hair

The baby's head and caring for it often raise questions from mothers. The presence of a fontanel is especially frightening for young parents (this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconvergence of the sutures of the skull, the connective tissue under which the brain is located). But the head and hair do not require particularly complex care, they are washed with baby shampoo about once a week, and after the bath they blot with a towel and comb the hairs with a soft bristle brush. The baby needs to be brushed every day. If milk crusts form on the head, they are not removed. Once upon a time there was a recommendation to smear the head with oil and put on a cap for 2-3 hours, after which comb out the crusts with a comb. Today, this method is abandoned, since a special combing of the crusts injures the delicate scalp of the baby, stimulating even more crust formation.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

Another difficult issue for parents is the care of the umbilical wound. After childbirth, the umbilical cord is cut off and a terminal or ligature is applied to the umbilical residue. Approximately on the 3-5th day, the umbilical cord residue disappears, and a wound forms under it, from which blood or ichor is released. In some maternity hospitals, the umbilical residue is surgically cut off on the second day. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is necessary to treat it twice a day (in the morning and after bathing).

You will need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • pipette;
  • cotton buds;
  • alcohol or antiseptic (for example, brilliant green, potassium permanganate solution).
We drip 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide onto the umbilical wound, remove the foam and carefully soak the crusts, remove them with a cotton swab, repeat until the umbilical wound is completely cleansed. Then we treat the wound area with alcohol, and the skin around the navel with an antiseptic.

How to bathe a child

It is necessary to bathe babies only with special baby soap (liquid or lumpy), shampoo or foam, preferably without fragrances and dyes, without a strong odor, marked “hypoallergenic”. With a detergent, it is recommended to wash the child 1-2 times a week, the rest of the time water is enough.
  • On the label must be the inscription "allowed from the first days of life." It is desirable that this product can wash the crumbs from head to toe and it does not sting the eyes.
  • In addition to soap, you will need a soft sponge or a terry mitten for the body.
  • Also, have a water thermometer ready to monitor the temperature in the bath, although many parents are guided by their own feelings (the water is tested with an elbow or the back of a hand).
  • The water temperature should be 36-37°C. You also need a bucket or water jug ​​to rinse the baby at the end of the bath, a large bath towel (handy if it comes with a corner) or a warm diaper in which you will take the baby out of the bath.
How to keep? When bathing in the bath, you can hold the baby, as when washing: place the baby’s head on your shoulder, supporting the baby under the back and buttocks with your forearm and hand. With the other hand you will wash the baby. You can also, for example, turn it over on the tummy - the principle of support will remain the same. Of course, various slides or hammocks make things much easier, especially if the baby is bathed by one adult: they give stability to the position of the body, and its head is above the water all the time.

What do you need to know? You should not boil water for bathing, ordinary warm water from the tap is enough. Until the navel heals, a solution of potassium permanganate is added to the water, coloring it to a slightly pink color. This solution has a disinfectant effect. This is necessary so that microbes do not get into the umbilical wound. If a child's navel has healed, you should not bathe him in a solution of manganese or decoctions of herbs - they dry the skin greatly, which leads to its peeling and irritation, up to the formation of rashes.

Never, not for a second, leave a baby alone in the bath, even if, in your opinion, he lies securely in the slide - this is dangerous! If you need to move away, stop bathing and take your baby out of the tub. When bathing, you should try not to get water or soap on the baby's face. This is unpleasant for babies and can provoke a negative attitude towards water procedures and crying. Many children cry during bathing because of the reaction to the difference in water and air temperature. Try to keep the temperature in the bathroom at least 24°C. For bathing, choose a time when the baby is alert and not hungry, in a good mood. It is advisable to wash the baby always at the same time - this teaches him to the regime. If he is excited after the bath, it is better to bathe him in the morning, if he relaxes and calms down - before going to bed.

Lower the child into the water and let him flounder a little in it, move his legs and arms, guide him back and forth along the bath. Then lather the mitten and wash the baby, first the neck folds, then the breast, tummy, legs and arms, turn it over and wash the back. The head is always washed last, tilting it slightly back so that the soap does not get into the eyes. Lather the hairs and gently massage them, especially in the area of ​​​​the crusts, then rinse, scooping up water from the bath and pouring over the head, towards the back of the head. At the end of the bath, fill the jug with tap water 1-2 ° C colder and pour over the baby with an energetic movement, after placing him with his tummy down. The first baths take 4-5 minutes. Gradually lengthen the procedure up to 15-30 minutes. Wrap the baby in a towel and take it to the changing table, dry the baby's skin well with blotting movements and then carry out the necessary hygiene procedures (treatment of the umbilical wound, inguinal folds, etc.).

If the house is cool, you can put on a cap or a light hat on the child until the hairs dry.

Bathing and hygiene procedures will gradually become an integral part of the baby's daily routine, you will learn how to perform them quickly and deftly, they will no longer cause any difficulties.

Maternity hospital, photography, car, apartment. The door slammed behind the last relative, and the mother was left alone with her newborn child. Precisely one on one, because in the early days the father is still getting used to the idea of ​​his new status and bypasses the screaming lump along a large radius. And then the question arises - how to deal with a newborn baby? Caring for a newborn in the first months of life is very difficult, so you need to take into account all the nuances.

In contact with

Basic moments

Newborn baby needs in:

  • good nutrition;
  • healthy sleep;
  • fresh air;
  • skin care.

Mom should sleep and rest. If you are not afraid and think logically, a newborn baby is easy to handle.

Discharging from maternity hospital

Tips for caring for a newborn baby come down to giving close attention:

  • skin;
  • umbilical wound;
  • factors that cause allergies;
  • how to properly hold a baby.

What a new mother needs to know about her:

  • Newborn skin very tender prone to allergic rashes, diaper rash and prickly heat. It must be taken care of daily with the use of cosmetic products.
  • In a newborn, the neck muscles are not developed. He is unable to hold his head on his own. In any situation, taking a child in your arms, you must control position his head, not allowing her to remain unsupported.
  • Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, everything that concerns the navel zone should be “sterile” - only boiled water, and the clothes must be ironed.
  • Newborn chair always liquid. Intestinal disorders can manifest as redness around the anus or a foamy stool structure, but you should not be afraid of the absence of a “sausage”.

Mom's first days at home must daily:

  • handle the navel;
  • monitor the condition of the skin;
  • change the diaper in time;
  • provide access to fresh air - walks or airing.

Caring for the nose of a newborn baby is an important point. Natural mucus accumulates in the nasal cavity and requires removal:

  • cotton pad is cut in half;
  • twisted into a cone;
  • with a twisting movement, the "sharp" tip is inserted into the nasal cavity, and then removed. And so every day.

Nose care

What to do with a newborn baby if he cries? Verify 4 reasons:

  • dirty diaper;
  • wants to eat;
  • wants to sleep;

There are no other reasons for scandals in a newborn in the first months of life. Sometimes mothers confuse the desire to communicate with her and sleep. The baby cannot fall asleep on its own, without a mother's smell, swaying and a portion of milk, therefore it screams, calling for a nurse. The need for communication will appear after 2 months, when vision, hearing and speech apparatus will be controlled by the baby.

How to keep?

In a horizontal position on the arm, a newborn baby can lie:

  • on the back - the back of the head is placed on the crook of the elbow, the mother's palm holds the ass;
  • on the stomach - the head "hangs", the baby's body is located from the elbow to the wrist of the mother's hand.

Attention! In the first month, the neck and back of the baby should not be in a straight line in an upright position.

If necessary, the child can be pressed with his stomach to his chest, laying his cheek on his shoulder. In this position, the neck is tilted and does not experience stress, and the head rests on the parent's shoulder. Should be kept a newborn child with the second hand behind the back of the head, to prevent a sharp tipping.

umbilical wound

What to do with the umbilical wound:

  • after bathing, lay the child on his back on the bed;
  • dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • cotton pad or cotton cloth handle carefully umbilical wound zone (do not try to peel off the crust!);
  • let dry;
  • anoint with brilliant green with a twisted cotton pad or ear stick.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

Sweating and diaper rash

Caring for a newborn in the first month of life, first of all, involves caring for his skin. The thermoregulation of the child is not yet set up and moisture constantly accumulates in each fold. Soft skin reacts painfully:

  • redness from rubbing and slight swelling - prickly heat;
  • redness, unpleasant odor and white pellets - diaper rash.

In the initial stages of redness, powder is used to dry the zones. When the irritation is strong, the color is bright red, swelling is observed - apply healing creams and ointments. The best remedy is Bepanten. It successfully fights most skin disorders in newborns, and has a healing effect on nipple cracks in mothers. They use not cosmetic powder, with odors, but pharmacy.

Spawn zones prickly heat and diaper rash that a young mother needs to know about:

  • behind the ears;
  • armpits
  • folds on the hips;
  • under the chin;
  • between the fingers and toes;
  • palms and feet;
  • under the knees;
  • on the inside of the elbow.

How handle correctly:

  • gently straighten the fold - raise your head, stretch out your arm / leg, stick out your ear, spread your palm, etc .;
  • using a cotton pad (not cotton!) rinse the area with hydrogen peroxide / herbal decoction;
  • let dry;
  • apply cream or powder.

As a method of preventing prickly heat and diaper rash, as well as hardening the body, it is recommended to take daily air baths- leave the child completely undressed, without a diaper for 10-15 minutes.

Diaper rash treatment


What do you need to know about swimming? Water should be boiled until the belly button heals!

In advance, during the day, water is boiled and cooled until the evening. By evening, another portion is boiled, mixed with the already cooled and, as a result, warm, boiled water is in the bath.

The child is advised to do herbal baths: brew in the morning in a three-liter jar pharmaceutical herbs with antimicrobial, antiseptic and healing properties. In the evening, mix the decoction with boiling water (strain through a fine strainer) and dilute with cooled water.

Manganese baths it is recommended to apply before the navel heals, alternating with herbal ones, since potassium permanganate greatly dries the skin. A strong solution of potassium permanganate is placed in a separate container and poured into the bath until a light pink tint appears. It is dangerous to dissolve the crystals directly in the bath - the crystal may not dissolve and burn the baby's skin.

The second thing you need to know about newborns is how to wash. If a boy poops, you can wash your ass in any position, as long as your head has support. As a rule, newborn boys are placed with their stomachs on their mother's hands and their buttocks are placed under water.

This is unacceptable with girls. Feces in this position can enter the vagina. The safest way is to lay the baby on her back on her arm and put her under running water. If the girl pooped “successfully”, and the feces stained only the upper lobes of the buttocks, you can take a chance and wash in the position of the boys, but the movements of the mother’s hand should be strictly from the crotch to the pope.

In general, caring for a newborn boy in the first month of life is not much different from caring for a girl. According to Dr. Komarovsky, the less mother washes what is difficult to reach, the better. In girls, washing should not go beyond the labia majora, and in boys it is not recommended to pull back the foreskin.


All tips for caring for a newborn baby agree on one thing - when choosing cosmetics, give preference fragrance-free products. Smells and components of flavored cosmetics cause severe allergic reactions, up to swelling of the nasal mucosa. The newborn does not know how to breathe through his mouth, which means he will suffocate.

Preference should be given to specialized children's cosmetics marked "hypoallergenic" or "allowed from the first days of life." Do not cause complaints (with the exception of cases of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug) such brands as Jonson's baby, HIPP, the line of German cosmetics Bubchen, the Russian brand Ushasty nyan.

Moisturizers (creams and oils) for the body must be used for the first 6 months of life.

Cosmetics for a newborn

Climate in the apartment

Affects the condition of the mucous membrane, thermoregulation, sleep and activity of the child.

From the first days of life to six months, adhere to following conditions in the room where the newborn baby is constantly:

  • temperature - 18 degrees;
  • high level of humidity;
  • frequent wet cleaning (at least 2-3 times a week);
  • daily ventilation of the room from 10 minutes.

Humidity can be controlled with a humidifier or a "folk method" - a pot of water. The natural evaporation of water from the tank does not always have time to make up for the loss of moisture in the air, so it is recommended to use a humidifier for at least the first 3 months.


What new mothers need to know allergic reactions:

  • most often, they appear on the skin with redness and a rash;
  • allergies are caused by creams, soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents, synthetic fabrics, the mother’s own food when breastfeeding;
  • Allergy to diapers manifests itself on the buttocks, and not around the anus.

Proper care of a newborn involves the correct selection of diapers. Bad diapers rub, pass callas, cause allergies, do not absorb moisture well, and do not fasten securely. You can’t take a big pack at once!

Diapers bought by the piece, and by trial and error are selected suitable for a particular newborn child.

Skin allergy is the body's reaction to contact with an allergen. The reddened place should have been in direct contact with the source - it can be artificial fabric, washing powder or soap.

A mother can wash children's things with a special powder, and her own with flavored ones, and, taking a newborn in her arms, cause him an allergy. Rash and redness on the cheeks are sometimes caused by food allergens - mom ate something. Nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane, constant sneezing are caused by a reaction to odors or dust.

Important! If any allergic reactions appear, the child, first of all, is isolated from the source, consult a doctor.

Then proceed to the removal of symptoms. The skin is smeared with Bepanthen, the swelling of the nose is removed with vasoconstrictors, the recommendations of the pediatrician are followed.

Nail cutting

One of the problems with a newborn baby is how to cut your nails? There is a few rules:

  1. Calm down. A calm mother is a calm child. The scissors will not cut off his finger, will not pierce his palm through and through, will not cause serious injuries if the mother does not close her eyes in fear and shake.
  2. Hold firmly not the child, but the limb being sheared. If you try to fix the entire leg, from the hip to the heel, the convulsive twitches will only intensify - the child will try to free himself.
  3. Cut off after the bath, when the nails are soft, the child is relaxed or sleepy.
  4. Do not cut during sleep. A newborn baby may twitch and, not expecting this, the mother will scratch the baby, or the baby will be frightened and burst into tears. Fear in the future will not allow him to calmly endure the procedure.

Hygiene is the most important element of infant care, the key to successful development and good health of the newborn. It includes both morning procedures and procedures that are carried out throughout the day.

After the baby wakes up, the first thing you need to do is wash your eyes, clean your ears and nose, and wash. At the same time, pay attention to your hygiene. Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Means choose only high-quality and safe. Let's take a closer look at how to properly carry out morning procedures for a newborn baby.

Morning breast care

Eye Care carried out using a cotton swab, which is moistened in warm boiled water. Wipe the swab over the eye from the outer corner to the inner. Take a new swab for each eye! When a child's eyes are very watery, you can prepare a special infusion of pharmacy chamomile or calendula. Dilute 1-1.5 tablespoons of herbs in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then wipe each eye with infusion. For children older than 3-4 months, the infusion can be instilled into the eyes, this will prevent the appearance.

Nose care it is important to exercise every day so that the snot does not clog the mucous membrane and does not interfere with normal breathing. A newborn is characterized by a physiological runny nose, which disappears on its own by 2.5-3 months. At this age, the baby still does not know how to blow his nose, so you need to clean the nasal passages of the baby. The nose can be cleaned with soft cotton swabs dipped in vegetable oil. Instead of cotton swabs, flagella from cotton swabs are also used, as they are softer and safer.

Liquid mucus is removed with light rotational movements with a stick or flagellum, dry mucus is removed with sea water. Sea water does not cause allergies and is safe for a newborn. It eliminates allergic, colds and other types of rhinitis. How else to treat a runny nose, and how to properly clean the nose of a newborn, read.

Ear care must be done very carefully and at least once a week. Only the external auricle needs to be cleaned, as the delicate ear canals of a newborn are easy to injure. To clean, take soft cotton swabs and soak them in water, then gently wipe the ears.

Facial care carried out after you have cleaned your nose, eyes and ears. Wipe the baby's face with wet wipes or wash with running water. In addition, you can use a special decoction of chamomile. To do this, pour two tablespoons of dry pharmaceutical chamomile with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Moisten a cotton pad with infusion and wipe your face. After washing, it is important to wipe the skin dry with disposable wipes.

Umbilical wound care needed in the first days of a newborn's life, since the wound heals 10 days after birth. Sometimes she bleeds during this time, which is normal for babies. For processing, take hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green. Soak a cotton swab or swab in peroxide and wipe the navel area. Remove dry crusts when they soften. Then clean the wound again with peroxide, dry and treat with brilliant green.

intimate hygiene is also very important newborn. Washing the genitals and buttocks is done with warm water without soap, and rubbing is best done with dry wipes, as towels dry and irritate the skin. In addition, disposable wipes are more hygienic. After drying, the skin and skin folds are treated with special products, for which you can use baby diaper creams or powders containing talc.

Breast care throughout the day

In addition to morning hygiene, it is important to perform other procedures throughout the day. So, after each bowel movement, you need to organize washing the baby. When the skin is dry, the skin folds are smeared with baby cream with talc or powder. For dry skin, baby moisturizing oil or milk is best, and for oily skin, powder is best. After feeding, carefully wipe the corners of the baby's mouth, milk or food residues can lead to allergies, thrush and other problems.

Change diapers after each act of bowel movements and every 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of wetting. It is important to do air baths after a diaper, as it negatively affects the baby's skin, can cause allergies and leads to diaper rash.

Regularly check the skin folds on the neck and the spaces between the fingers, as small threads and villi often accumulate in such places. Wipe with wet and dry wipes.

In addition, the baby needs to cut his nails regularly, as the long edges of the nails can lead to wounds and scratches on the skin, because the baby cannot yet follow the movements. The child begins to realize and control the movements of the arms and legs only after three months. It is better to cut nails when the baby is sleeping. For the procedure, choose scissors with rounded edges and thin blades. If you are afraid of injuring the baby, get special forceps with a magnifying glass that will enlarge the nail area.

Bathing is one of the main rituals when caring for a baby, which must be done every day! The first time bathing is carried out for 10-15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 37 degrees above zero. Then you can gradually reduce the indicators by one degree every four to five days. But for babies up to four months, you can not lower the temperature below 32 degrees. After bathing, it is important to dry the child thoroughly with a towel so that moisture does not remain on the skin. Otherwise, the child will become cold and sick.

Bathing and swimming are important for more than just hygiene. Exercises in water develop muscles, help the legs, arms and fingers of the child to straighten faster, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. Bathing strengthens the immune system, and procedures before bedtime relax and soothe the baby. As a result, the child will sleep soundly and peacefully.

Hygiene products for babies

It is important to choose the right hygiene products for newborns, because many formulations can cause an allergic reaction. As a rule, an allergy in a baby manifests itself within two days. If during this time a negative reaction has not appeared, you can safely use creams, lotions and other cosmetic items. If your baby develops an allergy, stop using this remedy immediately and consult a doctor.

What tools will be needed to care for the baby:

  • Baby liquid soap;
  • Children's shampoo "without tears";
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs;
  • Powders in the form of liquid talc;
  • Wet and dry wipes;
  • Baby oils and lotions;
  • Baby creams with moisturizing properties;
  • clean towels;
  • Diapers;
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% and brilliant green;
  • Nail clippers and hairbrush.

Take only special products for babies from the first days of life. Before buying, carefully study the expiration dates and composition, check the packaging for integrity. Let's find out in more detail which products are suitable for children up to a year.

How to choose hygiene products for babies

Choose wet wipes impregnated with lavender, chamomile, calendula and other plant extracts, as they are less likely to cause allergies. Do not use products containing alcohol and chlorine, chemicals and various preservatives!

Choose cotton buds for children up to a year with special restraints. Standard adult products can penetrate too deep and injure the baby. It is important to choose good quality sticks with cotton wool tightly attached so that it does not accidentally remain in the nasal or ear canal. Choose wipes and cotton swabs in airtight plastic containers.

Oils and lotions for newborns are used during massage and bathing. Such oils moisturize the skin, relax and remove crusts on the head. Choose only natural products without dyes and other chemicals. Soap for newborns, choose a neutral, liquid, plant-based, fragrance-free. It is desirable that the composition included glycerin or lanolin. Such substances soften the skin. Take liquid soaps, oils and lotions in sealed containers with a dispenser.

Creams also choose plant-based with glycerin and without mineral oils. The composition of the cream may include almond or olive oils. Please note that the shorter the shelf life of the product, the more natural the composition. Moisturizing cream is used after bathing and water procedures. Additionally, you can purchase a special cream for diaper rash.

In the second or third month of a baby's life, shampoo will be needed. It will effectively cope with dirt and excess fat on the head. Baby shampoos will strengthen hair follicles and improve hair growth. Do not buy products containing sulfates, diethanolamine, dioxane and formaldehyde. Choose “no tears” shampoos for children under one year old, as they do not contain fragrances and do not cause allergies, they are characterized by mild and gentle washing properties.

Baby powder absorbs moisture well, which prevents irritation, diaper rash and redness. Today, powdered powders, which our grandmothers and mothers are accustomed to, are rarely used. Such funds, when interacting with moisture, form lumps, which causes discomfort to the child. Modern mothers choose liquid talc, which does not create lumps and forms a protective layer on the baby's skin.

Brushes are not used for combing, because the baby's hair at this age is still very small. Brushes with frequent and soft bristles made of natural high-quality materials effectively massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth. In addition, they remove crusts from the head of a newborn. After six months, when the baby's hair has already increased, buy a special baby comb with rounded teeth. Don't forget about nail clippers. They should be with rounded edges and a thin blade.

With the advent of a baby, the life of adults changes dramatically. Especially if it's the first child. And of course, young parents are interested in how to care for a child so as not to harm him, how to avoid mistakes and possible complications. As a rule, a mother, especially a young one, is taught the rules of daily care for a baby in the maternity hospital. But sometimes this is not enough, so the mother turns to experienced mothers, friends, and recommendations on the Internet for advice.

Children's room and things

The preparation of the house for the appearance of the baby must be completed before the baby arrives. If you need to repair a children's room, it is better to do it with eco-friendly materials intended for children's rooms (usually indicated on the packaging). After the repair is completed, the room must be thoroughly ventilated from unpleasant odors. When arranging a nursery's space, it is necessary to be guided by the principles:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • practicality.

Children's things and furniture must be made of natural materials and comply with standardization standards. All parts must be reliable and easy to clean. When buying a thing for a baby, it is important to remember that sooner or later he will start to gnaw or lick it.

It is safest to clean the children's room without the use of detergents, with separate or disposable dusting cloths / sponges. It will not be superfluous to purchase a humidifier. For the health of the child, indicators of temperature and humidity are extremely important. The children's room must be ventilated at least 2 times a day, while the optimum air temperature is 19-21 ° C, air humidity 50−60%.

Baby clothes

Often, parents make mistakes in the formation and preparation of the wardrobe of a newborn child. It is important to know how to care for your baby's clothes, or rather, how to prepare them. You need to adhere to the following theses:

  • clothes for a newborn should be made of soft natural fabrics, with seams outward;
  • all new clothes, diapers and bed linen are washed for the first time at a temperature of at least 60 ° FROM;
  • All clothes and diapers are ironed on both sides.

Important! If it is difficult to choose one of the washing powders, or the child's parents are prone to allergic reactions (which can be transmitted), do not use washing powder at all. Washing at a high temperature and ironing with steam will sufficiently prepare the clothes for the baby.

Hygiene procedures

Washing, bathing, and changing a diaper are essential routines in caring for an infant. Monthly responsibilities do not change much. It is best to follow the procedures in the same order every day. For young children, stability is extremely important, even in small things. This favorably affects the development of the psyche of the baby and gives him a feeling of comfort and reliability.

Washing the face and navel

Washing should be two: morning and evening. The sooner this ritual is introduced for the child, the easier it will be for him to perform these actions in the future on his own. How to wash a newborn in the morning or in the evening depends primarily on the mood of the child. It happens that the baby categorically does not allow to clean the nose or eyes. It is better to return to the missed procedure a little later, when the baby is in position.

Important! No need to insist on any procedure at the time of a bad mood or whim of the baby. Otherwise, you can fix the negative associations associated with hygiene procedures in the crumbs.

Morning procedures can be started by wiping the eyes. You need to take cotton pads and moisten with warm boiled water. Gently wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner. Every time and every eye is wiped with a new clean disk. Usually a couple of wipes are enough to remove the oxide from the baby's eyes.

Mucus from the nose can be removed in several ways. If there is little mucus, the child does not have a runny nose, and the nasal passages are practically clean - it is enough to drip 3-4 drops of saline into each nostril. The mucus will soften and the child will swallow it. It's not bad and you shouldn't be afraid of it.

Important! Modern nasal irrigation solutions often come in the form of a nasal spray. Where the jet is fed into the nasal sinus under pressure. Young children are highly discouraged from rinsing their nose in this way.

If the mucus in the nose has dried up and causes discomfort to the baby, you can suck it out with an aspirator. There are many aspirators on the market, from conventional mechanical syringes to electric and vacuum aspirators. It all depends on your budget and individual preferences.

The baby's ears do not require daily cleaning. Moreover, the presence of sulfur in the ear canal performs protective functions. And completely earwax can not be removed. In newborns, primordial lubrication may remain in the folds of the ear. Dried grease can be removed with a cotton swab with a limiter soaked in warm water. You need to clean only the outer ear without going deep.

Important! With a mechanical injury to the ear during cleaning or as a complication after an illness, discharge or odor may appear from the child's ear. This situation requires an immediate appeal to an otolaryngologist.

You can finish hygiene procedures by washing your face. To do this, moisten your palm with cool water and wipe the baby's face in the direction from the center to the periphery.

Washing and changing diapers

The first thing a young mother is taught in the maternity hospital is how to properly wash the baby. In theory, everything is simple, but in practice there are difficulties. When the baby literally fits on one arm, adults are afraid to kiss him once again. Not to mention twisting and washing. However, intimate hygiene is the main care for the baby.

Washing is carried out with warm running water. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, it is important to avoid getting water on it. It is necessary to lay the child so that his head is fixed on the bend of the elbow, the body lies on the forearm, and the buttocks are in the palm of your hand. This position is the most comfortable if you wash the child yourself.

Girls must be washed away from the external genital organs to the buttocks. So that the flow of water with the remnants of fecal matter does not fall on the genitals. There are no special conditions for bathing boys. However, do not move the foreskin of the penis. This area is self-cleaning and does not require additional internal treatment. Otherwise, you can harm the delicate tissues of the head, which will lead to complications in the boy in the future.

Changing a diaper is best done on a hard surface. It can be a changing table, a changing board or a regular table. It is necessary to cover the surface with oilcloth. So it will be more convenient to remove the consequences. The first 3-6 days of life, the baby's feces have a color from dark green to black. You shouldn't be afraid of this. Meconium is the original feces, which is the digested amniotic fluid and urine that the baby swallowed in the womb. After removing the feces with a damp cloth, you need to wash the child using a baby product.

Next, you need to blot the skin with a soft, clean diaper or towel. If there is irritation on the priest, you can lubricate the skin with a baby cream containing panthenol. The diaper is put on with Velcro under the stomach. Some baby diapers are labeled "back" and "tummy". For young parents, this can be useful and help not to get confused at first.

After the diaper is fixed with Velcro on the stomach, you need to check the height on the back. The diaper should reach at least to the waist to avoid leaks. It is also worth checking the fit of the rubber bands on the legs. So that the elastic bands of the diaper do not squeeze the delicate skin of the baby anywhere. If the diaper is put on correctly, you can swaddle or dress the baby.

For the convenience of parents, many diapers are equipped with a full indicator. If the strip on the diaper has changed its color, then it's time to change the diaper.

The baby's bowel pattern depends on the type and frequency of feeding. Breast milk digests faster, formula takes longer. Therefore, on breastfeeding, the baby can defecate after each feeding, and on artificial 2-3 times a day.

Bathing a child

Children of the first month before the healing of the umbilical wound are bathed in a small bath. The first bath can be started with immersion in water in a diaper. So the chance of fear will be less. It is important to choose the right time for swimming. The baby should be full and sleepy. It is necessary to put the baby on the crook of the arm so that the head and neck are fixed on the crook of the elbow.

It is not necessary to use boiled water. If there is no irritation and rashes on the baby's skin, there is also no need to add herbs to the water. Avoid getting water on the umbilical wound. It is best to water the body of the crumbs from a small bucket and wipe with the palm of your hand. The use of children's detergents at the request of parents. From a medical point of view, this is not at all necessary.

Important! Recommended water temperature for the first swim 36−37 ° C. Every third or fourth bath you can lower the temperature by 1 degree. It is not recommended to bathe a newborn in water below 34 ° FROM.

From the age of two months, you can begin to transfer bathing to a large bathroom. To do this, you can use special circles on the neck, liners in the bathroom or hammocks. As the baby grows, his motor activity grows. It is worth giving the crumbs the opportunity to flounder with their legs and arms. How much to bathe in time depends on the desire of the parents and the crumbs themselves. There are no time limits for swimming. The longer and more actively the child bathes, the better he will sleep. Usually bathing takes 30 minutes, then the water starts to cool, and the baby gets tired.

Sleep rates by month

The sleep and feeding regimen is built according to the individual characteristics of the baby and is usually developed by the end of the first month. The daily regimen for all children is individual, because the rise and end of the day is also different for everyone. But there are recommended sleep norms that must be followed based on the age of the child:

Dear Parents! Don't be intimidated by the abundance of information on child care. You will learn how to care for a baby throughout the child's life. However, after 5-6 months it becomes a little easier. After all, an understanding of the nature of the child, his preferences and even crying begins. Yes Yes! Mothers are able to understand the cry of their child, or rather, what exactly the child requires at the moment. Happy motherhood and fatherhood!

We ran through all 9 months of pregnancy, left behind the pangs of childbirth and in front of you lies a small tender lump of your son or daughter. What to do with him now? How to care for a newborn baby? How to bathe him, wash him and in general how to pick him up. We will try to answer these questions for you.

How to care for the umbilical wound of a newborn.

The baby, while in the womb, is fed through the umbilical cord, which is crossed after childbirth. An umbilical wound is formed, which you will have to take care of at home, because the umbilical wound is a big gateway for infections in your baby's small body.

In the morning and evening after bathing, the umbilical wound should be treated. To do this, you need to prepare hydrogen peroxide 3%, brilliant green, as well as 2 syringes without a needle or 2 pipettes.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, open the umbilical wound and drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

It will hiss and foam, different crusts come out of the umbilical wound, which you then remove with a sterile cotton swab. After that, draw 2 drops of brilliant green into a pipette or syringe and drip into the umbilical wound, remove the excess with a sterile cotton swab.

Thus, it is necessary to treat the wound until it oozes, sometimes it takes 7 days, sometimes 14, and sometimes the umbilical wound heals after 20 days. If nothing oozes from the umbilical wound, it is completely smooth and dry, then there is no point in processing it.

Then you treat all skin folds with boiled vegetable oil or other special oil for newborns. First wipe behind the ears, under the neck, armpits, elbows and groin, where dust can accumulate. Lastly, treat between the buttocks.

How to care for a newborn baby

How to swaddle a newborn

So your baby is lying in front of you completely naked. What to do with him, how to care for a newborn baby? To swaddle or not to swaddle?

It is better to swaddle some children, as they wake themselves up by waving their hands in a dream, others can not be swaddled. Therefore, every mother must learn her newborn child and decide what is best for her baby.

In the maternity hospital, they offer to swaddle the baby in diapers for the first time, and then as he grows up, you can switch to vests and sliders.

How to properly wash a newborn

How to approach our newborn child, and what to do with him when he fulfilled his needs. How to pick it up and wash it properly so that it does not slip out

Place the child on the left arm, bent at the elbow joint, as if on a shoulder blade.

The head lies in the elbow bend. With your left hand, hold the child by the left thigh, and press it to you.

In this position, you bring the baby to a stream of warm water (tested in advance).

The girl must be washed from front to back, so that feces do not fall into the genital gap.

You can use special wet wipes, but as a rule they are designed for special occasions when you do not have warm water at hand, on a trip, in nature, in the country. At all other times, it is better to wash the child with warm running water with baby soap.

How to care for a newborn baby in the morning

Every morning in a newborn, as in an adult, begins with washing. Boiled or mineral water, wipe the face, neck, hands with a cotton swab.

After that, blot with a soft diaper or towel.

Protect your child's eyes from water, wipe them last with a damp cotton swab from the outer edge to the inner. If your eyes are watery or produce yellowish mucus that sticks to your eyelids, see your doctor.

Then soak a cotton swab in sterile oil and clean the nasal passages in a circular motion.

To clean the ears, also soak a cotton swab in boiled water, turn the child's head on its side and clean the ear, not forgetting all the folds of the auricle. Do not go beyond the ear canal. For each ear, as well as for the eyes, use a separate cotton wool. Morning toilet necessarily ends with washing.

What to do with a newborn baby

What did your baby do while in your belly? He beat you with legs and arms, dragged you by the umbilical cord, demanded food.

Now he was born what to do with the newborn? Just swaddle, put in a crib, or unswaddled, put panties on him and let him move?

Each mother should approach this individually and see what her child wants. But being in the crib all the time, the child will receive little information, learn little about the world around him. Unfortunately, such children sometimes cry very loudly, and their mothers try not to disturb them: "Cry and calm down, it's okay."

And unfortunately, such children grow up very nervous and restless. Therefore, while you can take the child in your arms, you need to take him, carry him in your arms, talk to him, communicate.

Usually the baby is carried on the arm, sometimes it can be carried in a column with its head resting on your shoulders. It can be worn on the arm, but with the tummy down, with the hand supporting the child between the legs.

How much and how much should a newborn sleep

So you washed your baby, swaddled, fed, walked with him, and now it's time for him to sleep. Where should a newborn sleep?

Surely he has his own bed in which there is a rather hard mattress. Newborn babies should sleep without a pillow. Change the position of the child daily so that his head is not deformed.

The child can sleep on the left or right side, as well as on the stomach. It is recommended to lay on the baby's stomach immediately after birth. In this position, the newborn has less stomach pain, gases are well discharged, he is less restless, easily gets used to this position and quickly falls asleep.

Children who sleep on their stomachs start walking and talking earlier, moreover, this is a prevention from dysplasia. You do not need to arrange complete silence for the child, light music can play, the TV may not work loudly, you can talk with the baby, you can leave him alone.

As the child gets used to it, he will fall asleep and will give you a quiet rest during the daytime and nighttime sleep. And at night, complete silence should reign, thanks to this the child will get used to the regime: day - night.

How much does a newborn sleep

Many parents think that a newborn baby should sleep a lot, in fact, the need for sleep is very individual. There are children who sleep for 20 hours, others are enough for 15. If your child sleeps very little from birth, this does not mean at all that something is bothering him.

You don't need to worry, as the child himself should decide how much to sleep. It is advisable to accustom the child to the idea that immediately after eating he should sleep.

Some parents feel that it is better for the child to sleep in the same bed with them, so it is easier to keep track of his needs. Others teach a very young child to sleep even in a separate room, although the sleep of both the child and the mother is disturbed. The kid is nervous that no one is around, and parents need to listen all night if their baby is crying, and run to another room at the first cry.

Many people think that a child should sleep in his own crib, but in a room with his parents. Everyone must decide this for himself, but try to get the child to fall asleep without the presence of mom and dad. Otherwise, in the future it will be difficult for you to accustom him to sleep alone.

How to walk with a newborn

The first walk can be done by the end of the first week after discharge from the hospital. Usually, by this time, mother and child have already adapted. They already know when to eat, when to sleep and can choose the best time for a walk. If the weather is very good outside, then the walk can be started from 20 to 30 minutes.

In winter, you can walk with a newborn to a temperature not lower than -10˚ C, if the temperature is lower, then it is better to ventilate the room or walk on the balcony.

Now, dear young mothers, you have learned how to care for a newborn baby. Do not worry and do not be afraid, involve your husband more often in activities with the child, this is also his duty.

Together you will overcome all difficulties.