Taxi for transporting children, ordering a taxi for transporting children, calling a taxi for transporting children cheap and inexpensive, taxi for transporting children to the airport and train station. Delivery of children to school by taxi Taxi for transporting a group of children

The Caramel company offers its customers to order a taxi for transporting children. This can be done by calling the company's dispatch service. You can also use our website and place an online order for a taxi for the safe transportation of children. All cars of our taxi fleet are equipped with the necessary restraints. For the smallest road users, from 0 to 6 months old, up to a year, we provide a taxi with a car cradle. In it, the baby is in the most comfortable position for him and is fixed with special seat belts. During the movement of transport, the child lies in the cradle, which provides him with comfort and complete safety. Taxis with a cradle are most often ordered by young mothers to transport babies from the hospital or to travel to the children's clinic.
For older children, we suggest ordering a taxi with a child seat. For each age group, there are car child seats that have certain design features. For children from six months to one and a half years, there are chairs, the so-called "cocoons", which are installed against the direction of the car, which allows you to ensure the safety of the baby during the sudden braking of the car in the event of an emergency on the road.
For children older than one and a half years, child seats are provided with adjustable backrest in such a way that allows the child to be in a comfortable position both during sleep and during wakefulness.
For children over 3-4 years old, as a rule, universal child seats are used, which allow you to fix the baby either with the belts of the car seat itself or with standard car seat belts. This directly depends on the growth of the child.
For children of school age, we suggest ordering a taxi with a booster. Many children in their teens are no longer very comfortable in a child seat, but the booster, on the contrary, is great for their height and age. The booster is a seat without a back, it has two armrests. In the booster, the child is fixed while the vehicle is moving with standard car seat belts.

Rules for transporting children in a taxi

The rules of the road (SDA) allow the transportation of children by passenger cars only with the use of restraints, which include cradles, child seats and boosters. Despite the fact that a taxi is a public transport, and a professional driver is behind the wheel of a car, the use of a child seat or booster is a prerequisite. This is established by law, and the drivers of our company always follow the rules of the road. Transportation of children in a taxi without a child seat is prohibited.
This additional option is paid for all companies providing taxi services in Moscow, however, we offer this additional service at the lowest prices in the capital and the region.

Transportation of children in a taxi without adult accompaniment

Very often, our clients turn to the Caramel taxi service in order to transport a child to school or a sports section unaccompanied by their parents. It is not always possible for working people to independently accompany and meet a child from school or after sports. Our company can organize the transportation of a child unaccompanied by parents to a school, lyceum, gymnasium, music school, sports section, and even to the region, for example, to a summer house or to a sports or health camp. As required by the rules of the road, your baby will be provided with a vehicle equipped with an automobile child seat or a comfortable booster. This service is charged at the city's normal or flat rate plus a minor child restraint surcharge. You can pay for your trip in two ways. If the child is old enough, then he can pay for the taxi fare on his own. Or you can pay for the trip through the website of the prepaid company by bank transfer. In addition, your baby is at the service of the whole range of our additional services, both paid and free.
Book our best taxi in town for the safe transportation of children. As parents ourselves, we understand how important it is for children to be happy and healthy. Call right now and we will organize the most comfortable and safe conditions for your child on the road.

When driving, the driver must protect himself and his passengers from accidents. In particular, this rule applies to situations where there are children in the cabin. The motorist must be extremely careful on the roads, observing the laws of the Russian Federation and traffic rules.

How to transport children in a taxi, read the article.

Rules for transporting children in a taxi

According to the latest changes made to the laws of the Russian Federation, namely the SDA as amended on July 22, 2018, special instructions for the transportation of minors in transport oblige the driver to comply with safety requirements. So passengers will be protected as much as possible, even if involved in an accident.

According to the requirements of the traffic rules, the transportation of children in taxi vehicles is subject to certain features. Citizens of a minor age can be in the cabin of a passenger vehicle, in the back of a bus, as well as in the driver's cab. However, the presence of the baby in the trailer is strictly prohibited. The driver must provide safety to his passengers, taking into account the design features of the car.

From 2017, passengers under the age of 12 can only be transported in the front seat with a restraint car seat. Teenagers can be transported in the cabin of a taxi if they are fastened with seat belts.

Rules for the carriage of minors in a taxi:

  1. In the front seat and in the driver's cab, the transportation of children under 12 years of age is strictly prohibited;
  2. Toddlers and infants can be next to the driver if they are fastened in a car seat or a special cradle;
  3. It is forbidden to transport minors in the back seat of a motorcycle;
  4. Organized travel (in groups of up to 8 people) is allowed only in a bus or multi-seat taxi;
  5. Before the trip, the taxi driver must obtain permission to transport minors. The certificate is issued by the relevant state authorities.

Transporting babies in a car has its own characteristics. According to the requirements of the traffic rules, drivers must install an appropriate seat - a car seat or cradle, in the rear seats of the vehicle. Such a device is fastened using seat belts. The seat is located perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle. If the service is not provided by a taxi service, parents must take care of purchasing a child seat for their baby.

car seat in a passenger vehicle is installed according to the instructions. The design is tightly held and fastened with special seat belts. The seat back can be adjusted depending on the age and physical characteristics of the kids. In a sitting position, protection for a baby up to 1 year old will be maximum. The transport cradle (for babies) holds the passenger with mini belts. Due to the design features of the child seat, the baby will be in a supine position. This position normalizes the respiratory system and protects the baby from excessive stress on the muscles and bones during sharp turns of the vehicle. Infants from 0 to 12 months are transported in a car cradle.

By law, you do not need to purchase a special child seat to transport your baby on a bus or other public transport.

Types of child car seats:

  1. Group 0 infant carrier Designed for babies and toddlers up to 10 kg. Such a mount is installed in a horizontal form;
  2. Car seat 0+ suitable for babies aged 1 year and weighing up to 13 kg;
  3. Infant carrier 1 designed for children from 1 to 4 years old, weighing up to 18 kg;
  4. car seat 2. Passengers under 7 years old, weighing up to 25 kg. The mount is installed on the back seat of the taxi in a vertical form;
  5. Car seat 3 It is used for kids from 7 to 12 years old.

In Russia, on July 11, amendments to the Rules of the Road, regulating the transportation of children in cars, come into force. They were approved by a government decree of June 28 and were officially published on the Legal Information Portal on July 4. reminds parents what they need to know from now on when planning a trip with their child.

What's new?

The main thing to remember is that children under the age of 7 should now only ride in car seats. In the updated legislation, they are designated as “child restraint systems”, and this is confusing, which some lawyers complain about, who do not understand why, when adjusting the rules, car seats could not finally be called “car seats”. After all, even before that, “child restraints” were provided there.

In addition, everyone is used to the fact that the traffic rules also mentioned “other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle.” This meant cradles, boosters and adapters. Now there is no such option. Although practice has shown that the use of the latter was still associated with the risk of running into a fine.

Now there are no options - only a car seat, the parameters of which must correspond to the height and weight of the child. No butt pillows.

At the same time, it became allowed to transport children from 7 to 11 years old inclusive as adults - simply by fastening them with a standard seat belt. But this is provided that the child will go in the back seat. All children under the age of 12 are required to ride in a car seat when traveling alongside the driver. A separate note for motorcyclists - if a passenger is under 12 years old, it is forbidden to carry him in the back seat.

What is the point of change?

As always, the amendments are explained by concern for the safety of road users. The traffic police refer to the results of crash tests and other examinations, which led to the conclusion that all these “other means” for transporting children in case of accidents do not mitigate, but, on the contrary, only exacerbate the sad consequences. Until the death of a child. True, some lawyers - in particular, Sergey Voronin, managing partner of the Legal Decision law firm - argue that there have actually been almost no studies on the topic of safety when transporting a child in a child car seat.

In addition, when determining the level of safety of children's transportation, the factor of road condition is not taken into account.

Be that as it may, there is another nuance for which the initiator of the amendments can really be thanked: the ability to carry children from 7 to 12 years old in the back seat without a seat. This is especially important if your child is growing by leaps and bounds, each time climbing into a car seat with even greater difficulty. There are, however, reverse situations: a third-grader's voice is already ready to break, but his still not particularly expressive constitution inspires frank fears that he will not slip out from under the seat belt if something happens.

In a word, starting from the age of seven, parents have options: it is believed that by default it is safer to ride in a car seat, but if the height and weight of a young passenger already make such a trip uncomfortable for him, let him go to the back seat and ride like an adult. The rules now allow it.

Have to fork out for a car seat?

Strange question, don't you think? Isn't this about your child's safety? However, let's pay attention again: in the new version, the rules allow you to do without a car seat at all if your child is already seven years old and if you do not carry him in the front seat. We would only recommend that you do not forget documents at home, which, in which case, will convince the inspector that the young passenger in your car is already at the age when you can do without a car seat. For this, your passport with a note about children or a personal birth certificate will do.

However, one can understand the parents of a child who, say, in six months or a year, will turn seven years old, but he needs to be transported now.

Buying a car seat for this short period with an average cost of around 5,000 rubles may indeed not seem like a very reasonable decision. So experts are waiting for the growth of the market for used car seats, as it happens with the same baby strollers. Well, or as experts joke, for someone, the presence of an unclaimed car seat in the trunk will serve as an additional incentive to increase the demographic indicators of the country.

How about a taxi ride?

There are no reservations for this case in the SDA, so taxis will obey the general requirements. When ordering a taxi, let the service know that you will need a car seat and state the age of the child. A sane service will orient itself and send you the right car.

But if for some reason the driver arrives without a seat or hesitates to pull it out of the trunk and install it before the trip, our recommendation: send it home.

Firstly, in the event of a stop by the inspector, you will have long and unpleasant altercations over who should pay the fine. And secondly, we remind you again that we are talking about the safety of the child. Laziness or a bad mood of a taxi driver is not a reason to risk the health and life of your child.

What else has changed?

The legislator was concerned about the frequency of cases when, due to the fault of negligent adults, a child remained locked inside the car and the case ended even in tragedy, given how quickly the air inside the car heats up in the sun. Now the rules prohibit leaving children under 7 years old in vehicles if there is also no adult left in the car.

This, oddly enough, has a bad side: the initiators of the adjustments did not foresee situations when, say, a mother leaves a car with a young son inside for five minutes to pay off at a gas station. According to the changed rules, they must go to the checkout together, and you can imagine what it will be like, for example, in winter. In addition, if there are two or three children under seven years old.

An even more amusing incident is that, leaving the car, you will not be able to leave your young child, say, with a 17-year-old daughter, because the age of majority in Russia comes from the age of 18.

And what about the sanctions?

The size of the fine for transporting children without car seats (according to the above rules), fortunately, has not changed yet. But even now it is quite tangible - 3 thousand rubles (part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Violation of the ban on leaving minors alone in a car will fall under the sanction of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and will cost the violator 500 rubles. Although it will be possible to get off with a simple warning.

But it is important to keep in mind: when responding to cases of finding a child in a locked car, law enforcement officers very often initiate a criminal case for leaving them in danger. And this is a criminal record and a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or up to a year in prison. Well, and troubles along the lines of the bodies involved in the affairs of minors. There is no guarantee that especially zealous law enforcement officers for the sake of indicators (as well as window dressing) will not begin to extend this practice to the described “cases at the gas station”.


We summarize. It used to be like this: any child under 12 years old should be put in a chair or on some kind of elevation so that it is elevated and can be fastened with a belt.

Now only child car seats can be used. Alternatives are prohibited. But a child from 7 to 11 years old inclusive can be carried in the back seat without a child seat, fastened with a belt. Children from the age of 12 can be transported as ordinary passengers. And you can’t leave a child under 7 years old in a car without persons over 18 years old. Even for five minutes.

Confidence in the taxi service is the key to the safety of every trip. Especially if you need a taxi for an unaccompanied child. Often, the crazy rhythm of metropolitan life absorbs us so much that we cannot be in several places at the same time. It is in such cases that the proven Taksimba service comes to the rescue. For many years of work in the taxi industry, we have managed to win the favor of a huge number of customers.

How is the order placed?

If you need to order a taxi for an unaccompanied child, you want to trust the driver and be confident in every stage of cooperation. We carefully select employees for the service so that you can leave your child to us without hesitation, and then want to use our services again. There are several ways to apply:

  1. Call to the operator. There are multi-channel phone numbers for communication with the dispatcher. We are never busy, so your call will be answered instantly. A competent, friendly operator will answer your questions and take your order.
  2. Callback. If for some reason you cannot contact us yourself, just leave your phone number in the pop-up window on the site and they will call you back as soon as possible. Be sure to inform that the child will go without parents.
  3. Making an online application. The most profitable way to order a taxi for an unaccompanied child in Moscow is to place an order on the website. In a special section with a pleasant and accessible interface, you can make a request to call the car to the right place. Enter the car's arrival address, final destination, select the rate. You will instantly receive a 15% discount on your trip.
  4. Mobile application.Downloading the application will allow you to avoid searching for a taxi at any time of the day. The program will determine your location and calculate the exact cost of the trip. After you use the services of Taksimba, evaluate the work of the dispatcher, the driver and the quality of the trip.

You can also choose payment methods, which is very convenient for business people.

What is the purpose of this service?

Mobile and active children need sections and circles. Many parents give up, because due to employment they cannot provide the child with the right leisure time. A taxi for an unaccompanied child from the Taximba service will solve this problem for you.

  • It happens that a one-time transfer of the child around the city is required. When ordering, specify who will pay for the trip (parents online or the child in cash), the age of the son or daughter and the need for a return trip. Often, drivers wait for the child after the end of classes in the section.
  • If the service will be carried out on a permanent basis, it is possible to agree on a schedule for regular transportation of children.
  • You can take your child to school, to grandma's, to the library, or to a friend's birthday party. In other words, you won't interrupt important work. We will take care of the entire transportation process.

How are the features of calling a taxi for a child?

Every day, each car in our fleet undergoes a detailed technical inspection to identify faults. All service drivers are professional drivers with excellent knowledge of the roads of the capital and its environs. You do not have to worry when ordering a taxi for an unaccompanied child in Moscow. We will take care of the comfort and safety of transporting your children.

Especially for small passengers, each car is equipped with a child seat according to age.

Drivers for transporting children have experience in dealing with passengers of different ages. They will support any conversation, find their bearings if the child gets sick in the car, open the window in time and offer some water.

Now you know where in Moscow to order a taxi for a child unaccompanied by adults. It is especially important that on the site you can track the status of the order and find out where your baby is now.

Entrust us with the most important thing - transportation of your children!