Social support for labor veterans. What benefits are provided to pensioners and labor veterans of the Russian Federation Social payments to labor veterans in a year

In 2005, the Government passed a law on the basis of which it became possible to monetize the benefits provided to a labor veteran. Monetization refers to the conversion of benefits into money. At the same time, the veteran writes an application for refusal to receive them in kind.

Before deciding to go to the FIU, you should study the features of the program.

What kind of support is provided

Certain categories of citizens, including veterans of labor, have the right to receive social assistance. Every year, the Government amends the pension legislation and related regulations, so the amount and procedure for assigning benefits may change.

To date, the list of benefits that labor veterans can apply for includes:

  1. Discount on utility bills - 50%.
  2. Free medical care and examination in public institutions.
  3. Additional leave at any time for labor veterans who continued to work after retirement.
  4. Provision of prescription medications on preferential terms - at a discount or completely free of charge.

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Despite the fact that the financial situation in the country is not stable, the state provides all kinds of support to beneficiaries, including labor veterans.

Additionally, veterans living in Moscow can apply to a government agency to apply for the following types of benefits:

  • monthly cash payment - CFD - can be assigned only if the citizen does not receive payment from the federal budget;
  • compensation for telephone conversations;
  • monthly compensation of social services;
  • regional supplement to the pension - is assigned if the amount of the pension received by the veteran does not reach the subsistence level;
  • full exemption from property tax, provided that the pensioner owns real estate or a vehicle;
  • exemption from personal income tax upon receipt of a pension, state social assistance, as well as additional material support paid by the employer, provided that it does not exceed 4,000 per year;
  • property deduction - issued for those veterans who have in their hands documents confirming the ownership of property. You can use this benefit by paying interest on the loan;
  • concessions on transport and land tax;
  • free commuter trains.

The total package of benefits received by a veteran is quite large, however, only some of them can be monetized, while the rest are available for receipt only in kind.

A citizen can decide for himself which of the benefits he wants to cash out and which not.

What benefits can be monetized for labor veterans in Moscow in 2019

In order to make a payment, a citizen must make sure that he has the right to do so.

Monthly compensation can be obtained for the following types of benefits:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • Spa treatment;
  • providing the necessary medicines.

You can also receive compensation for 50% of the total amount of payment for housing and communal services - this right will remain even if the veteran writes an application - a denial of all types of benefits.

Features of the monetization of benefits are specified in Federal Law No. 122. The amount of allowances, including those for the monetization of benefits, is annually indexed by the government, as prices for medicines, travel and sanatorium treatment increase.

When monetizing, it is important to take into account that the cost of most medicines is high, and if you do not need to purchase them every month, then receiving payments in your hands can be beneficial, as is the case with compensation for sanatorium and resort treatment, since citizens can go on vacation only once a year, and payments are made monthly.

Where to go

When monetizing benefits, a labor veteran signs a statement stating that he does not need in-kind benefits and will receive monthly cash compensation. You can convert into cash benefits for utility bills, medicines and travel in public transport.

You can apply for benefits and write an application for monetization by visiting a state pension institution.

You need to do the following:

  1. Collect documents and write an application to the FIU, indicate the request - refusal to provide benefits and their monetization.
  2. Submit your application by October 1st of the current year. You will need to apply every year in order to receive compensation from January 1.
  3. Benefits can be returned by submitting an application before October 31.
  4. The FIU officer accepts the documents, after which a coupon is issued with the date of the return visit.

It is important to write an application correctly in order for it to be accepted:

  1. The name of the state organization to which the application is submitted is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. The initials of the citizen - full name, address of residence - are indicated on the passport.
  3. A mark on those social services that a citizen wishes to refuse.
  4. The date the application was made.
  5. Signature.

Sample application:

In order to apply, it is recommended to contact the PFR department, however, this can be done through a personal account on the official website, or with the help of a trustee if a labor veteran does not have the opportunity to visit a state organization on his own.

The list of documents that must be provided to a labor veteran in order to monetize benefits in the Pension Fund of Russia:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - a copy and an original;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • document - the basis for the appointment of benefits - a certificate of a labor veteran;
  • statement.

Additional documents may be required in different situations. It will take 10 to 14 days to process compensation payments, provided that all the necessary documents are available.

Pros and cons

The introduction of the possibility of monetizing benefits at the federal level led to disputes between pensioners and conductors and pharmacists, and this is the main disadvantage of the process.

In addition, it is necessary to highlight such negative aspects as:

  1. The need for annual submission of documents and visits to the FIU to process the refusal.
  2. Citizen dissatisfaction.
  3. Lack of compensation received to replenish services, purchase medicines or a voucher to a sanatorium.

Beneficiaries note that benefits monetization payments do not cover costs. However, if a careful calculation of the money spent is carried out, then labor veterans may even end up with a small profit.

So, if a pensioner cannot get preferential funds for medicines, he needs to spend his own money. The drug benefit should not be monetized if the pensioner has a chronic illness and needs expensive drugs.

The advantages of monetizing benefits include:

  1. You can spend the received compensation for your own needs, while benefits are not issued every month, and therefore, part of the money is lost.
  2. If the pension received is not enough, the labor veteran is paid an allowance for the monetization of benefits, which is enough to purchase some basic necessities.
  3. Villagers who do not use public transport have the opportunity to apply for compensation and use the money.

It is practically impossible to give an exact answer to the question whether monetization is useful for citizens or not. For example, a veteran of labor on benefits issues medicines several times a year, while receiving monthly compensation, he can spend money on his needs.

The process of monetization of benefits is not complicated and consists of several stages. The citizen himself decides how to dispose of the benefits, monetize them or receive them in kind.

Economist. Over 15 years of experience in finance. Date: March 11, 2018. Reading time 6 min.

Labor veterans living in Moscow can apply for tax, medical, transport and social benefits, as well as additional pension payments.

Legislation provides for labor veterans to receive federal and regional benefits. Legal regulation of social protection and compensatory measures to support the population in the regions is carried out by the authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation and on the basis of:

  • Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 N 70 (as amended on December 14, 2016) “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow” .
  • Decree "On the procedure for providing certain privileged categories of citizens with a place of residence in the city of Moscow, sanatorium treatment, as well as free travel on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back."
  • "On the provision of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities in the city of Moscow."
  • On state social assistance.

Regional benefits

Regional benefits for labor veterans in Moscow in 2018 are divided into several types:

Type of benefit Description
Transport Free travel on public transport, as well as on the suburban train
Compensation for housing and communal services Half the cost of housing and communal services
Communication services Paying only 50% of the phone fee
healthcare Medically prescribed spa treatment and reimbursement of round-trip train fares, as well as the provision of medical supplies
Additional payment Regional supplement to the amount of the pension payment when taking into account indexation for the year
Prosthetics Free production and repair of dentures

When applying for a certificate at the social security authority, a citizen can find out in detail what benefits are provided to a labor veteran in Moscow and immediately apply for the necessary compensation, payment of benefits, and a set of social services.

note : federal benefits for labor veterans also continue to operate along with regional measures of social support for this category of citizens.

Easy access to transport

This measure of social support for the population is provided to veterans of labor in the city of Moscow on public passenger transport. With the exception of:

  • taxi cars;
  • fixed-route taxis.

The procedure for obtaining such a benefit is to collect the necessary documentation for the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, and then submit an application by personal appeal, through the MFC or the State Services portal. Within 30 days, the citizen will receive the result of his appeal.

Transport benefits also include reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of sanatorium treatment at the expense of public funds, if there are no grounds for refusing to provide benefits to a citizen. To apply for this type of social assistance, you will need documents from the list:

  • the passport;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • work book (for working labor veterans);
  • application for payment of travel to the place of treatment;
  • travel documents;
  • pensioner's ID.

As a result of the appeal, it is possible either to reimburse the expenses for the labor veteran's travel to the place of treatment or to receive a reasoned refusal to provide benefits.

Compensation for housing and communal services

Labor veterans who wish to receive compensation for housing and communal services must apply to the administration of the social protection authority with documents such as:

  • application for payment subsidies;
  • the passport;
  • confirmation of income;
  • receipts for utilities and major repairs;
  • residence permit in this premises;
  • the first payment for housing must be documented;
  • applicant's bank details.

As a result of the appeal, the citizen will receive a notice of the provision of a subsidy for utility bills or a refusal. A motivated refusal can be appealed both in court and out of court. A citizen can independently calculate the amount of the benefit on receipts for an apartment.

note: the benefit for heating, electricity, overhaul is 50% of the amount accrued in the receipt.

The procedure for issuing compensation for electricity consists of several stages:

  1. Apply for a refund of half the cost of payment for electricity to Mosenergosbyt PJSC through the personal account of the site or directly to the company's branch.
  2. Prepare all necessary documents.
  3. Get the result of the appeal (refusal or satisfaction of the application).

A labor veteran can submit an application independently, or through a social worker or another person. The electricity supply company will calculate the amount of the benefit for electricity on a monthly basis.

Communication services discounts

Health Benefits

Medical benefits include providing pensioners with vouchers to places of sanatorium treatment for labor veterans. The following list of documents is required for registration:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Medical certificate on the appointment of sanatorium treatment.
  3. Ticket application.
  4. Documents confirming the received titles, orders, medals.

The term for consideration of the application is 10 days, after which the citizen is informed about the registration of the application. As a result of the application, the labor veteran is sent an order to allocate a place in a sanatorium. The voucher itself must be provided 18 days before the date of arrival at the medical and health institution. Together with the ticket, travel documents to the destination are issued.

In addition to treatment in a sanatorium, a labor veteran can apply for free medicines or their purchase at a reduced cost. Such medicines are provided on the basis of the opinion of the attending physician, as well as their availability at the pharmacy.

Financial support

A measure of material support is provided for those labor veterans who meet several conditions at once:

  • Have reached retirement age.
  • The amount of accrued labor pension is below the subsistence level.

A regional additional amount of money is paid and issued only if these conditions are met and is called the monetization of benefits. The allowance can also be calculated for the refusal of a labor veteran from the set of social services assigned to him by law. But for this you need to file an application for refusal to the social security authority.

A separate measure of financial support for labor veterans is tax benefits. In this case, pensioners are exempt from paying the cost of land tax.

For centenarians, a decree of the city of Moscow established an additional one-time payment for centenarians aged 101 and older in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Preferential prosthetics

A measure of gratuitous assistance to veterans of labor in Moscow in the manufacture and repair of dentures. The state pays just in such situations. The exception is compensation for the cost of prostheses made of precious materials, as well as cermets.

Veteran of Labor is an honorary title awarded for a long and fruitful labor activity. The state provides citizens belonging to this category with additional privileges after they go on a well-deserved rest. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve the list of social assistance for this group of persons.

Types of benefits for labor veterans in Moscow and Moscow Region

Before proceeding with the registration of the required compensation, a citizen must confirm his status as a veteran by obtaining a certificate. To do this, he needs to provide:

  • Statement.
  • The passport.
  • Pension certificate and SNILS.
  • A document confirming the work experience: a certificate from the archive or a work book.
  • Information about awards (medals, certificates, etc.).
  • 2 photos 3*4.

The request is considered by the commission within 10 days. The applicant is informed about the decision taken within five days after the verification.

REFERENCE! The list of benefits for veterans of labor in Moscow is approved by the law "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow." For more information, contact your local Social Security office.

Monthly city cash payment (EGDV)

The city government provides additional material support to veterans. The payment is made at the expense of the local budget.

The size of the CFD in 2018 is 1,000 rubles, which is almost twice as much as in the previous year. The surcharge will be assigned from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted.

Rent reimbursement

This support measure is provided to all veterans in the country and. Compensation is accrued in the receipt itself immediately or transferred later to a bank account.

IMPORTANT! The calculation takes into account the size of the standard area of ​​the dwelling.

The following limits are set in Moscow:

  • 33 m2 - for 1 person.
  • 42 m2 - for 2.
  • 18 m2 each - if three or more people live.

Example 1

Ivanov I.I. has the status of a labor veteran and lives alone in an apartment of 45 m2. When he retired, he received a discount on the payment of housing and communal services. The calculation of the amount of rent after receiving compensation is presented in the table.

MaintenanceHeatingElectricityTotal (rub.)
Rent before benefits500 1200 400 700 2800
Compensation amount(500 / 45) * 33 * 0,5 = 183 (1200 / 45) * 33 * 0,5 = 440 400 * 0,5 = 200 700 * 0,5 = 350 1173
Rent after registration500 – 183 = 317 1200 – 440 = 760 200 350 1627

The discount applies only to the share of consumption attributable to the veteran. If members of his family live with him, then the discount on them is not taken into account.

Example 2

Ivanov I. I. lives with his wife, who does not have any privileges. Then, when calculating, all indicators, including the standard of living space, will be divided in half.

MaintenanceHeatingElectricityWater supply and sanitationTotal (rub.)
Compensation amount(500 / 45) * (42 / 2) * 0,5 = 117 (1200 / 45) * (42 / 2) * 0,5 = 280 (400 / 2) * 0,5 = 100 (700 / 2) * 0,5 = 175 672
Rent after benefits500 – 117 = 383 1200 – 280 = 920 300 525 2128

The discount for utilities (water, gas, electricity) is calculated for each item separately based on individual consumption, if meters are installed. In their absence, the resource consumption rates are taken into account.

Contributions for overhaul

Veterans of labor in Moscow are also entitled to 50% compensation for the payment of overhaul fees. It also takes into account the approved standards of living space.

Example 3

Both spouses live in an apartment of 60 m2 and have the status of a labor veteran. Tariff for cap. repair 17 rubles / m2.

The contribution amount will be: 42 * 17 * 50% + (60 - 42) * 17 \u003d 357 + 306 \u003d 663 rubles.

Benefit for communication services

For communication services, a pensioner is assigned a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 250 rubles. If a citizen is connected to the MGTS line, then no documents for compensation are submitted, the benefit is automatically accrued to a labor veteran.

Travel allowance

Metropolitan veterans are entitled to free travel in public transport (except for taxis and fixed-route taxis). A ticket for a commuter rail service will cost half as much.

Health care support

Retired labor veterans need additional medical care. In this area, they are expected to:

  • free provision of a ticket to the sanatorium in the presence of medical indications. Expenses for tickets, subject to their safety, are compensated in full;
  • gratuitous production and installation of dentures. Payment will be taken only for the cost of expensive material (metal ceramics, precious metals);
  • Preferential provision of prescription drugs from the attending physician.

At the same time, any examinations in state clinics, even if they are not included in the list of compulsory medical insurance, are provided to the veteran free of charge.

Monetization of benefits

If a labor veteran living in the capital or the Moscow region does not want to receive benefits in kind, he has the right to choose their monetary equivalent. In 2018, the following replacements are in effect:

  • Free use of public transport - 378 rubles / month.
  • Preferential suburban travel on railway transport - 188 rubles / month.
  • Free distribution of medicines - 1108 rubles / month.

The application is accepted until October 1 of the current year and is considered for 30 days. The supplement to the pension will be accrued from next year.

Benefits for Working Veterans

This category of persons has the right, at will, to choose the time for the annual regular vacation. Also, if necessary, the employer is obliged to provide the veteran with leave of up to 30 working days without pay.

Tax preferences

There are no special tax benefits for labor veterans. They are generally payers of transport and land tax. But like all pensioners, they are exempt from property tax. The privilege applies to one property of each type subject to taxation (apartment, house, garage, etc.).

The procedure for applying for benefits

Having confirmed the veteran status, you can proceed to the registration of the required compensation. The first stage is the collection of documents, the second is their provision at the place of demand. For all benefits, documents can be submitted to the MFC. Separately, they accept an application for compensation for housing and communal services - the local department of housing subsidies, electricity - Mosenergosbyt, communication services - the operator serving the subscriber line.

INTERESTING! A labor veteran living in Moscow and the Moscow Region is given the opportunity to electronically apply for benefits on the government website in the "Social Support" section.

The third stage is getting a response. If the result is negative, then the citizen should find out the reasons for the refusal and eliminate them. Depending on the type of social assistance issued, the decision is made from 1 working day to 1 month.

Required documents

The list of required information for each benefit is different. But there are common documents:

  • application in the prescribed form. Forms are issued at the place where information is provided. It indicates the details of the bank account if the monetary form of receiving social assistance is selected.
  • The passport.
  • Confirmation of registration in Moscow or the Moscow region.
  • Pension certificate or other document confirming the fact of receiving an insurance pension.
  • Veteran's Certificate.
  • SNILS.

The table shows the documents requested to receive certain types of social support.

Benefit typeThe documents
EGDVCertificate from the FIU stating that for other reasons the payment of benefits is not provided
housing and communal servicesInformation about the composition of the family
Certificate of ownership
ElectricityPayment receipts for the last 6 months (if available)
Current meter reading
A single housing document if a citizen lives in a communal apartment
Communication servicesCertificate from the operator confirming the existence of the contract
Payment documents proving the absence of payment debts
Obtaining a health resort voucherCertificate from a medical institution in the form No. 070 / y
Installation of the prosthesisDoctor's opinion on the need for prosthetics
Preferential drug provisionPrescription form, which is given to the pharmacy. Basic documents are not required
Monetization of benefitsOnly general documents
Property Tax ExemptionCertificate of ownership of the property

The list of benefits for a labor veteran living in the Moscow region is extensive. The city government pays an additional allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles. Also, a citizen is provided with partial or full compensation for housing and communal services, communications, public transport, and healthcare. At the same time, he retains the right to refuse benefits in kind in favor of a cash payment.

Benefits are allowed after retirement. To do this, it is necessary to collect and provide documents confirming the right to this or that compensation.

In 2019, labor veterans living and registered in the Moscow Region will be able to apply for federal and regional benefits. All privileges are provided with an appropriate certificate and only after the beneficiary personally applies to the social security authorities.

Who is eligible for the benefit?

The assignment of veteran status is regulated by the Federal Law “On Veterans”, as specified in Article 22. In the region, local authorities determine the criteria according to which people who have worked for a certain time in production or in another field of activity are assigned the status of labor veteran, confirmed by the appropriate certificate.

The following persons will be able to issue the corresponding title, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region No. 807/35, 09/27/2017:

  • availability of awards in the form of orders, diplomas, medals and titles, existing gratitude from the country's leadership received while working in the USSR or in the Russian Federation;
  • at the same time, the length of service is 15 years at a certain place or the length of service is sufficient to apply for a pension (20, 25 years);
  • availability of awards from various departments received before June 30, 2016 (subject to seniority for men - 40, for women - 30);
  • Retirement by age with the relevant experience.

How has the amount of the benefit changed over the past 3 years?

Over the past 3 years, the list of benefits and their size has changed due to the economic crisis in the country. In 2016, the procedure for calculating benefits for labor veterans changed for those who received the title of labor veteran in 2017. Citizens who became labor veterans before 2016 receive payments in the previous amount.

At the moment, persons who have received this title since 2016, as well as who have a salary of more than 20,000 rubles, cannot receive the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • phone discount
  • EDV for travel;
  • free prosthetics.

These persons receive a monthly payment of 280 rubles. In 2018, labor veterans of the Moscow Region were able to apply for federal and regional benefits. The first group includes the following subsidies:

  1. Installing a home phone without a queue.
  2. Free travel in city public transport of all types.
  3. Non-payment of land tax.
  4. Payment of utility bills with 50% discount.
  5. Providing free medical care.
  6. Providing vacation at any convenient time.
  7. Free prosthetics and repair of dentures in municipal dentistry.

What is the amount of benefits for labor veterans in the Moscow region in 2019

In 2019, pipe veterans in the Moscow Region will be able to count not only on the above benefits, but also on other subsidies. In addition to treatment in clinics and hospitals, examinations will also be free.

Additionally, veterans will receive compensation for the phone in the amount of 220 rubles. If necessary, a veteran of labor is given housing, an apartment is rented.

If the beneficiary owns real estate, he is given a 50% discount on utility bills. If a labor veteran lives with a family whose members are incapacitated, similar benefits are also accrued.

If the house does not have central heating, a 50% discount on the purchase of fuel is due. A similar benefit is provided in the absence of gas.

If a labor veteran continues his labor activity after retirement, he is entitled to paid leave at any time convenient for him.

If a pensioner was on the waiting list for housing during his employment, he retains a similar right, subject to retirement by age.

According to article 407, prescribed in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all labor veterans living in the Moscow region are provided with the following preferential terms in taxation:

  1. Property tax on one type of property.
  2. Tax on transport in the presence of a car with an engine power up to 100 hp
  3. personal income tax.

How to get benefits in 2019

In order for a labor veteran to be able to take advantage of benefits, you must contact the following authorities:

  1. Federal Tax Service for the purpose of exemption from transport, property taxes and personal income tax.
  2. UK or PRUE at the place of residence. In these organizations, benefits are issued for utility bills.
  3. PFR for registration of a monthly supplement to a pension.
  4. Social Security authorities in the event that a veteran wants to waive the right to free travel, having received compensation in the form of an increase in pension for this.

After the submission of all these papers, the decision is made within ten days. To receive compensation for utility bills, you must submit the following documents:

  • insurance pension certificate;
  • the passport;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • veteran and pension certificate;
  • the account number to which the funds are to be transferred.

The most unprotected segment of the population at present is pensioners.

Circumstances are developing in such a way that the government must take care of them 100% so that this category of citizens does not need anything. But, sometimes it is very difficult to implement, for example, if there is a protracted economic crisis.

Reliable information about what exactly the elderly will be deprived of is not yet available to the public, but one should not immediately be skeptical about these forced measures.

The main goal of officials is not to harm people, but to maintain a stable financial condition in the country.

Payment types

A pensioner-veteran of labor can receive social support and cash payments on the basis of his certificate after he is granted a pension.

Veterans of labor in Moscow can apply for next payments:

  1. Monthly city cash payment (EGVD). It is set only if the pensioner does not receive a monthly cash payment, the source of financing of which is the federal budget.
  2. Monthly cash compensation for local telephone conversations.
  3. Monthly monetary compensation of the city. Applications for the following year must be submitted by October 1 of the current year.
  4. Reimbursement of expenses related to travel to the sanatorium and back.

List of benefits

If the amount of the labor pension received by a labor veteran does not reach the established in the area of ​​​​residence, then the citizen has the right to apply for.

AT tax legislation There are also several:

Muscovites can count on all the benefits established at the federal level, namely:

  • 50% discount when paying for the phone;
  • 50% compensation for utility bills;
  • free travel on city public transport and commuter trains;
  • monthly city allowance;
  • free sanatorium-and-spa treatment, if a labor veteran has health problems. By the way, rail transport to and from the destination will also be free.

Monetization of benefits

Only .

AT money equivalent only the following privileges can be sent:

  • free pass;
  • medical provision;
  • treatment in a sanatorium.

At the same time, a retired labor veteran may not worry about other benefits, for example, he will still have the right to compensate for 50% of the amount of utility bills, even if he writes an application for the conversion of other benefits in the appropriate amount of money.

Design rules

To begin with, a citizen who has approached the retirement threshold must find out if he is entitled to title "Veteran of Labor". The detailed procedure for its assignment can be found in the social protection authority in accordance with the place of official registration. Here they will be able to suggest what length of service is required to obtain this title. Generally, a woman must have a total of at least 35 years of service, and a man at least 40 years.

If a citizen belongs to the preferential list, then you can proceed to collection of necessary documents and writing relevant statements. The first should be left in Multifunctional center (Department of social protection) who accepts documents. It is recommended to make copies of all papers in 2 copies, since in accordance with one package of documents a title is awarded, and on the basis of the second, a monthly cash payment is made, guaranteed to all labor veterans. The issuance of a certificate usually occurs after 45 - 60 days.

Now you can start submitting documents for receiving compensation for payment of housing and communal services. Surely, the same department accepts applications (only in a different office). 50% of the amount actually spent by the beneficiary or in accordance with the norm regarding electricity, gas, heating and water supply is returned.

Collection of documents

Registration of a veteran's certificate involves the collection following documents:

It is necessary to submit both copies of documents and their originals. In addition, you should prepare one matte photograph 3*4 cm, which will then be pasted into the certificate.

For getting reimbursement of utility bills would need:

  • the passport;
  • pension and veteran certificates;
  • insurance pension certificate;
  • account number to which the money will be transferred.

Remember that if the monthly cash payment is transferred to the card on the same date, then preferential compensation for housing and communal services will appear on the account (passbook, plastic card) only after utility payments are made.

What to expect for labor veterans in 2019

The media raised the issue of upcoming changes that the Government of the Russian Federation plans to make to the law regarding benefits for labor veterans. This category of citizens should probably expect the following innovations from legislators in 2019:

  1. When paying for electricity, a 50% discount is applied, which is repaid at the expense of funds from the Federal budget.
  2. Labor veterans can ride municipal public transport absolutely free of charge. If they wish, they can monetize this benefit and receive compensation in the amount of 3,785 rubles for a month.
  3. In the presence of medical indicators, non-working veterans of labor can undergo sanatorium treatment free of charge. They are advised to keep tickets proving their travel to and from their place of treatment. Upon arrival, citizens can present travel documents to receive compensation for expenses incurred.
  4. If a labor veteran has dental problems, he can go to the dentist. a polyclinic at the place of residence and they will make dentures for him free of charge. Such patients will only have to pay the cost of consumables, which will be used by specialists in the manufacture of dentures from precious metals and cermets.
  5. Veterans of labor who continue to carry out professional activities may apply for leave at any time convenient for them.
  6. This category of citizens has the right to receive free medical services in the institution to which they are assigned.
  7. Veterans of labor can ride for free in suburban transport, plying throughout the Moscow Region.

The rules for compensation of payment for housing and communal services for labor veterans are described in the following video: