Snowflake made from CD and foil. Master class crafts from the CD “Snowflake” Schemes for making simple paper snowflakes

If you have already tried all the previous options, then it’s time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. You probably have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around that you would hate to throw away and no longer need to use. Their finest hour has come! Use your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest thing - decorating an old disk with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of production, this craft is quite simple, but you can’t tell from the outside. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, and real plot paintings. By the way, if you don’t have stained glass paints, a regular marker will do just fine. You can download templates for drawing mandalas from the link below.

A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft made from disks, decorated with appliqués. The simplest option is an applique made of colored paper.

If your children love the animated film “Smeshariki,” then it’s time to use their old CDs to make their favorite characters. All you need is to find out from your child which character he likes best, cut out Smesharik templates from paper and glue them onto the disk. Smeshariki's New Year's craft is ready! You can draw templates for the application yourself, or you can download them from us for all the cartoon characters.

#4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: DIY Christmas crafts from CDs

From an ordinary disk you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy that looks like a ball, only this ball is flat. To make such a craft you will need: an old disk, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen or a flat-head screwdriver.

If there are a lot of disks, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, reminiscent of snow glistening in the sun. By the way, such a garland makes the house warm and sunny!

There aren't enough disks for the New Year's garland, but do you like the idea? See more ideas:

New Year is the most favorite holiday, associated with miracles and magic. Celebrating the new year is characterized by folk festivals and joyful meetings. It is impossible not to love this time of year, when everything around is transformed, and every house or storefront becomes like the scenery of a fairy tale. Everyone wants to participate in this transformation, and therefore they try to decorate their homes […]

The perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from disks may be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, such a craft is quite suitable for a competition for school or kindergarten.

Want to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disk, scissors and glue.

Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then look:

Today you can find a huge number of different Christmas tree decorations on store shelves, so turning an ordinary Christmas tree into a real holiday beauty is not difficult. However, New Year is a special day! The day when the old year is left behind, and new adventures, new events, new victories await ahead. But the old year did not pass without a trace, […]

You will need: an old CD, pine cones, glue, an aluminum candle stand, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

On a regular disc you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The disc decoupage process is standard, the result is amazing!

If, in addition to old disks, there are pieces of felt lying around the house, then you can make these cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that it is based on an ordinary unnecessary disk?

See more felt Christmas decoration ideas:

The New Year holidays are approaching, which means that very soon a forest guest will appear in almost every home in our country. Some people prefer to put up an artificial Christmas tree, some prefer to put up a real forest spruce from a Christmas market, and some even confine themselves to pine branches. However, this is not so important, because the most important feature of the New Year tree is the toys. Since ancient times, people in [...]

A great idea for a New Year's craft from old CDs would be to decorate an ordinary mirror or photo frame. The disk needs to be cut into pieces, and then the surface should be decorated with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone was, now is the time to give them a second life. What good are discs that just sit on a shelf collecting dust? You can now find the song or movie you need on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

Still thinking about what to give your friend for New Year? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Give your loved one a handmade bracelet that she will definitely appreciate! Well, if you have already chosen a gift for your friend, you can keep this decoration for yourself!

If you want to shine the most dazzlingly at a New Year's party, then it's time to think about a New Year's outfit. You can decorate a regular collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

An owl would be a great idea for a New Year's craft made from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several disks and other improvised materials. Turn on your imagination and start creating.

The New Year is knocking on our window - yes, it is through the windows that we demonstrate a joyful greeting to the winter season and festive mood. In addition to the frosty patterns that will remain on the glass, we ourselves make efforts - we begin to make and glue snowflakes to it. In addition to windows, shaped products are attached anywhere, bringing shine and coziness to the room. What are the most interesting options for snowflakes, and how to make snowflakes with your own hands? We offer the best ideas with step-by-step instructions, photos and videos.

How to make snowflakes with your own hands from coffee filters?

Replaceable coffee filters— necessary attributes for pouring coarsely ground coffee. Typically made from cellulose, nylon and steel. By using coffee filters instead of plain white paper, you eliminate the need to cut out circles—the snowflakes automatically come out the right shape! Plus, the thinner filter paper is much easier to cut, even for small children.

Paper coffee filters

If you want a more natural, rustic decor style, use light brown coffee filters. A hole punch is great for creating perfect circles, and decorative scissors make it easy to form a patterned snowflake border. If you only have scissors in your arsenal, you can still make a beautiful snowflake with just this item. Once you are done with your decor, you will need double sided tape to display the snowflakes on your window.

Making snowflakes from coffee filters

Simply fold your coffee filter to one and a half times its original size (or better yet, one-eighth of its original size), then get to work! Don't worry about making anything specific—beautiful patterns will appear as you unwrap the snowflakes after cutting them out. The more variations you get, the better. we will provide below.

How to make snowflakes with your own hands from coffee filters, video tutorial:

How to make snowflakes from cardboard toilet paper holders?

Don't rush to throw it away cardboard toilet paper holder. Its “backup copy” can be saved, and even played back in a new way! It turns out that beautiful snowflakes are made from this element - you only need scissors, glue, paint and glitter (glitter glue). After work, you will notice how your home has become the abode of a nice glossy “blizzard”.

Snowflakes made from cardboard toilet paper holders

Materials you will need:

  • Cardboard toilet paper holders (the more, the better);
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Paint and glitter;
  • PVA glue or glue sticker;
  • 2 sheets of paper;
  • Threads.

Materials for work


  1. You need to smooth out the toilet paper rolls by folding the folds tightly.
  2. Using a ruler, measure 10mm and cut the strips.
  3. Set up a snowflake design and glue all the rolls together. Since toilet rolls are cardboard, any office adhesive should take it. Therefore, use the most suitable brand. Quick dry glue will speed up the curing process.
  4. Once the glue is dry, apply snowflake paint. This step is optional because most of the color will come from the glitter.
  5. Apply glitter glue to the snowflakes. It dries almost instantly.
  6. Attach a thread to the finished product and hang it indoors in a visible place.

How to make snowflakes from toilet paper holders (video):

How to make snowflakes from popsicle sticks?

Snowflakes made from popsicle sticks, are very easy to make - even children can help with the production! And what better way to remember the New Year holidays than by working together on Christmas tree decorations? These cute snowflakes made from wooden sticks are sure to be a Christmas hit in your home!

What you will need:

  • Popsicle sticks (you can use colored ones, or later paint over the tree with watercolors);
  • Glue for scrapbooking (you can take a glue gun);
  • Glitter glue;
  • Rhinestones and decorations in the form of small snowflakes;
  • Pompoms with light rain;
  • Thread.

3 simple steps to make snowflakes quickly and easily:

  1. First you need to color the popsicle sticks if you don't have colored ones.
  2. Then you need to place one stick on top of another in a cross pattern so that a snowflake is formed. Use a glue gun before each step.
  3. Now comes the fun part! Time to decorate! Decorate the products with adhesive rhinestones, glitter glue, small snowflakes, and pompoms. Choose decor of your choice that matches the New Year's mood. If you want to get a glitter effect on your snowflake ornament, apply a little glue and sprinkle glitter on top.

Making snowflakes from popsicle sticks, video:

Making 3D snowflakes from paper

3D snowflake serves as a simple winter decoration, but if you use colored sheets of paper, it will resemble a Christmas flower. Use double-sided paper (white/silver) to make the object more like a snowflake. Plus, these two colors give it a three-dimensional look. You can attach a 3D paper snowflake above the front door, hang it above a table or window.

What you will need for work:

  • 3 sheets of A4 paper;
  • PVA glue or glue sticker;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • eraser.

Stages of making 3D snowflakes:

  1. Take 3 sheets of A4 paper, fold them all in half, then unfold them.
  2. Cut all the sheets in half along the fold line. You should get 6 identical sheets of paper.
  3. Wrap the paper as in Figure 3. Do the same step with all sheets of paper.
  4. Cut the rectangular sheet so you have a perfect square. Fold all the squares diagonally.

5. Measure three segments (each 2 cm wide). Draw dividing lines with a simple pencil.

6. Now fold the triangle over onto the smaller one, with the measured segments facing you.

7. Draw parting lines parallel to the diagonal edge of the triangle (use marked points).

8. Mark a point 1 cm from the side edge of the triangle. Draw a guide line parallel to this side of the triangle.

9. Make diagonal cuts along the horizontal lines. Do not cut the lines completely.

10. Use an eraser to erase all pencil lines.

11. Expand the resulting triangle twice.

12. Connect the two innermost paper points together to form a tube. Glue them together with glue (apply a little on the corners).

13. Turn it all over.

14. Take the next two sections of paper and pull them to the opposite side of the first tube. Glue them with glue like the previous ones.

15. Repeat this procedure by turning the paper over and connecting the paper points together on opposite sides until all the paper points are connected.

16. Repeat all steps with the remaining 5 sheets of paper.

17. Fasten all 6 parts with a stapler. That's it, the mega 3D snowflake is ready! Decorate it with glitter if desired.

How to make an original three-dimensional snowflake with your own hands, video tutorial:

How to make snowflakes with your own hands from cotton wool and cotton pads?

Who would have thought that from these things something like real snowflakes could come out! And why not - after all, snowballs are from cotton wool We learned how to do it a long time ago, so why not try making snowflakes? You will be surprised at what amazing items you can get from these scrap materials.

Snowflake made from cotton pads

To work you will need:

  • A circle of white paper;
  • glue sticker or PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • cotton pads and cotton wool;
  • satin ribbon.

Cotton pads

Step-by-step making of a snowflake:

  1. Divide the cotton pads into 2 parts so that the fluffy side is visible.
  2. Form tubes. You can have it smoother or fluffier side up, depending on your taste. Glue the cones along the edges and wait until they dry completely.
  3. Glue all the cones in a circle onto a circle of paper; you can do this in 2-3 rows to make the snowflake more voluminous.
  4. Glue a satin ribbon to the back of the paper, which will hold the snowflake on the Christmas tree. You can treat the resulting snowflake with cotton wool, beads, glitter or rain.

Transparent snowflakes on windows made of glue

Make the likeness of real crystal snowflakes using white PVA glue. Stick them to windows and glass panels to give your space a wintery presence. It is best to make such products under adult supervision.

Transparent snowflakes


  • White PVA glue, glue gun and/or glitter glue;
  • Wax paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Masking adhesive tape or tape;
  • Snowflake templates (optional).


2. Place the snowflake printable on a flat surface and secure it in place. Place a sheet of wax paper on top of the printout and tape the edges to the table or other surface. Make sure the paper is taut when gluing the edges. If you don't use templates, you can draw snowflakes directly on wax paper, or start working without templates or drawings.

3. Apply white PVA glue inside the snowflake outline. Try to make the white glue lines as dense as possible. Lines that are too delicate can break easily when peeled away from the wax paper in subsequent steps.

4. Fill the entire outline of the snowflake with glue. Once done, let the snowflake dry completely.

5. Create more white snowflakes by following the steps above. The glue will dry completely within 1-2 days. At the same time, it hardens and becomes completely transparent.

6. After drying, carefully clean each snowflake from wax paper.

7. To ensure that snowflakes can cling to the glass, paint the bottom or flat side of each snowflake with a damp brush.

8. Carefully attach the wet side of the snowflake to the glass surface of the window. Press all sections of the snowflake so that they cling to the glass. Due to humidity, the snowflakes will be slightly transparent. After drying, they will become completely transparent.

How to make snowflakes with your own hands from glue, video tutorial:

Schemes for making simple paper snowflakes

Listed below The patterns are suitable for making not only paper snowflakes, but also snowflakes from paper coffee filters. All patterns are made according to the same principle: the sheet is folded diagonally to form a triangle. It bends diagonally again, and we already see the triangle even smaller. And then, following the pattern, we make a variety of shapes of snowflakes.

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Scheme 4

Scheme 5

Scheme 6

Scheme 7

Scheme 8

Scheme 9

Scheme 10

After making different shapes of paper snowflakes, don't stop there! Treat the results of your mastery with a generous layer glitter, which will give the snowflakes a sparkling and truly New Year's look. Precautions: wash your hands thoroughly after working with glitter; If glitter gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water.

Materials for work:

  • Paper snowflakes;
  • PVA glue;
  • Palette or plastic container;
  • Brush;
  • Glitter;
  • Scissors;
  • Food film.

The main thing in the work is the presence of a paper snowflake

Stages of product processing:

  1. Pour white PVA glue into a palette or plastic container. You can add a little water to make the glue more liquid.
  2. Cut a piece of cling film larger in diameter than your snowflake. Roll out the film on your work surface and place a paper snowflake in the center. Use a brush with glue to cover the entire surface of the snowflake.
  3. Sprinkle the snowflake with glitter. Let it dry until it adheres completely to the paper.
  4. Remove the finished snowflake from the cling film.

Tie a string along the top edge of the snowflake and hang it anywhere as a lovely Christmas decoration. It also looks great as a Christmas tree decoration.

How to make snowflakes with your own hands and decorate them with glitter - video:

How to prepare for the New Year's holiday to make it memorable and joyful? Snowflakes help to partially recreate the atmosphere of the celebration, but this is not enough for its climax. Therefore, we offer tips on how to get ready for the New Year 2018 - what to wear, costume and makeup options.

As a rule, people start decorating their homes and offices even before the New Year. Snowflakes and tinsel put you in a positive mood and allow you to feel the approaching holiday - after all, even adults look forward to New Year's Eve like a fairy tale. Stores start selling holiday decorations a month in advance, but how much better is it to make, for example, snowflakes with your own hands? It will take time - nothing at all, but a lot of positive emotions from contemplating your works are guaranteed.

Volumetric paper snowflakes

Paper snowflakes are the most popular and simplest. After all, most often we only need a sheet of paper and scissors - fold and cut in any order, and then unfold and see a real man-made miracle. These snowflakes are hung on a Christmas tree with your own hands, secured with tape or hung on a thread from the ceiling. You can also make a snowflake with your own hands with a 3D effect, although you will have to tinker with it, and in addition to paper (you will need 6 sheets of it) and scissors, stock up on glue, a stapler and a pencil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper into a triangle, then draw lines with a pencil, as in the photo, and cut. Leave a gap of approximately 1 cm between the lines; the larger the sheet, the more lines.
  2. Then unfold the sheet and start gluing the corners, starting with the inner ones. We make each subsequent gluing in the opposite direction. We do this until the lines run out. For convenience, you can twist it onto a pencil. In this way we make 6 identical parts.
  3. We take 3 parts by the ends and staple them. We should end up with half a snowflake. Finish the other half and fasten it together. DIY 3D snowflake is ready!

You can make a three-dimensional snowflake from paper strips. Take ready-made ones from a quilling kit or cut them out yourself - approximately 1 by 20 cm. You can make them multi-colored - this will make it easier to work with your own hands on the future snowflake. We took 6 strips, but there may be more. In addition, you need glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Intertwine the strips together so that the weaving is strictly in the center. For convenience, you can record each step with paper clips.
  2. Glue two strips together on each side. You should get 4 loops and 4 stripes.
  3. We do the same with the remaining strips; To do this, they need to be threaded into previously formed loops and glued together, so that the tips do not extend beyond the boundaries of the snowflake.
  4. The final step is to glue the “ray” strips so that they go along the center of the loops.

Since we're talking about quilling strips, why not try making snowflakes with your own hands using this technique? Such snowflakes turn out delicate and delicate; You can not only hang them on the Christmas tree, but also give them to relatives or colleagues. If you find a quilling kit in a store, this will make the task easier. If not, everything can be easily done on your own.

You will need:

  • toothpick;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper (you can use colored paper);
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Manufacturing process:

Paper snowflakes will turn into a real blizzard if you make a garland out of them. To do this, you need to cut out a lot of small snowflakes - randomly or using a stencil, and then hang each one on a white thread of different lengths and attach it to a wire hoop, which in turn is hung from the ceiling. This is an excellent solution for a living room or children's room; You can decorate a chandelier in the same way by first turning off the power.

Snowflakes made of beads and beads

This method is accessible to both experienced needlewomen and beginners, because there are a lot of patterns for weaving beaded snowflakes. These DIY snowflakes are very versatile; They will not only decorate the Christmas tree, but can also be an excellent gift - for example, in the form of exclusive earrings or a pendant, which, moreover, can be made with beads made of natural stones. We will give a simple diagram of weaving with glass beads of two sizes. In addition to this, you will need 35 cm of thin fishing line (or wire, it is easier to work with) for each ray and small beads.

Manufacturing process:

Snowflakes made of cotton wool and cotton pads

It's amazing what beautiful things can sometimes be made from scrap materials! So you don’t need to go far to buy cotton pads - almost every woman uses them. Why not use them to make your own snowflakes? In addition, we will need:

  • a circle of thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • satin ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

There are no cotton pads - we use plain cotton wool! Snowflakes from it are very simple. They can be made even with small children, because the process of making them will not only bring pleasure, but will also develop hand motor skills. Simply roll the cotton wool into tight balls and then use a needle to thread them onto a thick white thread. This way you can get whole garlands; With these snowflakes you can decorate a window or a children's room with your own hands.

Another example of an excellent creative material at hand is pasta! They can make excellent snowflakes of different shapes and sizes. The priority is round pasta, but you can use horns, tubes or shells. You can use the instructions on the Internet, or you can come up with a shape yourself (the pasta is attached to each other with PVA glue, much like when working with quilling techniques).

If you decorate such snowflakes effectively with your own hands, then no one will guess what they are actually made of. You can paint them with silver spray paint or regular gouache, cover them with artificial snow, semolina or glitter, decorate them with ribbons, beads or rhinestones.

If you know how to sew, try making tilde snowflakes; if knitting is closer to you, you can create a real openwork masterpiece both with knitting and crochet. You can weave snowflakes with your own hands from the now fashionable rubber bands, make them from the bottoms of plastic bottles painted with paints, cut them out of foam plastic with a sharp cutter, make them from satin ribbons using the Japanese kanzashi technique... Search, try, and surely one of the listed methods will inspire you!

You might also be interested.

Decorating your home for the New Year holidays is an old tradition for all families. As a rule, everyone takes part in this process, including children. For them, this is not just a transformation of rooms and a Christmas tree, but a whole ceremony, during which everyone has fun, laughs, sings New Year's songs, and dances in a circle. They tell various good old stories, drink warm aromatic tea with sweets and tastefully hang decorations throughout the house. Their assortment mainly includes mechanical garlands, various Christmas tree decorations, rain showers, tinsel, pendants, posters and more. But if you have decided to update your New Year's decorations, then we provide you with an excellent chance to create them yourself from rather unusual materials at hand. And which ones exactly, you will find out when you read our article, which will provide you with 6 photos of ideas for easy DIY crafts for the New Year 2020, made quickly and extremely beautifully. For everything to turn out super-duper, you need to follow our step-by-step master classes with visual photos.

Using such a simple master class, you can create an unusual decoration for wine glasses with your own hands from disks for the New Year 2020 - a stand. A New Year's feast with such a craft will definitely be more interesting and fun.

To do this you will need:

  • Disk;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.


  1. The disk must be decorated with colored paper using glue. It is best to stick unusual drawings on its surface. If you place a wine glass on such a product, you get a beautiful table decoration. If you wish, you can make several of these decorations for the New Year 2020 with your own hands. If you cover the disc with tinsel, you will get a wonderful craft in the form of a Christmas tree toy. For children, such an undertaking will be one of the easiest. They can decorate it in a childish way and then put their favorite cup.

Video: making a stand with your own hands

For the New Year 2020, you can make an unusual garland of disks with your own hands. The work uses ordinary materials that are found in almost every home. Therefore, doing this craft yourself will not be difficult.

To do this you will need:

  • Discs;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Tapes;
  • Scissors.


  1. To make a beautiful garland for the holiday, you need to take a lot of disk plates. Each one should be covered with colored paper.
  2. Then, using scissors, you need to make holes and connect all the decorated parts together using ribbons.
  3. The garland can turn out to be either very long or not very long. In any case, it will look beautiful. Everyone will have the feeling that this DIY craft from CDs for the New Year 2020 is not a homemade creation, but a purchased one.

The instructions for creating a New Year's garland are very simple. It is suitable even for young children. For DIY New Year 2020 crafts, you can use your own idea, because in any case the disc will look very beautiful.

To do this you will need:

  • Disk;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Ribbon;
  • Glue;
  • Tinsel;
  • Small toys.


  1. To make a craft with your own hands, you must first make the middle of the disk larger, and for this you need to expand the circle.
  2. Along its edges you need to stick the gutted polystyrene foam onto the balls.
  3. When the product dries, it should be decorated with tinsel, toys and ribbons. You can also use cones, beads and other things. The result is a small wreath that is perfect for decorating a home, or rather a door or wall for the New Year 2020.

This craft, designed for the New Year 2020, is difficult to make for a kindergarten as an independent project. In the process of creating it with your own hands from a disk, you need to use an awl, and this should be done by adults, and very carefully. But despite this complexity, the product comes out flawless.

To do this you will need:

  • Disk;
  • Awl;
  • Embroidery threads.


  1. You need to mark the area of ​​the holes on the disk plate, and then make them using an awl.
  2. Then the threads should be threaded through the holes in the form of a snowflake pattern.
  3. After doing this several layers, you get a wonderful shiny decoration that can be placed on the Christmas tree. Such a handmade craft from a disk for the New Year 2020 simply cannot help but please those around you. Its radiance and reflections when the garlands blink will mesmerize everyone.

Video: master class on making snowflakes from disk plates

To transform your room for the New Year 2020, you can make your own blinds from discs. The craft will be used as home decoration.

To do this you will need:

  • Discs;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Ribbons.


  1. Disc records can be covered with colored paper or left in their original form.
  2. They are fastened together in a vertical and horizontal position using ribbons or ordinary threads. The result is shiny blinds that sparkle very beautifully, especially in sunlight and indoor light. Even your family and friends will like this craft for the New Year 2020, made with your own hands from disks.

Video: master class on making blinds from disk plates

Christmas tree toy made from disks

To make funny toys for the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020 from disks with your own hands, you don’t need a lot of intelligence and patience. The craft will fit perfectly anywhere, even on windows, walls, chests of drawers. It is universal in its kind and has a great shine.

For production you will need:

  • disks;
  • silk threads;
  • beads, beads, rhinestones and other decorative value;
  • scissors;
  • hook.

Work process:

  1. We take the disc and silk threads and start decorating it for the New Year 2020 with our own hands. In order for the craft to turn out like in the photo, you need, of course, to have some crocheting skills. Our video tutorial located just below will provide you with complete information on the progress of the work.
  2. But there is another option for turning a disk plate into a Christmas tree toy. It consists of using satin or other ribbons, which should be threaded along the edges of this base into pre-made holes. Children, of course, do not need to carry out this stage on their own; adults must do everything themselves. The center of the disk plate can also be decorated with ribbons or beads or snowflakes mounted on glue. In general, with great desire, the idea will come up. In the meantime, we suggest watching our video with step-by-step instructions on how to make jewelry using threads and a hook.

Video: DIY Christmas tree craft from a disk


Our article has come to its end, thanks to which you learned how to create crafts from disks for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in an original and easy way. We hope that the information we offered was clear and interesting for you. If you try really hard, you can perfectly decorate your house or apartment for the New Year holidays; create cool display items for kindergarten and school, or simply delight your loved ones and friends with wonderful gifts in a creative design that is unique to you. Revive old unnecessary things and thereby you will transform the world, make it much brighter, more pleasant and more fun. Happy holiday, dear friends! Creative prosperity to you!

Well, not only from CD, from DVD too! Children are fascinated by the way the discs shimmer with a rainbow! So don’t rush to throw your damaged disc in the trash – you can make so many interesting crafts out of them! For example, !

Give the children brushes, thick paints - finger paints or gouache (acrylic ones are also good, but they are expensive) - and unnecessary computer disks - you will see with what delight the children will take on this interesting creative undertaking.

And what a beauty it turns out if a sparkling pattern is added to the rainbow color of the disk - the New Year's craft will give odds to store-bought tinsel. If you can find sparkles, they are called “glitter glue” and are sold in office supply stores - that’s great! Because discs painted with such glitter look even more impressive than snowflakes made with paints.

To make the pattern beautiful and look like a real snowflake, first look at the drawings of snowflakes with your children. Do you see how each snowflake has six rays, but all the snowflakes are different? So we draw like this: six symmetrical, even rays from the center, and then - whoever knows how and wants!

Ready-made New Year's snowflakes can be hung on the “rain” and hung around the house as holiday decor. On chandeliers, on curtains, on the Christmas tree! Or you can insert suction cups into the disk (those transparent ones that are on soap dishes) and stick the beauty on the window. From that side. Let passers-by admire and also feel the holiday approaching!

You can also make very elegant ones,