Wedding script in verse (second day). An unusual wedding greeting - interesting for guests and newlyweds! Congratulate the newlyweds on their second wedding day

The wedding is in full swing,
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You will remember the order:
Wife - respect husband
And don’t scold idlely!
Well, what about the husband - to be with his wife
And don’t run after someone else!
To live life like this,
We need to wet the letter!
And to finish drinking,
We need to sweeten it up somehow!

We want the music to sound
So that the two of you don't get bored.
Let there be twins to begin with -
We'll bring you a stroller.
We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And this is what we most importantly wish -
Advice to you, happiness and love.

Today, friend, is your wedding day.
What a beautiful white dress.
The handsome groom is both smart and strong,
Already donated a car and a house.
I congratulate you and raise a toast
Because you lit the family hearth.
Dear friend, I wish you happiness.
Let the wedding guests cry “bitterly”!

Congratulations, congratulations
From the heart we are young
We wish you happiness and joy,
200 years for both of you,
A bunch of cute kids
Kind, affectionate, big
And girls and boys,
And all this for two.
Happiness, joy, smiles.
So that before the wedding, golden
You lived without mistakes,
Becoming a big family
So that all the joys and sorrows
You divided it in half
So that grievances are not remembered.
May it shine for you everywhere
The sun is kind and gentle.

Not just to continue the family line,
People are getting married in Russia.
Not to give birth, I’ll give a lot,
They got married in our homeland!..
But if you don't want it, marriage
To turn into a chain of fights,
Love each other at night -
Give birth to your own baby!
Let the child be yours
From porridges yogurt is strong,
Cement in a weak solution like,
When you get married, dear ones, take heart:
Now multiply “in captivity”!

So that there is no quarrel or anger in the house,
So that welcome guests visit the house,
So that there is fun and laughter here,
So that even melancholy can be choked with laughter.
So that there is no excess in your offspring,
And the norm for you is only 10 children.
Let them become engineers, artists,
Teacher, writer and hockey players.
And if you want to have an astronaut,
Buy another one from the store.

If right in the middle of a wedding
The hooligans have come to you,
Don't kick them out right away.
Maybe this is us.
You will seat us at the table,
To those places where little has been eaten,
And we ourselves brought the bottle
We can easily open it.
And while our teacher
With my uncle policeman
Didn't get caught, along with you
Let's be for the newlyweds
Eat salad and drink vodka!

The husband is a horse, the wife is a horse.
I wish for order,
So that the horse is smooth,
So that the horse is like fire,
So that we can go together in harness,
The cart had what it needed,
So that the road is long,
And the team is not lazy.

Fireplace, candlelight engagement,
Carriage, wedding and wedding,
Unity wedding rings
And quiet happiness in the eyes!
We wish you love and happiness!
Let life be like a wonderful dream.
Live in peace and harmony.
An exemplary pair of standards!

Don't be upset if
You have a burden with your mother-in-law,
With the groom and a white dress
The father-in-law also gets it.
The father-in-law will be very pleased
If you send him,
Having given a mandate and a new tie,
Go straight to the Duma.
There they will give him a salary,
And a car, and an apartment,
And to celebrate he went to Moscow
She will take her mother-in-law with her.
You'll cry a little
And in the old father-in-law's apartment
You will make jam and
Salt the pickles.
And four years later
Father-in-law will come for a mandate
And for a new tie,
Will praise you very much!

On your wedding day we wish you happiness,
So that you become a part of universal joy.
To always smile at the world,
So that your family is like a big feast.
Never doubt
Always strive and try.
Always be better, on top, higher
And in bed and heaven with the Almighty.

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
Be happy always!
Bring more in your beak
For the family nest!
Help clean feathers
And raise the chicks
Don't feel sorry for each other
Affection, gifts and flowers!

I thought for a long time about what kind of love there is and this is what I decided.
There is student love - when there is someone to love, there is something to love, but there is nowhere to do it.
There is unhappy love: when there is a place to love, there is someone with, but there is no longer anything to do it with.
There is lonely love: when there is somewhere to love, there is something to love, but alas... there is no one with.
There is philosophical love: when there is someone to love, there is where to do it, there is something to do, but why?
I would so like to wish the young people the happy love that they deserve, when there is someone with, there is where, there is something to do and unnecessary questions never pop into your head!

Dear newlyweds! Our life consists of many little things and a variety of life situations. Life is a series of very different, bright and cloudy days, and its peace and well-being depends only on your prudence and consent. So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing - your happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

A wedding is not an easy thing,
A wedding is a young thing.
Since we decided to live together,
So, so be it!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let there be babies
House, car, dacha,
Love, loyalty and luck.

So that life doesn't separate you,
To get married tightly.
So that there is only happiness,
Let's say for this - Bitter!

Two simple wedding rings
You are bound to each other forever!
You - loving and beloved -
There are many happy days ahead.
Congratulations on your special day,
Be happy together, the two of you!

So that the boat of love does not suddenly leak,
Try to preserve mutual feelings,
And in life - Love, Help and Friendship,
And if you suddenly have to be separated -
Let there be a desire to strive for each other!
And may you live long, happily and amicably -
Children will be needed, after the first - the second
And you will be a happy family!

Please accept congratulations on your wedding
And take the rest as a bonus -
We are giving you a cucumber so that your husband will do well,
And there’s also an egg to go with it, so he doesn’t have to run behind the porch.
We also give a tomato so that the yard will be full of children.
So that your wife can cook soup, we give you this onion.
And a carrot, even 2, so that they invite us to their place.
And also a head of cabbage, so that you don’t feel sad,
Also, in addition to everything, we give you a pack of pasta.
And potatoes on the side, so that you always have peace,
We give a bunch of greenery so that the husband looks like a muscleman,
Here are 2 more dryers for you, so that you don’t bite each other,
So that your wife will be kind, here are some red beets for you.
Take some zucchini and don’t nag each other,
And perhaps also bread, so that we can live for many years!

Connecting your lives is a great act! Now there is someone to rejoice with, someone to exchange words with and someone to look after. We rejoice for your happiness. Family is a small wonderful island in the ocean of life. May God protect you, may you be happy in your marriage, may you always feel good with each other, and of course - Bitter!

Congratulations to the newlyweds, be happy always!
Bring more in your beak for the family nest!
Help each other, you have chicks,
Do not spare each other affection, gifts and flowers!
Well, most importantly, we wish, well, what can I say -
So that the bride can be loved, and the groom can love!

A wedding is a reason to have fun
And a great celebration!
I'll tell you a merry toast
It’s not easy for you today -
Let the wife run everything
Let her husband listen to her!
Let him not hide his income
None from her!
Let him help around the house
A husband is always his wife!
And family happiness will come
For you for many, many days!

Be healthy, live richly,
Now you are given to each other forever!
Let your spouse's salary be bottomless,
Let the wife's outfits increase.
Let the children rush around the house in a crowd -
Close up about five of them at once,
Then enjoy your fate to the fullest,
Now is the right age to continue the family line!
Let only affection be between you,
And the dishes don’t break and salt doesn’t spill.
In short, we help you with words,
And your concern is advice and love!

They say that marriage always finds a person unprepared. But even when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person is also scared at first, and that’s okay. And then you might like it, if, of course, the parachute opens in time... So I wish you to get maximum pleasure from your jump into your future life. The main thing is that since you are jumping together, hold hands - they say this makes you feel more confident. And don't worry! If something is wrong, then that’s how it should be. And if everything is successful, it means your destiny is happy and everything is just fine with you. So here’s to you, dear newlyweds, for your choice, and for your family happiness!

A wedding is a wonderful day for loving hearts; it is not surprising that relatives and friends try to bring their warmest wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds. Often, when there are many guests at a wedding, only a few are remembered: the people who decided to congratulate the newlyweds in a creative and extraordinary way. Let's talk about ways in which you can congratulate a couple on their wedding day in an interesting way.

1. Poem. It is better to compose a congratulation in poetic form yourself, especially if it is prepared by a whole team. You can describe in poetic form the first meeting of lovers, their joint vacation, hobbies, and so on. If you wish, you can remake a well-known song - such a congratulation can also be a pleasant surprise: the main thing is that the performer has everything in order with his hearing and voice.

You can make a poetic summary to the gift, turning the presentation process into a funny performance - this issue is worth discussing with the toastmaster: as a rule, professional presenters have a lot of ideas about this. For example, this is part of a remade song to the tune of “For a week, until the second”:

To your wedding, we guys
They came running without looking back,
Take a look with fresh eyes
For the bride and groom.

Together “BITTER!” boom out in bass
And then like divers
Find yourself drunk
On Sunday under the table.
We eat merrily, we walk,
Congratulations on your wedding!
And we wish the family love,
The matter of marriage is not easy.

The main thing is not to delay the congratulations and rehearse it in advance, so as not to stutter later and not peek at the cheat sheet.

2. Video and interview. You can congratulate the newlyweds by showing an interesting film. You can take the simplest route and collect old videos, editing them together, or you can make your own movie. Walk along the street, ask passers-by to say a few congratulatory words, you can go to the university or the place of work of the newlyweds and ask your colleagues to say kind words, you can interview people who will be present at the wedding in advance. You can also play a prank on the newlyweds: at the last moment before the banquet, disappear from the celebration, and then, after showing a congratulatory video, come out from behind the “screen” (it can be made from a large sheet of paper or a sheet) with flowers and gifts - a kind of lead-in to the congratulations.

3. Slides and photo collages. Choose the funniest photos and make funny slides. For each slide, you can come up with funny captions, choose funny music, maybe even children’s music - the more creative you approach this issue, the funnier it will be. By joint efforts, you can also start making a photo collage: it’s great if among your friends there is an artist or caricature artist - then there will be no problems with creating images.

You can present the newlyweds with their portraits in some funny attire: the groom in a royal robe and the bride in a fluffy princess dress, a couple in a Papuan or cowboy costume - there are a lot of options. You can even draw the coat of arms of your future family - such a gift will also be interesting.

4. Posters, balloons, billboards . A large poster with photographs of a couple in unusual roles can also be a worthy congratulation. If you know the route of the wedding walk, you can place a large photo of the newlyweds on a billboard on one of the city streets. You can write wishes and congratulations on a large bunch of balloons - let the newlyweds release them into the sky. You can place a congratulation from those present in one balloon, and in order to read it, the young people will have to burst the balloon, for example, without using their hands. Talk to the toastmaster, let him include this in the list of competitions - the spectacle promises to be very funny.

5. Operation "ATM". Giving money in an envelope is boring and not at all original; it’s another matter if you play it out in a skit, amusing both the young people and everyone present. To do this, you will need a large box: for example, from a gas stove or washing machine, which is painted to look like an ATM. You can also draw a keyboard; the pin code will be “typed” on it. The newlyweds are given a cardboard card from the Family Bank, but in order to cash it they need to go through a lot of fun tests. Money can be given out in parts: in exchange for each competition, and you can come up with a lot of them - from ordinary riddles and quizzes to traditional wedding dances and relay races.

Read about original ways to give money for a wedding.

6. Television announcer. The bride and groom receive many cards, telegrams or letters from relatives and friends who were unable to come. To make it more interesting to read them, let a person with a good sense of humor take on this task. To do this, a “workplace” is organized for him in the form of a TV screen: you can use a picture frame or simply cut it out of cardboard. A bow tie, perfect diction, glasses - that's the whole arsenal.

7. Circus act. A funny congratulation will be skits rehearsed on your own. Here you are required to have a sense of humor, and not just the ability to do the splits or do a somersault. Gather your team and come up with a number together. Group support can be portrayed in a deliberately funny way: strongmen with shaking legs, acrobats who keep falling, clowns who are all trying to reach the newlyweds, but all the time there are some obstacles in their way. You can organize a dance competition and announce that the best dancers in the city have been invited for the newlyweds; it is already clear who will dance and how: you can start with the Macarena or the dance of little ducklings, and then perform a parody of lambada or tango - it will be very funny. The main thing is to take care of your makeup so that at first glance you are unrecognizable, and the culmination after that will be your congratulations with an agreement: they say, they danced as best they could.

8. Reading minds. Another skit that guests can perform on their own. An announcement is made that a great and powerful wizard has arrived at the newlyweds’ holiday, who can not only turn stones into gold, but also read minds. Some of the guests are carefully dressed up, with a beard glued on and armed with some more dangerous equipment: it could be a large chef’s ladle or an unusually decorated hat. And now the game begins: “What is the bride thinking about?” - and a song sounds, for example, “Over the Four Seas”, “What is the Groom Thinking About?” - song “If I were a Sultan”, “What are the guests thinking about?” - “If only there was a sea of ​​beer” and so on. The funnier the songs you choose, the more interesting it will be. After this, the wizard reveals his incognito identity and cordially congratulates the newlyweds.

9. Festive fireworks or laser show. If this is not provided for in the festive program, it is quite possible to present the newlyweds with the highlight of the evening. It will be great if you select funny shots for the laser projection that would resonate with the theme of the newlyweds meeting or starting a relationship. You can write a love story that someone will tell into a microphone, and then the guests can congratulate the newlyweds all together, showering them with rose petals.

10. Symbolic gifts. You can accompany your congratulations with symbolic gifts: for example, put an empty aquarium in front of the newlyweds, and then give the bride and groom a glass with 2 goldfish swimming in it - this will be a symbol of the creation of a young family. Give the couple an umbrella, tie money inside on a string, and ask the couple to open it. “Money” rain will fall on their heads; wish them to always bathe in luxury, but not to forget about each other. You can give candy - so that life will always be sweet, a rolling pin for your wife and ironclad gloves for your husband, accompanied by a funny speech, the first “golden” brick for the foundation of your future home. You can even stuff bills into a head of cabbage and give them to the newlyweds with a subtle hint about those who are believed to be found in cabbage. There are a lot of options to congratulate a couple in an original way, the main thing is to show your imagination and think through everything carefully, then your wish will be memorable!

Poems for a wedding. Cool congratulations for the wedding

The most grandiose celebration of our lives in terms of scope and impressions received is, perhaps, a wedding. Birthdays happen every year, anniversaries happen regularly, but there can be one wedding for a lifetime. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in detail and approach it responsibly. And friends and close relatives will have to try a lot, because who, if not them, knows the preferences of the bride and groom, concerning not only material wealth, but also cultural values.

So, it’s clearer than clear: you definitely can’t do without a cheerful and perky congratulation. Funny wedding congratulations will give joy and fun not only to the newlyweds, but also to the guests, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life. We have made a lot of efforts so that you can congratulate the newlyweds in a creative and original way. Wishes in prose, short, funny and succinct, or a whole comic poem, accompanied by a small performance using simple props. All you have to do is make a difficult choice among the variety of options we offer. Bitterly!

Humorous congratulations on a wedding with gifts and donation of money

This cool congratulation is suitable for any wedding, will entertain guests and will definitely appeal to the newlyweds. To congratulate you, you must prepare in advance a small linen bag with the items indicated in brackets in the text of the congratulation.

The place, time and stars coincided for two.
The eagle groom coincided with the beautiful bride.
And on this wonderful day you can’t count your friends, relatives
At the first birthday of a young family.
And so that your union is strong,
The golden one lived to see the wedding,
We brought you for a jerk
Half a bag of wise advice.
They say it should be a lot, it should be often, it should be thick,
There must be cabbage in the family!
And there is also a belief
What children find in her.
So that you have it,
Here are the seeds for you!
(the newlyweds are given a bag of cabbage seeds)
/Groom's name/! You are now a married man!
Your bachelorhood is over,
Your festivities ended until dawn.
Now carry out your fast with your family.
Think less about a glass of beer,
Now your main drink is tea!
(the groom is given a pack of tea)
And so that you don’t accidentally turn left,
We present you with a compass! Keep your course only towards your wife!
(the groom is given a compass)
/Bride's name/! Don't be a bitch wife.
Don't get on your husband's nerves
Don't shout for no reason.
Better knock on the tambourine!
(the bride is given a tambourine)
Well, of course, let's get to work,
If my dear is at fault,
You can soap your neck once,
So that it would be discouraging.
And yet, soap with love and lightly.
Here are two fragrant bars for you for these purposes.
(the bride is given two large bars of laundry soap)
A good sign for the family
So that the family hearth burns.
But in life anything can happen -
It burns and then goes out.
So that it doesn’t go out at all,
We give matches in reserve.
(the newlyweds are given a box of matches)
And this thing is necessary
To maintain intimacy.
So that your nights are hot,
And so to the very cinder!
(the newlyweds are given a large paraffin candle)
For your material benefits
We give you a banal envelope.
(the newlyweds are given a gift envelope with money)
May you live sweetly with each other,
We are giving away a chocolate bar.
(the newlyweds are given a chocolate bar)
And only today will be only
May it be bitter for both of you!!!
(the newlyweds are given a large onion)
The congratulation ends with exclamations of “Bitter!”

Cool congratulations for the wedding. Parting words to young people for a happy family life

There's a wedding these days - anywhere!
And, although I’m not a toastmaster,
I will allow myself to speak.
Do you agree, guests? - (guests in unison) Yes!
That's okay. Young,
I don't have easy advice
I want to give it to you today.
Your job is to execute!
So that my husband always loves,
You, bride, never
They didn’t drink it like the mother-in-law.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
So that your wife always loves
And I couldn’t stand my brains,
You, groom, don't be a fool,
Do this all the time:
Speak at least sometimes
That she is your star!
And give flowers more often.
Do you agree, guests - Yes!
So that my husband loves me more,
You, bride, be wiser
And take me to bed more often,
So that he can sleep better.
Stay young longer
Always look after yourself!
Men love with their eyes.
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
You, groom, forget about the women!
If you want to go for a walk -
Go fishing -
And home, to your “mermaid”!
Loyalty is forever!
Don't waste your years
To dubious meetings!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!
And your last piece of advice:
Be together for a hundred years!
May God give children,
And financial surplus!
Be happy always!
There is not water in our glasses...
Let it just be bitter!
Do you agree, guests? - Yes!

Vladimir Gorai-Boretsky for http://site/

Congratulations to the young

Today is your day, young people,
Everyone is very happy for you.
You got married, and from now on,
Must be together every hour!
Wife, be a faithful friend,
Tender, faithful, dear,
You better please your spouse
So that you don’t wish for a different fate.
You, husband, bring money into the house,
And give flowers every day,
Your wife is sweeter than jam,
She is the goddess of beauty.
Be happy with each other
Let it be in your house for guests
The doors will always be open
Don't forget about your friends!

Congratulations on your wedding

I've had quite a bit to drink today,
And mountains of food were eaten.
Today we celebrated the wedding
Under the leadership of the toastmaster.
Thanks for the fun holiday
I'll tell you, young people.
May your life be wonderful
Let there be room for courage.

Poetic wish

May your union be strong!
And your bonds are unbreakable.
Carrying a common load through life
Today you decided together.
Let the house be full of kids
Warms your souls
May love be in your hearts
Never fades!

Cool congratulations on the wedding

What do you want at a wedding?
And I don't know how to start.
Many blessings and health to you,
(Drink cow's milk)
More beautiful children for you.
For mom - slender, for dad - strong.
Don't forget about your friends
Invite them to visit more often.
Let there be less troubles
Fresh, tasty - your lunch.
Read smart books
Get everything done around the house.
Well, in general, good luck to you,
Most importantly, believe in miracles!

Mamontova Olga specially for http://site/

Hymen did not eat, did not sleep -
Forged the marriage bond,
He tried, he groaned,
I wanted to please you!

So that your marriage union
Distinguished by the strength of the bonds,
Hymen, family god,
I worked as hard as I could!

He put in the marriage alloy
And patience and strength,
Lots of joy and happiness
Understanding, participation.

And also hope, faith
And trust beyond measure,
Joint plans and works,
Interesting adventures.

The zealous god mixed
In the bonds of marriage, everything I could,
And, as fate requires,
I put these bonds on you!

On this day and at this hour
Your family was born -
Young, united,
Newly minted!

I wish you happiness and many years to come,
Let love, advice reign,
Let them not be a burden to you
God Hymen's bonds!

Groom, to honeyed lips
Kiss the bride up to a hundred times!
Let at least a hundred years pass,
But they won’t lose their feelings honey!

The honeymoon will pass
May it be a sweet honey year,
And may this year lengthen
A string of decades!

May your life be honeyed,
Always bright and new,
Let him not get tired of beckoning you,
But it won’t become cloying for you!

Let it go easily and smoothly,
May it always be sweet for you
And only today let you only
Everyone shouts tirelessly: “Bitter!”

Wedding deal
You both volunteer today
Changed status to family
You gave up your freedom for love,
Putting loyalty rings on each other.
That the exchange is mutually beneficial,
It can be seen from your cheerful faces.
So accept from us from all of us
Wishes of joy and happiness.

Wedding boat
If life is a river
So the boat in it is a family.
Let's just celebrate the wedding -
The boat will leave the pier.
May the river be long
Well, swimming makes you happy.
And I also wish
So as not to rock the boat
Neither trouble nor evil winds,
No resentment, no infidelity.
You take care of each other
Live for at least a hundred years.

Wedding cake
A simple recipe for family happiness:
Take love as a basis
Mix the beating of hearts with love,
By weeding out the worries first.

Prepare the filling from songs, flowers,
From tender joint dawns.
So that this common pie is not soggy,
Bake with passion for at least a century.

Wedding song
Let's make a love song
And we will dedicate it to the newlyweds.
In song we wish them from the bottom of our hearts,
May you live faithfully, happily and long.
Let us solemnly raise our glasses
For it to happen and come true
All the best this couple dreamed of.
So that they get to see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
May their life be sweet. That's just
The wine is a little bitter - it means: “Bitter!”
Dudka Svetlana for http://site/

A wedding is always joy, happiness, excitement and fun! Yes, yes, fun! When two kindred spirits merge in a single impulse and create a family, isn’t this a reason to rejoice and have fun from the heart? Friends are happy, parents are happy - everyone laughs and wishes happiness, love and prosperity to the young people. But there are some guests whose wedding speeches are full of humor and laughter, and funny wishes. It is precisely such congratulations that fill the festive atmosphere with the energy of fun and general joy. Therefore, dear guests, be cheerful and creative, choose cool and humorous congratulations!

Cool congratulations for sister and brother on their wedding day

Brother, now you are a husband!

Your beautiful wife is next to you,

Don't let me down, be brave and strong,

And happiness will be your reward.

May your night be hot

And the day will be filled with laughter,

Let a daughter be born in a year,

With eyes like emeralds.

You need your little son too,

Dad can't live without his son,

And you're hot on your trail

To the maternity hospital, carrying the family ensign.

Well, in general, brother, live happily,

With family - with kids, with wife,

Don't be stubborn and grumpy

And be a dream for your beloved!

Well, sister, congratulations,

Got married - well done!

I wish you happiness

Let the husband be a daredevil.

Let everything can, wants, knows,

At work and at a party,

He doesn’t know how to rest at the dacha,

He carries him around the house in his arms.

And let him shovel the money,

To the Maldives to carry,

Could you for half your salary,

And so that he could give diamonds.

Let the soul dote on you,

Protects from various troubles,

Let him always meet you,

Let him take him to Paris for lunch.

What more could I wish for?

Well, of course, children

Let your dream be blue,

Hurries to be fulfilled soon!

Cool congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

My friends, your union is wonderful! The great Russian classic, pronouncing these words, spoke, of course, about you! I congratulate you on your wedding day! I wish you sleepless nights, but not from sadness, but from passion, hot days, but not from the sun, but from kisses, tears from the eyes, but not from grief, but from happiness! I wish you pockets full of money, hearts full of love, eyes full of tenderness. I wish to catch the Bird of Happiness by the tail and place it in my home, but not in a cage, but in the garden, among fragrant flowers. May your honeymoon be the sweetest and last a lifetime! Bitterly!

Congratulations, newlyweds! I wish you a lot of "no's"! Fun work, unusual weekends, leisurely evenings, non-greedy relatives, intelligent children! I also wish you many tears - from happiness, from the sun, from laughter, from joy, from tenderness! Well, I’ll add some black colors to your wishes: eat black caviar, ride in a black Mercedes, swim in the Black Sea, enjoy dark chocolate washed down with black tea, wear black pearls, pump black oil! I wish you, dear newlyweds, that all negativity always turns into positive, bringing you happiness and smiles! Bitter, young!

Our dear newlyweds! I would like to wish you the envy of your neighbors at night, gentle sun in the morning, cheerful whirlwind all day, calm comfort every evening! May money fall from heaven at your feet, may health enter your body with every kiss, may love grow stronger every day, may your dreams always come true on time, and may fortune blind you with its smile! Be happy! Bitterly!

Funny wedding congratulations in verse from friends

Here's your wedding

You guys are just awesome!

You signed today

There will be a reason every year

Accept congratulations,

The ones they put in your envelope

They presented it with congratulations.

Be great, guys!

Let the wind of happiness twist the weather vane,

Your pockets are full of love,

No tears, no falsehood, no deception.

Be happy always

Never part!

Well, so you got married, friends,

Now you can’t live without each other.

We wish you to always be together:

Day and night, evening and morning.

You love each other passionately at night,

And in the afternoon, prepare a very tasty dinner,

May your children be born soon,

A fair-haired girl and a dark boy.

In short, I’ll tell you this, friends,

You cannot live without fidelity and happiness,

You appreciate and cherish each other,

Pour me some champagne quickly!

Today is a difficult day:

You have become husband and wife,

Now the doors are closed for you

The leaders are in the wrong beds.

From now on you are a husband and wife,

And best friend or girlfriend,

We must wait quietly for the meeting,

And not drag you to the club for a walk.

Well, of course you can dance,

But if only it were safe,

You should wear a symbol of fidelity,

No, not panties - how can you sit in them?!

Take care of your rings,

Wear it on your finger day and night,

And there will be happiness in your home,

Let's have a glass for that!

Funny wedding greetings with funny gifts

Here's a huge cabbage for you,

So that your pockets are not empty,

Here's a sweet chocolate cupcake,

May the sex be hot and passionate!

And here's a red carrot for you,

Let love be hot

I’ll also give you a cucumber,

May your husband always be a great guy!

Here is a cup of cow's milk,

May you have good health!

Dill, potatoes and radishes,

May every whim come true!

Dear newlyweds! I want to congratulate you on your wedding day and give you unusual gifts! Here's a pink elephant for you, bride, so that your husband can be your protection, stronghold and barrier! Here's a new guitar for my husband, so that my wife will feel like an expensive gift! Here's a bicycle for your family, so that they can live without sadness and without troubles! And here are onions and garlic for you, so that your guardian angel will take away all the evil! Live together, raise children, give each other happiness and laughter! Bitterly!

Dear ones, (names of the young people)! I congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to get drunk not from alcohol, but from love! Let your heads spin with happiness and your eyes close with pleasure! Here's a glass of champagne for you to make life wonderful! Here's a glass of cognac to make your life easier! I give sparkling wine so that passion is frantic! Here's a sweet cocktail so you don't run aground! Here's a bottle of balm for you, so that you can quickly become mom and dad! And here's a glass of vodka to shout to all of us "Bitter!"

Funny short wedding day congratulations for SMS

Today the groom has become a husband,

The bride became a wife,

This nice weekend

Walks half a block!

Drink, have fun, honest people,

We congratulate the couple,

Let's take a sandwich with vodka,

And two or three pieces of lard!

Happy Birthday

Your little family.

Allow me to congratulate you

Send you mine as a gift.

Let the words fly like the wind

Without barriers, without fuss,

Let the horizon be bright

And dreams come true!

White dress and formal suit -

Today the whole day will be devoted to two,

We wish you to become mom and dad soon,

Always fulfill your marital duty.

Let your wife rule the world in her kitchen,

Live in your own apartment, not in a rented one,

And the husband drags into the house everything his wife needs,

After all, family happiness is the most important thing of all!

Eh, walk and sing, daring wedding! Have fun, guests, drink, eat, but don’t forget about the main thing! You must congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day! Wishes, as messengers of hope, bring happiness and joy to the family. Don’t skimp on your kind words - wish them and congratulate them with all your heart! Your imagination will tell you how to do this, and we invite you to smile and have a little fun! After all, jokes, jokes, joy and fun are necessary attributes of any wedding. Be cheerful yourself and give joy to the young!

Once upon a time there was a single guy,
Handsome, smart, young.
May he always be like this
We will give you advice.
You must take care of your husband.
Let him lie down
To read the newspaper
Or just flipped through it.
If you're grumpy,
Wayward and jealous,
Don't guess why
You won't find your husband at home.
So that life seems like paradise,
Don't find fault with your husband.
Laugh more often, smile,
Never be arrogant!
And now, bride-light,
Listen to our advice.
So that your husband is faithful to you,
To live with you alone,
Always be his bride
Not a grumpy wife.
Despite my own husband
Don't say a word
But in your beautiful hands
Hold your power tightly.
Improve yourself in the arts
You're at the kitchen stove -
A voice in the stomach of emptiness
Dulls feelings in a husband.
Peace in the family is needed like air,
So that there is peace and harmony,
You create it for your own husband.
Your own home kindergarten.
So as not to quarrel in vain,
So that things go more successfully,
May it be like a bright holiday for you
Life flowed together!

The husband is a horse, the wife is a horse.
I wish for order,
So that the horse is smooth,
So that the horse is like fire,
So that we can go together in harness,
The cart had what it needed,
So that the road is long,
And the team is not lazy.

Not just to continue the family line,
People are getting married in Russia.
Not to give birth, I’ll give a lot,
They got married in our homeland!..
But if you don't want it, marriage
To turn into a chain of fights,
Love each other at night -
Give birth to your own baby!
Let the child be yours
From porridges yogurt is strong,
Cement in a weak solution like,
When you get married, dear ones, take heart:
Now multiply “in captivity”!

Let the husband not take his eyes off
May he think about my dear every day and hour.
For the light of your eyes so that without hesitation
Friends, pubs and striptease sent to the bathhouse!
You were born to have a minx and a prankster,
And my husband flew home from work like it was a holiday!
Always be bright as if from a salon,
Opening your wallet to see millions there!
Beautiful love forever!
The relatives were not touched, so that the evil misfortune!
Let fate be successful and bright!

At a MINIMUM it is necessary: ​​so that the husband is well-fed
And I ate tobacco chickens once a week,
Or in extreme cases - stew (not “horns”!)
So that he is healthy and decently dressed,
To have a special lunch on Sunday
Taking into account the fact that the spouse is on his day off
Should be especially proud of my wife
(This shouldn't bother him too much.
Help my wife in the kitchen that day).
What is MAXIMUM necessary: ​​for him to be loved
And we cherish your tender love,
To live in anticipation of an eternal miracle
And he was thereby protected from fornication.
So that I don’t have any serious disagreements with him
And sometimes she gave in to him in arguments.
You shouldn't tear him away from his friends.
To alienate yourself from them and be jealous of them.
If you want everything to be normal between you,
Let him go to the sauna occasionally with friends
And he sees in the illusion of this “freedom”
its independence for many years
So that your boat does not break in everyday life,
There is no need to harbor grudges against each other,
Don't have kids too early
Don't be afraid to love without deception,
There is no need to quarrel with your mother-in-law or mother-in-law,
There is no need to be afraid of being left without money.
Even in the early years, you can’t be boring,
But often you shouldn’t hit dishes “for luck!”
There's no need to be timid when you need to be brave,
Don't hit with a rag where you can hit with a mop
(Husbands can bear pain and injury,
But they really do not tolerate humiliation).
So that the boat of Love does not suddenly leak,
Try to preserve mutual feelings,
It will not be replaced: not a ringing noise of toasts,
Neither furniture, paintings, carpets or sheepskin coats.
All this is not the main thing. The main thing is to swim
And in the boat - Love, Help and Friendship,
And if you suddenly have to be separated,
So that there is a desire to strive for each other!
Perhaps that's all. Well, what else do you need?
May you live long, happily and in harmony, -
You need a child: one and two.
And you will be a complete family!