How to make black eyeshadow at home. How to make natural eye shadow with your own hands? Ingredients for creating an eye shadow base

Shadow theater for children usually means not only a theater with puppets, but also images of animal shadows using hands. Parents can amaze their child with animated pictures on the simplest wall.

History of shadow theater

Shadow theater is an art that originated many centuries ago. The richest and most famous were fond of it, because the puppets were made by hand from thin, well-dressed camel skin. Openwork dolls, animals and birds, painted by masters in all the colors of the rainbow, were expensive.

It was only in the 17th century that the French realized that the mystery of shadow theater, depicting unprecedented figures with their own hands, especially captivated children, so this art spread in just a couple of years in the form of a real role-playing game.

DIY animal shadows

Organizing a shadow theater at home couldn't be easier! There is nothing complicated about animal shadows; most often, just two hands are enough to see a bunny, dog or bird.

So, how to make eyeshadow with your own hands?

  1. You will need a light wall or any large object, hung with a white sheet;
  2. Sunlight or light from a bright lamp should shine directly on the wall, not from the side;
  3. Approach the wall in such a way that your own shadow does not fall directly on the wall;
  4. Fold your hands as shown in any of the pictures.

You can also bring animal shadows to life with your own hands! Move your fingers and your bunny will fold his ears and the bird will fly. Teach your child to draw shadows of animals; this will develop the baby’s motor skills and spatial thinking.

One of the main “heroes” of stylish and beautiful makeup is eye shadow. We try dozens of different brands, watch and read reviews from bloggers, trying to find those only shadows that will not crumble and can fully convey their color. But our searches do not always end successfully. And the most common reason for this, according to makeup artists, is the lack of an eyeshadow base. Although this product may seem unnecessary and superfluous, it should be evaluated only after use. We assure you that after this the base will live in your cosmetic bag forever!

Make a miracle with your own hands

We can talk for a long time about different brands of eye shadow bases, but the choice is still very individual. And high-quality cosmetics have never been cheap. And we suggest making a base for the shadows with your own hands, at home. Believe me, it is not difficult, and the result will please you.

Ingredients for creating an eye shadow base

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You can quickly find all of the listed ingredients in your own cosmetic bag or home medicine cabinet, which means that you can update the product at any time and do not have to prepare it in large quantities.

So, you will need:

  • foundation;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • baby powder, talcum powder or cornstarch;
  • mixing bowl;
  • plastic spatula or disposable spoon;
  • storage container.

As a foundation, you can use both foundation and BB cream. Make sure that its tone matches your skin color, and thanks to this ingredient you will be able to adjust the shade of the base. Moisturizing cream will nourish the skin, and talc will adjust the consistency of the base.

Step 1. Mix the ingredients

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First, pour a little foundation into a mixing bowl and add the same amount of moisturizer. Stir them well until the color is uniform. It is important that the products are mixed and the shade turns out natural.

After this, you can add talc. Do this in small portions to make it easier to adjust the thickness of the base. Once you are satisfied with both the color and consistency of the product, you can begin to transfer it to a storage container.

Step 2. Prepare the database for storage

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Now you will need all your accuracy and attentiveness. Take the container in which you want to store the base and start transferring the finished product with a spoon. Do this slowly to avoid smearing the product.

You can store it with regular cosmetics, the main thing is to try to use it within 3 months. If you prepare a little product, you will use it even faster with daily use.

By the way, if you are interested in life hacks that will help you maintain your makeup from morning until evening, take a look!

How to use an eye shadow base

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In order for this cosmetic product to “work” as expected, you will have to learn a few simple rules:

  • always apply the base to dry, clean skin;
  • use a separate small brush that needs to be washed regularly;
  • distribute the base over the eyelid in a thin layer;
  • Before applying shadows, let the base dry, then the cosmetics will last longer.

Do you use an eyeshadow base in your makeup? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share the article with your friends on social networks!

How to make an eye shadow base at home updated: April 20, 2019 by: Lilia Kozlovskaya

I probably won’t be wrong if I say that every woman eventually has so-called “outsiders” in her makeup bag - eye shadow, blush, bronzer, etc. Something broke, you didn’t like something or got tired of it.

So what to do with all this? You can throw it away, but there is a better idea. .

Let's take a palette of broken budget blushes or shadows. We wash the palette and peel off the aluminum inserts.

Now what is needed is alcohol and glycerin for pure pigments and mica. The shadows already contain a binder (binder)

We will also need some convenient container for mixing tones. From scrap materials:

Plastic spoons for pouring and grinding...

And what we will make the actual shadows from is the source material - jars of unsuitable tones and, for example, the tones of the shadows that you are currently using.

We take the broken shadows...

And mix with alcohol and a drop of glycerin.

Until a viscous homogeneous consistency

Since these were originally pressed shadows, there is already a binder there, and just a drop of glycerin must be used. Pure pigments (mics) require more glycerin. This is the most difficult moment - not to overdo it with glycerin, otherwise the shadows will be completely creamy...

Then, lifting it, we throw it onto the table from a height of a couple of centimeters to get rid of unevenness and air bubbles. The surface of the shadows will become even and smooth...

The result was a silvery-brownish tone. Let's add a little more yellow to make the tone warmer.

While mixing, it is advisable to do tests on your hands to see how the color is applied. The top one is the first one, the bottom one is with the addition of yellow...

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can add a little more dirty pink.

Here's a color comparison

If you add too much glycerin when mixing, the eyeshadow will end up almost creamy. Although many people liked it perhaps even more.

Three base tones and final

Three base tones and final

Until the end result is this...

The alcohol will dissipate the next day, those shadows that are not creamy can be tamped down. Let's try to give new life to unnecessary things

After drying, the shadows are applied evenly, stay on for a long time, all day long from morning until evening, nothing will float, roll, crumble or mark.

Dear ladies, I wish you creative success!

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Beautifully and skillfully applied makeup is an art. And an important part of it is the ability to correctly decorate the eyes with shadows. It is they who create a bewitching look - expressive and seductive. Therefore, every girl needs to know how to apply eye shadow correctly. With their help, you can not only highlight your eyes, emphasize the depth of color, but also correct the shape and even visually change the cut.

Based on their properties, they are divided into dry, liquid and cream. Thanks to the different textures and consistency, you can get a wide variety of makeup - be it natural (daytime) or festive (evening).

  • Dry. The most popular and widespread. They are stored for a long time and do not form lumps. Compact and easy to use, easy to apply and shade. Friable dry ones are very economical.
  • Liquid. They contain liquid wax, so they dry quickly. They are used only for the mobile eyelid. They look impressive and shine. Waterproof shadows of this type have a rich color and apply easily. Ideal for bright evening looks.

Make sure that your cosmetics are hypoallergenic. Before purchasing, check the composition for the presence of harmful components. Pay attention to the expiration date. Don't skimp on your eye health!

General rules

1. Start by cleansing and moisturizing the skin around your eyes.

3. Tidy up your eyebrows. They should look well-groomed. Pluck out excess hairs, style with gel (if necessary), and line with a pencil.

4. Apply a base primer and lightly dust your eyelids with powder.

5. Highlight facial features using highlighter, bronzer, foundation, blush (as needed).

6. Use concealer to conceal dark circles under your eyes.

7. And, of course, prepare different types of brushes: large – for applying light shades; medium size - for applying dark shadows on certain areas of the eyelid; small hard one - for shading shadows or eyeliner; a brush with thin, hard bristles - for fine lines of tinted eyelids.

Before, many people use a regular foundation or don’t use it at all. Very in vain. There is a separate, independent product specifically for eye makeup - a base for shadows that ensures the durability of the makeup. The quality of makeup depends on the base on the eyelids. The special eyelid base has a dense texture, as a result of which the shadows do not crease and lie evenly.

The perfect combination: how to choose eye shadow to match your eye color

For proper makeup, professional makeup artists advise choosing them based on eye color. This is necessary in order to emphasize the shape, richness and depth of the mirror of your soul.


Almost all shades suit brown-eyed girls. Brown, beige, bronze, and gold tones look charming. Perfectly sets off purple, lilac, green, gray, blue, cyan, metallic. It favorably emphasizes the richness of brown eyes with shades of warm colors (peach, pink). A categorical no to orange shadows.

Blue, gray-blue

Warm tones of brown, beige, gold, sand, cream, copper, and gray will add tenderness to blue-eyed girls. It is not recommended to use pink and purple eyeshadow. The former create the effect of tired eyes, the latter – tear-stained ones.


The depth of emerald eyes is emphasized by warm tones. Pay attention to pearlescent, golden, brown and greenish shades. Olive and copper shadows look great. Blue and pink tones are not suitable. To avoid the effect of tired eyelids, do not use shadows with silver glitter.

How to apply eye shadow step by step

The main task is to learn how to apply eye shadow correctly. The key to beautiful eye makeup is to use a pair of shades of eye shadow that harmoniously combine with each other. For daytime makeup, 2 colors are enough, for evening makeup – 3:

  • basic (applied to the moving eyelid, smoothes the skin);
  • light (lighter than the base, applied under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye);
  • darker (optional). Suitable for evening make-up and creating a mysterious image.

Shaping the upper eyelid

  1. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eye, and dark shadows on the outer corner.
  2. Light colors under the eyebrows highlight well and visually open up the eyes.
  3. To smooth out all the transitions and boundaries, be sure to shade the shadows. Remember this important rule - it applies to any makeup in which they are used.
  4. You can apply the main shade of eyeshadow to the entire area of ​​the moving upper eyelid, or you can simply make a neat line with eyeliner or a pencil.

See the photo for step-by-step application of eye shadow.

Shaping the lower eyelid

  1. In daytime makeup, the lower eyelid can be left untouched. It is enough to lightly draw beige shadows along the lash line.
  2. To create an evening look, it is better to decorate the lower eyelid with shadows - apply either the contour color or the base shade. To make the bottom contour look beautiful and smoky, do not forget to carefully shade the clear boundaries.
  3. After the shadows are applied and shaded, proceed to painting your eyelashes with mascara. Take your time.

Natural/day makeup

The more natural the makeup, the more effort is required. When highlighting your eyes with the help of shadows, you need to remember about harmony; they should not be flashy. Therefore, light daytime makeup is done in natural colors - from light beige to brown. We offer a step-by-step look at a classic example of makeup.

  1. Take, for example, two shades of sand shades: light and darker.
  2. First, decorate the upper eyelid area and eyebrow line with light colors.
  3. A darker tone should be applied along the moving eyelid. Blend. Or draw a thin line with a pencil or eyeliner and then shade it.
  4. Apply mascara to your eyelashes. Your everyday makeup is ready.

Evening smokey ice

Festive makeup has many different techniques. A great idea for a beautiful evening is to apply loose dark shadows with glitter. But the most popular make-up is the widely known and popular smokey eye. The smoky effect can be done in different styles: light, dark, monochrome or colored, your choice. Matte shadows are best. But if you have a pencil eyeshadow, it will be even more impressive. To get the “correct” haze, you need good shading. Perhaps this is the most important thing in this technique. It is she who reveals all the beauty and charm of makeup. Use any shadows - brown, black, purple, etc.

  1. Start according to the scheme described above: cleansing, moisturizing your face, giving your eyebrows a well-groomed appearance.
  2. You need to apply a shadow base on your eyelids.
  3. Close your eyes and draw a line with a soft black pencil from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  4. Create a contour on the upper and lower eyelids. Apply color to the light areas between the eyelashes. Blend the edge of the pencil with a soft brush.
  5. Apply the dark shadow of your choice to the moving eyelid with a flat brush.
  6. Apply a light shade to the area under the eyebrows. Using a blending brush, starting from the outer corner of the eye, soften the edge of the shadows. Carefully work on the eyelid, blending the shadows.
  7. In some techniques for performing such makeup, the lower mucous membrane is thoroughly painted over with a pencil.
  8. The final stage is applying mascara. Paint your eyelashes thickly, preferably in two layers. Smokey eyes provide the effect of smoky eyes with thick, voluminous eyelashes.

  • It is recommended to start with the eyebrows. Then - shadows on the eyelids, and only then begin to draw a line along the lower eyelid;
  • Transitions of shades of shadows should be soft and translucent. They definitely need to be shaded well;
  • remember: light shadows visually make your eyes larger, dark shadows make them smaller. True, good shading improves this matter (for example, using dark shadows in smokey eye style makeup does not reduce the size of the eyes, but, on the contrary, reveals them more);
  • for an expressive look, carefully draw the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil, followed by shading;
  • If you don't know how to apply eyeliner perfectly, use a pencil eyeshadow. It will give you soft and even lines;
  • Use quality brushes to apply eye makeup. For example, the brush that comes with shadows often does not create the desired effect;
  • eyeshadow base is a cosmetic product that should be in your makeup bag. It “holds” the shadows, as a result of which they do not roll down or crumble. With such a base, any make-up will be long-lasting and even;
  • Compact powder shadows are perfect for classic daytime makeup; for evening makeup, cream shadows using a black pencil.

The video below is an example of simple but effective makeup for every day.

  1. Oily, creamy shadows are recommended for those with dry skin and those who wear contact lenses.
  2. If you have drooping eyelids: Apply eyeshadow only to open eyes. Otherwise, the makeup will hide behind the crease of the eyelid and get “lost.” A dark tone is applied to the outer corner.
  3. For narrow eyes. If dark shadows, then only on the outer corners of the eyes. Ideally, pearlescent shadows. When creating an outline, paint the outer edge thicker.
  4. For those with round eyes, matte shadows in smoky shades are suitable. Dark shadows visually make them narrower.
  5. For those with almond-shaped eyes, any type of makeup is suitable.
  6. For deep-set eyes, use matte shadows. Eyeliner is not recommended. Applying light shadows to the upper eyelid and its crease will help to visually widen your eyes.
  7. If you have wide-set eyes, your task is to visually reduce the distance between them. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, a shade darker in the middle of the eyelid, and the darkest color on the inner corner of the eye. Use a pencil.
  8. When eyes are close together, the outer part of the eyelid should be highlighted. Using dark shadows, lift the corners of your eyes towards the temples. Be sure to blend well.

Frequent practice will help you achieve success in makeup. Try different options, experiment. Only in this way will you learn how to apply makeup as well as makeup artists. And don’t discount the quality of cosmetics.

Eyeshadow, as, indeed, any other eye cosmetics are the most purchased among all makeup products. In general, correctly selected shadows can highlight the beauty of your eyes. The decorative cosmetics market is saturated with all sorts of options - cream, baked, crumbly, powder shadows. The color palette is so wide that it can satisfy the needs of the most spoiled consumer.

Trends in the development of the production of decorative shadows by famous world brands are directed towards the use of natural mineral components in their composition. But the use of natural ingredients leads to a slight increase in the price of the product. In essence, the composition of eye shadow is quite simple and if you want to create your own individual palette or have very sensitive or allergic eyelid skin, then you can easily create your own unique product and make the perfect makeup. It won't take you much time or money.

The basis for natural eye shadow is the substance sericite. It is a natural mineral that is widely used to make cosmetics. It, along with pigments for the product, can be purchased in specialized handmade stores.

Natural ingredients and necessary equipment

To make your own eye shadow you will need:

Step-by-step photo instructions on how to make eyeshadow

If you're looking for a personal touch, use our step-by-step tutorial to create your own natural eye shadow palette to enhance the beauty of your eyes.