How to discover a person's hidden abilities. How to develop magical abilities in yourself

Supernatural abilities can not only be inherited at birth, but also developed independently. Many psychics confirm this information with their own example. For everyone to understand whether they have it, they just need to try a few existing practices. According to existing information, every person has such a gift, it is just at different stages of development.

How to discover your superpowers?

To achieve results, you need to train regularly and intensely, performing different exercises. We suggest focusing on several proven options.

How to discover your superpowers and potential:

  1. Exercise for perceiving the aura. Sit on a chair and keep your back straight. Relax and get rid of all extraneous thoughts. Spread your arms out to the sides so that there is about 30 cm between your palms. Then slowly bring your hands together until they touch each other. Then separate them again and bring them together. Do several reps. After some time, a feeling of warmth and elasticity will arise between the palms.
  2. An exercise to develop the power of your gaze. To identify superpowers in yourself, you need to develop the power of your gaze, since it is a person’s eyes that allow you to learn a lot of information about him. Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 3 cm. Attach it to the wall at a distance of 90 cm from eye level. Look at the circle for a minute, and then move it 90 cm to the left and right, and repeat the process. Gradually, the fixation time should be increased to 5 minutes, which will allow you to influence others with your gaze. To subjugate a person, increase the fixation time to 15 minutes.
  3. Exercise for prophetic dreams. People with superpowers can predict the future through dreams. When going to bed you need to tune in to what you will see at night

How to develop clairvoyance? Does this require some special gift or innate ability? In fact, this is inherent in everyone! Unleash your potential!

Some amazing clairvoyant powers!

Clairvoyance¹ is a person’s extrasensory ability to see what is hidden from us, what is inaccessible in the normal range of perception; what we do not see, do not feel, do not hear.

  • Vision of the biofield.

All living beings and objects have their own energy field, an aura. It also consists of matter that is at a different vibration frequency: therefore the aura is invisible to ordinary vision. Psychics are able to see this subtle matter and determine the physiological and emotional state of a person from it.

They can see through the body and observe the functioning of internal organs; the aura itself, its colors and features, to see the character of a person, the causes of problems in his life.

Some people can develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they are able to read texts on sheets of paper hidden in envelopes, or observe objects in the next closed room.

  • Vision at a distance.

Clairvoyance also manifests itself in space: a psychic can see people, objects, places and incidents at a great distance.

One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the “astral tube”. It is like a telescope for which distance is not a hindrance. Thanks to the superpower of clairvoyance, a person creates a mental frame of a “pipe” through which he “clairvoys” the desired place in another place: within the city, the country and the entire planet.

Also, a superpower allows you to look through a “pipe” into the past or future events.

In order to create an “astral pipe” you need developed willpower, thoughts and clairvoyance itself.

Thus, the possibilities of this extrasensory ability are enormous:

  • see the past;
  • foresee the future;
  • discover secret knowledge and information hidden from you;
  • receive reliable information about events and people;
  • see other worlds;
  • see auras and high frequency energies.

Every person can develop clairvoyance, and now you have such an opportunity: on our website you can find many necessary techniques, and one of them is described below!

How to see the aura?

Exercise No. 1

It's actually simple. In order to develop clairvoyance and the ability to see the aura of objects and people, train in closely examining your eyelids and the outline of an object.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body and face.

2. Soon this will bring him into a meditative state of consciousness, and the person begins to look into the darkness before his eyes.

This is actually called a "" or "psychic monitor" through which you can receive psychic information!

3. The practitioner observes what appears on the inner screen. He will see various figures, perhaps in color; These may be well-known forms, or they may be completely fantastic!

You need to watch this for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. The main thing is to remain aware and not fall asleep!

After 9 days of such classes, you can move on to the next exercise, with which you can develop clairvoyance.

Exercise No. 2

You need to study in twilight.

1. The person also relaxes with the mindset of seeing the aura.

2. Now he begins to look intently, opening his eyes slightly: so that he can see both the internal screen and reality.

3. In semi-darkness, the practitioner concentrates on the outline of a small object that is nearby.

4. With regular practice he will begin to see subtle outlines surrounding the object.

At first it will look like a transparent border along the contour of the object; it will gradually expand and become clearer and take on a color.

You will be able to remember this state that occurs when examining the aura and easily reproduce it. Later you will begin to notice the energy shells of people, the colors of the aura and the characteristics of each person!

Using the search bar, you can find other articles and techniques on developing aura vision on our website.

“How to reveal your own abilities?” This question is often asked by people who are exposed to strange events: prophetic dreams, deja vu, good intuition. It is known that a person uses only four percent of his skills, and the rest, unfortunately, is in “sleep mode.” It turns out that most people live their lives without pleasure and joy, they do things they don’t like and put off their favorite activities for “later.”

After reading the instructions below, a person will be able to discover certain super abilities in himself, and if not immediately, then over time. It is important to catch in time the moment when there is a feeling of something more. Moments like these make it clear that life has meaning. A person strives to recognize this secret in himself and eventually opens up, begins to appreciate life and enjoy every day.

100% way to unleash your creative potential

Creative abilities are revealed in all those who seriously practice the Turbo-Suslik system, and often even superpowers. Why and how does this system unlock potential? The thing is that every person is endowed with abilities, but in the process of growing up people acquire so-called mental trash. Mental trash is:

  • negative emotions (fears, anxieties, jealousy, resentment, etc.)
  • complexes
  • limiting beliefs
  • dependencies, etc.

And all this leaves an imprint - a limitation of our capabilities and abilities. Turbo-Suslik eliminates the roots of problems, rather than masks them – and therefore eliminates them forever. But that's not all the beauty of the system. Also, the system uses the enormous computing power of the subconscious, which explains the high speed of eliminating problems and releasing creativity and inherent abilities. You can get the original copy of the book.

How to find your talent?

If you ask a person the question: “Who is “Talent” in the understanding?”, the answer is immediately pronounced: “Actor, singer, musician, artist.” But these are not always creative people! Each person has their own unique talents. Athletes, hairdressers, designers and even mechanics can have them! So how did they find and develop their super powers?

Childhood will help you understand and reveal your secret talents! First you need to remember the dreams that began in early childhood and continue to this day. You can keep a diary and take notes. After the dreams have been remembered and there is no blank page left in the diary, they begin to analyze it:

  1. Phrases and words that are related to the type of activity are underlined. From the category “What would you like to become in the future?”
  2. After reading slowly and with concentration, they remember whether such a situation occurred: in a movie, on TV, on the street, in a magazine or book. Perhaps certain actions gave rise to the idea that you want to do the same and be the same. The highlighted moments are recorded again.
  3. They remember their favorite activities, things that brought joy and pleasure. Write it down in your notebook again.

The results obtained are the treasures that were sought. Maybe now you will be able to find some creative abilities or sports talent in yourself.

How to unlock your abilities?

After analyzing the diary entries, they begin to work on their abilities. It is better to be led by a teacher or mentor who will help you take your first steps in developing super abilities and guide you on the right path. Like any other skill, talent must be developed. It requires work and time. Undoubtedly, many talented people are born, but not many express themselves and do not try to find their talent. A mentor or teacher will teach you many secrets of super skills.

Below is a small instruction on how you can discover your abilities.

1. For any task, use both hands with equal load. They learn to write, eat, brush their teeth, wipe and get something, and comb their hair with both hands. It will be especially difficult to operate a computer mouse with your left hand. This is necessary for both hemispheres of the brain to work. Thanks to such simple actions, they will be loaded equally. And also, when a person works, the work is carried out by one hemisphere, and if both are involved, then new connections will begin to appear in the brain.

2. The following actions will help to identify creative abilities and not only creative ones:

  • Play "Blind Man's Bluff": you blindfold your eyes with a thick scarf or handkerchief, and search for an item or object using sound signals.
  • Cover your ears. They spend some time in this state.
  • Further, you can artificially turn off one of the senses.

The brain is temporarily deprived of some sense organs and seeks new ways of orientation in space. Abilities are developing.

3. Chewing food for a long time will help sharpen your taste buds. They try to fully experience the taste of the product: chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and so on.

4. Get creative! Any kind that exists, in a word, a person tries to find himself with the help of: music, modeling, drawing, embroidery, sewing, scrapbooking, photography and so on.

5. They approach the development of super abilities with madness: they turn the world upside down. Existing principles and rules of life are reversed. They dream without boundaries and frames, and realize all their old dreams.

6. Materialistic view of the world: learn logic, study scientific methods of thinking, analyses, syntheses, solve puzzles, crosswords, puzzles.

7. Play sports. A strong and slender body will help you realize all your plans! A trained body quickly copes with stress and ailments. Sound, healthy sleep is important. When nothing hurts, and the body is full of strength, then spiritually a person is ready for achievements. This is necessary to develop another talent.

8. Develop a sense of humor. They try to look at the world through children's eyes.

9. Keep a diary and write down ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Thanks to this, some unrealistic plans are being realized.

10. Develop a sense of time and space. They look at the time, close their eyes and begin to count down the seconds, after a minute they open their eyes and look at the time. They try to calculate the period of time by feeling.

11. Never stop there! A person is capable of doing things that seem impossible at first glance.

With any development of the situation, the perception of the world changes completely, a person learns to develop not only creative abilities, but also sports ones. Acquires many skills, learns to think completely differently, and at the same time enjoy every day of life. If a person wants to realize himself as an individual in this world, add something new to his life, stop doing boring and monotonous activities, he should start developing his talent! To reach heights, you must first understand yourself, your emotions, your perception. This is the key to a successful career, success in your personal life and a great sense of humor. Having found yourself now, in old age you can say that your life was not lived in vain.

To remove all doubts.

Option for obtaining abilities

There are several options for obtaining abilities.

First way- this is to receive an inheritance from your mother on the energetic-physical level. Because the state of the mother’s energy structure and capabilities, which were at the time of conception, are completely 100% transferred to the child, and he possesses them from the first moments of life. All the abilities, habits, energy connections that the mother had will be in the child.

Second. You can discover your abilities yourself, increasing your energy level, level of awareness and moving from theory to practice. Develop your brain's capabilities. And skills in managing and working with energy.

Third. You can discover abilities in yourself by receiving a large set of negative shocks and the body will “throw off” all sorts of blocks and limitations of society and internal ones, and the person will almost immediately receive “average” abilities. But this option puts an incredible strain on the psyche.

This may include opening up opportunities after accidents. When the level of brain development increases to restore the human condition.

It will not work purposefully only when fate turns a person upside down a couple of times.

To Dar. This is when one person has acquired abilities during his life, and before death he is ready to transfer them to another. Then the person receives a large set of knowledge, experience, and opportunities. But here the Gift needs to be maintained in a clean state, and the chosen conditions for working with space must be maintained.

Which is not always easy. This can be any person and the Gift of working with both the low-frequency energy range and the high-frequency one.

By gender. This method is different from others, because different abilities are possible in the Family, or maybe not at all. But if a person has established a connection with the Family, then when requested and important to life, the abilities of the Family can be activated for him. This is a very good option, very deep, powerful and pure. Because Rod skills have been polished over the years.

A person can quickly grow to the level of a master. Abilities can be magical, monetary, communications, crafts.

Cruising range

Without understanding the development goals and needs, it will be very difficult for a person to discover abilities. I highly recommend choosing first why it is and only then developing it. A typical problem is when a person wants to get to know everything and then choose. But often receives minimal success on all fronts. There are no results, no sensations, no faith, and it’s all nonsense. A person needs to know what he wants to achieve, and then he can get a hint. Having a goal, a person will withstand any storms, and you will swim to the goal.

Many people mistakenly believe that you need to know where to swim from the cradle. For many, their path is visible only from the top of a smaller mountain. And until a person reaches it, he will not notice his higher path.

It’s stupid to sit and wait; you need to methodically sift through the options that life gives.

The magic word to open

No matter how much a person walks in circles and repeats, I want, I want, he will remain at the same level of ability. For discovery and development, you need to use another special word. This word is simple, but important, you need to say it once and repeat it every time for yourself, as soon as you want to stop, this is an action word.

It sounds very simple NECESSARY discover abilities and fulfill my mission, this is exactly why (enter my own) I need them. I'm ready). All doubts aside, I need this! Anyone who thinks differently is in the way, I decided, I need it, keep your opinions to yourself.

How to discover abilities yourself

The first point is energy level. This means that for a better result, a person must have energy and the more, the better. Lack of energy, the presence of negativity, self-blocking significantly limit abilities. Special training will help with energy.

The second point is the level of awareness. The higher the level of understanding and brain development, the better the brain processes information. And vice versa, the fewer resources he has to comprehend the energy and information received, the worse the results of his abilities. Read more about internal dialogue.

The third point is the level of acceptance. After a person has received the result, he also needs to use it correctly. Otherwise, abilities will disappear rather than strengthen. The point is inconspicuous, but it is precisely this that, in the beginning, significantly sets back beginners in developing their abilities.

It is important to move from the level of thinking about what and how to the level of practice.

Fast and Furious Ability Discovery

There is another option for discovering magical abilities - this is when a person’s vibration level is quickly raised and consciousness and acceptance keep pace with energy development.

Such an increase in vibrations is possible if a person spends a long time at high Angelic frequencies. Rafail Vakula can do this at master classes and during personal work.

Pitfalls of magical abilities

First The pitfall is the society around the person. A person needs to find someone who would support him, he could talk about his abilities and results. A person may not understand anything, but a beginner must speak out. Otherwise, all the power of potential from within will crush the person.

And it is also important that you cannot speak to non-believers, atheists, etc. Because they will “break” a person’s optimism, “pump out” the positive energy of the result and it will be several times more difficult for him to achieve the result again or from scratch.

Second paragraph. Journal of successful results. Sooner or later, a person will come across who will make the beginner doubt his abilities, and he himself may fade a little. A special journal will help solve this situation, where the successful results of certain actions and abilities will be described. The more colorfully it is described, the more it will help the beginner to gain momentum again and push through the loss of strength.

After 50 successful attempts, any doubts look funny and amusing. And they provide hundreds of tons of energy.

Third the point goes. Flirting. This is when, having received small results, the eyes become blurred, and a person begins to think that everything is a victory. And he begins to give erroneous advice left and right, and then society puts him down quite cruelly. It is best to first study energy cleansing, protection and have a friend who can do a simple 7 chakra diagnosis for a beginner. This will save the beginner from psychological stress and catching “glitches.”

Lack of safety equipment. This is knowledge that allows you to keep the flow of energy and information under control, and prevent the passage of negative energies.

Control techniques save a lot of time, energy, effort, you will appreciate it immediately after mastering it. Special safety techniques are used to develop each skill in training. Your personal safety comes first.

Magic Ability Overheads

These are the items that come with abilities, but people often overlook them.

1. Abilities are skills of the body, and not a thing that came from outside. Developing a skill requires energy and time. If a person does not use his abilities for a long time, they will fade away. If he does not exert more effort than the previous time, the power will not increase. The body turns off those functions that it does not use. Developing abilities requires energy. Because many people try something, but they don’t know how they work, and as a result, even with the right schemes and great efforts, there are no results. There was simply no energy during the training process. There was no matter that actually performs actions and influences the world.

2. Mindfulness. All training is performed under certain conditions. Without achieving such conditions, the result is impossible. It is forbidden to violate the schemes; they have the correct minimum, and if you violate it, you don’t have to continue. We are talking about controlling internal dialogue and exercises for brain development.

3. Scarcity and monotony lead to loss. Unconventionality, originality, and an innovative approach will save training, practices and sessions from negative results. We are unique, having a scheme, we adapt perceptions, training, exercises, our multifaceted inner World to our psyche.

Therefore, the plan for developing abilities in these two groups is slightly different.


Why do you need a teacher to teach your abilities and capabilities:

You don't know what you can achieve;
- You don’t recognize your mistakes;
- You don’t know how this can be achieved more easily;
- There is no check of actions, development, state of the Chakras;
- Little psychological support;
- When you fall, there is no one to pick you up;
- No, who can I get the skill setting from?
- You don’t know where to look in development;
- There is no one who can pump up energy;
- There is no one who can speed you up;
- Inability to get an answer “why it doesn’t work”;
- It’s easy to stop learning by finding an excuse.

It is to get results that you need quality training. Go to the section and choose a course to develop your abilities under the guidance of.

Many people want to be able to read minds, see the past and future, and communicate with the subtle world. Psychics and mediums fascinate with their talents. Is it possible to obtain the same gift? How to develop clairvoyance on your own? All people, without exception, are endowed with intuition. Some people have spiritual gifts from birth, while others need to make a lot of effort to discover their superpowers. There are proven techniques for developing clairvoyance.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to discover the abilities of Vanga or Messing? How to become a clairvoyant yourself? Superpowers come to a person in several ways:

  • innate gift;
  • as a result of severe stress, mental trauma;
  • through spiritual practices;
  • training techniques.

If a child has a gift, then already at the age of 5 - 7 years the child can see spirits and predict future events. Often such children are extremely sensitive, vulnerable, and self-absorbed. Unusual talents can also appear at a later age, after terrible events, trauma, death of loved ones, clinical death. The thing is that shock situations shake up the psyche and push the boundaries of perception. And if a person had “dormant” gifts, then under the blow of fate he can begin to see and hear the invisible.

The most powerful superpowers have always had saints, yogis, ascetics. These people voluntarily give up earthly pleasures, devoting all their time to spiritual development. Asceticism, sexual abstinence, fasting, serving people - all this makes a person more sensitive; the mind is calmer. Spiritual life helps a person to rise above passions and temptations. Siddhis or superpowers come to such people as a reward.

If there are no factors described above, but you still want to touch the paranormal, you will have to practice a lot. There are a huge number of exercises and techniques that quickly reveal your maximum potential; the so-called opening of the “third eye” occurs. Many clairvoyants and psychics offer their training skills. Many books have been written with step-by-step descriptions of techniques.

Types of gifts

Many people do not even suspect that they have a powerful power, considering prophetic dreams or recognizing other people’s thoughts to be an accident. This is how our supernatural powers manifest themselves. Superpowers are divided into the following types:

You can often find several abilities in one person at once. One of them, as a rule, will be more pronounced than the others.

How to learn

How can you independently develop magical abilities? Which techniques are the best? The first question that is best to ask yourself before starting training is: “What is this for?” Here the answer lies on the surface: extrasensory abilities help to open up new horizons and perspectives for the individual; mental strength increases, the ability to control reality appears, and the chance to help loved ones appears.

Special exercises help to independently awaken the talent of a psychic. To be successful, they should be performed regularly, in solitude, without distractions. Each lesson is aimed at strengthening the concentration of the mind and freeing oneself from unnecessary thoughts. It is important to have pure thoughts and intentions when engaging in practices. You need to get enough sleep, eat light plant foods, and get rid of stress. Some yoga asanas attune a person to the other world.

The first simple exercise to develop concentration is on a candle. You need to light a candle and look into the middle of the candle flame for a long time until your head is empty of thoughts and your eyes float. After this, you need to move your gaze to a pre-selected point behind the candle. Repeat this several times. If the technique is performed correctly, calm comes, and the colors of the candle flame become brighter.

The next workout can be done using photos of strangers. You can find them in your browser search engine or ask your friends to bring them. Having calmed down, you need to peer at the photo and record the thoughts and images that come to you. Having written down the information received, it can be compared with real facts. Thus, you can learn to easily understand the destinies of people.

Hidden gifts can be awakened and strengthened using the envelope method. It would be a good idea to get help from a loved one. Let him put sheets of paper depicting different geometric shapes in different colors into thick envelopes. When concentrating on the envelope, mental images, colors, and objects similar to hidden figures will appear.

Buddhists and yogis use special mantras to develop supernatural gifts. You need to recite them in a state of meditation at least 108 times. It’s good to connect stretch marks and breathing systems.

To become clairvoyant and easily see the energy body of others, stereo animations are used. There are a great many of them on the Internet. You need to watch them in complete relaxation, close to a trance. They help develop the “third eye”.

The famous energy therapist V. Bronnikov developed the practice of developing clairvoyance. It's called a white screen. At the initial stage, the student learns to manage emotions and thoughts and achieve complete relaxation. In this state, close to sleep, you need to maintain the concentration of internal attention on the area between the eyes. Imagine a pure white screen inside your head. In the future, pictures of answers, aura colors, and the future will easily appear on it. The development and training of clairvoyance practice well clears the mind and enhances the spirituality of the individual.

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