A fairy tale about how Masha learned to distinguish good people from bad ones and what came of it. The fairy tale "magic crystals" The fairy tale "Masha and the magic crystal"

In memory of the remarkable Russian artist Nikolai Alexandrovich Zarubin, who untimely passed away from us at the age of 50…

White noise…
In this noise of departed friends voices.
Wait half an hour!
I didn't have time to say anything!
About you…
About you…
About you alone...
Our Earth has not always existed. For a very long time, not only we and our parents were NOT, but the Earth, too.
Although, every self-respecting child does not understand: how it was not me, here I am - I am!
And yet. In those old - old times, a completely different Planet floated across the boundless expanses of the Young Universe.
And it was so huge that not just people lived on it, but Giants. But these were not at all such Giants as in our usual fairy tales. To say that they were kind and beautiful would be an understatement! They were beautiful, like Gods, and kind, like Perfect Kindness itself!
Just imagine the most ordinary giant family. Five persons. Mother-in-law, father, mother and two sons.
In our ordinary family, it’s like: a mother-in-law with a son-in-law “on knives”, naughty children, an angry and tired mother, and the head of the family drinks (and not only on holidays) ... Of course, not everyone is like that. But - a lot.
And in an ordinary giant family, the House was the Sacred Temple of Love. You can't swear in church, right? So they didn't fight!
Not only that, everyone in this family was usually so talented that…
There was simply nowhere to hang pictures. Books lay everywhere, cats sat on them, and it took at least three days to find a book. And in order to persuade a neighbor to listen to the music that he had just composed, the self-respecting Giant had to read in return ten poems in a row composed by the mistress of the house! Well, yes, they also wrote poetry! And they sang songs to these verses with beautiful giant voices!
And in this family, about which I am telling you, it was also like that. Grandmother painted wonderful still lifes. In her paintings, as if alive, huge Sunflowers shone, reddened by Poppies, lilac lilac ... It is impossible to tear yourself away! I imagine all this splendor, and immediately the New Fairy Tale begins to compose itself!
No, that's not possible! Remind me somewhere in October, so be it, I'll tell you Grandma's Big Tale ...
Mom in this extraordinary family was considered Our Girl, and no serious housework was entrusted to her.
Yes, if they had trusted ... Mom had VERY no time: she also painted pictures, poems and sang more. You ask how she managed to give birth to two sons with such employment? I don't understand myself. Probably, in giant families, children were still found in cabbage. However, my mother felt the same way. No wonder one of her magnificent paintings was called: "They found me in cabbage."
Look later, it’s probably on the Internet ... But what, again, you didn’t guess that today I’m not telling you any fairy tale?
Everything was so.
Now about sons. The youngest of them was a musician. Very good. Although in appearance he looked more like a pirate than a musician. But looks are often deceiving. You know this without me! And he also knew how to do all sorts of useful things. A very rare skill, I must say, both then and now - even more so.
And the older brother was an artist and philosopher. And also a storyteller.
He taught me to tell stories. Even though he was younger...
But the most talented in this wonderful giant family was Papa. It's even breathtaking, as you can imagine how many magical paintings he created! There are no words in our language that could describe these pictures! The very creation of the world was captured almost every second! Time flowed in his paintings, waterfalls of shades shimmered into all sorts of streamlined bizarre forms ... And everything on these wonderful canvases was alive, even trees, clouds, water, earth and fire ... And the air was alive too.
And the most interesting thing is that other Giants - both artists and not very much, loved this Giant at all and not for the paintings. He was a VERY kind guy. Everyone immediately guessed about it by his beautiful shining eyes and ... - that's right - they began to use it! Human nature here is not much different from the giant! If a person so willingly and happily responds to every movement of your suffering soul, then for some reason it is tempting to do some petty dirty trick to him in response. To not be recognized. And generally speaking.
The giant dad was very worried about this wire. Already other such Good Giants said and said to him: do not let so many people close to your Soul! And all to no avail!
And, instead of looking again for the basis of universal harmony in the era of the collapse of times (If you didn’t understand anything, don’t worry. Few people understand this at all!) Our Good Giant rushed to help. Take the cat out of the tree. Or a huge picture to transport to the other end of the city.
And it so happened that ... Well, why is it that in fairy tales and in life the worst always happens! I don't even want to talk. But once you start...
Another Giant (also a good artist) needed Magic Crystals to complete another Good Painting. It took three days and three nights to follow them. And be sure to walk. Otherwise, the Crystals ceased to be Magic. And, of course, our Good Philosopher-Giant went for these crystals. He had just three free days. Why didn't the Good Artist himself go? I don't know. Looks like he was busy.
Crystals, if properly crushed and added to paint, gave any picture an additional charm, truthfulness and something else. The Good Giant himself NEVER used these crystals, and without that, his colors were the most, most magical in the entire Universe.
But for a friend, he still brought these crystals. And he fell and ... did not rise again. The heart failed.
…Today I am telling a VERY truthful one. Fairy tale. And therefore I simply CANNOT calm you down and write that, for example, some Fairy came and revived our Giant. Maybe someone in that World was saved in this way, but ...
The good Giant is gone forever.
His beautiful family was orphaned. But there were pictures And - memory.
What happens to the paintings of the Real Artist when he leaves us is not exactly known. Some believe that part of the artist's soul forever remains on Earth in the form of White Noise. He hovers somewhere near his paintings, and sometimes he suggests something useful to the kindest and most sensitive people ... So, when you come to an exhibition, do you notice anything? Sometimes it seems that this picture is written as if about you and for you alone. And I really don't want to leave...
I recently heard that death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. Probably so. And the fact that today we have so warmly remembered our Good Giant is very good. Both for him and for us.
... Every year, in February, on the birthday of the Good Giant, I go outside - in a blizzard or in a snowy fog.
And there, in the fresh air, among the Universal White Noise,
I hear the Giant's voice. He reads his only poem:
Soft snow fell
On sharp roofs...

THE TALE "THE MAGIC CRYSTAL" In a distant country there lived a boy, and he had a mother, but they did not have a father. The boy was five or six years old and he went to kindergarten, like most children of his age. The boy was the smallest in the group and the most shy, so the rest of the children often offended the boy and laughed at him: either they would take away the toys, or call them names. The poor boy came home and wanted to complain to his mother about how his children offend, but suddenly he heard his mother talking on the phone with her friend and crying. And my mother said how everyone at work does not like her, how her boss mocks her, insults her, and all her colleagues laugh. And the boy felt sorry for his mother, and he did not tell her how his children offended him in the kindergarten, but decided to help himself and his mother himself: to find a way to make everything change so that people become kind, and no one else did not offend anyone and did not ridicule. And so great was the boy's desire to make all people good that the angels decided to help him. They appeared to him in a dream and taught the boy a magical way to change people and the whole world. 1While the boy was sleeping, the angels inserted a magic crystal of love into his heart and told that if someone suddenly offends him or others, makes fun of someone, just turn on your magic crystal of love and imagine how it flashes with snow-white light , fills the whole body with warm and gentle energy of love, and then release a powerful beam of love energy from the chest, directing it to that person or several people who are behaving badly, and they will literally change their behavior before our eyes. In the morning the boy, inspired by the story of the angels, boldly went to the kindergarten to test this miraculous remedy that the angels had given him. Arriving in the garden, he saw how one of the boys offends the girl. He immediately sent a ray of love from his heart to the boy, filled him to the brim with snow-white warm and pleasant energy of love, and after a few minutes the boy stopped playing around and offending the girl. 2 The boy's delight knew no bounds. All day long he trained and filled himself and others with the energy of love in the most difficult offensive and unfair situations, and as if by magic, all the most difficult situations changed and simply dissolved in love. When his mother took the boy home, he told her about his wonderful way to change the world. Of course, at first, the mother did not believe her son and thought that this was a child's game and the kids did not understand anything about the problems of adults. In the morning, when my mother came to work, her boss immediately called her and began to scold her unfairly. She was so offended that she had no strength to endure, and in despair she remembered the words of her son and decided to try the magic remedy. She asked the angels to turn on the crystal of love in her heart. The crystal immediately ignited, filled the mother with a beautiful magical all-conquering and all-reconciling energy of love, and a powerful beam escaped from her heart right into the heart of her boss. A minute later he was filled with light and love, fell silent and stopped scolding and unfairly offending the boy's mother. Mom began to use this method every day, and one fine day her boss proposed to her to marry him, and she agreed. The boy also liked him very much, and they lived happily ever after and told everyone about this wonderful tool to change the world for the better. Every day there were more and more happy people living in love, and over time, all wars stopped, people stopped offending each other, and love reigned on Earth ... Crystal of love Even one small person can change the world for the better!

In a distant country there lived a boy, and he had a mother, but they did not have a father. The boy was five or six years old and he went to kindergarten, like most children of his age. The boy was the smallest in the group and the most shy, so the rest of the children often offended the boy and laughed at him: either they would take away the toys, or call them names.

The poor boy came home and wanted to complain to his mother about how his children offend, but suddenly he heard his mother talking on the phone with her friend and crying. And my mother said how everyone at work does not like her, how her boss mocks her, insults her, and all her colleagues laugh. And the boy felt sorry for his mother, and he did not tell her how his children offended him in the kindergarten, but decided to help himself and his mother himself: to find a way to make everything change so that people become kind, and no one else did not offend anyone and did not ridicule. And so great was the boy's desire to make all people good that the angels decided to help him. They appeared to him in a dream and taught the boy a magical way to change people and the whole world.

While the boy was sleeping, the angels inserted a magic crystal of love into his heart and told him that if someone suddenly offends him or others, makes fun of someone, just turn on your magic crystal of love and imagine how it flashes with snow-white light , fills the whole body with warm and gentle energy of love, and then release a powerful beam of love energy from the chest, directing it to that person or several people who are behaving badly, and they will literally change their behavior before our eyes.

In the morning the boy, inspired by the story of the angels, boldly went to the kindergarten to test this miraculous remedy that the angels had given him. Arriving in the garden, he saw how one of the boys offends the girl. He immediately sent a ray of love from his heart to the boy, filled him to the brim with snow-white warm and pleasant energy of love, and after a few minutes the boy stopped playing around and offending the girl.

The boy's delight knew no bounds. All day long he trained and filled himself and others with the energy of love in the most difficult offensive and unfair situations, and as if by magic, all the most difficult situations changed and simply dissolved in love. When his mother took the boy home, he told her about his wonderful way to change the world. Of course, at first, the mother did not believe her son and thought that this was a child's game and the kids did not understand anything about the problems of adults.

In the morning, when my mother came to work, her boss immediately called her and began to scold her unfairly. She was so offended that she had no strength to endure, and in despair she remembered the words of her son and decided to try the magic remedy. She asked the angels to turn on the crystal of love in her heart. The crystal immediately ignited, filled the mother with a beautiful magical all-conquering and all-reconciling energy of love, and a powerful beam escaped from her heart right into the heart of her boss. A minute later he was filled with light and love, fell silent and stopped scolding and unfairly offending the boy's mother.

Mom began to use this method every day, and one fine day her boss proposed to her to marry him, and she agreed. The boy also liked him very much, and they lived happily ever after and told everyone about this wonderful tool to change the world for the better. Every day there were more and more happy people living in love, and over time, all wars stopped, people stopped offending each other, and love reigned on Earth ...

love crystal

Even one small person can change the world for the better!

My name is Kiryanova Ksenia, I am 13 years old. I live in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region. I study at secondary school No. 56 in the 8A class.

I have been attending music school for 3 years now. I play the piano. In my free time, I read fiction, write stories and fairy tales.

I would like to present one of my fairy tales to your attention.

Fairy tale "Masha and the magic crystal"

There lived a girl. Her name was Masha. Once Masha went into the forest, looking, an old, elderly grandmother was walking towards her. The girl, of course, was frightened, but she still went to meet this grandmother.

Masha was very afraid because this grandmother was terribly scary. Her hair was tousled, her face was full of warts, and her ears were protruding, like those of Cheburashka. In fact, she looked terrible. Masha tried to stay away from her, but the grandmother came closer and closer.

Finally, they caught up with Masha, and the grandmother asked: “Girl, what are you doing in the forest alone?”. And the girl says: "I'm lost and I can't find my way back." And the grandmother replies: “I will help you. I will give you a magic crystal, it will help you remember the way home. You go ahead and look at the crystal more often. If it turns red, then you are on the wrong path, and if it turns blue, you are on the right track. But remember, do not put the crystal in your pocket, because it is slippery and can fall out of it. Understood?" - asked the grandmother. "It's clear!" - answered Masha.

And she went. Masha walks, walks, looks, a beautiful, singing doll lies on the ground ahead. Masha liked her immediately. The girl wanted to take this doll, and she decided to put the crystal in her pocket, but she remembered what her grandmother had told her. Then Masha thought: “What can happen? I'll put it down for a while." She took the doll and put the crystal in her pocket. But as she leaned over, the crystal fell out and rolled into the bushes. And Masha goes, plays with a doll and did not even notice that the crystal fell out.

Masha has reached three roads and does not know where to go next. I remembered about the crystal, put my hand in my pocket, but there was no crystal. The girl began to cry. But then she thought: I will choose the brightest path and went along the first path.

He goes further, sees a large lake, no boats, no logs. Masha began to think about how to get to the other side. I thought, thought, sees my grandmother sitting on a stump, which gave her a crystal. The girl approached her and asked: “Grandma, don’t you know how to cross to the other side?”, And the grandmother says: “The crystal will show you the way.”

Masha replies: “Yes, I lost the crystal,” and grandmother says: “Now I will try to drink the lake, and as soon as I drink it, you run. As soon as you reach the middle, you will throw this stick into the hole, and it will turn into a boat. You sit in it and shout to me that you are ready. I will throw out the water, and the wave will carry you to the other shore.

Masha took the stick, and the grandmother drank the water. The girl ran and threw a stick on the ground, it turned into a boat. Masha got into the boat and shouted to her grandmother that she was ready. The old woman puffed out her cheeks, then how burst! Water filled the lake, and Masha was carried to the other side to mom and dad. The girl was very glad that she returned home. And the doll remained in her memory. Here the fairy tale ends.

The work was sent by Tkachenko Svetlana Gennadievna,
teacher of literature, secondary school No. 56, Novokuznetsk

In a distant country there lived a boy, and he had a mother, but they did not have a father. The boy was five or six years old and he went to kindergarten, like most children of his age. The boy was the smallest in the group and the most shy, so the rest of the children often offended the boy and laughed at him: either they would take away the toys, or call them names.

The poor boy came home and wanted to complain to his mother about how his children offend, but suddenly he heard his mother talking on the phone with her friend and crying. And my mother said how everyone at work does not like her, how her boss mocks her, insults her, and all her colleagues laugh. And the boy felt sorry for his mother, and he did not tell her how his children offended him in the kindergarten, but decided to help himself and his mother himself: to find a way to make everything change so that people become kind, and no one else did not offend anyone and did not ridicule. And so great was the boy's desire to make all people good that the angels decided to help him. They appeared to him in a dream and taught the boy a magical way to change people and the whole world.

1While the boy was sleeping, the angels inserted a magic crystal of love into his heart and told that if someone suddenly offends him or others, makes fun of someone, just turn on your magic crystal of love and imagine how it flashes with snow-white light , fills the whole body with warm and gentle energy of love, and then release a powerful beam of love energy from the chest, directing it to that person or several people who are behaving badly, and they will literally change their behavior before our eyes.

In the morning the boy, inspired by the story of the angels, boldly went to the kindergarten to test this miraculous remedy that the angels had given him. Arriving in the garden, he saw how one of the boys offends the girl. He immediately sent a ray of love from his heart to the boy, filled him to the brim with snow-white warm and pleasant energy of love, and after a few minutes the boy stopped playing around and offending the girl.

2 The boy's delight knew no bounds. All day long he trained and filled himself and others with the energy of love in the most difficult offensive and unfair situations, and as if by magic, all the most difficult situations changed and simply dissolved in love. When his mother took the boy home, he told her about his wonderful way to change the world. Of course, at first, the mother did not believe her son and thought that this was a child's game and the kids did not understand anything about the problems of adults.

In the morning, when my mother came to work, her boss immediately called her and began to scold her unfairly. She was so offended that she had no strength to endure, and in despair she remembered the words of her son and decided to try the magic remedy. She asked the angels to turn on the crystal of love in her heart. The crystal immediately ignited, filled the mother with a beautiful magical all-conquering and all-reconciling energy of love, and a powerful beam escaped from her heart right into the heart of her boss. A minute later he was filled with light and love, fell silent and stopped scolding and unfairly offending the boy's mother.

Mom began to use this method every day, and one fine day her boss proposed to her to marry him, and she agreed. The boy also liked him very much, and they lived happily ever after and told everyone about this wonderful tool to change the world for the better. Every day there were more and more happy people living in love, and over time, all wars stopped, people stopped offending each other, and love reigned on Earth ...

love crystal

Even one small person can change the world for the better!

With love, Daniel