Scenario matinee for the new year for kids. New Year's scenarios for children of primary preschool age

1st buffoon.
2nd buffoon.
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.

1st buffoon.
Again, the feast of the Christmas tree and winter came to us today.
We have been looking forward to this New Year's holiday.
2nd buffoon.
The past year is leaving, and hasty time does not wait.
The last calendar leaf was torn off,
The New Year is upon us!
1st buffoon.
A frequent forest, a blizzard field, a winter holiday is coming to us.
So let's say together:
Hello, hello New Year!
Sneaking, looking for something, the Snowman enters. When he saw the tree, he froze in amazement.
Snowman (happily).
Herringbone! My Christmas tree! Oh hello guys! I have been looking for her for a long time.
The footprints of the guys led me here. And why did they need her? And how dressed up!
The host enters the hall:
Hello our dear guests! I thought that it was Grandfather Frost who came to our holiday, it turns out the Snowman came to visit us. Hello Snowman!
Snowman (displeased).
And I don't visit at all. I came from the forest, looking for my Christmas tree. So I found it (strictly). Why did you take my tree away?
Snowman, don't you know that we have a holiday today?
What other holiday is this?
New Year. One of the most favorite holidays for children and adults. In each house, everyone is preparing for his arrival, dressing up the Christmas tree, lighting fires on it, decorating it with various toys.
Aha! What does it get? They cut down a Christmas tree in the forest without permission, and you are going to have fun. But I'm not having fun.
I could not save the Christmas tree in the forest! What will I tell Grandma Zima now? It was she who appointed me as a watchman in the forest and ordered me to vigilantly protect the trees from cutting down, sprinkle them with soft snow, shelter them from the cold wind, make sure that all the animals were warm and not hungry in winter.
There was a noise in the corridor, alarmed animals enter the hall: Wolf, Fox,
Bear, Bunny. Seeing the Christmas tree, they stand around it, ready to take it away at any moment.
Dear guests, what are you going to do with our Christmas tree? Take away?
Animals (together).
This is not yours, but our Christmas tree!
Why did you cut down the Christmas tree, near which the hares always hid from the bitter cold?
Who gave you permission to take it away?
Forest dwellers are very sad without a Christmas tree.
Even I, the bear, woke up when I heard about the loss.
Oh, Snowman, and if other guys also want to cut down their own Christmas tree for the New Year holiday, then what will happen to the forest?
Then the forest will become, as it were, bare, ugly, uncomfortable not only in winter, but also in spring, summer, autumn. It might even die.
Where will we live then?
Host (referring to the Snowman and the animals).
Excuse us, we didn't think about it. But after all, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with a smart Christmas tree, and we brought it from the forest. Please let the Christmas tree stay here this year as well. We are asking you very much. Look how many guests we have today. Everyone is looking forward to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Everyone wants to have fun near the Christmas tree.
OK then! Let this year our Christmas tree remain with the guys at the holiday.
Guys, did you say hello to our Christmas tree?
Now the guys will read us poems with which we will greet our Christmas tree.

What a beautiful Christmas tree.
Look how she dressed up.
Christmas tree dress in green silk.
Bright beads burn on the chest.
The tree is always green
She brings joy to everyone.
Every New Year's Eve
She is visiting us.
Christmas tree green, covered with snow,
Resinous, spiny, prickly, odorous

And now, guys, let's all say together:
Hello tree!
The lights are on on the tree.
This Christmas tree greets you with its lights.
Well, now it's time to start our holiday.
We celebrate New Year's bright holiday every year.
Who wants to have fun, become a round dance!
The guys get up in a round dance and sing the song LV "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Oh guys, what fun you have here!
Well done! You are good at dancing.
Guys, do you like to solve riddles?
Be very careful:
Although I am not snow, but I am melting, not a bird, but I am flying.
He lay, lay, and in the spring he ran into the river.
And now I'm guessing:
It grows upside down
grows not in summer, but in winter.
But only the sun will bake
she will cry and die.
Transparent as glass, but you can't put it in a window.
Well done, you are! All riddles are correct.
There is a knock on the door. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear on the threshold.
Snow Maiden.
Oh so many kids
Both girls and boys!
Father Frost.
I wish you success, health and strength!
Very, guys, I was in a hurry here.
I almost fell into a ravine on the way,
But it looks like he showed up just in time.
I visited you a year ago, I am very glad to see everyone.
May this New Year bring a lot of happiness!
Snow Maiden.
Last year we were with you, we did not forget anyone.
round dances
We walk, we walk. We welcome the New Year. (2 times)
(We walk around the Christmas tree with a simple step).
We start dancing and invite each other. (2 times)
(Jumping in place with clapping hands).
Tra-lala (2 times), let's start all over again. (2 times)
(Holding hands, the figures are spinning).
White snow is white, lay a path for us to play, celebrate the New Year (2 times).
The Christmas tree is all in needles, we will stand in a circle near the Christmas tree, we will have a look, and again we are ready to sing (2 times).
Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, let's now check what smart guys have gathered here, let's ask riddles for them.
Father Frost.
Well, come on, granddaughter, guess:
Troika, troika arrived, the horses in that troika are white,
And in the sleigh sits the queen, white-haired, white-faced.
As she waved her sleeve, everything was covered with silver.
Snow Maiden.
Invisible, carefully, he comes to me.
And he draws like an artist, he designs on the window.
They also make riddles, dance in circles, and then the children read poems to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and receive gifts from them.

Scenario New Year's party for kids

Children! We have news!
I'll tell you about it now.
Oaks, birches sleep in the snow,
The blizzard covered the stitches,
And from Santa Claus
The telegram came to us:
“I will be very glad to have children,
Come, have a good time!"
We don't have a car!
- What to do? How can we be?
At least get a sled!
- Look - here's the sleigh!
Santa Claus sent them to us.
Rush with the wind yourself
These sleds in the snow!
We are already in the wilderness:
Quietly, not a soul ...
Here with a transparent wall
Frost's house is icy!
Snow Maiden:
I hung out the toys
And nuts and crackers
She lit the fires herself -
The tree has become cheerful!
Soon the guests will knock:
Squirrels from the forest will rush
And funny animals
Bear cubs and rabbits.
I'll hang a ballerina here
And here is a funny pig.
All! There are no more toys.
So where did my grandfather go?
(Santa Claus song is heard)
Who sings in the forest in winter?
Santa Claus is coming home!
I hide behind the tree
Grandpa won't find me.
Father Frost:
The house is clean, tidy,
Who worked, - it is not clear!
Who decorated the tree like that
Did you please me, Frost?
Snow Maiden:
Ku-ku! It's me!
Father Frost:
Ah, my Snow Maiden!
Well done! Thank you granddaughter!
I know you're not white
Got the house in order
Even lit the Christmas tree!
Christmas tree - just a feast for the eyes,
Surprisingly good!
How many apples and sweets
And nuts for the guests!
Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, will someone come
Celebrate the New Year with us?
Father Frost:
I invited the cubs
Nimble squirrels and rabbits,
And also - you won't guess! -
I invited to us ... guys!
Snow Maiden:
I am so glad! What about Snowflakes?
Father Frost:
And the snowflakes are coming!
"Chu!" They call ... I'll go soon,
Guests are freezing at the door!
Who are you, dear animals?
We are agile bunnies!
Father Frost:
Granddaughter! Lead the guests to the house
Have a seat near the Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden:
Come, guests, into the house,
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
- That's the Christmas tree - beauty!
- Eyes open!
Father Frost:
Do you hear? They call us again!
I'll run to meet the guests!
Who are you, glorious beasts?
Bear cubs:
We are bear cubs!
Father Frost:
Granddaughter! Lead the guests to the house
Have a seat near the Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden:
Come, guests, into the house,
We have been waiting for you for a long time.
Bear cubs:
- That's the Christmas tree - beauty!
- Eyes open!
Father Frost:
Something for a long time no guys
And snowflakes don't fly
And Petrushka didn't show up...
Have you got lost?
(Hares run out to the performance
Jumping and spinning in pairs to the song)
The bunnies went out for a walk
Stretch your paws.
Jump - jump, jump and jump,
Stretch your paws.
Oh-oh-oh, how cold
You can freeze your nose!
Jump - jump, jump and jump,
You can freeze your nose!
(Rubbing noses for themselves and their partner :-)
Sad bunnies are sitting -
Bunny ears are cold.
Jump - jump, jump and jump,
Bunny ears are cold.
(Rubbing ears alternately)
Bunnies began to dance
Warm up your paws
Jump - jump, jump and jump,
Dancing near the Christmas tree.
(At the end of the dance, the Fox appears. The hares fall to the floor with fear.)
Fox to one of the hares:
You are not a brave man, but a coward!
Crazy, braggart!
Father Frost:
Don't hate rabbits!
Do not scare! Don't threaten!
And for everything out of chagrin
Ask them for forgiveness!
I ask you not to be angry
Let's have more fun.
(The fox and the hares dance the polka:
The fox grabs one hare by the "paws".
The hare jumps frightened along with the Fox.
The rest of the hares jump first in a circle,
then they all crouch lower and run away.
Disgruntled Lisa leaves.)
Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, would come up with a game -
Entertain the kids!
Father Frost:
There are not enough games in the world
Do you want to play, kids?
(Holds some New Year's game with the audience)
(After the game, he approaches the cubs)
Bears, there is a game for you:
It's time for you to loosen up
Swing on the swing!
(To the children, slyly)
If they succeed!
(The cubs bring a log and a board,
make a swing and start swinging, but everyone
time is falling.)
Father Frost:
My magic staff
Snow Maiden, take:
Collect snowflakes under the tree in a circle.
Snow Maiden:
Flock, Snowflakes, hurry into a round dance!
Flock, girlfriends, - the Snow Maiden is calling.
Snowflakes (singing):
There is silence in the forest
Young snow glitters.
It's good to dance in a crowd
On a frosty blue day!
We fly, we fly, we fly
Above the birch, above the pine.
Like ice floes we ring
In the silence of the forest.
Like fluff we are light,
We are swayed by the winds
White flock we fly
We want to lay down on the ground.
Father Frost:
I invite all guests
Dear my friends:
Let's all become a round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with a dance!
(They lead a round dance)
Father Frost:
I made the guys happy
And he had fun!
Holidays, I hope
Did the guys like it?
We really liked the dances and songs!
And the stars that shine brightly on the Christmas tree!
Father Frost:
Before we say goodbye
I must, children, confess to you:
I have a surprise for you!
Where - find out now,
Turn around: one - two - three! -
Take every surprise!
(Children turn around and see gifts)
It's a pity, friends: we must say goodbye!
It's time for everyone to go home.
Good luck to you guys!
Snow Maiden:
Goodbye, kids!
Hurry up and get on the sled
You need to hurry!
Rush with the wind yourself
These sleds in the snow.
Goodbye, Santa Claus!
Goodbye, tree!
We are a happy new year
Let's not forget for a long time!

This New Year's script for kindergarten or elementary school plays off the upcoming year of the Dog. But the scenario of the New Year's party can be changed - adapt it for a home holiday or change characters. After all, the main thing in the scenario for the New Year is a fun intrigue and a lot of New Year's songs and games, and in this scenario of the holiday there are even plenty of them!

The Magic Boiler, or New Year's Adventures of the Dog Toshka


Doggy Toshka
Cockerel Stepan
Swamp swell
Lokhudra forest
Father Frost
Snow Maiden

Children stand in a round dance. There are lights on the tree. Solemn music sounds, voice-over.

GZK: Attention! Attention!
Is brought to the attention
Everyone who came early
And those who are late
What's in a few minutes
(Minutes go by fast)
We start the show
Surprise to all viewers!
Hurry to us, hurry everyone
For the New Year's holiday!
We will start the show
For you, friends, today.
Let's tell the truth, as it is
Or how it should happen.
Hurry everyone - there is a possibility
You will find yourself in a fairy tale!

The song "In the New Year's Forest" sounds (lyrics by E. Shklovsky, music by A. Varlamov, performed by the show group "Smile")

New Year's stars hung on a cheerful Christmas tree,
And the bear is cheerful today, and the wolves are dancing.
Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,
He treats with lollipops, creamy ice cream.
Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people
Meet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

The cockerel Stepan and the dog Toshka run out onto the stage.

Stepan: A clean forest, a blizzard field,
The winter holiday is upon us!

Toshka: So let's say together:
Hello, hello New Year!

Toshka: Boys and girls, let me introduce myself: I'm a dog Toshka, I came to visit you for a whole year.

Cockerel: And I'm a cockerel Stepan, I've been living with Grandfather Frost for twelve months now.

Toshka: Stepan, can I say hello to the guys the way only dogs can do it?

Stepan: Of course, Toshka!

Toshka: Then, guys, prepared spouts. Twist your tails! And now they turned to each other and rubbed their noses with their neighbors, twirled their tails and barked loudly, joyfully. Go!

Cheerful music sounds. Toshka runs around the hall and thus greets the guys.

Toshka: Great, so we said hello like real dogs! Guys, are you ready for the New Year? (Children answer.). But I’ll check this now, see how friendly and attentive you are. We repeat the movements after me!

The game "Clap-stomp" - Toshka and Stepan show movements to rhythmic music, and the guys repeat.

One, two, clap, clap!
Three, four, stomp, stomp!
One, two, smile!
Three, four, pull up!
jumped high,
Legs kicked,
Shouted "Hi!" each other,
Everyone turned around.
Right, left leaning
And they bowed to each other.
And now the knees together -
We start running in place.
Run fast, run fast.
All finished. Tired?

Stepan: Well done guys, and now let's sing one New Year's song with us. Sing together, and then you will find out who will come to us for the holiday!

The song "New Year is Coming!" sing in roles.

The New Year is coming!
You can hear the snow falling.
Someone walks at the gate
He has a big bag.
Maybe it's Barmaley? (The guys and Stepan answer "No, no, no!")
Maybe Koschey is wandering around here? ("No no no!")
Maybe Cinderella has arrived? ("No no no!")
Did Yaga come to us? ("No no no!")
(Father Frost.)

The New Year is coming!
Who comes to us with a staff,
He sings about the Christmas tree
Everyone at home is waiting for him.
Maybe it's a crocodile? ("No no no!")
Maybe it's Moidodyr? ("No no no!")
Harry Potter has arrived? ("No no no!")
Serpent Gorynych flew in? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

The New Year is coming!
So the old year is over.
Who will come to the holiday to us
And bring gifts?
Maybe it's Aibolit? ("No no no!")
Pinocchio is in a hurry to us? ("No no no!")
Maybe just a freshman? ("No no no!")
So this is Cheburashka? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

Stepan: That's right, Santa Claus. Let's all call him together for a holiday. (The name is Santa Claus.)

The radio jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Magpie Voice: Attention, attention, says DJ Soroka-Beloboka. I greet you on the waves of radio "Soroka Plus". Urgent message: a truck with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden got stuck somewhere on the Nizhnekamsk highway, help is needed! Help, help! Toshka and Stepan, help!

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Toshka: Guys, we urgently need to run, help Santa Claus, something happened to him.

Stepan: Don't be bored, we're fast!

They run away. Two forest girls take the stage to modern music.

Swell: I told you, listen to me Lokhudra, me, clever, me, capable.

Lokhudra: It's a great idea you came up with - to put a board with nails on the road. Now, until Santa Claus gets here, we'll do the whole thing here!

Swell: Quiet, look how many spies. (Points to the guys.) Well, hello, guys - girls and boys. Let's get to know each other, swamp swell and forest Lokhudra are your guests!

Lokhudra: Well, why are you silent, didn’t they teach you how to say hello? And let's say hello, in my opinion, in a lokhudrovsky way. So, get ready:

The game "Smile to the neighbor on the right": Lokhudra shows, the children are reluctant to repeat.

Smile at the neighbor on the right.
Smile at the neighbor on the left.
Pinch the neighbor on the right.
Pinch the neighbor on the left.
Scold the neighbor on the right.
Scold the neighbor on the left.
Slightly kick the neighbor on the right.
Slightly kick the neighbor on the left.
Bite the neighbor on the right...

Swell: (interrupts). Everything, everything, that's enough. That said hello, now it's time to act.

Lokhudra: But how to act?

Swell: We need to come up with something so that the New Year does not exist at all.

Lokhudra: Listen, forest swell, does Santa Claus have a false jaw?

Swell: I don't know what?

Lokhudra: And the fact that if we slam this false jaw, well, steal it, then Santa Claus will not be able to speak at all. He will come to congratulate the guys, he will want to say: “I congratulate you on the New Year, I wish you happiness and joy,” and instead he will get one a-o-s-e, yes a-o-u-e (Grim, depicts Santa Claus.)

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Swell: Here it is - done! Now ours will definitely take it, follow me!

They run away. Stepan and Toshka appear.

Stepan: That's bad luck, guys, we did not find Santa Claus.

Toshka: What are we to do, friends?
We can't live without Frost!

Stepan: Just do not despair, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will definitely come to us for the holiday. Guys, do you know how not to behave when Santa Claus comes? Let's practice.

The cockerel offers to perform the famous song-game "If you like it, then do it" with other words: "If Santa Claus comes, don't do it."

If Santa Claus has come, don't do it...

If Santa Claus has come, it's very good.
If Santa Claus has come, don't do it...

Variants of gestures that should not be done: “threat with a fist”, “finger at the temple”, “show tongue”, “we threaten with a finger”.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Toshka: Faster, Stepan, we run into the forest. Guys, we will definitely find Santa Claus and his granddaughter!

They run away. Mysterious music sounds. Tsatsa and Lokhudra come out, carry a parcel.

Swell: Well, everything is in the bag! Now Santa Claus will definitely lose all his teeth. Here look. (Takes out a large Chinese boiler from the parcel.) This is a gift from my water brother from China - a Chinese boiler. Well, turn it on. (Hurries.) Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on!

They turn on the boiler, put it in a bucket, gurgling sounds. There is a thunder, a roar. The lights on the tree go out.

Hooray! Now in about thirty minutes everything will melt and summer will come!

Lokhudra: Thing! I respect.

Swell: And then! Soon all the snow will melt, and what is the New Year without snow? No snow - no New Year.

Lokhudra: So guys, are you hot? Ah, it's baking! That's it, the cranes will soon arrive, the toads will croak.

Cheerful music sounds, Stepan and Toshka run out.

Stepan: Guys, we have good news for you, we found Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Toshka: He will now distribute gifts to the squirrels and will immediately come to us. Guys, why is it so hot in here?

Swell: Hello, Flea! In general, you will not have a New Year ... at all!

Toshka: And why is that?

Lokhudra: Yes, because we have a super-mega Chinese boiler! And in exactly twenty minutes it will be summer! The birds will croak, the toads will fly!

Toshka: Yes I, yes I ... yes I will bite you for this (barks.)

Swell: But, but, be careful, poodle, I myself can bite anyone you want. But let's compete better: whoever wins will get the boiler.

Lokhudra: What are you, why?

swell(Lohudre): Yes, you are quiet. We need to stretch the time. (To the guys.) So, if you prove that you are dexterous, skillful, capable of anything, so be it: we will give you the boiler.

Stepan: Well, guys, let's prove it? (Children answer.) Otherwise, everything will melt and we will be left without a New Year. We agree!

Swell: Then let's start! First, I want to check how you can dance.

Toshka: Guys, let's dance a fun New Year's polka! And the movements there are as follows: turn to each other, stand in pairs, hold hands and repeat the movements after us! Heel-toe, heel-toe, all together we go to the middle! Heel-toe, heel-toe and all together we go back! We clap on the knees - one, two, three! Clap your hands - one, two, three! We clap on the knees - one, two, three! Clap your hands - one, two, three! Let's join hands and spin! Well done, now to the music!

Dance "Merry Polka"

Lokhudra: Yes, you dance well! Kids, do you like sports? Some of them are all small, thin, probably, and you don’t do exercises in the morning?

Toshka: And we do sports, and we do exercises! Guys, let's show how athletic we are!

Perform movements under the poem.

To always be healthy
To not lie in bed
To not be afraid of diseases
Gotta play sports!

Well, boys and girls,
We'll play football. (Playing football.)
One hit, another hit.
Finally scored a goal!

Together we got up on skis,
And we go, we go, we go. (They go skiing.)
Once a jerk, another jerk,
And now you are the champion!

And now we take a racket,
We beat the ball aptly. (They play tennis.)
One hit, another hit
, Your opponent sobbed!

And now everyone sat down together,
They took the barbell and - a push. (Raise bar.)
Once a jerk, another jerk,
New world record!

We are a hockey team
Sticks in hand and go! (They play hockey.)
One hit, another hit
Victory lies ahead!

Now let's dive into the pool
And we swim, we swim, we swim. (They float.)
Once a dive, another dive,

Lokhudra: And now you're a float! (Laughs)

Toshka: It's Santa Claus! Let's call him together! (The name is Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus and his granddaughter come on stage.)

Father Frost: happy new year, happy new year
Congratulations to all guests!
How many faces around acquaintances,
How many of my friends are here.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Oh, why are you so hot?

Stepan: The Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, it’s all the Swamp Swell and Forest Lokhudra, they turned on the magic boiler, they want to spoil our holiday.

Swell: Hi Morozych! Right now, you'll be thawed out like a refrigerator! (Laughs.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, I'm melting!

Lokhudra: (screams happily) Look, look, the Snow Maiden has flowed!

Swell: My finest hour has come, one minute is left before the onset of summer!

Toshka: Santa Claus, do something, one minute left!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try. I walked through the forest, I walked through the field and I met a bear-bear.

Stepan: Grandpa, it's winter now, bears must sleep!

Father Frost: That's right, cockerel, only these swamp boogers turned on the boiler, the bear woke up.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's invite a bear to our holiday? Let's all together, together! Three four...

Swell: (interrupts, screams) Stop! No tragedy! (Lohudra.) Why are you standing, cut down the boiler, otherwise the bear will break all parts of the body for us now.
(Lokhudra turns off the boiler, the howl of a blizzard.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, somehow it became easier, frostier.

Lokhudra: Forgive us, Santa Claus,

Swell: Please!

Lokhudra: And if you want, Frost, when summer comes, we will turn on the super-mega freezer, and you will celebrate two New Years.

Father Frost: No, you don't need a freezer. Well, guys, forgive them? (Children answer.) Okay, get into a round dance, just don't include anything else here.

Lokhudra: We won't, we won't, only if the TV. (They get up with the guys in a round dance.)

Father Frost: And now I want to check how the guys got ready for the New Year. Can you answer my riddles? (Children answer.) Then, my friends, do not yawn, answer in chorus together.

In the yard the snow is sweeping,
Holiday coming soon... (New Year)

The needles are soft,
Coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees)

On a fun skating rink
Falling from the sky... (Snowball)

Who painted the cheeks, nose?
Well, of course … (Father Frost)

Like soft fluff
Curly white ... (Snowflakes)

On these winter days
We will play… (Snowballs)

The stars dance
Holiday coming soon... (New Year)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, mess!

Father Frost: What happened, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: The lights on our Christmas tree do not burn!

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool - a head with a hole. Nothing, this is fixable, repeat everything together after me:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree. (Children repeat.)
Green needle.
Light up with red lights
Green and clear.
Shine in honor of the year of the former
And the coming year.
And now all together, together!
One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree lit up with bright lights,
Sing and dance, have fun with us.

Lokhudra: Grandfather Frost, can Tsatsochka and I also play with the guys?

Father Frost: Well, try it, have fun guys.

Lokhudra: And this game is called "Snow Maidens and Frosts". Let's see who is more fun at the party, boys or girls.

All the girls at our holiday will be Snow Maidens, and the boys will be Frosts. So, who will slap whom? First, Frost clap their hands! Boys! (Boys clapping.) And now the Snow Maidens! Girls! (Girls clapping.)

Variants of tasks: who will “stomp” whom, “bark”, “bridge”, “shut up”.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, well played! And now it's time to start our New Year's disco!

Disco program.

Snow Maiden: Well, well, friends, you need to say goodbye,
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost: Yes, it's time to say goodbye
And we want to wish you:
Always eager to learn
Always willing to work
And never lose heart! 14.12.2018 02:23:00, Lyubov Ivanovna

The scenario of the New Year's party for children of the younger group "Merry transformations". We have used it several times, a very winning scenario. since the characters can vary both adults and children. For example, instead of beads, there can be crackers, stars and other characters. Thanks in advance for your feedback.



Scenario New Year's party, prepared

Vashchenko Zhanna Azizovna,

Musical director of MBDOU D / S No. 3 "Zvezdochka",

G.K. Anapa 2015

"Happy Transformations"

New Year's party for children of the younger group.



Snow Maiden

Father Frost









To the cheerful music, the children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Light up the tree,

Invite us to the party.

Fulfill all desires

Make all your dreams come true!

Here comes the tree guys

To us for a holiday in kindergarten,

Lights, how many toys!

How beautiful is her dress!

Happy New Year

Let fun come to you

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

Child 1 : We have fun today

We invited guests

We hung the toys

On your Christmas tree.

Child 2: Here is our Christmas tree

Light stands.

red star

Glowing, burning!

Child 3: Falls from the Christmas tree

Golden rain.

Oh how we have fun

Christmas tree with you.

The song "We came to visit the Christmas tree" is performed

Child 4: It's snowing outside the window

So it's New Year's Eve.

Santa Claus is on his way

It will take him a long time to get to us.

Child 5: Through the snowy fields

Through snowdrifts, through forests

He will bring a Christmas tree

In silver needles.

Child 6: Happy New Year will congratulate us

And leave gifts for us.

Snow Maiden: Guys, of course, Santa Claus is in a hurry for the holiday!

Child: We are in our hall today

They danced so beautifully

But it hurts me to tears

Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: He should have come a long time ago

Let's call him seriously, shout:

Yes, he can't find us.

"Santa Claus"!

Children together call Santa Claus.

Father Frost : (outside the door) Whoa! Ay! I can't get to you! I'm stuck in the snow!

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's help Grandfather Frost, pull him out of the snowdrift.

(pull the rope)

Santa Claus: (enters) I am a cheerful Santa Claus

Your New Year's guest

Don't hide your nose from me

I am good today!

Hello, kids, girls and boys, dear guests! Thank you for pulling me out of a snowdrift.

(points to the tree!) - Oh yes, the tree, just a miracle! So elegant and beautiful!

I have been in all fairy tales, I have never seen a better Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, but for some reason the lights on the Christmas tree do not burn, help us light them.

Father Frost : Yes, mess! But I will help you light the Christmas tree. Let's all say together: "One, two, three - Christmas tree burn!"

(Children scream, but the tree does not light up)

Snow Maiden: So no one was screaming

Someone seemed to be silent. Come on, parents, help us.

Children scream, the tree lights up.

Child: hello dear tree

You are visiting us again

The lights are shining again

On your dense branches.

Father Frost . Become guys all rather in a round dance

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

A song is being performed"That's what a Christmas tree"

Father Frost : Oh, well done! Do you want to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost : Aren't you afraid of the cold?

Children: No!

Father Frost : I'll check now!(the game “I will freeze»)

Oh, and you guys are smart, you didn’t freeze anyone. The grandfather was completely dead. While freezing you, he began to melt.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, don't be upset, we have wonderful snowflakes, they will cool you down. Snowflakes - girlfriends, come out, cool Grandfather Frost.

Snowflake : We, white snowflakes,

Like light fluff.

We are flying in the air

Let's sparkle and shine!

Performed "Dance of the Snowflakes".

Father Frost : I will blow on snowflakes, they will scatter. ( duet)

Snow Maiden: Guys, but Santa Claus is a real magician!

Father Frost : Of course! Do you want me to show you some of my miracles? What can I show you?

Snow Maiden: Well, for example, can you bring a toy to life?

Father Frost : Of course I can. For example, a gnome! I will go around the Christmas tree, I will revive the gnome!

(takes out a “live” adult gnome from behind the Christmas tree.)

Gnome: Hello guys! I have waited so long to meet you. And here are my friends, the gnomes! Come on, everybody out here!

Gnomes. We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are always with songs

And we don't force

Never miss you.

Performing the dance "Gnomes"

Gnome: How well my dwarf friends danced!

Father Frost : Well, dwarf, do you want to stay at our holiday?

Gnome: Yes, Grandfather Frost, I really want to stay at your holiday, but I need to meet my other dwarf friends. But, I will definitely tell them about your wonderful holiday, goodbye, guys. ( leaves)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, can you show us some more magic?

Father Frost : Of course I will. So, so, what do we have here (approaches the tree)? What a beautiful snowman. And now I will revive it. Well, we close our eyes, we revive the Snowman. 1,2,3, revive the snowman!

Walks around the Christmas tree, brings out a big Snowman.

Snowman : Christmas toy,

I am a snowman, not a parsley,

You my friends go

Show a cheerful dance!

The dance of the snowmen is performed.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, can I show you some magic now?

Father Frost: Well, of course, granddaughter.

Snow Maiden : I will pick up these beautiful beads. Oh, oh, oh, grandfather, they fell apart, what a pity.

Father Frost: Do not be sad, Snow Maiden, look, there are also beautiful beads among the children, they will now dance a beautiful dance and the beads will all gather on a string again. Come out. Beads and show your wonderful dance.

1 bead: See how they shine

Tree beads.

And the beads shine

She has needles.

2 bead: Girls put on

Bright your outfit

dresses on beauties,

How the beads burn.

3 bead : What kind of beads - just a miracle!

How beautifully they burn!

Let's dance more fun!

We welcome all guests!

Dance of the Beads is performed.

Snow Maiden. We danced with all our hearts

Santa Claus, and you dance

Let the kids watch!

Santa Claus is dancing, children are clapping.

Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired!

presenter : Sit down, Santa Claus, have a rest, and our children will tell you poems.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost : Look, we have a lot of toys on the Christmas tree. There is a very beautiful monkey here! You know, guys, and the symbol of this year is just a monkey.

Let me revive him too.

Children: Come on!

Father Frost . I will go around the Christmas tree, I will revive the monkey.(goes around the Christmas tree and brings out a child in a monkey costume).

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, you are a real magician, why is she so small?

Father Frost . This is because the year is just beginning, it will definitely grow up by the end of the year.

Monkey. Hello, I'm the symbol of the year

Happy New Year to you, friends!

I wish you surprises

I brought good things to you!

Snow Maiden. Look, there are also monkeys among the guys, they will now tell poems and dance their cheerful dance. Monkeys, come out, show your merry dance.

Monkeys. The dance is bright, New Year's,

Prepared for you

Let's dance cheerfully, fervently,

Let's make everyone happy now.

Performing "Dance of the Monkeys"

Father Frost : Well, that's all, I revived all the toys, it's time for me to leave, goodbye kids, girls and boys.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, have you forgotten anything?

Father Frost. Probably not.

Snow Maiden. Well, what about gifts?

Father Frost. Oh, I'm an old fool, a head with a hole, I completely forgot about gifts.Yes! Now!
I carried them, I remember ...
Where the gifts of affairs, I don’t know ...
No, I don't remember, I forgot.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, how is it? Children are waiting for gifts!

Father Frost : One, two, three, four, five -
Let's start tinkering!

Snow Maiden: Frost has a sleigh, there are gifts in them!
Santa Claus: I want that at this hour,
The sleigh was here, we had it!
Surprise moment. Painted sleighs with gifts enter. Santa Claus gives gifts to children.

Father Frost : Well, guys, don't yawn

And sort out the gifts!

It's time to say goodbye

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids! Goodbye, guys!

Snow Maiden. See you soon!

Santa Claus leaves, the children wave after him. The guys with the Snow Maiden go to the group.

The scenario of the New Year's party for the younger group "How the Snowman and the Bunny didn't share the carrot."

Panova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Material Description: this scenario is designed for younger preschoolers, and can also be useful for educators who want to spend a New Year's party for kids in a fun and interesting way. The script includes songs, dances, theatrical performance of adults and so on.
Target: holding a memorable matinee for kids and their parents.
Tasks: create a cheerful, joyful, festive mood, create conditions for demonstrating the talents of their children to parents.

Holiday progress:

What kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim
How the toys shine on her ...
Here's an icicle of ice
And on the very top -
Five-winged star!
This is our Christmas tree
Prickly needle!
Around the Christmas tree, kids,
We will go slowly.
Hey guest! Hey tree!
How good is that!
It will be a lot of fun at the holiday with us.
And we will sing a song about the Christmas tree now!
Performing song "Yolochka"(children sit on chairs).
A sad Snowman without a nose - a carrot - enters the hall.

Snowman: Hello guys, did you see the oblique? He took my nose from me and ran away from the forest.
The bunny did not come to us
And did not bring carrots,
Frost will come to us now,
A new nose will find you!
He is a magician and a joker -
You will make a nose.
Snowman: (mournfully):
I don't want a new nose
I'm looking for my carrot.
Snowman, don't be sad
And look at the tree.
With us there is no time to be bored,
Let's have fun playing!
Game "Catch the snowflakes"(paper snowflakes fly out of the "cloud").
We had fun playing
And now I rejoice:
After all, today appeared
I have so many friends! (shows with hands.)
Snow crunches very loudly
Someone is in a hurry to the Christmas tree!
Fast music sounds, the Hare runs into the hall.

I am a cheerful bunny, jumping bunny!
You didn't come here in vain...
Hello my friends!
I'm early this morning
Brought forty news
What do you guys have a Christmas tree
There is a decorated one.
I made my way to kindergarten
Through the fields and through the forests
And on the Christmas tree, miracle tree,
I want to see myself!
With us, bunny, stay
Have fun and have fun
After all, today is the New Year,
Everyone dances and sings!
I would stay right now.
Isn't there among you
weird snowman,
He is a little angry now.
You bunny, calm down
And don't be afraid of the Snowman.
Look how good
Baby kids!
Join us in a circle
Smile quickly.
Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
What do I see? Snowman!
Is he sleeping soundly?
(Starts to brag.)
They say that bunnies are cowards and smarties.
You do not believe me, I'm not a coward! I'm not afraid of anyone
No bear, no fox. I am the bravest in the forest!
Snowman, open your eyes
I call you to fight!
I am a brave man, not a coward!
Snowman (wakes up):
Aaaa, gotcha, braggart!
You shouldn't scare me.
Catch me first!
Fast music sounds, the Snowman is chasing the Hare. Children stomp their feet, disturbing them.
Wow, I'm tired, I can't.
I'd rather sit down and rest.
Well, I'm all the kids
I'm turning into bunnies now!
Music sounds, the Hare blows on the guys, the children put on bunny hats.
Well, bunnies, run out,
Take a walk in the meadow.
Game "Catch us, Snowman".
You can't fight on holidays.
Make peace, friends!
After all, today all the people
Celebrates the New Year!
The hare and the snowman are hugging. The hare gives a carrot.
We will, we will be friends
Let's, let's live peacefully.
Snow Maiden (pulls out a bell):
I am a Snow Maiden girl,
I came to you for a holiday
magic bell
I brought it with me.
(Rings a bell.)
Ding dong, ding dong! -
Bell ringing is heard.
The bell sings
Snowflake is calling.
Snowflakes sisters,
Fly to me.
Let's spin
In the silence of the night
"Dance of the Snowflakes"
Snow Maiden:
And where is Santa Claus?
Let's call him out loud.
Let's say together: "Santa Claus! Whoa! Aw!"
Children and the Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus! Whoa! Whoa!
Father Frost:
- Aw! Whoa! I'm coming!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish you health!
- And why is your Christmas tree not burning, not sparkling with lights? Not in order! Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring me my magic wand ... Come closer to the Christmas tree. (Children go to the tree.)
- Magic wand, touch the twigs,
Christmas tree-beauty, light up for the guys.
The tree lights up.
- We blow on the Christmas tree like this, like this.
And the Christmas tree went out like this, like this.
Children blow on the Christmas tree, it goes out.
"Clap, clap, speak
Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn! (children clapping).
- And the heels will be stamped, and the lights will be lit.
Children stomp, the tree lights up.
“One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire !!!
Snow Maiden:
We hurried to you from the forest,
To catch the carnival
And they put surprises (shakes bag)
to give to you today.
Father Frost:
You cheered me up
But it's time for us to go home
Wait, there's a ball in the bag, (pulls a ball out of the bag)
Where will he lead us?
Everyone follows Santa Claus and finds a chest with the inscription "Treasure" under the tree.
Father Frost:
I'll open the chest now
Here is a surprise for you and me.
Here are the gifts for the kids
For girls and boys.
Presenter: Guys, let's say "Thank you" to Santa Claus together and give him a song.
The song "Little Christmas Tree" is performed.
Father Frost:
Well, friends, you need to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Snow Maiden:
Both adults and kids!

Who do you think is waiting for the New Year holidays the most? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, waiting for gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And so I want to justify their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose an interesting scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a scenario, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Someone likes the adventures of Emelya and Baba Yaga, and someone dreams of seeing Superman or Batman as their guest. Perhaps you will spend a little more time preparing a New Year's party in kindergarten, but how can this compare with the enthusiastic eyes of a child during a performance? A favorite hero can become both a part of a fairy tale and a leader who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus along with the kids. The scenario of the New Year's party should not only entertain, but also involve the children in a magical game.

Having redone the script for kids, do not forget about the funny, beautiful decoration of the hall and the parade of costumes. May this holiday be unforgettable!

A universal scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's Tale".


Here comes the New Year!
It's snowing outside the window!
People celebrate this holiday
And buy gifts!
We are with you today
Let's make our own gifts!
We will sing, we will dance,
Let's decorate the tree!
So let the New Year come
After all, people are waiting for him!
The host calls all the children to the center of the hall.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance!
Children hold hands
Around the Christmas tree and curl,
Chasing away the evil blizzard
Dispelling sadness and boredom
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree", "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "An elegant Christmas tree - a lot of lights" and other songs learned in advance.


Round dance - well, just lovely!
Do you hear the rustle of needles?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on, kids, let's sit in a circle,
And let's take a look around!
Our Christmas tree is shining
Why is she sad?
She doesn't have enough toys.
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter: Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where have they gone?

The light flickers, the Villain appears.

The villain: Basta, karapuziki, your songs have run out! I stole your balloons! The Christmas tree will stand sad, very sad! And I'll take the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the Christmas tree go out). I'm exhausted, I'm going to take a nap.

The villain leaves.

Presenter: What are we to do, how to be? Is our holiday gone? Who can help us?

Children shout out the names of different heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone has flown away somewhere and cannot help. Here comes the Hero.

Hero: Hey! Forgotten about me? They left me in charge here, now I follow the order.
Presenter: You follow badly, my dear. Look, the villain stole our holiday!
Hero: It can't be! Well, I'll show him, the prankster! I just need your help! Can you help me kids? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and return the holiday!

Maybe paint
Hiding in fairy tales?
In the thickets of the forest
And the flowers of the field?
In old huts
In red freckles
Those who, on the stars
Looking, not sleeping?
In warm windows
In elegant nesting dolls
Brush and palette to help along the way
Find paints for a festive tree.
Fox appears:
I am a good fox
The very simplicity...
orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves an orange circle for the Hero and runs away, wagging its tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero: Something became dark to us. Hey, sister Luna, show yourself, light the way for us!

The moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you Luna
You know one
Where should we go
Where can you find paint?


Light away.
Your path is not far
Help on the way
You moonhorse.
The horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparks in the field sparkle,
The red fire warms the traveler
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinch birds ...
A holiday with me is always more fun!

Fire gives the Hero a multi-colored spark that shimmers in several colors.


Look guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think the intrigues of the Villain are no longer afraid of us. It's time to disenchant the sad Christmas tree! (Screaming "Christmas tree burn"). The lights don't turn on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (The name is).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With his magic wand
I will light a thousand fires.
My wand, spin
Christmas tree, quickly light up.
The lights on the tree light up.


May every light on this tree
Fulfill your best dreams.
You will make friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears: Look you! The lights are back! Songs are sung, the old man is not allowed to sleep! Take your balls, Snowstorm covered them with white, I don't need them anymore!
Presenter: What about balls?
Hero: Are there colors? There is! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! Gotta decorate! We will color the balls for the Christmas tree!

The presenter herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then invites the guys to try their hand at drawing. To the cheerful music, children paint balls and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh yes, Elochka, oh beauty! Here comes the holiday! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. The children read poems to him.

There is a lot of light in every house
The New Year is coming!
snow white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.
Exactly at midnight will flash brightly
In the sky garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Cheerful round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone welcomes the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and crackers.
Good gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
White shakes,
stomping foot,
There is only crackling.

Father Frost: Thanks for making grandpa happy! And what a beautiful, elegant, cheerful Christmas tree you have!

I wanted to give you gifts
But I can't lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to take assistants.
The hero and the little animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates children.

Father Frost:

Well, now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll be back in a year
And the Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music plays, the party ends.

Your kids will definitely like this scenario of a children's matinee, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You can choose the name for the Hero and the Villain, decide who will be the leader and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And you will find even more New Year's tips, fun contests, pranks and ideas for relaxing your children and friends in our section!