The right hair shampoo. Rating of the best shampoos made from natural ingredients

In order to choose a shampoo, use a simple principle: first carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo that is designed for your hair type, and after you start using it, carefully analyze the results. With a huge variety of detergents that the industry offers today, you can correctly choose a product for washing any problematic hair.

The positive results of using shampoo can be considered:

  • well-washed hair;
  • lack of fat on them;
  • hair shine after drying;
  • strands are well combed, obedient;
  • no scalp irritation.

In order to understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two use is enough. But in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is for you, you need to use it regularly for at least a few weeks. Once you have chosen a shampoo that suits you completely, you should not change it for another.

Conventionally, all existing shampoos can be divided into the following groups:

  • ordinary neutral (intended only for purification);
  • medical or nursing;
  • tint (differ in the method of application - not on the scalp, but on the hair);
  • for deep cleaning.

The composition of shampoos varies, but the following components are most often found in it:

  • detergents (or surfactants);
  • surfactants (surfactants; they are hard and soft);
  • antioxidants;
  • antiseptics;
  • carrier substances;
  • chelates;
  • emollients;
  • emulsifiers;
  • humidifiers;
  • lubricators (lubricants);
  • proteins;
  • silicones;
  • UV filters;
  • different types of air conditioners;
  • functional and medicinal additives;
  • preservatives;
  • thickeners;
  • fragrances;
  • solvents;
  • vitamins.

How to determine the quality of shampoo

To determine the quality of the shampoo, do the following test:

  • Mix water with shampoo in a glass and let the mixture settle. If a cheesy residue appears, you should not use this shampoo.
  • Shampoos that use foaming agents such as sodium and ammonium sulfate are not recommended. The foam they form does not have a real cleansing effect.

The main types of shampoos

What are the types of shampoos? The answer to this question will show the classification of shampoos in modern cosmetology:

  • Shampoo for oily hair. Contains a large amount of detergents that cleanse the skin and hair from excess fat.
  • Shampoo for normal hair. Contains fewer detergents. It cleanses the hair without interfering with the natural release of oils.
  • Shampoo for dry hair. It contains few detergents, it contains a moisturizer that prevents excessive dryness of the skin and hair.
  • Gentle shampoo for frequent washing. Very mild, does not irritate the skin and does not dry out the hair.
  • Anti-dandruff shampoo. Contains substances that slow down the division of skin cells, and also removes dead scales. Using it too often makes hair dull and dry.

How to choose a shampoo Shampoo selection

As a rule, this is the most difficult stage, since there are a lot of shampoos today. What kind of shampoos on TV we just do not see. I want to immediately warn you about the advertising tricks that companies use in their advertising campaigns. Do not be fooled by "Shampoo strengthens and restores hair, changes its structure and nourishes damaged hair", this is all nonsense, that part of the hair that starts above the surface of the head is dead, so it is impossible to strengthen or restore it.

In fact, shampoos can only give a real healing or nourishing effect to the hair follicles and scalp, while “strengthening”, “nutritious” or other substances can only stay on the surface of the hair for a certain time, which somewhat changes its appearance visually. Although this effect is more characteristic not of shampoos, but of balms and conditioners, which are either included in their composition or sold separately.

How to choose a shampoo for your hair type

Normal hair- this is hair that shines well in the sun, does not get confused, does not split, and has a healthy appearance. After washing the head, the hair remains clean for several days after washing. I want to note that nature has endowed not many with such hair. This type is extremely rare.

Greasy hair- as a rule, this type of hair gets oily very quickly after washing the hair, the hair has to be washed every day. The reason for this phenomenon is the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands of the head, this can be transmitted genetically, or due to poor nutrition.

Dry hair- look like a washcloth, reflect light poorly, split, break. This type of hair is not the result of poor activity of the sebaceous glands, but simply poor hair care, this is the excessive use of a hot hair dryer, varnish, paints, etc.

Mixed hair - this type includes long hair, since it is not sufficiently lubricated with fat along the entire length, it turns out that the hair is oily near the root, and dry and often split at the tips.

Once you have decided on your hair type, I recommend that you avoid all “universal shampoos”, or as they say, “family shampoos”, choose only the one that suits your hair type.

How do hair loss shampoos work?

The principle of action of shampoos against hair loss is to improve the nutrition of hair follicles, stimulate the growth of new hair and prevent hair loss due to the pathological fragility of "adult" rods. The active ingredients of numerous shampoos, which increase blood circulation in the scalp, contain vitamins and special compounds that restore the hair structure, can help with this.

To date, many components of both natural and synthetic origin have proven effective in combating hair loss - so the composition of shampoos can be very different. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with new formulas in an effort to find a universal prescription for alopecia. But it is important to remember that the result of using the remedy in each individual case is different, because it is impossible to reliably find out the cause of the loss of strands without a diagnosis from a trichologist. Buyers are often interested in the question: what is the difference between shampoos from hair loss from ordinary stores and those that are sold only in pharmacies? Is it true that the latter are more effective? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. However, in some cases the answer to the last question is in the affirmative. So, some well-known brands that position their products as medical cosmetics do not sell them outside of pharmacy chains.

As a rule, these are expensive products that undergo clinical trials similar to how real drugs are tested. In such cases, manufacturers indicate the results of such studies on the packaging of the shampoo. This is an additional argument in their favor. Meanwhile, consumers often note the high quality of anti-hair loss shampoos that can be found in supermarkets. Moreover, even an inexpensive tool can be very effective.

How to choose an effective remedy

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing your own anti-hair loss shampoo in a pharmacy or store? First of all - determine the type of hair. We are talking about the degree of their fat content (dry, fatty, normal or mixed), fragility, as well as some additional parameters.

In addition, it is important to formulate the problem that is planned to be solved - to prevent hair loss or stimulate their growth? Is it about prevention or treatment? How much time is planned to be allocated for a healing course: the effect of some shampoos becomes noticeable only after a few months.

The price of the product also plays an important role - it can range from several tens to several thousand rubles, in addition, for optimal effect, some manufacturers advise using their product in combination with air conditioners and other products of the same series (which significantly increases costs). You should not buy shampoo in dubious stores (especially when it comes to expensive brands) - the consequences of using a fake will be more significant than savings.

Requirements for quality shampoo

For owners of any type of hair, it is important that the shampoo:

  • gently washed hair from grease and dirt;
  • did not irritate the scalp and did not overdry it;
  • restored the structure of the hair, giving them beauty.

Criteria for choosing a shampoo

When choosing a shampoo, keep in mind that there is a line for each type of hair. There are several varieties of curls for which manufacturers produce their own shampoos:

  • thin who need strengthening and additional care;
  • dry curls requiring restoration;
  • fatty who will need components that bring fat secretions back to normal;
  • painted requiring special care;
  • extended curls need nutrients that will prevent hair loss and reduce fat secretions.

Shampoos for normal hair

Shampoos for hair can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  • Neutral shampoos that are designed for normal cleansing;
  • Shampoos for deeper and more thorough cleaning of hair;
  • Shampoos with a tint effect (they are applied only to the hair, without touching the scalp);
  • Caring or therapeutic shampoos.

Normal hair should have a shiny appearance, the ends do not split or break. Outwardly, they look strong and healthy. Choosing a product for such hair is quite simple: it should maintain the natural lubrication of the hair and maintain a healthy appearance of the hair itself and the scalp.

Key points when choosing a shampoo for normal hair

The first thing when choosing a shampoo for normal hair, pay attention to the composition. Foam is created by surfactants (or surfactants). They are designed specifically for hair cleaning itself. The best are considered to be TEA Layril Sulfate and TEA Laureth Sulfate. Laureth, among the most common, is the softest and most gentle. Lauryl (a fairly strong detergent) can cause an allergic reaction.

  1. It is not recommended to use 2 in 1 shampoo (plus conditioner). It is desirable to use these components separately and better than one company.
  2. Shampoo with medicinal properties (for example, against dandruff) should not be used constantly. Its application is designed for a certain course. In addition, this course should be prescribed by a dermatologist or trichologist.
  3. On a good, high-quality shampoo, an expiration date and a detailed composition should be indicated. The ingredients that go into a shampoo are usually listed in descending order. It depends on their number. In the first place will be the component, the amount of which is included in the composition in the largest volume.
  4. If you use cheap shampoo, it's okay. The only condition is not to let it act on the scalp for a long time. Rinse off quickly and rinse preferably with acidic water (squeeze the juice of one lemon into two liters of boiled water).

How to choose a hair shampoo

Many people ask the question "How to choose a shampoo for hair?". The selection of the ideal shampoo is carried out by comparing the problems of the scalp and the hair itself. Above we talked about the classification of hair into normal, dry, oily and combination.

Let's look at each type of problem:

  • Oily skin characterized by rapid contamination of the head. Already after 20 hours after washing, significant contamination of the hair is observed. In this case, you need to pay attention to mild shampoos that can be used every day.
  • Dry skin characterized by excessive flaking and even hair loss. In this case, it is necessary to give your preference to shampoo brands that contain vegetable and nutrients, oils.
  • Combined type characterized by the presence of several problems at once: increased fat content and dandruff. In this case, it is necessary to combine care products in order to deal with each problem separately. Thoroughly cleanse oily roots and nourish dry ends.

How to choose a shampoo for colored hair?

Very often on the forms they ask: advise a shampoo for colored hair, professional, good. As a rule, among the recommendations is the same mass market, which is called professional only because it is used in mediocre beauty salons. And it is extremely rare to find truly professional brands.

In general, how to choose a shampoo for colored hair? it must retain color, this is a must. It should also moisturize, nourish and restore hair, actively protect them from aggressive environmental influences. To meet all these requirements, the shampoo in its composition must have a lot of active ingredients - special complexes for color protection, oils, plant extracts, amino acids, and so on. A good example of which shampoo is suitable for colored hair is ALTERNA Bamboo Color Hold+ Vibrant Color Shampoo. A special complex allows the color to remain bright and saturated for a long time, bamboo extract makes hair stronger, melon oil nourishes and moisturizes, panthenol, soy hydrolyzate restores ... Excellent composition, simply excellent. And the effect too. And if you're not sure which shampoo is right for color-treated hair, try this one. Especially if your hair is thin - it will become more voluminous.

What is the best shampoo for hair volume?

By the way, about thin hair. What is the best shampoo for hair volume? A standard question for Caucasian women. Thin hair is soft, which is a plus. But they are terribly afraid of overdrying and do not hold volume - this is a minus. Therefore, remember, so that later you don’t ask “recommend a shampoo for hair volume”: the composition of the product should contain natural ingredients that thicken the hair, making it strong and elastic. Which? For example, consider ALTERNA Bamboo Volume Abundant Shampoo. Extract of bamboo and ginseng, fennel and guarana saturate the hair with strength and energy, literally revitalize them. At the same time, they strengthen by activating blood circulation in the scalp and nourishing the follicles. Oils and amino acids nourish the hair, panthenol makes it denser and thicker. In general, this shampoo contains a lot of components, moreover, natural ones. As a result of their complex action, the hairstyle becomes much more voluminous, and the hair is healthier. And if you are looking for which shampoo is best for hair volume, this will be a very suitable option.

And in conclusion. It is worth remembering that it is better and more correct to use professional tools. Yes, they are somewhat more expensive, but their result will be guaranteed, unlike cheaper products.

Carefully read the composition of the shampoo

When choosing a shampoo for dry hair, you should pay attention to the active ingredients that make up its composition.

  • Lecithin. For weakened and dull curls, it is best to choose products containing lecithin. It is the main component of the structure of the cell membrane, it can be of animal or plant origin. Due to the content of fatty acids, it deeply nourishes the curls, restoring them from the inside. Allows you to significantly improve the appearance and gives a healthy shine, restores the structure and increases elasticity.
  • Panthenol. This substance is widely used in the production of a wide range of cosmetics. Panthenol (provitamin B5) has a pronounced moisturizing and softening effect. Shampoos containing panthenol effectively soften weakened curls, making up for the lack of moisture. The substance covers the strands, compacting the structure, avoids overdrying when using a hair dryer, gels, foams and styling varnishes. Unlike silicone, it provides deep nourishment to the strands and scalp, not limited to superficial action.
  • Protein. An indispensable element in the struggle for the beauty and health of thin dry strands. Protein structures allow you to increase strength and elasticity. They fill the cortical layer, smoothing the scales and giving shine. As a rule, wheat, rice and almond protein are used in the production of cosmetics. Read more:
  • Keratin. It is a type of protein. It is the main building material that determines the composition of hair by 80%. With a lack of natural keratin, they can become thin and brittle, in which case a directed action is necessary. Shampoos for dry hair, containing keratin, give them shine, elasticity and silkiness, greatly simplify combing.
  • natural oils. Natural ingredients effectively soften and nourish the scalp, spreading from the roots along the entire length. It is best to give preference to products containing tea tree, jojoba, poppy, grape seed, macadamia oils. They contain a large amount of fatty acids, due to which they provide a visible moisturizing effect.
  • plant extracts.They are preparations extracted from the leaves, stems and flowers of various plants. Due to the maximum concentration of active ingredients, they are highly effective. In the production of moisturizers, extracts of nettle, chamomile, burdock, sage, aloe vera and cucumber are widely used. The mechanism of action depends on the type of extract contained.

Video: how to choose the best hair shampoo

In the modern world, we are offered a wide variety of products and methods for hair care. And although not many girls prefer to wear a long braid, shampoo is one of the main hygiene products used daily. French researchers have calculated that a person spends about 57 liters of shampoo in his life. Hair products are advertised on TV by famous actors and stars, thereby promoting the brand. Shampoo, as a rule, has a beautiful packaging and a pleasant smell. However, this is also a kind of tempting publicity stunt. We look at the packaging, remembering those same commercials with beautiful shiny and thick hair, and completely forget to pay attention to the composition of the shampoo, which consists of many dangerous chemical components.

There are three main reasons why you can stop buying shampoo and use homemade natural shampoos.

  1. Factory shampoos contain ingredients that are harmful to health (scientifically proven fact!).
  2. Before the shampoo hits the store counter, its allergenic effect is tested on experimental animals. In 2013, only the European Union banned the sale of any cosmetic products that were tested on animals.
  3. Unlike drugs, shampoos do not require a safety certificate. Carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic effects of the shampoo are only of interest to the buyer, not the manufacturer.

Before giving recipes for homemade shampoos, let's look at what dangerous store shampoo contains.

The composition of shampoos

  1. Water is the main ingredient in every shampoo.
  2. Surfactants in the composition of the shampoo (surfactant) - the most important active ingredient, which is responsible for cleaning hair from dirt, dust, sebum.
  3. Additional surfactants providing foam, softness, moisturizing.
  4. Foam thickener or stabilizer, defoamer.
  5. preservatives.
  6. Flavorings.

What harmful substances can be contained in shampoos?

  1. Lauryl and laureth sulfates are the basis of shampoos and very coarse surfactants. They are responsible for intensive foaming during washing and for cleaning the skin and hair, they are part of almost all shampoos.

They are labeled as follows:

According to the Journal of the American College of Toxicology (1983, vol. 2, no. 7), researchers noted that the longer these ingredients were in contact with the skin, the more likely it was to become irritated and cause an allergic reaction. Lauryl and laureth sulfates cause changes in the “epidermis”, clog pores, deposit on the surface of the hair follicles and damage them, can cause eye irritation, hair loss, and lead to dandruff.

Other researchers have concluded that these components remove not only impurities, but also beneficial natural components from the skin, thereby violating its protective function. Under the influence of laureth sulfates, the skin ages faster(Int J Toxicol. 2010 Jul;29, doi: 10.1177/1091581810373151).

Although scientists have not yet proven that these substances can have a carcinogenic (from the English cancer-cancer) or toxic effect, there is still such a danger. It is believed that at a concentration of 1-5% they are harmless. As part of shampoos, sodium laureth sulfate is present at a concentration of 10-17% (as a rule, they are listed in second place after water, which means that their concentration is maximum).

At the same time, there are milder surfactants, they are added in small concentrations, they are less harmful, but their cost is quite high compared to lauryl and laureth sulfates. On the packaging, they can be indicated as follows:

  • Sodium cocoyl isethinate (softest surfactant)
  • Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate (mild emulsifier)
  • Sodium coco sulfate
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine (betaine)
  • Decyl polyglucose (polyglycoside)
  • Cocamidopropyl sulfobetaine (sulfobetaine)
  • Sodium sulfosuccinate (sulfosuccinate)
  • Magnesium lauryl sulfate
  • Glythereth Cocoate
  1. Parabens are also dangerous components in the composition of shampoos.
  1. Mineral oils (mineral oil)- products of oil refining. It is believed that they can be dangerous only when taken orally. However, WHO refers mineral oils to the 1st group of carcinogens. That is, they are potentially hazardous substances that can lead to the occurrence of malignant tumors. And only highly refined oils are not hazardous. Mass market shampoos contain unrefined hazardous mineral oils.
  1. Formaldehyde- cosmetic preservative. Possesses toxicity, has a negative effect on the reproductive organs, respiratory organs and central nervous system. Due to the ban on the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics, manufacturers began to designate it as Quaternium-15 (releases free gaseous formaldehyde), Dowicil 75 Dowicil 100, Dowicil 200 - all of which cause contact dermatitis in humans.
  2. Phthalates - used in the manufacture of consumer products such as perfumes, cosmetics and shampoos, medical devices, soft toys . A study published in the journal Pediatrics provides strong evidence that phthalates in children's cosmetics affect the reproductive function of boys. The effect of phthalates on children is especially dangerous. Babies are exposed to phthalates in shampoos, lotions and powders.

    Phthalates can cause asthma, infertility, decreased testosterone levels in boys. Due to health concerns associated with exposure to phthalates, some have been banned in the European Union and the United States.

  3. "PEG" (Polyethylene glycol), polyethylene glycol (ethylene glycol)- stabilizer, thickener, defoamer. This substance, due to its ability to influence the processes in the body, can cause serious metabolic disorders. It has been proven that female animals eating PEG gave birth to babies with genetic changes. (Anderson et al., 1985).

Is it possible to say “no” to your shampoo?

All of the above suggests that industrial shampoos contain substances that are carcinogenic and toxic to humans. Even when buying an expensive shampoo, you are not immune from the fact that there will be no harmful substances in its composition. Therefore, it is much safer to use shampoos prepared at home on your own.

But, before we tell you what components you can use to make homemade healthy hair shampoos, you need to know that the period of hair getting used to such shampoos is 2-4 weeks. This means that you will not get smooth, shiny hair right away. For some time, silicones, parabens, sulfates will be washed off the hair. Perhaps the hair will fluff, become greasy and not obey. You need to prepare yourself for this. It is best to start testing homemade shampoos on vacation, on New Year's holidays or in winter when we wear a hat.

Trim the split ends first and if you have, use a deep cleansing shampoo (exfoliating shampoo) once. It will open the scales of the hair and wash out all the remnants of harmful substances. Before using shampoos, untangling and combing the hair is also a prerequisite. It is this procedure that will reduce the time of the washing procedure and you will not experience inconvenience when washing shampoos.

Homemade hair shampoos

The recipes described below contain simple ingredients that any housewife has at hand, their cost is quite low. However, it is worth remembering that the shelf life of such shampoos in the refrigerator is no more than 5 days, and some are not stored at all, but are used immediately after preparation.


Kefir shampoo is suitable for dry and damaged hair with a hair dryer. To prepare kefir shampoo, you can take any fermented milk product.

Recipe number 1. Apply kefir to your hair and put on a shower cap, wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, wash off with water and half the juice of a lemon. This shampoo will help restore hair and create a protective film on them.

Recipe number 2. Add yeast (50 g) to kefir (0.2 l) and heat in a water bath. The shampoo should look like jelly. Apply this mixture on your hair and wash off after 5-10 minutes.


In Russia, girls washed their hair with bread shampoo. For such a shampoo, you can use stale rye bread.

Recipe. Prepare a decoction of any herbs (nettle, chamomile, plantain, oak bark, oregano, mint). Then take rye bread (you can use stale bread) and soak it in a warm decoction of herbs for a short time. Rub the gruel from the bread intensively into the scalp and distribute through the hair. Top with polyethylene or put on a shower cap, soak for one hour. Wash off with warm water.


Clay is a very good base for shampoo.
It is able to form a small foam and absorb fat from the scalp and hair. It is known that in Russia stubborn stains on clothes and dishes were removed with clay, that is, they were used as a universal cleaner.

Clay will not give a noticeable shine on the hair, but it will remove static electricity and clean the hair well. Clay is a very effective and cost effective shampoo for oily hair.

Blue cosmetic clay is considered the best for cleansing hair.

How to use clay to wash your hair?
It is best to wash your hair with clay in the bathroom. Pre-wet your hair well, pick up a handful of clay with water, and apply to the scalp, distributing it through the hair. It is best to wash off the clay by immersing the head completely in the bathroom, so the fat is better adsorbed, and the clay is washed off. It is very convenient to wash off the clay in a basin of water.

For very dry hair, you can pre-dilute the clay in warm milk and add a few drops of any cosmetic oil (rosemary, tea tree, jojoba, peach, apricot, olive). It is very important to add shine to the hair and close the scales by rinsing the hair after washing with cool water.

The only drawback of clay shampoo is a slight staining of light brown hair. Therefore, people with blond hair are better off using white clay to make shampoo.

Saponaria officinalis shampoo

Soapweed officinalis (Saponaria officinalis) from lat. sapo- soap. The decoction of this plant is capable of foaming. For washing hair, rhizomes and roots of soapwort are used, which are harvested in late autumn.

How to prepare a shampoo based on soapwort:

  1. Take 2 cups of filtered water (buy bottled water is better) and bring it to a boil.
  2. Add soapwort rhizomes to water and simmer for 25 minutes.
  3. Then pour a tablespoon of medicinal chamomile or mint into the resulting broth. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting broth and pour into a clean jar. Shelf life of the shampoo is 10 days in a dark place.


Rye, corn, oatmeal (oat flakes), pea flour is a natural sorbent and fat cleaner from the scalp. It is not recommended to take wheat, as it has a lot of gluten and is difficult to wash off. For one serving of shampoo you will need 3 tbsp. spoons of flour. Getting oatmeal and pea flour is very simple - just grind the corresponding products in a coffee grinder or blender.

So that the shampoo is well distributed through the hair, it must be soaked overnight.
flour shampoo recipe

  1. To prepare shampoo, take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, pour warm water or a decoction of any herbs (nettle, chamomile, mint, oak bark) to get a creamy consistency. Let it brew for a day or night.
  2. Then take gauze or a nylon stocking as a filter, pour the resulting mass into it and squeeze out the liquid. This way we will get rid of large particles of flour that will remain in the filter. The output should be something like a thick milk. This milk is a natural homemade flour-based shampoo.
  3. Before washing, you can add essential oils for smell or half a teaspoon of mustard (for hair loss). Apply the resulting flour shampoo to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then cool with the addition of lemon juice.

egg and honey

The recipe for egg-honey shampoo is one of the old recipes for natural shampoos. Modern research only confirms its benefits. Chicken egg is a natural emulsifier, as it contains lecithin, fats and amino acids. And this means that when washing your hair with an egg, useful substances (vitamins A, B, D, E) penetrate the skin very well. This shampoo treats weakened hair, restores its structure. You will notice results after 2 weeks of use.

Egg-honey shampoo recipe.

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein.
  2. Add one teaspoon of honey to the yolk. mix.
  3. Add a few drops of olive oil to the resulting mass to give softness to the hair.
  4. Distribute the shampoo evenly over the hair and scalp. Keep it on for about 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the shampoo with warm water and rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile.

exotic shampoos

There are plants for making homemade shampoos that are classified as exotic. However, their cost today, even compared to the cheapest shampoo, is quite low. And due to the place and characteristics of growth, these plants contain a lot of valuable substances.

In Southeast Asian countries, banana shampoo is an integral part of the hair care routine. Banana shampoo cleanses and nourishes hair very well. The shampoo is very mild and smells good, so you can wash your children's hair with it, you just need to remember that before using it is necessary to wash the bananas thoroughly to wash off the pesticides from their peel.

banana shampoo recipe

  • 1 banana;
  • juice of half a lemon (not suitable for baby shampoo)
  • 100 g water
  • egg yolk

Lying dark bananas are suitable for shampoo, as their pulp kneads very well. Wash and peel banana. Using a blender or grater, beat the banana, add the yolk, lemon juice and water. You can do without lemon and water, these components make it easier to rinse the pulp of a banana from your hair. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots and kept under a washing cap for 15-30 minutes (for weakened hair), for normal hair, you can rinse immediately.


Amla or Indian gooseberry is sold (the price of a package of 100 g is about 80 rubles) in the form of a powder, it smells like henna. Have you ever noticed how thick hair Indian women have? It is thanks to the use of shampoo, mask and amla oil that women in India have such beautiful and strong hair. Interestingly, the origin of the word "shampoo" is inextricably linked with India, as it comes from the Indian "shampo", that is, "to massage or rub." And this word was introduced into use by the British, whose colony was India in the twentieth century. Therefore, the fact that it is the Indian gooseberry that is a good natural cleansing and strengthening shampoo is not accidental. Amla restores damaged hair, stimulates the growth of new hair, eliminates the causes of dandruff.
Amla is not suitable for oily hair as it does not contain natural saponins and will not lather like soapwort. But dry hair shampoo from amla will clean and moisturize very well.

How to use amla shampoo

Pour 1 tablespoon of amla powder with half a glass of warm water, stir and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then distribute this solution evenly through the hair and rinse. Do the procedure 2 times. It is convenient to apply the shampoo with a brush for dyeing hair. Shampoo can be used once a week as a firming mask.


It is quite difficult for a modern person to refuse all the benefits of civilization. However, it is time to realize that industrial cosmetics and hygiene products can cause serious illness. The first step to a healthy lifestyle that each of us can take is to start using shampoos without synthetic ingredients in the composition, that is, organic (already sold in Russia). These shampoos contain natural ingredients grown without the use of chemicals. During the use of organic shampoos, the hair will get used to more gentle components, the remnants of chemistry will be washed off them. The next step could be to completely abandon store-bought shampoos and switch to safe homemade ones, the recipes of which are described in this article.

The first shampoo appeared just over 100 years ago and the girls of that time did not need to choose its form or. But times have changed, and today store shelves are bursting with an assortment of products. What are hair shampoos and what is the peculiarity of each type?

Medicated shampoos

Natural Sulfate Free Shampoo

Ideal for dry hair types and normal, but owners of oily hair may not be happy with them. Since mild detergent components will not be able to thoroughly clean excess sebaceous secretions. Also, most sulfate-free products do not lather too much. Organic shampoos contain a large number of natural ingredients and a minimum of preservatives.

Volumizing shampoo (for fine hair)

Such a shampoo does not make the hairs thicker, but covers them with a rough film, due to which the hairstyle acquires additional volume. With subsequent washing, the coating is washed off. You can often hear the opinion that with the regular use of products for volume, the condition of the hair worsens. The fact is that the effect is achieved due to the polymers and silicones contained in the shampoo, which are deposited on the surface of the hair. And they have a cumulative effect and make the already devoid of volume hairstyle heavier. Therefore, you should not use such tools constantly.

There are many hair shampoos and their effect depends on the task at hand. Therefore, it is important not only to understand the means, but also to be able to correctly determine your hair type and the existing problem. If you can’t find the right care and the range of bubbles in the bathroom will soon reach the store, then it’s wiser to turn to specialists.

Choosing a shampoo is not as easy as it seems!

If you are still looking for your perfect shampoo, and the current one does not suit you, read this article to the end.

Before choosing a shampoo, first pay attention not to the hair, but to the scalp. If the scalp has some features, such as a tendency to irritation, sensitivity, if you begin to notice excessive hair loss, then you need to choose a shampoo that will first of all “work” with the scalp.

Such, for example, Clear shampoos - all of them include a complex of ten nutrients and, with regular use, help get rid of visible dandruff.

How to choose shampoo and conditioner

If your scalp does not cause any discomfort, you are lucky and can only choose a shampoo based on the condition of your hair! But try to choose to him, too. How to choose shampoo and conditioner, should they be from the same series?

This is a frequently asked question, and - no, shampoo and conditioner can be of different series and even different brands, nothing bad will happen from this. But when the shampoo and have the same directional effect on the hair, the effect of using two products of the same series is much stronger and brighter.

How to choose dry shampoo

Not necessarily professional, but many girls simply need it. It happens to everyone sometimes - they didn’t have time to wash their hair, they turned off the water, you need to quickly put yourself in order after the gym or while traveling.

It will come to the rescue, and it will also help to create a lush styling and basal volume. with green tea extract and silk proteins - perhaps one of the best in its price category. It does all of the above and more, leaving a light, fresh scent on your hair.

How to choose purple shampoo

If you lighten your hair, you just need. But do not use it every time, but combine it with another "basic" shampoo that suits you. We hope you now know how to choose the right shampoo!

Choosing a shampoo is a rather difficult task, given the huge variety of products. The "wrong" shampoo can cause hair damage that can take months to repair. Don't let the bottle design and product logo fool you - remember that the brand doesn't always matter. To make an informed choice, you need to know your scalp type, hair type, and keep in mind some individual characteristics.


Hair plays an important role in the appearance of a modern person, especially a girl. It is very important that they are clean, well washed and smell good. It was for this purpose that the German Hans Schwarzkopf created the world's first shampoo in 1903. In general, shampoo is a product of industrial production, which includes water, surfactants, various fragrances, preservatives, sometimes dyes, as well as vitamins, amino acids and other useful substances. The main function of the shampoo is cleansing - from sebum, dust, dirt, styling products.

It also removes static electricity from curls, smoothes their structure and nourishes, strengthens.


First of all, shampoos are divided by type of hair. Then it is already worth paying attention to individual characteristics and desires - whether you want to eliminate brittleness or accelerate hair growth, for example. But, in any case, the most important thing is to know the type of hair. They can be conditionally divided into three categories according to density - normal, thin, thick, and also into three categories according to the scalp and the hair itself - normal, dry or oily.

If you're anything but the normal type, get ready for a long and arduous search for your perfect shampoo. However, the end justifies the means - as soon as you find the right remedy, your curls will change and your life will become several tens of percent happier.

You can also divide shampoos additionally into two columns according to consistency: thick and liquid, as well as dry, and according to their intended use for medical and shampoos for colored hair. Any shampoo should be hypoallergenic.

If a thick shampoo differs from a liquid one only in consistency, and this is logical, then dry shampoo should be discussed separately. . This is an indispensable tool in the summer, as well as for owners of oily curls and scalp. As a rule, it is a powder that absorbs sebum. It is applied to the roots and carefully combed out along the length. It does not require water, it is convenient to use it if there is no time for a full shower, on business trips or, say, on a train.

However, you can’t use it often - otherwise the fat at the roots will accumulate and accumulate.

For normal

Most people have normal hair and are the easiest to take care of. However, when choosing a shampoo, some questions may arise - for example, what additional function do you want to receive besides cleansing. Maybe your desire is to keep your hair clean a little more, make combing easier, or reduce breakage. Focus on your needs first. Well, of course, the shampoo in any case should wash the hair and scalp well.

There is also a pattern - in the summer, normal hair and scalp get dirty a little faster, so it's better to opt for deep cleansing shampoos, and postpone moisturizing until autumn - it is in the autumn-winter period that they dry faster.

For thick or hard

For unruly hair, moisturizing shampoos and shampoos labeled “easy combing” are best. However, if you have an oily scalp, then you should alternate between several shampoos - moisturizing and balancing abundant sebum secretion.

For thin or brittle

Thin hair is best washed with firming and nourishing shampoos, and always in tandem with the same masks and balms. If you have thin hair in combination with normal or dry hair and the same scalp, then you can choose nourishing or moisturizing shampoos with full confidence. When it comes to oily hair and scalp, look for strengthening shampoos marked “for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends” and volume-adding products.

It is these hairs that are most often prone to split ends, so shampoos against split ends are also suitable.

For dry

Means for such hair and skin should moisturize, soothe and nourish, be soft and gentle. They are aimed at regulating the sebaceous secretion and eliminating peeling, as well as making the curls shiny and silky.

Shampoos that add volume will not work in this case.

For fatty

Oily hair is most often combined with the same scalp. As a rule, they have to be washed every other day, sometimes - immediately in the evening, by a lucky chance, you can postpone the next shampooing for two days. Avoid shampoos that say something about moisturizing or nourishing on the label - for this it is better to use specialized balms and masks, and then do not apply them to the skin.

For combined

Dry at the tips and oily at the roots, normal in length and dry at the roots, and so on and so forth. If you notice signs of several types of hair, then you have combined hair types and you need to choose care so that it “suits” each sector of the hair. Pay attention to the marks “for oily roots and dry ends”, “for dry scalp and normal length”.

In this case, it is important not to overdry the hair and not cause increased sebum secretion.

For painted

Means for this type of hair are aimed at preserving color, as well as enhancing shine and density. Shampoos designed for color-treated hair are much gentler than others. They do not contain substances that wash out the paint. However, for example, if you have oily hair, remember that such products will not work for you - they do not clean them thoroughly enough. Remember - hair type is of the utmost importance.

Also, such products can be used by ladies with uncolored hair to protect against fading or a slight change in tone.

Healing for damaged curls

Hair that has been damaged by heat styling, ammonia dyes or environmental exposure requires special care. They are weaker, and the risk of cross-section or breakage is twice as high. In this case, avoid using deep cleansing, anti-dandruff and oily hair shampoos. They can thin the structure and make it even more brittle, as they draw out too much moisture. Damaged hair is often porous and already has trouble maintaining a healthy moisture balance, so anything that affects that balance makes things worse.

The best shampoo for damaged curls is gentle and moisturizing. You can easily use a moisturizing, strengthening, sometimes dry shampoo.


Shampoos are divided into two categories: natural and non-natural. In the case of the second, there is the presence of various surfactants, parabens and silicones. The most gentle of these are TEA Layril Sulfate (Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulphate, Cocamide DEA, Cocoamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate / sulfoacetate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, but SLS should be avoided (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, TEA Layril Sulfate , etc.) Otherwise, the hair structure will be depleted (silicones pull keratin out of the hair), and the pH of the scalp will be disturbed. Hair will become frizzy as bacteria and dirt get into the damaged hair follicle. split ends, hair loss and brittleness.

Fruit acids can also be added to the useless components in the composition of shampoos - they in no way affect the structure of the hair, not at all, but they are quite suitable for the face. The same goes for antioxidants and salicylic acid shampoos.

But plant extracts may well have a significant positive effect on the roots and curls. And the more of them in the composition, the better (the higher a certain ingredient is on the list, the more it is in it). Accordingly, if chamomile and nettle are located at the end of the composition, as in cheap shampoos, there will be no benefit from them. Organic herbal shampoos are a great alternative to silicone shampoos, as are alkali-free and sulfate-free shampoos.

Means with aminexil will help to leave hair loss, just like pepper, nettle, bread, with black cumin, which contain yeast and oils (burdock, for example).

Shampoos to restore damaged hair contain protein and amino acids, panthenol, to help repair the hair follicle after it has been damaged and alleviate the problems that may arise from it. These shampoos include products with keratin, protein. After chemical styling or dyeing, the hair loses a huge amount of moisture, so moisturizing shampoos will also be very good - for example, kefir, birch or olive. And coconut, sea buckthorn and gelatin, in addition to nutrition, will help smooth the hair scales and eliminate fluffiness.

As a rule, the situation with dry hair is somewhat similar to the problems of dyed hair - both of them need to be moisturized abundantly. The composition of the product for dry curls should include oils, collagen, elastin, glycerin.

Shampoos for oily hair often contain various clays.(they are known for their absorbent properties, perfectly cleanse the scalp of oil and dirt) and lemon extract. Can be found with mint or ginseng. Micro sponges in the composition remove fat, and microspheres nourish dry tips.

Popular brands

Of the domestic brands, Natura Siberica and Grandmother Agafya's Recipes are especially popular, some single out PhytoCosmetic. Both the first, and the second, and the third differ in composition - without SLS and parabens, with the addition of natural extracts and vitamins.

At Natura Siberica, you can find several types of shampoos at once - sea buckthorn for volume and with a laminating effect, nourishing, masculine, for colored, thick soap for hair, and so on and so forth.

Feedback on shampoos "Natura Siberica"- in the next video.

PhytoCosmetic differs in that shampoos and masks of this brand can be purchased for testing - in small bags for one or two applications, which is very convenient when testing a new product.

More about shampoos PhytoCosmetic - in the next video.

Review on tar dandruff shampoo "Agafi's First Aid Kit" - in the video below.

Fans of inexpensive organic Russian cosmetics should take a closer look at these companies.

If you have nothing against silicones, take a closer look at the Charm and Pure Line brands. The latter has a very good shampoo for oily roots and dry ends, by the way.

Shampoo review " Clean line" - in the next video.

When it comes to foreign brands, eyes run wide - Head and Shoulders, Gliss Kur, Kora, Selective, Lebel, Dove, Pantine ... The choice is truly huge, and first of all, you should pay attention to products that suit your hair type, and promises , which you are waiting for. Remember that luxury cosmetics ( e.g. Matrix, Kapous, Concept, Davines) often known for its patented formulations and used by the world's makeup artists and stylists, it is often not pure in composition - at least relatively organic.

However, it really works, and if you have the opportunity to buy a shampoo or balm that is right for you from any popular effective series, go for it.

In the next video - a review of hair care cosmetics from Kapous

Which manufacturing country to entrust hair care

Each industry has its own leaders - and hair care is also affected. Shampoos of different brands of different countries are based, first of all, on the beauty standards of that people, on generally recognized production standards and on traditions, on how beauties of various nationalities have long cared for their curls.

For example, Italian shampoos often contain oils (for example, olive oil, which is a natural sun protection and gives shine and elasticity to curls), Chinese shampoos contain green tea and algae, ginger in Egypt, and in Russian brands and firms of the CIS countries you are more likely to In total, you will find ingredients known to all of us - chamomile, nettle, honey, various oils.

Separately, we can highlight Evinal, Organic Shop, Planeta Organica. And so on and so forth - Finnish, Thai, American, Japanese compositions ... If you live in a humid and windy climate, pay attention to products from England - the British understand styling and smoothing products because of the local weather. Asian skin and hair care has always been very popular, because Asian women's hair looks nourished, straight and shiny, and Japanese hair balms and shampoos are one of the most natural, take the same Reveur. American Herbal Essences, part of Procter & Gamble, widely known outside the US.

When choosing hair care, as, indeed, for anything else, you should pay attention to the country of origin in order to avoid fakes and low-quality copies - as you know, small Asian states often fake famous cosmetics, adding cheaper ingredients, the same Korean or Japanese, so it is very important not to make a mistake and carefully read the composition.

Which to choose

When choosing a shampoo, you need to focus on:

  1. Your hair and scalp type. You need to select products that match them, otherwise you risk not only not cleaning your hair properly, but also harming it.
  2. Compound. To avoid the harmful effects of shampoo on hair, it is better to choose a product with mild surfactants, without silicones and parabens, with various vitamins, extracts, herbs. A good shampoo should be transparent.
  3. Remember that the brand does not always matter. Of course, many luxury and elite shampoos are really good for hair, but this does not mean that they will suit everyone. Focus on your personal feelings, reviews, and, yes, on the composition.
  4. Together with the shampoo, you should choose a conditioner or balm - this can be a product from the same line as the shampoo, or maybe from a different manufacturer. It should be the final step in your daily hair care. The right balm will enhance the effect of the shampoo and multiply it. In addition to rinse-off, there are also leave-in products - serums, oils and sprays, but they are not recommended for owners of oily hair, as they can speed up the process of pollution.

For more on the features of choosing a shampoo, see the next video.


The price of cosmetics does not determine its effectiveness. The cost of shampoo depends on many indicators - on what materials the packaging is made of, what volume it is, rare or not very components in the composition (and at the same time, no one can guarantee that “more expensive” means “more effective”). Also, domestic producers in any case will always cost less than imported ones - since their price does not include a percentage for flights and shipments.

“Budget” cosmetics does not mean “bad”, just like “luxury” does not equal “good”.

Of course, healing and regenerating shampoos are much more expensive than conventional cleansing ones, so they perform completely different functions - they can be equated with medical remedies against diseases. Means for washing oily and dry curls are more difficult to find than for normal ones, and they will cost a little more, which is quite logical, given the specifics. The same applies to shampoos for colored hair - they contain some completely different components that are unnecessary for non-colored hair, which determine the cost.