Birthday wishes for aunt. Happy birthday aunt in verse

My dear aunt!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you joy
And good mood!
So that in your family you have peace and quiet,
To have an hour to dream every day.
So that you live like in a beautiful dream,
And that you are happy every day.

I don't know a more beautiful aunt
I love and just love!
I wish aunt dear
Always bloom, be young!

Happy birthday from us - this is the time.
Listen to kind words - that's two.
More fun look - it's three.
And live with everyone in the world - this is the right four.
And please do not lose heart - this is five.
Be happy with what you have - that's six.
And attentive to everyone - it's seven.
Don't grieve that it's autumn in the park - it's eight.
Do not rush to anger your husband - this is nine.
Do not be sad, if they give weight, - this, in general, will be ten.
Instead of numbers, take in addition
Joy, happiness and good luck!

Congratulations to your beloved aunt

My dear aunt,
Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you!
May your life go happily
Let the sadness of the seals not put in it.
Let there be only sunshine in it!
Let the smile on your face shine!
Auntie, live another hundred years
Or two hundred, what a trifle!

May the gods love, dear aunt,
Fresh flowers in the soul pattern,
Snowdrops, blue violets,
On your day, like a fairy carpet!

Congratulations to my beloved aunt

My aunt's birthday is today
Be happy! So that grief does not know tears!
Let congratulations come in tons
One hundred years to live and not to give a chance of old age!

We have always been close to you
After all, I have one aunt!
I want you to be loved
And to love yourself.

So that the sun pleases with light,
To never be sad
So that summer reigns in the heart,
And settled forever!

Congratulations to aunt from nephew

Happy aunt birthday
I will give luxurious flowers.
I ask for my pranks forgiveness
After all, we need each other so much.

I am in awe of your beauty
Like an admiring wanderer.
I wish you happiness, prosperity and love.
Signed, your own nephew. (FROM)

Dear my aunt,
With all my heart I wish you happiness
wonderful weather
And good luck in the future!
Let good impressions
There is so much more to life!
May good moments
Going on longer!

Congratulations to my aunt

Aunt has a birthday today
Congratulations to her and a pie,
Glade delicious in the apartment,
The delicacy is ready!

All the best to you - good luck and light,
More peace and goodness
Thanks for your advice
For the gift of warmth!

So that there is always a rich house,
Drop, aunt, worries,
May it be a bright, sweet day,
Your birthday!

Such as dear aunt,
Believe me, I don't know anymore.
Always ready to help me
So kind - exactly the same

You are a princess from a children's fairy tale,
I wish you joy and happiness
I'm on a bright holiday - birthday,
Also, good luck and luck!

Let your beloved aunt
Always, in everything lucky
And everything you go to
Let it come true here,

The dream will come true
And joy will come to you
All the best will happen
And soon you will!

Happy birthday to aunt from niece in verse

I want to wish my aunt
Don't be sad on your birthday
Get as much as possible
But at the same time, giving

I want you to be lucky
And I sincerely wish
To be happy, to spite the enemies!
I love. Your niece.

Native aunt is a close person,
You and I have always understood each other.
May your happy age be long,
So that we hug you more often.

You mean a lot to me,
Let the worries and doubts go away!
I want to congratulate you, dear,
On your brightest holiday - your birthday!

Dear aunt, happy birthday!
Congratulations on this bright holiday
You remember the years that have passed without regret
After all, there are so many wonderful things to come.

I wish you happiness and health endless
And then stay cheerful, like a naughty girl.
I wish you eternal love and youth,
Your beloved and tender niece. (FROM)

Beautiful congratulations to aunt

Beautiful day in the yard
The sun shines brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!
Aunt, can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright light!
You have been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
Desirable on this day!

At beloved aunt's
It's my birthday today!
We all came to the holiday
In a good mood!

We wish you
Health and good luck!
We firmly, aunt, know
What do you mean to all of us!

Happy birthday aunt congratulations

Congratulations dear aunt
On this day, beautiful with all my heart,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy
Stay like this always

Good-natured, wise and beautiful,
And don't be afraid of any barriers
May the Lord give you strength
And the spring garden blooms in my soul!

Aunt, as always, on top,
You have become a benchmark for me!
imitate and follow you
It has been good manners since childhood.
Know your favorite features
They delight and warm the heart.
May hopes, happiness and dreams
Every day and hour is transformed!

I am proud and admire you
Dear beloved aunt!
Let the sunshine shine again
In the always blue sky!
Let live for the joy of others
No problem, enthusiastic, with passion!
May eternal peace reign on earth
And the soul hears the music of happiness!

Aunt, aunt, all in worries
About family and home!
Get some rest today
From your eternal running!
You have a holiday today
Wishes to you different
We'll talk!
For you to be healthy
To rejoice again
Us with your smile
And a quiet kind word!

Congratulations in verses for aunt happy birthday

Auntie, thank you so much.
Hundreds of times I want to say!
Be always healthy and happy
Invite and visit again!
May your hopes and forecasts
They will bring success!
Let poetry and prose live in the soul,
Believe in a beautiful dream!

Warm congratulations on your aunt's anniversary

Happy Anniversary
And wish for many years
Keep in the soul enthusiasm, fun,
Youth and vitality forever!

For the sun to shine for you
Stars in the night sky
So that you never know sorrow
So that troubles bypass your house!

So that bright moments of life
You were never left
And hope and luck
We would always stay with you!

Let the inspiration come
In this life struggle!
May God give you all the patience
Happiness bright in fate!

With you, aunt, I am at any time
I can talk about everything in the world,
Are you ready without further ado
Understand, help and just support!
And I wish the best aunt in the world
Great happiness, great joy,
May you both at home and at work
Everything will be very, very good!

Dear my aunt,
With all my heart I wish you happiness
wonderful weather
And good luck in the future!
Let good impressions
There is so much more to life!
May good moments
Going on longer!

T children are called the sister of the father or mother in relation to their children. Usually a person has not one aunt, but several, and each is a dear and close person. Even if you live far from each other with your aunt and rarely see each other, she is still your closest relative who sees her continuation in you, as well as in her children. It happens that an aunt lives with her niece or nephew in the same locality, or even in the same house, and takes a direct part in his life and upbringing. Be that as it may, on your aunt’s birthday it will be very pleasant to receive a beautiful congratulation from your nephews with wishes suitable for the holiday. Come to our site and you will find just such!

I think this day is just

Nobody will argue with me
The fact that the family is an island,
What is connected with other bridges.
I want to wish you, aunt,
The same and continue to remain!
You will understand me, as always,
Support. Happy holiday to you!

Aunt has a birthday today
Congratulations to her and pie,
Glade delicious in the apartment,
The delicacy is ready!
All the best to you - good luck and light,
More peace and goodness
Thanks for your advice
For the gift of warmth!

There is no need to be sad, let the years go by
You, aunt, will always remain young!
Cheerful and beautiful, as everyone knows you,
We want to say love to you on your birthday,
That we all appreciate you, we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that your days in life are all good,
So that the sun shines only for you alone,
Well, for us you will always be the dearest! ©

To someone from Brazil
Aunts are coming.
Well, we have an idyll -
You live nearby!
Today is birthday
We are very happy to see you!
Accept congratulations,
Delights of cannonade!
We wish you long happiness
Wealth and smiles.
To make everything easy -
Without sadness and mistakes!

Beautiful day in the yard
The sun shines brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!
Aunt, can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright light!
You have been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
Desirable on this day!

My dear aunt!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you joy
And good mood!
So that in your family you have peace and quiet,
To have an hour to dream every day.
So that you live like in a beautiful dream,
And that you are happy every day.

I am writing to you - my beloved aunt:
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I hope you read all of this.
That with the help of rhyme I scribble.
Aunt! With us you are always invisible,
Even if you haven't been around for a long time!
Because you are loved by all -
Bring warmth, affection, light to everyone!
I wish you a hundred years to meet
Birthday, New Year,
In happiness! Throw away, aunt, sorrow!
And in health - without troubles and hardships!

You are always a welcome guest
So you care about us.
If something suddenly happened,
You always know how to help.
And you are not closer to us
From the entire native circle.
You always give us advice
Like a best friend.

All companies decoration
In our land and abroad...
Happy Birthday
My dear aunt!
Equally close to me with my mother,
Left a trace in fate.
The beautiful life itself
I want you to live!

I love to be with you, aunt,
Talk and laugh a lot!
And get advice from you
How can I do the right thing in life?
And today I congratulate you
I wish - not a single day
Do not be sad, live happily
Have fun and always be friends with me.

There is no need to be sad, let the years go by
You, aunt, will always remain young!
Cheerful and beautiful, as everyone knows you,
We want to say love to you on your birthday,
That we all appreciate you, we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that your days in life are all good,
So that the sun shines only for you alone,
Well, for us you will always be the dearest! ©

Dear my aunt,
With all my heart I wish you happiness
wonderful weather
And good luck in the future!
Let good impressions
There is so much more to life!
May good moments
Going on longer!

my beloved aunt
I wish you health
Good luck at work
And money (necessary, I know).
Love you stronger
And stronger happiness
Less troubles and worries
People around - kinder!

Aunt, as always, on top,
You have become a benchmark for me!
imitate and follow you
It has been good manners since childhood.
Know your favorite features
They delight and warm the heart.
May hopes, happiness and dreams
Every day and hour is transformed!

My dear aunt, dear!
Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you!
Life is happy - let your life go,
And sadness, seals in it, never puts.

May your life be kinder and brighter
No sorrows, and no troubles,
And so that only happiness and good luck
It took you a hundred years!

Aunt, you cast aside sorrows,
After all, today is a celebration
Everything will be like in the series
And you will achieve everything
Donna Rosa before you
Looks quite pale
Compliments to the mountains
Your crown cake for everyone!

Happy birthday from us - this is the time.
Listen to kind words - that's two.
More fun look - it's three.
And live with everyone in the world - this is the right four.
And please do not lose heart - this is five.
Be happy with what you have - that's six.
And attentive to everyone - it's seven.
Don't grieve that it's autumn in the park - it's eight.
Do not rush to anger your husband - this is nine.
Do not be sad, if they give weight, - this, in general, will be ten.
Instead of numbers, take in addition
Joy, happiness and good luck!

Aunt has a birthday today
Congratulations to her and pie,
Glade delicious in the apartment,
The delicacy is ready!
All the best to you - good luck and light,
More peace and goodness
Thanks for your advice
For the gift of warmth!

I, aunt, will be brief,
Health and strength to you,
Horoscopes came true
The light of the stars was happy!
And after a hard evening,
Morning light would come
To have a lot of money
Warm greetings to you!

May the gods love, dear aunt,
Fresh flowers in the soul pattern,
Roses and carnations, blue violets,
On your day, like a fairy carpet!

Aging is not prescribed
Aunt, you only get younger!
Every year, so that at birth,
Eighteen years old!

Congratulations today
Our dear aunt
We wish you love
And good luck at work!
Let the morning be cheerful
And the evening will be calm
Bright - every minute.
Be the happiest of all!

My aunt's birthday is today
Be happy! So that grief does not know tears!
Let congratulations come in tons
One hundred years to live and not to give a chance of old age!

I am proud and admire you
Dear beloved aunt!
Let the sunshine shine again
In the always blue sky!

Let live for the joy of others
No problem, enthusiastic, with passion!
May eternal peace reign on earth
And the soul hears the music of happiness!

Auntie, thank you so much.
Hundreds of times I want to say!
Be always healthy and happy
Invite and visit again!

May your hopes and forecasts
They will bring success!
Let poetry and prose live in the soul,
Believe in a beautiful dream!

I want to be loved by my aunt
Both romantic and practical!
Great success at work!
Great happiness in your personal life!
I wish you happy weather!
I want sunshine!
Be on the latest "squeaks" of fashion
Always dressed to the nines!
Let them never tire
Cleaning, washing, cooking, frying!
Let them be pleasantly surprised
All congratulations and gifts!

My dear aunt how good you are
On this bright anniversary
So the soul sings!
You are beautiful and stubborn
And a little proud
Be irresistible
Be kind, irreplaceable.
Happiness and warmth to you
And springs in your destiny.
Strength, health, and success
Infectious laughter.
There is a lot of feast and a mountain
Aunt dearest

Let my toast be simple and modest,
Let there be no pompous phrases.
From all relatives, from all acquaintances
I want to wish for you
Be charming and gentle
Beloved and desired to be.
Let the comfort in the house be the same,
It's so hard to keep it!
Let your husband please you with care,
Let the children give you attention
Let everything go like clockwork
And every day will be great!
Let the pans and pots
Do not spoil your mood!
Let jokes go around
Always like this birthday!

Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you a lot of good!
May there always be spring in your heart!
Let the thought always be clear!
Let people help
(And people are different)
May there always be something sweet for tea,
May your uncle please you more often with gifts!
Happy birthday!

To someone from Brazil
Aunts are coming.
Well, we have an idyll -
You live nearby!
Today is birthday
We are very happy to see you!
Accept congratulations,
Delights of cannonade!
We wish you long happiness
Wealth and smiles.
To make everything easy -
Without sadness and mistakes!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you all the best
And only aspirations for the best
What would happiness give a sign
For us - you remain the best
Your smile, ringing laughter
Good luck dear aunt
What would be the success in life!

Hi, hello, dear aunt!
We hurry to you, already on the way,
Always highly respected by everyone!
We consider it an honor to visit you!
Although sometimes strict
But more affection, laughter,
We wish you every success
You are very dear to all of us.

Anyone will confirm, and you will understand everything
And I'll tell you without hiding anything
What is not in the whole world, nowhere, better than an aunt,
Than my dear aunt, my dear.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday
Wish you health and happiness.
Nowhere else can you find such an aunt,
And I'm lucky - I don't have to look.

My dear aunt,
Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you!
Let your life go happily
Let the sadness of the seals not put in it.

Let there be only sunshine in it!
Let the smile on your face shine!
Auntie, live another hundred years
Or two hundred, what a trifle!

I have one friend -
We will always understand each other.
Today is a holiday with a friend -
A weighty reason for a feast.
I congratulate you, aunt!
I always want to be young
And on my birthday I conjure
Pour a glass of life to the brim
To drink a lifetime of sweetness
And to know all her joy!

I think this day is just
Nobody will argue with me
The fact that the family is an island,
What is connected with other bridges.
I want to wish you, aunt,
The same and continue to remain!
You will understand me, as always,
Support. Happy holiday to you!

I am writing to you - my beloved aunt:
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I hope you read all of this.
That with the help of rhyme I scribble.
Aunt! With us you are always invisible,
Even if you haven't been around for a long time!
... Because you are loved by all -
Bring warmth, affection, light to everyone!
I wish you a hundred years to meet
birthday, new year
In happiness! Throw away, aunt, sorrow!
And in health - without troubles and hardships !!!

Today our aunt
Celebrating a birth!
Congratulate aunt
All without exception.
She's in bright boxes
Everyone brings gifts
hug tightly,
They want a lot.
Well, we are for aunt
Let's make a toast like this:
It's good for us, auntie,
Next to you!

I wish you a long life
At the same time, do not get sick
Love you huge
To have fun, to sing,
May, aunt, you have joy
Laughing, not sadness
To always be in order
Let sorrows go!

Beautiful day in the yard
The sun shines brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!
Aunt, can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright light!
You have been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
Desirable on this day!

You are always a welcome guest
So you care about us.
If something suddenly happened,
You always know how to help.
And you are not closer to us
From the entire native circle.
You always give us advice
Like a best friend.

Not just an aunt - an older friend,
I want to wish you, dear
Health, happiness and good luck,
And it's nice to take a walk on your birthday.
Let your house be a full bowl
Eyes shine with love.
May the Lord protect you
Bless all your days.

Always young -
my aunt
My role model
From the first day.
You are the best
Beautiful, kind
Always respond
Smiling, caring.
I wish you
On this joyful day
Always be happy.
Good luck everywhere
In your beautiful life!
From a pure heart, keeping joy,
Congratulations, my aunt!

Aunt, my dear! Happy birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart!
Let the holiday cheer up
And the gifts will be very nice!

Try very hard to be happy
Chasing your worries away!
Optimist, stay the same
Younger from year to year and good!

Congratulations, aunty, on your birthday,
And I wish you a holiday in life every day!
Stay feminine - just a feast for the eyes,
So that even a shadow does not touch sadness!

I wish you happiness, joy, health,
And always only good, good news!
Let relatives surround with sincere love,
Embodiments of the best of all your ideas!

My dear aunt, congratulations, you are the best in the world! I can trust you with all my secrets and I know that you will never be angry with me. May your home be comfortable and your heart happy! How I want you to always remain so young, perky, I wish that any road is easy for you, and the weather is good.

For frankness, let relatives forgive,
But I will turn to my aunt on my birthday:
It's great that I have you
What a good example you set for me.

You are a very wise, sensitive person,
Able to warm the soul of anyone.
You are the pride for friends and colleagues,
There aren't many people like you.

Let time flow swiftly into the distance,
Your soul is not subject to him.
Let your flight be high
Your happiness will be simple and eternal!

We wish you, dear aunt,
Succeed in everything
At home, at work,
So that the house is full of smiles.

Wealth itself to go into the hands,
Relatives were always there
About grief, sadness and separation,
For you to forget forever.

And on this very beautiful day,
May everything that you wanted come true
Let wings grow today
So that you reach your dreams.

It's good when there is an aunt - a close person, so similar to her mother. Therefore, it is so easy to wish you with all sincerity real female happiness, warmth, love and prosperity. Be happy not only on this day, please us with a good mood at every meeting. And let there be as many of these meetings as possible.

Happy birthday greetings to relatives is a responsible matter. Especially when you need to congratulate a woman. And if she is also your aunt, you will have to try hard. Birthday is a special holiday for everyone. On this day, the results of the past year are summed up, and on anniversaries, the results of the decade are summed up.

They make plans for the next year, accept gifts and congratulations, and just have fun celebrating the holiday with close people. Congratulations to your aunt on your birthday should be as warm and sincere as for your own parents. After all, an aunt is a person very close to you. A gift for her must be chosen slowly, carefully, taking into account the tastes of the birthday girl. It’s good if close aunts or your parents help you with a gift - they know her desires better and can give practical advice.

If you take the choice of a gift with all responsibility, then be sure to please the birthday girl. But remember that it is equally important to carefully choose the words to congratulate your aunt on her birthday. After all, in them you must express all the love and affection that you feel for her.

Congratulations can be sustained in a solemn tone, or maybe with jokes and jokes - after all, your aunt is a person close to you and you probably know that you can think of her more like it yourself, especially if you are a talented person and write beautiful poems or texts in prose. If it’s difficult for you to come up with an original text for wishing your aunt a happy birthday, our site will come to the rescue! Now many sites offer a variety of congratulations to choose from - playful, funny, touching, official - in general, for every taste.

Surely you will find a suitable one if you look carefully. And her sincere joy and gratitude will be your real reward.

Mother-in-law tender, sweetest
On my birthday I say:
You have become my second mother!
I will open my heart to you:

So much light in you and in the test,
That there is no malice and no shadow!
With your daughter, together with you
I want to live at least two hundred years!

Dear Mom
My wife's!
You have many advantages
And everyone can see them!

You are young, beautiful
You have plenty of strength
For a difficult life
In this complex world!

Determination is enough
Go your own way
Kindness and kindness -
All around!

Accept the assurances
In my respect to you,
I am very happy to be a member
your family!

There is no need to be sad, let the years go by
You, aunt, will always remain young!
Cheerful and beautiful, as everyone knows you,
We want to say love to you on your birthday,

That we all appreciate you, we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that your days in life are all good,
So that the sun shines only for you alone,
Well, for us you will always be the dearest!

I think this day is just
Nobody will argue with me
The fact that the family is an island,
What is connected with other bridges.

I want to wish you, aunt,
The same and continue to remain!
You will understand me, as always,
Support. Happy holiday to you!

To someone from Brazil
Aunts are coming.
Well, we have an idyll -
You live nearby!

Today is birthday
We are very happy to see you!
Accept congratulations,
Delights of cannonade!

We wish you long happiness
Wealth and smiles.
To make everything easy -
Without sadness and mistakes!

Beautiful day in the yard
The sun shines brightly.
Your birthday has come -
Accept gifts!

Aunt, can't find you
This world is better
In the middle of a cloudy day
You are our bright light!

You have been with us since childhood
Like a second mother
We congratulate you
Desirable on this day!

My dear aunt!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to wish you joy
And good mood!

So that in your family you have peace and quiet,
To have an hour to dream every day.
So that you live like in a beautiful dream,
And that you are happy every day.

I am writing to you - my beloved aunt:
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I hope you read all of this.
That with the help of rhyme I scribble.

Aunt! With us you are always invisible,
Even if you haven't been around for a long time!
Because you are loved by all -
Bring warmth, affection, light to everyone!

I wish you a hundred years to meet
Birthday, New Year,
In happiness! Throw away, aunt, sorrow!
And in health - without troubles and hardships!

You are always a welcome guest
So you care about us.
If something suddenly happened,
You always know how to help.

And you are not closer to us
From the entire native circle.
You always give us advice
Like a best friend.

Favorite aunt,
Why are you shedding tears?
Came happy birthday

After all, the most important thing is
That you are glorious
And better than you, aunt,
Nowhere to be found!

We congratulate you
And we wish you happiness
And this gift
Please accept!

So that you live well
Never grieve
To uncle take you long
Wanted to kiss!

All companies decoration
In our land and abroad...
Happy Birthday
My dear aunt!

Equally close to me with my mother,
Left a trace in fate.
The beautiful life itself
I want you to live!