Postcards kirigami for March 8 templates. Postcards kirigami scheme

Kirigami is the art of cutting beautiful and voluminous postcards. You open such a postcard - suddenly some figure pops up. There is nothing complicated in the manufacturing process itself, but at the same time, the postcards are quite unusual. In this article, we have selected for you the best kirigami patterns for beginners. Having cut out a card on them, you will receive a wonderful gift for any occasion.

From the heart

The process of making a postcard using the kirigami technique can be traced on the example of a master class. First of all, we will show you how to make one of the most popular postcards - a heart.

On a sheet of paper, draw a symmetrical heart.

Cut out.

We retreat half a cm from the edges, draw a second heart inside with a different color, it is slightly smaller. Then we retreat half a cm again, draw the third heart in red.

Now we need to draw a drop. To do this, draw the largest heart and find the middle vertically. From the very heart, draw the lines that are shown in the photo. At the widest point, we put two segments on a drop at a distance of 1.3 and 1.5 cm.

This is what the assembly will look like.

There will be 4 such drops in total, and they are located at a distance of 7 mm from each other.

We retreat seven mm from the middle of the vertical, we build the second drop, as we did the first one.

Do not forget to add ponytails to the drops.

We build the third drop according to the same scheme.

So, all we need is:

We make cuts on the blanks as shown in the photographs.

At the droplets, we make cuts from below.

Cut out all the details.

We collect droplets and hearts in turn.

Detail view from below.

Cut out the cloud and fold in half.

Related article: Do-it-yourself dollhouse made of cardboard for Monster High with a photo

We make small cuts in the card and thread the ponytails inside.

Glue these ponytails with tape or glue.

We cut out the cover, it should be a couple of cm larger, glue it to the cloud with double-sided tape.

For the New Year

And now we offer to analyze a few popular ideas among the masters for the New Year.

The first one is a tree. For work, we need two sheets with templates, two blank sheets, glue, a cutter, a stapler, a clerical knife.

We staple together the template and a sheet of clean paper.

Cut out the Christmas tree with a utility knife.

First we cut out what is inside, and then the outline.

We make four Christmas trees. And fold them in half.

We glue them on the folds.

Here's what we ended up with.

Well, the second idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a postcard for the New Year is Santa Claus. The article presents the following scheme for cutting.

Another scheme for holiday cards using the kirigami technique is a monkey. It is she who will be able to coolly decorate your postcard.

Ideas for March 8

This holiday is one of the most long-awaited holidays for girls and women. With a kirigami card, you can congratulate your mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin and girlfriend, and many other familiar girls. And the following thematic picture can serve as a beautiful idea.

beautiful boat

Creating such a postcard is very simple. Print the design on white paper and cut it out. The next step is to put the substrate under the white base. A nautical-style postcard is perfect for those who love the sea and dream of long-distance travels, it makes you dream and think about beauty.

Postcard for Easter

Easter is considered the most important religious holiday. This holiday is celebrated in the spring, which is why it is best to associate it with the sun and warmth. One of the main symbols is the Easter Bunny, which is why it is often depicted on greeting cards. Postcards for Easter in the kirigami technique are perfect for improving gifts. And here is another greeting card scheme.

Kirigami is a Japanese word that consists of two words: "to iru" - cut + " kami"- paper. This is one of the paperwork techniques for creating three-dimensional images of objects, which consists in cutting and folding paper in a certain way to create a three-dimensional shape. Kirigami is similar to origami in that it is a form of paper art. The main difference between them is this: in origami you only fold the paper, while in kirigami you not only fold but also cut the paper.

One of the directions of kirigami is pop-up postcards, or folding postcards. When it is opened, the form folded between its pages straightens and becomes voluminous. Often this technique is used in children's books, where houses, castles, entire landscapes and characters of the book seem to appear out of nowhere as soon as you turn the page. Impressive effect!

To design kirigami, you need to understand the basic principles for creating such three-dimensional forms. We will talk about this in a separate article on this topic.

Kirigami is a hobby that does not require many expensive materials, but the effect that can be achieved with minimal materials - paper and a knife - is amazing. Below you will find a number of free templates and patterns for creating kirigami castles in the style of a pop-up card.

Kirigami postcards can be created on a single sheet of paper. But you can also use two sheets of contrasting colors: one for creating the kirigami project itself, and the second as the basis for the postcard, as in the picture below.

Also, the castle can be tinted with pencils or a pen.

Below are 11 kirigami castle designs that you can print out. Below we will discuss the principles of folding and cutting paper to create these castles.

Kirigami Castle No. 1.

Pattern of this castle:

Kirigami Castle No. 2.

Pattern of this castle:

Kirigami Castle No. 3.

Lock pattern:

Kirigami Castle No. 4.

Kirigami Castle No. 5.

Kirigami Castle No. 6.

Kirigami Castle No. 7.

Kirigami Castle No. 8.

Several kirigami castle templates without end result images:

How to create a kirigami postcard with locks?

It is better to use thicker paper for printing templates. Slots are easier to make by helping yourself with a ruler. The incisions can be made with a utility knife or scalpel. Use the stylus as an auxiliary tool to fold paper.

There are two types of kirigami schemes in our templates: multi-colored with lines of different colors and black and white. Let's start with the first type of schemes - multi-colored. In these diagrams, different line colors represent different types of paper folds and cuts, namely fold in, fold out, and the size line. Since the schemes belong to different authors, the colors responsible for different types of work with lines are different. But looking at ready-made projects with a lock next to the templates, it is easy to figure out what kind of line a certain color is responsible for. For example, in project #7, the red line is the inward fold line, the gray line is the cut line, and the blue line is the outward fold. In project No. 8, the red dotted line is the cut line, the pink dotted line is the inward fold, and the blue dotted line is the outward fold.

In the second type of schemes - black and white - the following lines and their designations are used:

  • solid line - size line;
  • dotted line - inward bend;
  • dotted line - outward bend.

After printing the template with a lock, lay the sheet on a board or cardboard, and use a clerical knife to cut along the lines on the template that are intended for cutting. A more difficult stage is folds. First, gently fold the card along the center line without hitting the lock itself. Then, for each line in the lock pattern, fold inward or outward, depending on the type of line. In this case, place a finger or a stylus under the bent element for support.


The unusual art of the artist Lisa Rodden(Lisa Rodden) consists in the fact that she does not use pencils, brushes, or paints. She creates her three-dimensional paintings from paper using scissors. Ordinary sheets of white paper are transformed into images of animals or fantastic birds, as well as intricate geometric patterns. These paper cut pictures are eye-catching and captivating.

The secret of the artist is that she not only makes cuts with extraordinary precision, but also uses the play of light and shadow, as well as color contrasts with the background, in her three-dimensional images. Creating volumetric paintings from paper is a matter that only at first glance seems simple. It requires extraordinary perseverance and utmost accuracy, reaching the point of pedantry. Lisa Rodden possesses these qualities to the highest degree.

Lisa's talent has not gone unnoticed. The originality of the carved paintings, their laconicism, the minimalism of visual means made the artist's art very popular: her paintings are shown in salons, large companies order her original booklets and business cards.

Kirigami. Postcards for the New Year of the Dragon.

How to make a unique, voluminous Dragon card from colored paper for the holiday with your own hands.

Learning how to make voluminous postcards using the technique - kirigami. Spectacular, bright postcard - Year of the Dragon from colored paper.

Kirigami (jap. 切り紙?) is a type of origami that allows the use of scissors and paper cutting in the process of making a model. This is the main difference between kirigami and other paper folding techniques, which is emphasized in the name: 切る (kiru) - cut, 紙 (kami) - paper.

A handmade Dragon card can be decorated with beads, sequins, pieces of fabric and fur, multi-colored braid, decorative laces, beads and rhinestones, satin ribbons. In a word, everything that is at hand at home or in the nearest store. Scissors, bright colored paper, sometimes glue, threads and jewelry, that's all you need to create original, unique, author's postcards. Read full text...

What is kirigami

Kirigami is a Japanese word that consists of two words: "to iru" - cut + " kami"- paper. This is one of the paperwork techniques for creating three-dimensional images of objects, which consists in cutting and folding paper in a certain way to create a three-dimensional shape. Kirigami is similar to origami in that it is a form of paper art. The main difference between them is this: in origami you only fold the paper, while in kirigami you not only fold but also cut the paper.

One of the directions of kirigami is pop-up postcards, or folding postcards. When it is opened, the form folded between its pages straightens and becomes voluminous. Often this technique is used in children's books, where houses, castles, entire landscapes and characters of the book seem to appear out of nowhere as soon as you turn the page. Impressive effect!

To design kirigami, you need to understand the basic principles for creating such three-dimensional forms. We will talk about this in a separate article on this topic.

Kirigami is a hobby that does not require many expensive materials, but the effect that can be achieved with minimal materials - paper and a knife - is amazing. Below you will find a number of free templates and patterns for creating kirigami castles in the style of a pop-up card.

Kirigami castle templates

Kirigami postcards can be created on a single sheet of paper. But you can also use two sheets of contrasting colors: one for creating the kirigami project itself, and the second as the basis for the postcard, as in the picture below.

Also, the castle can be tinted with pencils or a pen.

Below are 11 kirigami castle designs that you can print out. Below we will discuss the principles of folding and cutting paper to create these castles.

Kirigami Castle No. 1.

Pattern of this castle:

Kirigami Castle No. 2.

Pattern of this castle:

Kirigami Castle No. 3.

Lock pattern:

Kirigami Castle No. 4.

Kirigami Castle No. 5.

Kirigami Castle No. 6.

Kirigami Castle No. 7.

Kirigami Castle No. 8.

Several kirigami castle templates without end result images:

How to create a kirigami postcard with locks?

It is better to use thicker paper for printing templates. Slots are easier to make by helping yourself with a ruler. The incisions can be made with a utility knife or scalpel. Use the stylus as an auxiliary tool to fold paper.

There are two types of kirigami schemes in our templates: multi-colored with lines of different colors and black and white. Let's start with the first type of schemes - multi-colored. In these diagrams, different line colors represent different types of paper folds and cuts, namely fold in, fold out, and the size line. Since the schemes belong to different authors, the colors responsible for different types of work with lines are different. But looking at ready-made projects with a lock next to the templates, it is easy to figure out what kind of line a certain color is responsible for. For example, in project #7, the red line is the inward fold line, the gray line is the cut line, and the blue line is the outward fold. In project No. 8, the red dotted line is the cut line, the pink dotted line is the inward fold, and the blue dotted line is the outward fold.

In the second type of schemes - black and white - the following lines and their designations are used:

  • solid line - size line;
  • dotted line - inward bend;
  • dotted line - outward bend.

After printing the template with a lock, lay the sheet on a board or cardboard, and use a clerical knife to cut along the lines on the template that are intended for cutting. A more difficult stage is folds. First, gently fold the card along the center line without hitting the lock itself. Then, for each line in the lock pattern, fold inward or outward, depending on the type of line. In this case, place a finger or a stylus under the bent element for support.

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