Find a postcard with the ascension of the Lord. Pictures, postcards and congratulations on the ascension of the Lord

Christians around the world on June 6 celebrate an extremely important holiday - the Ascension of the Lord. It was on this day a little less than two thousand years ago that Jesus Christ finally ascended to Heaven in the presence of all his apostles.

history of the holiday

The Ascension of the Lord is the day when Christ ascended into heaven and sat down "to the right of the Father." After his resurrection, he appeared to his disciples, talked to them and taught them, ordered them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. He ascended with his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he blessed them for the last time and ascended to heaven.

Customs and Traditions of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

On this holiday, it is important to remember that Christ ascended to heaven with traces of suffering for our sins. According to tradition, this day is considered the full bloom of spring, its end and the onset of summer.

Our ancestors kindled a large fire in the evening, symbolizing the flowering of nature.

There are many traditions and customs associated with the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord.

Our ancestors baked "special" pancakes for the holiday. They made them "Christ on the path." These pancakes had many names: "Onuchki", "God's envelope", "Christ's bast shoes".

It is believed that from the day of Easter until the Ascension of the Lord, the gates of heaven and hell are open. Until the very feast, sinners in hell do not suffer, but can have fun and rejoice with the righteous. Therefore, Ascension is considered a memorial day.

Ascension of the Lord 2019 - pictures, beautiful cards, gifs

Ascension of the Lord 2019 - congratulatory verses

To the Orthodox world
I send my congratulations,
I wish you happiness, joy
In the Lord's Ascension.

I wish things
Good things you did
To live a righteous life
To not sin.

May God's grace
From heaven will come down on us,
Lord's Ascension
Praise all the people.

Ask God for salvation
And we bring spring flowers,
We put candles in front of the icons
On the day of the Lord's Ascension.

On this day Jesus Christ
Completed his service.
God the Father lifted him up
He left our Earth.

He suffered for us
And again returned to Eternity.
Ascension is the day of parting,
Marked with bright joy.

On this day, Jesus ascended to heaven,
Blessing us for good deeds,
Showed us the right path to salvation,
And he suffered for our sinners.
Today is the Ascension Day, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you the grace of the Lord,
May the bird of happiness always fly to you,
Happiness to you, smiles and family warmth.

Everywhere I see my God
He is the children of his fathers - and will not leave,
No, it will never reject
In whom faith in the Merciful does not freeze.

The Lord my God is on land, on the waters,
And in a noisy crowd, in worldly excitement,
And in the hut, and in the magnificent chambers,
And in the harbor of the soul - in solitude ...

There is no place that with His beam
He would not illuminate, who is everywhere;
There is no darkness, no eclipse before Him:
Everyone is close to the Blessed and Almighty.

Believe it or don't believe it,
Jesus is resurrected after our death!
Exactly forty days later
He ascended like a bird,
He was taken by the Lord-Father,
Leaving us all the pain of hearts ...
But how long will good live
In our hearts, so much he -
Jesus Christ will live!
Family, Happy Holidays!

Following Easter Sunday
Great holiday - Ascension!
Christ suddenly resurrected
Then - ascended to heaven!
So that from there we, the lost ones,
Make life happier and better!
With a great and bright holiday,
Be warmed by the warmth of the Lord!


Not a single holiday is complete without kind, sincere and sincere congratulations! Traditionally, they are presented in two main ways - orally and in writing.


The second option involves the presentation of a greeting card, which in turn can be paper or virtual. In our age of developing technologies, many prefer to exchange exactly virtual copies of postcards, because it is very convenient and simple! Well, so that you don’t have to create holiday cards on your own, we ourselves have prepared beautiful postcards with the Ascension of the Lord for you.

The Ascension is an event in New Testament history when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven in the flesh. The full name of this holiday is the following - "Ascension of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ."

All postcards presented on this page, congratulating on the Ascension of the Lord, can be downloaded completely free of charge, you just need to hover over the copy you like, press the right mouse button and select "save image". In the case of a phone and a smartphone, the download actions are similar - select a picture and select an item in the “download image” window that appears. Well, after saving to the gadget, you can send the picture to your friends, acquaintances, relatives by e-mail, by MMS, via WhatsApp, Viber and so on. You should start from what installed programs you use.

Important! This page is constantly updated with new congratulatory items, so check back often!

Postcards with the Lord's Ascension

Beautiful cards with the Ascension of the Lord 2018

Pictures of the Ascension of Christ 2018

Beautiful cards with the Ascension of the Lord 2018

A very sincere and beautiful video, performance C, the site writes. Bezrukov (video)

Beautiful congratulations are sung by A.Istokov (video)

Congratulations from the bee (video)

The interesting postcards-pictures with the Ascension of the Lord presented on this page were created specifically for the website, therefore they are exclusive, you must admit that such rare images are much more pleasant to give to people from your inner circle!

This review is constantly updated with new greeting cards, as well as our other collections, we recommend that you add the page to your browser bookmarks so as not to lose sight of our site. We will be glad if you share your find with your friends, click on the buttons of social networks! Happy holidays and see you in the next reviews

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The Ascension of the Lord is one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. Ascension always falls on a Thursday, just like Easter falls on a Sunday. On this day, Orthodox Christians congratulate each other on the holy holiday, go to church for a festive service, and then celebrate in the family with relatives and friends. Congratulate your family and friends on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord by sending them beautiful postcards and pictures of congratulations.

With the Ascension of the Lord - pictures and beautiful congratulations

Bright holiday today -
Ascension of the Lord!
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Don't sin in your life!
He is merciful, but still,
Be strict with yourself
And then the great Lord
Be your protection!

We all celebrate today
The day is both bright and holy.
With the ascension of the Lord,
May Christ be with you!
Keeping faith in my heart
Protecting from insults
Christians let all the faithful
He saves from sorrows!

And Easter is over
Forty days have passed since then,
We feel today
Unforgettable warmth.

Ascension Thursday
The Covenant calls us to life,
To the sky, to the light! We are ready
Believe that there is no death.

Today is the Ascension of the Lord.
The big church holiday has come.
I wish you good health
Always be full of zeal and strength.
May the sky protect you from troubles,
And the Son of God will reward with love.
So that you live easily, prospering,
Without troubles, worries and insults.
Let the soul be cleansed today
From all insults, from anger and sadness.
I wish in the Ascension of the Lord,
May you live long and prosper.

Ascension of the Lord
Orthodox glorifies people
Many to church today
They go with pure faith.

Be open to God
Multiply the good in you
And then the road to you
Happiness will choose itself.

With the Ascension of the Lord
My congratulations,
Peace in the heart and kindness
On a bright day I wish.
May the Lord give you strength
Strengthens only the spirit.
Flame of love and faith
So that the souls do not go out.

Beautiful postcards with the Ascension of the Lord

Summer has already called spring to bloom.
And now gardens are bursting with happiness.
Congratulations on the Lord's Ascension!
Let God save you from anger and enmity!
And the light of faith in a miraculous salvation
Let your earthly days light up!

Congratulations on the Ascension of Christ,
There is so much to say on this bright day.
I wish you peace, tranquility, good,
Live in friendship, do not get angry and do not lose heart.

May your health be strong, strong,
May good luck and success accompany everything.
I wish you to be joyful, loving,
Life to get along without bitterness, interference.

Ascension of the Lord
We are given heaven
Hope is reborn
In our souls and hearts.
May it bring blessing
On this day, heavenly light
May our sins be forgiven
Saves from evil and troubles.
On a bright holiday, I wish you everything
Keep faith in your heart
Under holy skies
Live a happy life.

On the great day of the holy Ascension
The sky rejoices, the people celebrate.
May the truth of divine genius
It will bring you pure bliss.

May your joy be endless
And life is without sins and without evil.
On the day of the triumph of great eternal life
May there be a lot of happiness and warmth!

We wish you bright joy
Good health
Prosperous, long old age.
May you be kept, with love,
Christ, and in righteous faith
Find salvation...
With a wonderful, bright, iridescent
Lord's Ascension!

You can download these Happy Ascension Day pictures for free and send them to your family and friends by phone.