Soap nut for skin and hair. Soap nuts - useful natural soap Soap nuts for washing dishes

Hello everyone!

About a year ago, in my search for everything healthy and natural, I stumbled upon soap nuts, an all-natural cleanser and detergent.

Today, they are almost always present in my arsenal of home care products.

Soap nuts are a godsend for everyone who suffers from allergies, hypersensitivity to chemical agents, who has skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and those who simply strive for natural and natural in their lifestyle.

Using soap nuts is a pleasure, they are universal.

They can wash all types of fabrics, wash floors, dishes, use them as a means of hair and body care, for children, for animals.

By learning how to properly use soap nuts, you will no longer need powders, conditioners, rinses, floor, tile, bath, and even shampoo and soap!!! All this they can replace!

How? I'll try to tell you now

From this article you will learn:

Soap nuts (soap berries) - botanical reference

In total, there are up to 15 varieties of soap trees in the world.

Most of them grow in the foothills of the Himalayas, in ecologically clean regions of India.

But only three types of trees are predominantly used: Sapindus Mukorossi, Sapindus Laurifolius and Sapindus Trifoliatus.

Of these, the most popular are Sapindus Mukorossi, as they contain the largest amount of saponins, the very components that endow nuts with cleansing and saponifying properties.

In November - December, they produce a crop of round yellow-brown nuts with a diameter of 1 - 2.5 cm, which from a botanical point of view are berries with a stone inside, but are commonly called soap nuts, sapindus or Indian nuts.

Chemical composition of soap nuts

Let's not delve deeply into the chemical composition of soap nuts, but focus on one, the most important component - these are saponins.

Saponins (from Latin soap - soap) is a natural foaming agent, easily soluble in water, which works as a surfactant (partially soluble in water, and partially in fat), breaking the surface tension of water and penetrating into the fibers of clothing or surfaces , washing away particles of dirt, leaving it in suspension. 38% saponins are found in the soap nut shell.

Useful properties and uses of soap nuts

Let's start with household properties:

  • slightly foam when shaken, but at the same time penetrate deeply into the structure of the fabric, washing away impurities from it
  • do not create an alkaline reaction and do not damage the fabric
  • remove dirt and odors
  • free of synthetic chemicals, fillers, dyes and fragrances
  • hypoallergenic
  • environmentally friendly and biodegradable

Cosmetic properties:

  • do not dry the skin
  • do not irritate the skin
  • suitable as a hair conditioner and shampoo
  • skin care detergent
  • ideal for the care of damaged and sensitive skin: eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dandruff, itchy scalp and other skin irritations
  • protect from insects
  • possess antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal.
    and deodorizing properties

Medicinal properties of soap nut

Most often, all soap nuts are used in Tibetan medicine:

Main ways:

  • Washing all types of fabrics, even the most delicate and delicate, white and colored
  • Detergent for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom (granite, tile, stainless steel, plastic)
  • For washing fruits and vegetables (soaking fruits and vegetables for 10 minutes in a soap nut solution removes 95% of any pesticides and chemicals from their surface)
  • Dishwashing (except dishwashers)
  • For cleaning jewelry
  • For cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, car and interior washing
  • For spraying plants from insects

How to use soap nuts correctly?

Soap nuts can be used in those versions: whole or raw, in powder (previously, grinding them in a coffee grinder) and in the form of a solution.

Let's look at the first way (traditional method):

  • Machine wash

Take 5-6 soap nuts and put them in a drawstring muslin bag (nuts are often sold in such bags).

Tighten it carefully and place it in the drum of the washing machine along with the clothes (it is very important not to overload the washing machine with laundry).

When finished washing, remove them and if you do not intend to repeat a new wash cycle, let them dry thoroughly.

At a washing temperature of up to 60 degrees, the same nuts can be used 3-4 times, over 60 degrees - up to 2 times, depending on the degree of water hardness.

  • Handwash

In a basin with warm water we place 2-3 nuts in a linen bag.

The higher the hardness of the water and the greater the degree of soiling of the laundry, the more nuts we will need (up to 8) and stir the water until foam is obtained. Soak the laundry in this soap solution for 15 minutes and wash it as usual.

  • Soap Nut Powder

You can grind soap nuts with a coffee grinder and use 1-2 teaspoons of it in laundry water or add it to the washing machine, and use it as a mild abrasive on hard surfaces.

  • Soap nut decoction

One of the most effective ways to use soap nuts is to make concentrated soap broth or liquid soap.

The resulting product is universal: it can be used for washing, washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, and caring for hair and body.

For cooking, you need to take 15 nuts, crush them, pour one liter of warm water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat.

You can boil longer to get a more saturated and concentrated solution.

Then strain it through cheesecloth into a glass bottle with a dispenser and use as directed.

This soap should be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

How to use soap decoction:

  • It can be added during washing in the drum of a washing machine or dissolved in a basin for hand washing clothes in an amount of 1-2 tsp
  • It can be applied in small amounts to a damp dishwashing sponge. At the same time, the washed dishes do not contain those chemicals that are harmful to the body, which contain industrial products.
  • It can be added to wash floors, bathtubs, tiles and other surfaces. To do this, apply a small amount to a brush or sponge and wipe the contaminated areas.
  • This product is ideal for cleaning jewelry. They are soaked for some time in water with the addition of a decoction of soap nuts and wiped with a dry cloth.

How to wash your hair and body with soap nuts?

For this, you will also need a ready-made broth.

Just use it like you would regular liquid soap on a washcloth. You will know that the skin is clean when it starts to squeak.

To wash your hair, apply to wet walnut solution, massage your scalp and rinse with warm water.

Attention!!! Remember that there will be very little foam with soap nuts, but even a small presence of it is a sure sign that the hair is already clean !!! And take care of your eyes, soap nuts sting your eyes a lot!!!

You will need approximately 2-3 shampoos to adapt your hair to their use.

With the regular use of soap nuts for washing hair, the skin fat balance is normalized, the hair is restored, revived, shiny.

Unlike shampoos, they do not wash off the protective layer from the scalp, do not dry out the hair, which means they come to life, stop falling out and quickly become greasy.

The main thing is to choose for yourself the necessary individual concentration of the soap solution, and when using it, it is recommended to first make a skin test.

How to use soap nuts in animal care?

You will need all the same soapy water.

Use it as soap or shampoo when washing your pet. After it, your pet's coat will look great and fleas will never start in it.

How to understand that soap nuts have lost their beneficial properties?

Soap nuts are considered used when they stop making soap. They become soft, thin, limp, have a grayish color and cease to be slippery and soapy to the touch.

Important features in the use of soap nuts that you should pay attention to

Soap nuts are not an alternative to harsh chemical powders, they do not contain bleaches and stain removers, therefore they do not remove stubborn greasy stains and do not bleach white linen.

Therefore, when washing stubborn stains, they should be pre-treated with a stain remover or soda, and when bleaching white items, additionally use oxygen bleach.

  • Soap nuts can be used to wash silk, wool and other delicate fabrics.
  • The use of fabric softener or antistatic for washing with soap nuts is not required. Things will be very soft anyway.
  • For best results, linen and towels using soap nuts should be washed at 90 degrees without loading the drum of the washing machine to the eyeballs.
  • Pre-soaking and using a pre-soaking cycle greatly improves the quality of the results
  • Let the soap nuts dry between washes. It is better to re-soak them before use.
  • Hard water may require more soap nuts.
  • Soap nuts will keep your clothes fresh and clean without any added smell.
  • If you prefer a different fragrance, add a little while washing.
  • Be careful with your eyes when washing your hair with soap nuts

Contraindications to the use of soap nuts

It is believed that 1 gr. soap nut powder has an emetic, in a larger dose it gives a laxative and expectorant effect.

Soap nuts should not be used during pregnancy, in large doses they have an abortive effect.

So, if you are striving to completely switch to natural products, not only in your diet, but also in everyday life, soap nuts are just a godsend for you.

They are economical, safe, effective and easy to use.

Of course, you should not hope that they will turn super-dirty things into perfectly clean ones. But, harsh aggressive washing powders cannot cope with this either.

The rest of the soap nuts are not inferior to them!

The main thing is to properly adapt to them and learn how to create the necessary concentration of detergent. All this comes with experience.

It is believed that 2 kg of soap nuts can last a family of 4 for a whole year. On average, 0.5 kg of nuts is enough for 100 washes.

Video about soap nuts

Where to buy soap nuts?

You can find them in organic stores, in Ayurvedic stores.

I'm buying here, these are soap nuts, you can also buy bags for them, as well as ready-made shampoos based on them.

I also buy this one ready made. soap nut concentrate, such a bottle is enough for 96 washes.

Ideal for those who don't want to mess around with making soap broth from soap nuts,

In doing so, we have:

  • Anti-fungal and anti-microbial action
  • 99+% botanical
  • Eliminates odor
  • Without dyes and fragrances
  • Safe for allergy sufferers
  • Free of petrochemical ingredients, chlorine, sulfates, formaldehydes, NPEs and phosphates
  • pH neutral (6)
  • Vegan product not tested on animals

Well, that's probably all, my dear readers, that I could tell you about soap nuts. Do you have any personal experience with soap nuts?

I will wait for your feedback and comments, and I hope this information will be useful to you.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon!!!

If you like to experiment with unusual beauty products or you are a natural organic product advocate, you might find the experience of using soap nuts to wash your hair educational.

You can find soap nuts in stores that sell all sorts of organic and organic products, and you should be prepared for the fact that they are very overpriced. However, despite the high cost, the cost of buying soap nuts as a replacement for shampoo will not be large, since the consumption of this natural soap is very small.

What is a soap nut and is it suitable for use as a hair shampoo? This is the fruit of a tree that grows in India and Nepal, rich in saponin, a substance that causes good foaming (the name of the substance is formed from two words - "soap" and "Indian"). It is this substance that gives the nut such excellent washing qualities. Today we know such substances under the abbreviation surfactants. These properties of the fruit make it possible to use it both for washing clothes ... and for washing hair. By the way, the Indians used the fruits of the soap tree to bleach fabrics, and this information alone should alert you if you decide to use the berries of the soap tree specifically for washing your hair.

On the Internet, you can find rather conflicting information about using a nut specifically as a shampoo, but in fact it all comes down to preparing a soapy solution. It is worth paying attention to the warning that the soap solution should not get into the eyes, and after using it as a shampoo, the hair will need a conditioning agent.

Without removing the fruits from the bag, knead them a little with a rolling pin. To make a soapy solution, boil 5 nuts in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes, let the solution cool, and only then use it.

Adhering to this proportion, you can make a decoction of any number of soap fruits. Stir the broth from time to time, while an abundant dense foam will form.

For convenience, pour the liquid into a plastic bottle through a sieve, and shake it well to form foam - the nutty shampoo is ready.

Squeeze the foam onto the hair roots by pressing the bottle, gently massage and leave on the head for 5 minutes. During this time, the soap base should absorb all the grease and dirt, cleansing the scalp and hair cuticle. At this time, you can catch a rather pungent smell, similar to the smell of vinegar, but after subsequent washing it will completely disappear. After 5 minutes, rinse your hair under water and be sure to treat it with conditioner or balm, skipping this step will leave your scalp in a very dry state and most likely after a while you will begin to feel itchy and tight skin.

So, after the first use of the shampoo, the hair looks very clean and shiny, and this is due to the fact that, in fact, a deep cleaning of the hair was carried out, which almost completely cleared the hair cuticle from accumulated dirt, greasy plaque and the remnants of various cosmetic products that were clogged under the scales. hair.

But after using soap nuts as a shampoo after the third time, it became noticeable that the hair became dirty by the middle of the first day. Continued use of this natural cleanser resulted in dryness of the hair and scalp, despite the use of moisturizing masks in addition to the conditioner. As a result, by the end of the second week of using the soap nut decoction, the hair even immediately after washing looked dull and as if already dirty.

What is wrong with using soap nuts to wash your hair? Perhaps this tool is suitable for use specifically as a means for deep cleaning of the hair and scalp, when the hair needs to be prepared for caring procedures or for coloring. After a single use, you really get well-cleansed hair and scalp, but with repeated use, this will lead to overdrying of the scalp, and this in turn will increase the secretion of sebum. This can explain the fact that after a week of using the soap nut solution, the hair no longer seemed clean and had.

Summing up, I would like to say the following - without the necessary special education, it is very difficult for us, as consumers, to evaluate the real effect of a particular natural product for our skin or hair. And even if after the first application we are delighted with the use of such a wonderful natural product, we are not able to assess its real impact with further use. Today, almost everyone has the opportunity to buy a variety of hair cosmetic products, and in our opinion, it would be wise to choose products that are produced by cosmetic brands that have modern laboratories and produce modern safe products.

Instructions for use:

Beneficial features

Soap nuts are the fruits of soap trees native to India. Nuts appear in November-December, they are round, yellowish-brown in color, no more than 2.5 cm in diameter.

For humans, nutshells are of value, containing natural foaming agents - saponins, which have detergent qualities, while they completely decompose when they enter the environment and, accordingly, unlike modern household chemicals, they do not pollute it. Soap nuts have the same gentle effect on the human body - they are non-toxic, do not cause allergies, have no smell, so they can be used for washing, rinsing clothes, washing dishes. The use of nuts instead of detergents for dishes and powders for linen saves a person from contact through clothing and absorption with food of various chemical compounds, which, as you know, are poorly rinsed and cause a deterioration in immunity, allergies, and skin diseases. In cosmetology, soap nuts are used for hair, skin care, and the treatment of skin diseases.

Soap nuts have antibacterial properties, relieve inflammation, accelerate wound healing, and reduce the increased secretion of sweat glands.


As already mentioned, the nutshell is of interest - it must be put in a bag of fabric, preferably linen, and crushed.

If nuts are used for automatic washing, this bag is placed in the drum along with the laundry and washed in the usual way. On average, there are 2-5 nuts per wash. If the water is hard or the washing quality is unsatisfactory, the amount of shells can be increased.

Judging by the reviews, soap nuts can be used more than once. If washing takes place at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees, the shell can be applied 3-4 times, if more than 50 degrees, then only 1-2 times.

If washing is supposed to be done by hand, the same bag with crushed shells is placed in a washing container filled with warm water (it should be borne in mind that the saponins in the soap nut shell begin to act only in warm water). After placing the bag in the water, knead it there and stir the water until foam appears. In this water, the laundry is soaked, after which it is rinsed in cool water. You can still add nuts to the rinse water, so the laundry becomes softer.

For hair, soap nuts are used as a decoction. It is necessary to pour 10-15 pieces of crushed walnut shells, pour a liter of water and boil them for half an hour. The result is a decoction that looks like liquid soap. You can store it for another two weeks in the refrigerator.

When using nuts for washing hair, it should be borne in mind that washing their hair like regular shampoo will not work - the decoction is liquid like water. It is recommended to water the head with a decoction and immediately massage, while you can collect the soapy liquid draining from the hair into a container and pour it over the head again until the hair is clean. In this case, there may not be foam, but the hair is washed without it.

  • Underwear and bed linen, i.e. those things that have a long and tight contact with the skin.
  • Underwear for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, children and other people with sensitive skin and sense of smell.
  • Wool and silk, i.e. those fabrics that cannot be washed in an alkaline environment. Wool does not shrink, does not roll, things do not fade, remain soft and fluffy.
  • Membrane fabrics, since the agent does not clog the pores of the membrane.

Things after washing soap nuts® do not contain residues of synthetic detergents, do not irritate the skin and do not violate the protective functions of the body. Linen after washing smells neutral, clean, and does not irritate the respiratory tract with detergent residues and fragrance. In addition, when washing synthetic soap nuts® , the amount of static electricity is significantly reduced.

With normal household stains Soap nuts® are doing very well. Difficult stains, such as red wine, machine oil, etc., must be additionally treated with a stain remover. It should also be noted that Soap nuts® do not bleach, but remove dirt. If you need a whitening effect or the removal of complex stains, we recommend using in addition to soap nuts® oxygen bleach, such as the well-established eco2 stain remover oxygen bleach.

✔ Hand wash

Place 8-12 whole shells in a laundry bag and tie off. Then place the bag of shells in a basin and fill it with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, firmly squeeze the bag of shells several times so that foam appears in the basin and load the laundry. After 15-20 minutes, you can start washing. Heavily soiled places, such as cuffs, collars, rub with a bag of nuts, squeezing the detergent out of it.

Unlike washing with soap or powder, slipperiness and soapiness will not be felt. On the contrary, the hands and surfaces of the basin will creak.

After washing, drain the used solution and rinse the clothes in running water. Put a bag of shells to dry until the next time. The same shells can be used as long as they produce abundant foam. According to our practice, they can be washed 4-5 times.

If things need to be bleached or stains removed, it is recommended to first soak them for several hours in oxygen bleach, and then wash them with soap nuts ®

To add a smell to linen, after washing, things can be rinsed in clean water with the addition of 5-10 drops of essential oil.

You can also use a decoction for washing by hand. soap nuts® , but we do not recommend doing this. this method is less economical, more labor intensive. In addition, when boiling, more dyes pass into the water.

✔ Washing with an ultrasonic washing machine:

Place 8-12 whole shells in a laundry bag and tie off. Then place the bag of shells in a basin and fill it with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, firmly squeeze the bag of shells several times so that foam appears in the basin and load the laundry. Heavily soiled places, such as cuffs, collars, must be additionally rubbed with a bag of nuts, squeezing the detergent out of it. Then take out the bag, place the ultrasound in the basin and turn it on. Leave the laundry in this solution for the time required for washing in accordance with the instructions for the appliance. Then remove the machine from the water, rinse the laundry first in this water, and then in running water.

✔ Machine wash.

  1. Place the shells in a laundry bag according to the table below and tie the bag tightly.
  2. Place the bag in the drum along with the laundry. It is desirable that the drum of the washing machine is not fully loaded, but about half, so that the laundry can move freely in the drum. Otherwise, the washing result will deteriorate.
  3. Turn on the washing machine to the desired program.
  4. The shells must remain in the washing machine for the entire washing cycle, including rinsing.
  5. After washing, remove the bag from the washing machine and dry or freeze.
  6. When washing white or heavily soiled items, it is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons of oxygen bleach, such as eco2, to the powder flask. If things cannot be washed at high temperatures, then we recommend soaking them in bleach overnight before washing.
  7. To give a pleasant smell to the linen, you can add 5-6 drops of essential oil to the rinsing dish.
  8. To check whether the Soap Nuts are suitable for washing, once again moisten the bag with shells and squeeze it hard. If foam is abundantly released during compression, then Soap nuts® can be used again.
  9. When washing soap nuts® the general washing rules must be observed, i. whites are washed separately from coloreds, etc.
  10. Estimated consumption table soap nuts® . varieties Mukorossi for a standard machine with a load of 4-5 kg. (for small machines, you can put 1-2 less shells, for larger machines, 1-2 more shells)
  11. Estimated consumption table soap nuts® . varieties Trifoliatus for a standard machine with a load of 4-5 kg. (for small machines, you can put 1-2 less shells, for larger machines, 1-2 more shells)

When washing with the Trifoliatus variety, the laundry must be removed from the drum of the washing machine immediately after the end of the wash. This is necessary to avoid the appearance of stains from juice drips on things that have direct contact with the wet bag. In the event of such stains, the laundry must be additionally rinsed. In connection with this feature, it is preferable to wash white things with the Mukorossi variety.

The indicated quantities are averages and are adjusted in each case individually, depending on the hardness of the water, the degree of soiling of the laundry and the features of the washing machine. The general rule is that the harder the water and the dirtier the laundry, the more detergent is required.

Recipes from our customers:
- Put Soap nuts® into a sock, tie a sock, then into a container and pour boiling water over it, chat with it like a bag, so that the water turns cloudy brown. Hold for a minute or two, then the liquid and the sock in the machine. Pour hot water from the hose through the open door, so a lot of foam is formed at once. Load the laundry, close the door, pour the missing hot water through the drawer.

- Make a decoction soap nuts® (5 whole shells in 2 cups of water), then pour the hot broth into the washing machine through a ditch.

natural detergent Soap nuts® is certified as a detergent. However, judging by the feedback from our customers, there are many other uses for it in the home, which will be discussed below. All information below is a generalized experience of our customers on alternative ways to use natural detergent. Soap nuts® and is not an official manufacturer's recommendation for use. In case of using the Soap nuts® not for its main purpose (washing) Soap Nuts LLC is not responsible for the consequences of such use.

Washing dishes.

Synthetic dishwashing detergents tend to remain on dish surfaces even after thorough rinsing. It has been established that even 8 times rinsing does not completely remove the remnants of synthetic detergents from dishes. Throughout life, a person thus “eats” kilograms of detergents, which adversely affects his health.

Soap nuts® compares favorably with traditional synthetic detergents in that it is a natural product. Moreover, saponin-containing plants are widely used in the preparation of food products, such as halva.

✔ Wash dishes by hand.
Method 1. Collect warm water in the sink, put a bag with soap nuts® (6-8 shells). Soak the dishes in this water, and then wash them using the bag as a washcloth. Drain the water and rinse the dishes in running water. Leave the bag for next time. Use the pouch as long as it produces abundant foam. Then change shells. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the bag can become clogged with grease very quickly, so it will need to be washed frequently.

Method 2. Prepare a concentrated solution or decoction soap nuts® . Wash the dishes with a sponge or cloth soaked in a solution or decoction. Rinse the dishes in running water.

Recipes from our customers:
Soak shells in hot water. Next, wash the dishes directly with the shells themselves. The dishes are washed to the squeak. Tested in a frying pan after frying carp and garlic press. There is NO smell left.

✔ Washing dishes in the dishwasher.

4-5 whole shells soap nuts® in the bag and the bag in the dishwasher. It is necessary that a stream of clean water pass through the bag. The choice of location depends on the device of the machine itself, because. they are structurally very different.

As practice shows only soap nuts® is not dishwasher safe, so we recommend adding 1 tablespoon of dishwasher safe oxygen bleach/stain remover, such as eco2, to the powder container.

Recipes from our customers:
It is necessary to prepare a concentrated broth soap nuts® . To do this, you need to take 8 whole shells, pour a liter of water and boil for 25-30 minutes. Then pour the resulting liquid into the hopper of the dishwasher, where the powder is usually placed.

✔ Washing dishes with an ultrasonic washing machine.
Fill basin with solution soap nuts® . Place an ultrasonic cleaner (US) on the bottom and burnt pans and pots on top. Leave overnight. In the morning, all the burning will easily go away. A very good way to clean burnt pans and pots.

Wet cleaning.

Soap nuts® can be used for any kind of wet cleaning: mopping, dusting, washing children's toys, cleaning precious metals, washing mirrors and glass. The advantages of soap nuts are that they are odorless and harmless to the body. This is especially important if there are small children and allergy sufferers in the house. Soap nuts® have antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial properties. For wet cleaning it is very convenient to use infusion soap nuts® poured into a spray bottle. You can spray everything: floors, tables, shelves, sinks, toilets, etc.

✔ Washing the floor
Put some shells in a cotton bag, put the bag in a bucket. Collect warm water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can squeeze the bag several times to release more detergent. Then put the bag to dry. Mix the water and start mopping the floor. The floor can be washed with just a rag, or with special mops. It is not necessary to rinse the floor with clean water afterwards, because. the concentration of the solution is not large.

✔ Wet cleaning of various surfaces: tables, shelves, children's toys, etc.
1. Prepare the infusion soap nuts® , strain, pour into a spray bottle. Spray it on various surfaces, then wipe them with a dry cloth.
2. Soak the shells in a small bowl of warm water. Soak a cloth or sponge in this water and wipe the necessary surfaces with it.

✔ Washing mirrors and glasses
infusion soap nuts® you can also wash mirrors and glass. The solution in this case should be very weak. It is best to use a cloth made of natural or artificial silk, or a special cloth for microfiber glasses.

✔ Cleaning of metal products
A metal product is dipped in water with the addition of a decoction soap nuts® and wipe with a dry cloth. Products become shiny. You can use a not very concentrated solution. If the thing is large in size, it is easier to spray it with a spray bottle and wipe it. You can put metal products in solution soap nuts® together with an ultrasonic device.

Recipes from our customers:
Soap nuts® perfectly wash tiles, plumbing (even old rust and limescale come off), in general, any surface. The consumption is small, with one shell I cleaned the sink in the bathroom for 3 days! It is especially good to use nuts after preparing the broth, they can clean the bath more than once

Other applications.

✔ Hair Styling Tool
Styling should be done after washing the hair, when it is already almost dry, but still slightly damp. Pour hot water over several shells so that it only covers the shells. Let it brew for ten minutes. Then moisten your hands with this concentrated solution and use your hands to give the hair the desired shape. Hair will shine, become harsh and will hold its shape well.

✔ Manicure
Soap nuts® can be used as a cuticle softener. To do this, it is necessary to soak the shell and wipe the cuticle with it. Soap nuts® avoids allergic reactions, dryness and discomfort on the skin, which are typical after the use of chemical cuticle removers. This is especially valuable for people with sensitive and problematic skin.

Soap nuts® can also be used for maceration

A maceration, or wet manicure, is a type of manicure that uses a warm hand bath to soften the cuticles and help soothe and relax the skin. Hands fall into the bath with an infusion of soap nuts® . Then the softened cuticle is pushed back with a manicure stick. Usually orangewood sticks or other special devices are used.

Sometimes it happens that when the cuticle is removed, the skin is slightly damaged. In this case also the solution soap nuts® is much more preferable than just warm water. Soap nuts® have disinfectant properties. Cuticle sticks can also be soaked in the solution beforehand. soap nuts ® .

✔ Plant care
Soap nuts® can be used to protect plants from pests. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a not highly concentrated solution. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray the affected part of the plant.

Solution soap nuts® helps against late blight. For prevention, seeds should be treated with a weak solution before planting, seedlings before transplanting into open ground. If late blight has already appeared, then the plant should be treated with a more concentrated solution, especially damaged areas. Repeat as needed. The degree of spraying must be chosen the largest, so that the entire solution remains on the ground part of the plant, and does not drain to the ground. Since when it hits the ground, it can harm beneficial insects and microorganisms.

✔ Animal care
Weak solution soap nuts® can be used for grooming your pets. The coat will be clean, soft and fluffy. Besides Soap nuts® help get rid of fleas. It is best to wipe the animal with a cloth dipped in a solution soap nuts® . You can also spray with a spray bottle. These procedures should be carried out very carefully to prevent the solution from getting into the eyes of the animal.

✔ Repel insects.
Soap nuts® can be used as a repellant, to repel mosquitoes, ticks, horseflies, etc. This requires a concentrated solution soap nuts® apply to exposed areas of the skin. Solution actions soap nuts® for this purpose is short, about 2 hours, but since it is absolutely safe, it can be used several times during the day.

✔ Therapeutic use:
Once again, please note that this information is a generalized experience of our customers on the alternative use of natural detergent. Soap nuts® and is by no means a guide to use. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to use certified medicines and under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the consumer assumes all responsibility for the consequences of the independent use of something as a medicine. The information below is presented only as an overview of the medicinal properties of the sapindus fruit.

In India, the fruits of sapindus are widely used in medicine. They are used as an expectorant, diuretic, laxative, contraceptive, anthelmintic and antiemetic. There is also a practice of using them as a treatment for cancerous tumors.

However, the most common use in Indian medicine is the use of Sapindus fruit to treat a variety of skin conditions:

  • dandruff,
  • hair loss
  • psoriasis
  • irritation

Sapindus fruit inhibits acne-causing bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes and Pityosporum ovale, a yeast that causes dandruff.

Various recipes from our customers:

1. Gel for washing dishes.
Grind used shells after washing in a coffee grinder. Boil the resulting grinding for 10 minutes, thicken with starch. It's dishwashing gel.

2. Bath jelly.
70 ml of very strong, slightly evaporated broth soap nuts® - proper washing part, 2 tbsp Cane sugar - texture retention, humectant 1 tsp Agar. Mix everything, boil, stir, pour into a mold, let it harden. It turns out a very easy-to-use contraption :-) It can be used as a soap. It’s just that it’s not very convenient to wash with a decoction, but it’s rubbed with a little thing and it’s good and convenient

3. Decoction for washing hands and face.
Add potato starch as a thickener. The result pleased! Starch gives a slight viscosity: the hands are unusual, and the face was very comfortable and pleasant.

4. Toothpaste.
Boil 5-6 shells of Soap Nuts in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes. Add 5 teaspoons of baking soda and a pinch of sea salt as an additional antiseptic. Add 5 teaspoons of Vegetable Glycerin (vegetable glycerin). You can add peppermint oil for fresh breath. Tea tree oil is also a very suitable ingredient here. And to make toothpaste out of all this, you just need to mix everything thoroughly. If the consistency of the paste does not immediately turn out, add a little more glycerin. That's probably all - natural handmade pasta is ready!

Ways to use Soap Nuts:

    Directly in the form in which they are sold. For ease of use, it is recommended to put the shells in a cotton bag. The pouches are included. In this case, the shells do not need to be broken or crushed, and they perform their tasks so well. Shells can be used multiple times. You do not need to take them out of the bag. The bag itself must be dried between uses.

    Infusion from soap nuts® . To do this, several nuts are poured with warm or hot water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and poured into a container in which it will be used. You can store the infusion for 1-2 days, then you need to make fresh. The concentration of the solution can be very different and depends on the purpose of use.

Wash concentration:

Mukorossi 1-2 pcs. - 1 liter

Trifoliatus 2-4 pcs. - 1 liter.

For other applications, the concentration can be increased or decreased.

If you plan to use infusion soap nuts

    Decoction soap nuts® (liquid soap). To prepare a decoction, you need to take 5-6 shells of the Mukorossi variety and pour 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth and pour into a container in which it will be used. From the same shells, a decoction can be made again, but water is already used 2 times less, i.e. about 0.5 liters. Such a decoction can be stored a little longer than the infusion. Shelf life is 2-3 days without refrigeration, and 3-5 days in the refrigerator. It does not make sense to store the decoction longer. saponins are destroyed in it. To prepare a decoction of Soap Nuts of the Trifoliatus variety, it is necessary to take 10-15 nuts for the same volume of water.

When preparing a decoction, we do not recommend putting the shells in a bag, as this reduces the yield of detergent by displacing water in the bag with foam. A foam layer forms around the shells, which prevents the release of saponins into the water.

If you plan to use a decoction soap nuts® in a spray bottle, then it must be filtered, because. otherwise, the smallest particles will clog the nozzle of the atomizer.

    Tincture from soap nuts® . A tincture is an infusion of alcohol. It is used for medicinal purposes in the form of lotions in the treatment of various skin diseases. The recipe for preparation and the method of use can be obtained from herbalists.