Competition the best Santa Claus for the new year. Scenario for celebrating the new year

Scenario of the New Year's competition for the best Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in 5 A 12/24/15

1st host: Here comeslong-awaited, beloved winter holiday.

2nd host
: Today we invite everyone to take part in the New Year's holiday program.

1st presenter : On ourhappy holiday , of course, there will be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Just not in the singular. AllSnow Maiden girls , asanta boys .

2nd host : Each Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will participate in entertainment competitions.

1- leading : And for you, we have prepared the most interesting competitions in which you will show creativity, your ingenuity, resourcefulness and courage.

2-leading : Jury according to the results of the competitions, it will determine who is the best Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The competition is attended by a jury of 3 people .... You must appreciate all participants.

1-leading. So, we are starting the New Year's competitive and entertainment program (music sounds)

2nd host : Competition for D.M. "Whose tree is better? Invited to board 4 D.M.Terms competition: now you have to draw on the board with chalkChristmas tree with closed eyes. On command - get ready, start! Count one, two, three, four, five! Finish.

(blindfold eyes, turn 180 degrees and give a command)

2nd host . I announce a competition for the Snow Maidens « Which Christmas tree is prettier? Our Christmas trees are green and they need to be decorated. Terms : The Snow Maiden hangs paper toys on the Christmas tree with the help of magnets, but with her eyes closed. Count - one, two, three! (4 girls are invited to the board,jury's word)

1st presenter : While our Snow Maidens were decorating the Christmas tree, it turned out that before the New Year they did not have time to goto the barbershop and get your hair done. DM (in mittens) must tie bow to the Snow Maiden – the participant is allowed to help D.M. (4 D.M. + 4 D.M. are invited)

1-leader: our Snow Maidens are invitedto the dance floor , you must stand in a circle and perform the appropriate movements to the music.

2nd host : Guests are coming to the Snow Maiden, but her table is not set, dear Santa Claus, name the mosttraditional fruit of the New Year (Wipe the hands of the Snow Maidens with a sanitary napkin)

1-leading : A competition is announced "New Year's treat » Condition: The Snow Maidens need to peel the tangerine and disassemble it into slices. Which of the Snow Maidens will do it faster? Let's count - one, two, three, four! The jury evaluates Hands behind your back. Get ready! One two three four!(the word of the jury, drop out of the competition 2 Snow Maiden who has less points)Participation Prize!

2-leading : And now Santa Clauses will show us their sports training. We announce a competition: "Bag Run" Competition condition: 3-4 D.M. you need to run in a bag from the board to the cabinets and back. Who is first? Reade set Go!

1-leading : The Snow Maidens now have to"Jump into the New Year" The condition of the competition: everyone line up in one line and “jump” on command. The one who jumped the furthest wins. Get ready, GO!

(the word of the jury to announce the results, who is eliminated from the Snow Maidens, the winners of the competition remain in the game)

2-leading : competition"Frost Breath » for D.M. A task - blow off your snowflakes so that they fall from the opposite edge of the table. You are given two attempts. Get ready, GET STARTED!“The winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who was the last, since he has such frosty breath that his snowflake “froze to the table.”

(Jury's word)

1-leading : a competition for Snow Maidens"Princess on the Pea ». You need to sit on a chair and guess how many peas are under you. (Put round caramels on the chairs -, 2)(Jury's word)

2nd host . « Dance competition» we all stand in a circle and dance to the music


1-leading : Snow Maiden, do you know how they celebrate the New Year in Italy? Imagine, we are in Italy, and here there is an ancient tradition - on New Year's Eve, throwing old things out of windows. Dishes and furniture are flying, so yawning in Italy is dangerous! We feel sorry for the furniture, but there are dishes for throwing! Our next contest"NEW YEAR IN ITALIAN » Your the task is to throw your sets of dishes into the container. Whoever scores the most points by the number of hits remains in the game.(WORD OF THE JURY)

1 and 2-leading take turns asking questions. Competition« Blitz tournament » will allow to identify among the participants Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens with increased intelligence and a wonderful sense of humor. The facilitators ask each pair the following questions:

1) Why does Santa Claus need a stick?

2) How does the snowman sweep his room?

3) Who is the closest relative of the Snow Maiden?

4) Why does it snow in winter?

5) Who performs the duties of Santa Claus in other countries? (Santa Claus or Nikolaus in America, England, Germany, Holland, Australia and other countries).

6) What is the name of the "New Year's anthem" of our country? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree).

7) Name the sports included in the Winter Olympic Games. (Hockey, figure skating, ski jumping, biathlon, etc.)

8) Perform or name a song about winter, new year

Now we are announcing competitions for D.M. and Snow Maiden .

1-leading . First competition- « hold the apple » Conditions of the competition: hands behind the back between the foreheads of an apple. The task is to reach the place and return back without dropping the apple. (Melody sounds)

(jury's word)

2nd presenter: Competition 2 "Skilled Hands" Condition: the couple must fashion a snowman from plasticine: each works with only one hand.

1-leader:"Whose voice is this?" invited D.M. and the Snow Maiden. They stand facing the blackboard, and one of those sitting in the class, changing his voice, says Happy New Year! If D.M. and S. guess correctly, they get a point, whoever doesn’t get a consolation prize (WORD OF THE JURY)

Leaders make riddles to all participants of the game.

Puzzles (to everyone who is higher from the game)

He does not know the days

And he calls others. (Calendar.)

Transparent as glass

Don't put it in the window. (Ice .)

Forests conceal many troubles,

Wolf, bear and fox.

There the animal lives in anxiety,

Takes away from misfortune.

Well, quickly guess

What is the name of the animal? (Bunny.)

Scattered Lukerya

Silver feathers. (Blizzard.)

Winter rooftop gray

Throws seeds

Growing white carrots

She's under the roof. (Icicles.)

In winter, in the hours of fun,

I hang on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a gun

My name is... (Clapperboard).

Happy to overtake each other

You look, my friend, do not fall.

Good and so easy

Fast... (Skates).

She is smarter than all the animals

Red coat on her

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This is a forest animal ... (Fox).

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

She is in front of you.

We decorated the top

Ruby... (star).

Curled, twisted white swarm,

Sat down on the ground - became a mountain. (Snowdrift.)

All summer stood

Winters were expected.

Waited for the pores

Rushed to the mountains. (Sled.)

I will decorate the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof,

Warm spring winds will come

And they'll kick me out of the yard. (Winter.)

Five closets, one door? (glove)

I’m sitting on horseback, I don’t know on whom, I’ll meet acquaintances, I’ll jump off - I’ll welcome.(hat)

8. Competition "Phrases with intonation »

Each participant needs to say a phrase with a certain intonation.

1. "Well, hare, wait a minute!" - to say, as a soldier in the ranks.

2. "Guys, let's live together!" - with a threat.

3. "It's me, the postman Pechkin" - mysteriously, like a secret.

4. Calmness, only calmness ”- to scare, with a threat, etc.

Last competition FINAL ( choosing the best D.M. and C.) 4 participants 3 chairs.

The jury sums up the results of the competition. The winners are awarded the prize symbol of the year , participants New Year's toys. At the end of the competitive program, a collective game is carried out by Guretskaya A and Misyukova N.

1-leading : Frosty morning and Christmas tree in the house,
Company of close people
Tales about Santa Claus, about the gnome,
Colored balls at the door.

2-leading : Let it all come to you in the New Year,
Fun and laughter, mess,
Let the magic happen every year
And life will be full of colors!

Together: Happy New Year!

It’s easy to come up with contests for a New Year’s corporate party, just remember the contests you love and remake them to the appropriate theme. If there were balls as an attribute, in the New Year's interpretation it could be snowballs, a bucket can be replaced with a New Year's gift bag, and so on. While you are coming up with your new entertainment, eventspro invites you to familiarize yourself with a selection of proven and fun contests (Best games and contests for the New Year's corporate party).

"Ice Breath"

Players will need paper-cut snowflakes, so prepare some paper and some scissors ahead of time. The task is simple: at the command of the presenter, quickly cut a snowflake, and then with your “icy breath” blow it away further than the opponent can do. The one whose snowflake reaches the finish line indicated by the host the fastest will win a prize!

"Cut off the gift"

You will need scissors and a rope on which we will hang gifts: stationery, sweets, crackers, small toys, and so on. The rope with prizes is stretched at the height of the players. Those who wish to participate in this fun game are given scissors in their hands, they are blindfolded, then they are spun around their axis and led towards the rope. The task of the contestant is to cut off a gift with one attempt. The participant who was lucky enough to cut off the last prize is awarded separately - after all, this is the hardest thing to do.

"New Year's cleaning"

Participants are invited to collect garbage scattered on the floor in advance (believe me: throwing New Year's garbage is also fun!) In a container that the host will offer. And the leader's imagination simply knows no bounds! For example, it is quite possible that you will have to “put away” sweets in a champagne bottle, and newspapers in balloons. Whoever cleans up the trash first is the winner!

"Creative couple"

For this competition, you need to invite several pairs of participants. Each pair is given a piece of paper and a pack of felt-tip pens. The first participant is blindfolded - he will become an artist. The task of the second player in a pair is to direct the artist's hand so that a picture is obtained on a given topic. What? Yes, of course, winter! Draw a portrait of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, a decorated Christmas tree or even your company logo in a wreath of fir branches!

"Decorate the New Year's Beauty"

You will need two sheets of drawing paper with pre-drawn Christmas trees and several dozen Christmas tree decorations - balls cut out of paper, garlands, as well as figures that are not related to Christmas tree decorations (shoes, dishes, animals). Players are divided into 2 teams, each team receives a drawing paper, on which a Christmas tree was drawn in advance. Paper decorations are placed on the table. The task of the players is to find and “hang” more correct Christmas decorations on their Christmas trees, despite the fact that they are blindfolded. The team that “dresses up” its Christmas tree more beautifully and does not hang shoes or ladles on it will win.

"Search for the Snow Maiden"

Incendiary competition for the best Snow Maiden of the New Year. It is carried out in 2 stages.

Stage one - "Golden Hands". Santa Claus prepares gifts, and the Snow Maiden must pack them. All participants should try to wrap gifts. That's just to wrap in a beautiful package you need the most expensive thing - your gentleman. True, there will be no shortage of packaging material - after all, each applicant will receive a whole roll of toilet paper at her disposal! Three minutes are given, and then three winners are chosen by general vote.

Stage "Beloved granddaughter". Each of the contenders for the role of the best Snow Maiden says as many compliments as possible to her grandfather - Santa Claus. At the same time, in each compliment, “winter” words (winter, snowflakes, icicles, and so on) must be heard. The most eloquent participant receives a prize and the title of this year's Snow Maiden.

"Snowflake for logo"

It takes place in two stages. At the first, hand out scissors and white paper napkins to the guests. The task of this stage is to turn napkins into beautiful New Year's snowflakes, using the company logo or inventing a new logo instead of the existing one, which will also reflect the corporate identity of your company. The second stage is the most difficult. Players will have to use all their charm and sense of humor in order to convince the incorruptible jury of the uniqueness of their snowflake and prove that this particular snowflake is worthy of the title of "New Year's logo of the company." Fantasize! Come up with bright wishes for the company for each tooth of a snowflake, mark the successes achieved by the company on it and do not forget to read New Year's poems! The most imaginative snowflake can really become the company's signature snowflake.

"Guess the melody"

We all remember the fascinating programs of Valdis Pelsh. This music competition still has practically no competitors. And how could it be otherwise?! After all, it combines your favorite melodies and the excitement of solving riddles! Listen to the melodies, remember the words and sing to your health! And the winner is the one who guesses and sings the most songs. You can search not only famous, but also forgotten hits of past years. In addition, the competition can be made thematic, for example, "Retro New Year's Songs".


For this contest, you need to inflate several dozen small balloons in advance. Choose two participants, give them bags and offer to collect the scattered balls in them. Think it's too easy?! Nothing like this! After all, this is a competition without rules, so you can take the balls from your opponent, shake them out of his bag and even burst!

"Winter Melodies"

Dip notes with different words into Santa's bag. Employees should take turns pulling out the notes, and, having read the written word aloud, quickly sing a New Year's song where it would occur. If you don't remember the song, you can come up with it yourself. If you don't remember anything, don't get lost! Songs can be replaced with poems or jokes! The winner is determined by open voting.

"Felt boots"

A pair of felt boots is placed under the Christmas tree. At the sign of the leader, the participants must run around the Christmas tree and put on felt boots. The one who does it faster than the opponent wins! And if someone thinks that putting on felt boots is quite simple, let him try to do it when he has lacquered stilettos on his leg! To complicate the competition, you can invite the participants to run around the Christmas tree 2-3 times, or run around the Christmas tree back and forth.

"I wish you"

What can unite people better than saying a nice word or a compliment to another person? The host announces a competition for the best wish. Players can address wishes both in a circle, referring specifically to their neighbor, and to the whole team. And the winner is determined by open voting.


Each player receives 5 sheets of A4 paper. A hat is placed opposite the team of players (you can replace it with a basket or a bag of Santa Claus). The task of employees is to “roll” paper snowballs and throw them into a hat (bag). True, you will have to roll snowballs with one hand. Yes, and getting into a hat with a light paper snowball, oh, how difficult it is!

Even the most simple and unpretentious contests at a corporate New Year's holiday cheer up and charge employees with positive energy. Be sure to spend the New Year so that you have enough enthusiasm, excitement and efficiency for the next twelve months!

Contests for the corporate New Year should be themed, fun and easy.
Having paid tribute to the New Year's table, do not sit still all evening! eventspro invites you to please and surprise your employees with fun contests, games and, of course, gifts!

Contests are necessary at any corporate holiday, and New Year's corporate party is no exception. Therefore, come up with as many simple but interesting contests as possible, and you definitely won’t be bored!

Prepared for the New Year.

To hold a New Year's corporate party, you will need a host. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are chosen by participants from those who wish or by lottery.


  1. things for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (they can be picked up with humor, of different styles and sizes to make it funny);
  2. a chest (it can be replaced with a large box, having previously decorated it);
  3. lottery tickets (optional - see below).

Presenter: Friends! The New Year is coming soon. Every minute it is getting closer, smart and sparkling, decorated with colorful balls, garlands, Christmas tree tinsel. It stands on the threshold, showered with snow, serpentine and confetti. (During the monologue, the presenter can point to the decorations in the hall and to the New Year tree).

The old year is leaving, taking away all our anxieties and giving way to a new one: new victories, new dreams, new meetings and new ideas.

Let's raise our glasses and drink to all the good things that happened to each of us in the past year:

The tree is lit up with lights
and the champagne sparkles.
A year has passed successfully by us,
page turned.
Let, colleagues, the coming year
will be rich in gifts.
Daily bread will become light,
life rich and stable!

(We give guests 5-10 minutes to drink).

Contest 1

Presenter: “Today you are smart and beautiful, but who will be Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?”

You can choose those who wish, or you can invite guests to draw a lottery ticket.

Tickets are prepared in advance, taking into account the number of guests. All of them are empty, except for two, on which "Father Frost" and "Snow Maiden" are written. If a woman pulls out a piece of paper with the inscription "Santa Claus", and a man with the inscription "Snow Maiden", let it stay that way, it will be more fun!

presenter(taking the hand of the chosen guests):"Meet my friends! Here are our Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Let's dress them up! We have prepared a magical chest that contains everything you need for holiday costumes.”

Participants are blindfolded and led to a chest. They take turns pulling things out of him and putting them on. It turns out fun, everyone applauds.

Competition 2

Presenter: “Our Santa Claus and Snow Maiden have a magic bag with which we can tell fortunes: what awaits us in the new year?”

Different things are pre-assembled in an opaque bag, the number of which should match the number of participants in the holiday. Everyone takes turns pulling one object out of the bag without looking inside.

You can use books, chocolates, children's toys, banknotes (preferably rolled into tubes and tied with a ribbon to make it easier to get out), postcards (for example, wedding or with the image of the sea), etc.

The value of things can be chosen as follows:

  1. a banknote - a bonus or an increase in salary awaits you;
  2. book - you will need to learn something new;
  3. wedding card - a successful marriage or marriage;
  4. children's toy - an addition to the family awaits you;
  5. postcard with the image of the sea (or mountains) - a journey awaits you in the new year;
  6. chocolate - to a sweet life.

After a comic fortune-telling, the guests again raise their glasses and drink for the fulfillment of desires. Music sounds, and the host, together with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, invites everyone to dance.

Contest 3

After two or three dance compositions, the presenter invites guests to play a game "Guess who?".

She chooses a guest and invites him to guess one of those present, but not to speak about his choice aloud. The rest of the participants try to guess who the host of the game is up to by asking him questions-associations.

Questions might be: What color is this person associated with? What taste does it associate with, what kind of shoes, fruit, animal, music, etc.

The first one to guess gets a sweet prize and becomes the next host of the game. So you can guess from 2 to 5 people (at the discretion of the guests).

Competition 4

A leader is chosen who calls any letter. The task of those present is to name the ingredient that is on their plate or the dish that is on the table with this letter as quickly as possible. The winner becomes the driver, and so on in a circle until they get bored. The winner is the one who names the letter for which none of the guests come up with a word (it is impossible to call the letters “Yo”, “b”, “b”, “y”).

At the end of the game, the host wishes everyone a Happy New Year and makes a toast:

Let the fluffy snow fall
on open palms.
New Year brings happiness
become kind and good!
Let it promise acquaintances, meetings
and nice neighborhood!
Happiness joy, chances in life
and funds!

Everyone wishes each other Happy New Year! Music sounds, someone goes to dance, someone communicates, and the evening continues in a free style.

After the bulk of the guests are satisfied, you can offer some more active entertainment. The host announces the competition of the honorary Santa Claus. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them:

Each contestant receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut the snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive reward points.

frosty breath
For the next competition, the players put their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many applicants for the title of Santa Claus, several tables can be moved). Their task is to blow off the snowflake from the opposite side of the table.
Participants try to do it as quickly as possible, but the player whose snowflake fell off the table last will receive a prize point in the competition. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has "the coldest breath."

Red nose
In this competition, participants are invited to drink a glass of vodka or other strong drink. The audience then chooses the contestant with the reddest nose. He gets the bonus point.
The applicant who has scored the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He puts on a Santa Claus mask or a red Santa Claus hat. If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by lot or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.
All participants of the competition receive incentive prizes.
Despite the simplicity of these competitions, they are very fun in a certain holiday atmosphere.

Elections of the Snow Maiden at the corporate party

After the election of Santa Claus, the presenter announces that it is necessary to select a granddaughter for Santa Claus, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maiden competition. The following competitions are held between the applicants:

new year song
The contestants take turns singing the verse of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”. Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, who receives a prize point.

Santa's request
Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items before others receives a prize point.
Items can be very diverse: fruits, jewelry, a glass of some kind of drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the looseness of the company) and shoes. Participants should ask other guests for the necessary things, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Affectionate granddaughter
The contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the applicant who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words Santa Claus liked more than others. The winner receives a reward point.
The participant who scores more than the other points is declared the winner and appointed by the Snow Maiden. In the event that several contenders for this role scored the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.

All participants of the competition receive incentive prizes.

After the election of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they can give all guests small memorable gifts (for example, boxes of chocolates).

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New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. We are seeing off the old year and celebrating the New Year with our team! I want to immediately announce the rules of the evening:

Our evening will consist of two parts:

1 - the solemn part, we will hear the report of the General Director on the work of our enterprise for 2003 (I think briefly, for 40 minutes), then the Chief Accountant will report to us on the financial results, the Executive Director will tell us about production plans for 2004, then we will move on to the debate on the report;

2 - part no less solemn than the first, we have to choose from among the worthy employees of our team Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, so that under their leadership we can boldly step into 2004!

Attention! All participants of the competitions are waiting for prizes and not simple, but absolutely necessary in the economy. If the prize does not suit your farm, it can be a wonderful gift for your loved ones.

Before we start competitions for the titles of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, let's warm up a little.

Competition Gifts of Santa Claus

2 teams of 3-4 people participate. You can break into teams with the help of famous couples.

On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus brought gifts to one family:

He gave dad a comb (with his right hand everyone shows how dad combs his hair).

He presented his son with skis (without stopping combing his hair, we show how his son goes skiing).

He gave his mother a meat grinder (we rotate the meat grinder with the left hand).

He gave his daughter a doll that blinks her eyes and says "mom".

And he gave his grandmother a Chinese doodle who shakes his head.

Competition New Year's Journey

The teams are tasked with preparing one team member for the trip to the North Pole and dressing him as warmly as possible.

You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

The winner is determined as follows: participants dressed in the north are stripped of their clothes, counting each item.

The game is called snowballs

Props: roll up about 60 lumps from A-3 paper (drafts) in advance.

All participants stand in two lines - facing each other. A line is drawn between them. Each team is given 30 "snowballs", on command (to cheerful music), each team must throw the balls out of its territory. The game is played for 3-4 minutes.

1 Santa Claus contest (dress up a Christmas tree)

Props: whatever comes to hand. Each participant will choose 1 assistant from among the audience.

I must say that the real Santa Claus has a hard time. After all, every year he has to decorate millions of Christmas trees, moreover, children constantly demand that the Christmas tree "light up". Now we will find out if our participants know how to decorate a Christmas tree. So, in 1 minute, each grandfather must decorate the Christmas tree with improvised means.

Christmas trees for courage for a sweet prize, one participant - a consolation prize.

1 Snow Maiden Competition

Props: Rings 30-40 cm are sewn from a simple elastic band. 6-7 elastic bands ..

All contenders for the title of Snow Maiden wear these rings around their waists.

On command, the lights are dimmed, slow music is turned on, and the girls begin to remove the rubber band through their legs as erotically as possible.

The most erotic is awarded the title of Miss slim and a prize. And she leaves the competition, because. The Snow Maiden must be modest!!!

2 Santa Claus competition

Props: a thick sock or golf bag filled with familiar, familiar items such as: spoon, button, safety pin, clothespin, thimble, matchbox, paper clip, candle, roll of duct tape, about 10-15 items,

Paper, pencils 6 pieces.

Pass the sock around, giving each contestant approximately 30 seconds to feel for objects through the sock. After the sock has gone around the circle, it is taken away and paper and pencils are distributed to all participants, so that everyone writes down everything that he felt.

The one who guessed the least - a consolation prize.

2 Snow Maiden competition

Props: 5-6 scissors, 5-6 sheets of paper

You need to cut a snowflake out of paper as quickly as possible.
Not only speed is taken into account, but also the beauty of the snowflake.

1 consolation prize

3 Santa Claus competition

Props: snowflakes.

Put snowflakes on the table. Participants must blow snowflakes off the table, and the one whose snowflake fell last wins, because Santa Claus has frosty breath!

3 Snow Maiden competition

Props: whatever is on the table.

Now we will test the culinary skills of our Snow Maidens. You need to prepare an interesting New Year's dish: the flight of fancy is not limited, the choice of products is wide. Any dishes from cocktails, all kinds of sandwiches, to exotic salads and stunning desserts are accepted for the competition. Don't forget to give your dish an original name.

And now, from among the audience, choose one assistant for yourself. With this wonderful dish you have to feed your friend, and blindfolded. Reviews are accepted from tasters.

1 consolation prize

4 competition Santa Claus (dexterity)

Props: 4 spoons and 2 tangerines.

They play in pairs. Both players hold a spoon in each hand. In the right spoon is a tangerine. The goal of the game is to throw off the opponent's tangerine, but at the same time keep your own, among the losers there is another tournament, the most embarrassing one gets a prize!

4 Snow Maiden competition

In the New Year, we wish each other not only health, but also more money, they will not interfere with anyone! So, the applicant who will quickly count the money (change) that is on the saucer and name the exact amount will win.

1 consolation prize

5 Santa Claus competition

The Snow Maiden's favorite delicacy is ice cream. Name the types of ice cream. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds loses.

5 Snow Maiden Competition - Snow Woman

Props: 6-9 balloons.

Well, why this folk fun has such a name, why they don’t sculpt a snow man, but a snow woman - this is now not easy to figure out. But there is a tradition: as more snow falls, so the children begin to roll balls from the snow, put one snowball on the other. And in the third, the top one, be sure to stick a carrot instead of a nose and put an old bucket on top. And our participants will not have to sculpt a woman, but move from place to place.

2 participants need to take three balloons, hold the bottom one in their hands so that both hands are occupied, and the top two can be pressed to the body or, if there is skill, hold it in balance without weight support. And in this position, these three balls, i.e. "snowman" must be carried from one line to another. If the snowman crumbled, you need to return to the place where the failure happened, reassemble the pyramid and move on. Whoever quickly and without loss conveyed the woman to its destination - receives a prize.

The loser gets a consolation prize.

6 Santa Claus competition

Props: 2 bananas.

Two players stand opposite each other. There is a banana on the table next to each. On command, you need to grab a banana, quickly peel it and eat it!

6 Snow Maiden competition

Props: 100 gr. barberry

The two remaining Snow Maidens stand side by side, take turns taking candy from the bag, unfold it and put it in their mouth, after which they must clearly say to the rival "sweet tooth-drum" and so on in turn until someone can clearly pronounce these two words.

1 consolation prize.

So we have the winners of all competitions - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and while they put themselves in order and prepare to participate in the prize performance, we will have a little rest, and a little warm-up - find out your favorite song.

Changeling songs

Ah, thaw, thaw, roast it. (Oh, frost, frost)

I'll put you to bed in the evening, I'll come to meet you in shoes. (Wake me up at dawn)

You guys don't need to hate monsters. (Why are you girls..)

Your foreign city is small, there are few mountains, and foothills, and seas. (My country is wide)

The dance prevents me from destroying and dying. (The song helps us to build and live)

There are so few girls who are married. (There are so many single guys)

The birch died in the field. (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)

Grandfather died one sad chicken (Grandma lived with two cheerful geese)

A tornado squealed a hymn to him: get up, cactus, chew-chew (The snowstorm sang a song to her)

Santa Claus bag

Props: 20 snowballs, 2 identical bags.

Santa Claus, as you know, always walks with a big bag. In that bag are gifts, as they say in fairy tales and legends, he collects these gifts all year round, he tries not to forget about everyone. And as soon as he begins to put gifts in a bag - it turns out that the bag is bottomless, no matter how much you put in it - everything will be removed. We will put in a bag not gifts, but snowballs.

2 people participate in the competition. They each take their bag and, on command, begin to put "gifts" into it. As soon as the stop command is sounded, we begin to count in whose bag of "gifts" there are more, he won the competition.

Take measurements

Pairs are made: M-F (by lot). Assignment For men to quickly and accurately take measurements from a partner (chest, waist, hips) using a matchbox. Accuracy is checked with a tailor's meter.

Arrange a competition for the most original "wish in the image", i.e. on behalf of your character, come up with an unusual congratulation

Chapi baths"

20 thin slices of lemon are prepared in advance. Two people are called. Their task is to put 3 slices of lemon in their mouth, say "chapi-bani" without chewing the lemon, then quickly put another piece, say "chapi-bani", another slice, etc. Whoever puts them in their mouth more in one minute wins. PRIZE - LEMON.


Scarves according to the number of team members (6 scarves).

4 participants from the team stand in a line one after another, each with a scarf in his hand. On command, the second team member ties the first from the back (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other). The last player (captain) ties up the penultimate one and shouts "Everyone is ready!".

The whole team turns to face the jury (photography of funny nesting dolls)

change position

Several couples participate, it is possible same-sex. Each pair is given 4 inflated balloons. Players are invited to burst them as quickly as possible, holding them with their bodies, and each time in a new position. It is not allowed to damage the balls with hands and feet, teeth and other sharp objects.

Erotic dance

Props: 2 bananas

For the joke contest, two pairs of M-M and F-F are required, each pair is given 1 banana. And while they are peeling bananas, you explain the terms of the competition... Couples need to take a peeled banana in their mouths from both sides. After that, a light lyrical melody is put on, and the couples begin to dance ... You can’t touch bananas with your hands !!! It is necessary to keep them only with your lips! The couple that later tear their lips apart wins.

Nose to nose

The competition involves male-female or same-sex couples, but with a large difference in height. You need to stand facing each other and touch your noses, trying not to tear it off. The host offers to perform various tasks: sit down, stand up, bend down, grunt, etc. The pair that does not separate their noses wins. (By the way, almost no one can jump on the spot)

Props: There are 2 bowls of juice on the table (you can add something intoxicating to the juice) and 2 small glasses.

Each team has a pair of galoshes, ice and a balloon

Team members line up against the wall. The first participant puts on galoshes, puts a ball on the ice, runs to the table, scoops up and drinks a glass of juice and returns to the team, takes off the galoshes and passes them along with the ice to the second participant. This is repeated until all the juice is drunk or the last member of the team comes running.

Filming a movie

Divide those wishing to participate in the competition into 2 teams:

Each team needs to remember the movie about the New Year and show the video to the rival team only without words, the other team must guess the movie. (The same can be done with New Year's songs)

dance competition

Props: cassette with selected music (60 sec each)

The game is played in pairs M-F. Chairs are placed opposite each other. To the music of the couple, sitting on chairs dance:

Fast dance

A slow dance

Rock and roll, etc.

Prize: the best dance couple.


Participants are invited to compose a story from the titles of newspaper articles, cut out and fixed on cards.

chair competition

The game is played in pairs M-F. The chairs are placed in a circle, 1 less than the pairs. To the music, couples walk in a circle near the chairs, as soon as the music stops, a man sits on the chair, and his couple sits on his lap, the couple that did not have time to sit down leaves the game with the chair. This continues until one pair remains.

Prize: for the most nimble (fastest) couple.

Type of document:

  • Other


  • Corporate culture

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