When is baby deodorant needed?

Why might excessive sweating occur?

If the child is older than one year, then excessive sweating may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). To reject this reason, the baby will need to consult a neurologist. Sometimes excessive sweating can manifest itself as an individual characteristic of the child. Sweating with a very strong, “sour” odor can indicate kidney disease.

The pediatrician will ask you to take a general blood and urine test and, based on the results, may refer you to a nephrologist, geneticist, or gastroenterologist.

Excessive sweating It may also be a sign of premature puberty. In this case, the child's sweat will have the same odor as that of an adult. An endocrinologist will help identify this problem or reject it.

Now let’s look at 2 common cases when excessive sweating in a child is a variant of the norm.

Excessive sweating occurs due to excessive clothing in the cool season - this is easy to fix. At low temperatures, the child should wear only +1 layer of clothing relative to your comfortable clothing for this temperature.

Sweating can be the result of a lack of air baths for babies, too much clothing indoors and too high a temperature in the baby's room. The average temperature in the nursery should be + 22 o C.

What to do if your child has excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating requires taking adequate measures. Let us list the main options for our actions.

  • Accustom your child to personal hygiene: taking a shower, taking a bath. Try gradually using a contrast shower - this will help reduce sweating.
  • Create comfortable conditions for the child indoors and in clothing when going outside. Eliminate synthetic clothing from your children's wardrobe.
  • Consult your doctor about sweating. If sweating or the sweat itself gives you a hint about which doctor to go to immediately, you can visit this doctor. But it is better to consult a pediatrician first. If necessary, he will refer the child to a specialist.
  • Use children's deodorants (after consulting a doctor). Some children's deodorants can be used starting from 5 years. Others are only suitable for older children.

Children's deodorants

Manufacturers of deodorants began to focus on children's audiences. In stores you can see these children's deodorants: Spider-man, Rexona Teens, Princess, etc. The most common children's deodorants for teenagers. Sometimes it is acceptable to use natural deodorants for adults, such as Aloe Ever-Shields or Lavilin. By the way, according to the manufacturers, pregnant women can also use them.

Please note that it is advisable to use children's deodorants with a neutral scent or not too strong. It would be good if they were hypoallergenic and alcohol-free. Read all the information on the label - it may indicate the minimum age limit for a child to use this deodorant. If a child has asthma, then spray deodorants are excluded.

Excessive sweating- this is a signal to action. Let it not become a symptom of any disease! Health to your child!

Most men and women manage excessive sweating with deodorizing products.

However, what to do if a child suffers from excessive sweating? Wet armpits and an unattractive aroma are the cause of hysterics for a young lady.

To remedy the situation, it is important for parents to know whether there are children's deodorants for girls.

Often the motivators that cause increased sweating in children are:

  • warm clothes;
  • activity during games and;
  • and feverish state during illness.

According to pediatricians, the little girl’s sweat glands are underdeveloped and lack the usual unpleasant aroma. Therefore, there is no need for children's antiperspirant for girls.

Doctors do not ignore the question of how old girls can use deodorant. Answer: Before puberty, the use of children's deodorant for 7-year-old girls is unjustified and harmful.

Will help when resolving the problem:

  • maintaining humidity and temperature conditions at home;
  • daily hydro treatments;
  • loose, breathable clothing;
  • wet wipes for children;
  • underwear and bedding made from natural fabrics;
  • shoes for the season.

During puberty, these symptoms are typical for young ladies aged 9 to 12 years. Therefore, regular use of children's deodorants for girls will help solve the problem.

The best deodorants

Hormonal changes in the body are a good time to think about which deodorant to choose for a teenage girl.

Famous manufacturers from the beauty industry are concerned about children and have started producing special lines. They are produced on the basis of essential oils, mineral salts, and herbal ingredients.

Deodorants are available in roll-on form, spray and stick, cream and deo-gel.

The manufacturer claims that the product contains only herbal ingredients.

The disadvantages include:

  • aroma that resembles medicine;
  • price.

Produced on the basis of olive oil.

Distinctive positive features:

  • delicacy;
  • tenderness;
  • softness of impact;
  • does not serve as a source of an allergic reaction.


Contains natural ingredients, based on green olive leaves.

Country of origin: Poland.

Produced by an American manufacturer in pencil form.


  • fresh smell;
  • versatility of application;
  • harmless composition.


The German creators of a series of deodorants for teenage girls emphasize that the natural formula of the product successfully combats repulsive odor and brings a feeling of cleanliness and coolness.

There are different variations of roller bottles:

  • with sandalwood-jasmine;
  • with raspberries and black currants;
  • with orange;
  • with sage and bamboo.

The action is based on alum stone and its properties. It is produced in different forms with and without flavorings.

Eliminates heavy incense and does not affect sweating. It is characterized by non-aggressive cleansing of the skin from microbes.

  • soft impact;
  • reasonable cost;
  • economical use.
  • the need for repeated use throughout the day to maintain a refreshing result.

The best antiperspirants

Most adults support the use of antiperspirant for teenage girls:

  • Constantly sweating armpits cause discomfort and cause inflammation of the skin;
  • Non-systematic use of the drug ensures freshness of problem areas for a long period of time.

The invigorating peach scent lasts all day. Helps with intense physical activity. Contains alcohol, but does not cause irritation.

  • slowing down sweating;
  • reliable protection against sweat aroma;
  • does not leave stains on a light-colored toilet;
  • There may be streaks on black clothing when applying a large layer.

It is intended for an adult audience, but, according to doctors, it is suitable for teenagers.


  • economical consumption;
  • affordability of prices;
  • productivity;
  • unobtrusive aroma;
  • no dirt on clothes.

It has an original aroma, regulates sweating, and reliably protects all day. Provides a feeling of well-groomed and safe at school and at a party, while playing sports and shopping.


  • no alcohol;
  • protection from sweating for 2 days.


  • possible stains on a black T-shirt or dress.

The famous brand has released a new Teen Spirit line for girls, which will help in any situation: both in the heat and in anxiety. Fashion and Lady Love deodorants effectively combat unpleasant odor and excessive sweating. They will allow you to avoid ridicule from your peers and self-flagellation due to constantly sweating armpits and a heavy scent.


  • youth style of bottle design;
  • Available in 3 variations: spray, roller, stick;
  • specially developed product for highly sensitive skin.

No deficiencies found.

It won’t be difficult to buy deodorant for a 10-15 year old girl in a pharmacy chain or supermarket.

When choosing a cosmetic product for a teenager, it is advisable to consider the following parameters:

  • Operating principle. The drug should not interfere with the natural secretion of sweat. Frequent use of antiperspirants by children is undesirable, as it threatens to clog the sweat glands.
  • Aroma. It is important to exercise moderation when choosing a scent. They prefer neutral shades. Strong odors can provoke an inappropriate reaction from others. Light fruity and floral aromas and the smell of the sea breeze are suitable.
  • Components. The main requirement is a natural composition and safety for health.

If the body is susceptible to allergies, the deodorant is chosen very carefully. An allergic reaction can occur to both a chemical element and a natural component. Even lemon can become an allergen.

Today we will talk about how to choose a deodorant for a teenage girl. This is a rather serious question. But first I would like to talk about how the first deodorant appeared. Then we will carefully consider the issue of choosing a product for a girl.


The history of the creation of the first anti-sweat product is deeply rooted in Ancient Egypt. The book, famous for its beauty, contains a remedy for unpleasant skin odors. She lubricated the armpit area with aromatic oils. She also described another product that is very similar to a modern antiperspirant. It consisted of a mixture of cinnamon and citrus. Nefertiti also had her own recipe for “deodorant” - red clay crushed into powder with the addition of aromatic oils. It can be noted that the Egyptians were not only the creators of remedies for unpleasant body odors, but also the first to come up with a method of hair removal.

The inhabitants of Ancient Rome also took care of the pleasant smell of their bodies. Small fabric bags containing a collection of dried odorous flowers were kept near the source of the unpleasant odor. But, of course, such bags could veil odors, but not eliminate them.

What is noteworthy is that it is not sweat that causes the bad odor, but a number of bacteria. They are the ones who attack the allocated secret. These bacteria produce a waste product. This is the reason for the specific smell. And its intensity depends on the human microflora. As you know, it is different for everyone.

The first innovative means to combat bacteria was soda, which successfully destroyed the environment favorable for their life. Then they began to use peculiar products with aluminum salts. They clogged into the pores and blocked the exit of liquid. Then an oak decoction acted as an antiperspirant, which had the property of tightening the pores.

First deodorant

Deodorant, as such, appeared in 1887. It was a creamy substance that had to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin. Its validity period was no more than two hours. But, despite this, he enjoyed success among the more prosperous segment of the population.

At the end of the 19th century, an American inventor (whose name is still unknown) created the first deodorant in the form of MuM cream. And at the beginning of the 20th century, this company released the first. After another 20 years, perfumers invented a product that can both restrain profuse sweating and hide an unpleasant odor.

Other deodorants

MuM's follower was ARRID. In 1930, she released the first anti-odor cream in the form of a cream.

Chase Products Co was the first to produce aerosol deodorant in 1948. But the idea with an aerosol can was probably borrowed from the Chase company, which produced some other product in them back in 1927.

In 1952, the first roll-on deodorants appeared. Customers liked this packaging design and method of use. After all, it was easy to apply, and after use there was no need to wash your hands, as after using creams.

The main component of a modern antiperspirant is hexahydrate. In standard cases, its content in the product is 10-17%. Its concentration is 20-35%.

Sweating in adolescence

During puberty, it is very important to spend more time on your appearance, the health of your teeth, hair and skin, as the child grows quickly. During this period, the figure is formed, the boys “become” their voice. During puberty, a person, as a rule, eats a lot of the wrong foods - chips, crackers, soda and other unhealthy foods, and moves a lot. This promotes increased sweating.

Psycho-emotional instability at this age also leads to active secretion of sweat glands. Children experience increased conflict, irritability and frequent mood swings - hormonal changes in the body. And as a result, the secretion is produced in large quantities day and night.

Sweating in a child during adolescence, if it is not associated with any diseases, is primary localized hyperhidrosis. It appears on the palms, soles and armpits. To cope with an unpleasant odor, you must first teach your teenager how to maintain hygiene. At this age, they don’t really listen to their parents and may even give up brushing their teeth.

Therefore, boys and girls need to instill a love of cleanliness from childhood so that self-care becomes a good and healthy habit. But children, as a rule, are overly active - school, physical education, sports clubs, active walks. can become a real disaster, causing ridicule from friends and classmates.

Deodorant is a necessary remedy

Therefore, a necessary thing during puberty is deodorant for teenage girls. Reviews from both parents and their little lady are true confirmation of this. The girls say that they can no longer do without such a product, since sweat is very often released, which deodorant fights well.

It is very important for a teenage girl that she looks good and smells good. Therefore, at this age, an antiperspirant is very important to eliminate the smell of sweat.

Choosing a natural deodorant for teenage girls

Now stores provide a huge selection of different deodorants - refreshing, antibacterial, disinfecting and drying. They are produced in the form of pencils, creams, gels and aerosols.

But not all of them are suitable for regular use in adolescence. Often, such products contain components harmful to the body - farnesol, triclosan and aluminum salts, which act quite aggressively on the skin of the armpits, causing irritation.

And a component such as zinc oxide, present in deodorants, is the cause of skin inflammatory processes and allergies. Therefore, now on store shelves you can find deodorants with absolutely harmless ingredients. They include essential oils and natural ingredients - starch, clay, soda, mineral salts and astringents such as mint, sage and oak bark.


As you already understand, there are different types of such funds. Let's look at them.

The main differences between deodorants:

1. Roll-on deodorant. Convenient and economical. But alcohol (its main component) negatively affects the skin of a teenager. The principle of action is to create an invisible film that blocks sweat from escaping and does not allow the pores to breathe, which leads to skin irritation.
2. Spray. There are few chemicals in it. Ideal for teenagers.
3. Cream. Also an excellent option for use during adolescence. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Can be used after hair removal.

4. Stick. Modern and compact. Convenient to carry. But it is not advisable to use it in hot weather and before starting sports, since elevated temperatures cause it to pill and spoil the appearance of clothing in the armpit area.
5. Deo-cream (gel). Such products perfectly combat unpleasant odors, soften and moisturize the skin of the armpits. They have anti-inflammatory, and some “deo” agents, and antifungal effects. This product has a rather high price, but the advantages are obvious.

Thus, the following aluminum-free deodorants are suitable for teenage girls - sprays, creams and deo-creams.

Natural antiperspirants

At the moment, there are a number of deodorants that have passed the Eco-test. They do not contain aluminum salts. At the same time, they prevent unpleasant odors without clogging the skin of the armpits. Choose a deodorant for teenage girls without aluminum. Now we will look at several of these tools:

1. Wolkenseifen. Choose one marked “for sensitive skin.” Completely natural composition. The base is zinc and soda. You can exercise for an hour and then go about your business. You will never smell the sweat. Very economical - half a pea of ​​cream is enough for one armpit. In Russia you can buy it through suppliers. The product is sold only in Germany.

2.Dr. Hauschka. Made from essential oils. It does not sting, perfectly nourishes the skin and copes 100% with the smell of sweat. Therefore, this deodorant is suitable for a teenage girl.
3. Lavera. Contains witch hazel hydrolate and rose extract.
4. Weleda. Do not apply immediately after shaving. Has a pleasant and fresh citrus aroma. The smell of sweat is not felt even after hours of exercise.

5. Alterra with sage and lemon balm extract. Suitable deodorant for teenage girls 13 years old. German quality. Does not leave marks, does not burn, perfectly nourishes the skin.

A little conclusion

Deodorant for a teenage girl is one of the most necessary hygiene products. When choosing it, be sure to read the ingredients. During puberty, it is especially important that the product does not contain aluminum salts, allergens and chemical components. This deodorant for teenage girls 12 years old will not only help cope with sweat, but will not harm your health.

Manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products have released a series of children's antiperspirants.

They are much softer than the same options for adults and do not contain alcohol or synthetic impurities.

But still, the question at what age you can start using this hygiene cosmetics remains relevant among parents of boys and girls.

At what age can children use anti-sweat deodorant should parents clearly know.

When going to a specialized store for a hygiene product from a children's line, you need to know:

  • what effect do you want to achieve;
  • how big a problem the child has;
  • whether the child is allergic to substances included in cosmetic products;
  • whether the child has reached the permitted age for use.

Parents should understand that antiperspirants block the work of the sweat glands, but if you wash off their remains in the evening, this will not harm the child’s health. Deodorants are a milder means of combating sweat that destroys harmful bacteria and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

In addition, the process of puberty in girls begins earlier than boys. This suggests that for a growing female organism, a similar hygiene product can be used from the age of 10.

The main thing is to select such cosmetics from the children's line, because the adult version will not work here.

Minimum age for use

You can use deodorants and antiperspirants for children from a young age, carefully selecting the products.

When asked whether a 10-year-old girl can use deodorant, medical specialists answer positively. At the age of 10, young ladies begin the process of puberty, which provokes hyperhidrosis.

During this period, sweat has a pungent odor, which even frequent water procedures will not help get rid of.

If the princess is younger, then she does not need to buy such products, because at 7 or 8 years old, a girl can get by with the following measures:

  • take better care of your body, do water procedures more often;
  • wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • Don't overload yourself too much.

If these measures are ineffective, you can offer an option from the children's series at 7 years of age.

At what age can boys use deodorant every parent needs to know.

This indicator is not 6, 7, 8 or 9 years old, but 12-13. If necessary, you can buy a hygiene product earlier, but it is at the age of 13 that this becomes mandatory. Male children at this age are approaching puberty, which provokes the development of hyperhidrosis.

If regular water procedures do not produce results, and natural clothing does not help, then you need to add deodorant and antiperspirant to your hygiene arsenal.

Children's deodorants

There is a list of hygiene products that can get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, which are intended specifically for young boys and girls.

The best children's deodorants are hygiene products from the following brands:

  • Ziaja.

Aloe Ever Shield brand hygiene product is produced by an American manufacturer. The main component of this universal remedy is aloe.

Does not contain chemicals, can be used for boys and girls. If parents do not know which deodorant can be used for children aged 11, then they should pay attention to this option.

Ziaja is a Polish deodorant suitable for children of primary and secondary school age. Green olive leaf extract provides an antibacterial effect and neutralizes sweat odor.

For a boy or girl aged 8, 9, 10, 11 years old, you can use Alterra Deo-Balsam Sensitive. It is produced in Germany, contains sea salt and does not contain ethyl alcohol. The deodorant contains cotton extract and jojoba oil. Ziaja is created with a soft formula that provides complete skin care.

Another German deodorant, Neobio, can be safely used to support children’s personal hygiene. The product protects the skin of boys and girls and contains bamboo extract, olive and sage.

The deodorant is produced in the form of a spray, so it can be used by several consumers at the same time. It has the smell of black currants and grapes, which is much more pleasant than the aroma of sweat.

Many parents of boys and girls wonder whether children can use antiperspirant. Information is actively disseminated on various forums that this is harmful to the child’s body, but doctors have already debunked this myth.

Antiperspirant helps to get rid of the consequences of hyperhidrosis in junior and senior schoolchildren and has the following benefits.

When deciding to purchase your first children's deodorant, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with the information regarding this product. There are very few specialized products for consumers in the younger age group, and it is necessary to understand what this personal hygiene product consists of and for what purposes it is intended.

At what age can children use deodorant?

The safety and comfort of children largely depends on the choice of hygiene product, but first you need to understand what kind of effect is needed:

  • If the main problem is unpleasant odor, you can use regular deodorant. The substances included in its composition have no contraindications and inhibit the appearance of sweat.
  • If we are talking about excessive sweating, it is better to use an antiperspirant. This remedy combats excessive sweating. Before you start using an antiperspirant, you should carefully read the composition. If you have any doubts about the choice for your child, it is better to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Remedies for sweaty feet should not dry out the skin or cause irritation.

The need for a deodorizing agent in children arises at the age of 10-12 years, but this figure varies depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

Specialized cosmetic products for girls are indicated for use from 3 years of age. The onset of adolescence in boys occurs later, but it should be borne in mind that the use of deodorizing agents is possible from the period when such a need arises, but the products for a boy or girl must be safe.

How to choose a safe product?

It’s easy to get lost in the variety of deodorizing products if you don’t know about the benefits and harms of the individual components that make up them. Deodorants are replete with chemicals aimed at suppressing the activity of bacteria and perfumes that combat unpleasant odors. But it is worth considering that some additives (triclosan and farneso) can be somewhat aggressive towards a teenager’s skin, depriving it of its protective film. These components, like other chemical fragrances, stop active sweating, destroying not only bad bacteria.

It can be very difficult to find a deodorant for children that is effective and harmless.

Another component with a bad reputation is aluminum salts, which can cause skin irritation in children, and also affect the clogging of pores and changes in the natural microflora of the armpits. Zinc oxide is one of the mandatory antiperspirants for all antiperspirants; it can cause allergies or contribute to the onset of inflammatory processes. Therefore, a specialized deodorant for teenage children should be made from natural ingredients (mineral salts, essential oils, clay and astringents - sage, oak), which will not affect changes in the microflora of the armpits.

Eco-products and manufacturers

There are a number of deodorant products available for children that have been dermatologically tested:

  • “Deonat” is an ecological deodorant based on alum stone, which has special antibacterial and astringent properties, which is why it extremely effectively prevents the appearance of sweat odor and is the basis for natural cosmetics.
  • Wolkenseifen is a product intended for skin prone to rashes and is safe for use by younger users. The composition is natural, the base is zinc and soda.
  • Alterra “Deo-Balsam Sensitive” is a deodorizing product in the form of a balm that does not contain alcohol. Suitable for children with sensitive skin due to its mild composition (Atlantic sea salt, jojoba oil and cotton extract).
  • Neobio - eco-deodorants that carefully care for the skin and provide a feeling of freshness for a long time.
  • Aloe Ever-Shield - deodorant. Aloe is the main component that provides a long-lasting effect and does not contain chemical additives. The aroma is unobtrusive and universal, equally suitable for both sexes.
  • Urtekram is a natural roll-on deodorant that has an antibacterial effect. It is presented in various versions, so consumers have the opportunity to choose the most pleasant aroma for themselves.
  • Lady Speed ​​Stick “Teen Spirit” is a specially designed deodorant for teenagers that provides long-term protection even under increased loads.
  • Rexona “For Teens Dance Energy” is another product from the line of deodorants designed specifically for the younger generation. Effectively protects against sweat odor and does not cause skin irritation.

What can replace deodorants?

Essential oils have therapeutic properties and impart a floral aroma to the body.

There are a number of traditional analogues to deodorizing agents that actively and carefully combat the problems of unpleasant odor and increased sweating in adolescents:

  • Sedatives. The cause of increased sweating in a child may be a change in hormonal levels, which manifests itself in exposure to stress and anxiety. A dermatologist may prescribe sedatives (herbal infusions with calming properties).
  • Baby powder and talcum powder. Help prevent armpit sweating. These products do not harm the child, giving him confidence.
  • Baking soda. Has a good deodorizing effect. A spoonful of soda (diluted in 200 ml of boiled water) protects against the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • Aroma oils. They are a good replacement for deodorants, as they not only actively fight profuse sweating, but also have a wide range of different scents. Moisturizing is another benefit of the product.
  • Starch. An analogue of dry deodorants is corn or potato starch, suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Oak bark. Oak bark has an antibacterial and deodorizing effect, the only disadvantage of which is the specificity of the odor.