Manicure with acrylic paints at home. How to choose and use acrylic nail paints? Paintings on nails for beginners

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Many girls strive to look perfect, so every time they improve themselves and their appearance. Well-groomed nails and a good manicure are an integral feature of a beautiful woman. For a high-quality design, it’s easy to turn to specialists at a beauty salon, but if you decide to perform this procedure at home, then there is nothing complicated. In the article we will tell you how to paint nails using Chinese techniques, and what methods to make artistic drawings or images in the Japanese style.

Chinese nail painting technique for beginners

Chinese painting involves creating any designs on nails - flowers, panoramas, landscapes, but using a certain technique. The essence of this process is to draw a separate design detail with one brush stroke. Here you don’t have to paint your nail in several layers; you need to apply the desired colors to the tool, mix them and sweep them over the nail.

  • Acrylic paint is the main component. The material has excellent viscosity and the right consistency so that the design is perfectly applied to the nail. An excellent choice would be water-based acrylic paints with the addition of silicone. This material can be easily purchased at any office supply or art supply store.
  • Brushes. This tool made from natural wool is chosen by real craftsmen because it is durable and easy to clean. For beginners, artificial brushes are suitable for the first time; they are cheaper and more practical. The master should have several types of such tools in his arsenal:
    • flat – for applying smooth patterns;
    • brushes - to add texture to drawings;
    • liners - for drawing contours, straight lines, thin elements;
    • fan - to create a background, single-color fill;
    • beveled - for drawing small ellipse-shaped elements.
  • Skewers of different diameters for drawing dots and circles.
  • Water container.

Execution steps

First of all, you should prepare all the tools and materials that will be required for the job. It is worth taking care of your nails; they should already be well manicured. For test execution of designs with Chinese painting, it is allowed to take artificial false nails that are longer. It is recommended to copy the first images from ready-made pictures in order to analyze the correctness of the design and its similarity to the original. If you need to make a blooming rose using Chinese technique, then the stages of its implementation will be as follows:

  • Take white, red, black acrylic paint and a wide brush. Dip the tool in the first two colors, shade it a little on a piece of glass, in a plastic plate or other container.
  • Apply the first round stroke to the nail; it should turn out convex at the highest point. We make the width of the future petal minimal, and its left edge should be lower than the right side.
  • We make the second stroke in the same way, but its ending should be located higher than the initial one.
  • The next two movements will be similar to the previous ones, but in symmetrical reflection. The first strokes should look a little smaller and be covered by subsequent strokes.
  • Add a few more petals using similar movements with the brush, performing wave-like movements (up and down).
  • Apply black acrylic paint to a thin brush and draw all the contours that we want to see on the blooming rose. With the same color and tool you can make several closed buds and leaves.

Art painting of nails with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are the most popular material for painting nails, although this design can be done with varnishes and gels. The positive qualities of such material consist not only in the presence of a wide palette of colors and the correct consistency. The main advantage of acrylic paint is the speed of its drying, the ease of correcting the image with water and the inability of the paint to crack or lose shade.

Required materials and tools

To decorate nails with artistic designs, any master needs a set of different brushes, a wide palette of acrylic paints, water and a place to apply a new design. For beginners, it is also recommended to take an example of the required image in order to be able to study step by step the process of creating a drawing, and then reproduce it on the nails. Don't worry about an incorrectly applied stroke; it can be easily corrected with a thin brush dipped in water.

Execution steps

First of all, to create a beautiful design on your nails, you should draw a background. To do this, it is better to take a classic, matte varnish in a pastel shade. A bright color can also be used here, but in this case the entire pattern should be contrasting. Let's consider the stages of performing artistic painting with an abstract design on women's, short nails:

  • We clean the cuticle from the nail hole and give the nails the desired shape using a nail file.
  • We polish the plate with a special file, degrease the nails with a special product or nail polish remover so that the design lasts a long time.
  • We apply a colorless base so that the nails do not absorb the color of the varnish.
  • We paint the plate with any bright varnish.
  • We wait for complete drying, prepare acrylic paints, brushes, water, napkins.
  • We begin artistic painting with the nail on the ring finger. Here the drawing should be the most intense: with white acrylic we draw the contours of the butterfly, put a series of dots, several wavy lines.
  • On other nails we draw similar elements, but not exactly the same as on the first nail. It is better to decorate the little finger and thumb only with wavy lines, dots, without butterflies.
  • We take a bright shade of acrylic paint adjacent to the background (if the base is soft yellow, then prepare a bright lemon color or other) and apply several strokes that create the appearance of flower leaves.
  • We cover the nails with transparent varnish or a special fixative.

Japanese nail painting lesson for beginners

Japanese-style designs are very popular among young girls because they combine notes of tenderness and a certain severity. This painting can be done with any paints, but for beginners it is recommended to use acrylic, as it is very easy to use and apply. In the first stages of learning nail art, it is better to give preference to simple versions of sakura and light hieroglyphs.

Required materials and tools

  • Acrylic paints purple, pink, white, black, green, yellow.
  • Transparent varnish and light enamel.
  • Brushes, napkins, water.

Execution steps

  1. We prepare the nails for coating, for this we do a cosmetic manicure, polish the plate with a soft nail file, and degrease the surface.
  2. Apply a transparent layer or any other fixative. After this, cover the nails with soft pink varnish.
  3. We dilute purple acrylic in water and apply it in uneven, sparse lines on the nail. In this case, the stripes can be short and long, wide and narrow.
  4. Dip the brush into water and shade the applied purple lines to create a beautiful background.
  5. Apply black paint with a thin brush, drawing out the sakura branches. For the drawing to look organic, the beginning of the lines should be thicker than the end. It’s worth imagining what a tree branch looks like in order to depict it correctly.
  6. On each edge of the branches we draw sakura inflorescences with soft pink acrylic, for this we put 6-7 dots representing petals. Some flowers may not be in bloom, in buds; it is better to depict them simply as a pink dot.
  7. Using white acrylic we draw the contours of sakura flowers, giving tenderness to the petals.
  8. Take a brighter pink shade and paint the middle of the flower with small strokes from the center to the edges. In this case, you do not need to add a lot of this color; it is better to use it in small quantities.
  9. We place a yellow center in the center of the sakura flowers. This should not be done in buds.
  10. On some branches we draw green leaves, and you can mix this shade with white acrylic.
  11. We outline the contours of some large flowers with a thin black line to express them.
  12. On an empty background, it is possible to add decoration in the form of white drops to make the design more impressive.
  13. We cover our nails with a transparent fixative varnish and admire them every day.

Training cards for painting nails

Many nail technicians are not perfect artists, but they still produce beautiful and sophisticated designs. Learning to paint your nails is not that easy, but with practice cards it is much easier. Such auxiliary material helps to get your hands on paper, and after that you can easily make similar sketches. There are different training cards: with flowers, monograms, insects, abstract images.

The principle of their work is to create an idea in the master’s head: how to draw the line correctly. Training cards for painting nails can be similar to children's coloring books, only classic acrylic or varnishes are used to complete them. Here, if desired, gel polish can be used, but such a practice will be expensive. For the first works, you are allowed to take a needle and use it to draw beautiful patterns along the contours.

Video tutorial on painting nails with gel polish

Beginning nail art masters should study a lot of literature before starting their own design. Various master classes and educational videos in which experienced specialists reveal the secrets of this art will be very useful. We invite you to watch a video tutorial on painting nails with gel polish from a good manicurist:

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Nail painting for beginners step by step with photos

Manicure is one of every woman’s favorite procedures. You can visit a beauty salon or learn how to make patterns yourself. A simple design on the nails is done using regular polish. The work is delicate and meticulous, so you will need special tools and equipment.

It’s quite easy to create a simple design on your nails with gel polish.

You can apply patterns using:

  • gel polish;
  • acrylic paint;
  • watercolor paint;
  • acrylic powder;
  • shellac.

The most popular product for nail art is regular varnish.. 2 contrasting colors are selected, one as a base, the second for drawing. The disadvantage of this option is that the varnishes have a thick texture, and it is difficult for a beginner to create thin lines. This method is more suitable for large and voluminous figures.

Acrylic paints are easy to use and come in a wide range of colors. They do not have to be mixed with water; after drying, they do not crack, so applying one color to another is acceptable. To add romance and tenderness to the image, crystals, rhinestones or sparkles are added. The resulting drawing must be covered with a fixative, since acrylic paints are easily washed off.

Acrylic paints are an excellent choice for creating simple designs on nails.

Watercolor paints are diluted with water, they are inferior to acrylic in drying speed. A large selection of colors allows you to paint whole pictures on your nails, but the technique is not easy to master.

Shellac is characterized by a safe composition, as it does not contain formaldehyde. It is easy to apply, looks beautiful, and lasts a long time without cracking or chipping. Painting with a hybrid of varnish and gel is not difficult. Shellac is thick, so it is difficult to apply elegant small patterns. You won't be able to draw small details with it, but it's great for creating gradients and contrasting patterns.

Acrylic powder comes in different consistencies and colors; it gives your nails a well-groomed and stylish look. The effect lasts for a long time, and nails grow and become stronger. White powder is used for wedding events, and neon powder is used for disco events.

Acrylic powder will correct defects in the nail plate and even out its surface.

Gel polish is suitable for nail art. The patterns are applied to the dried base. These could be butterflies, geometric patterns or flowers. The gel polish design lasts a long time.

Necessary supplies for painting nails

A simple design on nails with varnish, acrylic powder or shellac is applied using additional tools.

List of tools:

Master class: drawing a heart with a toothpick

A simple heart-shaped nail design can be created using any polish. The nail is covered with a base layer. Select a color, for example red. Dip a toothpick and place 2 dots side by side at the same level. Descends from each point along a line to form an angle. The varnish spreads and a beautiful heart comes out.

How to draw strawberries with a needle?

To make the berry realistic you need varnishes:

  • red;
  • green;
  • and black;
  • yellow.

The nails are prepared and covered with a red base. To create leaves, take adhesive tape and cut out teeth on it. The entire surface of the nail except the base is covered with adhesive tape. Green varnish is applied to the free space of the nail plate, and leaves are obtained.

Remove the tape and apply small dots with a needle to imitate strawberry seeds. Acrylic paints are suitable for this design. Strawberry leaves can be simply drawn with a needle using emerald paint. For originality, the design is sprinkled with glitter.

An interesting option is voluminous nail art. Nails go through the stage of preparation, coating with the main base color. Without waiting for it to dry, apply a thick layer of transparent varnish. After a few seconds, indentations are made with a needle in place of the grains. When the coating dries, fringe is drawn in the form of thin leaves.

Drawing on nails with a grid

A manicure with a mesh is perfect for long and well-groomed nails. First the base coat is applied, then the silver varnish. It is important that it is completely dry.

For this nail design, a special stencil in the form of a mesh is used. It is applied to the nails, the sponge is dipped in black varnish and the decor is colored with patting movements. After the procedure is completed, the mesh is torn off. The final stage will be coating the nails with a fixative.

Drawings using dots

Dots are a special tool for applying patterns that look like a crochet hook with a steel ball at the tip. Using dots, it's easy to draw flowers. They will look beautiful on both short and long square-shaped nails.

The nails are prepared and the base is applied. Select the background color. Now 5 dots are placed on the nail, placing them in a circle. These will be the petals. A dot of a different color is fixed in the center. The tip of the dots must be constantly cleaned with a napkin so that the dyes do not mix. The final stage is the application of a transparent top product.

One of the well-known decor options using dots is two-color polka dots. Usually the combinations are: red and white, black and white, but you can combine other colors.

There are plenty of other decor ideas:

  • bows;
  • ladybugs;
  • geometric figures;
  • curls;
  • French

Drawings using tape and foil

A simple design on nails is created not only using regular varnish, but also using decorative tape or foil. To imitate beautiful ornaments, narrow adhesive tape is suitable. Experts advise not to use double-sided tape, and if the tape leaves a mark, then the manicure may not be neat.

Nail art with adhesive tape is performed according to the same type of pattern, only the pattern or the number of straight lines differs.

To get a manicure you need to purchase:

  • several colored varnishes;
  • base;
  • top coating.

The nails are processed, a transparent base is applied, then any colored varnish. After drying, the tapes are attached to half of the nail plate diagonally. The part not covered with tape is painted in a different tone. All you have to do is wait until it dries and carefully remove the tapes.

Foil is an unusual material that can attract attention. To work with it you need not only standard accessories, but also:

  • sharpened scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • orange sticks.

Foil comes in different types:

  • holographic;
  • embossed;
  • engraved;
  • covered with a protective film.

After standard nail preparation, a base coat, base varnish is applied, and foil is applied on top using glue or clear varnish. It can be glued either completely or partially.

If you need to cover the entire nail, only special glue will do. The foil is quite fragile, so working with it should be done using tweezers or tweezers. An adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the nail or varnish. The foil is applied and carefully leveled with an orange stick. The film is removed and the manicure is secured with a top product.

Partial decoration of the nail plate with foil involves free arrangement of pieces of material or decoration of the hole.

Painting on nails with a brush

A simple design on the nails (with varnish, acrylic powder or shellac) is done with nail art brushes.

They come in different types:

Step-by-step guide to creating monograms

  1. The preparatory stage involves removing the cuticle, leveling the surface and shape of the nails, and dehydration.
  2. Apply a base or single-color coat of varnish.
  3. Tools are selected.
  4. Before applying the decor, you should practice on paper, since monograms require perseverance, accuracy and smooth, clear strokes.
  5. The design is created carefully on the side of the nail.
  6. When depicting monograms, symmetry is important; it is better to make patterns voluminous, doubling the lines. A large drop is collected at the tip of the brush, which is then directed in the desired direction.
  7. Decorative elements are dried under ultraviolet light if the patterns are applied with gel polish or acrylic paint. The latter is ideal for monograms.
  8. Sparkles and rhinestones are added.
  9. The result obtained is confirmed by the top product.

How and with what to draw a smile on your nails

To get the perfect French jacket, you need to know the rules and nuances. The smile line divides the nail into 2 zones – the main part and the grown part.

There are several ways to create a French manicure, depending on the tools used and the length of the nails:

Acrylic watermelon drawing

This nail art reminds you of summer. To make a manicure with an imitation watermelon, you will need:

  • brush;
  • several colors of varnish;
  • stencils (if necessary);
  • fixative;
  • basic basis.

A preparatory coating is applied to the nails, then a red varnish, which will create the pulp of the berry. There are 2 parallel lines along the top of the nail, 1 is light green, 2 is dark green. When everything is dry, all that remains is to make the seeds with black varnish and secure the result with a top coat, which will increase the durability of the manicure.

How to paint a bow with gel polish?

To create such nail art, a dots or brush is suitable.

Steps for drawing a bow:

Painting flowers with regular varnish

Poppies, daisies, sakura, and roses are painted on the nails. 2 colors of varnish are prepared: white and red. Using a needle, 6 dots of white and red colors are placed on the finished surface so that they have a small contact area. The colors are mixed in a chaotic manner, the goal is to get a rose. At the end, the leaves are painted on with green varnish.

Drawings for beginners with decoration

It is better to buy glass rhinestones for manicure; they look more impressive and shine beautifully. To apply them, use an orange stick, previously soaked in a top product. They beautifully and simply decorate the smile of the nail by placing rhinestones on it. They are applied, gently pressed to the surface of the nail. The result is confirmed.

If you want to get a 3D effect, you should pay attention to the broths. A manicure using them is often called “caviar”. The registration process is similar to the previous ones. The broths are distributed over the nail plate, the excess is removed with a fan brush. A fixing layer is applied, the emphasis is on the edges of the nail, where the broths fall off most quickly.

Acrylic powder is a loose powder, has a porous texture and allows nails to breathe. It dries quickly, so careful and quick work is needed. Thanks to acrylic powder, three-dimensional designs are obtained that resemble a knitted sweater.

Apply 2 layers of gel polish and dry under ultraviolet light. After degreasing, patterns are created that fall under the lamp. In order not to spoil the velvet effect, you will have to choose a matte finishing agent.

Ideas for simple and beautiful patterns for short and long nails

Metallic stripes look great on short nails. They are purchased at a specialized store. Apply to the finished coating, excess edges are cut off.

Moon manicure looks beautiful. It requires French stencils. Only they are applied not to the tip of the nail, but to its base. The surface is painted in one color, stencils are glued on, and painted in a different tone. All that remains is to remove the stickers and secure the resulting effect.

To cover long nails, acrylic is suitable. Among the common options for nail art are diagonal stripes, applying rhinestones in the shape of a semicircle at the height of the nail, creating patterns and monograms.

Tips from the experts: what not to do when creating a manicure

Common mistakes that should not be made:

There are many techniques and decorative options, so every woman will choose an option to suit her taste. Salon procedures are expensive, but you can learn the basics of nail art on your own.

It is easy for a novice manicurist to learn how to make simple designs on nails. They are created using varnishes, bouillons, rhinestones, foil, acrylic powder or watercolor paints.

Article format: Olga Pankevich

Video about creating nail designs

How to draw fine lines on your nails:

Not all girls can boast of healthy and strong nails. The reasons for this are different - poor ecology, heredity, poor lifestyle, lack of microelements and vitamins in the diet and other factors. With the help of nail design and extensions, girls can hide most nail problems and attract attention to them with a beautiful design. Nowadays, various means are used to make designs on nails - polishes, gels, varnishes, but acrylic paints are the most popular. Their advantage is long-lasting paint durability, high quality and low cost of the material. Women can paint with these paints at home, even without professional skills. Acrylic paints are often used on extended nails because the design lasts longer on them, but they can also be used on regular nails.

What do you need to paint with acrylic paints?

To start painting nails with acrylic paints, you need a set of tools, which consists of: a pair of brushes for painting, differing in size and thickness of the bristles, a paper napkin, a piece of foil to get new shades by mixing, a glass of water, acrylic paints, sticks , needles.

Technique for painting nails with acrylic paints

  1. 1. First, prepare your nails for applying a new design - move the cuticles, wipe off the old polish, and use a file to give your nails the required length and shape.
  2. 2. Now you need to take care of your nail coating; it is better to use transparent or matte shades.
  3. 3. Then you can start painting with brushes.
  4. 4. Before applying paint to the nail, you should look at how much paint is on the brush, because too little or too much will ruin the whole job.
  5. 5. If you have little experience in nail design, then don’t fight for complex and large designs; first, fill your hand with something simpler. Learn to draw the basics - lines, dots, ordinary flowers, and then make it more complex.
  6. 6. You should mark the boundaries of the outline of the drawing, and then fill it with color. To draw the outline, use the thinnest brush, it will be easier to draw. Before painting the space in the outline, you need to wait until the paint on the borders dries, otherwise the colors will blur.
  7. 7. Maybe when you first paint with acrylic paints, it will be unusual for you to hold a brush, so you should practice in advance with the force of pressure and the angle of inclination, since you should be comfortable when you work.

Types of painting nails with acrylic paints

  • Art design. It all depends on your skills and imagination. In addition to acrylic paints, you can use foil, lace, powder and other materials in this method. In the end you will have a flat nail plate with an interesting design. If you have a master make a drawing, it is worth discussing what kind of drawing you would like to see in the end, so that there are no disagreements. Recently, dried insects, small pieces of pebbles and dried flower petals have become very popular.
  • Volumetric painting. Unlike artistic painting, volumetric painting allows you to get a three-dimensional drawing, and this gives a lot of space for your imagination, but at the same time it has disadvantages. The detail and labor intensity of volumetric painting makes it not an everyday manicure, but it is perfect for any event.

Examples of painting nails with acrylic paints

"Flower"- This is both an elegant and simple design that is suitable for a romantic and gentle look. First you need to draw the stem of the future flower, for this you need yellow paint. Draw a straight thin line from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the nail plate. Apply it in a quick, oblique motion, pressing slightly on the brush. Then add white paint to a small brush. Place 5 dots next to the stem - this is the base of the flower from which the petals will come; you can make the base a round dot. After everything, finish drawing the flower, namely, draw blue petals with veins, and paint the core in yellow. You can paint a couple of flowers on one nail plate, but one looks better. When you finish painting, you should seal everything with colorless varnish. Flowers can be of different sizes and colors.
"Zebra". To visualize the future drawing, you should look at the coloring of the zebra and copy its cool stripes. Cover the nail with white paint and wait until it is completely dry, then you need a toothpick, a needle or a thin brush. Dip it in black paint and draw horizontal stripes. In this case, they need to be made slightly curved, start moving from the right or left side from the very edge of the nail plate, and finish, slightly short of reaching the end of the other edge. Then repeat a similar stripe, starting from the other edge of the nail. It is worth making sure that there is a distance between the stripes so that the white background is visible. As a result, you can highlight the black lines with glitter and finish with clear varnish. "Dalmatian" In this case, everything is quite simple - cover the nail with white paint, wait until it dries, and then take a toothpick, needle or thin brush and draw spots in random order with colored or black paint. Finally, apply a clear varnish. "Tiger". Take yellow as the main color, wait until it dries, and then, as in the previous painting, draw orange spots in random order to repeat the tiger coloring. After this, dry the paint again and draw a black curved line, at the end it should be a little thinner, and draw the same broken line to meet it. Do this over the entire nail plate and fix with clear varnish. All designs can be made with regular varnish, but acrylic paints will make the design more vibrant. In the end, it’s worth highlighting one more important rule: when you paint with dark-colored acrylic paints, then you should choose a whiter background, and vice versa, if the drawing is white, then make the background dark.

Beauty requires not sacrifice, but help. Take, for example, fragile and brittle nails - they turn into strong and stable ones in a session of extensions. And what makes nails beautiful are gels and paints - for example, acrylic, which we will discuss in detail below.

Acrylic paint in nail art: from canvas to nails

As a child, to be a super girl, it was enough to put on a bow. An adult woman should be beautiful, as they say, to the tips of her nails. As for the “tips,” the attitude towards their beauty has changed radically recently.

An ordinary manicure is already considered boring, preferring more expressive methods of decoration - painting, rhinestones and more.

Huge laboratories are working to create materials to realize women's innermost fantasies. And in light of this, the growing popularity of “dense” acrylic paints seems surprising.

Acrylic paint is at least fifty years old. It was invented in the 50s for painting, but only today the material has become in demand in wide circles. The nail industry did not stand aside either, adapting the product to personal needs. And she did the right thing - acrylic paint is wonderful for everyone.

It is distinguished by high covering power, plasticity, brightness - like gel paint, only it dries without a lamp and quickly. It doesn’t smell, it’s not toxic, it’s environmentally friendly – ​​you can paint your nails, even your children’s room. It is cheap, consumed slowly, stored for a long time - a very practical product.

All blots in the process of work can be immediately washed with ZhDSL, and wet acrylic nail designs Easily washed off with water - ideal material for beginners. The rest is a matter of technique.

How to Use Acrylic Nail Paints: A Dive into the Technique

Similar to painting, painting with acrylics will require a canvas and tools. The canvas in our case will be the gel polish coating, and we’ll talk about the tools in more detail.


Acrylic paint dries fantastically quickly, so we prepare the equipment before starting work.

You will need:

  • palette - special or any piece of plastic;
  • a jar of water - for wetting and rinsing brushes;
  • lint-free cloth - to remove excess moisture from brushes;
  • brushes – elastic nylon or kolinsky from 00 to 2 and/or flat;
  • actually, acrylic paints and gel varnishes (base, color and finish).

As for acrylic paints, it is enough to have six basic colors - black, white, red, blue, yellow and green. All other 2000 shades can be obtained by mixing.


We prepare the nail plate according to the standard protocol - from removing the cuticle to applying the base to a degreased surface and drying it in a lamp.

We paint the nails in one or two layers of colored gel polish, polymerizing each one.

Please note - we remove the sticky layer and buff it a little to get a matte “canvas” texture.

“Sawdust” is removed by wiping with liquid to remove stickiness. While we wait for the nails to dry, we prepare the palette - squeeze out the necessary paints, and screw the tubes tightly.

Let's start drawing.

  1. We wet the brush in water, wring it out on a lint-free cloth, dip it into the paint and begin to create, adjusting the saturation and density of the color with water.
  2. We remember that an unsuccessful drawing can be washed off before drying, and after drying, the HDSL can be removed. That is, adjustments can be made at any stage of the design, cleaning up errors with a cotton swab. Do not forget to keep the brush moist throughout the entire period of design work, so that dried acrylic does not damage the tool.
  3. After the paint has completely dried, cover the drawing with topcoat, sealing the ends well. If you cover wet paint with topcoat, there is a high probability of peeling. The brush lies in water while drying the top in the lamp, and then be sure to wash it and carefully wipe it dry.

Beautiful nails: design with acrylic paints on gel polish

We approach the question of what to draw without limiting ourselves in anything. By changing the intensity of the paint, you can paint anything - from rectilinear geometry to watercolor blur. See examples of work and acrylic designs on nails step by step in our photo gallery.

Simple designs with acrylic paints on nails- these are, of course, flowers. A dot in the middle and petals in a circle - that’s a flower. Vegetation of the “pro” level – Chinese painting, Zhostovo, Gzhel, naturalistics. You can train your hand on tips, training cards or cardboard.

In addition to flora, do not forget about fauna. Animal color and animal print are stubbornly in trend. Zebra, tiger, python or ladybug - choose according to temperament.

Nails can be made “cultural” by depicting ornaments, traditional patterns, national motifs and drawings in the style of cave paintings on them. Here are still lifes, landscapes, portraits.

Pay attention to abstraction and geometry. The design does not require artistic skills, is in demand, fashionable and goes with everything - both with club dresses and office trousers. Well, in general, you can paint anything on your nails if your hands grow from the right place and the paints are good.

Good paints: review of sets with acrylic paints

All acrylic paints differ from each other, essentially, only in consistency. That is, you can paint on your nails with Gamma acrylic paints purchased at a stationery store.

But it is believed that paints for nail art have the correct thickness, high pigmentation and, most importantly, do not contain fat. We will discuss them using the example of four sets for nail design, each of which consists of 12 tubes of 12 ml of acrylic paint.

  • RuNail, Set of acrylic paints “Meskalito”

Classic professional set for nail design with gold and silver paint. The paints are quick-drying, well pigmented, optimally thick, in natural shades.

Apply without lumps, do not flow or roll down. All paints can be bought individually, which is very convenient when, for example, you have run out of black and don’t want to take risks by mixing brands.

A caveat: the tubes are made of metal, which means they can break.

Approximate cost 530 rub.

  • TNL, Set of acrylic paints

The South Korean brand, whose gel polishes are often compared to American shellacs, has again pleased us by releasing a wonderful set for painting with acrylics. All paints have a deep, rich color. Among the exclusive shades, it is worth highlighting carrot and turquoise.

A number of popular paints - black, white, silver and gold - can be purchased separately. Mixes well with water and with each other. They are easy to use when painting and, as is common among “decent” acrylic paints, they dry quickly.

Approximate cost 595 rub.

  • IRISK, Set of acrylic paints “Acrilic Nail Art Paint”

The Russian company IRISK has several sets with acrylic paints in its assortment. In addition to the basic “Acrilic Nail Art Paint”, it is worth noting an elegant box with acrylic paints for 3D effects and Chinese painting with tubes of increased capacity (20 ml).

As for Acrilic Nail Art, the paints are of moderate thickness, well pigmented, expressive. Despite the Chinese production, the quality is stable. Quantities can be upgraded - base colors are sold separately.

Approximate cost 560 rubles.

  • OUMAXI, Set of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints OUMAXI - China, which is unstable in quality. Density, washability, drying and even the color of the paints in the set are not constant values. If unpredictability doesn't scare you, take it.

There is a high probability that you will find a magnificent lavender shade in the set and the rest will delight you - consistently bright and saturated. If it’s blue, it’s deep; if it’s orange, it’s juicy carrots.

Suitable for training and good mood. You can buy it at a joint venture 2-3 times cheaper.

Approximate cost 540 rubles.

And get inspiration from galleries, museums and exhibitions, memorizing plots, manners and details. And then any paint will be applied thoughtfully, and the drawing will have meaning.

Most girls love to experiment with their nails. What colors are used on nails? The appearance of the nail plate can be transformed and diversified thanks to acrylic and watercolor paints.

Acrylic paints will be an excellent assistant. They are the most common option used for manicure. This way you can paint absolutely any picture on your nails.

Advantages of acrylic compositions

  • They are safe for nails.
  • They are easy to mix with water, select the desired shades and textures, and they dry quickly.
  • To remove the drawing, it is enough to use ordinary nail polish remover, and if the acrylic has not yet dried, it can be removed with water.
  • You will be able to come up with the most extravagant design, since the variety of color palettes of acrylic paints will give freedom to your imagination.
  • The ability to find paints in any art store and the long shelf life are also incredibly pleasing.

Girls are interested in how to paint on nails with acrylic paints. There are many techniques for applying acrylic paints: sliding, glazing, watercolor, oil, etc.

Instructions for implementation

Before starting work, make sure that all tools are well disinfected and in their place.

For beginner manicurists, step-by-step instructions are best:

  • Correction. First, you should completely clean the nail plates, remove the cuticle, and give the nails the desired shape. You can sand them for better application of the varnish.
  • Base. Next, apply a base coat (clear varnish) to your nails and let dry thoroughly. If you plan to paint on a colored surface, then apply the varnish, which will serve as a background, and also wait for it to dry completely.
  • Main drawing. Now get started with your creativity. Come up with drawings, or search on the Internet - there are a lot of choices. To get a light and translucent shade, mix the colors you need with water. For a thicker, more saturated shade, do not mix with water.

It is better to use and mix paints from the same manufacturer. There is a lot of choice and you will definitely like something. Don't be afraid to experiment - put a bold emphasis on your nails.

  • Securing the manicure. Secure the finished design with a transparent varnish, which will make the nail plate smooth and shiny, and also save the main design from external influences. Wait for it to dry completely.